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IS( # #):! ):!## ##* * +erti +ertifie fied d Journ Journal ,olume al'' %' Issue "' -ay !#)%
Investigation on Automation Automation of Lathe Machine Prakash Prakash N. N. Parmar Parmar1 , Prof. Prof. N. C. C. Mehta Mehta2 , Prof. Prof. Manish Manish V. Trived Trivedii 1
Stud Studen entt of of M.E M.E.. (CA (CAD/ D/CA CAM) M),,
Head Head of Depa Depart rtme men nt, Pro Pr ,ofess fe Department Departm ssor or ent3 of Mechanca! Mechanca! En"neern" En"neern",, #o$!e En"neern" En"neern" Co!!e"e, %una"adh, &u'arat, #DA.
Abstract— Abstract— ow ow a days' /roducts can be /roduced by Though some e!ectrica! su"assem"!# is often $erformed modern technology' which uses com/uter software' hardwareat the retrofitter%s retrofitter %s "usiness !ocation, most o f the &ork can and firm ware in industries. in dustries. It is nee de d to use ++ lathe lath e "e com$!eted com$!eted at the machine site, avoiding avoiding cost!# machine machine to get mor e accurate dimensions and irregular sha/e. rigging and trans$ortation costs, and minimi'ing the time So' ++ machines are becoming more and more im/ortant in that the machine is out of commission. moderni0ed industriali0ation. There are many conventional (e"ui!ding t#$ica!!# inc!udes the re$air or re$!acement lathe machines in our country. To build a new modern develo/ed country' it is re1uired to convert these conventionalof some &orn mechanica! com$onents such as "a!! scre&s, !u"rication $um$s, safet# inter!ocks, guards, hoses, "e!ts lathe machines into semi$automatic control lathe machine by retrofitting. 2evelo/ing 2eve lo/ing and changing c hanging into se mi$automaticand e!ectrica! &iring. The re"ui!d is t#$ica!!# $erformed at the re"ui!der%s re"ui!der %s faci!it#, so there ma # "e ad ditiona! control lathe machine' there are three re1uired /ortions' namely' mechanical electronics and hydraulic. In this /roject trans$ortation and rigging costs. we convert the convention lathes which have "ft bed length in (emanufacturing (emanufactur ing goes a ste$ further to re$air or re$!ace to the semi$automatic lathe. mechanica! com$onents to the origina!, as ne&, factor# In mechanical side we re/lace the ball screw in /lace of s$ecification. It is !ike!# that the machine &i!! "e lead screw for better accuracy and remove some unnecessary co m$!ete!# disassem"!ed disasse m"!ed , c!eaned, ins$ected, i ns$ected, re$aired re$ai red and com/onent li3e gears for /r oviding s/ace for motors. We add $ainted. $ainted. A!! $neumatic, $neumatic, h#drau!ic h#drau!ic and e!ectrica! s#stems an e4tra /lates or structure str ucture for installation of mot ors. Also /rovides a hydraulic circuit for coolant. In electronic side we &i!! "e u$dated. The machine ma# a!so "e modified or have mechanica! accessories added to re)$ur$ose it for a ne& used a servo5 ste//er motor for both 6 and 7 a4is and /rovide controller for the efficient o/eration. a$ $!icatio n. Practica!!# &itho ut e*ce$tion, remanufacturing
&i!! take $!ace at the remanufacturer%s site. Keywords— Automation' Keywords— Automation' 8etrofitting' ++ Turning +enter The main o"+ective of the retrofitting in !athe machine is to im$rove the e*isting conventiona! !athe machine to I. I NT(-CTIN $rovide it it features of CNC machine &ith ver# !o&er cost cost (etrofitting refers to the addition of ne& techno!og# or feat featur ures es to o!de o!derr s#st s#stem emss this this defin definit itio ion n give givess an a!mo a!most st a!! a!! information a"out the &ord retrofitting. /hen &e sa# that retrofitting re!ated to some com$onent that mean &e tr# to u$grade that com$onent and im$rove their efficac# through
than the ne& CNC machine. (ath (ather er than than a" ove ove main main o"+e o"+ect ctiv ivee ther theree a!so a!so sever severa! a! o"+ectives of the retrofitting &hich is given "e!o&
a $resent techno!og#. ut here &e on!# ta!ks a"out the retrofitting in !athe
To Increased $roductivit# and im$roved contro! of machine. 0ar su$erior re$eata"i!it#. To red uced machine do&ntime.
machine at time (etrofitting is the $rocess of re$!acing the CNC, servo and s$ind!e s#stems on an other&ise mechanica!!# mechanica!! # sound machine too! to e*tend its usefu! usef u! !ife. (e"ui!ding and reman ufacturing t#$ica!!# inc!ude a CNC retrofit. The antici$ated "enefits inc!ude a !o&er cost
0ast machining c#c!es. igh accurac#, high feed )rate. To increased accurac# and $art finished due to co ntro!!er. ser friend!# $rogramming and simu!ation
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering9 Website: ISS !!"#$!% "&' IS( #):!##* +ertified Journal' ,olume %' Issue "' -ay !#)% II.
LIT4(AT(4 ( 4VI4/
e has deve!o$ed attachment for an e*isting CNC machine. The CNC machine o$erates on mechatronic In 1786, -e$artment of Mechanica! 4ngineering, IIT, co ntro!s and a co m$uter interface ca!!ed CAM90T, and is Ne& -e!hi :1 ; , has taken a research to$ic named as used as a CNC Lathe after insta!!ing the res$ective fa"ricated different mode!. e has susseccfu!!# manufacturing techno!og#, 0!e*i"!e Manufacturing design > fa"ricated the mode!. The &orking of the CNC 9#stems have "eco me ke# e?ui$ ment in factor# Lathe attachment is tested > checked "# making $ro$er auto mation. Machine too! is heart of the 0!e*i"!e machining o$ eration !ike turning and thread cutting. The Manufacturing 9#stems. 4* e*am$!e Lathe machine is the machining o$erations are successfu!!# done. The CNC genera! t#$e of machine too! used "# a!most a!! the 0M9s. machine "ecomes mu!tifunctiona! &ith the $resent!# -uring the o$eration of this machine too!, different kinds deve!o$ed !athe attachment and can "e used according!# "# of fai!ures are faced "# the industr#. A s#stematic stud# of insta!!ing the res$ective attachmen t to it. The CNC machine such fai!ures can he!$ in identif#ing the critica! su")s#stem is usefu! for research &ork in "oth the fie!ds, &hen insta!!ed of these machine too!s. This &i!! "e usefu! for identif#ing &ith the $ro$er attachment. The figure of deve!o$ed the condition monitoring needs o f the machine too!s. This attachment is sho &n "e!o&, dea!s &ith the identification of critica! su" )s#stem "ased on the fai!ure data ana!#sis for d ifferent t#$e of machine too!s. Initia!!# !athe has "een c!assified into various su") s#stems as sho&n in 0igure. In the fre?uenc# of fai!ures for each su" )s#stem and fai!ure modes have "een considered fo r finding out the &eakest su")s#stem. In ana!#sis, fai!ure fre?uenc# and do&ntime have "een taken into consideration for deciding critica! su")s#stems of machine too!s. It can "e o"served that the ma*imum fai!ures took $!ace in headstock and carriage su")s#stems. These su") s#stems face fai!ures in com$onents !ike gear, gear"o* "earing, s$ind !e "earing, c!utch and cross)s!ide +i". ere it cou!d "e o"served that the "earing fai!ures cause !onger do&ntime. ig. ) 2evelo/ed attachment
-eve!o$ed design is successfu!!# im$!emented in the $ro$osed &ork for the deve!o$ment of the !athe attachment inc!uding headstock, tai!stock and too! $ost. The &ork
Wearing ;arts of +onventional lathe
sho&s the $rocess of the conce$tua! design and use of $ro$ er $rocess $!anning for the deve!o$ment of the different com$onents of the !athe attach ment. The $revious!# attachment and deve!o$ed !athe attachment make the CNC machine mu!tifunctiona!. Thus further research can "e carried out in "oth the fie!ds res$ective!#. The CNC machine is "ased on the mechatronic contro!s and the com$uter interface CAM90T. Various !athe
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering9 Website: ISS !!"#$!% "&' IS( #):!##* +ertified Journal' ,olume %' Issue "' -ay !#)% Mu!ti s$ind!e !athe co m$rising a machine frame as e has conc!uded that the addition of surface finish too! s$ind!e drum &hich is arran ged in the machine frame is in turning $rocess he!$s to im$rove the surface finish and rotata"!e a"out a s$ind!e drum a*is and is made u$ at !east this setu$ increases the too! !ife of the turning too!. 0rom $artia!!# of segments &hich are cut out from f!at materia! in the e*$erimenta! resu!ts, it is confirmed that there is no a stacking direction $ara!!e! to the s$ind!e drum a*is and change of $o&er consum$tion even after the additiona! e*tend in stacking $!anes transverse to the stacking usage of surface finish too!. ence, the set u$ &i!! "e direction these segments having receiving cu touts and he!$fu! in ?ua!it# im$roving $roduct, the &ith !esser !oad coo!ing channe! cutouts &hich over!a$ &ith o ne another and $o&er consum$tion. such that the s$ind!e drum has s$ind!e motor rece$tac!es fo r s$ind!e motors and a coo!ing channe! s#stem se$arated III. ( 4T(0ITTIN3 P (C4-(4 there from "# &a!! &e"s characteri'ed in that the coo!ing ere I have divide the com$!ete construction $rocedure channe! s#stem has severa! channe! su"s#stems for a !i?uid into five ste$s. In &hich I have deve!o$ed the com$!ete coo!ing medium /hich are fed in $ara!!e!. (etrofitted !athe machine from conventiona! !athe machine. :6; In 2@1, M. Moses > -r. -enis Asho k M. Tech, Theses a!! ste$s are !isted "e!o&, Mechatronic from 9choo! of Mechanica! and ui!ding Step 1* Purcha sn" of e!ectron c parts 9cience, VIT niversit#, Ve!!ore, India $u"!ished tit!ed as -eve!o$ment of a ne& machining setu$ for energ# efficient I have $ urchased e!ectronic $arts !ike ste$$er motor, turning $ rocess. In the $rod uction unit, !athe is one o f the ste$$er drive, s$ind!e drive, $ro*imit# s&itch and contro! im$ortant $rotection machines. This $a$er fo cuses on $ane!. $roducing a ?ua!it# $roduct in !athe machine &ith !ess Step 2* Dsassem$!e some parts from con+entona! !athe $o&er consum$ tion. In order to achieve that, a s$ecia! machne setu$ is deve!o$ed in the !athe machine for turning and finishing of the com$onents, to achieve ?ua!it# $roduct and As $er definitio n of retrofitting $rocess, I have to a!so to im$rove the $roductivit#. As a resu!t of this ne& remove non )used $arts from conventiona! !athe machine. a$$roach, $rofuse amount of energ# can "e saved, ?ua!it# 9o I have removed ead stock gearing mechanism, A$ron, Lead scre&, Lead scre& mounting "racket, and &hee!, $roduct can "e o"tained and too! !ife can "e increased. The stud# aimed at eva!uatin g the "est $rocess environment etc. 0or decreasing friction on the s!ide and increasing such a &hich cou!d simu!taneous!# satisf# re?uirements of "oth ?ua!it# and as &e!! as $roductivit#. # conducting man# e*$eriments it &as found that this s$ecia! setu$ $rocess im$roves the ?ua!it# and a!so reduces the $o&er
$art !ife I have used turcide &hich is made from $o!# tetra f!uro eth#!ene PT04D and "ron'e.
consu m$tion as com$ared &ith the e*isting $rocess. 0igure of deve!o$ed attachment as sho&n "e!o&,
ig. < Turcide on sliding /ortion
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering9 Website: ISS !!"#$!% "&' IS( #):!##* +ertified Journal' ,olume %' Issue "' -ay !#)%
ig. % 2imensionally design 7$a4is ball screw
ig. = 6$a4is ball screw attached on main slide
ig. " 2imensionally design 6$a4is ball screw
ig. * 6$a4is -ounting brac3et > Ste//er motor
ig. ? Assembly of 6$a4is ball screw with brac3et
Step * Assem$!e a!! manufactu red parts e!ectroncs parts at desred p!ace
After manufacturing andEor fa"ricating a!! re?uired $arts, assem" !# $rocedure carried out. A!! the mechanica! > e!ectronics $arts are attached to their desired $!ace. 9o me of $arts are sho &n "e!o&,
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering9 Website: ISS !!"#$!% "&' IS( #):!##* +ertified Journal' ,olume %' Issue "' -ay !#)%
ig. )# ;ro4imity switch ig. )! 2evelo/ed retrofitted lathe machine
0or com$arison I have co m$are +o" manufactured on co nventiona! !athe machine > +o" manufactured o n deve!o$ed retrofitted !athe machine. And I have conc!uded that surface roughness, $roduction rate, dimensio n sta"i!it#, one time set u$ cost is high in retrofitted !athe machine &hi!e machining time, machine s!ide &ear is too much !o&.
ig. )) +ontrol /anel
Step 0* n specton testn" of ne de+e!op ed etroftted athe Machne
In this ste$ I have checked a!! com$onents are $ro$er!# ig. )< +om/arison of machining time between job manufactured on fitted &ith machine "od# and a!ignment of "o th "a!! /ro/osed > e4isting lathe scre&s. A!so checked " oth s!ide &orking $ro$er!# "# ste$$er. Then I have manufactured +o" on deve!o$ed retrofitted !athe machine "# using turning o$eration $rogram &hich is
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering9 Website: ISS !!"#$!% "&' IS( #):!##* +ertified Journal' ,olume %' Issue "' -ay !#)% A!so I have tested three sam$!es 2 sam$!es from V. CNCL9IN retrofitted !athe > 1 sam$!e from conventiona! !atheD for # deve!o$ing automation in conventiona! !athe machine surface roughness in Tirth Agro P. Ltd. "# retrofitting ste$$er "ased method , the machine &orks as The +o" manufactured on "oth the machine are sho &n CNC trainer for teaching, !earning of the student su"+ect. "e!o &, A!so Cost of machine is minimi'es a$$ro*imate 6 times "e!o& the origina! CNC trainer. As automation ne& deve!o$ed retrofitted !athe is done "# re$!acing or removing the com$onents from co nventiona! !athe machine, therefore setu$ cost is high as co m$are &ith standard !ath e mach ine "ut $rod uction rate is too much high. 9o it is ver# usefu! for mass $roduction. The accurac# of the +o" manufactured in retrofitted !athe machine is a!so high so re$eata"i!it# and dimensiona! sta"i!it# of manufactured $art is achieved. At !ast some co m$!e* +o" &hich is not manufactured in conventiona! !athe machine can "e manufactured in ne& d eve!o$ed retrofitted !athe machine. ig. )" Job Sam/le
The certificate of surface roughness is sho&n " e!o&,
(404(4NC49 Machine Too! 0ai!ure :1; -ata Ana!#sis for Condition Monitoring A$$!ication, -e$artment of Mechanica! 4ngineering, Indian Institute of Techno!og#, Ne& -e!hi. egs. (. L., n)!ine Machine and Process -iagnostics, Anna!s of the CI(P. , 22D, 6F7)6G, 1786. V. (o# H 9. umar :2;from Inst. 4ng. India 9er. CA$ri!Bune 2@1D 762DJ18G175 -IJ
[email protected]@@GEs6@@2)@1)@@F6)2 ar!)ein' 9chumacher :; 2@1D, Mu!tis$ind!e Lathe. 9 $atent K 2@1@@8G@2E2@1 In 2@1, M. Moses:6; > -r. -enis Ashok M. Tech, Mechatronic from 9choo! of Mechanica! and ui!ding 9cience, VIT niversit#, Ve!!ore, India 7G8)1)6FG)F15@)GE1E1.@@ 2@1 I444 :5;
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