Jurisdiction of The Courts

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS 1. Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Court, and Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC Except in cases falling within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court and of the Sandiganbayan, the MTC shall exercise the following criminal jurisdiction: •

Exclusive Exclusi ve origin original al jurisd jurisdict iction ion over all violat violation ionss of cit city y or munici municipal pal ordina ordinances nces committed within their respective territorial jurisdiction; and Exclusi Excl usive ve origin original al jurisd jurisdict iction ion over all offens offenses es punisha punishable ble with with impri imprison sonmen mentt not exceedi exce eding ng si six x !" years irrespect irrespective ive of the amount amount of fi fine# ne# and regard regardles lesss of oth other  er  imposable accessory or other penalties# including the civil liability arising from such offenses or predicated thereon# irrespective of $ind# nature# value# or amount thereof:  Provided, however,  however,  That in offenses involving damage to property through criminal negligence they shall have exclusive original jurisdiction thereof% (as amended by R.A,  No. 7691)!" 1#$. Section %#.

&nder R' (!)*# fine is no longer a factor to determine jurisdiction% +pecial jurisdiction to decide on applications for bail in criminal cases in the absence of  all RTC judges in a province or city (B.P. 129 Se!. "#$). #. Re&ional Trial Trial Court (RTC Exclusive original jurisdiction in all criminal cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction • of any court court## trib tribuna unall or body body# ex exce cept pt thos thosee now fa fall llin ing g un unde derr th thee ex excl clus usiv ivee an and d concurrent jurisdiction of the +andiganbayan which shall hereafter be exclusively ta$en cogni,a cogn i,ance nce of by the latter latter%% +ec -.# /0*-)" /0*-)" 1ence# 1ence# all cri crimi minal nal cases wherein wherein the  penalty is higher high er than ! years are a re cogni,able by the RTC% RTC% This includes cases involving government officials# not under the jurisdiction of the +/# meaning those below salary grade -( and not among those enumerated in +ec% 2 03 *!.!% • %rigina& 'risdi!ion in oher !ases. •

44 5n the issuance of writs of certiorari# prohibition# mandamus# 6uo warranto# habeas corpus and injunction which may be enforced in any part of their respective regions; and 44 5n actions affecting ambassadors and other public ministers and consuls% +ec -*# /0*-)" •  A**e&&ae 'risdi!ion over all cases decided by Metropolitan Trial Courts# Municipal Tr Tria iall Cour Courts ts## an and d Muni Munici cipa pall Ci Circ rcui uitt Tr Tria iall Cour Courts ts in th thei eirr re resp spec ecti tive ve te terr rrit itor oria iall  jurisdictions% +ec% --# /0*-)" S*e!ia& 'risdi!ion o ry s*e!ia& !ases.  !ases.   7 The +upreme Court may designate certain •  branches of the RTC to handle exclusively criminal cases# juvenile and domestic relations cases# agrarian cases# urban land reform cases which do not fall under the jurisdiction of  6uasi4judicial bodies and agencies# and8or such other special cases as the +upreme Court may determine in the interest of a speedy speed y and efficient administration of justice%  +risdi!ion in oney -andering ases. / The RTC shall have jurisdiction to try all •  cases on money laundering% Those committed by public officers and private persons who


are are in cons conspi pira racy cy wi with th su such ch publi publicc offi office cers rs sh shal alll be un unde derr the ju juri risd sdic icti tion on of th thee Sandiganbayan (Se!. #, RA. 9160, Anioney -andering A! o2001). S33 a&so, &is o A%, P4, RA nder R5s 'risdi!ion (Pamaran, *. 2) %. Fa'il Court)  

Exclusive original jurisdiction in criminal cases 44 where one or more of the accused is below *9 years of age but not less than ) years of age# or  where one or more of the victims is a minor at the time of the commission co mmission of the offense ** cases against minors under the 3angerous 3rug 'ct# as amended *4 R' (!*. otherw otherwise ise $nown $nown as the +pecia +peciall 0rotec 0rotecti tion on of Childr Children en 'gain 'gainst st Child Child 'buse 'buse## Exploitation and 3iscrimination *4 cases of domestic violence against women# and children 5n areas where there are no amily Courts# the cases falling under the jurisdiction of said court shall be adjudicated by the RTC% +. Court o -ppeal)+ec )# /0*-)" riginal jurisdiction to issue writs of mandams, mandams, prohibition#  prohibition# !eriorari, habeas !or*s, •

and 8o warrano, and warrano, and auxiliary writs or processes# whether or not in aid of its appellate  jurisdiction; Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for annulment of judgments of Regional Trial Courts; and Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments# resolutions# orders or awards of  Regi Re giona onall Tr Tria iall Cour Courts ts an and d 6u 6uas asi4 i4jud judic icia iall ag agen enci cies es## in inst stru rume ment ntal alit itie ies# s# bo boar ards ds or  commission# including the +ecurities and Exchange Commission# the +ocial +ecurity Comm Co mmis issi sion on## the the Empl Employ oyee eess Comp Compens ensat atio ion n Comm Commis issi sion on an and d th thee Ci Civi vill +e +erv rvic icee Commission# Except those falling within the appellate jurisdiction of the +upreme Court in accor accordan dance ce wi with th the the Cons Consti titu tuti tion# on# the the
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