Jupiters Role in Denying Marriage

January 30, 2018 | Author: sunnyshastri6866 | Category: Planets In Astrology, Occult, Ancient Astronomy, Divination, New Age Practices
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Jupiters Role in Denying Marriage...


CHAPTER THREE Jupiter's Role in Denying Marriage Marriage is the basis of the family to be raised for the continuance of one's line. Thus, fulfilling a biological need as well as a social obligation, the institution of marriage calls for sustained efforts between partners to adapt to each other. Marriage involves a long lasting union of mutual love, affection, security and well-being of the couple. In view of its longevity, despite occasional discord and adversity, particularly in the Hindu way of life, much care is e~ercised in finding a compatible match. Astrology is ofimmense help in this task. The possibility and time of marriage, its success or failure in terms of cordiality, fruitfulness (progeny) and longevity, nature, character and status of spouse, plurality of marriages etc. are the factors which can be presaged and managed through astrology. Time of the marriage,in terms of the age of the couple, varies from society to society. The so-called late marriages of the earlier part of the century are considered to be not too late or even early no':"-a-days. Education, economic- affluence, social customs and geographical situations play a role in ascertaining the appropriate time of marriage. In other words, social, mental and economic infra- structures of a society in general and the family in particular determine the proper age for marriage. Economic affluence, social reforms and mental refinement may favour a late marriage, but it must be solemnised at the proper age. Apart from these positive factors, the negative element of dowry has become the most important factor in settlement of a marriage in some sections of society. The women, known to be the Kshetra for procreation, is hand hit by this social menace and the number of unmarried women is on the increase.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs 33 Inordinate delay or denial of marriages, particularly in girls, is of much concern to parents as well as to the native. Our interest here is to analyse the astrological factors in general and Jupiterian involvement in the denial of marriage in the case of female nativities. Jupiter, being the significator of husband, is taken into account. The Karaka is the focal point concerning the potential of its significations in a horoscope. Malefic influences on the general significators are detrimental for marriage, its quality and longevity. The ruling DasaBhukti of favourable planets at appropriate time is also important with regard to solemnization of marriage. Non- synchronization of the favourable Dasa with appropriate age may also result in delay or denial of marriage. Most of the astrological classics give combinations for lack of marital bliss due to early widowhood, separation, divorce, frigidity and infidelity from the spouse or marital discord. Barring very few, indications and combinations for denial of marriage in classical works are lacking. Any inordinate delay beyond the marriageable age may be termed as denial. This hair-line difference between delay and denial makes the prognostication a difficult and tedious task. Marriage isasacrament in Indian culture. Someerrantpeople misconceive marriage as a license for sexual relationship. This is not only wrong but also a devaluation and distortion of this sacred institution, Marriage cannot be confined to legitimatization of sex only. In fact, it is the other way round. In astrological parlance too a marriage means union for furtherance ofDharma and begettingworthy progeny, such true and real marriages alone are ruled by Jupiter in female charts along with the other factors I istedsupra. The strength of the 7th house, its lord and the natural significator, Venus, as well as Jupiter, are the primary determinants of marriage. The 2"d, the 5th and the 12'h houses are also to be adjudged. The 4th house (Sukhastana) and its Karaka, the Moon, may also be looked into. Affliction to these houses and the Karakas result in denial of marriage. Thirty birth charts (see Appendix) of celibate females have formed the sample for the study. Most of the charts have been taken, at random, from the pages of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. The cases are from different articles in varying contexts. Four charts have been taken from the book Vaivahik Vilamb Ke VividhAyam by Mrs. Mridula Trivedi and a few are from my own collection. The criterion for selection of the subject is their celibacy only. The planetary configurations are reproduced in the Appendix III given at the end.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs Since all the cases are reported celibates, the common astrological factors for denial of marriage in these charts need not be analytically discussed. Some salient features, in relation to denial of marriage, however, may be summarised to corroborate the textual dicta. Classical texts give some planetary configurations for denial of marriage. Phaladeepika (PD) and Brihat Jataka (BJ) say that an afflicted 5th or I and the 7th or their lords devoid of benefic influences may deny marriage. BJ tags conjunction of Mars with Saturn as bad and their mutual aspects as the worst for marriage in nativity. It also points out the fact that a weak Moon in the 5th and malefics in the Lagna, the 7th or the 12'hBhava may deny marriage. BrihatParashar Hora (BPH) says that the 7th lord in one of the Trika houses, or, any one or more of the lords in the 7th without benefic relief, debilitation or combustion of the 7th lord, the Moon-Saturn combination in the 7th house, Mercury- Venus combination without benefic Yoga or aspects, Mars-Venus in the 5th, 7th or the 9th house, the 7th lord in the 12'h house and the Lagna lord or the Moonsign lord occupying the 7th, and the Sun-Saturn conjunction or opposition in the marriage giving houses deny one marriage. The text also refers to the 2nd house as the Karaka house for marriage. Sarwartha Chintamani says that the 7th house and its lord in a Papakartari Yoga is bad for marriage, Manasagari tags the Sun-Saturn combination asaMaraka for spouse and progeny and weak Moon in the 7th as a deterrent factor for spouse. Dr. B.V. Raman and Gayatri Devi Vasudev opine in How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol.! I, that an exchange between the lords of the 5th and the 7th houses denies one marriage. My own observations reveal that Venus 43 degrees apart from the Sun (2 -12 or 3-11 position from the Sun in both Rasi and Navamsa in the same order) or in 2-12 position from the Moon also denies one marriage. The Nodal affliction to Venus, Jupiter and the 7th lord delays or denies one marriage. Similarly Mars-Venus, Mars- Jupiter and/or Jupiter-Saturn nexus, and Venus in signs of Mercury, in Rasi or N avamsa, plays a miso~amous role. The Rahu-Ketu axis or the Sun-Saturn opposition in the 4t house adversely affects marital prospects. The conjunction of the 5th and 7th lords, their Dwirdwadasa (2-12) or Shashstastaka (6-8) positions, and mutual or one way aspect on either of them also contributes to denial of marriage. This isjust an extension ofthe views ofDr. B.V. Raman and Gayatri Devi Vasudev. The Moon-Mercury combination in the 7th house, particularly in a Martian sign, may deny one marriage. Jupiter with Rahu or in his Nakshatra also fails to deliver the goods.

Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs 35 Saturn in Dhanistha occupying the 4th, 5th, 7th, or I Oth house denies marriage. Before coming to the analytical discussion on Jupiter, it is imperative to summarize some of the malefic influences, denying marriage, in the nativities under study. Kuja Dosha, the much talked-about defect in marital affairs, is present in 12 (40.0%) cases only. The corresponding figures from the Moon and Venus Rasis are 9 (30.0%) and 17 (56.7%) respectively. The 7th lords from the Lagna, the Moon and Venus, occupy Trika houses in 7 (23.3%),4 (13.3%) and 5 (16.7%) cases respectively. The corresponding figures of occupancy of the 2nd house (8th from the 7th) are 3 (10.0%), 1 (3.3%) and 1 case respectively. On the other hand, the respective Trika lords occupy the 7* from the Lagna and Venus in 3 (10.0%) cases each while the figure from the Moon- sign is higher, i.e. 5( 16.7%). TheRasi dispositorsofthe Lagna, the Moon and Venus occupy Trika houses in 4,5 and 5 cases respectively. The lordship over the 7th house, in the sample under study, has been shared by Saturn (8), Mars (7), Venus (6), Jupiter (4), the luminaries (2 each )and Mercury(!), TheNakshatra dispositors of the 7th lord are Mars (7), Rahu (4), Mercury (5), the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus (3 each) and Saturn and Ketu (I each). The figures in brackets denote the number of cases. · Affliction to the 2nd, 5th, 7th and the 12'h houses along with the 7th lord and Venus have an impeding effect on the marital prospects. Rahu, Saturn and Mars are severe malefics in this regard. Afflictions to the vulnerable houses by the Nodal axis, separate individual aspects of Rahu, occupancy, conjunction or aspects ofMars, Saturn and the Sun- Saturn combination have been summarised in Table 1. All the three fold aspects of Mars, Saturn and Nodes have been taken into account. The data in Table 1 show severe afflictions to the vulnerable houses by the malefics. The 7'h, the 5th, the 12'h and the 2nd houses are afflicted in 23 nativities each, while the 7'h lord and Venus are afflicted in 25 and 24 nativities respectively. From another angle of observation, the Nodes afflict all the 30 nativities on one or more vulnerable factors, whereas Mars and Saturn afflict such factors in 29 and 26 nativities respectively. It may also be of interest to note that the case (Chart 12) where the vulnerable factors have escaped the affliction by Mars has its I Moon, the Lagna lord, conjunctMars. Similarly, of the four cases escap-' ing affliction on vulnerable factors from Saturn, two have affliction on.

3 6 Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs their Moon by Saturn in the 9th house (Charts II and 14), and one each on the Lagna (Chart 5) and Jupiter in Lagna (Chart 17) from the 4th house Saturn. The 7th lord is combust in one case (Chart I5). Thus, all the 30 subjects are suffering from afflictions from the severe malefic Nodes, Mars and Saturn. The Sun- Saturn opposition has afflicted the vulnerable factors in 5 nativities (Charts I, I 0, 12, !Sand 23). The Sun- Saturn combine has vitiated three cases by occupancy ofthe 5'h (Charts 9 and 30) and the 12'h houses (Chart 27), and one case (Chart 6) by aspect on the 7thhouse.Thus,9nativities(Charts I,6,9, 10, I2, 18,23,27and30)have afflictions from all the malefics i.e., theN odes, Mars, Saturn and the Sun, 4 nativities (Charts 5, II, 14 and 17) are afflicated by Nodes and Mars and the remaining 17 cases are afflicted by Nodes, Mars and Saturn. It also emerges from the data that 4 cases (Charts 9, 23,28 and 30) have all the 6 factors afflicted while 15 cases (Charts I, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, I 0, 12, 13, 18, 19,21,22,26and29)have5,9cases(Charts3, 14, 15, 16, 17,20, 24, 25 and 27) have 4 and 2 cases (Charts 6 and II) have only three factors afflicted. Two nativities (Charts 9 and 30) have NapumsakaYoga too.

The Moon being Prana of an astrological chart and Karaka for ~motions must be taken care of in any judgement. In the charts under study 21 (70%) cases have a weak Moon Of the remaining cases all the natives (Charts 5, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24 and 26) have their Moon blemished by conjunction or aspect of the Nodes or Saturn. The MoonVenus opposition (Charts 15 and 16) causes Yoga-Bhanga, while their 2-I2 position, (Charts 4,8, 12 and I3) and 6-8 position, (Charts 5, 18, 23 and 26) are detrimental for marital affairs. The Moon and Mercury in the 7th house (Charts 7 and 13) help in denial of marriages. Venus, the natural Karaka for marriage, occupying the signs of Mercury in II cases in Rasi and 7 cases in Navamsa, has also contributed to denial of marriages Erudite readers may refer to my exposition on this aspect in July- August 1994 and January and April 1995 issues of THE ASTROLOGICALMAG AZINE. In the charts under study Venus mostly occupies Martian or Saturnine Navamsas which is also detrimental. Five cases (Charts 8, I 0, II, 13 and 19) have the Sun and Venus more than 43° apart, thus denying marriage. The 7th house and the 7th lord in Papakartari in 4 (Charts I, 7, 25 and 28) and I (Chart 5) case respectively have also led to denial of marriages.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs

Table 1 ;:> ~3

.,0 "-· ~ =·

.. ::1

Afflictions to the Vulnerable Houses .... .... $::1 g; g; "'g; ...g; ::1c. 9! t"' :;; = :c = ~ = 0 0 :;;



"fli "









4 4 II 9 5 Rahu-Ketu Axis 7 Rahu (aspect) 3 7 3 5 5 6 4 Ketu (aspect) 5 I 5 6 5 15 17 18 15 15 15 TOTAL Less Common (atllicting more than one factor) 2 I 4 6 I 2 Mars (occupancy) 9 (aspect) 5 3 3 9 6 7 7 10 8 TOTAL 10 9 Less Common (afflicting more than one factor) . I Saturn 4 4 2 I 3 (Occupancy) 5 4 7 (aspect) 8 6 9 10 TOTAL 9 8 8 II 8 Less Common (afflicting more than one factor) Sun-Saturn 2 I Conjunction opposition/ 1 I I 2 I aspects by both I TOTAL 2 I 4 2 I GRAND 33 36 35 36 38 32 TOTAL Less Common(-) 10 II II 13 15 9 Actual Cases 23 25 24 23 23 23 Less recurrence of Aftlictions on Two or More Factors Actual Cases Afflicted





(") 0

3 3





"" -~ "c.





40 29 26 95

14 6 5 25

26 23 21 70 40




35 51


27 40 12 3





39 54

19 21

20 33 7






6 I


10 210








69 141 Ill


The exchange between the 5th and the 7th lords, both retrograde, in the 6'h and the 8'h houses respectively (Chart 12) have also contributed to denial of marriage. Similarly, their conjunction (Charts 3, 19 and 28), 212 positions (Charts 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, IS, 16, 26 and 30) and 6-8 positions (Charts 6, 18, 20, 22 and 23) have had adverse effects on marital happiness. In Chart 27, the 7* lord Mars in the 2nd house is aspected by the 5th lord Saturn from the 12'11 house. Likewise, in Chart 29 the 5th lord Mars in the 5th is aspected by the 7th lord Saturn from the 3rd house. Thus, 20 nativities have suffered due to the Sth and 7th lords' nexus.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs The sole case with the 7'11 lord (Saturn) in the 7th (Chart 12) fails to deliver any goods due to the Sun's opposition from the Lagna. The above discussion has shown that the cases under study are genuine cases of denial of marriages. Let us now examine the disposition of Jupiter in these charts. Jupiter, the Karaka for husband, is to be adjudged in combination with the 7th Bhava and its lord. In fact, these three factors collaborate in a manifestation. All are important but none of them is capable of giving or denying marriage independently. The role of Karakas can not, however, be under- estimated. A weak, afflicted or combust Karaka may casue anguish with regard to the significations it controls. Dr. B.V. Raman in his book Three Hundred Important Combinations classifies Jupiter as benefic for Aries, Cancer and Scorpio natives, neutral for Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces, and malefic for the rest of the Lagnas. From this angle, Jupiter is malefic for half the nativities, under study, belonging to Mercurian, Venusian and Saturnine Ascendants. Similarly, II belong to benefic and 4 to neutral category. The disposition of Jupiter, in view of its nature, in Rasi as well as Navamsa, is presented in Table 2. This Ascendant based system of classification must not be confused with the natural classification of friend-ship and enmity given in classical texts, nor does it over-rule them. The presentation in Table 2 is quite interesting and revealing. Of the II instances ofthe benefic Jupiter, only 2 (Charts 4 and 17) are in benefic dispositions, 3 (Charts 1,5 and 12) in neutral dispositions and 6 (Charts 9, 14,21, 26, 29and 30) in malefic dispositions in Rasi. In all the 4 cases where Jupiter is neutral (Charts I 0, II, 22and 24) he is in malefic dispositions. On the other hand, malefic Jupiter occupies benefic signs (Charts 7,8,19 and 23) and neutral signs (Charts 3, 13, 16 and 18) in 4 cases each while he occupies malefic signs in 7 nativities (Charts 2, 6, 15, 20, 25, 27 and 28) similar analysis with Navamsa dispositions show a more gloomy picture with 23 cases ( 76.7% ) in malefic and neutral Amsas. An interaction study of dispositions in Rasi with those in Amsas with the respective natures of Jupiter for the nativities may help us in adjudging this Karaka. Table 3 gives data on such interactions.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs

Table2 Disposition of Jupiter (Chart No.) Zodiac Sign

As Benefic Navamsa Rasi

As Malefic As Neutral Navamsa Navamsa Rasi Rasi





























































































The data in Table 3 show that benefic Jupiter occupying malefic dispositions in both the Rasi and Navamsa, accounts for 5 (46.5%) cases (Charts 9, 14,21 ,26and 30) of the category, whereas,neutral and malefic· Jupiter follows suit with 2 cases each accounting for 50% (Charts 10 and 24) and 13.3% (Charts 2 and 15) of the respective categories. Similarly, malefic Rasi and neutral Navamsa combinations account for 2 cases (50%) with neutral Jupiter (Charts ll and 22) and 3 cases (20%) with malefic Jupiter (Charts 20, 25 and 28). Over all, against 17 malefic dispositions in Rasi, the Navamsas carry Jupiter in 14 malefic dispositions. It is noteworthy that of these 14 dispositions 8 pertain to benefic Jupiter accounting for 72.73% of the class. The cases of benefic Jupiter (Charts 1, 5 & 12) in neutral dispositions in Rasi are equally shared by malefic, benefic and neutral signs in Navamsa.

Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs Table3


Naturewise Disp_osition ofJupiter (Chart Nos.) Nature of Jupiter
























,26,30 Neutral



























Two cases (Charts 4 and 17) with benefic Jupiter in benefic Rasi consign him to a malefic Navamsa. The solitary case (Chart 29) of benefic Jupiter in malefic Rasi gets a benefic disposition in Navamsa. On the other hand, benefic dispositions of malefic Jupiter in Rasi have been disposed in Navamsa in benefic (Charts 8 and 23),Neutral (Chart 19)and malefic(Chart7) signs. Similarly, malefic Jupiter in neutral signs inRasi is distributed in benefic (Chart 3), neutral (Charts 16 and !&)and malefic (Chart 13) signs in Navamsa. Two cases of malefic Jupiter in malefic Rasi (Charts 6 and 27) have enjoyed benefic Navamsa. Thus, of the 7 benefic dispositions in Navamsa, only 2 belong to benefic Jupiter while the remaining 5 have malefic Jupiter. Similarly, 6 of the 9 occupants of neutral signs in Navamsa belong to malefic Jupiter. On the other hand, disposition in malefic Navamsa contains 8 from benefics, two from neutrals and four from malefics. Over all, Jupiter is lacking support from its disposition in most of the cases. Nakshatra dispositors have a role in making a planet efficacious. Distribution ofNakshatratraversed by Jupiter presented in Table 4 shows that malefics, i.e. Mars, the Sun, Ketu, Rahu and Saturn have constellation-lordship in 25 (83.3%) cases i.e. 8, 7, 5, 3 and 2 respectively. Mercury and Venus, both benefics but enemies of Jupiter, prevail on 3 and I case respectively. In one case (Chart 21) Jupiter traverses his own star Visakha. Thus, here again the malefics (including the cruel ones) have

Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs 41 devastating effects on Jupiter's significations, particularly husband and progeny. Aslesha, Jyeshta, Dhanishta and Visakha are supposed to be quite harmful for marital Bhavas and significations. Disposition in Trika houses is an adverse factor for realizing the significations of a planet. Jupiter occupies the 6th house, the 2"d from the S'h and the 12'h from the 7'h, in 5 nativities (Charts I, 6, 10, 16 and 19), the 8th (Charts 4, 18, 28 and 29) and the 12'h house (Charts 7, IS, 21 and 23) in 4 cases each. Thus, 13 cases (43 .3%) have their Jupiter in hidden and malefic houses. Even exalted (Chart 19)and own house (Charts 1 and 16) positions in the 6th have failed to check the denial of marriage. Jupiter, as the 7th lord, in 4 cases was ineffective owing to his disposition in Saturnine signs (Charts 6, 20 and 28) and inimical Libra (Chart 2). Of these, 2 dispositions in Trika (Charts 6 and 28) and I in the 2"d, the 8th from the 7th (Chart 2), rendered Jupiter ineffective for marriage. The fourth case with Jupiter in the 9th in Aquarius (Chart 20) gave high education, name and fame to the native but could not give her a husband. Jupiter's exchange of Nakshatra with Rahu has maligned the former, Jupiter's exalted position in Lagna (Chart 17) afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and Rahu denied a husband to the native with 4 exalted planets, including the 7th lord, and the Sun in own house. Here, Jupiter in the 8th Navamsa with the 7th lord debilitated there, denied marriage. Similarly, another case with Jupiter in Pisces in the 11 thhouse (Chart 13) could not be of any help due to conjunction with Rahu and aspect from Mars- Saturn in the 5'h house. Jupiter occupies inimical Navamsa and conjoins Rahu there too. Four cases have Jupiter in the 7th house, a disposition extolled in texts. Here again the disposition in Saturnine signs (Charts 14 and 22), inimical Libra (Chart26) and the royal sign Leo (Chart 3) with afflictions by Mars, Rahu or Saturn in one or more ways, have shorn Jupiter of its beneficence. Thedebilitated Vargottama9' lord Jupiter having exchanged signs with the 7th lord and getting the aspect ofKetu, who is already l!Spected by Mars and Saturn, is rendered ineffective, keeping the native (Chart 14), a Government employee with loose morals, devoid of marriage. In the other case (Chart 22) Jupiter in Satabhisha conjoining Mars, Venus and Rahu in Rasi and Saturn in Navamsa, rendered the highly talented decently employed, beautiful lady to opt for an unconventional relationship and she is unmarried. In the case of Chart 26, Jupiter, maligned by his disposition in Libra (Vargottama) conjunct Rahu and aspected by own house Mars, denied marriage to the native, Similar has 1

42 Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs been the fate ofthe lady doctor (Chart 3) where Jupiter in Makha is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Exchanging signs in Rasi and a Martian aspect in Navamsa. Thus, an affiictedJupiter cuts no ice. The afflictions to Jupiter have been summarised in a tabular form (Table 4). The presentation in Table 4 shows that in all, the conjunction and aspect of malefics affict Jupiter in II and 25 cases respectively. On eliminating the cases having affliction from both the Nodes (Charts 1,2, ll, 12, 13, 15, 22, 25,26 and 28) actually 26 (86.7%) nativities have afflicted Jupiter. Mars is a friend and Saturn a neutral to Jupiter according to classical texts. Table 4 Malefic Afflictions of Juoiter (Chart No) . ·~


Mode of Affliction Conjunction Aspect

Nakshatra Lordship

Actual no. Nativities Afflicted





1,5,12,15, 17,19,25



2,9,11 ,13 ,14,16, 1,3,5,8,23 18,22,23,26,30




3,7,13,16,17, 18,28





2,3,4,6,7,9,13, 15, 19,23,25, 26,27,29,30

2,6, I 0, 15,26. 27,28,29





9,11,12,14, 18,24,30



II ,12,22, 25,28









The Weak Moon















6 (common)

23 (common)

I (own)




Nativities \ffected

* I 0 cases are common in al'niction by conjur tctions and aspect.


Planetary Dispositions and Marital Affairs 43 It is, however, observed that any malefic, including Mars and Saturn,joiningor aspectingJupiterdilutes his beneficence, if not spoiled. So far as marital affairs, particularly in females, are concerned, any affliction to Jupiter by any malefic, including weak Moon and enemies ofJupiter, hampers the prospects. · Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions make one philosophically inclined and such nexus afflicted in the 6th produces hormonal imbalance. The native of Chart 1 with such an imbalance died a spinster in her 36'hyear. Another case of own house Jupiter (Chart 5) in the 9th house in Moola, and aspected by Rahu from Lagna, gave everything but marriage, to the native, a cine-star turned politician. As evident from the Table, 21 cases have aspects from two or more malefics on their Jupiter. Similarly, the Nodal afflk;tion spoils Jupiter in 18 nativities, while Mars vitiates him in 17, and Saturn, in 8 cases. The enemies Venus and Mercury afflict in 8 and 3 cases respectively. The weak Moon affects Jupiter in 4 cases. The single case of combust Jupiter '(Chart 23) gives way to malefic afflictions by Mars and Ketu.The foregoing analysis shows that Jupiter is free from affliction in 4 nativities (Charts I 0, 20, 21 and 24) although his disposition in debilitation in the 6'h in Aquarius, in the 9th house in Satabhisha, in inimical Libra in the _2nd house in Uttarashada respectively make him weak. Nakshatras in all the 4 cases are not congenial. Similarly, referring to the discussion on the data in Table 1, it transpires that 8 cases (Charts I, 2, II, IS, 17,20,25 and 27) have either or both of the 7th house and the 7th lord unblemished. It is, therefore, imperative to examine the affliction to the Karaka in the charts where both the 7th house and its lord, or either of them is afflictionfree. A vice-versa study of the charts having affliction-free Jupiter may also be useful. Data on other vulnerable factors in respect of nativities with affliction- free Jupiter are presented in Table 5 (a). Afflictionshave been shown by mentioning the afflicting malefics in respective columns. Similar data on affliction of Jupiter in respect of natives whose 7th house and 7'h lord, or either of them, is free from affl iction is presented in Table 5 (b) giving the malefics afflicting Jupiter in the respective charts.

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