Jupiter Remedies

February 13, 2017 | Author: akhilr66 | Category: N/A
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Jupiter : Jupiter will cause break in education. Will lose gold and money. Will make you wear cheap quality jewellery. Will be blamed for mistakes you have never committed. Hair on scalp will fall frequently. Marriage will be delayed or will remain childless for many years after marriage. Diabetes and obesity will cause problems for few. Lack of faith in religion will make them rebels in the society. Remedies for Jupiter : Always wear yellow color cap or turban. Keep your nose clean always and especially starting any new work. Apply turmeric or sandalwood paste on forehead. Donate bananas or sweets to old persons and orphans. Try to wear more gold jewellery. Help your siblings and cousins whenever possible. Never bath or swim in open air , rivers or in oceans. Stay away from non-vegetarian food and alchohol. Take blessings of your parents before starting any new work and donate turmeric to any temple, 8 days in a row. If you have jupiter troubling you in 11th house, use your father’s items like pens, vehicles. If you are constantly cheated by astrologers, spiritual or religious gurus, then stop consulting them and start meditating by yourself. Source : http://www.astrogle.com/astrology/remedies-for-malefic-planets-in-horoscope.html Jupiter: The color of Jupiter is yellow or yellowish orange. The effects of both these colors are generally positive. This is, therefore, a benefic planet. Its color has a warming effect and energizes the nervous system. The yellowness produces stimulating effect on intellect. The compatible items for treatment of Jupiter-related problems are ashwagandha and other yellow flowers. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are also prescribed. The compatible gemstone for Jupiter is yellow sapphire and yellow topaz. Source : http://www.astrogle.com/astrology/lucky-colors-and-astrological-remedies.html

Remedies for Jupiter in 12 houses of Horoscope Jupiter(bruhaspati or guru) is a fiery, noble, benevolent, masculine, expansive, optimistic, positive and dignified planet. higher attributes of the mind and soul, generosity, joy, jubilation and joviality along with high reasoning ability and the power of right judgments are all governed by Jupiter. Jupiter rules educational interests, law, religion, philosophy, banking, economics and indicates the extent of one’s love and longing for religion, scriptures, elders and preceptors. He is also a signification of wealth, progress, philosophic nature, good conduct, health and children.

Jupiter represents `Thursday’ and the yellow colour. He is regarded as ‘Karaka’ for 2nd, 5th and 9th houses. The sun, mars and moon are his friends, where as Mercury and Venus are enemies to him. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn adopt neutrality to him. He stands exalted in the 4th house and the 10th house is the house of his debilitation. Jupiter provides good results if placed in houses 1, 5, 8, 9 and 12, but 6th, 7th and the 10th are the bad houses for him. Jupiter gives bad results when Venus or Mercury get placed in the 10th house of a horoscope. However, Jupiter never gives bad results if placed alone in any house. A malefic Jupiter affects the ketu (son) very adversely. Jupiter offers malefic results if he is placed with Saturn, Rahu or ketu in a horoscope. Jupiter in 1st House or in Aries Jupiter in the 1st house makes the native necessarily rich, even if he is deprived of learning and education. He will be healthy and never afraid of enemies. He will rise every 8th year of his life through his own efforts and with the help of friends in the government. If the 7th house is not occupied by any planet success and prosperity will come after the marriage of the native. Marriage or construction of a house with one’s own earnings in the 24th or 27th year would prove inauspicious for the longevity of the father’s life. Jupiter in 1st house along with the Saturn in the 9th house causes health problems for the native. Jupiter in the 1st house and Rahu in the 8th causes the death of the native’s father because of heart attack or asthma. Remedies (1) Offer the things of Mercury, Venus and Saturn to the religious places. (2) Serving cows and helping untouchables. (3) If Saturn is placed in the 5th house, don’t build a house. (4) If Saturn is placed in the 9th house, don’t buy machinery associated with Saturn. (5) If Saturn is in 11th or 12th house, avoid use wine, meat, and eggs strictly. (6) Ward-off the evil effects of Mercury by putting on silver in the nose. Jupiter in 2nd House or in Taurus The results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if they are together in this house, though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus and Jupiter are inimical to each other. Hence both will affect each other adversely. Consequently, if the native engages himself in the trade of gold or jewelery, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get destroyed. As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining honour and wealth despite the fact that his wife and her family may be suffering because of ill health and other

problems. The native is admired by females and inherits the property of his father. He may be benefited by lottery or property of a person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and Saturn is not placed in the 10th. Remedies (1) Charity and donations will ensure prosperity. (2) Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th. (3) Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house. Jupiter in 3rd House or in Gemini Jupiter in the 3rd house makes the native learned and rich, who receives continuous income from the government all through his life. Saturn in the 9th makes the native live long, whereas if Saturn is placed in the 2nd the native becomes extremely clever and crafty. However Saturn is the 4th indicates that the native will be robbed of money and wealth by his friends. If Jupiter is accompanied by inimical planets in the 3rd the native is destroyed and becomes a liability on his closer ones. Remedies (1) Worship of Goddess Durga and offering sweets and fruits to small girls and obtaining their blessing by touching their feet. (2) Avoid sycophants. Jupiter in 4th House or in Cancer The 4th house belongs to Moon, a friend of Jupiter, who stands exalted in this house. Hence Jupiter here gives very good results and provides the native the powers of deciding the fate and fortune of others. He will possess money, wealth and large properties along with honour and favours from the government. In times of crisis the native will receive divine help. As he grows old his prosperity and money will increase. How so ever if he has built a temple at home Jupiter will not give the above mentioned results and the native will have to face poverty and disturbed married life. Remedies (1) The native should not keep a temple in his house. (2) He should serve his elders. (3) He should offer milk to snake.

(4) He should never bare his body before anyone. Jupiter in 5th House or in Leo This house belongs to Jupiter and Sun. Native’s prosperity will increase after the birth of his son. In fact, more sons a native has, the more prosperous he will become. 5th house is the own house of surya and in this house surya, Ketu and Brihaspati will give mixed results. However if Mercury, Venus and Rahu is in 2nd, 9th, 11th or 12th houses then Jupiter sun and ketu will give bad results. If the native is honest and laborious then Jupiter will give good results. Remedies (1) Do not accept any donations or gifts. (2) Offers your services to priests and sadhus. Jupiter in 6th House or in Virgo 6th house belongs to Mercury and Ketu also has its effect on this house. so this house will give combined effects of Mercury, Jupiter and ketu. If Jupiter is benefic the native will be of pious nature. He will get everything in life without asking. Donations and offerings in the name of elders will prove beneficial. If Jupiter is in 6th and Ketu is benefic then native will become selfish. However, if Ketu is malefic in 6th house and Mercury is also malefic the native will be unlucky upto 34 years of age. Here Jupiter causes asthma to the native’s father Remedies (1) Offer things connected with Jupiter in a temple. (2) Feed the cocks. (3) Offer clothes to the priest. Jupiter in 7th House or in Libra 7th house belongs to Venus, so it will give mixed results. The native will have rise in luck after marriage and native will be involved in religious works. The good result of the house will depend upon position of Moon. The native will never be a debtor and will have good children. And if the Sun is also in 1st house the native will be a good astrologer and lover of comforts. However if Jupiter is malefic in 7th house and Saturn is in the 9th the native will become a thief. If Mercury is in the 9th then his married life will be full of probelms. If Jupiter is malefic native will never get support from brothers and will be deprived of favours from the government. Jupiter in 7th house causes differences with the father. If so one should never donate clothes to anyone, otherwise one will certainly get reduced to extreme poverty.

Remedies (1) Offer worship to lord Shiva. (2) One should not keep idols of god in ones house. (3) Keep gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you. (4) One should stay away from yellow clad sadhus and fakirs Jupiter in 8th House or in Scorpio Jupiter does not give good results in this house, but one will get all the worldly comforts. In the time of distress, one will get help from god. Being religious will increase native’s luck. As long as the native is wearing gold he will not be unhappy or ill. If there is Mercury, Venus or Rahu in 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th and 12th house, native’s father will be ill and native himself will face loss of prestige. Remedies (1) Offer things connected with Rahu, like wheat, barley, coconut into running water. (2) Plant a pipal tree in a cremation ground. (3) Offer ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple. Jupiter in 9th House or in Sagittarius 9th house is especially influenced by Jupiter. so the native will be famous, rich and will be born in a rich family. The native will be true to his words and will have long life and have good children. In case Jupiter is malefic the native will have none of these qualities and will be atheistic. If the native has any planet inimical to Jupiter in the 1st, 5th and 4th house then Jupiter will give bad results. Remedies (1) One should go to temple everyday (2) Abstain from drinking alcohol. (3) Offer rice to running water. Jupiter in 10th House or in Capricorn This house belongs to Saturn. So the native will have to imbibe the qualities of Saturn only then he will be happy. The native should be cunning and sly, only then the can enjoy the good results

of Jupiter. If sun is in the 4th house Jupiter will give very good results. Venus and Mars in the 4th house ensure multi-marriages for the native. If friendly planets are placed in the 2nd, 4th and 6th houses, Jupiter provides highly beneficial results in matters of money and wealth. A malefic Jupiter in the 10th makes the native sad and impoverished. He is deprived of ancestral properties, wife and children. Remedies (1) Clean your nose before beginning any work. (2) Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43 days. (3) Offer almonds to religious places. (4) A temple with idols must not be established within the house. (5) Put tilak of saffron on the forehead. Jupiter in 11th House or in Aquarius Jupiter in this house affects the things and relatives of his enemies Mercury, Venus and Rahu very adversely. Consequently, the wife of the native will remain miserable. Similarly, sisters, daughters and father’s sisters will also remain unhappy. The native will be a debtor even if Mercury is well placed. The native will be comfortable only as long as his father lives with him in a joint family along with brothers, sisters and mother. Remedies (1) Always keep gold on your body. (2) Put on a copper bangle. (3) Watering a pipal tree would prove beneficial. Jupiter in 12th House or in Pisces The 12th house would provide the combined influences of Jupiter and Rahu, who are inimical to each other. If the native observes good conduct, wishes good for all and observes religious practices he will become happy and enjoy a comfortable sleep at night. He would become wealthy and powerful. Abstaining from evil acts of Saturn will make the business of machinery, motor, trucks and cars highly beneficial to him. Remedies (1) Avoid furnishing false evidence in any matter.

(2) Render services to sadhus, and pipal tree. (3) Place water and Saunf(fennel seeds) on the head side of your bed during nights. Source : http://www.astrogle.com/astrology/remedies-for-jupiter.html

Guru / Jupiter For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru: 1. Worship Lord Shiva. 2. Recite Shri Rudram. 3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra: Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah, 16000 times in 40 days. 4. Recite the Guru stotra: Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan SannibhaamBuddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim. 5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric on thursday. 6. Fasting: On Thrusdays. 7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam. 8. Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha.

Source : http://www.astrogle.com/astrology/mantra-rudraksh-remedies-for-all-9planets.html Guru Gayatri Mantra (For Jupiter) Om Vrishabhadwajaya Vidmahe Ghrini Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Guru Prachodayath Source : http://devotionalonly.com/navagraha-gayatri-mantras-2/ Karma for propitiation of Jupiter 

Jupiter Yantra – (Jupiter Yantras are best on Bhoj Patra/Gold Plate)

Jupiter Gyatri Mantra “Om Aangir-saye Vidmayhe Divy-Deh-haye Dhimhi Tanno Jeevye: Prachudeyat”

Daan Bhav (Donations for Jupiter) Yellow cloths, Horse, Haldi, Yellow Topaz, Salt

Special Remedies for Jupiter o Bathing with water mixed with honey helps reducing the malefic effect of Jupiter o Never wear gold or Yellow cloths o Do not take things related to Jupiter for free

Source : http://karmajyoti.com/Pages/Astro-remedies-for-jupiter.html JUPITER In the visible spectrum, it governs the colour yellow-orange. Its cosmic planetary energy comes to Earth in the BLUE rays of Sunlight. oGems Yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, citrine, set in gold. Herbs (general, not specific) ashwagandha, bala, liquorice, ginseng, astralagus ( especially taken with ghee or clarified butter ). Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews. Aromatic oils and fragrances ghee, sesame oil, almond oil. Mantras : "OM BRISHASPATAYE NAMAHA" "OM SHREEM" Source : http://astrological-remedies-indianpedi.blogspot.com/


OM SAI RAM ASTROLOGY – THE EFFECTIVE REMEDIES GURU - REMEDIES IF GURU IS BENEFIC FOR YOU 1. Wear yellow sapphire (pukhraj) in first finger on THURSDAY. 2. Wear yellow clothes on THURSDAY; keep yellow handkerchief or flowers in your pocket. 3. Prepare gram dal (chana) on THURSDAY.

4. Do business of GURU related articles, like: yellow wheat, turmeric, yellow cloth, Gold, oil, holy books etc. 5. Distribute boondi or ladoo Prasad on THURSDAY. 6. Apply kesar on the forehead for 27 THURSDAY. 7. Plant yellow flowers at home or office on THURSDAY. 8. Eat yellow food/chana dal on THURSDAY. 9. Tie yellow thread on right arm. 10.

Wear gold ornaments like gold chain or gold ring or gold bangle.


Keep gold idol of your God at home.


Nail six gold nails at the four corners or the bed or house.

IF GURU IS MALEFIC FOR YOU b) Do Japa of GURU mantra Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah, 16000 times in 40 days. 1. Donate articles related to GURU on THURSDAY. They are : yellow cloth, gold, gram dal, turmeric, yellow flowers, holy books, turmeric, gemstones related to GURU To Brahmins, teachers, priests On THURSDAY morning. 2. Give ladoo or boondi Prasad in a temple on THURSDAY. 3. Do path of Shivsahastranam or do Rudrabhishek daily. 4. For having children have Santan Gopal path done. 5. If girl is not getting married due to malefic GURU then look after a banana tree or a peepal tree, water and worship daily. 6. Do not purchase or take GURU related articles on THURSDAY.

7. Feeding - Beggars, crows, birds with banana, yellow coloured sweets. Brahmins (Or poor people) with curd and rice. 8. Do not wear yellow cloth on THURSDAY, Avoid eating banana and even keeping in home esp. bedroom. Because this strengthens GURU. 9. Give gram dal to a horse for 7 THURSDAYs. 10. 11.

Wear or keep at home GURU yantra. Keep THURSDAY fasts and perform Satyanarayana katha. Do not eat salty food on that day.


Do not do business of articles related to GURU.


Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha. Source : http://naageshsastri.blogspot.com/2011/04/astrology-effective-remediesguru.html

Significance of Jupiter or Brihaspati in Horoscope, Remedies and Guru Mantras Significance of Jupiter and Remedies According to Hindu mythology Jupiter is considered to be the teacher of gods or Devas. In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as Guru, Brihaspati and Devagura. Jupiter is a good indicator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion, wisdom, compassion, spirituality, religion and morality among other things. Jupiter rules stomach and liver. Jupiter or Brihaspathi rules over the sidereal signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn and the sign of exaltation of Jupiter is Cancer. His mahadasha lasts 16 years. Jupiter or Brihaspati is most comfortable in the first house. Jupiter is a benefice planet and considered to be the most auspicious, helpful and generous among all Planets.A prominent Brihaspati in one's horoscope can indicate a subtle and keen intellect and a disciplined mind and senses. Afflictions to Guru or Brihaspathi can mean bad luck, loss in litigation, skin problems, arthritis, heart troubles, impurity of the blood, liver malfunction, diabetes etc. His day is Thursday. The metals of Jupiter are Gold and Copper and Gemstone is Yellow Sapphire. As a God Brihaspathi is a handsome youth with a big-bellied body and a broad chest. Brihaspati is a Brahman by birth and son of Sage Angirasa (and grandson of Brahma) and Surupa. He is the teacher of Gods and knows the Vedas and is an expert in all forms of knowledge. Brihaspathi is four armed and wears yellow cloths and is very fond of sweets. He sits on a lotus and his chariot is pulled by eight yellow horses.

Remedies for pleasing Brihaspati        

Fasting on Thursdays and keep vow of silence. Avoid Salt and Banana in food. Worshipping Lord Vishnu and chant Vishnu Sahasranama. Wear Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz. Wearing 5 mukhi and eleven faced Rudraksha Beads. Donate yellow cloths, gold, turmeric, yellow sweets, yellow gems, books, honey etc on Thursday morning to Brahmans and teachers. Feeding crows and other bird’s banana and yellow colored sweets. Chant the Mantras of Brihaspati starting from Thursday. Wear yellow cloths. Serving Teachers

Guru or Brihaspathi is the Teacher of the Gods. The Power of Mantra and the Mystery of Initiation Amazon Price: $7.95 Padmasambhava Comes to Tibet: 25 Disciples--Vajra Guru Mantra--Prayers Amazon Price: $21.86 List Price: $29.95 Shut Up! an Ancient Mantra for Complete Happiness: The Simple Truth Your Guru, Therapist, and Grandmother Forgot to Tell You Amazon Price: $8.10 List Price: $12.00 True Stories of Spiritual Power Amazon Price: $10.00

Crimson Collection, Volumes 1 & 2: Guru Ram Das/Mool Mantra Amazon Price: $11.76 List Price: $14.97 TIBETAN MANTRA PRAYER FLAGS ~ SET OF 3 MANTRAS ~ Tara, Guru Rinpoche, & Om Mani Padme Hum ~ Tibetan Buddhism Amazon Price: $14.95

Guru (Brihaspathi) Mantras - Bija, Gayatri and Navagraha ‘Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah’ ‘Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurve Namah’ ‘Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Brihasptaye Namah’ ‘Om vrim Brihaspataye Namah’ ‘Aum Hreem Kleem Hoom Brihaspataye Namah’ Gayatri Mantras of Guru / Brihaspathi ‘Aum Guru Devaya Vidmahe Parabrahmane Dheemahi Tanno Guruh Prachodayat’ ‘Om Suraachaarya Vidmahe Surasreshtaya dheemahi Tanno Guruh prachodayat’ ‘Vrusha Dhwajaaya Vidhmahe Gruni Hasthaaya Dheemahi Thanno Guruh Prachodayat’ Brihaspati (Guru) Navagraha Mantra ‘Devaanaam Cha Risheenaam Cha Gurum Kaanchana Sannibham

Buddhibhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspateem’ Meaning : I bow down to Brihaspathi who is the teacher of Gods ans sages, who is resplendent and lustrous like burnished gold and who is endowed with a lot of wisdom and who is the lord of the three worlds. The mantras of Guru can be chanted using 108 Rudraksha Beads Rosary. For best effects start recitation on a Thursday during the bright half of the Moon. The Mantras should be chanted 1,25,000 times and Puja should be performed with yellow flowers. The presence of 'Ganesh yantra' at the place of recitation helps in achieving faster results.

Source : http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/Significance-Jupiter-HoroscopeRemedies-Guru-Brihaspathi-Mantras Comments Section : ANAMIKA..compliments to your so healthy information regarding every planet u have written. an addition to please jupiter for unmarried girls or there is hurdle in getting marry. onevery thursday donate 5 laddu to each five temples,repeat every thursday, five week. serve bannana 2 laddu, 200 gmgrms dal to cow regularly. puja of bannana tree with milk,.and jurgery powder. lit desi ghee lamp,every thursday.mantara jap OM HARIM SHRIM KAATYANI SWAHA, a continous matar jaap for 40 days ,miraculous result.

Remedies for Pregnant Women In general Guru (Jupiter) preethi (remedy OR pleasing) would be effective to give luck of pregnancy. If you are anxious to get a baby you may observe the following: • Observe Thursday fasting (you may skip a meal in nights and instead you can take fruits or vegetables or milk or any thing else nutritious but uncooked. • Go to Navagraha temple on Thursdays and light ghee lamp. • Pray any Guru like Sri Guruvayurappa, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Dakshinamurthy, Kanchi Paramacharya, and Sri Aadhi Shankara etc. constantly • Distribute some Laddus in Navagraha temple on every Thursday. • Offer yellow robe to Guru in a Guru temple or Navagraha temple. • Give yellow gifts on Thursdays to anybody or gold on a Thursday to a temple. Those who are pregnant can also do the above things. If you are anxious to get a baby and if are pregnant and expecting you may do the following things (women who had miscarriages in past should do this): If your Ascendant/Lagna is :

MESHA /Aries – Monday prayer. Pray Lord Shiva, offer rice on a Monday RISHABA /Taurus – Wednesday prayer. Pray Mahavishnu. Offer green gram on a Wednesday MITHUNA/ Gemini – Friday prayer. Pray Mahalakshmi. Offer Vaal beans (dried)/Mochai in Tamil on a Friday KATAKA/ Cancer – Tuesday prayer. Pray Lord Muruga /Skanda. Offer Thoor daal /Pigeon peas on a Tuesday SIMHA/ Leo – Thursday prayer. Pray any Guru like Sri Guruvayurappa, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Dakshinamurthy, Kanchi Paramacharya, and Sri Aadhi Shankara etc. constantly. Offer channa daal (garbanzo bean, Indian pea, ceci bean, bengal gram). KANNI /Virgo – Saturday prayer. Pray Hanuman. Offer sesame sweet on a Saturday THULA /Libra – Saturday prayer. Pray Hanuman. Offer sesame sweet on a Saturday VRISHCHIKA/ Scorpio – Thursday prayer. Pray any Guru like Sri Guruvayurappan, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Dakshinamurthy, Kanchi Paramacharya, and Sri Aadhi Shankara etc. constantly. Offer channa daal (garbanzo bean, Indian pea, ceci bean, bengal gram). DHANUS /Sagittarius – Tuesday prayer. Pray Lord Muruga /Skanda. Offer Thoor daal /Pigeon peas on a Tuesday MAKARA/ Capricorn – Friday prayer. Pray Mahalakshmi. Offer Vaal beans (dried)/Mochai in Tamil on a Friday KUMBHA /Aquarius – Wednesday prayer. Pray Mahavishnu. Offer green gram on a Wednesday MEENA/ Pisces – Monday prayer. Pray Lord Shiva, offer rice on a Monday Source : http://www.astrogle.com/astrology/remedies-for-pregnant-women.html Easy Remedies for Influencing Planets Jupiter 1. Wear yellow clothes. 2. Keep yellow hanky in pocket. 3. Wear garland of yellow flowers.

Source : http://www.askganesha.com/articles/easy-remedies.asp

Jupiter Remedies / Guru Graha Shanti Jupiter is also known as Guru or Brihaspati in Vedic astrology. Hindu scriptures confer him with title of Guru of Gods. Guru or Brihaspat is considered to be the most benefic planet as per Hindu astrology. Jupiter is lord of Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meena). He is believed to be exalted in Cancer and Capricorn. Jupiter or Guru signifies religion, spirituality, philosophy, knowledge and karma etc. Remedies for Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru are as follows: 1. Worship ruling deity Dakshinamurty (for Shaivayats) or Narayan (for Vaishnavas). 2. Recite Shri Rudram. 3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra: Om gram greem groum sah gurave namah, 16000 times in 40 days. 4. Recite the Guru stotra. 5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric or sugar on Thursdays. 6. Fasting: On Thrusdays. 7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam. 8. Rudraksha: Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha. 9. Jadi: Banana root 10. Gemstone: Yellow sapphire Source : http://www.astrocamp.com/jupiter-remedies-guru-graha-shanti.html Jupiter: Jupiter is said to be malefic if it is aspected or is associated with malefic planets or is in Capricorn Rasi or is situated in 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th house. Propitiations to be performed for benefic Jupiter are : 1. Wear yellow sapphire (pukhraj) in ring finger of the left hand after propitiating it on Thursday. Mantra for it is ‘Om brhem brahaspatya namah’. 2. Wear yellow clothes on Thursday. 3. Prepare gram dal on Thursday. 4. Do business of Jupiter related articles, like: yellow wheat, turmeric, yellow cloth, Gold, oil, holy books etc. 5. Distribute boondi or ladoo Prasad on Thursday. 6. Apply kesar on the forehead for 27 Thursday. 7. Plant yellow flowers at home on Thursday.

8. Eat yellow food on Thursday. 9. Tie yellow thread on right arm. 10. Wear stomach long gold chain or gold ring or gold bangle. 11. Keep gold idol of your God at home. 12. Nail six gold nails at the four corners or the bed or house. 13. Wear nine/twelve/three faced Rudraksha. Upayas to be done for malefic Jupiter: 1. Do Japa of Jupiter mantra daily. 2. Give articles related to Jupiter on Thursday. They are : yellow cloth, gold, gram dal, turmeric, yellow flowers, holy books etc. 3. Give ladoo or boondi Prasad in a temple on Thursday. 4. Do path of Shivsahastranam or do Rudrabhishek daily. 5. For children have Santan Gopal path done. 6. If girl is not getting married due to malefic Jupiter then look after a banana tree or a peepal tree. 7. Do not purchase or take Jupiter related articles on Thursday. 8. Give yellow cloth to a holy man on Thursday. 9. Do not wear yellow cloth on Thursday. 10. Give gram dal to a horse for 7 Thursdays. 11. Wear or keep at home Jupiter yantra. 12. Keep Thursday and amavasya fasts and perform Satyanarayana katha. Do not eat salty food on that day. 13. Do not do business of articles related to Jupiter.

14. Take medicine bath with medicines related to Jupiter on Thursday. Source : http://www.mysticboard.com/vedic_astrology/56251-upayas_remedies__for_all_planets1.html

Mantras for the Nine Planets Ravi Bhaskaraya Vidmahe mahadutyathikaraya deemahi Tanmo Aditya prachodayat Chandra Padma Dwajaya Vidmahe Hemaroopaya deemahi Tanmaspoma prachodayat Kuja Seera Dwajaya Vidmahe vittahastaya deemahi Tanmo Bhowma prachodayat Bhudha Rowgineyaya vidmahe chandraputraya deemahi Tanmo Bhada prachodayat Guru Vrushba dwajaya vidmahe Grunihastaya deemahi Tanmo Guru prachodayat Sukra Tatpurushaya vidmahe swetavarnaya deemahi

Tannasukra prachodayat Sani Kaka dwajaya vidmahe khadgahastaya deemahi Tanmo manta prachodayat Rahu Nakadwajaya vidmahe padmahastaya deemahi Tanmo Rahu prachodayat Ketu Aswadwajaya vidmahe soolahastaya deemahi Tannuketu prachodayat Source : http://www.mysticboard.com/vedic_astrology/56251upayas_remedies__for_all_planets.html Guru For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru: 1. Worship Lord Shiva. 2. Recite Sri Rudram. 3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra: " Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah " , 16000 times in 40 days. 4. Recite the Guru stotra: Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan Sannibhaam Buddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim. 5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric on thursday. 6. Fasting: On Thrusdays. 7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam. 8. Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha.

Source : http://www.sutradhari.com/mantra%20remidy.html


This Guru Graha has 154 qualities and resembles that of “ Male” its Gem is Kanaka Pushya Ragam ( Pokraj) ( Yellow Sapphire) to be worn on pointing finger made of gold, it gives good results if temples of Brahma, Datta, Shiva are visited, people belonging to Kuja, Ravi, Chandra, Ketu Grahas are friendly and people belonging to Shukra, Rahu, Shani and Budha are enemies to it, Makaram ( Capricorn) is Neech Rasi to it and Karkatak ( Cancer) it yields good results, it rests in stomach region. People belonging to Vrishab ( Taurus) , Simha ( Leo), Tula ( Libra), Measham ( Aries) , Vrischika ( Scorpio) are friends and people belonging to Mithunam( Gemini), Kanya ( Virgo) are enemies to it. The Graha when placed in bad position it gives problems with sons of the individual, if it is in right placing it develops the home, those individuals whose Gurus is placed good can act as good selfless advisors, for whom Guru is the birth planet will have 2 yoga’s ie., 1) Hamsa Maha Purusha Yogam 2) Gaja Kesari Yogam such persons has outstanding intelligence & wisdom this Graha concentrates mainly on education and children , Dashamukha Rudraksha is preferred SYMPTOMS When Graha is in good placing the individual has a sweet communication, will be intellectual, has good transaction with the society and when it is placed in bad position then the individual all time quarrels, becomes greedy and selfish, and does deceptive activities and when it is in wrong placing it affects the Throat region of the individual. These are a few tips with which you can easily understand the effects on you and go for remedy as given under:GURU VEDA MANTRA “ Bruhaspatha Athiyadhariya Ashadyuma Dwibhathi Krathumajjaneshuyaddhidha Yacchava, Sarthaprajatha Thadasmasu Dravinam Dechichitram”

Now let us see how & when a Guru Graha Dosha occurs. Firstly, if Guru is placed Neech in Makaram (Capricorn) and when it is placed with its enemy planets such as Budha, Shukra or if it is under the shadow of Shani, Kuja, Rahu or Ketu then it gets Dosha which affects the individual. The remedial procedures under situation are given below:You can read “Vamana Avatara Sthuthi” for Guru Dosha Remedy or read the remedies given through Ramayana Paarayan as below:(0) the person who ha Guru Dosha should read the 1st Sarga of Sundara Khand and adore “Dakshina Murthy” by offering yellow short bananas (1) When guru transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 5th Sarga of Aranya Khand should be read with yellow bananas as offering (2) When Shani transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 16th Sarga of Ayodhya Khand should be read with Black grapes as offering (3) When Budh transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 16th Sarga of Bala Khand should be read with Green Grapes as offering (4) When Kethu transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 61st, 62nd Sarga of Sundara Khand should be read with “Coconut or Kajoor” as offering (5) When Shukra transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 77th Sarga of Bala Khand should be read with “Sugar” as offering (6) When Ravi transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 40th Sarga of Kishkinda Khand Should be read with “Carrot” as offering

(7) When Chandra transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 60th, 63rd Sarga of Kishkinda Khand should be read with “Pongal made with Jaggery & Tuwar Dal “as offering (8) When Kuja transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 5th Sarga of Bala Khand should be read with “Pongal” as offering (9) When Rahu transits in Guru Mahar dasha then 74th Sarga of Aranya Khand should be read with “Milk or Keer “ as offering. ( for an clear understanding remember for every Graha at the starting its qualities are mentioned so while reading the above nine points you can compare the problem relating it with the Graha and its quality and read which ever suits your problem) // Panchamukhi Rudraksha is Recommanded// GEM For any individual who cannot perform the above things can go for a Gem, the recommended Gem is “ kanaka Pushya Ragam” ( Pokraj) in English it is called “ Yellow sapphire” this gem should be in 4 carats in weight and yellow in colour with transparency it should be fixed in gold and the fixing of the gold should be on Thursday or on the days when “ Purasvasu, Vaishaka , Poorva Badra “ stars prevail and after which the ring has to be placed in un-boiled milk or Ganga water for a day, chant the below given mantra: “ Om Brum Bruhaspathaye Namaha” for 16,000 times

And then wear the ring on Thursday between 6-7 am this stone shows its effect for not less than 4 years from the date of wearing it. Now, let us see what shrines to be visited at the time of Guru Dosha for its remedy: There are Astha Dasha (18) Datta Shrine for Guru Dosha remedy as mentioned below:

1) Gangapur: this shrine is located on the shores where Bhima & Amaraju rivers united, this shrine is in Karnataka and located in Gulbarga District and nearer to Belgaun, Sholapur & Gulbarga Places it is just 19 Kms from Railway station and the speciality of this shrine is that his holiness Sri Nrushimha Saraswathi of Kaanchi Petam stayed here for 24 years and did sadhana 2) Karanja Nagar: this place is in Akola district of Maharastra, this village “ Karanjanagar” is the birth place of his Holiness Sri “ Nrusimha Saraswathi” there are Bus and Rail facilities to reach this place from Akhola. 3) Narsobawadi : this is the holy place where his holiness “Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi “ was engaged in sadhana and this is the place where river krishan and 5 Ganges unite ( Shiva, Badra, Bhagwathi, Kumbi and Saraswathi) rivers to reach this holy shrine there is bus facility from Sangli and Kollapur . 4) Audambar: this village falls between the highway of Pune- Hubli and it is under Sangli district the shrine is on the river bed of Krishna, this is the place where “Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi “ordained the “foot prints “ of Dattatreya Bhagawan ( Datta Paduka) 5) Mahurghad : this place is in Nanded district of Maharastra and there is bus facility from Hyderabad and Nizamabad, which will take you Via Nanded and Murthazpur to Mahurghad . This is the place where “ Parushu Ram” got enlightened 6) Pitapuram (Andhra Pradesh): this place is 12 Kms away from Samarla Kota Station this shrine is of Kukuteshwara swami and data Bhagavan 7) Nasik : the shrine here is called as Second Gangapur and we will find “ Eka Mukha” ( Single faced) Dattatreya idol. 8) Manikya Nagar: this shrine is located just 1 Km from Humnabad which is between Hyderabad- Gulbarga, this is the place where Manikya Prabhu took “Samadhi “ 9) Akkalkot : This place is also called as Spiritual place because several holi souls were enlightened here it is known for sadhana this place is between the rail route of Chennai-Mumbai and we have station. There is bus facility from Sholapur and Gangapur , this is the place where Akkalkot swami did sadhana and got enlightened.

10) Kuruvapuram : this village is near Devarkonda village of Nalgonda District we have bus facility to visit this place Via Muktal , Pancham Padu Village. This is the place where Sri Pada Sri Vallabha did sadhana. 11) Nareshwar : this place is between Baroda- Miyagan of Gujarat we have a railway station to alight and this is the place where shri Rangavadootha did sadhana 12) Gurudeshwar : the place where Vasudevanandha Saraswathi took Samadhi , this place can be located on the shores of Narmada river in Gujarat we have bus facility from Baroda and Rajeepe Plal to reach this place 13) Gokarnam: this place is situated in Hubli district of Karnataka on the western Banks this is the place where Sree pada did sadhana. 14) Shiridi : this is the shrine where Shri Shiridi Sai Baba took Samadhi and we can find Datta Bhagawan in Lendi vanam 15) Bhoogiri Shikar : this shrine is situated on the top of Guru Shikar on Bhoo Konda hill of Rajasthan this is very ancient 16) Girnar: this shrine is situated on the hill which has 10,000 steps to reach this is located in Jhanaghad of Gujarat here we can find abundance of Datta Bhagavan foot prints. 17) sakori : this shrine is just 5 Kms away from Shridi shrine and it has ( Single Faced) Ekamukhi Dattatreya Swami temple and we may also visit the Samadhi Mandir of Sree Upasani baba and Godawari Matha 18) Shegam : this place is nearer to Nagpur in Maharastra and here we can find the Samadhi of Sree Gajanand Maharaj and it is said that every one should visit this holy place. There are a few remedial methods of Guru Dosha as charity as below mentioned:1) When Guru transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give a gold plated replica in charity 2) When Shani transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Krishna Mruga Replica in Charity 3) When Budha transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Makara Replica in Charity 4) When Kethu transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Replica of Mesha in Charity 5) When Shukra transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give replica of Laxmi Narayana in Charity 6) When Ravi transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give

Chagha in Charity 7) When Chandra transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Eagle in Charity 8) When Kuja transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Gold in Charity 9) When Rahu transits in Guru Mahar dasha then the individual should give Replica of Maheeshi in charity. This are the remedies shown for a better and peaceful life few methods of remedy are shown choose what you can do and do it. Source : http://www.akhandbharat.org/universal.htm

Jupiter (Guru) In the higher sense Jupiter is the divine grace, which can fulfill all of our needs without our seeking. He gives religious merit and spiritual beneficence. The other most important aspect of Jupiter is that he gives us true knowledge and wisdom as opposed to information based intelligence, which is the function of Mercury. The following is the special name (nama) mantra for the Jupiter as preceded by it's Shakti or power mantra. It can be used to connect with the planetary deity and to energize all the higher powers of the Jupiter. "Om Strim Brahm Brihaspataye Namah" The word 'Strim' in above mantra denotes Starana Shakti, the power of expanding, unfolding, blossoming and evolving. (The word 'Strim' should be pronounced as 'Streem'.) The following mantras are also considered very good for planet Jupiter. You may opt to recite one of the following mantra if you find it comparatively easy to remember.

"Om graam greem graum sah brihasptaye namah" "Om vrim brihaspataye namah" The mantras are chanted on japa beads of 108 beads per string. They are similar to rosaries. The Jupiter's mantra may be recited for 19,000 times and puja performed with yellow flowers. Begin recitation on a Thursday during the bright half of the Moon. Presence of 'Ganesh yantra' at the place of recitation may help you in achieving the desired results faster.

Gayatri Mantra for Jupiter: "Om Suraachaarya Vidmahe, Surasreshtaya dhimahi, tanno guruh prachodayat" This Gayatri mantra consists of three parts. The first is the chants to the Jupiter. The second is the mantra proper. The third is a summary of the mantra's energies. The Gayatri mantra is chanted at sunrise, noon and sunset. At dawn it is called Gayatri, the youthful form of the Goddess, consort of Lord Brahma, the creator. It is called Savitri, the mature form, at noon, the consort of Lord Shiva. It is called Sarasvati, the elderly form, at sunset, the consort of Lord Vishnu. You may also opt to chant following Puranic mantra for propitiating the Jupiter (19,000 times). Devanam ca rishinam gurun kañchana-sannibhham buddhi-bhutam tri-lokesham tam namami brihaspatim When translated in English, it means:

"I bow down to Brihaspati, god of the planet Jupiter. He is the spiritual master of all the demigods and sages. His complexion is golden, and he is full of intelligence. He is the controlling lord of all three worlds." Mantras must be chanted or recited with unwavering devotion and motivation. Chanting them as a matter-of-course deprives them of power and is practically useless from the point of view of conscious growth, evolution and effect. Source : http://www.yousigma.com/psuedoscience/toappeasepropitiatejupiter.html

Guru 1. Worship Lord Shiva 2. Recite Shri Rudram 3. Japa of Guru beeja mantra 'Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah 19,000 times in 40 days 4. Recite Guru stothra Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchana Sannibham Buddhimantam Trilokesham tam namaami Brishaspatim 5. Donate Saffron, Turmeric or sugar on Thursdays 6. Fasting on Thursdays 7. Pooja : Rudrabhishekam 8. Wear 5 mukhi Rudraksha 9. Recite the mantra 19,000 times along with the pooja with yellow grams, sandal and yellow flowers Source : http://www.astrologyforu.com/others/remedial-measures-dasa-antardasa.php

Jupiter / Guru Briefing the Nature of the Planet

Jupiter is believed to be a bestower of successes. It is generally believed that one who is graced by Jupiter, commands respect from others. Cleanliness is a virtue preferred by Jupiter. Jupiter in astrology is named as 'Guru', meaning, biggest of all planets. The persons with grace of favour of Jupiter enjoy elderly quality, towering respect and business. If it is powerful, it can counter the ill effects of other planets comfortably. Click Here to Know more about Planet - Jupiter / Guru

Favourite Colour



Favourite Day



Favourite God / Deity


Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Indra, Goddess Parvati

The ill effects of Jupiter can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience. 

Donating in charity a piece of pale yellow cloth on any Thursday keeps Jupiter pleased.

Feed an Ox with Gud (Raw Sugar) and gram pulse on Thursdays.

Wearing Pukhraj (Topaz) on the Index finger on any Thursday is considered to bring in pleasing results. The ring should be continuously worn for a long period starting from any Thursday.

Distributing sweets and donating Gold or Copper on Thursdays, if the budget allows.

Worshipping Lord Shiva by pouring some Butter oil on Shiva Linga daily is another way to seek the blessings of Jupiter. Do it for a week.

Source : http://www.astrogyan.com/planet_cure/pID-5/how_influence_planet_star_jupiter_guru.html Remedies for Jupiter Jupiter is the teacher of all planets. Astrology has remedial ways to calm Jupiter if it’s afflicted, amongst which donation has a special place. Donation of sugar, bananas, yellow clothes, kesar, salt, turmeric, yellow flowers and food is considered good. The affected person should donate gemstone of Jupiter through which the negative influence of this planet can be reduced. According to vedic astrology recommendations Thursday mornings are best for donating the above stated things. The donations should lbe given to Brahmins, or any religious persons. Some more astrological remedies for Jupiter The affected person should keep fast on Thursdays. He should feed banana and yellow sweets to poor people and birds, especially crows. He can serve curd rice to Brahmins and poor people. He should water a banyan tree on all days except Sundays and Thursdays. Jupiter resides in teachers and religious persons, so to reduce the bad impact of this planet one should serve his teacher with respect. He should not eat banana and avoid keeping banana in his bedroom because it may increase Jupiter’s negative influence on the person.

Source : http://astrobix.com/articles/Astrological-Remedies-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn.aspx

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