Junior Senior Promenade

March 24, 2017 | Author: JudandPong T. Ollitsac | Category: N/A
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Junior Senior Promenade Ritchelle- Good Afternoon gorgeous ladies and handsome gentlemen! I'm Ritchelle Camacho. Ronald-

And I'm Ronald Hontiveros


Your masters of ceremony!

Ritchelle- we're gathered here today to share another milestone in our high school life, and that is the Junior Senior Promenade! Can you feel the excitement in the atmosphere today, Ronald? Ronald-

Definitely ate Ritchelle! Just the thought that we'll be dancing the night away with my classmates and my seniors excites me. How about you ate Ritchelle?

Ritchelle- Well like you I'm also excited. Not to mention that this is our batch's first and last promenade! Ronald-

Well then, I guess we shouldn't keep them waiting. Presenting our Juniors and Seniors!

Ritchelle- First off we have the 3rd year St. Elizabeth! Ronald-

And of course we have the 4th year St. John!

Ritchelle- To start this memorable event with our Almighty Father's guidance may we call on Mary Sylene Reyes, secretary of the JRSSC, for the invocation. Ronald-

Please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem to be led by Kimberly Jane Matias, P.R.O of the JRSSC.

Ritchelle- To officially start the magical moment that we're all been waiting for; may we call on our beloved school director, Dr. Arnaldo S. De Guzman, for the welcome remarks. Ronald-

Thank you Dr. De Guzman for such wonderful message. And now to give us an inspiring message, let us all give a warm round of applause to our honorable president, Mr. Anthony Jose M. Tamayo.

Symbolic Turn-Over Ceremonies Bequeathal Rites and Acceptance Key of Responsibility: Jcob Malaguit- President of the JRSSC Nikko San Quimio- VP- Internal of the JRSSC Ma. Criselda De Guzman- 4th year St. John John David Nevalga- 3rd year St. Elizabeth class mayor Book of Wisdom:

Laarnie P. Avila- treasurer of the JRSSC. Michelle Pamplona- Bus. Manager of the JRSSC. Joymarie Barcelona- 4th year St. John Dionne Era Acevedo- 3rd year St. Elizabeth

Ritchelle- And now may we call on Mary Catherine Acuzena from the 4th year St. John for the reading of the last will and testament. Ronald-

Thank you, Ms. Mary Catherine Acuzena. May we now call on Joan Barcelona of 3rd year St. Elizabeth for the reading of the class prophecy.

Ritchelle- Ladies and gentlemen, this night wouldn't be complete with the dance floor empty, for we'll all fill it with stunning ladies and handsome gentlemen dancing the night away with grace and beauty. That's why let's all give a round of applause as the 3rd year St. Elizabeth open the dance floor for the cotillion de honor with their fierce tango dance. Ronald-

wow that was indeed a dazzling and fierce cotillion, but of course we are not over yet! We are just getting this wonderful night starting. The magic continues as the seniors enchant us with their wonderful waltz. Again let's all give the 4th year St. John a round of applause.

Ritchelle- I'm aware everyone's feeling magnificent tonight, but I'm also aware that most of us are starving right now specially with the presence of that enticing and delectable foods. That's why ladies and gentlemen, food is being served at this moment. Please enjoy your meal. Ronald-

I can see how satisfied and happy people are after they have eaten, ate Ritchelle. Even when we are already full, it's undeniable that all ladies are still stunning in their long gowns!

Ritchelle- thanks, Ronald! So are all the gentlemen in their tuxedos.


thanks ate Ritchelle! But let's admit it there will always be that lady and gentleman that will surely take our breath away with their dazzling aura and personality.

Ritchelle- That's true, Ronald! That's why to introduce our judges may we call on our beloved adviser, Mrs. Hannah M. Bermejo, and our dearest JRSSC moderator, Mrs. Cecilia C. Malaguit to present the criteria for judging. Ronald-

And to present our candidates for Mr. and Ms. Junior and Senior 2012, may we call our lovely and stunning, Academic Head, Ms. Anna-Liza S. Querubin.

Ritchelle- Of course the night's delight is not yet over. Here to make us feel the magic more with their serenade, let's give it up for our beloved Ms. Radelia R. Singson and Mr. Rey O. Tac-An. Ronald-

That was indeed an astonishing song number. Isn't it ate Ritchelle?

Ritchelle- Indeed! I bet all the girls felt lovelier at this moment. Ronald-

And speaking of being lovely, I guess we are forgetting something…

Ritchelle- Not for me, Ronald. Here to proclaim this night's Mr. and Ms. Junior and Senior 2012, may we call on… Ronald-

Here to award the certificates to our honorable judges, may we call on our beloved JRSSC moderator, Mrs. Cecilia C. Malaguit to ready the citation.

Ritchelle- And now may we call on our honorable principal, Mrs. Lucita M. Paloma for the closing remarks. Ronald-

Thank you Mrs. Lucita Paloma, for your wonderful closing remarks. Wow at Ritchelle, I can't believe that we've just come to a close.

Ritchelle- Well Ronald, don't be saddened because for the most of us the night's just getting started. Ronald and Ritchelle- So juniors and seniors, the dance floor's now open!

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