Julie’s success is attributed to the culture set down by its founder and namesake, the original ita Julie, !rs" Julia Gandionco" $ canteen concessionaire since %&'(, !rs" Gandionco, or !a’am Julie as she )refers to be called, started the *rst Julie’s Bakesho) in +ireless, !andaue on January , %&-%" he bakesho) was intended to answer !a’am Julie’s canteen needs of bread )roducts" Since %&-%, Julie’s Bakesho) has ser.ed customers all o.er the nation its distincti.e brand of high /uality, freshly baked breads" +ith more than 0(( branches and outlets nationwide, Julie’s is a shining e1am)le of success through hard work and commitment"
External Factor Evaluation
Internal Factor Evaluation
Competitive Profle Matrix
CPM ! Re" Ri##on $
Strate%& Formulation
Having an Industry Growth Rate of 8.5% and a Market Share of 27%, u!ies "akesho# fa!!s on $uestion Marks, whih &eans 'ow re!ative &arket share ( oete in high) growth industry *ash needs are high *ase generation is !ow +eision to strengthen intensive strategies- or divest
"ased on the on the I Matri/ u!ie0s "akesho# fa!!s on e!! 1 grow and ui!d whih &eans that the fo!!owing strategies are reo&&ended3 4 4 4 4
Looking at the GS!, Julies Bakesho) is located in the /uadrant 2" hey are in an e1cellent strategic )osition" he )erfect strategies are market )enetration, market de.elo)ment, and )roduct de.elo)ment" Being in the /uadrant 2, they can a3ord to take ad.antage of e1ternal o))ortunities in se.eral areas" hey can take risks aggressi.ely when necessary"
u!ie0s "akesho# as a aking oany shou!d e/#and its usiness; its key oetitors are !oated a!&ost everywhere e/e#t in the rura! #arts of the ountry. u!ie0s "akesho# shou!d a!so ui!d stores inside the &a!! to gain its oetitive advantage a&ong its oetitors !ike Red Rion and go!di!oks. Managers take ations !ike targeting #ro&otions, o#ening sa!es offies and reating a!!ianes to o#erationa!i=e a &arket deve!o#&ent strategy. 9hey shou!d a!so need to irove its franhising #rogra&s and assistane so they an e/#and stores in >isayas and Mindanao.
u!ie0s "akesho# as one of the o!dest in hi!i##ine "aking &arket shou!d innovate its #astry #roduts to o#e u# with the onsu&er ra#id hange on taste and to the oetition a&ong its key oetitors, through new)#rodut deve!o#&ent & the oany sown researh )and)deve!o#&ent de#art&ent "y new #roduts we &ean origina! #roduts #rodut irove&ents #rodut &odifiations and new rands that the fir& deve!o#s through its own researh)and)deve!o#&ent efforts.
Mar+et Penetration 2n light of Julie’s Bakesho)’s market )osition it should increase its market share through 2ncreasing its distribution and )romotion of )roducts and ser.ices, more e1)enditure in marketing and ad.ertising acti.ities" his strategy ado)ted by the *rms to raise their sales re.enue without making changes in the )roducts or ser.ices" he other dimension of market )enetration is the e1isting market which means *rm already o3ering )roducts or ser.ices to the customer but can forecast that the e1isting sales *gures can be im)ro.ed by working on marketing )enetration strategy"
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