of Antonio Lo.a I! ANTON NTONIO IO LOJA LOJA! of legal age! *ilipino! %a$$ied! a business%an! and a $esident of Poblacion! Alangalang! Lete! and afte afte$$ ha#i ha#ing ng been been dul dul s/o$n s/o$n to in acco acco$da $danc nce e /ith ith la/! la/! he$eb he$eb deposes and states' PRE*ATOR, &TATE(EN &TATE(ENT T That the ta0ing of % Judicial Affida#it /as ad%iniste$ed and supe$#ised b ATT,' LORIGEN E' 1I(PAL and /as done at he$ La/ Office at Conchita +ldg'! Ri2al &t'! O$%oc Cit! Lete! and I a% full a/a$e and cogni2ant of the 3uestions as0ed of %e b Att' 1i%pal and % ans/e$s the$eto a$e unde$ oath being a/a$e that I %a face c$i%inal liabilit fo$ false testi%on o$ pe$.u$' I li0e/ise $e3uested that the 3uestions as0ed of %e be in English as /ell as % ans/e$s the$eto also in English /hich I spea0 and unde$stand fo$ cla$it and that the othe$ info$%ation and4o$ $e3ui$e%ents of &ec' 5! A'(' 67"8"8" &C as eplained to %e b the ad%iniste$ing la/e$ a$e contained in % Judicial Affida#it Affida#it the $est /hich $eads! to /it) 96)
Please state ci$cu%stances:
I a% Antonio Lo.a! %a$$ied! a business%an! o/ne$ of a t$ading sto$e'
($' ;i ;itness! o ou sa said th that o ou a$ a$e an an o/ o/ne$ of of a st sto$e! /he$e is it located:
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