! Noel A* Lasanas! o" legal age! married! and living at Barangay #$rero! %a&u'! loilo City! accused in t(is case! a"ter (aving $een duly s)orn in accordance )it( la)! state under oat( t(at: *. +: Please Please state state your name! name! age! age! and ot(er ot(er circumsta circumstances. nces. A: am Noel A. %asanas! o" legal age! married! and living at Barangay #$rero! %a&u'! loilo City. City. ,. +: Are Are you t(e same same Noel %asanas! %asanas! t(e accused accused in in t(is case case A: es sir. /. +: o you you 1no) 1no) a certain certain 2ocorro 2ocorro Patingo Patingo A: es sir! s(e is my 3rst )i"e. 4. +: our our 3rst )i"e! )i"e! did you marry marry (er (er A: es es sir. e 3rst got married on Fe$. *5! *958 o6ciated $y 7on. Carlos B. 2ala'ar! a unici&al udge o" 2an iguel! loilo City. #n Aug. ,! *980! our marriage )as rati3e rati3ed d $y a c(urc( c(urc( )eddin )edding g at 2an ose ose C(urc C(urc(! (! loilo loilo City City $e"or $e"ore e Fr. ;odol"o odol"o uito. *5.+: n your marriage contract )it( ose"a! your marital status is single! )(y is t(at A: Because $elieve t(at am not legally married )it( 2ocorro it $eing void "rom t(e $eginning "or lac1 o" marriage license. *.+: (at is t(e status o" your marriage )it( 2ocorro at t(e time )(en you married ose"a A: 3rmly $elieve t(at it )as void.
IN -ITNESS -(EREO'% (ave (ereunto set my (and t(is ,, nd o" #cto$er *998 at loilo City.
N#% A. %A2ANA2 A6ant SIGNE+ AN+ S-ORN $e"ore me t(is ,= t( #cto$er *998 at loilo City! a"ter a6ant e@(i$ited to me (is 222 No. 0,94=04.
(2 uestions (ave as1ed and t(e corres&onding ans)ers t(e )itness gave. /. nor any ot(er &erson t(en &resent or assisting (er coac(ed t(e )itness regarding (er ans)ers. IN -ITNESS -(EREO'! (ave (ereunto set my (and t(is *8 t( o" #cto$er *998 at loilo City.
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