Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT National Capital Judicial Region Maati Cit! "#anch $% I&'A MARTIN ERO( Petitione#(
- )e#sus *
Ci+il Case No, -.*/01-.*/012o#3 4ecla#ation of Nullit! of Ma##iage unde# A#t, 56 of the 2a7il! Code
2ELIPE 8"A"E9: ERO( Respondent, ;*************************; JU4ICIAL A22I4A)IT O2 M&, PILITA CORRALE& The follow following ing direct direct examin examinati ation on of witnes witness, s, PILITA PILITA CORRALE& CORRALE&,, of legal age, Filipino citizen and a resident of Unit 16 Avida Brion Towers, by Att!, I)< E4O4OLLON E4O4OLLON and and Guadalupe, Makati Cit, was conducted by Att!, taken on the latter’s office address at Unit 505 Peninsula Court Bldg, !akati "#enue, cor Paseo de $oxas, %alcedo &illage, !akati City, !etro !anila '(()$ '( T)%T*!'+ The testimony of the witness is being offered to -ro#e the following. / The The -er -ersona sonall cir circums cumsta tanc nces es of !s !s P** P**T" T" C'$$ C'$$" ")% )% and and her her 1ualifications as a witness 2 That That !s !s P** P**T" T" C'$$ C'$$" ")% )% has has -ers -erson onal al know knowle ledg dgee abou aboutt the the -hilandering ways of the res-ondent, (eli-e 3Babe4 )ro P$)*!*+"$ !"TT)$%. /
. !s 6i 6itness, -l -lease st state yo your na name, ag age, na nationality an and ci#il status ". * am Pilita Corrales, 27 years old, (ili-ino, married to !r "mado $eynoso
2 ".
. "re you #oluntarily testifying before this court about your -ersonal knowledge about the )ros8 es
. ".
6hat is your current -rofession8 * am a musician at %age Bar, !akati %hangri:la ;otel
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