Judgment 1-4 Video Teachings-19 of January 2009

August 21, 2017 | Author: johannes_bergman | Category: Last Judgment, Glory (Religion), Angel, Jesus, Grace In Christianity
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Word of God to the Nations...


19 of January 2009 AN





JUDGMENT PART 1-3 Judgment is coming! What does this mean when I say in the Name of my Father that Judgment is coming? It means that God will give us so much light that we will very surely know were we are; what the condition of our live, heart and soul is! What the condition of our temple is and we will be able to see and to hear what has to be DONE! It is for sure not condemnation, this is something totally different! It is to HELP you to come to the PLACE of your destination! So that you can be ALL were God has called you for to be and to FUNCTION in the Body of Christ after the full measurement He wants you to be filled of! And this al by and through the FULLNESS OF THE GREATNESS OF HIS MERCYFULL HEART! Judgment is GODS GRACE who reaches you so that you are been made able not to come under the even more and heavier Corrections! The end will be the time and the dispensation of Gods wrath and thorn! And I am sure you do not want to get of, of this? So please, listen carefully to my words! I believe that this is the first Article of many who will come who will bring Judgment and you will not always like what I write, but I will write you the TRUTH! I will let you know how my Father sees things, how He feels things and how HE JUDGES the Body of Christ! I will come with a rod of Correction, but believe me it hurts me more as that you have any idea of! I do not even like it, but I have to do so, for my Father wants to spare you and He wants and desires to prepare you for the Next great Move of His Glory which WILL COME! And I am one of those Servants my Father has sent and has chosen to prepare you and ALL who hear me fore this great Move of the Kingdom of God! And if you want to be a part of this Movement you will have to get rid of a lot of things!

And know one thing for sure that while I write these words that my heart is heavy and that I tremble from within, but I have to obey the urging of the Spirit of God! Well there has to be some Clarity about our function in the Body of Christ, but what the heck mean these titles and these names? Name or no name is not important, being known or not known is not important! When are we called or not called to a Ministry; to the Prophetic or the Apostolic? I will start with to make CLEAR what it means to be an "Apostolic!" Ministry! The Word Apostle comes from the Greek word APOSTOLOS what means "One SEND (from God) with a Mission a special Task and Assignment! The Apostolic Commission and all the Ephesians 4:11 Ministries COMES NEVER EVER from men, BUT ONLY FROM GOD HIMSELF! It is Jesus Himself who handpicked at His time His Apostles and Prophets and HE STILL DOES! (Ephesians 4:11) And one thing is for sure! Not all will know the time, the day and the Moment that you receive PERSONAL Visitations and revelations to be called for an Apostolic Ministry! Nor will ALL know when God says to you: MOVE NOW! Well in time or out of time - God will work all tings out for our own Good! Paul went I think more than 7 times into the wrong direction - wrong timing - No miracles - Nothing great happened! Was he not an Apostle anymore? No, he still was, he just needed some directive instructions to understand that HE WAS LIMITED in his Apostolic Ministry! He had to learn to understand his limitations! We have to learn to know our limitations also, and some times we miss it! SO WHAT? There is GRACE ENOUGH in the hearth of the Father! We all AS SERVANTS are learning to walk with God - AND NOBODY IS PERFECT IN HIS WALK WITH GOD! Being well educated, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH AN APOSTOLIC COMMISSION; nor has BIBLE SCHOOL TRAINING something to do with that! Having a head full of Knowledge GNOSIS has NOTHING to do with that! An open and SENSITIVE HEART is much more important to be handpicked from God for an Apostolic or Prophetic Function in the Body of Christ! God calls and He sets in, HE appoints and actually nobody needs to know it! But for the work you are called for to do, you have to know that you are called for it and that the Father is backing you up! This is the Authority of the Servant in his Ministry (The area of Serving) that he has the GODHEAD backing him up, Supporting his Ministry, within the Limitations God has set! Or do we need to Support our own Ministry? Another thing is: The Word Missionary means actually apostle but the religious hypocrites used the Latin Word so that we have not so much Apostles and it is a very tricky thing of the enemy to get rid of the authority in the Church! That there are today Evangelist, and Pastors who are executing might and power over the Body of Christ has to STOP! The one who should rule end reign over the Body of Christ is Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, through SEVERAL Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry’s - who are CHOSEN AND HANDPICKED from God to do this – BY SERVING! SERVING!! When somebody says that God has called him/her to the function of a Ministry and has received a Special Task than he/she has received an Apostolic Assignment - But only than when it has come from God himself AND NOT FROM THE BOARD OF OVERSEERS! We as Christians live under a Theocracy NOT DEMOCRACY! And this Theocratic Authority is been EXECUTED through SOME HANDPICKED APOSTOLIC PROPHETS! They REPRESENT THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND NEVER EVER SOME BOARD OF OVERSEERS! There is much too much

Democracy in the Church! And I could tell a lot about that - but not here! The Spirit of God is not allowing me to that here! So if I am an Apostolic Prophet, or a Shepherd, or a Teacher it is just a title for us to clarify the Function in the Body of Christ, with the amount of Authority who belongs to it! But even Apostles and Prophets are LIMITED in their Functionality and not all have the same authority and responsibility! To it comes that we are living on the Edge of a TOTALLY NEW DISPENSATION which will bring forth CHOSEN FROM GOD APOSTOLIC PROPHETS WHO GOD HAS CHOSEN TO BE SET OVER NATIONS! They will come WITH GREAT LOVE but also with THE ROD OF CORRECTION and even PUNICHEMENT will they release – BUT THEY WILL DO THIS WITH TEARS IN THEIR HEARTS AND WITH GREAT WEEPING AND WITH SORROW OF HEARTH! For they will have the HEART of FATHER GOD! Okay! Another thing: It is NOT TRUE that only Apostles do Plant new churches! Evangelists do this very often as well as the Prophet! But we make directly Apostles of them when such a thing happens! We have to understand the TRUE meaning of the Word Apostle! So, we know that it can be that someone plants new Churches, but even when he plants New churches does this not make of him/her an Apostle, for than should all who plant a new House church be called to be an Apostle! One thing I do know! There are 10.000 of religious man and woman who are been called and titled as Prophet and Apostle and GOD NEVER HAS HIMSELF APPOINTED THEM! He has never ever chosen them, nor has HE HIMSELF hired them to work in HIS VINEYARD! These are also called as the Word of God tells us: “Unrighteous Workers.” Judgment is COMING OVER THE HOUSE OF GOD; and this ALSO because God is calling and sending Elisa Prophets to EXPOSE these so called, from men chosen apostles and prophets! If you have not PERSONALLY heard from God to be called for any of the Ephesians 4:11 Ministry’s you are NOT CHOSEN AND NOT HANDPICKED to fulfil such a Ministry as you are in now – even when the board of overseers has chosen and appointed you! And I say this to ALL who call themselves a Prophet or an Apostle, or a Shepherd, or a Teacher or an Evangelist! The Ephesians 4:11 Ministry’s are HEAD Ministry’s, but only the Prophetic and the Apostolic Ministry’s are the Servants who SERVE DIRECTLY under the Headship of Jesus Christ! These are the ONLY two who are transported from the OT in the NT. They both REPRESENT - King and Prophet! WE ARE ALL CALLED TO BE KINGS AND PRIEST; End we are all called to SERVE with the GOD GIVEN GRACE HE ENABLES US TO SERVE THE BODY OF CHRIST WITH - SOME MORE SOME LESS! We are Servants from God to SERVE you in all where He has INSTRUCTED us to SERVE YOU IN! Nothing more and nothing less! So no matter what WE ARE for you - I hope that we may SERVE you with the GOD GIVEN GRACE he has given us Apostles and Prophets to SERVE you! We are NEVER EVER CALLED to Rule or to Reign over you but to SERVE YOU with the LOVE and the GRACE of Father God, and to RULE AND REIGN WITH YOU - TO BRING THE NATIONS TO THE FEET OF JESUS! So please, accept each other Serving each other and loving each other even when we miss it some times!

JUDGMENT PART 2 I have to speak about the things I have seen and heard. I have to speak about the things my Father gives me to understand. The Wave of His Glory comes, yes! But this is like a two edged Sword! For those who bow down and are willing to Listen, to understand and to comprehend Gods will, for those it will be a help, able to become more strengthened. I can not be silent; I have to speak out what my Father has given me! He urges and commanded me to speak about certain things, so that you will be warned! So that it twill stir up your Sprit to run into that what He wants and what he has planned for your live! The Kingdom of God comes! Do you really want that this happens? Do you really want that the Kingdom of God comes into your live, over your city, over your Nation? Are you really sure that you want this? Than I have to warn you that the Father God comes with a lot of corrective things to HELP you to COME there were HE wants you to be: IN HIS PRESENCE! He can help us, but do we really want this help, to get rid of all the structures of death and destruction in our lives, in our gatherings, in our churches? The Correction of itself will not be nice but it will work out a great peace of heart and a great FRUIT of LIVE into your live heart and soul. The Judgment starts at first at out house! First to us! After that the Judgment will come over the World! As I have already said more often: Judgment is NOT Condemnation. The Judgment who comes is to HELP! A wise son and a wise daughter seek for it to be corrected! They say: If you see something what is not after your will Father let me know! Just like David said: “Seek through my heart if there is a way which leads away from the paths of live, if there is anything what is against your will, let me know. This is why God said from David that he was a man after Gods heart and this made it for the Father much easier to CORRECT his Son! So he sends Nathan, to correct him and to let him see were he went wrong and went astray. And we all know how David his heart was reacting upon the truth; he REPENTS of his heart and of the deceitfulness of His heart! HE CRIES OUT! GOD, CREATE IN ME A NEW HEART! A HEART THAT IS DOING YOUR WILL! Make me NEW! The JUDGMENT comes with the coming Glory of our God and His Kingdom. As the Tidal wave series says: IT IS THE KINGDOM GLORY OF WORD AND SPIRIT! It will be SHARP and it will CUT and it will hurt but it will HEAL, it will TRANSFORM and bring us there were the Father wants us to be: AT HIS HEART! It will have all the GLORY of GODS PRESENCE in itself to RECREATE, TO RESTRUCTURE and to reform! TO BRING TO LIVE WHAT IS DEATH! And you can not stop it for this is coming, DIVINE live is coming, but ONLY for those who are WILLLING to pay the price to be CORRECTED! Only for those who are WILLING to see HOW IT REALY IS! The Sons of the Father and the Friends of the Son are coming to CORRECT, to HELP, to Judge and to strengthen you. The Judgment and the MUCH MORE AND HEAVIER CORRECTION will come over the World, and not only over her, but also over the Whore of Babylon! The time is short! How short? Well maybe the following revelations my Father gave me a while ago and which He INSTRUCTED and COMMANDED me a few days ago that the time has come to make known what I have seen for a long time ago, maybe this will open up your eyes! It is a revelation about 4 Angels who stand at the corners of the earth and another revelation which you can find also in our first book, pressing into His Presence!

THE FOUR ANGELS – THE 4 KEEPERS I had this revelation so around two years ago - 2007. It was a day like every other day, but not quite as all days. My Father gave me the following Vision and he showed me the following things: In this Vision I am way high above the earth and I see the earth far away beneath me. And as I look around me were I am; I see also 4 Angels at the left site of me. But my eyes are being focussed upon the earth and what I see is not al that nice. I see how dark clouds are gathering and coming up and how they start to cover many Nations of the earth. But it is more as just a dark cloud for this I know and it is as of I can see the multitude of Demons consisting out of this cloud. Than I hear on the left site of me behind the four Angels, some mighty voices of rulers of darkness who are arguing with God, saying something like: “Let us go to the earth, we have the right to go and to terrorize the people on the earth.” My heart is pondering and I am fully overwhelmed. And I start to think at the Bride Church. And than I look at the earth and I see parts of Nations were light reflects and I know that these parts of the nations are the Christians which have to be prepared. And I have the great question in my heart: What will happen with them when these rulers of Darkness will be released? They are not yet strong enough! Again I look into the direction of the four angels at my left site and I can see that they are really pushing to come through, but they are not able! Than God the Father starts to speak to me and he says: “They will not be allowed to be released, not any sooner as that the Bride church has come out: until she is strengthened and equipped. She will be protected and covered with my glory! The Darkness will not be able to harm her! She will be mines! After that the Angels will not hold them back anymore! One ruler I know is the one of death! But this spirit will not be able to touch the Bride Church! For she will be in the presence of the Almighty God and she will be a Hero warrior, waging war with the WORD OF GOD! She will be Victorious through the Word of her Testimony, through SPEAKING THAT WHAT GOD SPEAKES: for she will hear from God what to speak and that is what she will speak. For more than two days the Spirit of God is speaking to me about this and this morning he said me to look again in the Book of revelations! So I did and I will share all with you what He showed me and what He is speaking to me to reveal to you and to hand over to you! First we go to Chapter 7. And as it wills here is John speaking about four Angels. Well let us just have a look into this. Please do understand that I would never ever have the courage to speak about the Revelations in the book of revelations when not God urged me to do so! As I already said, we live in TIMES of decision! The decision for you is to COME OUT! 1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on every tree. 2 And I saw another angel coming up from the rising of the sun, having a seal of the living God. And he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to them to harm the earth and the sea, saying, 3 Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we seal the slaves of our God on their foreheads. (Those who have made Gods will to their will are the true bond slaves) 4 And I heard the number of those having been sealed: one hundred forty four thousands, having been sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:

The Servants, or the Slaves, DOULOS, are LOVE SLAVES, BONDSERVANTS! These are those who belong to the Bride of Christ. These are the one who belong to God as his ownership. WE LIVE IN THIS TIME! This is the time where the SERVANTS, will be sealed and were they will become marked. And these will be protected and no harm will come to them. And in this time of sealing the Bride will come out of Babylon and she will be prepared for the day of her wedding. 9 After these things I saw, and behold, a great crowd which no one was able to number them, out of every nation, even tribes and peoples and tongues standing in front of the throne, and before the Lamb, having been clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. 10 And they cry with a great voice, saying, Salvation to our God sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb. 11 And all the angels and of the elders and of the four living creatures stood around the throne. And they fell before the throne on their faces, and worshiped God, 12 saying, Amen. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength to our God forever and ever. Amen. 13 And one of the elders answered, saying to me, These, the ones having been clothed in the white robes, who are they, and from where did they come? 14 And I said to him, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are those coming out of great tribulation; and they washed their robes and whitened them in the blood of the Lamb, In the root text there is nothing to find like THE GREAT TRIBULATION. But it actually says that these who are standing before the throne of God are those who have been gone through many and very heavy times of PRESSURE, PROBLEMS, of TRIALS and of SUFERING and that they have washed their robes and whiten their robes who have become dirty. Those who have read my first book about pressing into His presence through fire zeal and passion will recognize the following revelation my Father gave me for the Body of Christ. My Father told me that He WILL PREPARE THE BRIDE FOR HIS SON, no matter what comes – she will be called out and be prepared! But for this we have to come into the PRESENCE of the Transforming Glory of God. A second revelation: Which I had already for many years.

E ENNTTEERRIINNGG IINNTTOO G GOODDSS GGLLOORRYY In my vision I am standing in front of seashore with a very large see. It stretches himself out completely over the whole horizon, from the left to the right. From the beginning of the seashore, from the height where the dunes start, I see a fence, which actually should have in fact no meaning at all, but nevertheless it stands, and it is there. In front of the fence I see a crowd of people standing there. In the same moment I know that this crowd of people are Christians who are looking at a very impressive view and sight of the see. Just like they do, I look in the direction of the sight of the see. You can see very well that a gigantic wave, far away on the horizon is preparing itself to roll to or direction. It seems as high as a scratching tower and it comes lashed as by a hurricane in the direction of the seashore. And it comes closer and closer. In the air above this huge gigantic wave and above the see, I see formations of big dark grey clouds and above these clouds is a turbulent storm. It looks like the wind power of a hurricane. The Lord Jesus lets me know that it is the Spirit of God who is moving and swaying above this gigantic wave. My impression is: The Storming wind of Gods Holy Spirit brings forth this gigantic wave.

The Christians who are standing behind the fence; They are longing also to be on the seashore – to come close and near this wave - just like all the other Christians who already have gathered on the shore and who seemingly are waiting upon something. But the Christians behind the fence they stay there where they are and they let the fence hold them back. Then the Spirit of God starts to speak to me audible so that I can hear Him speak with my ears and He explains what the meaning of this is. “This gigantic wave is a wave of His Spirit who is coming ahead of us (In time). But the natural limitations where with we have limited our selves and the humanly predetermined limitations, they will keep us away, afar of and they will make it for us unattainable and impossible to come in this wave of the Spirit of God and to move with this wave of the Spirit of God.” This is why you have seen those Christians who stayed behind the fence And they did not come any further. The Spirit of God clarified: “Very often it is simple religious restrictions and limitations, who mankind have instituted in the past of the history in the form of tradition; which are even there today in new tradition. They will surely hold you back to move on with this wave of the Holy Spirit.” Than everything is going very fast and with a great speed! Through a turbulent storm, wind and water, are being mixed and mingled and become as one (Word and Spirit). Than suddenly there is coming into existence a mighty storm wind which is pulling up those – who are standing upon the shore – in the midst of the mingled water and wind. (Word and Spirit) And I have to tell you that this is NOT the rapture. This is a position DIRECTLY into the PRESENCE of God. Directly after that I look high above me in the air, in the heavenly realms and I see how something like a gigantic cloud is been formed. I am able to see in the cloud and to recognize something which looks like fire and smoke, mist, vapour, something like a lightning or a light giving white vapour. In the midst of this bright lightning or light giving cloud there are the saints, the holy ones, those who are separated; and al around them and scattered everywhere, little flames of fire. And these little flames of fire are the purification processes the saints of God have come in. These flames are something like angels of fire who are serving the Saints to make them pure and clean and to prepare them. Then I hear a loud voice who says: Those who do not prepare themselves for the coming of Gods glory, will simply miss it and can not come into this movement of the Holy Spirit. Than there are thoughts in me who are coming up like: This is why many Servants of God all around the world in this moment are preaching about judgment and his glory. And it will expand even more and more. After that I hear Jesus saying: This is why I constantly cry out: Let Me, sanctify you and cleanse you, purify you, and do not forget your first love! Please come closer to my heart, repent and ask for forgiveness. I forgive willingly with great pleasure, with whole of my heart, but you seek me with your whole heart and you who listen also! And I asked the Lord my God; what can we do to break through these fences, these obstacles, to break through that what holds us back to come into THIS GLORY PRESENCE? He answered me: Passion, love passion, fire and zeal will break through these fences and will tare them down and will bring you directly into my presence.

After that I am able to see in this vision how God sends those Christians who were in the Glory cloud, with a special assignment to represent the Glory and the presence of Father God. I see how they go with Gods glory upon them and how they go cross and fro through the earth. They preach Gods will and the Words they have been given to speak. Until this far! What is happening into the Glory cloud? Well the Sons and Daughters of God who wanted and desired for more of Him with a great hunger standing upon the beach – WAITING – having actually only one thing in their heart: to be there were God is they pushed through waiting until their time would have come! Than suddenly they are been pulled up INTO Gods Glory presence! And what than happens is that they go through a time of purification, a time of restoration, a time of strengthening a time of equipping. And it is as the Book of revelation tells us in Chapter three; the Lukewarm Christians receive eye salve to see how the condition of their live is, coming into a state of repentance, washing their Clothes! Okay let us read something of that! “I give you the advice, to buy from me ointment to anoint with that your eyes, so that you may see, so that you do not walk around any longer blind for your nakedness and for your condition of being death; For than I can help you, when you are willing to see how the condition of your live really is.“ After revelation 3:18 Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, All the religious activities you are doing! All the Plans you have made and the dreams you are dreaming which are not my dreams! But . . . thou art neither cold nor boiling hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: That your heart and soul is in a wretched condition, not cleaned not purified and that you behave yourself in a shameful way- You are not really happy and your joy is not My joy! It’s a joy of the world and most of the time you even feel rejected. And your joy is in having goods of this world and your lust is not in MY WORD AND WILL! And because of that you are still blind for the condition of your heart and soul and because of that you are still naked and not covered with the mantel of Grace and the Blood of my Son. And therefore I as a loving Father give you the following advice: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold (PURE WORD) tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. What do we have to see? How God sees the condition of our lives that is what we have to see! Not how we see it, no how God sees it. That you may see it through the eyes of Father God how the condition of your live really is! This dear love one is JUDGMENT, with a lot of love! Judgment to HELP US! Correction to HELP US! To help us to come there were God wants us to be: IN HIS PRESENCE, IN HIS THRONE, to become the Ruling and Reigning Bride Church.

The Kingdom of God comes! Do you really want that this happens? Do you really want that the Kingdom of God comes into your live, over your city, over your Nation? Are you really sure that you want this? Than I have to warn you again that the Father God comes with a lot of corrective things to HELP you to COME there were HE wants you to be: IN HIS PRESENCE! He can help us, but do we really want this help to get rid of all the structures of death and destruction in our lives, in our gatherings, in our churches, in our Nations? The Correction of itself will not be nice but it will work out a great peace of heart and a great FRUIT of LIVE into your live heart and soul. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke I reprimand and chasten, I convince them of their wrong: be therefore zealous and repent fervently.* 20 Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), and I knock: if there is any man who hears my voice and opens the door (of his heart), I will come in to him, and will sup with him, (I will have an intimate time of fellowship with him) and he with me. 21 To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. * Like David Repented fervently of his sin after that I had send the Prophet Nathan to him! This time is NOW! Is it not great that even in the time of reprimand and of chastening because of the things which have to be corrected that Jesus comes in, has an intimate time of fellowship with us and we with him and this in the sinful condition of our heart? And it is because that he LOVES YOU that he starts to JUDGE some things! Not to condemn you, no very surely not: to HELP YOU! But he can not help you if you do not want to be helped! What you will is decisive! I GIVE YOU THE ADVICE! This is what God says to us through His Word and through the Spirit NOW! So you can choose to follow up this advice! Okay I have to come to an end of this Writing. After that we have gone through these times of being judged, going into a process of purification and fortification we are been exalted to rule and reign with Jesus in His throne as He reigns in the throne of His Father, becoming the Bride church.

PART 3 Okay we go to a Bible scripture in the Book of revelation and may the Spirit of God help us to understand what He wants to SPEAK NOW to all the souls HE LOVES with a fervent fiery and passion of His heart. I know that the Spirit of God want to show you VICTORY! The victory which lays ahead of us: The Victory for which we are destined to have and to be partakers of. Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. There are 2 Prophetic meanings for this scripture. One is that here is been spoken about Jesus and the other is that here is been spoken about the Kingdom of God which is been brought forth out of the Church, the woman. This is what the Letter to the Romans Chapter 8 speaks about: 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God. (Mature, cleaned, strong Jesus like man and woman of God) 20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption

into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaned and travailed in pain together until now. 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. Yes here is been spoken about Jesus, but also about the Servants who are been pulled up INTO the Glory presence and are been send from the Father to REPRESENT THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Therefore it is a manly child which the woman, the CHURCH bares. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. 7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. Until today the demonic powers still have a place in the heavenly realms, but this will change and than Satan his place will only be on the earth! The heavenly realms are there for Jesus and his Christ, his anointed one, the Bride! Than there will be war and the Angels of God together with the Bride will wage war in the heavenliest to EXECUTE Gods authority! But she will not only wage war in the heavenliest, no she will also EXECUTE GODS WILL over the Nations! Jesus and the BRIDE WILL BE ONE! And a great Host of WARRIORS will ride in the heavenliest on the Spirit of God with the Word of God! And more I am not allowed to tell you! For this is still beyond the measures of our spiritual eyes. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their souls and were even wiling to die. This is the moment were the Kingdom of God has come! They were victorious because they have SPOKEN what they have heard in the SECRET place! They were Victorious because they have learned what it means to have the Spirit of Prophecy! If you want to know more about this than you have to ASK me for the FREE BOOK: Pressing into His presence through Fire Zeal and Passion. Than a lot more you will understand. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Who is dwelling in the heavenly realms? Just the angels, or we also, the Bride of Christ! Is our place on earth or do we have a place in heaven and this already now, even before that Jesus comes back? Well we have it already since the time of being born again. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (the church) who brought forth the man child (The Prophetic Kingly man child who is called and destined to rule over the

Nations of the earth). 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, (is times of being set apart to be prepared) into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. 16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Okay this was it for now! I think the end makes it definitely clear that there is one who is up to kill us. So no matter what you see or not see it is FIGHTING or DIENG! It is for this reason that God wants to strengthen us and it is also for reason this that HE WANTS US TO COME HIGHER UP! The Judgment over the World has to come and also the one over the Whore but God does not want us to come under that GREAT AND HEAVY JUDGMENT! Yes even under the WRATH of God! Go and listen to the Tidal wave series and ask me for the book! IT IS FOR FREE! I end with this statement! Judgment is not the same as condemnation; surely not, much more is it one of the many ways of chastisement and rebuke, who is been implemented and executed to adjust and to correct a wrong attitude of heart and character problems, but also to Educate, to discipline, to teach, to train and to prepare us, to school us, to become mature Adult Christians. It is Gods GRACE/MERCY when He comes over our lives with His chastisements to correct, to train and to school us. And it is Gods MERCY and GRACE that we come out of It, healed, fortified, made stronger and anointed. But that is the reason why God puts us through many fires; yes He brings us in His Fire! He wants us to be radiant and to reflect His glory just like His Son; that we show forth His glory; being prepared for the wedding day. But this can only happen and become real when we do not flee away from His fatherly hand admitting and coming into agreement with His chastisements, His corrections and His way of educational treatments. It will only come to existence through a repentant heart, through suffering and obedience. In Gods service and in His commission:

Apostle Prophet Minstrel Johannes John Website http://www.johannesjohn.de – Email: [email protected]

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