Judgement of Longevity by D.P. Saxena

March 17, 2017 | Author: padbidri8206 | Category: N/A
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Techniques of vedic astrology in arriving at longevity...






By D.P. Saxena, MA.

RANJAN PUBLICATIONS 16, Ansari Road, Darya Gar\i, NEW DELHI . 110 OO2(INDIA)

Contents Preface





Correct Birth Time



Arishtas and Arishta Bhangas



Divisions of Life



Death Inflicting Planets






Other Methods of Ayurdaya



Pindayurdaya and Amsayurdaya



Novel Method of Determination of Longevity



Mathematical Methods and their applicability



Aeidents and the Unfortunate Events





Preface There are persons who hate astrolory and have no faith in it. There is no apprehension from such persons. They are in the open field and can be dealt with. The greatest apprehen' sion is from those who love astrolory and have great faith in its predictions. The reason is that they make too heavy demands on it to be easily satisfied. Longevity of human being is one such subject. They will not be satisfied if they are merely told that the particular person has a deerghaJruor a long life. They want to have the answer in quantitative terms, precisely, in years, months and days etc. I am also one such admirer. Being a serious student as well I worked on the subject. The net result of my labours is presented to the readers. As an admirer of the scienceand its student I have always been interested in taking it to as many per€on as possible. I have been for the purpose teaching this science under the auspices of Delhi Chapter of Astro Scienes Research Institute of India. As for writing a book on a subject like longevity which is both difficult and vast I have to admit that the divine grace of Gurudeva H. H. Swami Madhawanandji Maharaj inspired me for it and the Invisible Hand of Lord Hanuman did the job. I bow my head in reverence to the lotus feet of Gurudeva and dedicate myself to the service of the Lord. My sincere and unsolicited thanks go to Ranjan Publica' tions who readily agreed to publish my work under their seal and cover. I am also indebted to Sh. S. C. Chaudhri who helped me in a second reading with a view to edit it.

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D. P. Saxena

Introduction Determination of longevity of human beinp in exact and precise terms of years, months and days etc., is a diffrcult task. It is transgressing the Providential domain. As we are imperfect human beinp our methods can claim perfection, if at all they do, only to a certain extent and nothing beyond that. The masters had their way and the best way to reach some of their heights is to follow their foot prints. The sages tackled this question very competently and we have no better alternative but to follow them most scrupulously. They based all their conclusions on a comprehensive study of the birth chart- To arrive at correct conclusions, therefore; the first important thing is to judge the reliability of the time of birth upon which the whole edifice of the chart has been prepared. As it is not the purpose to show how the rectification of the error in time oi'birth is made, we have restricted ourselves only to check up the conectness of the time of birth and not to indulge in its correction. The first chapter deals very briefly with this subject. Three methods have been explained here very briefly. The first is the easiest method in the light of Ruling Planets advocated by very eminent astrologer of our days, K. S. Krishnamurti. The second is that of counting the constellations and checking up the position of Moon. There is yet another method by which we check the sex of the new c\omerand if it is the same as it should be the time of birth gets confirmed. It may be mentioned here very clearly that our sages meant by life the yogajayu determined by various combinations of planets called the yoga. Their judgement started with the time of birth itself. In chapter 2 therefore the three types' of arishtas known as Gandarishta, Tithi ganda and lagna ganda, visha navamsasi, inauspicious muhurtas for the birth

6 have been explained. Sadyo'arishta, arishtas, and yogarishtas have been described briefly and the principles in the background explained. various flactors that nulliff the effects of iUo.'" arishtas have also been refened to in the chapter' There is a special emphasis on the study of childhood period which ranges upto 12 years of age with minor adjust' ments both wayJ because it is during this period that the prospects of liG depend more c,n various external circumthan on the blessinp or curse of the planets. In other "t.rr"u" words, the problem of early life was considered with reference to Desh, Kala and Patra that is the country, period, and the peison. chapter 3 deals with the claqsification of life into 1h""" compartments, namely, the alpayu, madhyamayu and strength/weakness of poornayu -houses tased on the study of the and planets. This has been followed by an attempt at studying the various factors that prove deterrents to the prospects of the continuitY. In chapter 4 the principles relating to the study of the birth charl have been explained. The good and bad planets and houses, importance of nodes, variousyogas, importance of drekkana.s and navamsas and the principle of Bhavadbhavam etc. have been dealt with. various causes of death have been studied. Transit systern, Pada rasis, the Upgrahas, Tara dasa 'system, Spashta Deha, Spashta Mrityu and Spashta Jeeva have also been included in the study. Is is after confirmation in various ways that life would last for some substantial period, atternpts were made about the calculation of longevity mathematically in precise terms. Inall there are 32 methods. All of them could not be included in this book for reasons of space but the most important and popular of them have found their place' Chapter 5 deals with ashtakavarga system of calculations. Preparation of charts, Ekadhipatya and Trikona Sodhanas. Mandal Sodhana, Rasi and graha gunakaras have all been explained in detail with example Samudaya ashtakavarga and its calcula.practlcal 'liotrs with practical illustrations have also been included. In the end, a word about the circumstances under which Bhinna

.7 ashtakvarga or the Samudaya ashtakvarga should be tried and working out the dasa system has been explained' Badrayan's horary system of calculating the longevity with step by step considerations supported by practical calcu' lations have been explained. The Rasmikayu calculations, Bharanas and haranas, the nakshatrayu, Gauri Jataka and Jaimini system have been included with practical illustrations. They form the subject matter of chapter 6. In Chapter 7 the Pindayurdaya and the Amsakayurdaya methods have been discussed in detail and illustrated with practical exarnples in each case. Chapter 8 has been devoted to a new method of determin' ing the longevity. Its separate treatment would indicate'its importance. The method is really novel in the sense that I have not found it in the classical books. It was found in the book 'Span of Life' written by Sh. G. S. Rama Murthi. The second edition of the book was published in 1971. Sh. Rama Murthi has stated that this method is being practised success' fully by one family of astrologers in the South. There are two main merits of the method. The one great merit is that it is too simple to be explained and practised. There are no ifs and buts. The way it has been explained indicates that it is universally applicable. The other advantage is that it is very easy to praciise without any mathematical calculations. As regards its usefulness this author has very little to comment, as the same has not so far been used by him. The ne,"sons for its recommendation is that it takes into account the life fiactors from various angles. The calculations are rnade ovr that basis of four important fiactors which deal with life in its various aspects. The lagna represents the native. The third house indicates his prowess. The eighth house is for life itself according to astrological prirrciples. The tenth house stands for karmasthana as well as the retirement from life. The readers are requested to practise it thernselves and draw their own conclusion. It would be better if they could share their experiences with others. Chapter 9 deals with all the methodsof calculations oollectively. Their practical utility has been discussed and various

8 circumstances under whlch one or the other method can be used has been explained. In short a comparative study of the methods is the subject rnatter of the chapter. In practical life of today it has been noticed that the methods fail not so much on account of their own short comirrgs as due to the diffierences in the times then and now. The etresses and hurdles on the way today are not only many in number but also much deeper in intensity. The accidents which take a heavy toll of hurnan life every now and then call for a deeper study. Of course as human beinp we are quite imperfect instruments to judge the ways of providence. We can howerrer be more careful and cautious attempts. The extra care that can be taken in judgement has been discussed and explained to some extent in the chapter. In the Epilogue the author has tried to cval.uate the various methods by way of critical appreciation of the methods and their practical utility. A word about what the author has been doing in this respect has also been added by way of advice. This may be followed or rejected lies within the discretion of the readers.

#j Chapter


Correct Birth fime The basis of calculation of lonpvity, be it in mathematical or general terms, is the plaaement of planets and the rising sign as the ascendant or the lagna. For this it is very neeeshas been pr:PT* to check up the horoscope ilthe "ame to be applied in have may methods "JV rectification The *"loUV. i" F-ryt necessarf,/ abeoluteiy is that thing one The *rrr" be would "tl*". It birth' of time the prepar"a fo" chart a detailed l-to prearclions should freferable to have a computerised-one. *Tewa" which shows the 12 the of basis the on ventur'ed L rasis and the placement of the planets in it. From personal e:rperience it can be said that the minimum requiremenF o.f t chart are the cusps of all houses and the longitudes *oik"bl" in degrees and minutes at least, if not in secplanets the of onds. After getting the chart in the way explained above there are two shoit cuts to check the correctness. One way is to try to check up a few events of the earlier life of the native. If the same have taken place during the period indicated by the chart it ean be preeumed that the chart is correct to a reason' th"t further predictions can be ventured able degree "tra within certain limits of time. This is an eaqy method and can be relied upon. No rectification need be undertaken. The other method is itre method of Krishnamurti Padhdhati or K' P', as it is pnerally called. In this sletem we ane guided by the Ruling Planets of the moment.

The concept of Ruling Planets Every moment of our life is governed by some or the-other planets. hhe planets ruling at any particular moment of time are the:


Judgement of Langeuity l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lagna rasi lord Lagna cuspal lord Moon sign lord Moon's constellation lord Lord ofthe week day.


An example will clarify the case.The time, day, date and place for which the R. Ps. are required to be determined and the horoscope to be checked is given below and the method explained. The lagna cusp of the horoecope is I _ 2g".47,.

For determining

the R. p.

17-8-1991;Time 16.09 Hrs. day Saturday and place New Delhi. The lagna on 17-8-Lgg1at 16.0g Hrs or I.S.T or IS.47.Sz LMT at Delhi is calculated as under. Reference Tables of Ascendants on Nirayan basis by N. C. Lahiri. ST on 17-8-1900at 12-00 Noon (LMT) = 9 - 40 - 4g 17-8-1991at .10(-) Time interval

9-40-33 3 - 4 7. 5 2 ( + )

Correction for Time interval

lg - 28.25 38 (+)

Conection for Delhi

t3-29-03 B( + ) 13-29-06 or' 13'29

Ascdt is g-ro.oo Iongitude of Moon at 16.0gHrs. ? - ?. 46, HenceAscdt sign lord is Jupiter Ascdt. Constt. lord is Ventrs


Conzet Birth Time Moon sign lord is Mars Moon Constt. lord is Jupiter Day lord is Saturn The Ascdt sign lord of the Chart is Venus. Ascdt constt. lord of the chart is Mars.

The sign lord of the ascendant and the nakshatra lord should be one of the Ruling Planets. Venus being the ascendant lord of the chart is correct because it is also one of the R. Ps. Mars the nakshatra lord being also one of the R. Ps. is also conect. It would be a little more interesting to note that the sub lord Mars is in Saturn star which is also one of the ruling planets. If we wish to go into the calculations of sub-sub lord he would also be one of the ruling planets at the time of scrutiny. This appears to be the easiest method of checking the chart. Generally the difference of time may not exceed about 10 - 15 minutes. In that case the lagna cusp may be in some other constellation which has to be moved to suit the ruling planets and time adjusted according to the place of birth. The following case was refened to the author in January 1991. Instead of checking the lagna at that time one glaring fiact of life came to notice which was confirmed. The glaring fact was that the native who at the time of consultation was past 48 years, should not have been married. The horoscope of the native is reproduced below for readers'examination. Moon 8.25

Sat (R) 16.58 Ascdt 29.47

Jp (R)2.0s

Ketu 6.39

Bah 6.39

Ven5,34 Sun4.33

Merc28.*| Mars19.35

The subject is not marriage; hence how it was judged is


Judgement of Longeuity

not being dealt with here. The other equally easy method is also explained. Conrrert the time of birth into vighatis if it is given in ghatis. If the time is given in LS.T. (Indian standard time) eonvert it into ghatis and vighatis after sunrise and then corrvert them to vighatis. Multiply the vighatis by 4 and divide the result by g. Take the remainder and count asi many nakshatras from Aswini/ MaghaMoola as the remainder. This is according to the position of Moon at the time of birth. If Moon has croesedAswini but not Magha count from Aswini and check up whether Moon is in the oorrect nakshatra in the chart. An example will make it clear. A child is born at 55143ghatis after sun rise. Each ghati has 60 vighatis. Hence total vighatis are (60 x 55) + 43 = 8348. This divided by nine gives a remainder 4. Moon is iri Leo at . L4.2L. We therefore count 4 from Magha. We get Hasta the nakshatra. In the case under reference Moon is in poorva Phalguni. Thus the time of birth is doubtful. Rectification of the chart is not the purpose here, hence the same has not been explained. In Uttar Kalamritam there is one quite interesting method. Convert the ghatis into Vighatis and divide thern by 225. lf the remainder is between 0 and llb or 45 and g0 or 1b0 and225 the native shor:ld be male; otherwise a female. In the above case the Vighatis are 3343. This divided by 22lleaves a remainder 193. The remainder is between 1b0 and 225. The birth therefore should be of a male child. The native is really a male child. This one is too simple to be adopted. This shows only the sex of the chitd. It does not confirm the time of the birth. Unless there is some grave mistake of time the method may not work. It has nothing to do with the actual time. It deals with the period. Readers may be benefitted in predicting the sex of the child just from the chart. The author does not claim much of dependable experience on the subject. Research is needed which some of the esteemedreaders may be inclined to undertake. There are other methods of checking the correctness of time of birth. The one method is through the Ardhayamesh

Conect Birth Time


also. This is a long proc€ss.The same is not being dealt with here. Those who are interested may refer, for easy exposition the book A5rurnlrnaya by Acharya Mukund with Hindi commentary of Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra.

Chapter 2 Arishtas and Arishta-Bhangas The longevity can be determined in many ways. They are both astrologrcal and mathematical according to astrological principles. It is however agreed to by the sages that the mathematical calculation should not be undertaken before the child attains at least the age of 12 years. It is believed that death before or upto 4 years of age depends largely on the oonstitution and the sins of omission and commission of mother. Mother may be herself suffering from disease which may hamper the growth of the child who lives on her milk and prove fatal. The death between 4 years and eight years may occur due to father's negligence or his bad karmas. It is not easy to identiff the sins (bad karmas) of father but it can easily be appreciated that the negligence or ignorance of father can make or mar the longevity. When the child is suffering from chicken pox the father may consult the witch doctors instead of medical oflicers, and be the cause of death of the child. Competent medical officers may not be available which may also cause death. The death between 8 and 12 years of age is supposed to be due to the sins of child itself in his previous birth. Whatever be the neasnnait is quite reasonable to say that no assessment of life-span should be attempted before the child attains a stage where he can look alter himself at least to some extent. In view of the considered views of sages and seer€ it is propoeed to deal with the arishtas and the class€s of life in thirs chapter. Life has been divided into three classes, namely the alpayu or short life, madhyamayu or the medium life and deerghayu or the long life. The appropriate period of alpayu is

Arishtas and Arishta-Bhangas


32 years. The arishtas which may reduce this span have been divided into three classes. They are saddyo aGhtu", arishta yogas and yogarishtas. The saddyo arishtas give their results promptly or, say, upto 8 years of age. The ar-irshtayogas do it between the ages of g and 20 and the yogarishtas betieen the ages 20_and30years. They are all, therefore, called the alpayu yogas. In the sense of our modern divisions of life the sjddyo arishtas may be calted the Balarishtas. They are of three kinds namely the gandarishtas, the grabarishtas and pataki vedha arishtas.

Gandarishtas There are certain periods which are considered inauspicious for any birth. They are called the gandarishtas. hhe gandarishta.s are three in number viz the gandarishtas, tithialisftas and lagna-gandas. Virtually they are only two. The -gandarishthird one the lagna-ganda is only an extension of tas. . There are se\En planets and two nodes. Each of them rules orrer three constellations. The constellations of Mercrrry and of Ketu are not judged auspicious for any birth. These are Aswini, Mula, Maghq Aslesha,Jeyeshtha and Revati. If Moon happens to be posited in any of these onstellations the newborn is supposed to sufrer from the ill effects of gandarishta widely known in the lay-man,s languap as gandalmoola. The parents of the child born in gandarishta seek the advice of astrologers regarding epecial poojas havanas and charity etc. to be done to propitiate planets toavoid their displeas.tr"'. ttr" learned Acharya Mukand has further sub-diviied the gandarishtas into three. They are the Dina-gandas or day ganias, Ratri gandas or the lSrt gpndas ana the Sandhi E""a*. According to him the birth when Moon is in Mura ur" J"rr"is the dina-gandq that in the Aslesha ana Irragha is ththa Ratri-ganda and in Rerati and Aswini it is Sandhya g""a"



The former arishtas were due to Moon's occ'pation of the constellations. Tbis is about the births on certain-dates of the


Judgemc* of tnns*ity

lunar months. The Hindu lunar month is divided into two fortnights called the Sukla Paksha (the bright fortnight) and Krishna Paksha (the dark fortnight). The period when Moon is increasing is calledthe Sukla Paksha.The cuunting of days is 15 for each instead of 30 straight-way. The first one ghati (24 minutes) of the first and the last one ghati of the last 15th date forms Tithi ganda.In this way thele are three tithi gandasviz the periods between the 15th and lst, 5th and 6th, and between the tenth and eleventh. They are all treated as inauspicious. For academicpurposesonly these tithi gandas have beenmentioned here. In fact all this is with reference to Moon'sposition vis-a-vis Sun. The tithis in Hindu calender are with-reference to Moon's position in relation to Sun and not amrding to the number of days passed.

Lagna Ganda As has already been stated earlier the lagna gandanta is only an extension of the gandarishta. The constellations of Ketu, it would be noted, fall in the beginningof Aries, Leo and Sagittarius rasis and those of Mercury in the end of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If the lagna happ"ns to fall in the Sandhis of these rasis the period of one ghati on both eides is called the Lagna-gandanta. A great deal tras been said about them in Muhurta Par[iata and Muhurta Martanda" It ie a point for research whether they are inauspicious and if so to what extent and why. Readers may have their own experiments and conclusions. To the author they are not always bad. All this depends upon the position of their lords in the chart. It may be stated that in Hindu astrologr Sun, Moon and the lagna are the three pillars of any birth chart. The auspiciousness here is with reference to lagna and its onjunctions. It is however for consideration here that only the coastellations of Ketu and Mercury are considered evil. Why these two have been singled out is a matter for research. So far as the practical experience goes no star is universally good or bad. It is his position in the horoscope that makes him thirs or that. In the view of the author it is neessary to judge the


Arishtas ahd Arishto-Bhangas

pro' position of Mercury and Ketu in the birth chart before which lord constellation the is It ffi;;;;il1"a-i-""t. the fruits to be given by the governElto a very gJ "*tent planet tenenting the cnnstellation' and 8 There is similar mis-conception about houses 6 however' of ftoio"-p.. Both are treated "" "lt' The author' of tfris view. They are bad when the affairs of lagna i" under consideratiorrl Th"y are not bad for the affairs-of are"ot example, ;ii th" houses. foi it affai; of 10th house, fior " chart is the of rather auspicious. Eig\th lrouse ifr"y desires' of "r" house, th" ho.t*" of the fulfillment the llth of the for the affairs of tenth house, the house house' l0th for p."f*"1"". Likewise the 6th houseis the 9th' and Mercrrry that the author feels In a gimil", -"on"i be rnay Mars Ketu should not be singled out for maltrcatment' a greater evil. Visha


or the Poisonous


As someconstellations have been declaredinauspicious so also some smaller portions have been clagsified as bad 'itt"y are rather worse than the or inauspicious. poison inauspicious ones. They are termed as Visha or the which are as under: l.FirstnavamsaofAriee,Taunrs,VirgoandSagittarius' 2. Fifth navarnsaof Libra, Gemini, Leo and Aquariue' 3. Ninth navamsaof Cancer,Scorpio,Capricornand Pisces. The ill effects of the navamsasare as under' The navamsa of Sun is harmful to father, of Moon to mother, of Mars to maternal uncle,of Saturnto brother' of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus to the native himself' For propet appreciation of the above observations it is n""oory to a"aiy.e a few cases. For Aries and Sagittarius the first NavamEtalord would be Mans. For Aries born the Iagnegrr would be the 8th lord also and for sagittarius the ifrft. notf, poeitions are inauspicious for the native. The first navamsa tord for Virgoans and Taureans would be Saturn'

tt"t't?,t\ud.gete'nt of Long euity J


For Virgoans he will be the 6th lord. For Taureans the posi' tion is not so. We have to take into consideration the constel' lations involved. It would be the constellation of Sun who is a great enemy of Satum. Similarly other positions can also be examined. The fifth navamsa lord for C'emini, Libra and Aquarius would be Saturn. He is 8th lord for Gemini, an
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