JSFGC - MMG Update of The Structural Geology Model at Ferrobamba Deposit Las Bambas Mine, Peru - 1 (JSF) English - R

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Update of the Structural Geology Model at Ferrobamba deposit, Las Bambas Mine, Peru Prepared for

MMG Minera Las Bambas Draft Version April 30, 2017

Draft Version 1.0 Prepared by: John Fedorowich, Ph.D., P.Geo. Principal Structural Geologist John Fedorowich Structural Geology Consulting Inc.  jfedorowich@jfsgc  jfedorow ich@jfsgconsultin onsulting.com g.com


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru



Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 2.  . R eg i ona  2. nall G eolog logii ca call a and nd S tr uct uctur ur al C ont nte ex t 2.1. Background This chapter of the report provides a brief summary of the available information on regional lithologies and deformational structures, as well as a synopsis of absolute ages. It draws on the maps and reports from the Instituto Geologico Minero Y Metalurgico, Peru (INGEMMET), including the INGEMMET (2013) ArcGIS radiometric ages of Peru, and various research papers. In researching the structural geology of this region the following maps and reports were obtained 1) The regional 1:100000 scale geological map of Santo Tomas authored by Pecho and Blanco (1984). 2) The regional 1:50,000 scale geological map sheets: Mapa Geologico del Quadrangulo de Santo Tomas, Hoja

29r-IV and Hoja 29r-I by Pecho and Blanco (1984) 3) The geological report that is a companion to the regional geological mapping (Pecho, 1983). 4) Geotecton Geotectonic ic domains of Peru by Carlotto et al (2009) see Figure 2 5) The uplift history Ruiz et al (2009) 6) Regional structural reconstruction of Gotberg et al (2010) 7) Internal reports by XSTRATA-MMG and Itasca Peru SAC.

2.2. Regional rock types pertinent to the mine Las Bambas Ferrobamba Mine is located in the Cordillera Occidental (Western Cordillera) domain of south central Peru, as shown in Figure 2, and Figure 3A-B. These domains are arranged sub-parallel to the margin of the South American plate, and are to a significant extent the result of subduction of the oceanic plates (albeit at variable trajectories) beneath the South American craton from the Jurassic period to the present time. Based on an examination of the regional geological maps of Pecho and Blanco (1984), the following stratigraphic relationships have been understood. According to the legend in the 100000 scale regional map of Pecho and Blanco (1984), the oldest rock unit in the vicinity of Ferrobamba Mine is the Early Cretaceous Soraya Fm (synonymous with the Hualhuani Fm (Ki-hu) on the 1:50000 scale map). These are quartz arenites, which form the core of a NW-SE anticline situated along the elongated peak known as Cerro Jajacancha, 2.8km  NE of Las Bambas. Bambas. The regional regional mapping of Fedorowich Fedorowich (2017) described described these these as well-lithified well-lithified qu quartz artz sandstones of medium grained texture, and thicknesses ranging from (in a type structural section Flanking this anticline is the overlying Early Cretaceous Mara Fm (Murco Fm (Ki-mu) in the 1:50000 map legend of Pecho and Blanco (1984)). According to the report of Pecho (1983) this is comprised of limonitic shales and sandstones with intercalated quartz arenite. The regional mapping of Fedorowich (2017) reveals that is an interbedded transitional unit between quartz arenites and limonitic shales with siltstones



Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

Stratigraphically up sequence is the Late Cretaceous is the Ferrobamba Fm which was originally referred to by Pecho and Blanco (1984) as the Arcurquina Fm. According to Pecho (1983) it has a lower Member (Kis ar_i) of massive micritic limestone, a middle Member (Kis ar_m) of 500m shortening in order to juxtapose j uxtapose the F1 folds. An F2 anticline is seen in the upper right of the field of view. Location is east of GUISELA Fault, Challaque sector.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

6.3. Interpretation of folding, and timing of faults and intrusion The earliest deformation event in the area, D1, has produced NNE verging F1 folds with WNW-ESE axial traces and shallow plunges. Compressional coupling is here interpreted to have been in a NNE-SSW orientation. It is  possible that that F1 folds were developed developed during during an early early Incaic episode of NNE NNE directed directed thrusting and folding. folding. A sole thrust, or the lowest regional thrust surface, may be interpreted here to be a significant distance beneath the current elevations, and strain was accommodated by nearly-upright F1 folds (cf. Figure 5A-B). The only evidence for thrust faulting is found east of Quebrada Challa Challaque, que, and this (slightly) post-dates F1 folding. Thrust faulting appears to be slightly later, but may be overall synkinematic with F1 folding, under the same general compression. Timing of this D1 deformation is pre-37.9Ma, since the intrusive rocks do not appear to be compression. distinctly folded by F1 (Table 10). Table 10. Stratigraphic and deformational episodes for Ferrobamba. ERA SYSTEM SERIE S AGE (Ma) LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNIT THICKNES THICKNESS S ROCK TYPE EVENT STRUCT URE GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION 0-0.0117 Alluvial QUATE RECENT RNARY PLEISTOCENE 0.0117-2.0 Gp Barroso Vol. Vilcarini 30-50m Tuff Volcanism PLIOCENE 2.0-5.0 MIOCENE 5.0-23.0 Late Faults? OLIGOCENE 23.0-33.0 Late Faults?










Andahuayas-Yauri Batholith Progreso Pluton and Llajua Unit 37.9Ma Ferrobamba intrusives ~37Ma Cu-Au Skarn Mineralization


Quechua 4 1.5Ma Quechua 3 4-5Ma Quechua 1-2 4-5Ma Incaic 3-4 22-30Ma

D2 and Intrusion

F2 Folds D2 Faults

Incaic 2 30-43Ma


F1 Folds Thrusts Reverse Faults

Incaic 1 55-59Ma









Uplift and Erosion



Fm Anta





Fm Ferrobamba 800m




Fm Mara Fm Soraya

Clastics Arenites


Gp Yura

20-200m 700m

Sediment Arequipa or Deposition Western Basin

F2 folds were produced by a second deformation event, D2, which developed upright NNE axial traces and open to moderately closed shapes under roughly E-W compressional coupling. The superposition of F2 on F1 developed a distinct orthogonal fold interference pattern. E-W compression would also have been favorable for movement along the FERROBAMBA Fault, which has left lateral south block up movement, and could therefore have been active during D2. Since it cuts intrusive rock it is probably younger than 37.9Ma. However, the variation of semi-ductile to brittle fabrics may indicate a long-lived fault structure. Also, its relative position at a “jog” in the Progresso Pluton, where Limestone-Pluton Limestone -Pluton contacts display an apparent left lateral heave of approximately 3km (Figure 4) may indicate that this was active during pluton emplacement. It is proposed here that the F2 folds are fault related structures that may have been developed at or near the time of the Progreso Pluton (37.9Ma), and faults perhaps saw continued movement during the mid Incaic orogeny

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

after pluton emplacement. Wrench tectonics and localized folding have been described by Ramsay et al (1987 p 528), and McClay (1987 p 102). A tectonic model is proposed in Figure 30 for left lateral faulting and synkinematic development of F2 folds. In this model ESE-WNW F1 folds are refolded by N-S F2 to form a saddle and dome geometry. Implicit within this model is a decollement perhaps at the interface of the Mara Fm,  partly comprised comprised of bituminous bituminous shales shales (see descriptions descriptions of Pecho, Pecho, 1984). Sills Sills and dykes dykes emanating emanating from the  pluton would be injected injected along the faults and and into various various dilations dilations in the vicinity during D2 deformation. deformation. F2 folds are more close and attenuated in the vicinity of Ferrobamba deposit, and appear to dampen and become more open toward the east. It is speculated here that this may be due to hotter more-ductile conditions in  proximity to Ferrobamba Ferrobamba intrusives. intrusives. Thus, it it is possible possible that such such folding may may be an indirect indicator indicator of the the  proximity of intrusive centres. centres. Although Although somewhat somewhat speculative, speculative, the the F2 folds may be a useful observationa observationall criterion for Cu-Au exploration in the region. It seems likely that pelitic sediments would be a necessary protolith to the garnet skarn, given the high  proportion of Al Al needed to form garnet garnet in this rock type. According to the description description of of Pecho (1984) (1984) pelitic  beds are interbedded within the Kis-ar-m Member Member of the Ferrobamba Ferrobamba Fm Fm (Arcurquina Fm). It can be hypothesized that such a stratified unit would be a weaker rock mass, as compared with the massive micritic limestone. Therefore with interference folding the bedding planes could be preferentially parted and rucked,  providing dilational dilational sites sites for sills and dykes dykes emanating emanating distally from the Progresso Progresso Pluton. Pluton. Thus, at various scales, the fold interference pattern and faulting described in this study could be important for the emplacement of the Ferrobamba intrusives.

WNW Down Strike slip Faults F2 Folds

ESE F2 Fold 

D2 Fault 





F1 Folds and Thrusts

Cretaceous Deposition

Sea level

Turbidite and Platform sediments

 Figure 30 Tectonic model for Ferrobamba F1-F2 folding with wrench faulting. Intrusions Int rusions would be localized along  faults and into dilational domes and saddles during D2 folding and faulting. The concept for this drawing is after a drawing by Burg (2013).

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

6.4. Visualization of the Deformation and Intrusion Episodes In order to visualize the F1-F2 interference pattern, D2 faulting, and intrusions, a simple structural model was constructed using a kinematic forward modelling code called Noddy. This code allows input of lithological units and a sequence of deformational events (geological structures) to create a simulation of the three dimensional geometry for a deformed region. 6.4.1. 

 Deformation model set up

The model was set up with the same dimensions as the Ferrobamba Datamine project: a block 8.4 km E-W, 8.0 km N-S and 5km thick. Cell size was set to 50m cubes. Stratigraphy, as shown in Figure 31A, includes four layers with stratigraphic thicknesses measured measured by Pecho (1984): 1.  Ferrobamba Fm 800m thick 2.  Soraya Fm 700m thick, 3.  Chuquibambilla Fm 800m thick 4.  Piste Fm 700m thick

The F1 folding episode was set with 015az compression and NNE vergence to simulate those closures (Figure 31B). D2 faulting was introduced as dipping 90 degrees to 220az, to simulate FERROBAMBA Fault, with left lateral movement (Figure 31C). The F2 Folding episode was set with compression at 130az to simulate the superimposed superimpose d upright fold episode (Figure 31D) It was thought that not enough persistence was defined in order to include the geometry of D1 thrusts, since only one was seen for a few hundred metres in one exposure. More data would be required to understand the variability and to simulate the D1 thrusts. Two episodes of intrusion were then introduced. The first is the elliptical elliptical steeply-plunging Progreso Pluton (Figure 31E). The second is a sub-horizontal sill with dyke-like edges. This was to simulate the Ferrobamba intrusions (MZM etc.), as emanating at some late stage from the Progreso Pluton (Figure 31F). For simplicity, the latest stage MZQ dykes are not considered here. Also, other late faulting cuts the Ferrobamba deposit, but in order to avoid undue complication, this has not been incorporated into the current deformation model. 6.4.2. 


The results of the folding faulting and intrusion model runs are shown as 3D triangulations triangulations in Figure 32A-B. The relative positions of Ferrobamba deposit is shown for reference as “FB”.  “FB”.   6.4.3. 


The kinematic model gives a reasonable approximation of the actual folding and intrusion geometry for Ferrobamba deposit, for the given stratigraphy. Although the model may be a bit simplistic in terms of the faulting at this stage, it does help to visualize the fold interference pattern and intrusion geometry for the deposit.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru


Sedimentary Deposition


800m 700m


D1 F1 Folds NNE Ver Verging ging

Progreso Pluton Intrusion 



D2 Fault Left Lateral 

C Ferrobamba Sill and Dyke Intrusions  

F D2 F2 Folds Upright  


 Figure 31A) Stratigraphy, B) F1 folds, C) D2 faulting, D) F2 folds, E) Progresso Pluton, F) Ferrobamba intrusions.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

Looking NNE


 N    N Pluton

Looking NW

B  Pluton FB

 N    N FLT  Figure 32A) Model output 3D triangulation looking NNE. B) Model output out put 3D triangulation loo looking king NW

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

8.  . A nal nalys yses es of J oi nt P atte atterr n s ( T hi s C ha hap pte terr i s bei ng r evi se sed d wi th the Ge G eot ote echni ca call map appi ping ng dat ata a that that ar ar r i ve ved d too too late to i ncor ncorp por orat ate e)   8.1. Joint Observations Joints are defined as natural fractures with variable shape (planar to curviplanar to stepped), variable roughness, variable orientation and spacing, and specific character and composition of mineral coatings. During the mapping campaign some notes were made on joint patterns, where pertinent. For example, three systematic joint sets were found cutting the MZQ unit west of STA18 (Figure 35 at crusher  benches). These are moderately smooth to rough, have have ~5m trace lengths, lengths, 0.1-1.0m spacing, hematitic hematitic coatings coatings,, and are undulating to stepped. MZQ is thought to be the latest intrusive. These joints cut MZQ, therefore they are thought to be among the youngest structures at Ferrobamba. However, it is not known if they are as young as the Andesite/Minette dyke extension event. Some other joint families appear to be systematically arranged with fold closures, and therefore have a possible origin with folding. Others, as mentioned above are sub-parallel to major and secondary faults. Many other joint sets are of mixed or uncertain age and origin. The purpose of the analysis of joint patterns is to determine if system systematic atic joint orientation distributions exist at Ferrobamba.

8.2. Data Assembly Joint data was assembled from all available sources and compiled in 3D within Datamine. Sources of information are shown in Table 15. These include historical mapping by V Lipa (2007-08), cell mapping by MMG up to August 2015, ATV data from the 2008 and 2015 geotechnical drilling campaigns. The largest  population is is ATV data from both the the 2008 and 2015 geotechnical geotechnical drilling drilling campaigns. campaigns. As has been discussed, Geotechnical Sectors were defined by MMG Las Bambas Mine Geotechnical Department, and these subdivide the pit into 8 sectors. Joints were filtered according to the Geotechnical Sectors. That is separate populations were grouped for each sector, in order to analyze this variation.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

Table 15 Sources of data for joint and fault analyses

V. Lipa 2007-08 MMG Cell Mapping JFSGC Mapping

Faults > 5mm Aperture 2391  20  347  5  49  6 

ATV 2008 ATV 2015

7888  8912 

Data Source


249  596 

Joint set 1

Joint set 1

 Figure 35 Example of systematic joints of three sets cutting MZQ rock type.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

8.3. Joint Orientation Analysis All joints from various sources (surface mapping, drill hole ATV) were plotted by sector. Because the ATV data is from drill holes, there is an orientation sampling bias for joints at a high angle to the drill hole orientation. In order to minimize this bias a Terzaghi correction was applied within DIPS. This uses the drill hole orientation and the relative joint orientation to calculate a weighting factor. That is, ATV joints that are oriented at a low angle to the drill hole are given a higher weighting factor in order to minimize minimize the drill hole orientation bias. The populations of joints appear to have some significant differences based on the contoured stereonet plots shown in Figure 36. The plots tend to show significant scatter. Sets were picked for all reasonable clusters (Table 16). The orange ellipses in Figure 36 indicate the 95% variability limit, whereas the blue circles indicate the 95% (2 ) confidence limit. In general, the concentrations are low, ranging from 2.5% to 7.7%. Some distributions appear to be girdles, rather than distinct clusters. Fisher K values give an indication of the closeness of the clustering. The only pair of plots that appears to be somewhat similar is for Sector S and SE. All others appear to differ from each other. The modelled faults are shown for reference on Figure 36. These data appear to indicate support for the sector divisions. It is difficult at this point to understand whether the set variations are related to faulting or folding. Both options are viable. Further analysis and comparison with the fault data is needed. Table 16 Joint analyses by sector Sector   Sector CE  CE  E  E   N   N   N   N   NE    NE  NE    NE  NW    NW  NW    NW  NW    NW S  S  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SE  SW  SW 

Set Set   1  1  2  1  2  1  2  1  2  3  1  2  1  2  3  1 

Dip  Dip  80  80  86  86  69  69  51  51  75  75  63  63  83  83  89  89  83  83  73  73  72  72  76  76  86  86  59  59  77  77  69  69 

Dip Az  Az  253 253   152 152   229 229   181 181   41  41  133 133   32  32  26  26  248 248   132 132   240 240   312 312   220 220   166 166   123 123   48  48 

Conc %  %  6.65   6.65  5.36   5.36 2.5  2.5  3.78   3.78 3.5  3.5  2.24   2.24 2  4.14   4.14 3.5  3.5  2.5  2.5  4.86   4.86 3.5  3.5  3.85   3.85 3.5  3.5  3.5  3.5  7.77   7.77

N per Set  Set  N total  total  624  624  4276   4276 193  193  1237   1237 47  47  1237   1237 455  455  3016   3016 124  124  3016   3016 102  102  3739   3739 73  73  267  267  5342   5342 110  110  348  348  91  91  1056   1056 55  55  86  86  640 640   50  50  23  23  34  34  214 214  

N ATV  ATV  3910  3910  1122   1122 1122   1122 2818   2818 2818   2818 3011   3011 3011   3011 4613   4613

N MAPPED  MAPPED Comments Comments   1066  1066  One strong set ATV and Mapped data correlate  correlate   115  115  Two sets. both ATV and Mapped data correlate  correlate   115  115  Second set is weak. Note that without Terzaghi weighting this 2nd set is   198  198  Two sets with moderate moderate scatter Mapped and ATV data correspond. No  No   198  198  Second set is weaker but distinct  distinct   728  728  Relatively weak (2.2%) point maxima  maxima  728  728  729  729  One stronger set two weaker  

1035   1035

21  21 

Questionable if really a set, only 2.5% concentration  concentration   Two sets one approaching 5% and 2nd at ~3.5%. ~3.5%. Note that the orientat orientat  

291 291  

349  349 

Three stes and signif scatter, smaller population cf other domains  

214  214 

 No ATV data only mapped mapped joints joints  

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 Figure 36 Ultimate pit shape and Geotechnical Domain Sectors Mapping and ATV joints are shown as blue  symbols for each Sector. Fault wireframes solids are shown in green.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

8.4. Fault Orientation Analysis All faults from various sources (surface mapping, drill hole ATV) were plotted by sector, as reported in Table 17 and Figure 37. After review of the ATV data in the televiewer images it was evident that only ATV data structures of significant aperture should be included as “Faults”. A cut off of >5mm aperture was chosen based on the data distribution for ATV logging categories. categories. In order to correct for the traverse bias in the ATV drill hole data a Terzaghi correction was applied within DIPS. No correction factor was applied for surface mapping measurements. The reasoning here is that significant road cuts and benches were available in all orientations, thus minimizing the bias of a particular traverse orientation. The contoured pole plots of faults display variable orientation by sector, and a variable number of interpreted sets. In terms of overall comparisons, none of the plots are strongly similar among all of the geotechnical sectors. In terms of orientations only, this lends some support for the boundaries of the geotechnical sectors, as they stand. It is noted here that the distribution of drilling and mapping data is not uniform within the sectors (Figure 37). Therefore, it is the author’s opinion that there is some degree of uncertainty as to whether these sets are ubiquitous throughout their sectors. It may be advisable to treat these as hypothetical sets. Systematic fault mapping as the pit excavation proceeds will help to increase confidence in the fault families. In terms of correlations with the joint data of Figure 36, sector CE faults and joints have vaguely similar orientations steep NNE to NE orientations Figure 37. Orientations of sector N fault Set 2 and joint set 1 are very similar. It is noted here that these dip in toward the pit, and may be of concern for planar failure along the north wall. Some broad similarity is also seen for NW sector fault set 1 and joint set 3. These also dip toward the pit and may be of concern for planar failure in the NW corner.

Table 17 Fault analyses by sector Sector CE CE E E E E  N  N  NE  NE  NE  NE  NW  NW  NW S S S S


Set 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4

Dip 87 89 71 83 48 53 42 59 79 31 27 54 49 49 90 75 66 89 67

Dip Az 240 38 71 326 211 150 201 153 37 272 193 233 121 212 23 234 31 311 268

Conc % 10.0 9.0 9.5 8.0 7.0 8.0 11.2 7.0 4.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 4.5 4.5 10.4 6.6 5.0 5.0

K 121 138 417 782 60 140 53 75 97 57 76 62 118 39 112 149 216 59 109

N per Set 14 14 2 2 9 3 53 20 13 28 17 22 31 52 11 8 8 7 9

1 2 1

58 75 81

189 60 346

13.2 11.0 26.1

50 52 91

6 3 2

N total N ATV N MAPPED Comments 102 88 14 Two steep SW dipping sets, but perhaps more like a girdle




Four possible sets, but small data set with scatter




Two modereate modereately ly dipping set setss SW and SE




Four possibl possiblee sets, signif significant icant scatter and girdle ttendency endency




Three possibl possiblee sets with sig significant nificant scat scatter ter and girdle tendency




Four possible sets with some scatter and girdle tendency




Two possible sets, small data set with girdle tendency, poorer K




Few data, one possible set and 4 scattered poles

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 Figure 37 Fault Mapping and ATV analyses by Geotechnical Sectors as shown on the ultimate pit shape. Mapped  faults are darker green, ATV faults are lighter green. Fault wireframes solids are shown in lightest green.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

9.  . D i sc scuss ussii on 9.1. Limitations of the Information There are some limitations of the available data that are reflected in the outcomes whenever a structural model is constructed. Some of the main limitations of the available data have already been discussed, and are listed as follows: 1)  Fault logging was inconsistent. For example, the code “F” was assigned to many 1-3m 1-3m intervals, and the

only fault visible was perhaps 5cm in core length. Even though it was only a 5cm fault the entire 3m interval was coded as “F”. This required that the core photos every drill hole be reviewed in order to have confidence in the fault picks. 2)  Core photos were not available for ~25% of the drill holes. This hindered validation of logged faults. faults. 3)  A large area of Ferrobamba in the central south west was covered by a waste rock pile at the time of

mapping. This hindered the confidence of projecting faults in the structural model for this sector.

9.2. Limitations of the interpretation The submitted fault solids are a best fit of the mapping undertaken by the author, the drilling information, and lineaments. It is possible that some “blind” faults may exist that have not been modelled. Also it is possible that the fault orientations and distributions may change in an unexpected manner in the subsurface. It is the opinion of the author that a significant proportion of the mapped faults and those intercepted in drill holes can be accounted for in the current structural model. There are, no doubt, more faults that will be revealed as mining continues. Some perhaps will be en echelon to the major structures presented here, and perhaps some at oblique angles. As the modelling was carried out it was found that there were significant fault rock intercepts that could not be fit to available mapping, and an understanding of their connectivity will be an ongoing effort.

9.3. Significance of the faults with respect to water conductivity It is thought that due to their higher porosity the incohesive fault zones would be more water conductive conductive compared with the surrounding country rock. This was observed as water drips and seeps in a few of the mapped faults. Such flow will probably be more evident as the pit is deepened. It may be reasonable to assume that the longitudinal direction of the faults would be expected to have the highest degree of permeability for ground water flow. This is supported by the distinct contrast between the incohesive fault breccia zones and the adjacent massive wall rock, be it intrusive rock or bedded limestone and marble.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru


Conclusions 1)  Las Bambas faults are of two main types A)  Incohesive fault breccia zones comprised of low-strength matrix supporting wall rock

fragments, discontinuous gouge seams of variable thickness and persistence, smooth walls that form a distinct contact with adjacent jointed wallrock, an envelope of shear fractures that halo the fault zones and perhaps may be scaled proportional to the fault thickness, shear foliation defined by oriented growth of chlorite and sericite as well as flattened and smeared mineral grains and clasts, panels of brecciated and fractured rock. These are brittle structures with a ductile component, as expressed in the development of shear foliation. The degree of development developm ent of shear foliation and ductile fabrics is somewha somewhatt variable for the faults observed in this study. B)  Cohesive shears, which are high strain zones comprised shear foliation defined by oriented

mineral growth and flattened grains, grain rotations, panels of more-massive rock, lineations on the shear planes and intense alteration 2)  Shear fractures and joints are anomalous in the vicinity of the faults, generally within a 1-5m halo. In this halo fault- parallel surfaces dominate, and sets of joints can be found perpendicular to the faults or

at oblique angles. All are chlorite coated, and within the Limestone they tend to have carbonate coatings and local fillings. Widely spaced joint are found outward in Limestone/Marble and intrusive rock mass away from the faults. 3)  Folding at Las Bambas has two dominant orientations and relative ages of development A)  Early NW-SE shallowly plunging overturned anticlines and synclines. These may be related to the early Incaic deformation episode of NE-SW compression B)  Later N-S moderately open upright folds with shallow plunges, to NNE. These are possibly fault related folds developed during left lateral faulting (e.g. FERROBAMBA Fault). Superposition Superpositi on of F2 on F1 produced fold interference, interference, which together with faulting is thought to

have provided a zone of extension and near thePluton respective fault and F2 fold areas. Subhorizontal lateral intrusion distal tointhe Progreso would be localized in this interference scenario. Thus the Cu-Au skarn mineralization appears to be linked to D2 deformation. 4)  A set of 27 incohesive faults has been modelled as wireframe solids based on the mapped fault outcrops and subsurface drilling information. Six of these are considered major faults, based on their interpreted

 persistence, and thicknesse  persistence, thicknesses. s. The largest largest fault fault is GUISELA GUISELA with nominal nominal 12m thicknesses of fault rock. It undulates and has variable dip nominally 80 degrees west to vertical. FERROBAMBA is considered a major fault and dips NNE, rather than SSW as indicated in the Piteau (2009) model. CHAPI_1 to 3 is actually a segmented jogged left stepping fault with strongest fault breccia on the straight segments and less in the jog region. HUANCARANE HUANCARANE Fault is a major N-S structure to the west of the pit. SAIDA Fault is a 3.3m thick major fault with a curved geometry and right lateral normal movement, east block down and south. Many of the other modelled faults may be considered secondary or Inter-ramp faults at this stage. A set of 100m x 100m wireframe plates were constructed for mapped faults that could not be  projected to the available available drilling drilling information. information.

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Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru


R ecom comm menda ndati ti ons 1)  As mining advances it is important to continue to map the 3D fault outcrop outlines and describe the

fault character. This provides the limits of information and the actual measured thickness of the faults. More fault zones can be modelled from this information, and the model should be updated on a regular  basis. 2)  The current cell mapping (Mapeo de Ventana) spreadsheets have been reviewed and the quality of the

data capture is excellent. However, when it comes to continued updating of the structural model for major and secondary fault structures it will be cumbersome and inaccurate without knowing the exact  position and and shape of of the fault outline on the wall exposures. That is, since since only a relative relative position of these is given. Therefore, the fault outcrops should be surveyed, as per in the current study. 3)  Falla GUISELLA and FERROBAMBA along the east and south walls, and their projected intersection are areas of caution with respect to potential multi-bench failure. There are currently no drill holes within 200m of this intersection. Infill geotechnical drilling should be carried out to test for fault rock in this SE corner of the pit. Likewise, the intersection between SAIDA and FERROBAMBA should also  be tested. tested. There are no drill holes for a 400m segment segment of Falla Falla FERROBAMBA FERROBAMBA near near this intersection intersection in the SW corner. There is only one drill hole for SAIDA further north. Infill drilling would help to further test and refine the fault model and provide a better understanding of these caution areas. Numerical modelling (e.g. Itasca FLAC3D or 3DEC) could also help to predict the scale and magnitude of  potential failures (if (if any) in these these areas. areas. 4)  Logging of faults in drill holes needs to include the actual thickness of fault breccia. The actual thickness of fault rock must be explicitly stated in the log. At present “F” is used to denote a fault in a geotechnical logging interval. The coding for that entire interval is fault rock. On review of numerous examples in drill core and core photos it was found that a fault of perhaps 5cm was seen, but the interval of 2.0m or more had this “F” applied. Such logging is not correct, and will give an exaggerated thickness for faults. Also more description of the fault rock needs to be given in the “Commentarios” field. At present this field is very seldom populated with description of fault rock. 5)  More can be done in terms of the set of higher intensity shear fractures and master joints that immediately surround the fault zones. These could be an influence on water inflow and wall stability.

For example, an estimate of the thickness of such envelopes of coplanar shear fractures could be made on a statistically valid population of faults for a wide range of discrete fault breccia thicknesses. If this envelope is scale dependent on the thickness of the fault breccia zone, then a graphical relationship may  be developed. developed. Thus, the wireframe wireframe solids can be easily easily expanded expanded to create create a second second wire wireframe frame element element in the model. This would be the halo of anomalously shear fractured rock for each fault solid. 6)  Complete Televiewer logs should be available at site for all holes that have been surveyed. This should

include the original interpreted WellCAD files, which are generally available from the contractor upon request. This makes it easier to review the fault picks and reprocess the image information information in order to verify or refine the orientation orientation picks. Since acoustic signal is strongly absorbed by fault rock such reprocessing helps to more-clearly define the fault contacts, and to provide robust picked orientations of the walls. This is not possible without the WellCAD data.

- 36 -


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

7)  The current tectonic interpretation can be applied on the regional scale to define target areas for

exploration, based on the intersection of favorable fold and fault structures and favorable host rock exploration, types. The author can see potential in the region for such application. 8)  Paleostress analysis should be carried out for a few synkinematic fault pairs, in order to better

understand the orientations of maximum compressive stress that produced the faults. This will help to further understand the patterns of major and minor structures at Ferrobamba Mine. 9)  Ar/Ar age determination of representative examples of faults at Ferrobamba deposit (perhaps 3) can

help to understand the age of faulting as compared with the intrusion ages. That can enhance the understanding of the controls on the Cu-Au mineralization, and help apply the structural model in the regional scale exploration strategy. JFSGC has significant experience in obtaining meaningful Ar/Ar ages of faults, if the client wishes to undertake this.

Respectfully submitted,

John Fedorowich, Ph.D., P.Geo.  Principal Structural Structural Geologist Geologist John Fedorowich Structural Geology Consulting E-mail:  jfedorowich@jfsgconsulting  [email protected] .com



Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

12.   A ck n owl owled edgg em ements ents I wish to thank the mapping team of Miguel Nunez, and Gisella Martinez Rodriguez for their diligent, safe, and careful work throughout the 2015 field mapping campaign. The 2015 mapping also benefitted from the assistance which was provided intermittently by MMG staff Jorge Sequeiros, Miguel Alarcon, Marino Hanampa, and Oscar Molina. I In 2016 assistance was provided intermittently by David Ojeda (Geotechnical Engineer), Edward Navarro (Geologist) Lucho Estremadoyro (Geotechnical Engineer), and Mateo Jauja (Geologist). The logistical support in 2015 of the Geotechnical Engineers Aldo Del Carpio, Gian Ticona, Luis Tejada, Miguel Garcia and David Ojeda is very much appreciated. In 2016 the logistical support of Dennis Urbina, Miguel Rivero, Rudy Velasquez, and Juan Meza helped greatly.



Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru


R ef er ence ncess C i ted

Brodie, K., Fettes D., Harte, B., and Schmid, R., 2007, Structural terms including fault rock terms. In Recommendations by the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rock www.bgs.ac.uk/scmr/home.html Burg, J.P., 2013, Folds. Structural Geology Lecture series from ETHZ University, http://www.files.ethz.ch/structuralgeology/JPB/files/English/5wrench.pdf  , 21p. Campbell, K.V., 2008, Review of Regional and Site Geology and Selection of Preliminary Structural Domains, Las Bambas Project, Cotabambas and Grau Provinces, Apurímac Department, Peru. Internal Report for Xstrata Copper, 41p. Carlier, G., Lorand, J.-P., Liegeois, J.-P., Fornari, M., Soler, P., Carlotto, V., and Cardenas, J., 2005, Potassic mafic rocks delineate two lithospheric mantle blocks beneath the southern Peruvian Altiplano: Geology, v. 33, p. 601 – 604, 604, doi: 10.1130/G21643.1 Carlotto, V., Quispe, J., Acosta, H., Rodriguez, R., Romero, D., Cerpa, L., Mamani, M., Diaz-Martinez, E.,  Navarro, P., P., Jaimes, Jaimes, F., Velarde, T., Lu, S., S., and Cueva, Cueva, E, 2009, Geotectonic Geotectonic domains domains as as a tool for metallogenic mapping in Peru. Boletin Soc. Geol. Peru, v105, 1 p 1-89. Gotberg, N., McQuarria, N., and Carlotto Caillaux, V., 2010, Comparison of crustal thickening budget and shortening estimates in southern Peru (12-14°S): Implications for mass balance and rotations in the “Bolivian orocline”. GSA Bulletin, v122; no. 5/6, p 727– 742 742 Heap, M.J., Baud, P., Reuschle, T., and Meredith, P.G., 2014, Stylolites in limestones: Barriers to fluid flow? Geology, v. 42; no. 1; p. 51 – 54. 54. Hoek, E., and Deiderichs, M., 1989, Dips, a program for plotting analysis and presentation of structural geology data using spherical projection techniques. University of Toronto, 138p. online version at https://www.rocscience.com/help/dips/webhelp/Dips.htm. https:/ /www.rocscience.com/help/dips/webhelp/Dips.htm. INGEMMET, 2013, Las dataciones radiometricas compiladas para el Peru (Geocronologia, Marzo_2013). ArcGIS database of radiomentric ages.  ages. http://www.ingemmet.gob.pe/mapa-dataciones-radiometricas   Lipa, V., S., 2008, Contexto Estructural del Proyecto Minero Las Bambas (Yacimientos Ferrobamba & Chalcobamba), Internal Report, 50p. Marshak, S., and G. Mitra, 1988, Basic methods of structural geology. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 446p. McClay, K., 1987, The mapping of geological structures. Geological Society of London Handbook, John Wiley and Sons, London, 161p. Meinert, L.D., Dipple, G.M., and Nicolescue, S., 2005, World skarn deposits. Economic Geology 100 th  Anniversary Volume, p 299-336. Peacock, D.C.P, Korneva, I., Nixon, C.W., and Rotevatn, A., 2017. Changes of scaling relationships in an evolving population: The example of “sedimentary” stylolites. Journal of Structural Geology Geo logy v96 p.118133.

- 39 -


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

Pecho, V. (1983) geología de lo cuadrángulos de Chalhuanca, Antabamba y Santo Tomas. Hojas 29-p 29-q y 29-r. Bol. 35, Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional, INGEMMET, Lima, Perú, 96 p. Pecho, V., and Blanco, Z., 1984, Mapa Geologico del Quadrangulo de Santo Tomas, Hoja 29r-IV. Scale 1:50000, Instituto Geologico Minero Y Metalurgico, Metalurgico, Peru (INGEMMET). Perello, J., Carlotto, V., Zarate, A., Ramos, P., Posso, H., Neyra, C., Caballero, A., Fuster, N., and Muhr, R. 2003. Porphyry-style alteration and mineralization of the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene Andahuaylas –   Yauri Belt, Cuzco region, Peru. Economic Geology, 98, 1575 – 1605. 1605. Ramsay, J.G., and Huber, M.J., 1987, The techniques of modern structural geology, Volume 2: Folds and Faults. Academic Press, London, 700p. Reinecker, J., Heidbach, O., Tingay, M., Sperner, B. & Müller, B. (2005): The release 2005 of the World Stress Map (available online at www.world-stress-map.org). Ruiz, G.M., Carlotto, V., Van Heiningen, P.V., and Andriessen, P.A.M., 2009, Steady-state exhumation pattern in the Central Andes –  Andes –  SE  SE Peru. In Peru. In Lisker, F., Ventura, B., and Glassmacher, U.A. (eds) Thermochronological Methods: From Palaeotemperature Constraints to Landscape Evolution Models. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v324, p307-316. Stunitz, H., Keulen, N., Hirose, T., Heilbronner, R., 2010, Grain size distribution and microstructures of experimentally sheared granitoid gouge at coseismic slip rates –  rates –  Criteria  Criteria to distinguish seismic and aseismic faults? Journal of Structural Geology, 32: p59-60. Stilwell, I.R., Hawley, M.P., Holmes, A.T., and Cleary, M.L., 2009. Las Bambas Project Peru, Ferrobamba Deposit –  Deposit  –  Feasibility   Feasibility Study: Feasibility Pit Slope Design and Groundwater Assessment. Internal Report for Xstrata Copper by Piteau Engineering Latin Americas S.A.C., 706p. USBR 1999, Engineering Geology Field Manual Volume 1 Chapter 5, U.S. Terminology and descriptions for discontinuities. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Woodcock, N. H., 1977, Specification of fabric shapes using an eigenvalue method. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v88, 1231 – 1236. 1236.

- 40 -


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 A pp ppendi endi x A :

F er r obam obamba ba S Str tr u ctu cturr al M app appii ng D ata

A.1 Ferrobamba outcrop mapping data A.2 Ferrobamba structural measurements

- 41 -



APPENDIX A.2 Ferrobamba Structural Measurements  _


793606 8442014



128  BED



ov ov Nov 11 20

793988 794050 794070 794157

8441597 8441566 8441553 8441527

4267 4261 4258 4243

103  104  105  106 

129  CONTACT 129  CONTACT 129  BED 129  BED



Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20

40 45 65 50

335  90  265  297 

65 -  180  -  355  -  27 - 

-  -  -  - 

794160 794168 794259 794261 794348

8441528 8441531 8441495 8441495 8441487 8441487

4243 107  4244 108  4242 109.1  4242 109.2  4183 Prev STA

129  FLT 129  BED 129  CONTACT 129  BED STA3?  FLT



Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20 Nov 11 20

70 45 74 35 73

193  160  50  75  140 

283  -  250  -  140  -  165  -  230  - 

-  -  -  -  - 



Nov 12 20 ov ov ov ov Nov 13 20 -  Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 20



269  -  -  -  -  - 

-  -  -  -  - 

18 45 66  78 20 40  45  63

35  150  73  247  224  215  235  223 

125  -  240  -  163  -  337  -  314  -  305  -  325  -  213  - 

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Nov 13 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 ov -  ov ov - 

84 50 43 37 60

182  40  90  103  70 

272  -  130  -  180  -  193  -  160  - 

-  -  -  -  - 


Nov 15 20



75 - 

47 62  55  55 67  48 51  50  60  58  37  15 

131  157  168  177  185  133  120  121  175  170  73  323 

221  -  247  -  258  -  267  -  275  -  223  -  210  -  211  -  265  -  260  -  163  -  53 -  -  -  -  - 

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

793528 8440637



139  FLT .  

793209 793175 793163 793146 793135 793132 793112 793077 793397

8440727 8440671 8440647 8440625 8440604 8440604 8440566 8440506 8440825

3960 3962 3961 3962 3962 3962 3962 3961 3962

.   114.2  115.1  115.2  116  117.1  117.2  118  119  120 

793453 794066 794074 794082 794086

8440806 8440107 8440160 8440199 8440235

3961 3842 3844 3843 3841

121  122  123  124  125 


145  MULLION 146  BED 147  BED 148  BED 149  BED 149  BED 150  BED 151  BED 152  BED



153  FLT? 154  BED 154  BED 154  BED 154  BED



-  -  - 

792980 8441686



141  BED

793019 793088 793125 793170 793228 793302 793357 793356 793392 793448 793626 793822

4209 4207 4201 4202 4201 4198 4196 4196 4195 4196 4185 4187

129  130  131  132  133  134  135.1  135.2  136  137  138  139 

141  BED 157  BED 157  BED 158  BED 158  BED 158  BED 158  BED 158  STY 159  BED 159  BED 160  BED 162.1  BED .   .   .   .  


Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 -  Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 Nov 15 20 ov ov ov ov

167.1  SYNCLINE 167.2  CONTACT 167.2  BED 167.3  CONTACT



Nov 16 20 -  Nov 16 20 Nov 16 20 Nov 16 20

169  BED 169  FLT 182  ANTICLINE 192  BED 193  BED 194  BED 196  BED 196  BED 196  BED



60  50  83  38  45  30 

165  170  196  125  130  153 


Nov 16 20 Nov 16 20 Nov 17 20 -  Nov 18 20 Nov 18 20 Nov 18 20 Nov 18 20 Nov 18 20 Nov 18 20 ov ov ov ov Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20 Nov 19 20

68 65 55 50 70 50 55 34  67 70


Nov 19 19 20 20 Nov

80 38

8441669 8441642 8441623 8441601 8441574 8441610 8441678 8441677 8441706 8441758 8441711 8441600


793295 793307 793306 793309

8440626 8440653 8440651 8440655

3887 3887 3887 3887

143.2  144.1  144.2  145 

793344 793330 793897 793193 793235 793279 792750 792800 792835

8440686 8440675 8439810 8440342 8440405 8440487 8440764 8440778 8440781

3887 3889 3749 3870 3871 3871 4040 4040 4038

146.1  146.2  147  148  149  150  151  152  153 

793831 793851 793944 793981 794017 794059 794124 794171 793540 793459

8441357 8441342 8441264 8441218 8441179 8441130 8441055 8440257 8440540 8440658

4141 4141 4144 4143 4143 4142 4150 3888 3886 3887

158  159  160  161  162  163  164  165  166  167 

198  BED 199  BED 201  BED 201  BED 202  SHRFOL 203  BED 203  BED 204  BED 206  SHRFOL 207  CONTACT

793369 8440692 8440691 793359

3891 3893

168   169

208.1   BED CONTACT 208.2



-  -  77 - 




77 44  86

178  123  142 

268  -  213  -  232  - 

55 75

154  175 

244  -  265 

-  -  -  20  20 

210  188  117  85  215  121  135  92  172  179 

255  -  260  -  286  -  215  -  220  -  243  -  -  -  -  -  300  -  278  -  207  -  175  -  305  -  211  -  225  -  182  -  262  -  269  - 

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

232   130

322   --   220


e ngso om mew at ar t o s eeee eas eas t o y e con con ttac actt e ng east east o y e con contac tactt Bedding in LMT-MBL Contact between Garnet Skarn and foliated MBF to south and Grey LMT to north 1m thick Garnet Skarn between MBF and Grey LMT Bedding in MBL with 1cm crystals Bedding in Dark Grey MBL 0.5m thick Fault Brecciated Skarn with Chrysocolla. HW is very Dark MBL FW is Marble with Chrysocolla. Bedding is diffewrent from HW to FW Bedding in MBL 8m east of FLT Skarn Foliat ed contact between MZB and MBL Bedding near the MZB contact 1.2m thick fault previousl y mapped. Possibl y STA3 hard to read Strong foliation in MZB MZH intrusive. Slip on foliation planes appears to control recent cracks (grietas) on the bench e ng n e ng n rey ea unt at con contac tactt w t e ng n ac 185 Mullions in Black LMT. Possible south plunging fold 5m thick Bedding in FW to Fault Bedding in MBL Bedding in FW to FLT Bedding in FW to FLT Bedding in HW to FLT Bedding in Grey LMT 8m south of FLT STA150 Bedding in Grey LMT at Contact with MZH Bedding in Skarn Looks like a possible Fault breccia zone approx 3m thick. Cant get up to it Bedding in laminat ed Grey and Tan Tan Bedding in FW 20m N of FLT Bedding on East wall Bedding on East wall ync ne n e ng n o rrn n te s oo ott Bedding in Dark Marble coarsely xllne in HW to Fault at STA141 Bedding in Dark Marble coarsely xllne in FW to Fault at STA141 Bedding in Grey LMT Bedding in Grey LMT Bedding in FG Grey MBL with poss flute casts Bedding in HW to small fault Bedding in LMT Bedding in LMT Stylolites parallel to bedding bedding in Grey LMT Bedding in LMT with white layers Bedding in LMT Bedding in LMT Bedding in Black Fissile LMT with water seep ont act e ng p an anes es oo n . op opp p ng st n ncct rreeyte . m t c e e ng n ac wt e ng n ac wt st n ncct rreeyte . m t c e Syncline defined by Black LMT and 1.5m thick Grey-White bed. 251  Axial plane est 088/78S Contact between Black LMT and GSK ~2m thick then MZQ Bedding in Black LMT Contact Skarn with MZQ Bedding in Light Grey MBL 245 S mall fault with 1m Normal Left Left Lateral slip 80  Anticline at interface between GSK and MZB Bedding in Black LMT well laminated Bedding in Black LMT Bedding in Grey LMT Bedding in LMTGREY Bedding in LMTGREY Bedding in Black LMT e ng n ac e ng n rey e ng n rey an . mt c e s e ng n ar rey . - . mt c e s Bedding in Grey Tan MBL 0.3-1.0m massive beds Bedding in Grey MBL Bedding in Light Grey MBL Bedding in White finely laminated MBL Strong shear foliatio n zone 8m thick in MZM dyke Bedding in White MBL Bedding in mottled Grey Tan MBL - LMT Bedding in Grey LMT locally Dark Grey Foliation Zone 2-10cm spaced planes in MZH Contact between ENDO MZH and Garnet Skarn Contact between MBL and GSK Bedding in Grey MBL


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 A pp ppendi endi x B . F er r oba obam mba F aul aultt M od odel el S pr ea eadsh dshee eett

- 91 -



Fault ID



Number Mean True  Average Strike Dip Number of Average Shear ISRM JRC Wireframe WF Dip Length Length of DDH Thickness Fault Sense Strength (m) (m) Intercepts   (m) Dip Outcrops Direction  














Incohesive Major or Confidence Interor Ranking Ramp Cohesive


Seven fault outcrops have good fit with lineament along the river. Appears to be r everse left lateral slip, south block down and east. Modelled fault dips nortth  based on on fit with with 13 DDH fault fault rock intercepts. Mostly Mostly cohesive textures on surface, but incohesive fault  breccia in DDhsand DDhsand incohe incohe

 No fault outcrop outcrop exposures. exposures. A strong lineament lineament and drill hole intercepts of fault rock directly beneath are the main supporting evidence. Bedding appears to be deflected asomewhat on both sides of the lineament. Lineament has a left stepping bend This fault has two fault outcrops ~3.5m thick that align along strike. It is curviplanar as fit to the mapped dips. A lineament extends to the NW coincident with


Falla CHAPI_1













Falla CHAPI_2







Falla CHAPI_3







the uppermost fault outcrop at STA18. Only one drill hole in this area. It has a fault rock interval coincident with the dip projection from surface. Interval is not as strong as on surface, therefore the fault is perhaps weaker at depth? Southernmost segment of Ccomerccacca Lineament. Only one outcrop with 1m thick mod shear foliation. DDH intercepts are good fit. Modelled fault tapers northward since it cannot be passed through FE401253 at 308m Middle segment of Ccomerccacca has an outcrop directly above severa;l fault intercepts, but cunt extend very far down dip. Possibly a bridge segment partly faulted urve au w on y o e s a sou en . Projection to north is based on lineanent reviewed on








Fault is exposed at STA15 where it is a foliated cataclasite 0.65m thick with chrysocolla dipping 80 to 225az. A series of drill holes fit with the 75-80 dip  projection . It may project further further SE. Cannot Cannot tell if it cuts FLT_RITA or vice versa








Three fault outcrops align and have consistent dip. 6 DDHs down dip of STA13 40 and 44. Is cut by FLT_4 at west end. Down dip cant tell if GUISELA Fault cuts SANDY or vis versa








FLT_3 is 0.65m at STA14 in a Garnet Skarn unit appears to be similar timing or slightly later as compared with a magmatic breccia dyke and a mesoscale fold in FW. Appears to be important for Cu mineralization. Projects down dip to a 3.5m thick FB and broken zone








Strong fault in gully lines up with 3 DDHs. Does not  project as a lineament lineament west west of Quebrada Challaque Challaque,, therefore it was trimmed to GUISELA









Start with 1.2m thick fault outcrop mapped at STA72 which aligns with a lineament. Down dip this fault is intersected by 15 drill holes. It is possibly cut by Ferrobamba Fault









Start with 3 fault outcrops that align. Project downdip to several fault intercepts in DDHs. Curved and undulating. Tapers up to the NW









Start with distinct 1.5m thick shear at 283az, MZB-Skarn contact STA26. In outcrop it dips 46 to but at the south end appears to steepen to 60 dip to 277az Good fit with 8 drill holes












































Start with STA28, 3m thick fault breccia. Projects downdip to series of DDHs. Cant fit it reasonably through FE40475-9. Therefore stopped short of that DDH Start with STA30 fault breccia outcrop 1.4m thick 85 dip to 343az. Projects at 82 dip to 3 DDHs Start with 2m thick fault breccia at STA52 that  projects downdip downdip to a series series of DDHs. DDHs. Can Cantt pass FE40550-9 Start with STA7 0.8m thick fault breccia dipping 90 to 210. A 235m long lineament is parallel to this fault outcrop. Fit to 7 ddhs. Drilling is sparse at the west end

Start with strong Cu mineralized fault breccia zone at STA24. Downdip fits with FE40450-7 and FE40350-5 on same section but cannot project further along strike and downdip therefore stopped as teriangle shape

Start with fault outcrops STA41 and STA43 which align and have similar dip and dip direction. This  projects downdip downdip to FE41300-1 FE41300-1 4m thick zone zone logged logged as "F". No core photos available. This fault is  projected as curviplanar curviplanar to fit the mapped mapped dips and DDH intercept




Start with mapped fault at STA53 STA54 STA56, STA61, STA66 STA125, and STA126 All of these fault outcrops are on or very near the lineament that runs along the river   This is a near-vertical fault with 0.6 to 2.35m thickness.  thickness.  It has strong shear foliation and local brecciation, and in a few outcrops would be best characterized as a foliated cataclasite. Some of the outcrops have fault breccia, but intact rock. At STA61 there are N-S faults that apparently cut the EW faults  faults  Fault Outcrops  Outcrops 

XP 792655.8868 792595.2474 792658.9124 793651.3831 793650.748 792876.9904 792856.4363

YP ZP PTN 8439908 3813.079 8439912 3807.096 8439901 3810.179 8439537 3765.417 8439537 3765.546 8439809 3806.515 8439812 3804.4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PVALUE LSTYLE SYMBOL COLOUR GROUP 55 1001 201 36 7 56 1001 201 36 7 58 1001 201 36 7 63 1001 201 36 7 69 1001 201 36 7 137 1001 201 36 138 1001 201 36 -

Drill Hole Intercepts  Intercepts   BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT FE39475-1 534.8 536.35 1.55 FLF FE39475-1 534.8 536.35 1.55 F FE39475-1 536.35 536.7 0.35 F FE39475-1 534.8 536.7 1.9 FE39475-1 536.7 538.4 1.7 F FE39475-1 536.7 538.35 1.65 FE39475-1 538.35 538.4 0.05 FLZ FE39475-1 538.4 540 1.6 FLZ FE39475-1 538.4 540 1.6 FE39475-1 540 540.35 0.35 FLZ FE39475-1 538.4 540 1.6 F FE39475-1 540 540.35 0.35 F FE39600-4 238 238.1 0.1 FLZ FE39600-4 238.1 240 1.9 FLZ FE39600-4 238.1 240 1.9 F FE39600-4 240 240.4 0.4 F FE39600-4 240 240.4 0.4 FLZ FE39600-4 240.4 241.9 1.5 FLZ FE39600-4 240.4 241.9 1.5 F FE39550-7 300 301.2 1.2 FLZ FE39550-7 301.2 302.05 0.85 FLZ FE39550-7 301.2 302.05 0.85 F FE39450-1 587.55 589 1.45 F FE39450-1 589 590.5 1.5 FRC FE39450-1 589 590.5 1.5 F FE39450-1 590.5 592 1.5 F FE39450-1 592 593.7 1.7 FRC FE39450-1 592 593.7 1.7 F FE39550-3 126.55 128.15 1.6 F FE39550-3 126.55 128.15 1.6 FLF FE39550-3 128.15 128.6 0.45 FLF FE39550-3 128.15 128.6 0.45 F FE39550-3 128.6 130.7 2.1 F FE39550-3 128.6 130.7 2.1 FLF FE39500-1 45.15 46 0.85 FLF FE39500-1 45.15 46 0.85 F FE39500-1 46 47.8 1.8 F FE39500-1 46 47.8 1.8 FLG FE39500-1 47.8 48 0.2 FLG FE39500-1 47.8 48 0.2 F FE39500-1 48 49.45 1.45 F FE39500-1 48 49.45 1.45 FLF FE39500-1 49.45 50 0.55 FLF FE39500-1 49.45 50 0.55 F FE39500-1 50 52.45 2.45 F FE39500-1 50 51.2 1.2 FLF FE39425-1 296.8 298.4 1.6 F FE39425-1 296.8 298.4 1.6 FLZ FE39425-1 298.4 299 0.6 FLZ FE39425-1 298.4 299 0.6 F FE39425-1 299 300.4 1.4 F FE39425-1 299 300.4 1.4 FLZ FE39350-1 369.9 370.55 0.65 F FE39350-1 369.9 370.55 0.65 FE39350-1 370.55 371.4 0.85 F FE39350-1 370.55 371.25 0.7 FE39350-1 371.25 371.4 0.15 FLZ

FE39350-1 FE39350-1 FE39350-1 FE39650-10 FE39650-10 FE39650-10 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39750-11 FE39600-1

371.4 371.4 372.85 291.35 291.6 291.6 680.2 682.65 684.45 686.65 688.75 691.25 601.9 601.9 602 602 603.9 603.9 604 608.7

372.85 372.85 373.25 291.6 293.25 293.25 682.65 684.45 686.65 688.75 691.25 695.1 602 602 603.9 603.9 604 604 605.9 609.35

1.45 FLZ 1.45 0.4 FLZ 0.25 FLT 1.65 FLT 1.65 F 2.1 1.8 2.2 2.1 2.5 3.85 0.1 FLG 0.1 F 1.9 F 1.9 FRC 0.1 FRC 0.1 F 1.9 F 1.65 FLZ



X Y Z A0 B0 C0 793471.896 8439690 3380.246 40.60126 56.90000001 793471.896 8439690 3380.246 40.60126 56.90000001 793472.234 8439690 3379.45 40.6002 56.9 793471.958 8439690 3380.099 40.60107 56.90000001 793472.598 8439691 3378.591 40.59335 56.90000051 793472.589 8439690 3378.612 40.59355 56.9000005 793472.891 8439691 3377.9 40.5869 56.90000066 793473.184 8439691 3377.209 40.58045 56.90000049 793473.184 8439691 3377.209 40.58045 56.90000049 793473.53 8439692 3376.392 40.5687 56.90000095 793473.184 8439691 3377.209 40.58045 56.90000049 793473.53 8439692 3376.392 40.5687 56.90000095 793397.463 8439692 3581.52 34.88516 60.60953128 793397.744 8439692 3580.649 34.89277 60.62413083 793397.744 8439692 3580.649 34.89277 60.62413083 793398.066 8439693 3579.647 34.89486 60.63260236 793398.066 8439693 3579.647 34.89486 60.63260236 793398.333 8439693 3578.819 34.87047 60.60696086 793398.333 8439693 3578.819 34.87047 60.60696086 793531.176 8439668 3531.333 35.962 60.00200006 793531.477 8439668 3530.446 35.96542 60.00541676 793531.477 8439668 3530.446 35.96542 60.00541676 793530.84 8439655 3307.623 36.76724 62.10690204 793531.253 8439655 3306.319 36.7525 62.10100043 793531.253 8439655 3306.319 36.7525 62.10100043 793531.673 8439656 3304.994 36.76 62.10250108 793532.121 8439657 3303.579 36.7728 62.10570142 793532.121 8439657 3303.579 36.7728 62.10570142 793579.697 8439604 3664.148 35.21339 60.41212697 793579.697 8439604 3664.148 35.21339 60.41212697 793579.989 8439604 3663.257 35.08701 60.3984179 793579.989 8439604 3663.257 35.08701 60.3984179 793580.35 8439605 3662.148 34.95359 60.37704307 793580.35 8439605 3662.148 34.95359 60.37704307 793692.23 8439525 3729.722 35.59434 60.42753311 793692.23 8439525 3729.722 35.59434 60.42753311 793692.609 8439525 3728.569 35.48852 60.56005017 793692.609 609 8439525 3728.569 35.48852 60.56005017 793692.894 8439526 3727.697 35.40807 60.66000702 793692.894 8439526 3727.697 35.40807 60.66000702 793693.128 8439526 3726.978 35.43164 60.59751174 793693.128 8439526 3726.978 35.43164 60.59751174 793693.413 8439527 3726.108 35.47504 60.49751538 793693.413 8439527 3726.108 35.47504 60.49751538 793693.843 8439527 3724.803 35.50467 60.38727985 793693.664 8439527 3725.346 35.51281 60.41000715 793730.689 8439540 3514.431 36.63868 64.89643021 793730.689 8439540 3514.431 36.63868 64.89643021 793730.968 8439540 3513.435 36.6805 64.91182331 793730.968 8439540 3513.435 36.6805 64.91182331 793731.221 8439541 3512.529 36.71857 64.92580684 793731.221 8439541 3512.529 36.71857 64.92580684 793737.681 8439499 3485.17 41.59972 56.82215678 793737.681 8439499 3485.17 41.59972 56.82215678 793737.953 8439500 3484.542 41.59909 56.81582628 793737.926 8439500 3484.605 41.59915 56.81645933 793738.08 8439500 3484.249 41.59879 56.81287204 793738.371 793738.371 793738.707 793365.142 793365.417 793365.417 793362.848 793363.56 793364.29 793365.075 793365.916 793367.077 793191.082 793191.082 793191.289 793191.289 793191.496 793191.496 793191.701 793165.82

8439500 8439500 8439501 8439761 8439762 8439762 8439889 8439889 8439890 8439891 8439892 8439893 8439907 8439907 8439907 8439907 8439907 8439907 8439908 8439845

3483.579 3483.579 3482.805 3530.271 3529.451 3529.451 3213.198 3211.503 3209.764 3207.895 3205.895 3203.135 3221.183 3221.183 3220.233 3220.233 3219.284 3219.284 3218.334 3306.31

41.59811 41.59811 41.59291 35.09424 35.06263 35.06263 47.57 47.6025 47.641 47.68166 47.72 47.78292 41.40742 41.40742 41.19083 41.19083 41.14234 41.14234 41.10236 33.6

56.8061195 56.8061195 56.80000109 59.67850502 59.73550947 59.73550947 60.3800015 60.3800012 60.38000337 60.38233501 60.39 60.39000051 71.68375021 71.68375021 71.68018469 71.68018469 71.75917465 71.75917465 71.84250855 61.54650952

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

86 88 90 80 82 87 85

STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_STPERSIST_SHEAR_SHW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERAL 106 196 40 266 2.3 3 15 RLL MBF2 MBF2 0293 33 0 293 0.85 3 10 LL MBF MBF 0296 26 25 296 1.35 3 25 LLN MBF MZQ 0116 206 67 280 0.6 4 18 RLL MZB MZB 1340 70 0.15 3 5 LL 107 197 67 230 1.35 3 15 RLL MBF MBF 1290 20 60 311 0.44 1 5 MBF MBF 30 AVG 3  3 

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 665.45 2005-2010 1.9 0 MZ 665.45 2005-2010665.45 2005-2010 1.9 0 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.9 38 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.7 -1 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.7 27 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.7 27 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.6 -1 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.6 28 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 1.55 0 MZ 665.45 2005-2010665.45 2005-2010407.5 2015 407.5 2015 2.2 60 MBF 407.5 2015 407.5 2015 2.2 60 MBF 407.5 2015 407.5 2015 1.5 50 MBF 407.5 2015 1006 2014 1006 2014 3 27 MBF 1006 2014 730.6 2015 730.6 2015 2.7 84 MZH 730.6 2015 730.6 2015 2.7 84 MZH 730.6 2015 1.6 34 MZH 730.6 2015 720.8 2015 1.5 70 MBF 720.8 2015 720.8 2015 2.15 35 MBF 720.8 2015 720.8 2015 2.15 35 MBF 720.8 2015 523.2 2015 2.65 50 MZB 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 2.65 50 MZB 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 1.65 40 MZB 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 1.65 40 MZB 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 2 34 MZB 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 2 34 MZB 523.2 2015 528.4 2015 1.5 45 MZB 528.4 2015 528.4 2015 2 50 MZB 528.4 2015 528.4 2015 2 50 MZB 528.4 2015 452.3 2005-2010 0.6 0 MZ 452.3 2005-2010 0.6 12 MZ 452.3 2005-2010 0.75 0 MZ 452.3 2005-2010 0.75 15 MZ 452.3 2005-2010 0.75 15 MZ 452.3 2005-2010 452.3 2005-2010 452.3 2005-2010 602.4 2015 602.4 2015 602.4 2015 791.65 2014 791.65 2014 791.65 2014 791.65 2014 791.65 2014 791.65 2014 645 2015 645 2015 645 2015 645 2015 645 2015 645 2015 645 2015 652.8 2005-2010

1.45 1.45 1.3 -

7.5 15 7.5 -

90 MBF -

2.1 1.7 1.25 2.1 1.55 1.75 1.8 -





35 MZB 33 MZ

100 94.44 56.82 100 62 45.45 90


35 MZB -





1.95 3.15


2 2 1 1 2 1 1100

90 MZB


100 100 100

1800 -

18 PSK 25 PSK 35 MZH 42 MZH 30 MZH 38 MZH 90 MZB


MAPPER DATE JSF July 14 2015 JSF July 14 2015 JSF July 14 2015 JSF July 14 2015 JSF July 14 2015 JSF Apr 25 2015 JSF Apr 25 2015

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP 75 100 0 0 37 50 JF core photos show very rubbly zone with 1.87 1.87   -  75 100 0 0 37 -  189 100 -  15 100 22 -1 -1 -  133 100 21.76 --  133 100 21.76 40 -  75 100 14 -1 -1 40 -  138 100 13.75 --  3.5 100 48 0 52 40 -  -  -  25 JF Core Photos show Major Fault Zone ve 1.01 1.01   2200 95.65 0 26.09 17 25 -  -  2200 95.65 0 26.09 17 -  15 -  1500 100 0 33.33 17 15 -  -  Core photos show FB ~25 and badly broke 1.5 1.5   400 96.77 50 8.71 29 -  -  Core photos show FB ~20% and badly bro 2.5 2.5   265 90 27 28 28 40 -  -  265 90 27 28 28 -  1600 94.12 0 20 15 60 -  -  740 93.75 7 43.75 17 Core photos show FB ~30% and badly bro 1.52  1.52  15 -  1300 84.31 18 13.73 22 15 -  -  1300 84.31 18 13.73 22 -  10 -  1500 100 0 18.87 18 50 Core photos show FB ~30% and badly bro 3.5 3.5   -  1500 100 0 18.87 18 -  50 -  1600 100 9 24.24 18 50 -  -  1600 100 9 24.24 18 -  50 -  1150 66.67 13 11.33 23 50 -  -  1150 66.67 13 11.33 23 -  50 -  1500 93.75 0 28.13 18 JF core photos show rubblybroken section 1.69 1.69   5-  2000 100 0 25 16 5-  -  2000 100 0 25 16 -  15 -  7.5 92.31 0 0 40 No core photos 2.01 2.01   59 92 -  7.5 88.24 0 0 40 -  70 88 -  70 88 30 - 

0 MZ 17 MZ 0 MZ




500 70

97.5 100

23 22.76 18 17 49 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 46.03 -


45 -




21 -

8.57 13.89 15.91 20 12 9.87 45 45

40 35 38 35 38 36 19 19 -

17.5 17.5

19 19 -


30 30 50 50 -  -  40 -  -  60 -  60 -  -  -  15 -

-  -  -  JF core photos show FB ~20% and badly b

0.22 0.22  

JF core photos show FB ~20% and badly b -  -  -  -  -  JF core photos show intervals of FB ~15%

1.48 1.48  

JF core photos show FB ~20% at low core

1.3 1.3  

0.4 0.4  


BHID FE39600-1  FE39600-1  FE39600-1   FE39600-1 FE39600-1   FE39600-1 FE39600-1   FE39600-1 FE39600-1   FE39600-1 FE39600-1   FE39600-1 FE39400-2   FE39400-2 FE39400-2   FE39400-2 FE39400-2  FE39400-2  FE39400-2   FE39400-2

FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X 609.35 609.7 0.35 FLZ FLZ   793166.084 609.35 609.7 0.35 F F   793166.084 609.7 612.5 2.8 F F   793166.498 609.35 609.7 0.35  0.35   793166.084 609.7 611.7 2 FLZ  FLZ  793166.393 611.7 613.1 0.8  0.8  793166.762 329 330.1 1.1 FLZ  FLZ  793645.129 330.1 331 0.9 FLZ  FLZ  793645.424 330.1 331 331  

331 331.5

0.9 F F   0.5 F F  

Y Z 8439845  8439845  3305.43 8439845  8439845  3305.43 8439846  8439846  3304.045 8439845  8439845  3305.43 8439846  8439846  3304.397 8439846  8439846  3303.166 8439532  8439532  3516.872 8439532  8439532  3516.018

A0 B0 C0 33.59997  33.59997  61.56486667 61.56486667   33.59997  33.59997  61.56486667 61.56486667   33.59972  33.59972  61.58346667 61.58346667   33.59997  33.59997  61.56486667 61.56486667   33.59979  33.59979  61.57874286 61.57874286   33.59956  33.59956  61.59527619 61.59527619   34.66858  34.66858  58.65351789 58.65351789   34.67291  34.67291  58.69018542 58.69018542  

793645.424 8439532  8439532  3516.018 34.67291  34.67291  58.69018542 58.69018542   793645.705 8439533  8439533  3515.206 34.72986  34.72986  58.72503136  58.72503136 

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 652.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  3.15 0 MZ MZ   652.8 2005-2010 -  -  652.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  3.15 0 MZ MZ   652.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  3.15 25 MZ MZ   652.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  3.15 25 MZ MZ   652.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  3.15 25 MZ MZ   850 2015 -  850 2015  2015  1.9 40 MZB MZB   850 850

2015 -  2015   2015



40 MZB MZB  

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 75 100 51 0 52 75 100 51 0  52 75 100 51.43 --   75 100 51.43 --   75 100 51.43 --   -  400 100 21 21.05  21.05  17 -






21.05  21.05 


17 -

DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP  15 -  -  -  -  -  20 -  -  35 Core photos show FB ~30% and rubble wi 1.32 1.32   35 -  -  -  1.563077 Mean True Thickness  Thickness  

ConfidenceRanking  Ranking  Count  Count  Fault Outcrop  Outcrop  More than 1 Fault Outc  Outc   Lineament present with  with  Drill hole fault rock int   More than 1 Drill hole  hole  Distance Between Data  Data 

2 1 1 2 1 1 8

FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS COMMENTS   3813.079 2.3m thick shear in Ferrobamba fault area good left lateral reverse movementgood S-C foliatio  foliatio  3807.096 0.85m thick shear in MBF looks left lateral strike slip slip   3810.179 1.35m thick shear at contact MZQ to south MBF to north folds at west end plunge 38 to 290 la  la  3765.417 0.6m thick shear and cataclasitelooks reverse left lateral 2nd exposure 15m east  east  3765.546 0.15m thick fault shear left lateral movement  3812 1.35m thick shear with local brecciation Note open hole trench/aditReverse left lateral S-C an  an  3804.4 0.44m thick fault with approx 30% FB rubbly roadcut  roadcut 



Falla GUISELA  GUISELA  Start with strong lineament along Quebrada Challaque    No exposures were available on su rface, only drill hole intercepts   On the 3D draped orthophoto Bedding or Lamination in MBL/LMT appears to be disrupted by this feature. That is different orientations on both sides. FBGT07-4 has a 36m core length intercept of rubbly fault rock, but ATV data only below it    Note that there does not appear to be any significant offset of rock units by this fault in the current geolog y map   At the south end the main controlling intercept is FE39575-4, which gives an 80 degree dip when lined up in section with the lineament. Left stepping jogs are suggestive of Left Lateral movement   BHID  FE39575-4   FE39675-2   FE39750-5   FE39650-5   FBGT07-4   FE40275-3   FE40275-3  

FROM   LENGTH STRUCT  X Z  A0  B0  C0  TO Y 11.45 FLZ  319.4 332.85 793900.74 8439622 3488.373   77.58768 59.63454 7.95 FLZ  158.05 166 793930.25 8439704 3671.218   73.92577 62.76075 155.6   6.85 FLZ  148.75 793938.98 8439785 3698.157   62.26369 60.32055 334.4 349.45   15.05 FLZ  793901.73 8439799 3499.722   35.9 59.60055 112.2   35.95 FLZ  76.25 794048.54 8440024 3779.327   90.6325 59.30006 241.45   2.75 FLT  238.7 794197.49 8440376 3705.789   44.2 59.5 241.45   FLT  238.7

0  0  0  0  0  0 

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 326.125 2005-2010 162.025 2005-2010  152.175 2005-2010  341.925 2005-2010  15.05 0 BX  94.225 2007  MZB   32.82 241.15 2005-2010 -  -


0  -

99.7 91.3 -

FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha   -

87.935 8.27 -

0  22.81 -

73.45  -

DIPDIRN COMMENTS  THICKNEDIP  282 Good fit with Challaque lin   5.97  78 283 Core photos show badly bro   4.42  78 281 Includes logged FLZ Fault   3.65  78 285.7 Includes logged FLZ Fault   4.75  83 279 Core photos show rubbly zo   22.59  79.31 25  292 Logged fault, no core photo   15.7  85.6 30 

Many holes that stopped just before GUISELA fault Wireframe    Note that FE39725-1 has strong SHR fol and Brec cia from 266.3 to 282.5 but is just at the edge of the modelled WF. May possibly be included also    Note that FE40050-5 has intervals of strong foliation intact rock and strong foliation foliation and brecciation at EOH from 229.4-230.15. This is just short of the FLT WF  Note that FE40250-11 does no t have fault rock near EOH therefore does not go thru Challaque Flt, Some foliated and mod bxd sections    Note FE40200-7 ends just before the fault. Logged a s FRC - no core photos to verify, no geotech logg ing   Confidence Rank Count   Fault Outcrop  More than 1 Faul   Lineament presen  Drill hole fault ro   More than 1 Drill  Distance between 

0  0  1  2  1  1 Good cluster of intercep ts in central portion. Perhaps the WF should be categorized by two parts. That part with the DDH intercepts, and the long portion to the north without any DDHs  


Falla SAIDA Start with two fault outcrops STA18 and STA19, that have similar thickness and character, and appear to connect along strike Dip of the fault at STA18 is 65 to 050az and at STA19 is 83 to 104az. Therefore to connect the two the fault would be curved A lineament extends upslope to the NW from STA18 Only one drill hole is in this area, CPGT-15-05. It has a few ~3m core length intervals of fault rock. One of these from 317.3-320.3 was picked as best fit for the modelled fault


YP 792576.3991 792612.7908 792560.5076

BHID CPGT-15-05 CPGT-15-05

Confidence Ranking Fault Outcrop More than 1 Fault O Lineament present w Drill hole fault rock More than 1 Drill ho Distance Between D

ZP PTN 8440486.665 3963.248 8440320.207 3879.55 8439927.452 3807.378

1 1 1

PVALUE LSTYLE SYMBOL COLOUR GROUP STA_ID 19 1001 201 36 3 STA18 20 1001 201 36 3 STA19 57 1001 201 36 7 STA55

FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y 792684.1459 8440460 3642.349 1.5 10.1122 87.22242 792684.1553 8440460 3641.25 0.7 10.01172 87.20975

Count 2 1 1 2 0 0 6


A0 0 0

B0 317.3 319.3


319.3 320.3

451 451

65 83 80


DEPTH_mYEAR 2015 2015

2 1

LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 15 -1 100 -1 10 -1 3 1 100 19 4.29 50 -

ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV JSF July 10 20 CALETA 3963.248 JSF July 10 20 CALETA 3879.55 JSF July 14 20 3807.378

DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP 1 Core photos show badly broken sec 0.58 1



Start with shear mapped at STA4, which is immediately adjacent to a jog in the lineament along a quebrada Shear foliation in this outcrop is parallel to the jog in the lineament. Therefore it appears that the lineament maybe a fault. To the south 90mand on the other side ofthe lineament is an outcrop of1m thick shear foliation Down dip ofthis is fault rock in a series of holes, but cannot pass entirelythru on the lineament trace Also down dip persistence is not good (many drillholes). Seems to be a discontinuous en echelon bridged fauklt. Bridges are intact, locallyfaulted CHAPI_1 cannot be passed through FE40125-3 therefore it is tapered northard in the model Fault Outcrops

XP 793439.803 793397.775 793405.252

YP 8440488 8440593 8440677

ZP PTN 3893.879 3907.412 3923.106

1 1 1


87 70 60



MINERAL LocalChrysocolla dev within intenseshear planes Patches Malachite Azurite Chrysocolla localBornite-Qtz vlts

ALTERATMAPPER Limonite JSF Sialteratio JSF Sialteratio JSF

DATE July 8 2015 July 8 2015 July 8 2015

FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS 3893.879 Lens 1.0mof shear foliatio n and Intact MZH not a strong fault somewhat ambiguous movement 3907.412 0.8mthick shear with good left lateralstrike slip indicatorsbut hard to see lineation on shear pl Ccomercc 3923.1062 to 5mthick shear with strong Cu mineralization (Green Wall) has localdowndip fault plane li

DDH Fault Intercepts

BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X FEGT-15-05 84.9 87 2.1 FLT 793321.2 FEGT-15-05 84. 8 85.5 0.7 FLT 793320.8 FEGT-15-05 85.5 86.8 1.3 FLT 793321.2 FEGT-15-05 86. 8 87 0.2 FLT 793321.4 FEGT-15-04 239.2 242.7 FLT 793306.8 FEGT-15-04 239.6 241.6 2 793307.4 FEGT-15-04 241.6 242.7 1.1 793306.8 FE40850-8 133 135 2 FLZ 793253.2 FE40850-8 133 135 2 FLZ 793253. 2 FE40850-2 29 31.25 2.25 FLT 793366.7 FE40850-2 31.75 33.75 2 BED 793276.9 FEGT-15-06 183.4 187.1 3.7 FLT FEGT-15-06 183.4 183.9 0.5 793449.9 FEGT-15-06 183.9 184.7 0.8 793450.2 FEGT-15-06 184.7 185.3 0.6 793450.6 FEGT-15-06 185.3 186.5 1.2 793451 FEGT-15-06 186.5 187.9 1.4 793451.7 FE39625-3 671.35 678.65 7.3 FLZ FE39625-3 669.35 672 2.65 793358.9 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39625-3 FE39775-1 FE39775-1 FE39925-8 FE39925-8 FE39925-8 FE39925-8 FE39925-8 FE40075-13 FE40075-13 FE40075-13 FE40075-13 FE40075-13 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40050-11 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40125-4 FE40300-1 FE40300-1 FE40175-7 FE40175-7 FE40175-7 FE40175-7 FE39950-4 FE39950-4

672 673.55 675.1 677 .1 214.45 221.45 215 215.6 215.6 217.1 217.1 53.4 51.55 51.55 53.65 53.65 338.3 336.6 338.6 338.65 338.65 340.35 338.65 340.35 340.6 340.35 340.6 340.85 340.85 341.55 170.4 170.4 172.25 174.1 175.95 177.8 179.65 181.5 119.2 119.2 189.95 189.95 190.25 189.95 449.65 450.45

673.55 675.1 677.1 680.55 222.2 223.45 220.2 217.1 217.1 220.2 220.2 54.8 53.65 53.65 56.7 54.8 341.85 338.6 338.65 340.35 340.35 340.6 340.35 340.6 340.85 340.6 340.85 341.55 341.55 342.6 183.35 172.25 174.1 175.95 177.8 179.65 181.5 183.35 121.2 121.2 190.95 190.25 190.95 190.95 451.3 452.35

1.55 1.55 2 3.45 7.75 FLZ 2 FLG 5.2 FLT 1.5 F 1.5 3.1 F 3.1 1.4 FLT 2.1 2.1 3.05 F 1.15 3.55 FLZ 2 FRC 0.0 5 FLZ 1.7 FLZ 1.7 0.25 FLZ 1.7 F 0.25 F 0.2 5 F 0.25 0.2 5 FLZ 0.7 FLZ 0.7 1.05 FLZ 12.95 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 1.85 FLZ 2 FLF 2 FLF 1 FLT 0.3 0.7 TBX 1 FLT 1.65 FLT 1.9 CON

At STA5, projects to Quebrada 18m immediately SW. FE40625-11 73.45 74.9 FLT FE40625-11 73.35 73.65 0.3 FLT? FE40625-11 72.2 73.65 1.45 FE40625-11 73.65 74.9 1.25 FLT? FE40625-11 73.65 74.9 1.25 FE40600-12 170.45 175.7 F

Y Z A0 8441087 3926.167 133.1623 8441088 3927.053 133.1603 8441087 3926.167 133.1623 8441087 3925.502 133.1638 8441268 3839.836 300.0171 8441267 3841.194 300.048 8441268 3839.836 300.0171 8440919 3837.395 350.5923 8440919 3837.395 350.5923 8440870 3939.313 35.27881 8440863 3925.619 50

B0 C0 62.4123 62.4103 62.4123 62.4138 61.23301 61.202 61.23301 61.13254 61.13254 60.26502 62.26506

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 300 2015 1.1 22 MZ 300 2015 2 18 300 2015 1.1 22 300 2015 1.6 10 299.4 2015 1.1 25 MZ 299.4 2015 2 17 299.4 2015 1.1 25 345.3 2005-2010 345.3 2005-2010 320.95 2005-2010 299.6 2005-2010 -

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 2 84. 62 0 16. 92 32 2 95.24 38 8.57 45 2 84.62 0 16.92 32 1 94.12 74 5.88 55 200 100 0 22.73 -1 2 100 25 8.5 43 200 100 0 22.73 -1 -

DIPDIRN 40 40 -


60 -

COMMENTS THICKNE DIP JF core photos show badly broken zone with shear fol and gritty lineated s 1.65

Core photos show badly broken section with 30cm FB in centre some FPL visible on shear surfaces No core photos Fault zone logged


JF core photos show FB and badly broken interval with shear foliatio n -




JF core photos show badly broken intervalwith thin seams ofFB? and intense scalalteration manysufaces 20ca some lineated 8440310 8440310 8440311 8440311 8440311

3764.964 3764.409 3763.811 3763.042 3761.932

78.19463 58.68985 78.19723 58.6827 78.20003 58.675 78.20363 58.6651 78.20883 58.6508

0 0 0 0 0

480.2 480.2 480.2 480.2 480.2

2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

0.44 0.8 0.6 1.2 1.4

5 5 7 10 2

1 2 1 1 1

88 100 100 100 100

0 41 17 41 83

10 6.25 11.67 8.33 1.43

35 37 35 42 69


JF core photos show rubblysilicified sction with traces ofFB 1 Drill ho >1 Drill ho 1  0  Distance B Distance B 7  4  CHAPI_3 has large portion to the northwith verysparse to no information. Onlyprojected on the lineament. Therefore confidence is variable for various portions 1  0  1  1  2  1  6 


FLT_LA VIRGEN Start with STA15 FLT within MBF, which is mineralized with Chrysocolla. It projects downdip in a series of holes, some 2 holes per section. Fault is somewhat undulating, not planar.  Note that it may continue towest, but FLT_SANDY on the west side of FLT_CHAPI is well mapped witth h a 67-70 degree north east dip. Therefore stopped Cannot tell if it cuts FLT_RITA or vice versa Fault Outcrops XP YP ZP PTN PVALUE LSTYLE SYMBOL COLOUR GROUP STA_ID STRUCTUDIP STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPT HICKNEISRM_ ST PERSIST_ SHEAR_S HW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERAL 792959.4426 8440248 3919.507 1 16 1001 201 36 3 STA15 FAULT 80 135 225 30 330 0.65 4 15 RLL MBF MBF 5 Chrysocolla STA14? possibly include if DDH info supports it. Dip is 85 to NNW at STA85 (perhaps undulation?) Possibly STA14 may also terminate FLT_1 DDH Fault intercepts BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 B0 C0 FE40075-15 246.1 248.55 2.45 FLT 792927.2 8440181 3624.786 34 59.45669 FE40175-9 47.55 48.5 0.95 F 792978 8440184 3852.748 35.1 64.07876 FE40175-9 47.55 48.5 0.95 792978 8440184 3852.748 35.1 64.07876 FE40175-9 48.5 49.15 0.65 792978.2 8440185 3852.029 35.09976 64.0833 FE40175-9 48.5 49.15 0.65 792978.2 8440185 3852.029 35.09976 64.0833

FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40175-9 FE40150-6 FE40150-6 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40075-17 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6

49.15 49.15 50 50 50.65 50.65 51.85 64.65 64.65 223.1 223.1 223.1 224.6 224.85 224.6 225.2 225.2 226.3 226.3 30.6 30.6 30.6

50 50 50.65 50.65 51.85 51.85 52.75 66.25 66.25 226.4 224.6 224.6 224.85 225.2 225.2 226.3 226.3 226.9 226.9 37.4 31.75 31.75

0.85 0.85 0.65 F 0.65 1.2 F 1.2 0.9 F

792978.4 792978.4 792978.6 792978.6 792978.8 792978.8 792979.1

8440185 8440185 8440185 8440185 8440186 8440186 8440186

3851.354 3851.354 3850.68 3850.68 3849.848 3849.848 3848.903

35.0992 35.0992 35.09864 35.09864 35.09795 35.09795 35.08866

64.0833 64.0833 64.0833 64.0833 64.0833 64.0833 64.0833

0 0 0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCo LITHO 310.65 2005-2010 1.3 20 MZ 284.6 2005-2010 0.75 16 MZ 284.6 2005-2010 0.75 16 MZ 284.6 2005-2010 0.55 11 MZ 284.6 2005-2010 0.55 11 MZ

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010 284.6 2005-2010

0.55 0.55 0.65 0.65 1.2 1.2 0.9


235.15 2005-2010 -

59.92303 59.92303 59.9499 59.95912 59.95528 59.98138 59.98138 60.00749 60.00749

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010 383.5 2005-2010

1.35 1.35 0.55 55 0.55 0.55 1.1 1.1 0.55 0.55

14 14 2 2 2 10 10 12 12

34.6999 65.24011 34.6999 65.24011

0 0

277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010

1.15 1.15 -


ABERT_mREC OV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1 Alpha 3.5 100 23 15.38 30 3.5 78.95 16 16.84 27 60 79 15.79 3.5 84.62 20 16.92 26 42 85 20 -

14 MZ 14 MZ 11 MZ 11 MZ 24 MZ 24 MZ 18 MZ

3.5 41 3.5 53 7.5 119 7.5

64.71 65 100 100 100 100 100

16 16.47 18 18.46 0 0

75 45 3.5 55

90 90 91.67 91.67 92 100 100 91.67 92 -

50 50 50 50 50 55 54.55 0 -

7.5 110

100 100 -

16.47 16.92 20 20

31 23 20 20 -

ALTERATMAPPE R DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS JSF July 10 20 3917.98 0.65m to 0.20m thick fault and brecciationin

DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP JF core photos show r 6.24 JF core photos show 2 4.79 -  -  -  2.38

1.6 FLF

792980.4 8440178 3830.392

330.5 58.90435

55 3.52

1.5 F 1.5 0.25 0.35 FLF 0.6 1.1 FLF 1.1 0.6 FLF 0.6

792962.3 792962.3 792962.6 792962.7 792962.6 792962.9 792962.9 792963.2 792963.2

8440158 8440158 8440159 8440159 8440159 8440159 8440159 8440159 8440159

3647.571 3647.571 3646.814 3646.554 3646.662 3645.927 3645.927 3645.19 3645.19

37.31728 37.31728 37.31889 37.31944 37.31921 37.32078 37.32078 37.32235 37.32235

7.5 50 3.5 3.5 - 

9.33 3.33 3.33 9.09 20 -

39 50 50 39 23 -

50 50 50 -


35 -

6.18 1.15 FLZ 1.15

793012 8440187 3865.021 793012 8440187 3865.021


20.87 -




FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6

31.75 30.6 32.2 31.75

32.2 31.75 33.5 33.5

0.45 FLZ 1.15 F 1.3 1.75

793012.2 793012 793012.4 793012.3

8440188 3864.295 34.69976 65.24792 8440187 3865.021 34.6999 65.24011 8440188 3863.5 34.69961 65.25646 8440188 3863.705 34.69965 65.25426

0 0 0 0

277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010

1.7 1.7 1.7

12 12

FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40175-6 FE40125-11 FE40125-11 FE40125-11 FE40125-11 FE40150-14 FE40150-14 FE40150-14 FE40150-14 FE40150-14 Check FE40100-6 a

33.5 33.5 34.2 35.05 35.05 35.75 35.05 35.75 36.2 35.75 36.3 36.3 97.4 97.4 99.4 100.95 157.96 157.95 157.95 158.05 157.95 156.3

35.05 34.2 35.05 35.75 35.75 36.2 35.75 36.2 36.3 36.3 37.5 37.5 101.7 99.4 100.95 102.5 159.55 158.05 158.05 159.55 159.55 158.6

1.55 F 0.7 0.85 FLZ 0.7 FLZ 0.7 0.45 FLZ 0.7 F 0.45 F 0.1 F 0.55 1.2 F 1.2

793012.7 793012.6 793012.8 793013 793013 793013.1 793013 793013.1 793013.2 793013.2 793013.4 793013.4

8440188 8440188 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189 8440189

65.2731 65.26745 65.27775 65.28805 65.28805 65.29568 65.28805 65.29568 65.29934 65.29635 65.30192 65.30192

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010 277.9 2005-2010

1.5 1.5 1.5 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.15 1.15 -

13 13 13 14

2 FLG 1.55 FLG 1.55 FRC

792996.5 8440170 3794.513 35.32392 57.70619 792997.1 8440170 3793.013 35.36337 57.69324 792997.5 8440171 3791.703 35.35803 57.66044

0 0 0

310.45 2005-2010 310.45 2005-2010 310.45 2005-2010 -


62.18886 62.18886 62.19461 62.19425

0 0 0 0

306 2005-2010 306 2005-2010 306 2005-2010 306 2005-2010

FE40025-2 FE39950-5 FE40075-14

258.25 434 176.6

264.3 435.3 178.25

LA VIRGEN Confidence Ranking Fault Outcrop More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fault rock >1 Drill hole fault ro Distance Between D

3862.206 3862.592 3861.888 3861.184 3861.184 3860.662 3861.184 3860.662 3860.412 3860.616 3859.821 3859.821

34.67962 34.69052 34.67064 34.65073 34.65073 34.63596 34.65073 34.63596 34.62889 34.63467 34.62193 34.62193





97.14 -

62 61.71 -

3.5 50 50 7.5 64 7.5

96.77 97 97 92.86 93 100 100 100 95.83 96 -

36 36.13 36.13 0 0 0 0 -




7.5 54 7.5 110




97.14 97




40 -

35 -  - 

40 -

6.86 8.39

-  -  20 20 20 -

36 -

-  20

19 -



19 -

19 19 -

21.82 20 -

2.91 -



40 50 50 1.06

0.1 FLZ 0.1 F 1.5 F 1.6

792941.2 792941.2 792941.4 792941.4

8440218 8440218 8440218 8440218

3727.976 3727.976 3727.269 3727.313

34.80441 34.80441 34.82536 34.82405





1.4 1.4

29 29



7.5 110

-  87.5 87

18.12 - 

19 18.75 -

20 -

40 -  -  - 

20 -

18.12 -

Core photos show bAdly fractured interval with trace FB 227 Core photos show rub 226 Core photos show Fau 226 Core photo shows rub

3.91 1.31 1.4

77 77 75

2 0 0 1 2 1 6


FLT_SANDY Start with shear at STA13 and STA14 which project along strike to a continuous fault from STA40 to STA44. These appear to have a good strike and dip fit and a good downdip fit with several DDHs The lineament does not project to Challaque FLT and therefore FLT_2 has not been projected that far to the east. The N-S Ccomeccacca A Fault may cut it but it is not certain since Cc Flt tapers up to surface near the intersection. Therore both were left without trimming At the quebrada near Challaque FLT_4 cut FLT_2 based on available exposure Fault outcrops XP YP 793635.906 8439722 793697.107 8439667 793724.22 8439654

ZP PTN 3812.815 3810.558 3805.855

1 1 1

PVALUE LSTYLE SYMBOL COLOUR GROUP STA_ID 14 1001 201 36 2 STA13 42 1001 201 36 5 STA40 46 1001 201 36 6 STA44

Drill intercepts BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 FE39800-3 52.9 56.7 3.8 FLZ 793505.5 8439830 3784.299 36.3265 FE39700-8 223.2 223.3 0.1 FLF 793668.7 8439800 3610.422 37.40375 FE39700-8 223.3 225.2 1.9 FLF 793669 8439800 3609.55 37.42973 FE39700-8 223.3 225.2 1.9 F 793669 8439800 3609.55 37.42973 FE39700-8 225.2 226.45 1.25 F 793669.5 8439801 3608.175 37.47072 FE39700-8 223.3 226.45 3.15 793669.2 8439801 3609.004 37.44599 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39700-8 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39750-10 FE39750-10 FE39750-10 FE39750-10 FBGT07-5

226.45 226.45 229.5 55 5 229.55 232.15 232.15 234.9 234.9 237.7 238.05 238.05 239.65 238.05 241.15 241.15 242.45 242.45 244.85 244.85 238.1 238.1 240.1 240.1 241.9 241.9 242.7 242.7 125.6 125.7 128.6 130.4 24.8

229.55 229.55 232.15 232.15 234.9 234.9 238.05 237.7 238.05 239.65 239.65 241.15 241.15 242.45 242.45 244.85 244.85 246.65 246.65 240.1 240.1 241.9 241.9 242.7 242.7 244.8 244.8 128.6 127.65 130.4 132.5 26.3

FE39500-1 FE39500-1 FE39500-1

474.25 476.3 477.3

476.3 477.3 478.3

FLT_SANDY Confidence Ranking Fault Outcro More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fau >1 Drill hole Distance Bet

3.1 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.75 2.75 3.15 2.8 0.35 1.6 1.6 1.5 3.1 1.3 1.3 2.4 2.4 1.8 1.8 2 2 1.8 1.8 0.8 0.8 2.1 2.1 3 1.95 1.8 2.1 1.5


0 0 0 0 0 0


60.79355 60.79355 60.79756 60.79756 60.76216 60.76216 60.7544 60.7516 60.7768 60.78486 60.78486 60.79506 60.7898 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 60.8 59.11654 59.11654 59.11794 59.11794 59.12707 59.12707 59.15777 59.15777 60.15367 60.15225 60.16 60.16 68.20001

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 665.25 700.65 700.65 700.65 700.65 700.65 700.65 700.65 700.65 720.2 720.2 720.2 720.2 320.2

2.05 FLT 1F 3F

793817.1 793817.6 793818.2

8439695 3355.578 38.54904 60.17157 8439696 3354.255 38.69134 60.16135 8439697 3352.521 38.7461 60.022

0 0 0

523.2 523.2 523.2



STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_ST PERSIST_ SHEAR_S HW_ROC 305 35 1 125 0.5 1 20 RL MBF 300 30 20 6 1.1 1 15 NRL? MZB 303 33 42 3 0.35 2 7 RLL MZB

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 380.1 2005-2010 665.25 2005-2010 0.9 18 MZ 665.25 2005-2010 3.1 0 MZ 665.25 2005-2010 665.25 2005-2010 3.1 0 MZ 665.25 2005-2010 3.1 44 MZ

8439802 8439802 8439803 8439803 8439804 8439804 8439805 8439805 8439806 8439806 8439806 8439807 8439806 8439807 8439807 8439808 8439808 8439809 8439809 8439828 8439828 8439829 8439829 8439829 8439829 8439830 8439830 8439809 8439809 8439810 8439811 8439643


37.49775 37.49775 37.54635 37.54635 37.6305 37.6305 37.68834 37.68705 37.6987 37.69603 37.69603 37.68833 37.6923 37.67188 37.67188 37.63568 37.63568 37.6061 37.6061 39.99325 39.99325 40.01045 40.01045 40.02981 40.02981 40.07049 40.07049 36.57466 36.569 36.60667 36.63267 136.9567

B0 C0 60.39886 60.7265 60.74544 60.74544 60.77527 60.75728

67 60 63

793670.1 793670.1 793671 793671 793671.8 793671.8 793672.7 793672.6 793673.1 793673.4 793673.4 793673.8 793673.6 793674.3 793674.3 793674.8 793674.8 793675.4 793675.4 793635.6 793635.6 793636.2 793636.2 793636.7 793636.7 793637.2 793637.2 793590.8 793590.7 793591.6 793592.1 793747.7


3606.277 3606.277 3603.789 3603.789 3601.454 3601.454 3598.881 3599.033 3597.659 3596.808 3596.808 3595.455 3596.153 3594.233 3594.233 3592.618 3592.618 3590.785 3590.785 3600.011 3600.011 3598.381 3598.381 3597.265 3597.265 3596.02 3596.02 3700.911 3701.28 3698.829 3697.138 3776.62


2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2014 2014 2014 2014 2007 2015 2015 2015

3.1 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.75 2.75 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.05

0 56 0 20 0 10 0 41 41 0


3.05 3.05 1.2 1.2 2.35 2.35 1.8 1.8 2 2 1.8 1.8 0.8 0.8 2.1 2.1 2.63

ABERT_mRECOV% 90 90 15 98.41 15 98.41 210 98 35 280 7.5 55 3.5 7.5 190 190 7.5 -

0 36 0 12 0 10 0 36 0 28 0 18 0 16 0 20 43



7.5 165 7.5 45 3.5 35 7.5 180 3.5 85 3.5 80 3.5 79 3.5 70 170


1.73 1.92 1.2

32 MZQ 62 MZQ 1 MBF2

3.05 3.05 3

50 MZQ 50 MZQ 30 MZQ

5 10

950 950 230


RQD% -

100 100 100 100 100 100 98.41 98 98 98.39


FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERAL MBF 35 MZB 70 Chrysocolla MZB 40 -

98.39 98 92.31 92 97.92 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 87.67 96.11 91.43 98 100 100 100

FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP 35 JF core photos show rubbly interval with FB 30% No RQ 30 JF core photos show 4 intervals of F 3.39 67 27 0 52 30 27 0 52 26.98 -

10 9.68 48 48.08 80 80 19 19.05 19.05 18 18 17.74 38 38.46 56 56.25 0 28 28 18 17.78 0 48 47.62 19 29 14 50 8 8 7


17.78 29.52 1-

35 31 -

15 15 65 -

16.39 16.39 10

22 22 25 -

35 -


0 0 0 0

45 54 69 49 49

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.33

49 52 65 42 59 51 51 57 26 -


JF core photos show badly broken i -


JF core photos show badly broken s JF core photos show FB 30% and 2




JF core photos show strong FB zone 35% and 20ca shear s 0 0 1.5975

2 1 1 1 2 1 8


FLT_RITA Start with fault mapped at STA14 0.40m thick dipping 76 to 085 This projects to FBGT07-7 which shows a strong steeply dipping fault zone Since both outcrops are within 40m and FLT_1 is not exposed east of STA14. Therefore it is assumed that FLT_3 cuts FLT_1  Not sure if wireframe for FLT_1 should should be trimmed to FL FLT_3 T_3 Fault outcrop STA_ID X STA15 792959

BHID FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FBGT07-7 FE40150-14 FE40075-17 FE40150-6 FE40025-2 FE40100-6 FBGT07-7

Y Z 8440248 3920



FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 B0 C0 327.8 329 1.2 F 792957.7 8440260 3655.557 133.0467 50.90001 329 330.9 1.9 792958.4 8440259 3654.354 133.0983 50.9 330.9 332.4 1.5 792959.2 8440259 3653.034 133.1549 50.95501 332.4 333.2 0.8 F 792959.7 8440258 3652.141 133.1933 50.99334 333.2 334 0.8 792960.1 8440258 3651.519 133.22 50.98001 334 335.9 1.9 792960.7 8440257 3650.471 133.265 50.93501 335.9 337.8 1.9 792961.6 8440256 3648.996 133.3 50.87167 337.8 338.3 0.5 F 792962.1 8440256 3648.065 133.3 50.83167 338.3 340 1.7 F 792962.6 8440255 3647.213 133.305 50.795 212.8 221.25 249 256.7 149.85 154.25 220.8 224.25 36 39 328 330.9

RITA Confidence Ranking

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 610.2 2007 3.1 0 MZQ 610.2 2007 3.1 0 MZQ 610.2 2007 3.1 5 MZQ 610.2 2007 3.1 5 MZQ 610.2 2007 3.1 5 MZQ 610.2 2007 1.9 8 MZQ 610.2 2007 2.4 6 MZQ 610.2 2007 2.4 6 MZQ 610.2 2007 3.1 8 MZQ

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alph RMR76B1Alphaa 100 23 0100 23 0100 81 5100 81 5100 81 595 50 897 92 697 92 6100 76 8-

COMMENTS 0.65m to 0.20m thick fault and bre


85 No core photos 84 No core photos 86 Core photos show FB a 84 Core photos show rubb 84 Core photos show rubb

1.68 1.79 2.3 0.76 0.63

Fault Outcrop More than 1 Lineament

2 0 0

Drill holehole fault >1 Drill f Distance Betw

1 2 1 6


FLT_LUCERO  FLT_LUCERO  Start with STA74 fault outcrop, which is in a Quebrada washout   At STA74 this fault apparently cuts FLT_SANDY, since that fault canno t be seen to the east of this exposure. Therefore FLT_SAND Y was trimmed to LUCERO This projects down dip to FEGT07-5, FE39425-1, and FE39500-1   Since no lineament continues along s trike to the east this fault was trimmed to GUISELA Also projects as cut by FLT_ALEXANDRA   Fault outcrops  outcrops  XP YP ZP PTN 793783.115 8439604  3777.879  



Drill intercepts  intercepts  BHID FROM  TO  LENGTH STRUCT  FBGT07-5 168.6  0.1  168.7 FBGT07-5 168.7  169.5 0.8 F  FBGT07-5 169.5  170.25 0.75 F  FBGT07-5 170.25  0.6 F  170.85 FBGT07-5 170.85  0.35 F  171.2 FBGT07-5   171.2 171.45 0.25   FBGT07-5  



FE39425-1   FE39425-1   FE39500-1 FE39500-1 FE39500-1 FE39575-4   FE39575-4   FE39575-4   FE39400-2   FE39550-1  

478 465.8 237.5 237.5 239.5 272.3 272.3 274.75 449.3 120.5

480 468 241.75 239.5 241.75 276.1 273.55 276.1 451.3 122.5

LUCERO   Confidence Ranking Fault Outcro More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fau >1 Drill hole Distance Bet


2 2.2  4.25 FLT 2 FLZ 2.25 3.8 FLZ  1.25 FLZ  1.35 FLZ 

A0 B0  C0  X Y Z 793784.4 8439604 3644.122   137.7216 67.42167   793784.5 8439604 3643.707   137.7366 67.43667   793784.7 8439603 3642.991   137.7624 67.46251   67.485  793784.9 8439603 3642.368   137.7849 793785 8439603 3641.929   137.8017 67.49833   793785.1 8439603 3641.652   137.8218   67.47835   793785.2 8439603 3641.098   137.862   67.43836  

0 0 0 0 0 0 0



DEPTH_mYEAR   LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO   320.2 2007  0.9 1 MZB  320.2 2007  0.9 1 MZB  320.2 2007  0.75 1 MZB  320.2 2007  0.6 2 MZB  320.2 2007  0.6 1 MZB  320.2 2007 0.6 1 MZB  




1 MZB  

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 94 33 194 33 193 67 1100 100 2100 100 1100  100 1 -  -


1 - 



DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP  157 JF core photos show badly broke to ru 1.25  0  0  0  0  -  -

793747.2 793747.3 793748 793874.5 793874.5 793875.7

8439602 8439602 8439603 8439616   8439616   8439616  

3562.105 3561.625 3559.774 3534.149   3534.149   3531.997  

36.24094 60.6525 36.22993 60.625 36.13984 60.58547 76.43827   59.39978   76.43827   59.39978   76.52489   59.4355  

0 0 0 0 0 0

523.2 2015 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 438.3 2005-2010 -   438.3 2005-2010 -   438.3 2005-2010 -  

25 MZB -

1700 -



95.16 -




19 -

91.11 -

8.06 -

11 -

24 -

8 -

31 -


20 -  -  2  2 -  25 - 

-  157 Core photos show rubbly section with


JF core photos show badly broken to r


164 No core photos  

352 Core photos show a rubbly section wit   177 No core photos  






0.73 1.03

90 89

2 0  0  1  2  1  6


FLT_ALEXANDRA Start with 1.2m thick fault outcrop mapped at STA72 This is coincident with a lineament that extends from STA72 Fault is interpreted to have been cut by or treminate against FERROBAMBA FLT and FLT_SANDY This is based on lack of corresponding fault rock intercepts along the projected t rajectory on the FW side of these faults Stopped at FE39925-8 no fault rock at projected intersection Fault outcrops XP YP ZP PTN 793682.989 8439596 3775.058



Drill intercepts BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT FE39400-2 362.6 364 1.4 FLZ FE39400-2 362.6 364 1.4 FLZ FE39500-1 65.2 67.3 2.1 F FE39500-1 65.2 67.3 2.1 FLF FE39500-1 67.3 69.3 2 FLZ FE39500-1 69.3 70.85 1.55 FLF FE39500-1 69.3 70.85 1.55 F FE39500-1 70.85 72.4 1.55 FLF FE39575-6 42.8 43.65 0.85 FLZ FE39575-6 42.55 43.65 1.1 FE39575-6 43.65 44.8 1.15 FLZ FE39575-6 43.65 44.8 1.15 F FE39575-6 44.8 46.75 1.95 F FE39575-6 44.8 46.75 1.95 FE39575-6 46.75 48.55 1.8 F FE39575-6 46.75 48.55 1.8 FE39575-6 48.55 49.95 1.4 F FE39550-3 180.55 182.1 1.55 FLZ FE39550-3 180.55 182.1 1.55 F FE39550-3 182.1 183.75 1.65 F FE39550-3 182.1 183.65 1.55 FLG FE39550-3 183.65 183.75 0.1 FLZ FE39550-3 183.75 185.25 1.5 FLZ FE39550-3 183.75 185.25 1.5 F FE39450-1 605.2 607 FE39450-1 605.2 607 1.8 FLZ

X Y Z A0 B0 C0 793655.2 8439546 3488.057 35.56408 58.59701 793655.2 8439546 3488.057 35.56408 58.59701 793698.1 8439533 3711.728 34.92594 60.60836 793698.1 8439533 3711.728 34.92594 60.60836 793698.7 8439534 3709.943 35.13791 60.51273 793699.2 8439535 3708.398 35.12796 60.56246 793699.2 8439535 3708.398 35.12796 60.56246 793699.6 8439535 3707.047 35.00893 60.68127 793649.2 8439594 3731.647 35.98622 65.50034 793649.2 8439594 3731.761 35.98059 65.50028 793649.5 8439595 3730.737 36.03129 65.50083 793649.5 8439595 3730.737 36.03129 65.50083 793649.8 8439595 3729.327 36.10859 65.5168 793649.8 8439595 3729.327 36.10859 65.5168 793650.3 8439596 3727.62 36.2076 65.54695 793650.3 8439596 3727.62 36.2076 65.54695 793650.7 8439597 3726.164 36.28577 65.56285 793594.8 8439626 3617.198 34.28728 60.56887 793594.8 8439626 3617.198 34.28728 60.56887 793595.2 8439626 3615.804 34.17525 60.5795 793595.2 8439626 3615.848 34.17876 60.57917 793595.4 8439627 3615.129 34.13965 60.57534 793595.6 8439627 3614.432 34.10498 60.57002 793595.6 8439627 3614.432 34.10498 60.57002 793535.8

8439662 3291.872 36.73681


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 850 2015 2.22 25 MZB 850 2015 2.22 25 523.2 2015 2.35 60 MBF 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 2 44 GSK 523.2 2015 1.55 58 GSK 523.2 2015 523.2 2015 1.55 20 PSK 500.65 2005-2010 0.75 0 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 0.75 14 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.05 0 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.05 19 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.95 0 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.95 20 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.8 0 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.8 21 MZ 500.65 2005-2010 1.4 0 MZ 720.8 2015 2.6 45 MBF 720.8 2015 720.8 2015 2.6 45 MBF 720.8 2015 720.8 2015 720.8 2015 1.5 19 MBF 720.8 2015 730.6




ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% 4 98.67 24 4 98.67 24 650 87.04 11 6 100 13 800 100 0 5 100 29 7.5 68.18 32 25 68 31.82 3.5 91.3 0 90 91 3.5 100 46 70 100 46.15 7.5 100 42 90 100 41.67 7.5 100 0 1000 81.25 13 1000 81.25 13 130 100 17 600



FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 11.11 32 11.11 32 22.22 17 22 26 37.42 18 12.9 35 0 50 0 45 0 52 0 47 0 40 14.06 22 14.06 22 12.67 24 37.22


ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS JSF July 14 20 FLT_ALE 3775.058 1.2m thick shear with qtz veins and

DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP 35 Core photos show F 0.98 35 JF core photos show 5.53 50 40 60 60 20 Core photos show i 3.36 20 45 Core photos show F 2.98 20 20 20 Core photos show FB ~30% in rubbly section Bounding rock has strong foliation 50 -

FE39450-1 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8

605.2 205.3 205.3 205.3

607 211.9 206.4 206.4

FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39650-8 FE39550-7 FE39550-7 FE39550-7 FE39650-4 FE39650-4 FE39650-4 FE39650-4 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2 FE39725-2

206.4 206.4 207.7 207.7 209.15 209.15 210.1 210.1 210.45 210.45 211.25 211.25 69.75 69.75 71.55 71.55 72.55 72.55 73.05 73.05 74.85 74.85 76.45 351.15 350.65 350.65 141.55 141.55 147.55 147.55 68.6 69.4 70.5 71

207.7 207.7 209.15 209.15 210.1 210.1 210.45 210.45 211.25 211.25 213.35 213.35 71.55 71.55 72.55 72.55 73.05 73.05 74.85 74.85 76.45 76.45 79.05 352.65 352.65 352.65 143.55 143.55 149.55 149.55 69.4 70.5 71 71.5

1.8 F


1.1 F 1.1

793604.6 8439724 3589.174 793604.6 8439724 3589.174

1.3 F 1.3 1.45 F 1.45 0.95 F 0.95 0.35 0.35 0.8 F 0.8 2.1 2.1 1.8 F 1.8 1F 1 0.5 F 0.5 1.8 F 1.8 1.6 F 1.6 2.6 F 1.5 F 2 CON 2F 2 FLG 2 FLG 2 FLG 2 FLG 0.8 F 1.1 F 0.5 0.5

793604.9 793604.9 793605.2 793605.2 793605.5 793605.5 793605.7 793605.7 793605.8 793605.8 793606.2 793606.2 793571.6 793571.6 793572 793572 793572.2 793572.2 793572.5 793572.5 793572.9 793572.9 793573.4 793546.2 793546.2 793546.2 793537.1 793537.1 793538.9 793538.9 793582.3 793582.6 793582.8 793583

8439662 3291.872 36.73681

8439724 8439724 8439724 8439724 8439725 8439725 8439725 8439725 8439725 8439725 8439726 8439726 8439677 8439677 8439677 8439677 8439677 8439677 8439678 8439678 8439678 8439678 8439679 8439689 8439689 8439689 8439712 8439712 8439715 8439715 8439760 8439760 8439761 8439761

3588.087 3588.087 3586.841 3586.841 3585.753 3585.753 3585.164 3585.164 3584.643 3584.643 3583.329 3583.329 3711.641 3711.641 3710.375 3710.375 3709.697 3709.697 3708.657 3708.657 3707.121 3707.121 3705.222 3487.099 3487.099 3487.099 3657.92 3657.92 3652.805 3652.805 3746.537 3745.717 3745.027 3744.596




35.1 35.1

65 65

0 0

595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010

2015 -

35.10011 35.10011 35.10033 35.10033 35.10052 35.10052 35.10386 35.10386 35.11458 35.11458 35.14162 35.14162 35.19538 35.19538 35.19215 35.19215 35.18584 35.18584 35.1621 35.1621 35.12701 35.12701 35.10691 36.12217 36.12217 36.12217 35.12015 35.12015 35.08327 35.08327 36.7004 36.70065 36.70693 36.7192

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.70001 64.70001 64.7 64.7 64.7 60.10217 60.10217 60.10217 58.53386 58.53386 58.39996 58.39996 59.6004 59.60065 59.60694 59.61922

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 595.6 2005-2010 1006 2014 1006 2014 1006 2014 651.8 2005-2010 651.8 2005-2010 651.8 2005-2010 651.8 2005-2010 700.65 2005-2010 700.65 2005-2010 700.65 2005-2010 700.65 2005-2010





1 1

0 17

3.5 85

90.91 91 -

1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 2 2 1.75 1.75 1 1 0.45 0.45 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.6 2.6

0 18 0 17 0 16 0 6 0 13 0 7 0 29 0 20 0 10 0 22 0 32 0 33 33

3.5 65 3.5 70 3.5 70 3.5 30 3.5 55 3.5 25 3.5 120 3.5 100 3.5 50 3.5 95 3.5 150 3.5 450 450

92.31 92 96.55 97 94.74 95 85.71 86 87.5 87 95.24 95 97.22 97 100 100 90 90 94.44 94 93.75 94 92.31 100 100 94.74 100 100 100




1.8 1.1 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0


3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5






47 -


52 52 47 41 43 69 47 43 38 50 43 48 24 24 -


0 -

27 26.92 38 37.93 21 21.05 0 0 76 76.19 17 16.67 0 0 31 30.56 0 0 22 22 57 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.69 12.69 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 10 10

57 47 45 45


Core photos show b


Core photos show b


Core photos show 0


No core photos


Core photos show r




BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 B0 C0 FE39725-2 0.2 71.5 71.5   71.7  71.7  793583.1   8439761 3744.294 36.7278  793583.1 36.7278  59.62781 59.62781   FE39725-2 0.6 71.7 71.7   72.3  72.3  793583.2   8439761 3743.949 36.73763 793583.2 36.73763   59.63763 59.63763   FE39725-2 72.3 72.3   72.9  72.9  0.6 793583.4   8439762 3743.431 36.75475 793583.4 36.75475   59.6501  59.6501  FE39725-2 72.9 72.9   73.4  73.4  0.5 793583.6   8439762 3742.956 36.77263 793583.6 36.77263   59.65945 59.65945   FE39725-2 1F 73.4 73.4   74.4  74.4  793583.8   8439762 3742.309 36.79702 793583.8 36.79702   59.6722  59.6722  FE39475-1 0.25 FLZ 544.35  544.35  544.6  544.6  793475.1   8439693 3372.79 40.58889 793475.1 40.58889   56.87439 56.87439   FE39475-1 544.6 544.6   546.25  546.25  1.65 FLZ 793475.4   8439694 3371.995 40.58189 793475.4 40.58189   56.86867 56.86867   FE39475-1 1.65 544.6 544.6   546.25  546.25  793475.4   8439694 3371.995 40.58189 793475.4 40.58189   56.86867 56.86867   FE39475-1 0.1 FLZ 546.25  546.25  546.35  546.35  793475.7   8439694 3371.262 40.57159 793475.7 40.57159   56.86376 56.86376   FE39600-4 1.5 FLZ 312.5 312.5   314 314   793418.6   8439722 3516.052 34.6468  793418.6 34.6468  60.5177  60.5177  FE39600-4 2 FLZ 314  314  316 316   793419 793419   8439723 3514.529 34.644  34.644  60.538  60.538  FE39600-4 316  316  317 317   1.5 FLZ 793419.5   8439724 3513.005 34.59817 793419.5 34.59817   60.54676 60.54676   FE39750-9 1.45 FLG 148.2 148.2   149.65  149.65  793472.5   8439811 3692.845 793472.5 34.7  34.7  60.6  60.6  FE39750-9 148.2 148.2   149.65  149.65  1.45 FLG 793472.5   8439811 3692.845 793472.5 34.7  34.7  60.6  60.6  FE39650-10 353.35  353.35  355 355   2.45 F 793383.4   8439787 3475.751 34.88905  793383.4 34.88905  59.75176 59.75176   FE39650-10 2.45 F 353.35  353.35  355.8  355.8  793383.4   8439787 3475.751 34.88905 793383.4 34.88905   59.75176  59.75176  FE39650-10 353.75  353.75  355 355   1.25 FLT 793383.3   8439787 3475.923 34.89635 793383.3 34.89635   59.73375 59.73375   FE39700-5 209.75  209.75  210.1  210.1  0.35 F 793410.3   8439799 3615.659 26.35275 793410.3 26.35275   57.85545 57.85545   FE39700-5 1.9 F 210.1 210.1   212 212   793410.5   8439800 3614.706 26.31556 793410.5 26.31556   57.8294  57.8294  FE39700-5 0.75 F 212  212  212.75  212.75  793410.8   8439800 3613.585 26.26295 793410.8 26.26295   57.80618 57.80618   FE39700-5 212.75  212.75  213.05  213.05  0.3 793411 793411   8439800 3613.141 26.23319 26.23319   57.80446 57.80446   FE39700-5 213.05  213.05  214.25  214.25  1.2 F 793411.1   8439801 3612.506 26.19069 793411.1 26.19069   57.80199 57.80199   ALEXANDRA Confidence Ranking Fault Outcrop More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fau >1 Drill hole Distance Bet

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 700.65 2005-2010 0 MZ 0.2  0.2  700.65 2005-2010 0 MZ 0.6  0.6  700.65 2005-2010 0.6  0.6  0 MZ 700.65 2005-2010 0.5  0.5  0 MZ 700.65 2005-2010 0 MZ 0.6  0.6  665.45 2005-2010 17 MZ 3.05  3.05  665.45 2005-2010 1.65  1.65  0 MZ 665.45 2005-2010 17 MZ 1.65  1.65  665.45 2005-2010 0 MZ 1.1  1.1  407.5 2015 40 MZQ 1.5  1.5  407.5 2015 2  20 MZQ 407.5 2015 1.5  1.5  30 MZQ 460.15 2005-2010 460.15 2005-2010 602.4 2015 2.4  2.4  35 MZQ 602.4 2015 35 2.4  2.4  602.4 2015 -  350.75 2005-2010 2.1  2.1  0 MZ 350.75 2005-2010 0 MZ 1.9  1.9  350.75 2005-2010 0 MZ 0.75  0.75  350.75 2005-2010 0.3  0.3  0 MZ 350.75 2005-2010 1.2  1.2  0 MZ

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 0  0  45 3.5  3.5  100  100  0  49 3.5  3.5  100  100  20 20   3.5  3.5  100  100  17 17   0  54 3.5  3.5  100  100  0  0  45 47 3.5  3.5  60  60  0  0  73.77 -  80  80  100  100  7.5  7.5  100  100  45 45   0  52 45.45 45  45  100  100  0  67 3.5  3.5  100  100  100 100   0  18 300  300  100  100  26.67 26.67   30 170  170  100  100  25 25   10 10   250  250  100  100  15 15   20 20   18 800  800  97.96  97.96  20 20   14.29 14.29   24 24 800  800  97.96  97.96  20 20   14.29 14.29   -  -  -  3.5  3.5  100  100  26 26   0  57 0  0  45 3.5  3.5  100  100  43 3.5  3.5  100  100  0  0  3.5  3.5  100  100  0  0  41 3.5  3.5  100  100  0  0  43 -

DIPDIRN COMMENTS THICKNEDIP -  30 Core photos show F 1.16 30 30 35 Core photos show F 2.78 35 45 60 No core photos 1.34 60 Core photos show r 1.34 -  35 Core photos show badly broken to rubbly interval with local 30ca shear foliation Hard to see FB here -  -  -  - 

2 0 2 1 2 1 8 


FLT_SANTANA Start with 3 fault outcrops that align and have consistent dip and dip direction STA45, STA46, and STA49 These connect down dip with a series of drill hole intercepts of fault rock Fault outcrops XP YP ZP PTN 793654.465 8440639 3973.389

793553.24 793483.491

8440865 3994.932 8440965 4038.017

1 1 1


1001 1001

201 201

Drill intercepts BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y FE40600-17 107 108.6 1.6 F 793641.7 8440642 FE40600-17 108.6 109 0.4 FRC 793642.1 8440642 FE40600-17 109 110.9 1.9 FRC 793642.4 8440643 FE40600-17 110.9 111 0.1 FRC 793642.8 8440643 FE40600-17 111 113 2 FRC 793643.1 8440644 FE40600-17 113 113.8 0.8 FRC 793643.6 8440644 FE40600-17 113.8 114.2 0.4 FRC 793643.8 8440644 FE40600-17 114.2 115.5 1.3 FRC 793644 8440645 FE40550-14 365.55 366.6 1.05 FLG 793632.3 8440720 FE40550-14 366.6 367.45 0.85 FLG 793632.6 8440720 FE40550-14 366.6 367.45 0.85 F 793632.6 8440720 FE40550-14 367.45 368.9 1.45 F 793633 8440721 FE40550-14 367.45 368.9 1.45 FLF 793633 8440721 FE40550-14 368.9 369.5 0.6 FLF 793633.3 8440721 FE40875-8 20 20.75 0.75 793542.3 8440881 FE40875-8 20 20.75 0.75 793542.3 8440881 FE40875-8 20.75 21.45 0.7 793542.5 8440881 FE40875-8 20.75 21.45 0.7 793542.5 8440881 FE40875-8 21.45 22.35 0.9 793542.7 8440882 FE40875-8 21.45 22.35 0.9 793542.7 8440882 FE40875-8 22.35 22.75 0.4 793542.9 8440882 FE40775-9 200.2 201.75 1.55 F 793510.9 8440853 FE40775-9 200.2 201.75 1 .55 793510.9 8440853 FE40775-9 201.75 204 2.25 F 793511.6 8440853 FE40775-9 201.75 204 2.25 793511.6 8440853 FE40775-9 204 206.45 2.45 F 793512.3 8440854 FE40775-9 204 206.45 2.45 793512.3 8440854

36 36

STA46 6 STA49 6


Z A0 B0 C0 3862.807 35.472 55.23933 3861.986 35.46468 55.26667 3861.04 35.45701 55.305 3860.218 35.45033 55.33833 3859.354 35.44333 55.33667 3858.203 35.434 55.332 3857.71 35.43 55.33 3857.01 35.42151 55.34133 3620.226 35.03199 57.336 3619.426 35.05722 57.41201 3619.426 35.05722 57.41201 3618.457 35.0879 57.50401 3618.457 35.0879 57.50401 3617.592 35.13347 57.5547 3990.495 35.5 57.09984 3990.495 35.5 57.09984 3989.886 35.5 57.09954 3989.886 35.5 57.09954 3989.215 35.5 57.09921 3989.215 35.5 57.09921 3988.669 35.5 57.09894 3802.281 40.76516 60.30346 3802.281 40.76516 60.30346 3800.63 40.90335 60.30002 3800.63 40.90335 60.30002 3798.589 41.06759 60.28578 3798.589 41.06759 60.28578

82 70 75

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPT HICKNEISRM_ ST PERSIST_ SHEAR_S HW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERALALTER ATMAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS 165 255 68 272 0.65 1 5 RLL MZH MZH 10 JSF July 13 20 3973.389 0.65m thick shear with minor fault breccia (10%) mostly bun 156 350

246 80

20 45

330 260

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 531.05 2015 1.95 15 MZH 531.05 2015 2.2 15 MZH 531.05 2015 2.2 15 MZH 531.05 2015 2.6 40 MZH 531.05 2015 2.6 40 MZH 531.05 2015 2.6 40 MZH 531.05 2015 1.3 30 MZH 531.05 2015 1.3 30 MZH 814 2015 814 2015 2.2 46 MBL 814 2015 814 2015 2.2 46 MBL 814 2015 814 2015 2.35 7 MBL 446.35 2005-2010 0.7 7 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.7 7 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.45 5 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.45 5 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.4 6 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.4 6 MZ 446.35 2005-2010 0.4 8 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 1.5 18 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 1.5 18 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 2.2 40 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 2.2 40 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 2.4 17 MZ 417.4 2005-2010 2.4 17 MZ

1.4 1.5

3 2

15 RLL LLR 15

ABERT_mRE COV% RQD% 130 92.86 0 2 95.65 22 2 95.65 22 2 89.66 4 2 89.66 4 2 89.66 4 2 76.47 0 2 76.47 0 1230 95.65 0 1230 95.65 0 2 97.92 40 7.5 93.33 33 30 93 33.33 15 64.29 0 20 64 15 44.44 0 30 44 15 100 0 3.5 96.77 39 90 97 38.71 3.5 97.78 11 170 98 11.11 3.5 97.96 47 80 98 46.94


FracFreq RMR76B1 Alpha 7.14 25 6.52 34 6.52 34 13.79 30 13.79 30 13.79 30 17.65 29 17.65 29 20 19 20 19 2.92 54 9.33 35 7.14 -1 6.67 -1 20 -1 11.61 37 17.78 27 6.94 37 -

10 Chrysocoll Chrysocoll-Limonite JSF JSF

DIPDIRN 30 40 40 40 30 30 35 60 60 60 60 -

July July 13 13 20 20 --

3994.932 1.40m thick shearinwith 5-10% reverse fault breccia Cu min reverse le 4038.017 1.5m thick shear Endoskarn left lateral movement

COMMENTHICKNED IP Core p;hotos show 2 FB intervals10cm at near ct 30CA then rubbly to badly broken with local limonitic lineated surfaces -

Core phots show FB ~25% and rubble with 35CA near contact Core photos show badly broke zone with FB seams ~15% distinc FB and goge at far contact 25CA


FE40775 9 FE40725-6 FE40725-6 FE40725-6 FE40725-6

206.45 185.65 185.65 185.75 187.75

209.15 188.65 185.75 187.75 188.65

FE40725-6 FE40725-6 FE40725-6 FE40725-6 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40825-9 FE40800-11 FE40800-11 FE40800-11 FE40800-11 FE40800-11 FE40800-11 FE40800-11

188.65 188.65 189.75 188.65 66.75 66.75 68.1 66.75 68.1 68.65 68.1 69.1 69.1 93.55 93.55 95.05 95.05 96.25 96.25 97.65 97.65 93.55 93.55 95.05 95.05 96.25 96.25 97.65 97.65 154.7 154.7 155.45 155.45 156.85 156.85 157.45

189.75 189.75 190.05 190.05 68.1 68.1 68.65 68.1 68.65 69.1 69.1 70.9 70.9 95.05 95.05 96.25 96.25 97.65 97.65 98.75 98.75 95.05 95.05 96.25 96.25 97.65 97.65 98.75 98.75 155.45 155.45 156.85 156.85 157.45 157.45 158.7

2.7 3 0.1 2 0.9


793513.2 793514 793513.6 793513.9 793514.3

8440855 8440797 8440796 8440797 8440798

3796.353 3793.704 3794.95 3794.047 3792.801

41.23654 30.99015 31.05864 31.00904 30.94056

60.23773 59.29967 59.29931 59.29957 59.2999

0 0 0 0 0

417.4 332.45 332.45 332.45 332.45

2005 2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010

1.1 FLZ 1.1 F 0.3 F 1.4 1.35 FRC 1.35 0.55 FRC 1.35 F 0.55 F 0 .45 F 1 1.8 F 1.8 1.5 F 1.5 1.2 F 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.5 F 1.5 1.2 F 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.75 0.75 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.6 1.25 F

793514.6 793514.6 793514.7 793514.6 793547.7 793547.7 793547.9 793547.7 793547.9 793548.1 793548 793548.4 793548.4 793555.3 793555.3 793555.7 793555.7 793556.1 793556.1 793556.4 793556.4 793555.3 793555.3 793555.7 793555.7 793556.1 793556.1 793556.4 793556.4 793523.5 793523.5 793523.8 793523.8 793524.1 793524.1 793524.4

8440798 8440798 8440798 8440798 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440865 8440865 8440875 8440875 8440876 8440876 8440876 8440876 8440877 8440877 8440875 8440875 8440876 8440876 8440876 8440876 8440877 8440877 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440864 8440865 8440865 8440865

3791.941 3791.941 3791.339 3791.812 3931.141 3931.141 3930.319 3931.141 3930.319 3929.887 3930.125 3928.914 3928.914 3907.914 3907.914 3906.747 3906.747 3905.624 3905.624 3904.543 3904.543 3907.914 3907.914 3906.747 3906.747 3905.624 3905.624 3904.543 3904.543 3846.19 3846.19 3845.257 3845.257 3844.389 3844.389 3843.585

30.89828 30.89828 30.87153 30.89255 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.67321 34.67321 34.69176 34.69176 34.7002 34.7002 34.70055 34.70055 34.67321 34.67321 34.69176 34.69176 34.7002 34.7002 34.70055 34.70055 35.50281 35.50281 35.50456 35.50456 35.51195 35.51195 35.53122

59.2949 59.2949 59.2884 59.29351 59.87867 59.87867 59.86905 59.87867 59.86905 59.86399 59.86678 59.85261 59.85261 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.8002 59.8002 59.80055 59.80055 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.8002 59.8002 59.80055 59.80055 60.23913 60.23913 60.2614 60.2614 60.27816 60.27816 60.28513

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

332.45 332.45 332.45 332.45 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 404.35 414.05 414.05 414.05 414.05 414.05 414.05 414.05

2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010 2005-2010

2.65 3 3 3 3

20 28 28 28 28



3.5 3.5 90 90 90

26 MZ


1.4 1.4 1.35 1.35 1



3.5 100 3.5 70 3.5


15 15 27 27 14 14 14 14 16 16 10 10 14 14 14 14 16 16 10 10 7 7 14 14 10 10 25

100 -

26 MZ 26 MZ 16 16 15

1 1 1.7 1.7 1.45 1.45 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.45 1.45 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.75 0.75 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.6 1.25

98.15 100 100 100 100

100 100 100 100 100 -

3.5 75 15 130 15 65 15 70 15 45 15 40 15 65 15 70 15 45 15 40 7.5 20 7.5 35 7.5 45 7.5


100 100 94.44 94 96.67 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 96.67 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

63 52 51.67 51.67 51.67 -

7.41 9.33

14 14 14.29 48 48.15 25 25 25 22 22.22 53 53.33 42 41.67 21 21.43 64 63.64 53 53.33 42 41.67 21 21.43 64 63.64 53 53.33 71 71.43 25 25 0


42 42 -


50 55 -

25 25 37 37 37 23 37 28 30 40 37 28 30 40 38 38 28 20 -

18.57 11.85 15 15 15 9.33 11.67 11.43 9.09 9.33 11.67 11.43 9.09 9.33 10 16.67 20

55 20 20 -


BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 B0 C0 DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO ABERT_mRE COV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1 Alpha DIPDIRN COMMENTHICKNED IP FE40800-11 157.45 158.7 1.25 793524.4 8440865 3843.585 35.53122 60.28513 0 414.05 2005-2010 1.25 25 120 100 FE40800-11 158.7 160.05 1.35 F 793524.8 8440865 3842.456 35.55832 60.29492 0 414.05 2005-2010 1.35 13 15 100 41 9.63 28 FE40800-11 158.7 160.05 1.35 793524.8 8440865 3842.456 35.55832 60.29492 0 414.05 2005-2010 1.35 13 60 100 40.74 FE40650-7 129.7 131.7 2 FRC 793585.3 8440699 3847.831 34.55433 59.60433 0 665 2014 2.25 30 180 100 52 13.33 39 45 FE40650-7 129.7 131.7 2F 793585.3 8440699 3847.831 34.55433 59.60433 0 665 2014 FE40650-7 131.7 131.95 0.25 F 793585.6 8440700 3846.861 34.55058 59.60058 0 665 2014 2.25 30 180 100 52 13.33 39 FE40650-7 131.95 133.7 1.75 793585.9 8440700 3845.998 34.54725 59.6 0 665 2014 2.16 18 2 96 36 8 50 FE40650-7 133.7 134.2 0.5 FRC 793586.2 8440701 3845.028 34.5435 59.6 0 665 2014 2.16 18 2 96 36 8 50 10 FE40650-7 134.2 135.7 1.5 FRC 793586.5 8440701 3844.166 34.54017 59.6 0 665 2014 3.1 52 100 96.87 25 16.25 31 10 FE40650-7 134.2 135.7 1.5 F 793586.5 8440701 3844.166 34.54017 59.6 0 665 2014 FE40650-7 135.7 137.4 1.7 F 793587 8440702 3842.786 34.53483 59.59483 0 665 2014 3.1 52 100 96.87 25 16.25 31 FE40650-7 135.7 137.4 1.7 FRC 793587 8440702 3842.786 34.53483 59.59483 0 665 2014 35 FE40650-7 137.4 137.7 0.3 FRC 793587.2 8440702 3841.923 34.5315 59.5915 0 665 2014 2.16 58 440 98.18 41 26.36 26 35 FE40650-7 137.4 137.7 0.3 F 793587.2 8440702 3841.923 34.5315 59.5915 0 665 2014 FE40650-7 137.7 139.6 1.9 F 793587.6 8440702 3840.974 34.52783 59.59 0 665 2014 2.16 58 440 98.18 41 26.36 26 FE40650-7 137.7 139.6 1.9 FRC 793587.6 8440702 3840.974 34.52783 59.59 0 665 2014 10 FE40650-7 226.8 227.6 0.8 FRC 793612.9 8440740 3764.656 34.22267 59.46 0 665 2014 2 19 MZM 10 90.91 41 8.64 39 7Core photos show FE40650-7 227.6 228 0.4 FRC 793613.1 8440740 3764.14 34.22067 59.46 0 665 2014 2.1 43 MZM 1200 100 0 20.48 17 7FE40650-7 227.6 228 0.4 F 793613.1 8440740 3764.14 34.22067 59.46 0 665 2014 FE40650-7 228 229.7 1.7 F 793613.4 8440740 3763.235 34.21717 59.45717 0 665 2014 2.1 43 MZM 1200 100 0 20.48 17 FE40650-7 228 229.7 1.7 FLF 793613.4 8440740 3763.235 34.21717 59.45717 0 665 2014 8FE40575-13 125.45 128.9 Core photos show ~15% FB in a abadly broken to rubbly zone with Fe oxide coatings 30ca foliationin host intrusive rock. Note the moderate foliation developed in intact intrusive rock for 10s of metres in FW (downhole) and perhaps less intense in HW (uphole) FE40575-13 125.45 126.05 0.6 FLZ 793668.3 8440605 3828.886 32.43763 70.90517 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.55 9 3.5 91.67 22 15 35 2FE40575-13 125.45 126.05 0.6 793668.3 8440605 3828.886 32.43763 70.90517 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.55 9 40 92 21.67 FE40575-13 126.05 126.9 0 .85 FLZ 793668.5 8440605 3828.2 32.40263 70.91693 0 590.35 2005-2010 1 10 7.5 100 15 10 32 2 FE40575-13 126.9 127.05 0.15 793668.5 8440605 3827.728 32.37848 70.92504 0 590.35 2005-2010 1 10 7.5 100 15 10 32 FE40575-13 126.05 127.05 1 793668.5 8440605 3828.13 32.39901 70.91815 0 590.35 2005-2010 1 10 20 100 15 FE40575-13 127.05 128.15 1.1 F 793668.7 8440605 3827.137 32.34825 70.93518 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.75 5 7.5 68.18 0 4.55 35 FE40575-13 127.05 128.15 1.1 793668.7 8440605 3827.137 32.34825 70.93518 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.75 5 75 68 FE40575-13 128.15 129.25 1.1 793668.8 8440606 3826.098 32.29497 70.953 0 590.35 2005-2010 1 7 3.5 90.91 24 6.36 38 FE40575-13 128.15 129.25 1.1 793668.8 8440606 3826.098 32.29497 70.953 0 590.35 2005-2010 1 7 20 91 23.64 FE40575-13 71.4 74.15 Core photos show ~20% FB and rubbly zone followed and preceeded by broken rock FE40575-13 71.4 72.15 0.75 F 793658.7 8440590 3879.86 33.39857 70.70387 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.65 13 7.5 86.67 0 17.33 22 FE40575-13 71.4 72.15 0.75 793658.7 8440590 3879.86 33.39857 70.70387 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.65 13 65 87 FE40575-13 72.15 72.95 0.8 793658.9 8440590 3879.128 33.39105 70.71641 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.45 9 7.5 56.25 -1 11.25 -1 FE40575-13 72.15 72.95 0.8 793658.9 8440590 3879.128 33.39105 70.71641 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.45 9 45 56 FE40575-13 72.95 73.55 0.6 793659 8440590 3878.467 33.38425 70.72774 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.3 6 7.5 50 0 10 28 FE40575-13 72.95 73.55 0.6 793659 8440590 3878.467 33.38425 70.72774 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.3 6 30 50 FE40575-13 73.55 74.15 0.6 793659.1 8440590 3877.901 33.37842 70.73745 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.45 9 7.5 75 -1 15 -1 FE40575-13 73.55 74.15 0.6 793659.1 8440590 3877.901 33.37842 70.73745 0 590.35 2005-2010 0.45 9 45 75 FE40600-16 488.05 489.75 Core photos show 2 s MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS FE40600-16 488.05 489.75 1.7 FRC 793580.6 8440792 3498.675 21.64267 64.13033 0 729.45 2014 2.6 48 MZM 600 96.3 53 17.78 38 20 FE40600-16 488.05 489.75 1.7 F 793580.6 8440792 3498.675 21.64267 64.13033 0 729.45 2014 454.85 456.1 JSF June 13 20 3973.389 0.65m thick shear with minor fault breccia (10%) mostly bun 445.65 446.5 JSF June 13 20 3994.932 1.40m thick shear with 5-10% fault breccia Cu min reverse le FE40750-2 126.1 128.1 Core photos show ~1 JSF June 13 20 4038.017 1.5m thick shear in Endoskarn reverse left lateral movement FE40750-3 124.8 126.8 2 FLF 7 93379.1 8440817 3828.48 30.95297 60.03117 0 314.45 2005-2010 40 FE40750-3 128.8 130.8 2 FRC 793380.1 8440819 3825.014 30.74629 60.03466 0 314.45 2005-2010 30 FE40775-10 176.8 181.75 Core photos show ~10% FB in a badly broken to rubbly interval with foliation at 35ca FE40775-10 176.8 177.5 0.7 F 793541.8 8440843 3815.429 33.50011 57.60817 0 452.75 2005-2010 0 .65 14 MZ 15 92.86 0 20 22 FE40775-10 176.8 177.5 0.7 793541.8 8440843 3815.429 33.50011 57.60817 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.65 14 MZ 65 93 FE40775-10 177.5 178.1 0.6 793542 8440844 3814.88 33.49995 57.61888 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.5 2 MZ 3.5 83.33 83 3.33 68 FE40775-10 177.5 178.1 0.6 793542 8440844 3814.88 33.49995 57.61888 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.5 2 MZ 83 83.33 FE40775-10 178.1 179.15 1.05 793542.2 8440844 3814.183 33.49974 57.63248 0 452.75 2005-2010 1.05 8 MZ 3.5 100 62 7.62 45 FE40775-10 178.1 179.15 1 .05 793542.2 8440844 3814.183 33.49974 57.63248 0 452.75 2005-2010 1.05 8 MZ 40 100 61.9 FE40775-10 179.15 180.1 0 .95 793542.5 8440844 3813.338 33.49949 57.64896 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.95 6 MZ 15 100 74 6.32 40 FE40775-10 179.15 180.1 0.95 793542.5 8440844 3813.338 33.49949 57.64896 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.95 6 MZ 25 100 73.68 FE40775-10 180.1 180.75 0.65 793542.8 8440845 3812.663 33.49928 57.66214 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.65 4 MZ 3.5 100 69 6.15 45 FE40775-10 180.1 180.75 0 .65 793542.8 8440845 3812.663 33.49928 57.66214 0 452.75 2005-2010 0.65 4 MZ 20 100 69.23 FE40550-14 365.55 369.5 Core photos show FB ~50% and rubble and FPL Far contact ~ 30CA FE40550-14 365.55 366.6 1.05 FLG 793632.3 8440720 3620.226 35.03199 57.336 0 814 2015 60 FE40550-14 FE40550-14 FE40550-14 FE40550-14 FE40550-14 FE40500-13 FE40500-13

366.6 366.6 367.45 367.45 368.9 226.25 190.3

367.45 0.85 FLG 793632.6 367.45 0.85 F 793632.6 368.9 1.45 F 793633 368.9 1.45 FLF 793633 369.5 0.6 FLF 793633.3 227.25 Have a hard time making this fault 194.2

8440720 3619.426 8440720 3619.426 8440721 3618.457 8440721 3618.457 8440721 3617.592 go through th his is hole.

35.05722 57.41201 0 814 2015 2.2 35.05722 57.41201 0 814 2015 35.0879 57.50401 0 814 2015 2.2 35.0879 57.50401 0 814 2015 35.13347 57.5547 0 814 2015 2.35 Not enough fault rock at the rprojected location. ion. Therefore stoppedit short

46 MBL



46 MBL


1230 -


7 MBL of this hole



95.65 -




0 -


19 19 -


20 -





60 60 60 -


SANTANA Confidence Ranking Fault Outcro 2 More than 1 1 Lineament 0 Drill hole fau 1 >1 Drill hole 2 Distance Bet 1 7


FLT_POLLY Start with distinct 1.5m thick shear at MZB-Skarn contact STA26. On average it dips 46 to 283az, but at the south end appears to steepen to 60 dip to 277az This shear has 0.5-2cm spaced shear foliation planes tightly packed, was traced 50m north and appears to be right lateral normal Rock on HW and Footwall is more massive, although some isolated patches of similar foliation (discontinuous) were seen locally Chrysocolla is variably exposed in the shear Drill hole FE40500-7 is immediately 100m downdip along the 46 degree dip orientation, and core photos show badly broken rock with 5% fault breccia seams. Similar to the surface exposure and it is at the contact between MZM and GSK  Note that panels of TBX have similar orientation 1 Drill hole Distance Bet

90.85 91.3 90.85 91.3 92.05 92.05 97.6 96.9 96.9 97.6 97.6

0.65 0.45 FRC 0.65 F 0.45 F 0.75 F 1.2 1.3 F 1.3 0.7 0.7

X Y Z A0 B0 C0 793774.4 8440541 3898.722 33.39668 56.10333


DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 333.5 2005-2010 1.1 15 MZ

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 75 100 31.82 -

793797.7 8440537

3907.175 33.72963



291.4 2005-2010 -







793729.2 8440569

3855.291 35.50564



383.05 2005-2010 -







40 61.49862


279.95 2005-2010 -







793753.5 8440534 3882.634

8440568 3806.871 36.08783 60.61892








793753.6 793753.6 793754.6 793754.6

8440500 8440500 8440501 8440501

57.62667 57.62667 57.68167 57.68167

0 0 0 0

378.95 2005-2010 378.95 2005-2010 378.95 2005-2010 378.95 2005-2010

3 3 2.4 2.4

43 MZ 43 MZ 32 MZ 32 MZ

3.5 220 7.5 125

96.77 97 100 100

27 27.1 25 25.42 -


32.6 56.43667 32.6 56.43667 32.6 56.41667

0 0 0

401.8 2005-2010 401.8 2005-2010 401.8 2005-2010

0.5 0.5 0.9

9 MZ 9 MZ 8 MZ

7.5 25 3.5

83.33 33 83 100

25 25 57


3831.029 3831.029 3828.705 3828.705

793733.9 8440481 3821.865 793733.9 8440481 3821.865 793734.1 8440481 3821.365

39.22661 39.22661 39.31837 39.31837

2014 -

793759.5 793759.5 793759.8 793759.9 793759.9 793760 793760 793760.2

8440588 8440588 8440589 8440589 8440589 8440589 8440589 8440589

3893.705 3893.705 3893.037 3892.828 3892.87 3892.453 3892.453 3891.972

35.00005 35.00005 35.0001 35.00011 35.00011 35.00014 35.00014 35.00018

56.64262 56.64262 56.62835 56.62389 56.62478 56.61586 56.61586 56.6056

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010

1.5 1.5 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.55

17 MZ 17 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 8 MZ 8 MZ 13 MZ

3.5 50 7.5 7.5 45 7.5 25 7.5

100 100 90 90 90 100 100 84.62

793760.2 793760.4 793760.2 793760.4 793760.6 793760.5

8440589 8440590 8440589 8440590 8440590 8440590

3891.972 3891.513 3891.972 3891.513 3891.012 3891.2

35.00018 56.6056 35.00361 56.5964 35.00018 56.6056 35.00361 56.5964 35.01269 56.58732 35.00928 56.59072

0 0 0 0 0 0

480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010 480.65 2005-2010

0.55 1.15

13 MZ 19 MZ

55 3.5

1.15 1.15

19 MZ 19 MZ

3.5 55

85 95.83 95.83 96 -

793709.9 793709.9 793710.1 793710.1

8440598 8440598 8440598 8440598

3868.464 3868.464 3867.496 3867.496

34.93213 34.93213 34.88644 34.88644

0 0 0 0

481.4 2005-2010 481.4 2005-2010 481.4 2005-2010 481.4 2005-2010

1.2 1.2 0.7 0.7

16 MZ 16 MZ 8 MZ 8 MZ

15 80 3.5 35

92.31 92 100 100

75.44237 75.44237 75.44984 75.44984




33 33.33 0 0 0 0

13.33 -

32 -

30 -

32 40 -



11.33 20 20 16 20




32 -

15.83 -

31 30.77 50 50 -

30 30 30 -

37 32 -




40 23 23 28 20




DIPDIRN COMMENTHICKNEDIP Core photos show a rubble section with ~40% FB and chrysocolla seams 20 Core photos show ~30% FB in a badly broken intensely altered interval 40 Core photos show badly broken section with ~5% FB 30 Core photos show FB ~30% and rubble 38 Core photos show a badly broken section with 1 Drill hole f Distance Betw

0 0 1 2 1 6 


FLT_SARITA   FLT_SARITA Start with STA30 fault breccia outcrop 1.4m thick 85 dip to 343az 343az   This projects downdip at 82 dip to 163az to a fault intercept i n FE40625-7, and a series of 2 other fault interceps at lower elevations Cannot pass through FE40550-9 at 116m   Fault outcrops  outcrops  XP YP ZP PTN 793937.04 8440634 4042.676




STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNE ISRM_ST PERSIST_SHEAR_SHW_ ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERA ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS COMMENTS   253 343 55 345 1.4 2 10 RLN ENDOSK ENDOSK 20 Chrysocol Green and JSF July 12 20 4042.676 1.5m thick Fault Breccia (20%) and domin shear folia  folia 

Drill intercepts  intercepts  BHID  BHID  FROM FROM   TO TO   LENGTH STRUCT X Y  Z  A0  A0  B0 B0   C0 C0   FE40625-7   FE40625-7 13.95  13.95  17.7  17.7  FE40625-7   FE40625-7 13.95 14.25  14.25  0.3 F F   793931.7 8440628 4027.775 4027.775   33.55361 58.89509

159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010 


20 GSK  


FE40625-7  FE40625-7  FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40625-7   FE40625-7 FE40600-8   FE40600-8 FE40600-8   FE40600-8 FE40600-8 FE40600-8

12.65 14.25 14.25 15.25 15.25 16.7 16.7 32.75 32.75 34.25  34.25  32.75  32.75 

14.25  14.25  15.25  15.25  15.25  15.25  16.7  16.7  16.7  16.7  18.3  18.3  18.3  18.3  34.25  34.25  34.25  34.25  34.65  34.65  34.25  34.25 

58.92582 58.87434 58.87434 58.8408 58.8408 58.84278 58.84278 59.88333 59.88333 59.85167   59.85167 59.88333   59.88333

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  159.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010 -

1.5 0.3 0.3 1.3 1.3 1.55 1.55 0.85 0.85 1 

20 GSK   6 GSK   6 GSK   16 GSK   16 GSK   10 GSK   10 GSK   30 GSK   30 GSK   8 GSK  

105 75 29 35 50 3.5 20 7.5 85 3.5 3.5  

FE40600-8  FE40600-8  FE40600-8   FE40600-8 FE40575-14   FE40575-14   FE40575-14   FE40575-14   FE40575-14   FE40575-14   FE40575-14  

34.65 34.25 73.85 73.85 73.85 75.15 75.15 76.7 76.7

35.35  35.35  35.35  35.35  77.4  77.4  75.15  75.15  75.15  75.15  76.7  76.7  76.7  76.7  78.4  78.4  78.4  78.4 

SARITA   SARITA ConfidenceRanking Fault Outcro More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fa >1 Drill hole Distance Be

1.6  1.6  1  1  1.45 F  F  1.45  1.45  1.6  1.6  1.6  1.6  1.5 FLF FLF   1.5  1.5  0.4 FLF FLF   1.5 F F  

4028.332  4028.332  4027.219   4027.219 4027.219   4027.219 4026.17 4026.17 4024.865   4024.865 4024.865   4024.865 4003.465   4003.465 4003.465   4003.465 4002.643   4002.643 4003.465   4003.465

33.59313 33.49479 33.49479 33.37317 33.37317 33.24295 33.24295 34.5 34.5 34.5  34.5  34.5  34.5 



793931.5 793931.9 793931.9 793932.2 793932.2 793932.7 793932.7 793912.4 793912.4 793912.7   793912.7 793912.4   793912.4

8440627 8440628 8440628 8440629 8440629 8440629 8440629 8440621 8440621 8440621   8440621 8440621   8440621

0.7  0.7  1.1  1.1 

793912.8 793912.8

8440621 4002.167 4002.167   8440621 4002.34

34.5 59.83333 34.5 59.84

0  0 

124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  124.7 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1  1 

8 GSK   8 GSK  

1.3 F F   1.3  1.3  1.55 F  F  1.55  1.55  1.7  1.7  1.7  1.7 

793884.9 793884.9 793885.3 793885.3 793885.7 793885.7

8440602 8440602 8440602 8440602 8440603 8440603

33.9 61.08333 33.9 61.08333 33.9 61.1 33.9 61.1 33.9 61.1 33.9 61.1

0  0  0  0  0  0 

166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  166.45 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.15 1.15 1.55 1.55 1.7 1.7

26 GSK   26 GSK   30 GSK   30 GSK   26 GSK   26 GSK  

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% 93.75 93.75  

FracFreq   RMR76B1Alpha



94 94   30 30   30 --   89.66 89.66   90 90   96.87 96.87   97 97   56.67 56.67   57 --   90.91 90.91   -

27.5 0 31 31.03 49 48.75 0 51 -

3.5 30

90.91 90.91   91 91  

51 50.91 -

15 120 15 150 7.5

88.46 88.46   88 --   100 100   100 --   100 100   100 100  


DIPDIRN COMMENTHICKNEDIP   Core photos show broken section with ~15% FB and Chrysocolla  Chrysocolla  

32 -


23 32 40 20 45 -

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  85 -  -  -  85 -  -  - 


45 -

-  - 

22 20 32 -

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

6 11.03 6.25 20 7.27 7.27

Core photos show broken to rubbly section with ~20% FB  FB   3954.605  3954.605  3954.605   3954.605 3953.357   3953.357 3953.357   3953.357 3951.934   3951.934 3951.934   3951.934



20 -


0 24 23.53 -

19.35 15.29 -

2  0  0   0 1  2  1  6 


FLT_JOSEFINA   Start with STA52 fault breccia outcrop 2.0m thick 60 dip to 285az  285az   This projects downdip at 75 dip to 163az to a fault intercept in FE40775-7,with 35% FB Cannot pass through FE40550-9 at 116m   Fault outcrops  outcrops  XP YP ZP PTN 793764.9446 8440770 4048.169 Drill hole intercepts  intercepts   BHID FROM TO FE40775-7 34.15 FE40775-7 34.15 FE40775-7 34.15 FE40775-7 35 FE40775-7 35 FE40775-7 35.8 FE40775-7 35.8 FE40775-7 36.65 FE40775-7 36.65 FE40775-7 38 FE40775-7 38.5 FE40775-7 38 FE40775-7 38.8 FE40775-7 38.8 FE40775-7 39.5 FE40775-7 39.5 FE40775-7 40.25 FE40775-7 40.5 FE40775-7 40.25 FE40775-7 41.8 FE40775-7 42.5 FE40775-7 41.8 FE40775-7 42.6 FE40775-7 42.6 FE40775-7 44.2 FE40775-7 44.2 FE40775-7 44.5 FE40775-7 44.2 FE40750-15 95.85



LENGTH STRUCT X 45.7 35 35 35.8 35.8 36.65 36.65 38 38 38.5 38.8 38.8 39.5 39.5 40.25 40.25 40.5 41.8 41.8 42.5 42.6 42.6 44.2 44.2 44.5 44.5 45.5 45.5 99.9

0.85 F 0.85 0.8 F 0.8 0.85 F 0.85 1.35 F 1.35 0.5 0.3 FLG 0.8 0.7 FLG 0.7 0.75 FLG 0.75 0.25 FLG 1.3 1.55 0.7 0.1 TBX 0.8 1.6 TBX 1.6 0.3 TBX 0.3 F 1F 1.3





793740.3 8440782 4002.603 33.29936 60.57985 793740.3 8440782 4002.603 33.29936 60.57985 793740.5 8440783 4001.885 33.32414 60.58501 793740.5 8440783 4001.885 33.32414 60.58501 793740.7 8440783 4001.166 33.34893 60.59015 793740.7 8440783 4001.166 33.34893 60.59015 793741 8440783 4000.208 33.35133 60.57947 793741 8440783 4000.208 33.35133 60.57947 793741.3 8440784 3999.402 33.33714 60.5612 793741.4 8440784 3999.054 33.331 60.5533 793741.3 8440784 3999.271 33.33484 60.55824 793741.5 8440784 3998.618 33.32334 60.54343 793741.5 8440784 3998.618 33.32334 60.54343 793741.7 8440784 3997.987 33.31224 60.52911 793741.7 8440784 3997.987 33.31224 60.52911 793741.8 8440785 3997.552 33.3009 60.51968 793742.1 8440785 3996.877 33.26622 60.50716 793742 8440785 3996.986 33.27181 60.50918 793742.3 8440785 3996.007 33.22151 60.49098 793742.4 8440786 3995.659 33.20363 60.48451 793742.3 8440785 3995.963 33.21927 60.49017 793742.7 8440786 3994.919 33.18415 60.47386 793742.7 8440786 3994.919 33.18415 60.47386 793742.9 8440786 3994.092 33.16368 60.46216 793742.9 8440786 3994.092 33.16368 60.46216 793743.1 8440787 3993.527 33.14968 60.45416 793743.1 8440787 3993.657 33.15291 60.45601




STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_ST PERSIST_ SHEAR_SHW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERALALTERATMAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS COMMENTS   195 285 58 300 2 3 20 RRL 20 ChrysocollJSF July 13 20 4048.169 2.0m thick shear with 15% fault breccia and Cu min looks reverse right lateral lateral  

DEPTH_mYEAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010159.3 2005-2010 159.3 2005-2010

0.8 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.75 0.75 1 1 1 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.25 1.25 0.95 0.95 0.95 -

-1 MZ MZ -1 MZ MZ 3 MZ 3 MZ 3 MZ 3 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 1 MZ 1 MZ 4 MZ 4 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 10 MZ 3 MZ 3 MZ 3 MZ 4 MZ 4 MZ 20 MZ

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% 3.5 80 3.5 75 3.5 50 3.5 50 3.5 3.5 10 3.5 37 3.5 32 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 12 3.5 -

20 MZ MZ

3.5 95

94.12 94 93.75 94 88.24 88 44.44 44 100 100 100 85.71 86 100 100 64.52 64.52 65 50 50 50 78.12 78 73.08 73.08 73 -

FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 0

-1 -







0 0

12.5 12.5



0 8 8 7.74 20 20 20 0 0 0 -

5.33 6.45 6.45 3.75 3.75 2.5 15.38 15.38 -

-1 -  -  -1 -  -  38 -  -  37 -  -  33 -  33 -  45 -  30 -  33 33 -  -  45 -  45 -  -  40 -  -  31 -  -  31 -  - 

COMMENTS THICKNEDIP  THICKNEDIP  Core photos show rubbly zone with ~30% FB weathered  weathered 

20 20   20 20   20 20   20 20  

Core photos show broken rubbly zone with ~35% FB rusty bounded by intact intrusive  intrusive 

FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-15 FE40750-7 FE40750-7 FE40750-7 FE40750-7 FE40750-7 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FE40725-18 FEGT-15-10 FEGT-15-10 FEGT-15-10 FEGT-15-10 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4 FE40725-4


95.85 95.8 96.5 96.5 97.7 96.5 97.7 97.85 97.7 98.6 98.6 181.2 179.8 179.8 181.7 181.7 110.75 110.25 110.25 111.15 111.15 112.05 112.05 113.4 113.4 114 335.3 335.3 335.7 337.2 15.3 15.3 15.3 16.1 16.1 17.6 17.6 18.6 18.6 19.9 19.9 20.7 20.7

96.5 96.5 97.7 97.7 97.85 97.7 97.85 98.6 98.6 99.9 99.9 182.7 181.7 181.7 182.7 182.7 114.45 111.15 111.15 112.05 112.05 113.4 113.4 114 114 115.55 337.75 335.7 337.2 339.3 22.95 16.1 16.1 17.6 17.6 18.6 18.6 19.9 19.9 20.7 20.7 22.15 22.15

0.65 FLZ 0.7 1.2 FLZ 1.2 0.15 FLZ 1.2 F 0.15 F 0.75 F 0.9 1.3 F 1.3

793692 8440801 3920.231 33.80583 59.4 793692 8440801 3920.253 33.805 59.4 793692.2 8440801 3919.435 33.83667 59.40001 793692.2 8440801 3919.435 33.83667 59.40001 793692.4 8440801 3918.854 33.85917 59.40001 793692.2 8440801 3919.435 33.83667 59.40001 793692.4 8440801 3918.854 33.85917 59.40001 793692.6 8440802 3918.467 33.87417 59.40001 793692.5 8440802 3918.531 33.87167 59.40001 793692.9 8440802 3917.585 33.89167 59.4 793692.9 8440802 3917.585 33.89167 59.4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010337.1 2005-2010337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010 337.1 2005-2010

0.6 0.6 1 1 0.8

11 11 24 24 18


0.8 0.8 1.15 1.15

18 18 26 26


1.9 1.9 1F 1

793633.2 8440827 3810.944 35 59.90805 793633.2 8440827 3810.944 35 59.90805 793633.6 8440827 3809.689 34.99755 59.92847 793633.6 8440827 3809.689 34.99755 59.92847

0 0 0 0

368.8 2005-2010 368.8 2005-2010 368.8 2005-2010 368.8 2005-2010

1.85 1.85 1 1

10 10 18 18


0.9 0.9 0.9 F 0.9 1.35 1.35 0.6 0.6 1.55

793678.5 8440778 3900.283 32 59.3 793678.5 8440778 3900.283 32 59.3 793678.7 8440778 3899.509 31.98005 59.32001 793678.7 8440778 3899.509 31.98005 59.32001 793679.1 8440779 3898.541 31.94257 59.35751 793679.1 8440779 3898.541 31.94257 59.35751 793679.3 8440779 3897.702 31.91003 59.39 793679.3 8440779 3897.702 31.91003 59.39 793679.6 8440780 3896.777 31.92583 59.40001

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010 438.9 2005-2010

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.25 1.25 0.6 0.6 3

6 6 12 12 9 9 12 12 6

793598 793598.1 793598.4

8440803 3750.84 165.8268 51.66629 8440802 3750.094 165.9929 51.90607 8440801 3748.673 166.3127 52.35977

0 0 0

350.3 350.3 350.3

3.8 3.8 2.2

11 11 10

1 1 1

793721.9 8440732 4006.935 33.73253 58.19278 793721.9 8440732 4006.935 33.73253 58.19278 793722.3 8440733 4005.958 33.71405 58.13301 793722.3 8440733 4005.958 33.71405 58.13301 793722.6 8440733 4004.897 33.704 58.03336 793722.6 8440733 4004.897 33.704 58.03336 793723 8440734 4003.922 33.69991 58.00315 793723 8440734 4003.922 33.69991 58.00315 793723.3 8440734 4003.031 33.69976 58.01874 793723.3 8440734 4003.031 33.69976 58.01874 793723.6 8440735 4002.077 33.6996 58.03544 793723.6 8440735 4002.077 33.6996 58.03544

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.4 0.4 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.75 1.1 1.1 0.75 0.75 0.35 0.35

13 13 24 24 20 20 18 18 9 9 29 29

15 30 7.5 60 7.5 75 15 70 3.5 30 7.5 35


35 40 35 100 35

34 34.29 0 0 0 0 -


35 80 35 115

85.71 86 83.33 83 88.89 88.89 89 88.46 88 -

7.5 35 15 90

97.37 97 100 100

68 68.42 10 10 -


7.5 30 15 60 3.5

100 100 100 100 92.59 93 100 100 96.77

67 66.67 33 33.33 70 70.37 -1 90



31 -





20 20 -

18 -

55 -  -  55 -  -  55 - 

-  -  18 -  -  18 -  -

-  Core photos show rubble zone with possible fault breccia bounded by massive intrusive  intrusive 

44 -  -  20 -  -  Core photos show seams of FB ~5% in badly broken section section  

3.5 3.5



42 -  -  32 -  -  45 -  -  -1 -  -  69 - 

3.79 3.79 4.76

53 -  53 -  48 - 

13.33 6.67 20 -

Core photos show 0.4m FB interval at near contact followed by a broken section with 20CA foliation foliation   0.4 F 1.5 2.1

2015 2015 2015

131.03 131.03 104.76

50 50 18

Core photos show FB ~15% in badly broken section section   0.8 0.8 1.5 F 1.5 1F 1 1.3 F 1.3 0.8 0.8 1.45 1.45

327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010 327.45 2005-2010

50 50 56.67 57 75 75 84.62 85 93.75 94 24.14 24 -

15 15 17 17.33 0 19 19.23 50 50 0 -

16.25 16 20 13.85 11.25 20 -

28 -  -  27 -  -  20 -  -  25 -  -  38 -  -  23 -  - 


BHID FE40725-4   FE40725-4 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10 FE40725-10 FE40725-10 FE40725-10 FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40725-10   FE40725-10 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-9   FE40700-9 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40700-7   FE40700-7 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40775-14   FE40775-14 FE40800-3   FE40800-3

FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z A0 B0 C0 22.15 22.95 793723.9 8440735 4001.122 33.68742 58.06799 0.8 F  F  58.06799   60.05 66.25 60.05 61.5 1.45 F F   793685.5 8440743 3947.149 33.44307 76.50904 76.50904   60.05 60.2 0.15 0.15   793685.4 8440742 3947.781 33.48083 76.50322 76.50322   60.2 61.5 1.3 FLG FLG   793685.5 8440743 3947.076 33.43871 76.50972 76.50972   61.5 62 0.5 FLG 793685.7 8440743 3946.201 33.38635 76.51777 61.5 62 0.5 793685.7 8440743 3946.201 33.38635 76.51777 62 62.2 0.2 FLG 793685.7 8440743 3945.86 33.36418 76.5226 62 62.2 0.2 F 793685.7 8440743 3945.86 33.36418 76.5226 62.2 63.2 1F 793685.8 8440743 3945.277 33.3184 76.53822 62 63.2 1.2  1.2  793685.8 8440743 3945.374 33.32604 76.53562 63.2 64.85 1.65 F F   793685.9 8440743 3943.988 33.21694 76.57267 63.2 64.85 793685.9 8440743 3943.988 33.21694 76.57267 1.65 1.65   64.85 66.25 1.4 F  F  793686.1 8440744 3942.505 33.11002 76.59523 64.85 66.25 1.4  1.4  793686.1 8440744 3942.505 33.11002 76.59523 137.15 140.3 137.15 137.55 0.4 FLZ FLZ   793663.2 8440767 3866.591 36.1447 59.22806 137.55 138.05 0.5 FLZ FLZ   793663.4 8440768 3866.204 36.15411 59.22481 137.55 138.05 0.5  0.5  793663.4 8440768 3866.204 36.15411 59.22481 138.05 138.85 0.8 FLZ FLZ   793663.6 8440768 3865.646 36.1677 59.22011 138.05 138.85 0.8  0.8  793663.6 8440768 3865.646 36.1677 59.22011 138.85 139.15 0.3 FLZ FLZ   793663.7 8440768 3865.173 36.17919 59.21613 138.05 138.85 0.8 F  F  793663.6 8440768 3865.646 36.1677 59.22011 139.15 139.35 0.2  0.2  793663.8 8440768 3864.959 36.18441 59.21432 138.85 139.35 0.5  0.5  793663.7 8440768 3865.087 36.18128 59.21541 139.35 139.7 0.35 0.35   793663.9 8440768 3864.722 36.18721 59.21251 139.35 139.7 0.35 0.35   793663.9 8440768 3864.722 36.18721 59.21251 139.7 141 1.3 F  F  793664.1 8440769 3864.014 36.19053 59.20739 139.7 141 1.3  1.3  793664.1 8440769 3864.014 36.19053 59.20739 80.1 85.85 80.1 81.2 1.1  1.1  793699.9 8440733 3930.399 32.90204 61.8001 80.1 81.2 1.1  1.1  793699.9 8440733 3930.399 32.90204 61.8001 81.2 81.55 0.35 0.35   793700.1 8440733 3929.76 32.86235 61.8001 81.2 81.55 0.35 0.35   793700.1 8440733 3929.76 32.86235 61.8001 81.55 82.45 0.9 F  F  793700.3 8440733 3929.209 32.82813 61.80008 81.55 82.45 0.9  0.9  793700.3 8440733 3929.209 32.82813 61.80008 82.45 83.65 1.2 F  F  793700.5 8440734 3928.284 32.77065 61.80004 82.45 83.65 1.2  1.2  793700.5 8440734 3928.284 32.77065 61.80004 83.65 84.5 0.85 F F   793700.8 8440734 3927.38 32.71307 61.80001 83.65 84.5 0.85 0.85   793700.8 8440734 3927.38 32.71307 61.80001 84.5 85.2 0.7 F  F  793701 8440734 3926.697 32.66798 61.80001 84.5 85.2 0.7  0.7  793701 8440734 3926.697 32.66798 61.80001 85.2 85.85 0.65 F F   793701.2 8440735 3926.102 32.62871 61.80001 85.2 85.85 793701.2 8440735 3926.102 32.62871 61.80001 0.65 0.65   24.2 30.85 24.4 25.7 1.3 F  F  793763.3 8440797 4022.992 33.59517 54.73508 24.4 25.7 1.3  1.3  793763.3 8440797 4022.992 33.59517 54.73508 25.7 27.05 1.35 F F   793763.7 8440798 4021.91 33.46262 54.77923 25.7 27.05 1.35 1.35   793763.7 8440798 4021.91 33.46262 54.77923 27.05 28.95 1.9 F  F  793764.2 8440799 4020.581 33.3005 54.90008 27.05 28.95 1.9  1.9  793764.2 8440799 4020.581 33.3005 54.90008 28.95 30.05 1.1 F  F  793764.7 8440799 4019.353 33.15031 55.05005 28.95 30.05 1.1  1.1  793764.7 8440799 4019.353 33.15031 55.05005 30.05 30.85 0.8 F  F  793765 8440800 4018.574 33.085 55.10001 30.05 30.85 0.8  0.8  793765 8440800 4018.574 33.085 55.10001 69.85 71.85

FE40800-3 FE40700-12   FE40700-12 FE40700-12   FE40700-12 FE40700-12   FE40700-12 FE40700-12   FE40700-12 FE40700-12   FE40700-12

69.85 103.65 103.65 103.65 104.3 104.3

71.85 107.75  107.75   104.3  104.3  104.3  104.3  104.7  104.7  104.7  104.7 


793727.3 8440822 3956.286

50 58.73906

0.65 0.65 0.4 0.4

793679.7 793679.7 793679.8 793679.8

3901.563 3901.563 3901.112 3901.112

34.73027 34.73027 34.72501 34.72501

FE40700-12 FE40700-12

104.7 104.7

106.15 106.15

1.45 1.45

793680.1 8440743 3900.319 793680.1 8440743 3900.319

FE40700-12 FE40700-12 FE40700-12 FE40700-12 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14

106.15 106.15 107.55 107.55 25.9 25.55 25.55 27.45 27.45 27.7 27.7 28.35 28.35 29.35 29.35 30.15 30.15 30.65

107.55 107.55 108.55 108.55 35.6 27.45 27.45 27.7 27.7 28.35 28.35 29.35 29.35 30.15 30.15 30.65 30.65 31.85


DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 327.45 2005-2010  2005-2010  0.55  0.55  16  16 

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 35 68.75 0 20 18 -  - 



Core photos show badly broken section with ~10% FB 20CA shear fol and Fe oxide coatings  coatings  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010 641.7 2005-2010 641.7 2005-2010 641.7 2005-2010641.7 2005-2010 641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010  641.7 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.45  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.45  0.5 0.5 1.15

24  24  24  24  24  24  8 8 21

1.15 1.15 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4

21 21 23 23 19 19

3.5 105 3.5 115 3.5 90

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010 -  -  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010  441.55 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.9 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.5

13 10 10 16 16 10

63 7.5 49 75 79 15

0.5 0.5 0.35 0.35 1.3 1.3

10 10 7 7 18 18

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010  314.65 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.05 1.05 0.35 0.35 0.85 0.85 1.2 1.2 0.85 0.85 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.65

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010  278.75 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.8


7.5 120 120 3.5 40 3.5 -

100 100 100 100 100 95.83 -

95.83 96 90.91 91 100 100

17  17  17.24 -  -  17.24 -  -  20 20 8 8 8.33 19 19.39 36 35.71 -

16.55 16

29 -  -  -  25 25   25 25  

35 -


-  23

17.5 13.94 13.57 -

25 25  

-  23 -  -  28 -  -  33 -  -  Core photos show rubble interval with ~20% FB bounded by massive intrusive rock  rock   

15 49 15 34 3.5 80

97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

67.69 0 0 0 0 0 38 38.46 -

8 8 7 7 18 18 16 16 14 14 14 14 13 13

3.5 30 3.5 34 3.5 85 3.5 80 3.5 67 3.5 60 15 64

95.45 95 100 100 94.44 94 100 100 100 100 85.71 86 100 100 -

64 63.64 0 0 33 33.33 21 21.18 0 0 -

26 26 27 27 39 39 22 22 16 16

75 120 75 130 75 189 75 109 75 79

92.31 92 96.3 96 100 100 100 100 100 100 -





80 80   80  80 

23 -


-  17


80  80  - 

21 -

20 20 13.85 -

80  80 

-  21 -  -  21 -  -  37 -  -  Core photos show rubbly section with ~15% FB 25ca shear foliation foliation  

7.27 20 20 13.33 16.47 20 20 -

45 -  -  28 -  -  27 -  -  37 -  -  32 -  -  27 -  -  17 -  -  Core photos show weathered rubble Log reads fault  fault  


20 -














38  38  38.46 -  -  -1  -1  -

16 -  -  16 -  -  16 -  -  16 -  -  16 -  -   No core photos  photos 


271.2 2005-2010-




30 30  

59.06583   59.06583 59.06583  59.06583  59.08333   59.08333 59.08333   59.08333

0 0 0 0

550.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  550.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  550.8 2005-2010  2005-2010  550.8 2005-2010  2005-2010 

0.65 0.65 0.4 0.4

10 10 8 8

35 40 7.5 39

100  100  100  100  100  100  100 -  - 


35 -  -  -1 -  -  -

34.72 34.72

59.1 59.1

0 0

550.8 2005-2010 550.8 2005-2010

1.45 1.45

8 8

7.5 35

100 100



51 -  75.86 -

793680.5 8440743 3899.096 34.72 793680.5 8440743 3899.096 34.72 793680.9 8440744 3898.066 34.72017 793680.9 8440744 3898.066 34.72017

59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1

0 0 0 0

550.8 2005-2010 550.8 2005-2010 550.8 2005-2010 550.8 2005-2010

1.4 1.4 0.95 0.95

20 20 12 12

35 100 7.5 39

100 100 95 95



56 56 -

12 -

32 -  28.57 39 -  - 

59.56669  59.56669  59.56669   59.56669 59.67667   59.67667 59.67667   59.67667 59.73667   59.73667 59.73667   59.73667 59.84668   59.84668 59.84668   59.84668 59.96667   59.96667 59.96667   59.96667 60.02667   60.02667 60.02667   60.02667 60.08334   60.08334

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010 

1.4 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.45 1.2

22 22 5 5 13 13 20 20 16 16 10 10 24

7.5 100 7.5 20 15 29 15 24 15 24 35 44 35

73.68 74 80 80 46.15 46 25 25 31.25 31 90 90 100

21 21.05 0 00 00 0 -  -  0 0 -  -  0 0 -  -  0


Core photos show  show  

1.4 F 1.4 1 1 1.9 F F   1.9  1.9  0.25 0.25   0.25 0.25   0.65 0.65   0.65 0.65   1 1 0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  1.2 F F  

793756.4 793756.4 793756.7 793756.7 793756.9 793756.9 793757.1 793757.1 793757.4 793757.4 793757.6 793757.6 793757.8

8440742 8440742 8440742 8440742

8440762 8440762 8440762 8440762 8440762 8440762 8440763 8440763 8440763 8440763 8440763 8440763 8440764

4017.809 4017.809 4016.881 4016.881 4016.493 4016.493 4015.78 4015.78 4015.001 4015.001 4014.438 4014.438 4013.702

35.2335 35.2335 35.18102 35.18102 35.1661 35.1661 35.13862 35.13862 35.10843 35.10843 35.11326 35.11326 35.14152

FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y 30.65 31.85 793757.8 8440764 1.2  1.2  31.85 33.6 1.75 F F   793758.2 8440764 31.85 33.6 1.75 1.75   793758.2 8440764 33.6 34.75 1.15 F F   793758.6 8440765 33.6 34.75 1.15 1.15   793758.6 8440765 34.75 35.55 0.8 F F   793758.9 8440765

Z 4013.702 4012.423 4012.423 4011.164 4011.164 4010.316

A0 35.14152 35.19078 35.19078 35.27775 35.27775 35.34283

15.38 20

20 20 20 20 20 20



25 -  -  23 -  -  21 -  -  21 -  -  21 -  -  21 -  -  18 -  - 


BHID FE40750-14  FE40750-14  FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14 FE40750-14 FE40750-14  FE40750-14    FE40750-14 FE40750-14   FE40750-14

JOSEFINA   JOSEFINA Confidence Ranking Fault Outcrop  Outcrop  More than 1  1  Lineament   Lineament Drill hole fault r   >1 Drill hole fau  fau  Distance Betwee  Betwee 

34.75 35.55 35.55

2 0 0 1 2 1 6

35.55 36.45 36.45

0.8  0.8 0.9  F F   0.9  0.9 

793758.9 793759.2 793759.2

8440765 8440765 4010.316 4009.576 35.34283 35.4 8440765 4009.576 35.4

B0 C0 60.08334 60.18167 60.18167 60.3567 60.3567 60.4867

0 0 0 0 0 0

60.4867 60.6 60.6

0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH_FRNATCoLITHO 1.2 288 2005-2010  2005-2010  24  24  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  0.9 35  35  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  0.9 35  35  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  1 13  13  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  1 13  13  288 2005-2010  2005-2010  0.7 16  16  288 2005-2010 288 2005-2010  2005-2010   2005-2010  288 2005-2010  2005-2010 

0.7 0.8 0.8

16  16 18  18   18  18 

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq 119 100 0 -  -  35 51.43 0 20 89 51 0 -  -  15 86.96 30  30  11.3 65 87 30.43 7.5 87.5 0 20 69 7.5 79

88 88.89 89

-  00 -  0 -  - 

RMR76B1Alpha 18 -  -  28 -  -  -  20 -  - 

20 -

20 --  -  -




FLT_PERLA Start with STA7 0.8m thick fault breccia dipping 90 to 210 A 235m long lineament is parallel to this fault outcrop Projects NW along the lineament to FE40450-2 Difficult to know if this cuts SAIDA Fault at depth or vice versa At SE end it appears to be cut by FLT since it does not go through FE40275-8. Perhaps more detail needed here Fault outcrops XP YP ZP PTN 792875.754 8440658 3977.09



BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X Y Z  A0 B0 C0 FE40450-2 197.85 206.9 FE40450-2 197.85 200.8 2.95 FRC 793040.3 8440486 3801.148 289.6719 60.18375 FE40450-2 210.8 212.65 1.85 CON 793034.6 8440488 3790.383 289.7 60.20843 FE40375-10 197.7   200.3 FE40375-10 1.05 FLZ 197.7   198.75 793135.3   8440422 3763.622 30.7462 70.90782   FE40375-10 197.25   198.75 1.5 793135.2   8440421 3763.835 30.75008 70.9091   FE40375-10 199.6 0.85 FLZ 198.75   793135.4   8440422 3762.724 30.72982 70.90242   FE40375-10 198.75   199.6 0.85 793135.4   8440422 3762.724 30.72982 70.90242   FE40375-10 199.6   199.7 0.1 FLZ 793135.5   8440422 3762.275 30.72172 70.89862   FE40375-10 199.6 0.85 F 198.75   793135.4   8440422 3762.724 30.72982 70.90242   FE40375-10 199.7 0.1 F 199.6   793135.5   8440422 3762.275 30.72172 70.89862   FE40375-10 200.3 0.6 F 199.7   793135.6   8440422 3761.945 30.71628 70.88897   FE40375-10 200.3 0.7 199.6   793135.6   8440422 3761.992 30.71706 70.89035   FE40375-5 108.7 127.4 FE40375-5 108.7 109.8 1.1 793161.8 8440399 3840.752 37.56903 75.79913


FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5 FE40375-5

108.6 109.8 110.5 109.8 110.8   110.8   111.15   111.15 112.3 112.3 114.5 114.5 115.65 115.65 117.15 117.15 118.8 118.8 120.3   120.3   121.9   121.9   123.45 123.45   125.2   125.45   125.45   127.2  

109.8 110.5 110.8 110.8 111.15 111.15 112.3 112.3 114.5 114.5 115.65 115.65 117.15 117.15 118.8 118.8 120.3 120.3 121.9   121.9   123.45   123.45   125.45 125.2   125.45   127.2   127.2   127.4  

FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40325-4 FE40350-5 FE40350-5

586.3   584.9   584.9   586.8   586.8   589.65   589.65   589.75   590.95   591.25   109 109.9  

591.35   586.8   586.8   589.65   589.65   590.95   589.75   590.95   591.25   593.45   125.75   110.4  

FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5

109.9   110.4   110.4   112.15   112.15   113.35   113.35   114.65   114.65   116.8   116.8   118.65   118.65  

110.4   112.15   112.15   113.35   113.35   114.65   114.65   116.8   116.8   118.65   118.65   119.15   119.15  

119.15   119.15   120

120   120   120.75  

120 120.75   120.75  

120.75   122.7   122.7  


STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_ST PERSIST_SHEAR_SHW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FTB MINERA ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS 120 210 60 120 0.8 1 15 NLL MZQ MBL-LST 70 Limonite JSF June 9 201 3977.09 0.80m thick fault breccia 70%at contact between MZQ and MBL-LMT left lateral normal south



0 0

380.7 2005-2010 380.7 2005-2010 -

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010 615 2005-2010



FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha




100 100 58.82 59 85.71 85.71 86 -

27 26.67 0  0 0 -



DIPDIRN COMMENTHICKNEDIP Core photos show rubbly interval with ~20 FB 60 60 No Core photos

1.5  1.5  0.5  0.5  0.6 

22 22 17 17 14 -  - 


-  7.5  50  75 

-  - 


0.6  0.6 

14 14

75  60 



17 -

20 20 20 -

45 -


31 51.67 31 60 30 60 41 60 28 40 38 48 37 47 40 37 38 38 -

--  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

-  20 




20 -

Core photos show badly broken altered interval with ~25 FB at Limestone contact with intrusive Note yellow jarosite? 0

590.4 2005-2010






7 6 6 6  3  3  5  5 11 11 5 5 10 10 8 8 3 3 7  7  6  6  10  10  10  8 

35 3.5 3.5 40  3.5 30 3.5 30 3.5 160 3.5 65 3.5 20 3.5 20 3.5 145 3.5   80  3.5   80  3.5   56  56  3.5  

12 12 12 0 18 18.26 11 11.36 14 13.91 32 32 27 27.27 0 36 35.62 18 18.06 33 33 33 11 -  11 56 55.79 38 37.89 31 30.77 30.77 65 65

1.2 0.7 0.3 CON 1 0.35 CON 0.35 1.15 CON 1.15 2.2 F 2.2 1.15 F 1.15 1.5 1.5 1.65 1.65 1.5 F 1.5 1.6 F 1.6 1.55 F 1.55 2F 1.75 0.25 TBX 1.75 TBX 1.75 F 0.2 F

793161.8 793161.9 793162 793162 793162.1 793162.1 793162.2 793162.2 793162.4 793162.4 793162.7 793162.7 793162.9 793162.9 793163.1 793163.1 793163.3 793163.3 793163.6   793163.6   793163.8   793163.8   793164.1 793164   793164.2   793164.3   793164.3   793164.5  

8440399 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440400 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440401 8440402 8440402 8440402 8440402 8440402 8440402 8440403 8440403 8440403 8440403

3840.8 3839.879 3839.395 3839.734 3839.08 3839.08 3838.352 3838.352 3836.728 3836.728 3835.104 3835.104 3833.819 3833.819 3832.291 3832.291 3830.764 3830.764 3829.26 3829.26 3827.732 3827.732 3826.01 3826.132 3825.162 3824.192 3824.192 3823.246

37.56808 37.58626 37.59583 37.58913 37.5952 37.5952 37.5802 37.5802 37.54657 37.54657 37.52115 37.52115 37.51364 37.51364 37.50469 37.50469 37.49317 37.49317 37.47902 37.47902 37.46712 37.46712 37.45667 37.4574 37.45153 37.47287 37.47287 37.49747

75.79907 75.80028 75.80091 75.80047 75.80463 75.80463 75.81978 75.81978 75.85359 75.85359 75.88163 75.88163 75.89507 75.89507 75.91104 75.91104 75.9307 75.9307 75.95405   75.95405   75.95195   75.95195   75.91955   75.92184   75.90358   75.90102   75.90102   75.9007  

0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

590.4 2005-2010 2005-2010 590.4 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010 590.4 2005-2010

1.2 0.95 0.95 0.95   0.3  0.3  1.05   1.05 2.1 2.1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.65 1.65 1.45 1.45 1.6 1.6 1.55 1.55 2  2  2  1.95 1.95


100 95 95 95 85.71 86 91.3 91 95.45 95 86.96 87 100 100 100 100 96.67 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

1.9 F 1.9 2.85 F 2.85 1.3 F 0.1 1.2 CON 0.3 CON 2.2

793181   793181   793181.4   793181.4   793181.7   793181.6   793181.7   793181.8   793182  

8440383 8440383 8440383 8440383 8440384 8440383 8440384 8440384 8440384

3355.885 3355.885 3353.543 3353.543 3351.498 3352.089 3351.449 3350.709 3349.477

64.20192 64.20192 64.02732 64.02732 63.93945 63.92473 63.94067 63.95904 63.98959

80.36877   80.36877   80.31438   80.31438   80.27465   80.28116   80.27411   80.26598   80.25243  

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010 655.6 2005-2010

1.9 1.9 2.75 2.75 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.4 2.4

19  19  37  37  16  16  16  23  23 

3.5   60  3.5   105  3.5   83  83  3.5   3.5  

100 100 96.49 96 100 100 100 96 96

793187   8440391 3843.143 36.82765


419.45 2005-2010



60.2   60.21125   60.21125   60.2302   60.2302   60.24337   60.24337   60.25787   60.25787   60.24192   60.24192   60.21016   60.21016  

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010 419.45 2005-2010

0.4 1.6 1.6 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 2  2  1.6 1.6 0.45 0.45 0.8 0.8 0.55 0.55 1.9 1.9

4  31  31  20  20  17  17  25  25  16  16  12  12  17  17  13  13  33  33 

20  7.5  


5.83 6 6 8.57 4.35 5 4.35 6.67 4.85 2 4.37  


5  4.1 



Core photos show a badly broken section with ~5% FB at Skarn contact 10 



-  9.2  9.2 

49 49 -

-  -  -  -  -  -  40 40 -

33 -


20 23 25 33 30 23 20 23 19 -

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

47 37 37 -

Core photos show a badly broken section with ~25% FB 0.5 0.5 1.75 F 1.75 1.2 1.2 1.3 F 1.3 2.15 F 2.15 1.85 F 1.85 0.5 0.5 0.85 F 0.85 0.75 F 0.75 1.95 F 1.95

793187   793187.4   793187.4   793187.8   793187.8   793188.2   793188.2   793188.7   793188.7   793189.3   793189.3   793189.6   793189.6   793189.8   793189.8   793190.1   793190.1   793190.5   793190.5  

8440391 8440391 8440391 8440392 8440392 8440392 8440392 8440393 8440393 8440394 8440394 8440394 8440394 8440395 8440395 8440395 8440395 8440396 8440396

3843.143 3842.167 3842.167 3840.887 3840.887 3839.801 3839.801 3838.304 3838.304 3836.567 3836.567 3835.547 3835.547 3834.962 3834.962 3834.267 3834.267 3833.096 3833.096

36.82765 36.8622 36.8622 36.91451 36.91451 36.95401 36.95401 37.00235 37.00235 37.08475 37.08475 37.15102 37.15102 37.18112 37.18112 37.21127 37.21127 37.26215 37.26215

60.203   60.203   60.20224   60.20224   60.20095   60.20095  

80 80 91.43 91 66.67 67 84.62 85 93.02 93 86.49 86 90 90 94.12 94 73.33 73 97.44 97

140  7.5   30  7.5   55  3.5   65  7.5   50  7.5   45  7.5   80  3.5   60  7.5   165 

40 40 11 11.43 21 20.83 23 23.08 28 27.91 49 48.65 0  0 13 13.33 5  5.13 -








20 17.33  




BHID FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40350-5 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40275-8 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5   FE40225-5

FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5 FE40225-5

FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT 122.7 123.35 0.65 F 122.7 122.8 0.1 122.8 123.35 0.55 TBX 123.35 124.8 1.45 TBX 123.35 124.8 1.45 F 213.9 205.35   205.35   208.1 2.75 F 208.1 2.75 205.35   208.1   211.2 3.1 F 208.65 0.55 208.1   209.9 1.25 CON 208.65   209.9   211.2 1.3 TBX 211.6 0.4 TBX 211.2   211.2   211.6 0.4 F 214.1 2.5 F 211.6   211.2   211.6 0.4 213.5 1.9 TBX 211.6   214.1 0.6 CON 213.5   243.35   253.26 245.05 3.1 F 241.95   245.05 3.1 241.95   245.05 246.05 1  245.05 246.05 1  248.5 2.45 246.05   248.5 2.45 246.05   250.1 1.6 SLK 248.5   250.1   250.45 0.35 248.5   250.45 1.95 250.45   251.7 1.25 F 250.45   251.7 1.25 252.55 0.85 F 251.7   251.7   252.55 0.85 LAM 253.25 0.7 LAM 252.55   253.25 0.7 252.55   253.65 0.4 LAM 253.25  

PERLA Confidence Ranking Fault Outcrop More than 1

2 0

X Y Z 793190.9 8440396 3831.968 793190.8 8440396 3832.206 793190.9 8440396 3831.924 793191.2 8440396 3831.057 793191.2 8440396 3831.057

A0 B0 C0 37.29903 60.2 37.29892 60.2 37.29905 60.2 37.29945 60.2 37.29945 60.2

0 0 0 0 0

DEPTH_mYEAR LENGTH FRNATCoLITHO 419.45 2005-2010 0.65 11 419.45 2005-2010 0.65 11 419.45 2005-2010 0.65 11 419.45 2005-2010 2.05 32 419.45 2005-2010 -

ABERT_mRECOV% RQD% FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha 7.5 100 15 16.92 20 55 100 15.38 55 100 15.38 7.5 97.62 21 15.24 25 -

793172.9   793172.9   793173.8   793173.4   793173.7   793174.1   793174.3   793174.3   793174.8   793174.3   793174.7   793175.1  

8440366 8440366 8440367 8440367 8440367 8440368 8440368 8440368 8440368 8440368 8440368 8440369

3740.082 3740.082 3737.507 3738.63 3737.837 3736.714 3735.966 3735.966 3734.689 3735.966 3734.953 3733.852

39.71145 39.71145 39.87319 39.79382 79382 39.84984 39.92923 39.97733 39.97733 40.03268 39.97733 40.02122 40.06902

61.70016 61.70016 61.70353 61.70063 61.70269 61.70555 61.71155 61.71155 61.74451   61.71155   61.73769   61.76609  

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010 494.45 2005-2010

2.75 2.75 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9

58  58  58  58 

35  285   285   285  

793150.1   793150.1   793150.8 793150.8 793151.3  

8440332 8440332 8440333 8440333 8440333 8440333 8440334 8440335 8440334 8440335 8440335 8440335 8440335 8440336 8440336 8440336

3692.8 3692.8 3691.065 3691.065 3689.605 3689.605 3687.891 3687.065 3687.743 3686.388 3686.388 3685.498 3685.498 3684.842 3684.842 3684.376

36.03149 36.03149 35.99828 35.99828 35.97713 35.97713 35.93161 35.89442 35.92494 35.86388 35.86388 35.82727 35.82727 35.80406 35.80406 35.78758

57.80001   57.80001   57.80551 57.80551 57.82451  

0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 

527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010 527.05 2005-2010

3.1 3.1 0.9 0.9 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.05 1.05 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 2.3

15  15  4  4  6 

3.5   110   3.5 15  3.5  

6  3  3  3  22 

49  3.5   3.5   30 

54 54 60 60 60 60 58 - 

35  270 35  305 305 305 35 



100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -  100 100 100 100 -


19.64 -









20 20 18 18 -

DIPDIRN COMMENTHICKNEDIP --Core photos show badly broken altered interval with ~20 FB at Limestone contact with intrusive Note TBX and yellow jarosite? 65 70 Core photos show rubbly altered interval with ~25 FB in TBX unit

793151.3   793151.9   793152.2   793152   793152.5   793152.5   793152.8   793152.8   793153.1   793153.1   793153.2  

57.82451   57.85344   57.87224   57.85681   57.88766   57.88766   57.89974   57.89974   57.8998   57.8998   57.89984  

12  12 

3.5   104   3.5

54 3.5 54 3.5

100 100 90 90 89.8   90   87.18   87.18   87 84 84 64.71 65 78.57 79 86.79

53 52.9 -1 38 37.96 10 10 10.26 0 0 0 37

4.84 4 2.45  

1.54   1.54  

17.6 14.12

53 -1 52 50 50 26 27 -


22 -



-  -  60 -  55 55 55 -

Lineament Drill hole fau >1 Drill hole Distance Bet

2 1 2 0 7 


FLT_BETSY   FLT_BETSY Start with strong Cu mineralized fault breccia zone at STA24    Note that this zone is at boundary of Skarn, and brecciated intrusive is within the fault zone To the NW cannot pass FLT_12 through FE40500-9. Therefore stopped before this hole  Downdip fits with FE40450-7 and FE40350-5 on same section but cannot projectfurther downdip therefore stopped   STA_ID STA24

X Y Z STRUCTUDIP 793290   8440485   3934 FAULT  67 

STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_ST PERSIST_SHEAR HW_RO FW_RO PCT_FB MINERA ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS  137  227  1.8  2 15  RLN MBL MBL  Chrysocol Intense cla JSF   July 11 20 -   3933.591 1.8m thick Fault Breccia (30%) and shear foliation with tan   colour -

BHID FE40400-2 FE40450-7 FE40350-5 FE40400-3 FE40450-12 FE40425-8 FE40325-4

FROM  TO  LENG STRUCT  X 123  59.55  62.7 192.85  195.1 99.7  101.85 21.5  24.2 38.95  41.15 296.1  302.3 144.3  145.55








FracFreq   RMR76B1Alpha  

DIPDIRN COMMENTS 224 Core 225 Core 215 Core 216 Core 216 Core 225 Core

photos photos photos photos photos photos

show show show show show show

THICKNEDIP  finely laminated MBL/L wet mush FB ~70% broken section with ~10% broken section with ~15% broken section with ~10% rubbly zone in TBX with

215 Core photos show badly broken section with

1.54  2.93  1.64  2.68  2.19  4.51  1.45 

56 60


BETSY   Confidence Ranking  Fault Outcrop More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fault roc >1 Drill hole fault Distance Between

2  0  0  1  2  1  6 


FLT_EVELYN Start with fault outcrops STA41 and STA43 which align and have similar dip and dip direction This projects downdip to FE41300-1 with a 4m thick zone logged as " F". No core photos available This fault is projected as curviplanar to fit the mapped dips and DD H intercept Continues to SE and has been trimmed to GUISELA FLT Continue to NW to a lineament. Stopped there due to lack of further information STA_ID STA43 STA41

X 794349 794349   794397 794397  

Y Z 8441489 4234 8441379 4172


BHID FROM TO LENGTH STRUCT X  FE41300-1 229.85 236.25 EVELYN Confidence Ranking Fault Outcro More than 1 Lineament Drill hole fa >1 Drill hole Distance Bet

2 1 0 1 0 0 4 

STRIKER DIPDIRN PLUNGEFTRENDFPTHICKNEISRM_ST PERSIST_SHEAR_SHW_ROC FW_ROC PCT_FB MINERA ALTERA MAPPER DATE FAULT_I ELEV COMMENTS 130 130   220 42 270 1.3 1  10 10   RLL MBL MBL 40 4  JSF  JSF  July 13 20 4234.451 1.3m thick Fault Breccia (40%) with signif shear folia 170 170   260 50 167 2.9 2  10 10   RLL MBL MBL 35 4  JSF  JSF  July 13 20 4172.45 2.9m thick Fault Breccia (35%) not much foliation FW







FracFreq RMR76B1Alpha

DIPDIRN COMMENTS 221 No core photos

THICKNE   THICKNE  4.01  4.01 


Update of the Structural Geology and Model at Ferrobamba Mine, Las Bambas, Peru

 Ap  A ppend ndii x C. D ata R ele lea ase se,, Wi Wirr efra fr ame faul faultt models and associated data.

- 92 -

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