JSA Concrete Works

May 6, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Nature, Wellness
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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Concrete Works WORK ACTIVITY: ___________________________________ Each piece of equipment and crew are associated with known specific hazards that cause accidents to reoccur on one project after another. DECC

xxxx Sundararajan SITE SUPERVISOR:___________________ LOCATION ;____________________ PERMIT #:____________ Probability factors. 5





8 6 4 2 1

Evaluation Points 40-20High Risk

Severity Factors 8: Fatality, Permanent Disability

Probability Factors 5 : Extremely High

Abbreviation E.P :Evaluation Points

1 9 –12 Medium Risk

6: Serious Injury (LD>30 days)

4 : Highly Probable

S : Severity Factor

11-5 Low Risk

4: Major Injury (30>LD>4 days)

3 : Probable

P : Probability Factor

2: Minor Injury (4>LD>1 day)

2 : Rare

T : Total Points

1: Negligible

1 : Very Rare

4-1 Negligible


Activity ( Job Steps )


Work permit from Client to be obtained.

Potential Hazard  Unauthorized commencement of works may result in exposing workers and or potential to harm or danger

Who/ What Might Be Harmed Injury to IMCO Personnel and or client property.

Risk E.P. SxP=T 2x3=6

LD : Lost Workdays

Control/ Recovery Measures  Authorized PTW holder shall ensure obtaining and maintaining valid work permit.  The worksite supervisor responsible for this activity has to check the PPE of his staff to ensure that all required items are available and properly used.  Inform all workers regarding permit condition before work starts.  Worksite supervisor shall conduct toolbox talks about nature of works and associated potential hazards and their essential precautionary measure.

Target E.P. SxP=T 2x1=2

Responsible/ Action By Site supervisor and Site Safety Officer.


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

 Delay to schedule


Mobilization and demobilization

 Physical injury from heavy equipment, heavy lifting, pinch point, slip, trips and fall hazards

IMCO Personnel, property damage

4 x 4 = 16


Pre-task briefing toolbox talks.

 The work force does not understand the pre task briefing therefore does not understand the potential dangers and control measures to be implemented. Some of the workers could be

IMCO Personnel


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Control/ Recovery Measures  Follow mobilization schedule and arrange the required documents to avoid any cause of delay.  Before transporting the loads to the site, rest assure that the materials are secured and tight with nylon rope for the safe transporting.  Ensure that a driver is having knowledge to the hazard while transporting the materials.  The driver shall not have driving attitude while using the road.  Driver is driving only in the minimum speed limit.  Minimize work personnel in the vicinity of equipment.  Provide ergonomic training, institute good housekeeping procedure.  Keep feet and hands clear of moving/suspended materials and equipment.  Keep a tidy site.  Ensure that the pre task briefing is given out in a language understood by the work force, have it translated.  Ask question regarding the briefing to get feedback from the staff, this ensures full comprehension.  Issue required appropriate PPE and

Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By Site In-charge


Site supervisor, drivers, banksman and safety officer


Site supervisor and Site Safety Officer.


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

lacking PPE or using defective PPE.



Set out boundary markers for the work site area.

Unloading the ready mix concrete from truck and from concrete pumps

 Heat stress to the labour working on this task.

IMCO personnel

 Markers are not clearly visible creating a risk of others coming into the area.  Machine works too close to persons within the same working area.

IMCO personnel

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

 Machine strikes another vehicle or person in the vicinity.

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

 Machine creates an environmental hazard by fuel leakage during fuel transfer or by

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

4 x 3 = 12

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Control/ Recovery Measures replace PPE that has signs of defect.  PPE must include both hearing protection as well as dust inhalation protection.  Ensure that adequate shaded areas are provided.  Provide proper ventilation and drink plenty of water even if you are not thirst.  Wear loose fitting full length clothing that can breathe.  Ensure that all markers and signage are of a suitable height to be clearly seen and sufficient lighting is placed to identify the area at night.  Ensure that all equipment is having valid QP certificates to work in the vicinity.  Make sure all operators know the safe limitations of their equipment.  Assigned a competent banksman when equipment is moving at the working area.  Ensure strict control measure to separate mechanical plant and enforce swing radius area as no go area for any person or vehicle in order to avoid collisions.  Set control measure in place that all fuel transfers take place under strict guidelines. Fuel is only transferred by purpose built fuel delivery tanker.

Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

leakage due to mechanical defect.

 Traffic congestion

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

 Inhalation of harmful dust and fumes and skin contact

IMCO personnel

4 x 4 = 16

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Control/ Recovery Measures  Ensure all machines and equipments are in good condition.  Regular preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment must be observed.  Drip trays are used to prevent any spillage. Make sure all vehicles are routinely inspected and maintained to reduce the risk of mechanical failure.  In the event that there is ground contamination ensure all contaminated ground is collected and placed into plastic bags, removed to a waste storage container until removed from site to a hazardous waste disposal site.  Deploy equipment delivering materials in such manner that no congestion inside shall happen and no parking anytime in the work area.  Use only designated roads for delivery of concrete.  Ensure to wear suitable respiratory protective equipment such as a P, N or R 95 respirator when fumes from dust can’t be avoided.  Remove person to fresh air. If discomfort persists seek medical advice.  Ensure to wear loose clothing in

Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

Control/ Recovery Measures

  Poor access to working area causing of slips, trips, falls and or other injuries

IMCO personnel or Client inspector

4 x 3 = 12

   

good condition with collars closed and cuffs buttoned at the wrist. In case of chemical contact, Remove chemical from skin with waterless hand cleaner Housekeeping regimes to help keep site clear Ensure sufficient space around work areas Ensure there is good access for concrete personnel and equipment Keep other people not directly involved with concrete pouring clear from area Ensure that penetrations are secured, identified and covered

 Penetration not cover that cause falling onto sharp object  Violent ejection of concrete from hose at first moment of delivery

IMCO personnel or Client inspector

4 x 4 = 16

IMCO personnel

4 x 4 = 16

 Struck by concrete causing injuries or falls

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

 Give warning prior to starting or recommencing the pour  Check hoses for air sources, e.g.:  blockage  change in supply  poor mix or delays in the pour  Ensure delivery hose is not damaged prior to pour  Control T-bar at end of hose  Be aware of potential for blow back in the line  Ensure appropriate edge protection  Ensure connecting pipes are adequately secured  Ensure brackets are positioned close

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Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer



Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

Control/ Recovery Measures

    Walking on the concrete foundation during the pour that causing slipping on wet ply or reinforcement

IMCO personnel

 Sharp edges cause of cuts from reinforcement bar ends or tie wire

IMCO personnel

 Noise from operating machinery causing to hearing loose

IMCO personnel

  

4 x 3 = 12

   

IMCO personnel  Fumes from fuel used and or damage to for vibrator possible to property explosion and/or fire, burns, rashes or allergies  Sprain or strain cause of

4 x 3 = 12

IMCO personnel

4 x 4 = 16

 

4 x 3 = 12

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 

together to minimize excessive movement Ensure that pipe's operating pressure is appropriate for diameter of pipe Check pipe to ensure it is of correct thickness for operating pressure Do not use damaged pipes Provide support where a change in direction or reducer occurs Do not walk backwards during delivery Ensure T-bar does not slip off end of hose Avoid getting feet caught in reinforcement Put caps on ends of exposed reinforcement bars Turn tie wires into reinforcement cages Use quieter or muffled equipment where practicable Provide adequate hearing protection suitable for the level of noise exposure Do not refuel when machine is in operation Ensure there is adequate ventilation when refueling and using the vibrator Wear appropriate PPE Provide rest times or alternate work

Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor, workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor,


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

improper manual handling

Control/ Recovery Measures

  


Work during extreme weather/ climate conditions.

 Over exposure to heat

IMCO personnel can cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke

4 x 4 = 16

• • • •


Work during sand storm

 Equipment vehicle collision

IMCO personnel and property damage

4 x 3 = 12

 

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rotation Avoid long periods of twisting, repetitive movements Provide job rotation where there are enough trained employees Ensure the concrete is not too dry when screeding and shoveling Become acclimated to the heat gradually before working in hot temperatures for a long time; Ensure 100% availability of cold water and always drink plenty of cool water; Wear hats and sunglasses to help stay cool; Take frequent breaks in a cool place, if possible; Wear loose clothing that allows the skin to breathe, such as cotton; Protect your skin from the sun. Keep as much of it covered with clothing as possible. Wearing long-sleeved shirts will help; Field supervision/ HSE personnel shall closely monitor the condition of workers, intervene as the need arises. Switch equipment / vehicles headlights and flashers on while in motion Maintain all required lights, reflectors and accessories on

Target E.P. SxP=T

Responsible/ Action By workers and site safety officer


Site supervisor and safety Officer


Site supervisor and safety Officer


Activity ( Job Steps )

Potential Hazard

Who/ What Might Be Harmed

Risk E.P. SxP=T

  Poor visibility / dust

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

 Persons run-over by moving vehicle/ equipment

IMCO personnel

4 x 3 = 12

  

equipment; Keep your equipment a safe distance from the edge of embankment; Speed must be effectively reduced or shall completely STOP when the situation calls for it. Personnel must keep away from vehicle path as much as possible. Ensure other workers are out of the way before starting the machine; Keep reverse alarms operable and free of anything that will muffle the sound;


Target E.P. SxP=T

Control/ Recovery Measures

Responsible/ Action By


Site supervisor and safety Officer


Site supervisor and safety Officer





Signature ---------------------------------------

Signature ---------------------------------------




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