Joy Division - Svetla u Podrumu Duse

May 9, 2017 | Author: Velibor Manić | Category: N/A
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Disorder I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man New sensations bear the innocence – leave them for another day I’ve got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away It’s getting faster, moving faster now, It’s getting out of hand On the tenth floor, down the backstairs into no-maris land Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now I’ve got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow What means to you, what means to me – and we will meet again I’m watching you, I watch it all I take no pity from friends Who is right and who can tell, and who gives a damn right now Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold – then you know (3) I’ve got the spirit,but lose the feeling (2) Feeling (7)

Rasulo Čekam da vodič dođe i za ruku me uzme Mogu li ovi oseti da me običnim čovekom učine Novi oseti nose nevinost – ostavi ih za drugi dan Duh je u meni, osećanje gubim, potres ublažavam Postaje brže, sve brže ide, beži iz ruku Na deseti sprat, dole niz stepenište u zemlju ničiju Svetla trepere, kola lome, sve češće sad je to Duh je u meni, osećanje gubim, nestaje nekako Šta znači tebi, šta meni znači i mi opet srešćemo se Posmatram tebe, gledam sve Od drugova ne želim žaljenje Ko je u pravu i ko će reći i ko još za to brine baš Dok duh ne zgrabi nove osete – tada znaš (3) Duh je u meni ali osećanje gubim (2) Osećanje (7)

Day of the Lords This is the room, the start of it all No portraits so fine, only sheets on the wall I ve seen the nights, filled with bloodsports in vain And the body’s obtained, the body’s obtained Where will it end? (4) These are your friends, from childhood for you Who goaded you on demanded full proof Withdraw maidens heart, and do you right in So distorted and thin, distorted and thin Where will it end? (4) This is the car, at the edge of the road There's nothing disturbed, all the windows are closed I guess you were right, when we talked in the heat There's no room for the weak, no room for the weak Where will it end? (4) This is the room, the start of it all Dreamt I fled from you, I remember it all Oh I've seen nights, filled with bloodsports in vain And the body's obtained, the body's obtained Where will it end? (4)

Dan bogova Ovo je soba, početak svega Plahte na zidu, portreta nema Video sam noći pune uzaludnog lova A telo odoleva, telo odoleva Gde li je kraj? (4) Ovo su tvoji drugovi, koji su te bodrili Od detinjstva za tebe, pravi dokaz tražili Iščupaj devojačko srce i ubij ga stvarno Tako zgrčeno i slabo, zgrčeno i slabo Gde li je kraj? (4) Ovo su kola na ivici puta Svi prozori zatvoreni, mir svuda vlada Bila si u pravu kad si u besu rekla Za slabe nema mesta, za slabe nema mesta Gde li je kraj? (4) Ovo je soba početak svega San da sam pobeg'o od tebe, sećam se njega sam noći pune uzaludnog lova A telo odoleva, telo odoleva Gde li je kraj? (4)

Candidate Forced by the pressure – the territory's marked No longer the pleasure – I've since lost the heart Corrupted from memory – No longer the power It's creeping up slowly – that last fatal hour I don't know what made me – what gave me the right To mess with your body – I changed wrong to right Please keep your distance, the trail leads to here There's blood on your fingers, brought on by fear I campaigned for nothing, I worked hard for this I tried to get to you, you treat me like this It's just second nature, it's what we've been shown We're living by your rules, that's all that we know I tried to get to you (3) Oh, how I tried to get to you

Kandidat Nateran pritiskom – granice su obeležene Ne više zadovoljstvo – otkad izgubih srce Iskvaren sećanjem – nema više snage On gmiže polako – taj zadnji fatalni tren Ne znam šta me nateralo – šta mi je dalo pravo Da se igram s tvojim telom – smenih pogrešno u pravo Molim te ostani daleko, trag dovde vodi Krv na tvojim prstima, strah je donosi Borio sam se za ništa, radio sa teško za ovo Pokušavao sam da doprem do tebe, vraćaš mi ovako To je samo druga priroda, ono što je naučeno Živimo po tvojim pravilima, to je sve što znamo Pokušavao sam da doprem do tebe (3) Oh, kako sam pokušavao da doprem do tebe

Insight Guess the dream always end They don't rise up just descend But I don't care anymore I've lost the will to want more I'm not afraid, not at all I watch them all as they fall But I remember, when we were young Those with habits of waste The sense of style and the taste Of making sure you were right Hey, don't you know you were right I m not afraid anymore I keep my eyes on the door But I remember... Tears and sadness for you Awe of evil for you Reflects a moment in time A special moment in time Yeah, we wasted our time We didn't realy have time But we remember - when we were young And all God s angels beware And all you judges beware Sons of chance take good care For all the people out there I'm not afraid anymore (4)

Samospoznaja Valjda se snovi uvek završe Ne penju se, samo se sruše Ali ja ne brinem više Nemam ni volje da želim bolje Ne bojim se, ni najmanje Gledam ih sve kako se ruše Ali sećam se, kad smo bili mladi Oni s navikom da gube Oni sa stilom što žele Da se uvere da si bio u pravu Hej, zar ne znaš da si bio u pravu Ja više nisam uplašen Moj pogled u vrata uperen Ali sećam se ... U tugi i suzama za tebe U strahu od zla za tebe Ogleda se trenutak u vremenu Poseban trenutak u vremenu Da, protraćili smo naše vreme Mi nismo stvamo imali vreme Ali sećamo se, kad smo bili mladi I svi Božiji anđeli pazite I sve sudije pazite Sinovi sreće brinite Za sve te ljude napolju Ja više nisam uplašen (4)

New Dawn Fades Change of speed, a change of style A change of scene, with no regrets A chance to watch, admire the distance Still occupied – though you forget Different colours, different shades Over each mistakes were made I took the blame Directionless, so plain to see A loaded gun won't set you free Or so you say We’ll share a drink step outside An angry voice and one who cried We’ll give you everything and more The strains too much, can't take much more Oh I've walked on water, run through fire Can't seem to feel it anymore It was me – waiting for me Hoping for something more Me – see me in this time – Hoping for something else

Nova zora bledi Brzina se menja,promena stila Promena scena, bez žaljenja Prilika da gledaš, uživaš sa strane Mada zaboravljaš – obuzet i dalje Drugačije boje, drugačije senke Preuzeh krivicu Za sve prošle greške Izgubljen, jasno se vidi Napunjen pištolj nikud ne vodi Ili bar kažeš tako Popićemo piće i izaći napolje Ljutiti glas i jedan što je plakao Daćemo vam sve i još mnogo više Napor je prevelik, ne mogu dalje Hodah po vodi, trčah kroz vatre Ne osećam baš ništa više To sam ja – čekajući mene Očekujući nešto bolje Ja – pogledaj me Drugome nadajući se

She’s Lost Control Confusion in her eyes that says it all She's lost control And she's clinging to the nearest passer-by She's lost control And she gave away the secrets of her past And said: „I've lost control again” And heard the voice that told her where and when to act And said: „I've lost control” And she turned around and took me by the hand And said: „I've lost control again” And how I'll never know just why or understand She said: „I've lost control again” And she screamed out kicking on her side And said: „I've lost control again” And seized upon the floor – I thought she died She said: „I've lost control” She's lost control again, she's lost control (2) Well I had to phone her friend to state her case And say she's lost control again And she showed up all the errors and mistakes And said „I've lost control again” But she expressed herself in many different ways Until she'd lost controle again And walked upon the edge of on escape And laughed: „I’ve lost control again” She’s lost control again, she’s lost control (2)

Ona je izgubila kontrolu Zbunjenost u očima odaje nju Izgubila je kontrolu I hvata se za najbližeg prolaznika Izgubila je kontrolu I odala je tajne svoje prošlosti I rekla: „Opet sam izgubila kontrolu“ I čula je glas koji joj reče kad da čini i gde Rekla je: „Izgubila sam kontrolu“ I okrenula se i uzela me za ruku I rekla: „Opet sam izgubila kontrolu” I kako nikad neću razumeti ni znati zašto Rekla je: „Opet sam izgubila kontrolu” I vrisnula je i svud oko sebe udarala I rekla: „Opet sam izgubila kontrolu” Bacila se na pod – mislio sam da je umrla Rekla je: „Izgubila sam kontrolu Ona je opet izgubila kontrolu, ona je izgubila kontrolu (2) Morao sam da pozovem njenog prijatelja I kažem da je opet izgubila kontrolu I rasprostrla je sve zablude i greške Rekla je: „Opet sam izgubila kontrolu” Ali izrazila je sebe na mnogo raznih načina Dok nije opet izgubila kontrolu I hodala je po ivici s koje nema bežanja I smejala se: „Izgubila sam kontrolu“ Ona je opet izgubila kontrolu, ona je izgubila kontrolu (2)

Shadowplay To the centre of the city where all the roads meet, waiting for you, To the depths of the ocean where all hope sinks, waiting for you, I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you, In a room with a window, in the corner, I found truth In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more, As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor, And with cold steel odour on, their bodies made a move to connect, I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left I did everything, everything I wanted to I let them use you – for their own ends To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you

Igra senki Ka centru grada gde se svi putevi sreću, čekajući tebe U dubine okeana gde sve nade tonu, čekajući tebe Ja sam se kretao kroz muk bez pokreta, čekajući tebe Istinu nadoh kraj prozora, u samom uglu sobe U igri senki, glumeći svoju smrt, ne znajući bolje Dok su u četiri reda postrojene, ubice igrale S mirisom hladnog čelika na njima, Tela su pošla da se spoje Samo u neverici gledah, kad sva gomila ode Učinio sam sve, sve što sam želeo Dozvolio da te upotrebe, – za njihove ciljeve Ka centru grada u noći, čekajući tebe Ka centru grada u noći, čekajući te

Wilderness I travelled far and wide through many different times What did you see there ? I saw the saints with their toys What did you see there? I saw all knowledge destroyed I travelled far and wide to prisons of the cross What did you see there ? The power and glory of sin What did you see there ? The blood of Christ on their skins I travelled far and wide through many different times I travelled far and wide where unknown martyrs died What did you see there ? I saw the one – side trails What did you see there ? I saw the tears as they cried They had tears in their eyes! Tears in their eyes ! (3)

Bespuće Putovao sam uzduž i рорrеkо kroz mnoga vremena Šta tamo vide ? Video sam sveće s igračkama Šta tamo vide ? Video sam sva znanja uništena Putovao sam uzduž i рорrеkо do zatvora Krsta Šta tamo vide ? Snagu i slavu greha Šta tamo vide ? Po koži im krv Hristova Putovao sam uzduž i popreko kroz mnoga vremena Putovao sam uzduž i popreko gde nepoznat mučenik umre Šta tamo vide ? Video sam nameštene procese Šta tamo vide ? Video sam da su lili suze Oči im bile pune suza ! Oči pune suza !(3)

Interzone I walked through the city limits Someone took by the hand in the blue Attracted by some force within it If I could close my eyes, I could get used to it. Around the corner where a puppet lay Saw the place where she had a room to stay A wire fence where the children play Saw them dance where the body lay. And I was looking for a friend of mine And I had no time to loose Yeah, looking for a friend of mine. The car screeched in the sand and dust Feel encouraged – just a car on it's side Metalic blue turned red with rust Pulled it close by the building’s side. In a room for forgotten youth I could think or let my sense slide Turned on to a night with you Find the places where my friends won't go. And I was looking for a friend of mine And I had no time to lose Yeah, looking for some friends of mine. Down the dark street, the houses looked the same Stopped and turned around, held me to a game I walked round and round, you nailed me to a tree Trying to find a way, trying to find a way, to get out For twelwe windows stand in a row Behind a wall where a room to go The light shined like a neon show See the deep mellow warmth of the glow. No place to stop, no place to go No time to loose, have to keep on going I guess they died some time ago I guess they died some time ago And I was looking for a friend of mine And I have no time to loose Yeah, looking for some friends of mine

Međuzona Prošao sam kroz granice grada Neko me je tužnog uzeo za ruku Sila me u tom privukla Kad bih mogao da zatvorim oči Mogao bih se na to navići. Iza ugla gde je lutka ležala Video sam sobu gde je odsela Žičana ograda gde su se deca igrala Video sam da igraju gde je telo ležalo. A ja sam tražio svog prijatelja I nisam imao vremena da gubim Da, tražeći svog prijatelja. Kola su zaškripala u pesku i prašini Ohrabren – tek kola sa strane Metalno plava pocrvenela su od rđe Privukla ih je uz sam zid zgrade. U sobi za zaboravljenu mladost Mogao sam da mislim ili pustim da čula klize Pretvorilo se u noć s tobom Pronašao sam mesta gde moji drugovi neće ići. A ja sam tražio svog prijatelja I nisam imao vremena da gubim Da, tražeći svoje prijatelje. Niz mračnu ulicu sve kuće izgledaju isto Zaustavljen i okrenut, zadržala si me u igri Hodao sam unaokolo,zakovala si me za drvo Pokušavajući da nađem put, pokušavajući da nađem put, napolje U redu stoje dvanaest prozora Soba u koju se ide je iza zida Kao reklame blješte svetla Oseti duboku zrelu toplotu tela. Nigde da zastaneš, nigde da odeš nema vremena, nastavi da hodaš Valjda su oni pre nekog vremena umrli Valjda su oni pre nekog vremena umrli A ja sam tražio svog prijatelja I nisam imao vremena da gubim Da, tražeći neke svoje prijatelje

I Remember Nothing We were strangers, we were strangers, Away too long, away too long We were violent strangers, away too long, Get weak the time, we just passed the time Me in my own world, yeah, you there beside The gaps only moment, we stared from each side We were strangers, away too long Violent, more violent his hand cracks the chair Moves on reaction, then slumps in despair Trapped in a cage and surrendered too soon Me in my own world Away too long We were strangers We were strangers Away too long

Ne sećam se ničeg Bili smo stranci, bili smo stranci Isuviše dugo, isuviše dugo Bili smo grubi stranci, isuviše dugo Sve slabiji svaki čas, pustili smo da vreme prođe kraj nas Ja u svom svetu.da, ti tu pored Prekid je samo tren, mi smo buljili jedno u drugo Bili smo stranci, isuviše dugo Besno, sve besnije njegova ruka lomi stolicu Trgne se izazvan, a onda umiri u očaju Uhvaćen u zamku, predao se prerano Ja u svom svetu Isuviše dugo Bili smo stranci Bili smo stranci Isuviše dugo


Atrocity Exhibition The silence when doors open wide Where people could pay to see inside For entertainment they watch his body twist Behind his eyes he says I still exist This is the way, step inside (4) In arenas he kills for a prize. Wins a minute to add to his life But the sickness is drowned by cries for more Pray to God make it quick – watch him fall This is the way, step inside (4) This is the way (4) This is the way, step inside You’ll see the horrors of a far-away place Meet the architects of law face to face See mass-murder on a scale you’ve never seen And all the ones who tried hard to succeed This is the way, step inside (4) And I picked on the whims of a thousand more Still pursuing the path that’s been buried For years of dead woods and jungles and Cities on fire, can’t replace or relate, Can’t release or repair – take my hand, And I’ll show you what was – it will be

Izložba užasa Tišina kad se širom otvore vrata, Gde svako ko plati može unutra, Za zabavu gledaju njegovo telo kako se krivi, U očima se vidi da još uvek živi, Ovo je put, ukorači (4) U arenama, Nagradu dobija kad ubija Životu da doda još minut, dva Ali mučninu uzvik ,,Još“ savlada, Moli Boga da bude brzo - gledaj pada Ovo je put, ukorači (4) Ovo је put (4) Ovo je put, ukorači Videćeš užase udaljenog mesta, Tvorce zakona ispred svog lica, U još neviđenom broju masovna ubistva, I svakog onog, ko za uspeh sve dâ Ovo je put, ukorači (4) I izabrah hirove između hiljadu stvari I dalje sledeći put sakriven Za godina, mrtvih šuma i prašuma Gorećih gradova, nema povratka, popravka Nema puštanja, pričanja – daj mi ruku I pokazaću ti, šta je bilo – to će biti

Isolation Be clear – every day, every evening It calls here aloud from above, Carefully watched for a reason Mistaking devotion and love Surrendered to self-preservation From others who care for themselves But life as it touches perfection, Appears just like anything else Isolation (3) Mother, I tried, please believe me I’m doing the best that I can I’m ashamed of the things I’ve been put through I’m ashamed of the person I am Isolation (3) But if you just could see the beauty These things I could never describe Pleasures and wayward distraction Is this my wonderful prize? Isolation (5)

Izolacija Budi čist – svaki dan, svako veče To grmi odozgo na nas Nadgledani brižno zato što Pobožnost i ljubav mešamo Nateran da branim sebe Od onih što to stalno čine Savršenstvo kad dodirne tebe I život k’o drugo je sve Izolacija (3) Majko, molim ie, veruj Probno sam i bolje ne znam Stidim se onog što sam prošao Stidini se onog što jesam Izolacija (3) Ali kad bi samo mogla videti lepotu Nema reči za njenu čar Nastrana zabava i zadovoljstva Je li to moj prekrasni dar? Izolacija (5)

Passover This is the crises I knew had to come Destroying the balance I’d kept Doubting and settling and turning around Wondering what will come next Is this the role that you wanted to live I was foolish to ask for so much Without the protection and infancy’s guard It all falls apart at first touch Watching the real as it comes to a close Brutally taking its time People who change for no reason at all It’s happening all of the time Can I go on with this train of defence Disturbing and purging my mind I count up my duties – when all’s said and done I know that I’ll lose every time Moving along in our God given ways Safety is sat by the fire Sanctuary from these feverish smiles Left with a mark on the door Is this the gift that I wanted to give Forgive and forget’s what they teach I’ll pass through the deserts and wastelands once more And watch as they drop by the beach This is a crises I knew had to come Destroying the balance I’d kept Turning around to the next set of lies Wondering what will come next

Pasha Ovo je kriza koja je morala doći Uništavajući mir koji pazim Sumnjajući i smirujući i okrećući se u krug Pitajući sc šta dolazi zatim Je li to ono što si želeo da živiš Bilo je glupo tražiti toliko Bez zaštite i bez staranja Sve se raspada kod prvog dodira Gledajući klupko kako se bliži kraju Surovo grabeći svoje vreme Ljudi što se bez razloga menjaju To dešava se sve vreme Mogu li dalje, naviknut da se branim Remeteći i čisteći svoj um Brojim sve dužnosti – kad se sve završi Znam da izgubiću svaki put Krećući se duž nama Bogom danih staza Sigurnost je, sedeti kraj vatre Utočište od ovih grozničavih osmeha Ostavljeno s znakom na vratima Je li to dar koji sam želeo da dam Zaboravi i praštaj – to uče Proći ću još jednom kroz pustoši 1 pustinje I gledati kako se kraj obale ruše Ovo je kriza koja je morala doći Uništavajući mir koji pazim Okrećući se ka novoj gomili laži Pitajući se šta dolazi zatim

Colony A cry for help, a hint of anaesthesia The sound from broken homes, we used to always meet here As he lays asleep, she takes him in her arms Some things I have to do but I don’t mean you harm I wore a careless glance and kissed her last goodbye Hands in the bag, she packs a tear she tries to hide Cruel wind that howls down to our lunacy And leaves him standing cold here in this colony I can’t see why all these confrontations I can’t see why all these dislocations No, family life just make’s me feel uneasy Stood alone here in this colony In this colony (4) Yeah, God in his wisdom took you by the hand God in his wisdom made you understand (4) In his colony (4)

Kolonija Vapaj za pomoć, znak obamrlosti Iz razorenih domova zvuk, tu smo se uvek susretali Kad zaspi, ona ga uzme u naručje Stvari koje moram da uradim, ali ne želim da te povrede Namestio sam nemaran pogled, i zadnji put poljubio je Ruke u torbi, pakuje suzu koju pokušava da sakrije Okrutni vetar što urla nad našom ludošću I ostavlja ga da stoji smrznut u ovom naselju Ne vidim zašto sva ova suočenja Ne vidim zašto sva ova remećenja Sputan se osećam u bračnom životu Stajah sam tu u ovom naselju U ovom naselju (4) Da, Bog u svojoj mudrosti za ruku te je uzeo Bog u svojoj mudrosti da shvatiš je učinio (4) U njegovom naselju (4)

A Means to an End A legacy, so far removed, One day will be improved. Eternal rights we left behind, We were the better kind. Two the same, set free too, I always looked to you (3) We fought for good, Stood side by side, Our friendship never died. But stranger ways, the lows and highs, Our vision touched the sky. Immortallist with points to prove I put my trust in you (3) A house somewhere, on foreign soil Where aching lovers called Is this your goal, your final deeds Where dogs and voltures eat? Permitted still, I turned to go I put my trust in you (4) In you, in you, in you Put my trust in you, in you

Put do Kraja Zaveštanje, do sada uklonjeno Jednoga dana biće potvrđeno Večita prava ostaće iza Mi smo bili ta bolja vrsta I tebe slobodnog ovaj dan sreće Ugledao sam se na tebe, uvek (3) Borili smo se za dobro Stajali jedno uz drugo Naše prijateljstvo nikad nije umrlo Ali čudniji putevi što mrznu na visovima Naša je vizija bila s nebesima Posmrtna lista – dokaz je Polažem svoju nadu u tebe (3) Kuća negde, na stranom tlu Ranjeni ljubavnici gde zvali su Je li to tvoj cilj, tvoji zadnji postupci Gde lešinari jedu i psi? Dozvoljeno još uvek, okrenuh se da odem Polažem svu nadu u tebe (4) U tebe, u tebe, u tebe Polažem svoju nadu u tebe, u tebe

Heart and Soul Instants that can still betray us A journey that leads to the sun Soulles and bent on destruction Struggle between right and wrong You take my place in the show-down I’ll observe with a pitifull eye And humble ask for forgiveness A request well beyond you and I Heart and soul, one will burn (2) An abyss that lasted creation A circus complete with all fools Foundations that lasted the ages Then ripped apart at their roots Beyond all this good is the terror The grip of a mercenary hand When savagery returns for good reason There’s no turning back the last stand Heart and soul, one will burn (2) Existence – well what does it matter I exist on the best terms I can The past is now part of my future The present is well out of hand Heart and soul, one will burn (2) One will burn, one will burn Heart and soul, one will burn

Srce i duša Trenuci koji nas još izdati mogu Putovanje što vodi ka suncu Bezdušna i razorna Borba dobra i zla Preuzimaš moje mesto u igri Sažaljivo gledaću to I za oproštaj skrušeno molim Nije nam dato da mi damo to Srce i duša, jedno će izgoreti (2) Pakao što je pratio stvaranje Cirkus, sve budale su tu Kroz godine osnove trajale Pa se u temelju raspale Iza sveg ovog dobra je užas Stisak gramzive ruke Kad divljaštvo se s razlogom vrati Nema povratka u sigurne luke Srce i duša, jedno će izgoreti (2) Život – kog je još briga Živim najbolje što mogu Prošlost je deo mog Sutra Danas je van mojih ruku Srce i duša, jedno će izgoreti (2) Jedno će izgoreti, jedno će izgoreti Srce i duša, jedno će izgoreti

Twenty - four Hours So this is permanence – Love shattered pride What once was innocence, turned on its side A cloud hangs over me, marks every move Deep in the memory, what once was love Oh, how I’ve realised, how I wanted time Put into perspective, tried so hard to find Just for one moment I thought I’d found my way Destiny unfolded – I watched it slip away Excessive flash points, beyond all reach Solitary demands for all I’ll like to keep Let’s take a ride out, see what we can find Valueless collection of hopes and past desires I never realised the lenghts I’d have to go All the darkest corners of a sence I didn’t know Just for one moment I’d heard somebody call Looked beyond the day in the hand There’s nothing there at all Now that I’ve realised how It’s all gone wrong Got to find some therapy, this treatment takes too long Deep in the heart of where sympathy held sway Got to find my destiny before it gets too late

24 časa Dakle ovo se ponavlja – ljubav je ponos slomila Samo se okrenulo, što nekad bilo je nevinost Senka je nada mnom, na svakom činu ostavlja trag Duboko u sećanju, što nekad bila je ljubav Oh, kako sam shvatao, kako sam želeo da raširim vreme pred sobom, Strašno se trudio da nađem Da sam našao put, samo na tren učinilo mi se Sudbina se razotkrita, gledao sam kako izmiče Preblještavi vrhovi, van svakog dosega Sve što ću želeti da zadržim, baš to isposnik zahteva Izdržimo još jedan put, da vidimo šta ćemo naći Bezvrednu kolekciju nada i davno prošlih želja Koliki put moram da pređem, nikad shvatao nisam Sve najtamnije uglove svesti, za koje nisam znao ni sam Samo na tren učinilo mi se da neko zove Sem ovog dana u ruci, baš ničeg nema ovde Sad kad sam shvatio kako je sve pošlo zlo Moram naći neki lek, ovo traje predugo Duboko u srcu, gde je sažaljenje zavladalo Moram naći svoju sudbinu, pre nego što bude prekasno

The Eternal Procession moves on, the shouting is over Praise to the glory of loved ones now gone Talking aloud as they sit round their tables Scattering flowers washed down by the rain Stood by the gate at the foot of the garden Watching them pass like clouds in the sky Try to cry out in the heat of the moment Possessed by a fury that burns from inside Cry like child though these years make me older With children my time is so wastefully spent Burden to keep, though their inner communion Accept like a curse an unlucky deal Laid by the gate at the foot of the garden My view stretches out from the fence to the wall No words could explain, no actions determine Just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall

Večiti Procesija se kreće, naricanje je prestalo Pohvala slavi voljenog što ode Sede za stolovima, pričajući glasno Kišom oprano, razbacano cveće Stajao sam kraj kapije u samom dnu vrta Gledajući kako prolaze kao oblaci na nebu Pokušavam da se isplačem u vrelini trenutka Obuzet tom jurom, što besni u meni Plačem kao dete, iako po godinama stariji S decom je moje vreme uzalud trošeno Teret koji se čuva, iako njihovo tajno prijateljstvo Primam kao prokletstvo, nesrećnu nagodbu Položen kraj kapije u samom dnu vrta Мој pogled se pruža od ograde do zida Nema reči da objasne, ni dela da odrede Samo pogled u drveće i lišće što pada

Decades Here are the young men, a weight on their shoulders Here are the young men, well where have they been? We knocked on the doors of hell’s darker chambers Pushed to the limits, we dragged ourselves in Watched from the wings as the scenes were replaying We saw ourselves now as we never had seen Portrayel of the traumas and degeneration The sorrows we suffered and never were freed Where have they been? (4) Weary inside, now our hearts lost forever Can’t replace the fear or the thrill of the chase These rituals showed up the door for our wandering Opened and shut, then slammed in our face Where have they been? (4)

Dekade Evo mladih ljudi, s teretom na plećima Evo mladih ljudi, gde su oni bili? Kucasmo na vrata tamnijih odaja pakla Gurnuti na ivicu, unutra se uvukli Gledasmo sa strane dok su se scene vraćale Videsmo sebe kao nikada pre Sliku trauma i izopačenja Patnji što trpesmo, nikad od njih slobodni Gde su oni bili? (4) Duboko umorna, naša srca su sad zauvek izgubila Ne mogu stišati strah, ni strast gonjenja Ovi obredi pokazali su vrata za naša lutanja Otvorena i zatvorena, pa nam ispred nosa zalupljena Gde su oni bili? (4)


Exercise One When you’re looking at life, in a strange new room Maybe drowning soon, is this the start of it all? Turn on your TV, turn down your audiophone Turn away from it all, it’s all getting too much When you’re looking at life, deciphering scars Tense group all who sit still in their cars The lights look bright when you reach outside Time for one last ride before the end of it all

Vežbanje prvo Kad posmatraš život u novoj, nepoznatoj sobi možda davljenje sledi, je li ovo početak svega? Uključi televizor, skini slušalice udalji se, sve to postaje previše Kad posmatraš život, dešifrujući ožiljke Napetost okuplja sve koji još sede u svojim kolima Svetla blješte kad izađeš napolje Vreme za poslednju vožnju pre nego što se završi sve

Iceage Seen the real atrocities, buried in the sand Stockpiled safety for a few – we stand holding hands I – living in the iceage (2) Nothing will hold, nothing will fit Into the cold, no smile on your lips Living in the iceage (3) Searching for another way, See them hide behind the door Live in holes and disused shafts Hoped a little more I – living in the iceage (2) Nothing will hold, nothing will fit Into the cold, no smile on your lips Living in the iceage (3+4)

Ledeno doba Videvši stvarne užase, u pesku zakopane Sigurnost čeka samo neke – mi stojimo držeći se za ruke a – živeći u ledenom dobu (2) Ništa neće ostati, ništa prilagoditi U hladnoći, nećeš se smejati Živeći u ledenom dobu (3) Tražeći još neki put, vidim ih skrivene iza vrata Žive u ruраmа i napuštenim oknima, još malo ih drži nada Ja – živeći u ledenom dobu (2) Ništa neće ostati, ništa prilagoditi U hladnoći, nećeš se smejati Živeći u ledenom dobu (3+4)

Sound of Music See my true reflection, Put out my own connections I can see life getting harder, So sad is this sensation Reverse the situation, I can’t see it getting better I’ll walk you through the heartbreaks Show you all the out-takes I can’t see it getting higher Systematicaly degraded Emotionally a scapegoat, I can’t see it getting better For person unrealistic, Try to make it all stick I can’t see it getting better All of now it’s burnt-out All I need is a way out, I can't see life getting higher Love – life – makes you feel – higher Love and life – makes you feel Higher – higher – higher – higher etc.

Zvuk muzike Moj pravi odraz vidi Moje veze odbaci Vidim da život postaje teži Tako je tužno to saznanje Situaciju okreni Ne vidim poboljšanje Provešću te kroz slamanja srca Pokazati sva otimanja Ne vidim da postaje uzvišenije Sistematski ponižavan Emocionalno – ispaštalac Ne vidim da postaje bolje Jer samo nerealna osoba Pokušava da drži sve u redu Ne vidim da postaje bolje Iznenada je sve izgorelo Izlaz je sve što mi je potrebno Ne vidim da život uzvišeniji postaje Ljubav – život – čine da se osećaš uzvišenije Ljubav i život Čine da se osećaš Uzvišenije, uzvišenije, uzvišenije itd.

Glass Hearts fail – young heart fail Any time – that’s all right Overhere – all the time Take the quick – take the neat Cross your hands – twist your feet Take it quick – take it neat (2) Hearts fail – young hearts fail Any time – whereabout On the run – on the ground Put your hand where it’s safe Lay your hand where it’s safe And do it again, do it again And again (4) Any time – that’s all right Told ya we should do it again Overhere – all the time Told ya we should do it again (3) Any time – that’s all right Told ya we should do it again I betcha we should do it again And again (5)

Staklo Srca gube – mlada srca gube Bilo kad – u redu je Ovde – sve vreme Uzmi živo – uzmi čisto Ukrsti ruke – njiši se Uzmi brzo – uzmi vešto (2) Srca gube – mlada srca gube Bilo kad – gde? U bekstvu – za zemlji Stavi ruku gde je sigurno Spusti ruku gde je sigurno I čini to ponovo, čini to ponovo I ponovo (4) Bilo kad – u redu je Rekao sam ti da činićemo to ponovo Ovde – sve vreme Rekao sam ti da činićemo to ponovo Bilo kad – u redu je Rekao sam ti da činićemo to ponovo Kladim se da radićemo to ponovo Ponovo (5)

The Only Mistake Made the fatal mistake like I did once before Tendency just to take till purpose stood sour Strain - take the strain, these days – we learn Strain - feel the strain, as these days – we learn Yeah, the only mistake was that you ran away Yeah, the only mistake was that you ran away Avenues lined with trees planned your course for the day Yeah, the only mistake, like I made once before Yeah, the only mistake, could have made it before Strain – take the strain, these days – we learn Strain – take the strain, these days – we learn And the only mistake led to rumours and found Led to pleasures and pain, different feelings and sounds Yeah, the only mistake like I made once before Yeah, the only mistake could have made it before

Jedina greška Učinila si fatalnu grešku kao ja nekada pre Sklonost tek da se prihvati dok nema još odluke Napor – izdrži napor, ovih dana – mi učimo Napor – oseti napor, dok ovih dana – mi učimo Da, jedina greška je bila to što si pobegla Da, jedina greška je bila to što si pobegla Tvoj pravac za dan su činile avenije pune drveća Da, jedina greška kakvu sam ja učinio pre Da, jedina greška tad sam mogao učiniti je Napor – izdrži napor, ovih dana – mi učimo Napor – izdrži napor, ovih dana – mi učimo I jedina greška odvela je temeljima i glasinama Odvela bolu i zadovoljstvima, drugačijim zvucima i osećanjima Da, jedina greška, kakvu sam ja učinio pre Da jedina greška, tad sam mogao učiniti je

They Walked in Line All dressed in uniform so fine They drank and killed to pass the time Wearing the shame of all their crimes With measured steps they walked in line They walked in line (8) They carried pictures of their wives And number tags to prove their lies They walked in line (8) Full of a glory never seen They made it through the whole machine To never question anymore Hypnotic trance they never saw They walked in line (8+16) Walked in line (2)

Oni su stupali u redu Odeveni u divne uniforme Ubijali su i pili da im prođe vreme Svih svojih zločina noseći sramotu Koracima u ritmu, oni su stupali u redu Oni su stupali u redu (8) Slike svojih žena nosili su oni I pločice s brojem da dokažu laži Oni su stupali u redu (8) Prepuni još nikad viđene slave Stekli su je kroz svu mašinu Da nikad ne bude pitanja više Hipnotički trans nikad videli nisu Oni su stupali u redu (8+16) Stupali u redu (2)

The Kill Moved in a hired car and I find no way to run Adds every moment longer had no time for fun Just something that I knew I had to do But through it all I kept my eyes on you I had an impulse to clear it all away Oh, I used the tactics – make everybody pay Just something that I knew I had to do But through it all I kept my eyes on you * Oh, I keep it all traded in I’ve paid the graces there No kidding, misuse – no sign of blood Just something that I knew I had to do But through it all I kept my eyes on you Yeah, through it all I kept my eyes on you But through it all I kept my eyes on you

Ubistvo Vozio sam iznajmljena kola i put za bekstvo nisam našao Grabeći se za svaki moment duže, vreme za zabavu nisam imao Tek nešto što sam morao da uradim, to sam znao Ali kroz sve to, na tebe sam pazio Zaželeo sam da raščistim to sve Oh, koristio taktiku – terao sve da plate Tek nešto što sam morao da učinim to sam znao Ali kroz sve to, na tebe sam pazio Oh, čuvam sve to, staro za novo Platio sam vrline tamo Bez šale, zloupotreba – bez znakova krvi Tek nešto što sam morao da uradim, to sam znao Ali kroz sve to, na tebe sam pazio Da, kroz sve to na tebe sam pazio Ali kroz sve to na tebe sam pazio

Something Must Break To waste and choose or raise the dead With pain behind go straight ahead Room full of people grouping as one I can't break out now the time just won’t come To waste and choose which way to go Decide for me please let me know Looked in the mirror saw I was wrong If I could get back to – where I belong To waste and choose which way to go I paused for one whom signs forbode If we were immortal, we would not bear Washed up on the beat here Struggle for air I see your face still in my window Tormented clouds won’t set me free Something must break now – this life isn’t mine Something must break now – wait for the time

Nešto se mora raspasti Protraćiti i izabrati ili mrtve vaskrsnuti S bolom iza, pravo napred ići Soba puna ljudi stapajući se u jedno Ne mogu sad započeti, taj tren neće doći Protraćiti i izabrati kojim putem poći Odluči za mene i molim te javi mi Pogledah u ogledalo i videh pogrešio sam Kad bi se samo mogao vratiti – tamo gde pripadam Protraćiti i izabrati kojim putem poći Sačekao sam onog kom su znaci zabranili Kad bi bili besmrtni, to ne bi podnosili Malaksali od udaraca, za vazduh se boreći Tvoj lik još vidim na mom prozoru Izmučeni oblaci me neće osloboditi Nešto se sada mora raspasti – ovaj život nije moj Nešto se sada mora raspasti – pravo vreme sačekaj

Dead souls Someone take these dreams away That point me to another day Duel of personalities That stretch all true reality And keep on calling me, they keep on calling me Keep on calling me, they keep on calling me When figures from the past stand tall And mocking voices ring the halls Imperialistic house of prayer Conquistadores who took their share And keep on calling me, they keep on calling me Keep on calling me, they keep on calling me Calling me – calling me (3) They keep on calling me, keep on calling me They keep on calling me, they keep on calling me

Mrtve duše Neko odnosi ove snove Na novi dan to usmeri me Sukob ličnosti Što stvamost ispuni I stalno zovu me, oni stalno zovu me Stalno zovu me, oni stalno zovu me Kad gordo stoje likovi iz prošlosti I dvoranom odjekuju rugajući glasovi Imperijalistička kuća molitvi Konkvistadori koji su svoj deo uzeli I stalno zovu me, oni stalno zovu me Stalno zovu me, oni stalno zovu me Zovu me, – zovu me (3) Oni stalno zovu me, stalno zovu mе Oni stalno zovu me, oni statno zovu me

Ceremony I’ve heard them all, no mercy shown Heaven knows it’s got to be this time What she’d heard, these things she said This time she cried and failed to wait, this time Oh, I’ve heard them all, no mercy shown Heaven knows it’s got to be this time Avenues all lined with trees Picture me and then you start watching, watching forever (2) Forever – watching love grow Forever – letting me know (2)

Svečanost Čuo sam ih sve, milosti nepokazane Nebo zna da mora biti ovaj put Šta je čula, stvari koje je rekla Ovaj put plakala je i nije mogla da čeka, ovaj put Oh, čuo sam ih sve, milosti nepokazane Nebo zna da mora biti ovaj put Drvećem ocrtane avenije Zamisli me, i počni da posmatraš, da posmatraš zauvek Zauvek – posmatraj ljubav kako raste Zauvek – daj i meni to na znanje

Transmission Radio live - transmission (2) Listen to the silence, let it ring on Eyes dark, – relentless – frightened of the sun We would have a fine time living in the night Left a blind destrucition, waiting for our sight – sight We would go on as though nothing was wrong Hide from these days we remain all alone Staying in the same place to stand out the tide Touching from a distance, further all the time Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio (4) I would go on as though nothing was wrong And hide from these days when the music goes on Staying in the same place, we're sparing no time Gift who could value no-one inside And we could dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio (4)

Prenos Radio – prenos uživo (2) Slušaj tišinu, pusti nek zvoni Oči tamne – surove – od sunca uplašene Bilo bi nam divno da živimo po noći Razaranje slepo, napustivši, na vid čekajući K’o da je sve u redu, dalje bi smo mogli Krijući se od ovih dana, ostajemo sami Stojeći na istom mestu, prkoseći plimi S daljine dodirujući, u svakom času sve dalji Igraj, igraj, igraj, igraj, igraj kako traži radio (4) K’o da je sve u redu, mogao bih dalje I kriti se od ovih dana dok muzika traje Stojeći na istom mestu, ne štedimo vreme Dar što ne može proceniti, niko od nas ovde I mogli bi igrati, igrati, igrati, igrati, igrati kako traži radio (4)

Digital Feel it closing in (2) The fear of whom I call, hearing someone call Feel it closing in (2) Day in, day out (8) Feel it closing in, shadows start to fall Feel it cold and warm, petterns on the wall Feel it closing in (2) Day in, day out (8) Just wish in your soul To see just whatever happens with your decorum And then just fade away I see you fade away, don’t ever fade away I need you here today Don’t ever fade away (2) Fade away (11) Thank you goodnight

Digital Oseti kako se približava (2) Strah od koga dozivam, slušajući nekoga ko zove Oseti kako se približava (2) Dan za danom (8) Oseti kako se približava, senke počinju da padaju Oseti toplo i hladno, oblike na zidu seti kako se približava (2) Dan za danom (8) Samo poželi u svojoj duši Da vidiš bilo šta što se dešava s tvojom pristojnošću I tada samo nestani Vidim da nestaješ, nemoj nikad nestati Ovde danas trebaš mi Nemoj nikad nestati (2) Nestati (11) Hvala vam, laku noć



Joy division diskografija ALBUMI 7.- 1979. UNKNOWN PLEASURES 7. - 1980. CLOSER 10. - 1981. STILL

Factory Fact 10 Factory Fact 25 Factory Fact 40

7” 5. -1978. AN IDEAL FOR LIVING Enigma PSS 139 EP 11. - 1979. TRANSMISSION - NOVELTY Factory Fac. 13 AS 3. - 1980. SORDIDE SENTIMENTAL (ATMOSPHERE - DEAD SOULS) SS 33002 (limitirano izdanje 1578 primeraka) 6. - 1980. LOVE WILL TEAR US APART - THESE DAYS Factory Fac. 23 6. - 1980. KOMAKINO-INCUBATION I i U Factory Fac. 28 (Flexi disc)

Joy division diskografija 12” 9. - 1978. AN IDEAL FOR LIVING Anonymus Rec. Anon 1 (Picture disc) 6. - 1980. ATMOSPHERE - SHE'S LOST CONTROL Factory Fac. US 2 (za USA) 2. - 1981. LOVE WILL TEAR US APART - THISE DAYS – LOVE WILL TEAR US APART (II verzija) Factory Fac. 23/12 2. - 1981. TRANSMISSION - NOVELTY Factory Fac. 13/12 KOMPILACIJE 6. - 1978. SHORT CIRCUIT Virgin VCL 5003 (Uživo u The Electric Circus) (1. i 2.11.1977.) At a Later Date (WARSAW) 10” 2. - 1979. A FACTORY SAMPLE Factory Fac. 2 x 7” EP 10. - 1979. EARCOM 2. Fast Products 9b (AUTO-SUGESTION, FROM SAFETY TO WHERE...) BOOTLEGS

STUDENTSKI KULTURNI CENTAR NIŠ Produkcija STUDENTKULT A-003 Almanah ”Pokreti” Edicija ”ZAKASNELA IZDANJA” Ureduju: Goran Stanković, Predrag Cvetičanin

Grafičko-tehnička oprema: Momčilo Mladenović

Gl. i odg. urednik: Goran Stanković

Izdavač: SKC Niš, Šumatovačka bb, tel. (018) 24-474

Štampa: GRO ,,Prosveta“ Niš, Vojvode Gojka 14 Tiraž: 2000 Niš, jun ’88

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