Journeys B1 Extra Tests students

March 27, 2017 | Author: Katia Pipili | Category: N/A
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Unit 1 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B or C.

1 We need people to

money to our


A support

B donate

C promote

2 The new law will be brought

on 1st


A out

B up

C in

3 All children need an education. It doesn’t

where they come from.

A include

B matter

C improve

4 She was hurt so badly in the accident that she

needed an emergency

A operation


B vaccination C convention

5 Emeryk has gone to Africa to help



A build

B raise

C solve

6 If the flood gets worse, our home will be


A to

B in

C at

7 Many children around the world don’t have

to clean water.

A care

B help

C access

8 I grew up in a(n)

family with my parents, grandparents, aunt and cousins.

A single

B nuclear

Is each item in bold A (True) or B (False)?

1 Your sibling is your child. A True B False 2 Something is very difficult if you are struggling to do it. A True B False 3 We are given vaccinations to protect us from diseases. A True B False 4 A guardian is a type of natural disaster. A True B False 5 Something permanent is for a short time. A True B False 6 People with funds have money. A True B False 7 An only A True

child always has just one parent. B False

8 If you create an organisation, you set it up. A True B False 9 People often need help in an emergency. A True B False 10 You protect someone when you take A True B False

after them.

C extended

9 She doesn’t get

with her brother; they’re always fighting.

A on

B up

C in

10 It will take a long time for those people to

from the earthquake.

A recover

B respect

C persuade

/10 /10





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 1




Choose A or B.

1 We A go

to the museum tomorrow morning.

B are going

2 I

you’re working too hard. Slow down.

A think

B am thinking

B Doesn’t unhappy

customer with carrot!’

A is murdering 6 I can’t lift it. It A weighs 7 The children A sing

B murders

A being 9 The baby A is growing 10 Maria

are adding the eggs to the flour. B Wrong

“So is John.”

more than I do!

B is weighing

A Right

in the concert tonight.

B are singing

B Wrong

7 I don’t like living here; I can’t

get used to the

cold weather.

used to it now.

B getting

A Right 8 We

B Wrong

seldom go to that restaurant; it’s our


so quickly; it’s amazing!

B grows

A Right 9 Are you A Right

a strange disease. She’s in

B Wrong possessing your own home? B Wrong

10 There are lots of sweets on the table.


A has

5 Then you A Right

6 “Peter isn’t coming tonight.”

8 She didn’t like her new school at first, but


B Wrong

4 You are very silly today; stop it! A Right B Wrong

she like Spanish food?

5 The headlines said, ‘Grocer

2 “He eats too much.”

3 Anna is learning the job very quickly. A Right B Wrong

B is

A Isn’t

tastes strange. B Wrong

A Right

used to getting up at 5 o’clock in the morning.


1 This yoghurt A Right

“So have I.”

3 Samantha

A gets

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

B is having

Are very


A Right

B Wrong

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 2 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B or C.

1 You have to be very

to explain the same

thing twenty times.

A comfortable

B busy

are really difficult to work

A colleagues

B colleges

2 Ellen isn’t popular at school because she’s


the teacher’s

A knowledge 3 We should

B confidence C material

C skip

A roles

4 Travelling to different countries can help us

B gain


C learn

C over

6 Don’t speak to your grandparents like that.

6 I heard that something bad happened to Jim

A descriptions

B facts


C pressure

in that area.

B trouble

10 The book is an interesting

C literacy of life during

the war.

B subject

C account


A respect


9 They organised special classes to improve

A weaknesses

Show some

C history

7 You can’t do both; you need to make a A mess B noise C choice 8 I know all of her songs by A heart B lesson

B departments

5 Only can apply for that job. A graduates B peers

the maths homework together? I found it very difficult.

but I don’t know any of the


A systems

5 Can we go

B above

B tips

4 They work for the same company but in

a better understanding of the world.

A under

to make this


B treat

A expand

B skill

3 Can you give me any

animals well and not be

A benefit


A pet

cruel to them.

A session

1 Some of my


C patient

2 Jason used to be very shy, but he has more


Choose A or B.

B space

7 If you talk in class again, you will have to stay


after school.

A up

B behind

8 Peter is studying for a maths



A event 9 He made a A life 10 Do you usually A do

B degree selling furniture.

B living your bed?

B make

/10 /10





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 2




Choose A, B or C.

1 Jenny Rome five years ago. A has visited B has been C visited visiting 2 It

when we stepped off the plane.

A has been raining

B was raining C rained

3 I

you more than once not to play music when I’m asleep!

A have asked

B have been asking

C was asking

4 They

that bridge for eight years! Are they ever going to finish it?

A were building

B have built

C have been

building 5 We kept him warm

we were waiting for

the ambulance.

A already

B while

6 Fred has been ill in bed A all week B last week

C during .

C yesterday

7 Kalina is upset because she her book. A was losing B has lost C has been losing 8 I

in the garden all morning and now I’m exhausted.

A have been working

B am working C used to work

Choose A or B.

1 Jane has A never

seen that film.

B ever

2 They haven’t found it A already

B yet

3 He didn’t stay A by

B until


the end of the show.

4 Anton to the art show. He didn’t like it. A has been B has gone 5 Excuse me, did you

go to Greenville

High School?

A use to 6 

B used to

did she say the exam would take?

A How long ago

B How long

7 Someone called the fire service

the fire


A until

B as soon as

8 Mr Harper doesn’t work here any more. He left

about three months

A before 9 She hadn’t arrived A by 10 She lived there A since


B ago 7 o’clock, so I left.

B until thirty years.

B for

9 She that vase when she was in Russia. A has bought B bought C was buying 10 My husband

a clown’s costume the first

time I met him.

A wore

B has been wearing

C was wearing

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 3 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack



Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

1 The

made the rabbit disappear.

2 A GPS is a very useful


3 The acrobat performed a

for us.

4 What is the

of the seminar?

5 I need to climb the window.

to clean that

A somersault C cost

Choose A (True) or B (False).

1 We put things together when we combine them. A True B False 2 A

fabulous singer is a very bad one. A True B False

3 Hide-and-seek is a computer game. A True B False 4 To hike is to go for a long walk. A True B False

E coordinate F conjuror G device

B cache


5 A

violinist is a musical instrument. A True B False

6 You can use a

D ladder

van to take people or things to

another place.

A True /5


7 You can find something if you know its

location. A True

8 A

Choose A, B or C.

A True

popular. A True

; he’s always doing


B successful

C common

2 We’re going to

on the Second World War in our history class next week.

A develop

hit is a big success.

B False B False

9 Few people are interested in something

1 Mario is very

A energetic

B False

B draw

10 We

B False

collect things by giving them to other


A True

B False

C focus

3 Nadine is very

. She’s made some beautiful origami animals.

A unique

B creative

C individual

4 Ms Brown often does arts and

with her

younger students.

A announcements B styles 5 Sasha joined a gym to get A fit B funky

C crafts .




C difficult




Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 3


A 1 


Choose A or B.

1 I’ve lost Tina’s bag. She

I help you carry that upstairs?

A Will

B Shall

A Right

you press the button, the wheel will start turning. .

4 There has been an accident on the motorway.

home a lot later than we thought.

A are going to get

B are getting

5 I can’t see you tonight. I

Helen to the


A will take


B will receive

4 I think Janet A Right

will enjoy the show. B Wrong

5 Sam has made a decision. He

is going to


B Wrong

6 She was wearing a horrible orange A Right B Wrong 7 Are

woollen hat!

you going to get me an ice cream too,


B huge new red

A Right

8 It’s 3 o’clock; he . Call him later. A is going to be working B will be working

B Wrong

8 The free tickets will go to the

three first people

who call now!

9 She’s taking an umbrella with her in case it


A rains

B Wrong

3 Let’s buy Frank a good book, will we? A Right B Wrong

A Right

exam results. 7 We flew in a A new red huge

handsome model. A Right

tall Italian

accept the job.

B am taking

6 Marcia is going to wait until she

A receives

B Wrong

2 She is getting married to a

B By the time

3 She’ll probably arrive when the show A will be beginning B begins


is going to be really



A As soon as

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

B will rain

10 They to France this time tomorrow. A will travel B will be travelling

A Right

B Wrong

9 I’ll help you find it; don’t worry. A Right B Wrong 10 Sara shall ask him to see what he says. A Right B Wrong

/10 /10




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Unit 4 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack



Write the word (A– G) which collocates each time. There are two extra choices.

1 bar

A waves B chart C mouth D effect E cells F sense G expectancy

2 life 3 radio 4 common 5 brain


Choose A (True) or B (False).

1 Sardines are a type of fish. A True B False 2 Most people A True

get rid of things they like. B False

3 A verdict is a decision or an opinion. A True B False 4 When you

prevent something, you stop it from

happening. A True



B False

5 When you disagree with something, you are backing it up.

A True

6 Findings are results. A True

Choose A, B, C or D.

1 Dr. Smith gave Dorothy a(n)

7 Some people

for the

C infection D bandage

if you have a recipe.

A True

from generation to generation.

B False

B False

9 An expert knows a lot about a certain subject. A True B False

C down D under

3 They

that this diet will help you lose weight, but I don’t believe it.

A separate B discuss

make their hair before they go

8 A chemist will only give you certain medicines

2 These old stories have been passed

A through B over

B False


A True


A prescription B sling

B False

10 A

smart person is clever. A True B False

C appear D guarantee

4 Thomas won’t go into the house because he

thinks it’s full of


A evil B extreme

C medieval D curly

5 That’s not true; it’s just an old A fact C myth B vision D factor


/10 /5





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 4




Choose A or B.

1 I couldn’t get on the bus; there were

1 She got a bad A Right

people on it.

A too many

B too much

2 The twins get their A hair

B hairs

3 Do you know those A boys’

B boy’s

4 English A are 5 We’ve got

eggs, so we can make a delicious omelette.

B a few the money.

B to Simon

7 We haven’t got

8 Where A are

information for our

B much

mens’ clothes at this store. B Wrong

a little milk in the fridge. Would you

like some?

A Right

B Wrong

6 There was

a herd of cows in our garden this

A Right

B Wrong too many furniture in this room. B Wrong

8 What am I going to wear? My jeans

the scissors?

B is

are still


A Right

car was stolen while she was at

B wives’

B Wrong

9 There are many A Right 10 He’s got A Right


A wife’s

5 There’s

7 There is A Right

9 My are coming for dinner tonight. A brothers-in-law B brother-in-laws 10 My

4 We only sell A Right

jar of honey on the way home? B Wrong



A many

B Wrong

3 Can you buy a A Right


a fear when I saw my


A Right

B is

6 She gave A Simon

packet of news yesterday. B Wrong

2 I always used to feel

cut at the same time.

my favourite subject at school.

A few

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

mouse in this neighbourhood. B Wrong

a lot of money in the bank. B Wrong

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 5 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B, C or D.

1 Always rinse A through B out

cans before you recycle them.

C off D up

3 starter

glass by colour when you want to recycle it.

4 local

C save D reduce

5 raw

3 Mum always puts our lunch in a plastic A packaging C leaflet B tin D container

5 I’ve got the car today. Do you want me to

you off at the bus stop?

C throw D turn

6 Start recycling to

a good example to

your family.

A give B show

C have D set

8 None of the


Choose A (True) or B (False).

1 If something stays on top of the water, it is floating. A True B False demand for something, people

want it.

A True

B False

benefit is a type of problem or disadvantage. A True B False

4 Fertilisers help plants grow. A True B False

they’re very old.

C bins D statues

5 If you

9 It’s a dirty town, with lots of in the streets. A litter C benefits B issues D demand 10 Some species of plant are

C 3 A

in the museum work;

A coins B weapons


2 When there is

7 I don’t like these chips; they’re too A daily C organic B greasy D local

A pack B dump C material D lighter E movement F animal G council


4 If we recycle items, we less air pollution. A produce C decompose B process D throw

A drop B look

1 cigarette 2 marine

2 In some places you must

A separate B involve

Match 1–5 with A– G to make collocations. There are two extra choices.

ban something, you want everybody to

use it.

A True

B False


pollution is so bad.

A endangered B environmental


C dry D modern /10





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 5




Choose A or B.

1 Nobody ate the sandwiches I A had been making B had made 2 My cousin Peter lives in A – B the 3 He

1 Once a week, Sam works with A – B a



for a job for six months before he

got one.

A had looked 4 

B had been looking B Since


night. 7 Do you know where A –

B hadn’t been sleeping Red Sea is?

B the

8 John

preparing lunch when Sarah offered to help him.

A had been finishing

B had finished

A had taken

B have taken

C took

3 Gina had been trying to call Anton . A all day B by then C already


6 She

10 They for long when the talk began. A hadn’t waited B hadn’t been waiting


C –

lies about me for weeks before I

A had told

B was telling C had been telling 7 We had been playing basketball


40 minutes when it started raining.

A already

B since

C for

it before, but I don’t remember most of it.

B had read

9 I was going to buy

B a

C had eaten

found out.

A have read

blue whale.

B has eaten

5 They’re not here; they’re at A the B a

8 I

9 The largest mammal on our planet is

A the

all our newspapers to the recycling bin yesterday.

A was eating

5 We went on holiday to Germany. A – B the

A hadn’t slept

C the

2 We


6 Pam was very tired because she


4 Toby felt ill because of all the junk food

I got home, the film had started.

A By the time

Choose A, B or C.

C was reading

car, but then I lost

my job.

A –

B a

10 She stopped for a break

C one she had been

working for four hours.

A then

B after

C until

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 6 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B or C.

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

1 Martin won the local tennis last year. A membership B championship C friendship

1 I was cold on the plane, so I asked the flight for a blanket.

2 It’s a bad idea to

2 The jacket was on special didn’t cost much.

your money around in

places like that.

A flash

B show

3 That’s too expensive; I can’t A imagine B describe

C mix

3 We’re going to the travel our holiday today!



A narrow

B exhausted

C mountainous

5 Paris is one of the world’s most popular



A trips

B souvenirs

to book

4 The crime has gone down now that there are more police on the streets.

C afford

4 The bus can’t go down this street; it’s


, so it

C destinations

5 The holiday we booked is full so we won’t have to pay for any meals.

A offer B tip C attendant

D agent’s E luggage


F board G rate

6 He started going

when he was 25. Now he hasn’t got any hair at all!

A sour

B aware

7 There’s a buffet

on the train if you get


A cabin

B car

C hostel

8 The poorest people in the city live in a


A slum

9 It’s easy to get lost in the

B maps

luxury hotel is for travellers with very little

A True

in my

2 A

B False

costume is something lots of people wear to


C alleys

10 The atmosphere at the festival was A electric B honest C smart

Choose A (True) or B (False).


C member


A flights

C 1 A


B gang


C bald


A True

B False

3 Taxes are a means of transport. A True B False 4 When you go

sightseeing, you visit interesting

places and buildings.

A True 5 If something is A True

B False impossible, it cannot be done. B False


/5 Vocabulary:




Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 6




Choose A or B.

1 I wish you A would stop

1 Might you get me a bar of chocolate, please? A Right B Wrong

shouting at everyone!

B stopped

2 She

be so happy! She’s been looking for work for six months.

A can

B will

A Right

5 There were no tickets left, so they


B couldn’t

known that I was ill. She would have come to visit me.

B can’t have

with us last week; it was

A Right

B Wrong

A Right 6 You

B Wrong

needn’t have made breakfast, but it’s nice

A Right

B Wrong

should have shown her how to use the machine. It was her first day!

be quite frightening at

night. 10 I am hoping A to do

look after his baby brother.

7 Andrew

B came

8 You told him; he’s really angry now. A needn’t have B shouldn’t have

A can

has to

that you did.


9 The city centre

4 Fred can’t come to the park today; he

homework today.

6 Mary

A had come

B Wrong

5 I wish Ms Donnelly doesn’t give us any

the show.

7 If only you

knew French. I don’t know what she’s


4 That be Jim; he drives a different car. A shouldn’t B can’t

A ought not to have

2 Could you swim when you were five years old? A Right B Wrong 3 I wish I

3 We leave now; it’s late. A ought to B had to

A weren’t able

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

B has to

A Right

B Wrong

8 I had forgotten my key last night, but I


climb in through the window.

A Right

B Wrong

9 She can have changed her mind. Ask her again. A Right B Wrong

well in the exams.

B I’d do

10 If only they A Right

were booking it yesterday! B Wrong

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 7 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose the odd word out.

1 A frightened

B terrified

C bored

D afraid

2 A pack

B flock

C herd

D creature

3 A tortoise

B giraffe

C wildlife

D eagle

4 A jealous

B interesting C amazing D fantastic

5 A amphibian B mammal

C expert

D reptile

Choose A, B or C.

1 You’ve

the wrong trousers. Those are


A turned down

B put on

C put off

2 Your sister has got the funniest facial A illustrations B expressions C poems


3 The lions’

are enormous, so they can run and play freely.

A enclosures

B situations

C places

4 We were scared when we heard that a lion



from the zoo.

A reacted

B roared

C escaped

5 It was supposed to be a secret, but someone


let the

A cat

Choose A (True) or B (False).

A out

careful, they take lots of


A True


B off

7 There’s a huge A flock

C up

of ants in the back garden.

B colony

C pack


sure you do all your homework this weekend.

B False

A Take

3 A large group of fish is a shoal. A True B False

B Make

C Look

9 Remember we’re going rock climbing tomorrow;

secure, the bird will be able

to get out of its cage.

A True

C sheep

next Wednesday.

vet is a doctor for animals. A True B False

4 If the cage door is

B mouse

6 The trip to the zoo has been put

1 A

2 If someone is very

out of the bag.

B False

5 If you put something off, you do it immediately. A True B False


A frog


B chicken

C fish

10 The milk smells awful; it’s gone . A off B out C by

/10 /5





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 7




Choose A or B.

1 The A more

comics I read, the more I enjoy them.

2 I am really A boring

B most

3 My car was A not so

expensive as yours.

4 This cake is A very

sweet for me. Do you want it?

often than Tim. everyone

4 That film’s to watch.

B less B too to learn French.

long for the children

5 You don’t look yesterday.

ill as you did

A enough

B easy

6 Thank you for your help. That was


of you. 7 That’s the A worse


3 Mario works harder else at the office.

B bored

A most

1 That book made me cry. It’s 2 I go to the theatre

. Can we go out?

5 Barry found it A easily

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

E too F very G than

B more C as D most

B the most joke I’ve ever heard.


B worst

8 I work

a nurse in the local hospital. What do you do?

A like 9 The bus arrived A late 10 I enjoyed that film A very

B as again this morning.

B lately


Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

1 Jake has been working

much. It was amazing!

B too

as a slave at the office

this week.

A Right 2 Bianca is A Right

B Wrong no better at physics than you. B Wrong

3 Jean-Paul took us

everywhere when we were

in Paris.

A Right 4 It was a very A Right

B Wrong excited story. B Wrong

5 I want you to go

direct to the head teacher’s


A Right

B Wrong



/5 Grammar:


Test total:



Unit 8 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B or C.

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

1 Her is to become a successful businesswoman. A source B goal C point

1 I had a really hard day at the today.

2 Malcolm has a university in physics. A internship B experience C degree

2 Ania always wanted to work in the of journalism.

3 This box is very heavy. Can you give me a ? A guide B hand C chance

3 Have you been invited to the restaurant ?

4 There’s an newspaper. A extract

4 I moved my the window.

from his new book in today’s

B article

C edition

5 The talent show attracts singers and dancers from all over the country. A wannabe B practical C valuable 6 Jan doesn’t spend a lot of time A to B at 7 The high crime rate is a A brief B major

the Net.

C on

so that I could sit by

5 They knew that lots of changes would be made to the film because of government .

A opening B desk C field

D example F office E censorship G company

problem in this area. C main

8 The newspaper’s arrived in the foreign country to report on the war. A internship B journal C correspondent



9 That is full of gossip about celebrities; it’s not a serious newspaper! A broadsheet B tabloid C libel

1 A

10 I wonder what A qualifications

2 A

you need to become a journalist. B communications C organisations

Is each item in bold A (True) or B (False)?

textbook is usually used in a lesson. A True B False CV is a type of gadget. A True B False

3 You

give somebody a ring when you want to

speak to them.

A True

B False

4 A soap opera involves people singing in a theatre. A True B False 5 If you have a

typical day at school, nothing

unusual happens.

A True

B False


/5 Vocabulary:




Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 8




Choose A or B.

1 She made us A sing

1 He’s left, A Right

it five times!

B to sing

2 He showed me how A to apply 3 Donat would rather

successful made her

very unpopular.

A to be

6 Don’t forget


the window before you go

8 I stopped

to Akish; he’s no longer my

9 Mary would rather we A went 10 Do you remember A to go

7 We’ve persuaded the council

A Right you?


A to talk

to wait for the bus in the rain. B Wrong

building another

swimming pool.

B to close

7 Help Sam with his homework, A won’t B don’t

4 I can’t bear A Right

6 They all think I’m wrong, don’t they? A Right B Wrong

B shall we


A closing

washing the car. B Wrong

5 My granddad gave up smoking years ago. A Right B Wrong

B being

5 Let’s order a pizza, A will we

B Wrong

3 I regret giving that information to the journalist. A Right B Wrong

in Poland this

B stay

4 Her determination

didn’t he?

2 I don’t mind A Right

for a job.

B applying


A to stay

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

B talking to the cinema.

B go

8 It tends A Right

B Wrong to rain a lot here in the summer. B Wrong

9 You sent the wrong email, haven’t you? A Right B Wrong 10 The school plans A Right

organising a large festival. B Wrong

to that crazy concert?

B going

/10 /10




Test total:



Unit 9 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B or C.

1 They are trying to A trap B lay

the animal in a cage.

C beg

2 Fatima is wearing a paper crown and


be a queen.

A behaving

B pretending

free tickets

C away

C constellation

6 The book has a great

2 We’re eating tonight.

with vegetables

4 Grandpa told us lots of lovely fairy last night.

A rice

at the meeting.

B clay


5 The storm destroyed the farmer’s

5 Everyone had different ideas and that caused

A conflict

1 All the dogs had black

3 Everyone was happy, so they danced with .

C turning

3 These people are ; they need our help! A whistling B starving C scooping 4 The radio station is giving for tonight’s concert. A off B over

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

. You’ll never

E tales F crops G joy

B clouds C tails D drought

guess the ending.

A myth

B legend

7 Who’s going to take


C plot the company when

you leave?

A off

B over

8 The lion tore the meat with its A claws B horns

C out .


Is each item in bold A (True) or B (False)?

1 A

C feathers

9 Tell her the truth; I promise you won’t A turn B regret C scoop 10 Be careful. This knife is very A sharp B thin



river is water that moves toward the sea. A True B False

2 If your bicycle is

falling apart, it’s in very good



C powerful

A True

B False

3 Wings help lots of creatures to swim. A True B False 4 Bark is found on trees. A True B False 5 When you

beg, you ask someone for

something you really want.

A True

B False


/5 Vocabulary:




Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 9



Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

1 The story she wrote, a strange beast, was excellent!

was about

3 The village of Coney, the film was made, has now become a popular tourist destination. dog I found, gave she said?

E what F whose G whom

B where C who

our garden fills

A where

B when

C which

2 Tom’s cat,

is five years old, is the laziest creature I’ve ever seen.

A who 3 Alison

B that

C which

the news yet; she’s still on


A won’t have

B won’t hear

4 I read it last summer, A where B when

C haven’t heard I was on holiday.

C why

5 The professor

you wrote to used to teach me at university.

A to whom

D which

B whose

C whom

6 My colleague will have finished the report



1 This is the time of year


5 Did anyone hear A why

Choose A, B or C.

with birds.

2 Marion Harper, writes horror stories, has bought the house next to ours.

4 Mr Whittaker, me one of his books.


the meeting takes place.

A by

B until

C before

7 August is the month

Is each item in bold A (Right) or B (Wrong)?

1 Pedro,

whom lives next door, is a fantastic

tennis player.

A Right 2 Will they A Right

A when that was

very old, has just sunk.

5 I will have A Right

C when

we stayed is 100 years old.

B which

C where

B for which

10 She didn’t tell us the reason

C that she left her


A that

B Wrong

4 That’s the house A Right

8 The hotel A that

B during

I studied all night, has been postponed until next week.

arrive by now? B Wrong

A Right

A which

9 The test,

B Wrong

3 The ship we travelled on last week,

the festival takes


B why

C which

where I grew up in. B Wrong

spoken to them by tomorrow. B Wrong

/10 /5




Test total:



Unit 10 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack



Match to make collocations. There are two extra choices.

1 flight

A DJ B bank C simulator D store E park F adult G officer

2 theme 3 radio 4 police 5 department


Choose A, B or C.

1 Don’t panic. Sit down and

a few deep


A take

B have

2 At Kidzania, you can try

C get different jobs to

see which one you like.

A on 3 There are

B at

C out

there to make sure nobody

gets hurt.

A owners /5

4 The boss gave us all a

B salary

5 Do you have to

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra words.

1 I had to stand in a buy those tickets!

for an hour to

C supervisors because we had

been working really hard.

A rise


B labourers

C value

a uniform to work every


A wear

B deliver

6 Do you want to

C prepare

a go at my new

computer game?

A play

B take

C have

2 Grandma put some money in my for my birthday this year.

7 Marika is popular because she’s so . A affordable B valuable C likeable

3 The magazine this month.

8 If Fred makes another big mistake like that,

she wrote is in the school

4 All the members of some basic training.

have had

5 It’s my to clean the tables at the fast food restaurant where I work. A article B career C account

the boss will

A hire


B fire

C drive

9 My summer internship

me to see what it was really like to work in an office.

A opened

B prepared

C allowed

10 My parents are in the same

; they’re

both doctors.

E glance F queue G staff

A profession

B service

C currency

D duty

/10 /5





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 10



Choose from A–G to complete each sentence. There are two extra sentence halves.

1 As long as you’re home by midnight,

2 I

3 You’ll have to buy a new bike

3 If it

C would rain

they build a bridge will lots of tourists visit the island.

A Only if

C provided it isn’t broken. D you can go to the cinema.

B Even if

C As long as

5 I wouldn’t be worried if I

where you

were going.

E you would have taken the train.

A knew

F unless you find somebody to fix this one. G you could buy the red jacket.


Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

1 Karol has his house A Right

B rains


B you will have to work on Saturdays.

cleaning every week. B Wrong

hadn’t lied to her, she wouldn’t have got

so angry.

B had known C know

6 If the police come, ! A run B you would C you would run have run 7 Supposing she asked you to do it, what ? A would you say B are you C would you saying have said 8 If they

the roads, it would make life easier for everybody.

A will fix 9 I

B had fixed

C fixed

my hair cut when you phoned.

A have got

B got

C was getting

10 She’s a very good friend;

, I wouldn’t give her the keys to my apartment.

B Wrong

3 Take your umbrella with you unless it rains later. A Right B Wrong

5 If she’s

, they’ll go to the museum instead of

A will rain

A you would have known where to go.

4 If he found it, he A Right

B will have had C will be having

the park.

5 If you get the job,

A Right

my office cleaned by next week.

A am having

4 If you had enough money,

2 If you

Choose A, B or C.

1 If I had been there, I something. A would say B will say C would have said

2 If you hadn’t lost the map,



A provided

B otherwise

C in case

would bring it back. B Wrong

telling the truth, you’d better call the


A Right


B Wrong /5




Test total:



Unit 11 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack




Choose A, B, C or D.

1 You should tell your teacher if they don’t stop



A at B on

3 lunch

2 Mike isn’t happy; in fact, he’s very A verbal C depressed B unpleasant D nasty

4 racial


5 verbal

all her students with respect.

C targets D spreads

4 Can you help me work

A money B background C interest

a problem? I

E agreement F shoes G violence

D pressure

don’t know what to do.

A at B off

1 peer 2 physical

C off D with

3 Ms Harrison A treats B supports

Match the collocations. There are two extra choices.

C about D out


5 We’ve got to help Jason; he’s really A reacting C defending B behaving D suffering 6 You shouldn’t


this problem; it’s very


A accuse B trust

C ignore D respond

7 You should tell him how you feel; don’t be

such a


A coward B victim

3 If you

get to somebody, you make them


A True

C situation D crowd

9 That politician has done a lot of nasty things,

A grades B cliques

1 The foreground is the front part of a picture. A True B False

tactic is a way of doing something. A True B False

of kids are really friendly.

so he’s made a lot of

Is each item in bold A (True) or B (False)?

2 A

C counsellor D break

8 There are a few bullies at my school, but the

A variety B majority



B False

4 It’s easy to notice something that A True B False 5 Something which is

stands out.

underground is at or

above the level of the street.

C gangs D enemies

A True

B False

10 I thought she was going to start a fight, but

suddenly she backed

A out B with



C to D off /10





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 11




Choose A or B.

1 Bertha asked me A where John was

1 She said she A Right


B where was John

2 Paul’s mum told me that he to the park. A went B had gone 3 The teacher said that everybody

the test she was just about to give back to us.

A has passed

B had passed

4 The children said that they had never eaten

sweets before.

A those 5 Freddie denied

B these

must finish the project that night. B Wrong

2 Marion told the police that she had seen Alan

ten days ago. A Right

B Wrong

3 The teacher asked me was I feeling ill. A Right B Wrong 4 I’m going to cook myself a healthy meal. A Right B Wrong 5 Her friends encouraged her

Jane’s homework for

B doing

entering the talent


A Right


A to do

Is each item in bold Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

B Wrong /5

6 The shop assistant asked me . A what did I want B what I wanted 7 Please help A themselves

to food; there’s plenty!

B yourselves

8 The sisters always help each


looking after the children.

A other

B another

9 Andrew said he would be arriving . A the next day B the previous day 10 The plumber had said that he A can’t B couldn’t

fix it.


Choose A or B.

1 The robber threatened

if we didn’t all lie

on the floor.

A to shoot

B shooting

2 The customer complained . A that the food was cold B for the food being cold 3 Dad warned me A to not trust

my cousin Isabel.

B not to trust

4 My teacher recommended

to a different


A me to apply 5 Hassan accused me A of stealing

B that I apply his pencil.

B to steal

/5 /10




Test total:



Unit 12 Extra Unit Tests Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack



Match to make collocations. There are two extra choices.

1 rescue

A appliances B cord C services D card E camera F mission G decades

2 memory 3 kitchen 4 digital 5 emergency



Choose A, B or C.

1 This book is packed

information we can

use for our project.

A for

B from

C with

2 You can’t put the computer there because the

is on the other side of the room.

A plug

B cord

C socket

3 Without equipment for

, ships and planes would get lost all the time.

A direction 4 I’m very

B navigation

C invention

at the moment. Can I call you

back later?

A useful


B exciting

C busy

5 Henry found some great arts and crafts

Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra choices.

B at

C to

6 I can’t see anything on my

A tower

these photos from the

3 You mustn’t the fact that she’s never done this before. Give her some extra time. 4 Barbara forgot to still in the freezer.

the Net yesterday.

A on

. I think it’s


1 The Earth takes about 365 days to the sun. 2 I need to camera to my computer.


the meat. It’s

B monitor

C keyboard

7 In China, they can produce those devices at a

of the cost.

A friction

B radiation

C fraction

8 Simon doesn’t know much about photography;

he’s still a(n)


A amateur

B position

C advance

9 If you don’t have

to a computer, you can go to the local library.

5 The bad weather is going to problems on the roads.

A response

B research

C access

10 She looked so silly that I couldn’t keep a

A transfer

E orbit

B store

F vibrate

C overlook

G create


A mouth


B face

C eye

D defrost

/10 /5





Journeys B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack Extra Unit Tests Unit 12



Choose a word from the list to complete each sentence. There are two extra choices.

1 Did you know that Harry went to my school?

Kate and

2 Unfortunately, you'll have to take the bus.

car is working, so

3 I had yesterday.

Choose A or B.

1 The dogs A feed

B are fed

2 The soldiers were made

A stand

in the rain for

B to stand

3 We couldn’t find

fun gadgets?

A all

E neither

B both

F no

C either

G whole

to stay in the village.

Every hotel was full.

the cake?

5 Does Maria have

A somewhere 4 The kittens A had

B anywhere found in our garden.

B were

5 It was so small it could quite easily. A have lost B have been lost

D any

6 Neither Mike A or



Are the sentences Right (A) or Wrong (B)?

9 We didn’t find A anywhere 10 The thief A arrested

1 Didn’t you find nobody to help you? A Right B Wrong

Artan likes the new teacher.

B nor

all the tables been cleaned?

A Have

8 Who’s going A to choose

2 Litter had A Right

every morning by my sisters.


time to sit down and relax

4 Did you eat



B Were a present for Dana?

B to be chosen nice to eat.

B nowhere this morning.

B was arrested

left all over the playground. B Wrong

3 She’s done

none of the school projects this


A Right

B Wrong

4 Her portrait A Right

has been painted many times. B Wrong

5 The music A Right

turned down when the police came. B Wrong /5


/10 Grammar:


Test total:



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