Journey Management Procedures - Englis

August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  To To en ensu sure re au auth thor oriz ized ed us usag age e of al alll ve vehi hicl cles es,, the the fo foll llow owin ing g criteria must be strictly adhered to. For all remote trips, the relevant SAPESCO supervisor shall ensure the driver is authorized and register the following: ♦

Driver name and number of passengers,

Vehicle number, Departure time, Destination, Drive Right monitoring device operational (Y / N)

♦ ♦ ♦

It is the SAPESCO supervisor full responsibility to ensure that the information provided by the driver on SAPESCO mission checklist form is correct. The supervisor is expected to carry out random spot checks on the vehicle(s) prior to departure. Night driving is not allowed, as per SAPESCO policy, unless deemed very necessary, in which case a formal permission shall be granted by SAPESCO base manager. It is SAPESCO base manager responsibility to liaise with client representative prior to authorizing any night driving. Off road driving at night is completely forbidden. However, off  road driving during daylight may be allowed only for certain circumst circ umstances ances and only if super superviso visorr perm permissi ission on is granted granted beforehand. It is the the dr driv iver er resp respon onsi sibi bili lity ty to en ensu sure re that that the the ve vehi hicl cle e is properly maintained and that it is in good condition prior to departure. He must check the following as minimum. • • • • • • • •

 Tyres including spare tyre.  Tool box availabilit availability. y. Fluorescent triangle availabili availability ty system, fuel and oil. Engine, battery, cooling/heating Mirrors and lights Brakes and warning signs / alarms Fire extinguisher and first aid kit availabili availability ty Seat belts are operational


9-2 JOURNEY  RULES It is the full responsibil responsibility ity of driver to adhere to SAPESCO, Client, and local authority driving regulations. The most stringent regulations are always in force.  These regulations include but not limited to the following:  

Driving is allowed only with an authorized vehicle mission, The driver valid license shall always be with him during a trip. ♦ Vehicle must be checked prior to departure. Mission check list form to be filled out, ♦ No driving under the effect of alcohol or drugs, ♦ Do not start mission if you feel sick or tired, ♦ Ensure fire-fighting extinguisher extinguisher and first aid kit are available, ♦ Ensure all desert equipment (such as spare wheel, jack, drinking water, fuel, etc. are available in ♦

adequate quantitie quantities, s, ♦ Secure all loads safely, long loads protruding from the rear of a vehicle shall be clearly marked. ♦ Before starting the vehicle, ensure the area near, behind, and under vehicle is human free, ♦ Ensure safety belts are used properly (driver & passengers). Number of available and operational seat belts limits the number of passengers. No passengers are allowed to ride on the sides or on the back of any vehicle. ♦ Ensure the Drive Right monitoring device is connected & operation operational. al. ♦ Smoking in vehicles is prohibited. ♦ Record the journey at SAPESCO yard gate, ♦ On the road, the head lights shall always be on, ♦ All relevant road speed limits must be complied with, ♦ Always confirm arrival to job location, if  possible (use available radio / telephone). ♦ Minimize driving backward to necessity, ♦ Vehicles with tracks shall not drive on tarmac roads, ♦ If parking on the road is necessary; vehicle shall be parked only in allowable alongside the road, far from bends and roadplaces, crossings. The


vehicle must be visible from at least 40m and markers shall be used if necessary. Completely parked vehicles shall have the ignition switched off  and all doors locked. All drivers must apply the “ Defensive Driving Rules “ e.g. consider and avoid the mistakes of others.  To complete the cycle and ensure safety, SAPESCO will follow the vehicle manufacturer maintenance instructions and procedures.

9.3 9. 3

Nigh Nightt Dr Driv ivin ing g Proc Proced edur ure e

When driving at night is important to rescue company personnel or for some unforeseen operational reasons, the following procedure should be adhered to:   9.3.1 9.3. 1 Fiel Field d Base M Manag anager er shal shalll appr approve ove the  journey and liaise with client representative to Issue required permit. 9.3.2 A night aut 9.3.2 authori horized zed drive driverr who is all allowed owed for ni night ght driving should only be selected. 9.3.3 9.3. 3 The norm normal al driv driving ing mis mission sion che check ck list sho should uld be filled out with the following additions to cover driving at night requirements : lights, availability availability of adequate fuel, food and water and the full details of the rout, torch… etc. 6.3.4 Field Base Manager should nominate a duty contact person in the base. 9.3.5 Driver should inform the duty contact person upon arrival to distention. 9.3.6 Unless there is necessity to drive back (i.e. only in the case of sever injury), driving back should not be permitted.  This procedure should be adhered to at all times and must be presented in safety meetings as a refreshment. A copy of this procedure should be distributed to all drivers.

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