Journal to Trial Balance

May 26, 2018 | Author: Abrar Faiyaz | Category: Debits And Credits, Business Economics, Accounting, Corporate Jargon, Business
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Journal to trial balance!...


JOURNAL TO TRIAL BALANCE Course Lecturer: Md. Mizanoor Rahman Email: [email protected]

Journal Introduction An accounting process may e considered to e composed o! t"o parts: #i$ Recording phase and #2$ %ummarizing phase. &ournal is the !irst step o! recording transactions. 'his lesson "ill deal "ith di!!erent aspects o! (ournal as to recording transactions therein. )n !act accurate accounting statements can e prepared only i! transactions t ransactions ha*e een recorded properly.

Books of Original Entry and Journalizing Transactions A) Wat is a Journal! 'he oo+ in "hich the in!ormation aout each usiness transaction is initially recorded is called  (ournal. 'hus it is a chronological #day,y,day$ record o! usiness transactions. 'he (ournal is a  permanent chronological record o! the deits and credits resulting !rom transactions- together "ith all necessary eplanations o! the transactions. %o- the in!ormation recorded in (ournal relates to the dates o! transactionstransactions- the deit and credit change in speci!ic speci!ic /Ledger accounts/ and a rie! eplanation eplanation o!  the transaction. %ince the (ournal is the accounting record in "hich transactions are !irst recorded- it is also called the oo+ o! original entry or prime entry. B) Wy to Us" Journal 'echn 'echnica ically lly it is possi possile le to record record transa transactio ctions ns direct directly ly to Ledger Ledger.. ut due to some some speci! speci!ic ic ad*antages- as detailed elo"- usiness !irms +eep oo+s o! original entry called (ournal. i) Complete information as to transaction )n (ournal the deit and credit o! a transaction is recorded together ut "hen transactions are recorded directly in ledger- the deits and credits are recorded in di!!erent accounts. 1urther- in (ournal a rie!  eplanation as to transaction is recorded. ii) Chronological record  )n (ournal transactions are recorded in day to day chronological order. 1uture and past re!erence thus  ecomes help!ul. iii) Prevention of Errors )! transactions are recorded direct in the ledger errors may creep into "hich may e di!!icult or time consuming to detect. ut in (ournal- since the o!!setting deits and credits !or each transaction appearsuch errors are less li+ely to e occurred and i! occur can e detected easil y. C) Journalizing 'he process o! recording a transaction in a (ournal is called (ournalizing. 'he procedure and steps in  (ournalizing can e summarized as !ollo"s: i) Recording the Dates #a$ ear ear in inserted at top column o! each page meant !or date ecept "hen the year changes. #$ Month is inserted on !irst line o! 3ate column o! each page- ecept "hen the month changes. #c$ 3ay is inserted in second line o! 3ate column used !or each transaction- regardless o! numer o!  transactions during the day. ii) Recording The Debit  'itle o! account to e deited is inserted at etreme le!t o! the 3escription column and amount is entered in the 3eit column along that line. iii) Recording the Credit  'itle o! account to e credited is inserted elo" the account deited- moderately indented- and the amount is entered in the Credit column against that line. iv) Ledger Folio (L.F) 'he ledger !olio column to the right o! the description column- is not !illed in "hen transactions are recorded. )n the ledger "hen deits and credits are posted !rom (ournal- the page numer o! the ledger  in "hich these accounts are appearing are listed in this column. v) Writing Writing eplanation i.e. !arration

A rie! eplanation is "ritten elo" each entry. %ome accountants pre!er that the eplanation e omitted i! the nature o! the transaction is o*ious. A specimen o! (ournal is sho"n elo": Journal 3ate 3escription Ledger   3eit Credit 1olio '+. '+.

E#a$%l" &ournalize the !ollo"ing transactions in the oo+s o! 45 Ltd. !or the month o! &anuary- 2000. 2000. &anu &anuar ary y  %tar %tarte ted d us usin ines esss "it "ith h '+. '+.22-00 00-0 -000 00 in cash cash as capi capita tall / 2 3eposited to an+ '+.-20-000 / 7 ought 8!!ice 1urniture !or '+.20-00 9 aid che;ue / 7 ought go good "i "ith '+ '+.70-000 ca cash 9 '+. %old goods !or cash '+.27-000 / 0 %old good on credit to Ali '+.?0-000 / 2 aid =ai on account '+. Recei*ed !rom Ali '+.7-000 / ?0 aid %alary y che;ue '+.20-000 &olution' (* Ltd+ Journal ,at" 2000 &an. 











2000 &an.





Cash Capital Cash rought as capital an+   Cash Cash deposited in to an+  1urniture an+  ought !urniture and payment made through che;ue urchase Cash Accounts ayale #=ai$ urc urcha hase se o! good good '+.7 '+.700-00 000 0 in cash cash and and in cred credit it '+.0 !or income and > to 00 !or epenses etc.

&u/2di3ision of t" L"dg"r %o !ar as a small usiness is concerned- it "ould not e di!!icult to accommodate the "hole o! the transactions o! the usiness in one Ledger. ut "ith the increase o! usiness acti*ities and !inancial transactions- as the transactions ecome *oluminous- the Ledger "ill ha*e to e su,di*ided and the su,di*ision may e made in the !ollo"ing manner. 'hus- there may e:, #a$ A  Debtors' Ledger or Customers' Ledger or Sales Ledger   to +eep records o! the accounts o!  customers only #$ A Creditors' Ledger or Suppliers' Ledger or Purchases Ledger to contain accounts o! suppliers o!  goods

#c$ An Impersonal Ledger  or a Nominal or General Ledger  "hich "ould co*er all accounts other than those o! customers and suppliers and #d$ A Priate Ledger "hich contains Capital Account and 3ra"ings Account o! the proprietor or each o! the partners. 'his ledger emodies accounts o! pri*ate nature. E#a$%l" 1rom the !ollo"ing particulars o! AC Ltd. prepare &ournal entries and Ledger accounts o! the company !or the period. ear 2000 April : 2 %tarted usiness "ith '+.-00-000- paid into an+ '+.70-000 ? ought 1urniture in cash '+.0-000 7 ought goods !or '+.?0-000 > %old goods !or cash '+.6-000 7 ought 'ype "riter !rom R 9 Co. '+.>-000 20 ought goods !rom 3 9 rothers '+.27-000 27 %old goods to 45 Ltd. '+.2


0 


27 0G



2 ?0 ?0





%ales an+ ADR, 45 Ltd.

0G 02 27

May, alance D!

A$ount ,at" 'a+a 2000 -00-000 April , 2 6-000 ? 20-000 7 26-000 2G 2> 2> ?0 62-000





1urniture urchase Ad*ertisement Rent %alaries alance cDd

0? 0 2 ? <



A$ount 'a+a 70-000

,at" -articulars 2000 April Cash ?0 ?0 alance cDd



May, alance D!


.urnitur" Account R"f+


A$ount 'a+a 0-000

,at" -articulars 2000 April alance cDd ?0


0-000 May, alance D!

0-000 R"f+

A$ount 'a+a >-000

,at" -articulars 2000 April alance cDd ?0


>-000 May, alance D!

Code, 0< A$ount 'a+a >-000



&al"s Account ,at" -articulars 2000 April alance cDd ?0

Code, 0? A$ount 'a+a 0-000 0-000

Ty%" Writ"r Account ,at" -articulars 2000 April ayale !or 'ype riter  7

Code, 02 A$ount 'a+a 20-000 ?0-000 70-000


,at" -articulars 2000 April , Cash ?

0-000 ?0-000 7-000 0-000 20-000 ?G-000 -62-000


Bank Account ,at" -articulars 2000 April , Cash 2

Code, 0 A$ount 'a+a 70-000


A$ount 'a+a 70-000

,at" -articulars 2000 April, Cash > 27 Account recei*ale ,45


0 27

Code, 0G A$ount 'a+a 6-000 2

70-000 Code, 0 A$ount 'a+a 77-000


Ad3"rtis"$"nt Account ,at" -articulars 2000 April Cash 2G


-aya/l" for Ty%"4rit"r 5R 6 Co+) Account R"f+ A$ount ,at" -articulars 'a+a 2000 >-000 April 'ype"riter  7 >-000

May, alance D!



Code, > A$ount 'a+a >-000 >-000 >-000

Account -aya/l" 5, 6 Brots) Account Code,  ,at" -articulars R"f+ A$ount ,at" -articulars 2000 'a+a 2000 April alance cDd 27-000 April urchase ?0 20




27-000 May, alance D!

Account r"c"i3a/l" (* ,at" -articulars R"f+ A$ount 2000 'a+a April %ales 0G 2-000 ?-000 Att"ntion' )n this illustration accounts ha*e een coded as: alance items assets 0 !or cash- 02 !or an+- etc. Li+e "ise re*enue 9 ependiture items ha*e een coded as 0G !or sales- 0 !or purchase- 2 !or ad*ertisement and the li+e. 'hus in &ournal post re!erences ha*e een sited against the accounts and in Ledger these ha*e also  een sho"n. 'his is !ound in practice.

%ummary )llustration o! &ournalizing and osting E#a$%l" 8n st 8ctoer-  Mr. &ohn entered into a usiness. 'ransactions !or the month "ere as !ollo"s: 8ctoer : &ohn in*ests '+.0-000 cash in an ad*ertising *enture to e +no"n as the oineer Ad*ertising Agency. / : 8!!ice e;uipment costing '+.7-000 is purchased y signing a ?,month- 2I '+.7-000 note payale. / 2: '+.-200 cash ad*ance is recei*ed !rom R. Jno+ a client- !or ad*ertising ser*ices that are epected to e completed y 3ecemer ?. / ?: 8!!ice rent !or 8ctoer is paid in cash- '+.00 / . aid cash !or rene"al o! property )nsurance '+.7-000 . Cash %ale '+.00- #*$ 3epreciation @ 7I on uilding 9 0I on 1urniture is re;uired. #*i$ Hoods costing '+.700 "as ta+en y Mr. Roin !or personal use #*ii$ 'he stoc+ at the end included goods "orth ta+e 2-000 !or "hich the ill neither has een recei*ed and nor accounted !or. .

1ollo"ing are the transactions o! 5era enterprise !or the month o! May- 2000. Enter these in the oo+s o! 8riginal entry o! the enterprise assuming that it +eeps %pecial and Heneral (ournal: 2000 May : urchase !rom 4 Ltd. Hoods "orth '+.70-000 : 3ra"n !rom an+ '+.70-000 2: %old goods in cash '+.: urchase o! Computer in cash '+.: aid 4 Ltd. '+.0 tins o! %un %oaeen @ '+.227 per tin . aid miscellaneous epenses '+.-G70 2. Returned portion o! supplies purchased on &une < to the supplier- recei*ing !ull credit !or the cost '+.
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