Jotun Paint Training

April 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 1. Jotun General Information

2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Technolog echnology y 5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Jotun HQ Norway

The Global Company • • • • •

Es Esta tabl blis ishe hed d sin since ce 192 1926 6 Head Head offic office e in Sand Sandefj efjord ord,, Norwa Norway y Tu Turn rnov over er 2,1 2,1 bill bill USD USD (201 (2015) 5) More More then then 98 9800 00 emp emplo loye yees es 71 companies companies in 45 countries countries,, with 36 Produc Production tion Facilities Facilities in 19 countries, represented in more then 90 countries in the world • Regional Regional Lab and and R&D in UEA,No UEA,Norway, rway,USA, USA,China China,S.Ko ,S.Korea,a rea,and nd Malaysia Malaysia

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Facts and figures • Among Among the 20 largest paint companies in the world • 36 production production facilities facilities in 19 countries • 71 companies companies in 45 countries countries • Represente Represented d in more than 90 countries around the world • More than than 9.400 employees employees worldwide • Head office in Sandefjord, Norway

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

PT. Jotun Indonesia • • • • • • • • •

Sales Sales in Indo Indones nesia ia sinc since e 1985, 1985, First First facto factory ry in Indo Indones nesia ia 1996, 1996, Expans Expansion ion prod product uction ion factor factory y in MM2100 MM2100 Bekasi Bekasi 2005 Expans Expansion ion Jotun Jotun Distrib Distributio ution n Center Center in 2015 2015 No 1 in Marine segment No 1 in Protective segment No 1 in Powder Coating Segment Top 3 in Decorative segment Branch Offices in Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Medan, Makasar and Batam • Comput Computeriz erized ed tinting tinting machin machines es (Multicolor) in more than 700 shops

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

PT. Jotun Indonesia

• Our current current produc production tion capacity capacity is up up to 40million 40million liters (mix Solvent and Water base) per year • We had had build build new new war wareho ehouse use,, called called Jotu Jotun n Distribu Distribution tion Center with capacity up to 10.000 pallets • Multi Color Tinting Machine Machine capacity capacity of 1200 cans/day cans/day (mix Solvent and Water Base)

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y 7 Branches :

• Medan • Pekanbaru • Batam

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1 Day Paint School • Palembang • Surabaya • Balikpapan


• Makassar

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More then 700 Jotun Multicolor Multi color Centre and 50 Multi Color Industry in Indonesia (Dealers) Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Decorative pa paints

Marine coatings

Protective co coatings

Powder co coatings



Brands/ Products

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1 Day Paint School

Jo Jotu tun n Cus Custo tome mers rs

Red HPI Box Customers Customers

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Customers already signed up for HPS • Jotu Jotun’s n’s Hull Perfo Performan rmance ce Solutions Solutions was launched launched early early 2011 2011 • Nume Numerous rous soph sophisti isticate cated d customers customers have applied applied or cont contract racted ed one or more vessels vessels with HPS

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁖󰁡󰁬󰁵󰁥 󰁁󰁤󰁤󰁥󰁤 󰁓󰁥󰁲󰁶󰁩󰁣󰁥󰁳

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Training and Tools • Jotu Jotun nP Pai aint nt S Sch choo ooll • Co Coat atin ing g Ac Acad adem emy y • Jotu Jotun n Pr Pree-Do Dock ckin ing g Survey • Jotu Jotun nO On nB Boa oard rd Survey • Jotu Jotun nD Dry ry Do Dock ckin ing g Inspection • JA JAMP MP (Jot (Jotun un As Asse sets ts Management Program) Jotun Paint School


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1 Day Paint School

A Wide Pool of Qualified Quali fied Coating Advisors

PT. Jotun Indonesia currently supported by 60 Coating Advisor for Performance Coating Segment certified as Inspector by NACE, SSPC and FROSIO

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ?

3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Technolog echnology y 5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Mengapa pa Cat Diper Diperluka lukan? n? Menga Ada dua alasan alasan utama untuk untuk mengecat : Untuk melindungi properti dan untuk alasan kosmetik Hal ini secara finansial sangat penting untuk melindungi struktur terhadap korosi. Sebuah sistem cat yang baik akan menjadi metode biaya-efektif untuk melindungi struktur: Umur struktur diperpanjang, biaya pemeliharaan berkurang dan resiko kecelakaan yang mempengaruhi orang-orang dan lingkungan berkurang .

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Why do we paint? Safety and economy: The industry wishes to preserve their investments to avoid accidents. If it was cheaper to let constructions corrode, and simply build new ones when the safety limit was passed, we would have seen many more rusty plants, ships and platforms

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

differences ences between below terms? What are differ Coating  Any layer that covering covering /shielding construction construction from from environment 

Painting Liquid , applied in liquid condition, cured as solid coating

Lining Thick or very thick coating, used used in submerged condition

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

could d protect this construction What kind of coating coul

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Jotun Paint School

1 Day Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ?

4. Paint Technolog echnology y 5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Definition of corrosion Koro Ko rosi si (Corrosion) ad adal alah ah reak reaksi si ki kimi mia a an anta tara ra Logam (metal) dengan Lingkungannya

Memben Mem bentuk tuk pro produk duk koros korosii (kar (karat/r at/rust) ust)

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Pengert ertian ian Kor Korosi osi Peng

Logam (Metal)

Korosi (Corrosion)

Karat (Rust)

• Karat/ rat/R Rust hany hanya a bisa bisa dihi dihila lang ngka kan n deng dengan an ca cara ra meka mekani nik k, dengan dibakar, dibaka r, digerinda, digerinda, di-wire di-wire brush brush atau dengan dengan blasting blasting • Coating ing ata atau u cat han hanya ya menc mencegah egah pros proses es koro korosi si tida tidak k terjad terjadii

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Corrosion reaction • • • •

Steel Water Oxygen Rust

Remember this illustration, as removal of the oxygen or water will result in the elimination of corrosion Should be coated to avoiding corrosion reaction

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Factors needed for corrosion To achieve corrosion we need a galvanic galvani c cell A galvanic cell consist of: • A Cathode : – The noble noble me metal tal / a alloy lloy (or part of metal) metal)

• An Anode: – The less less nob noble le meta metall / allo alloy y

• An electrical connection – between the two two metals, metals, conducting conducting electrical electrical current current (by electrons)

• An electrolyte: – Conductin Conducting g electrical electrical ccurre urrent nt (by iions) ons)

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Galvanic Series The galvanic series is a table used to demonstrate the reactivity of different d ifferent metals When two metals are in contact with each other, the more reactive metal will corrode in preference to the less reactive metal Aluminum will therefore corrode in preference to iron when the two are connected The galvanic series is important when considering design with different materials Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Corrosion Single piece of metal showing the anodic and catho cathodic dic sites. Corrosion occurs at the anodic sites. If the steel was all cathodic corrosion would stop. A piece of steel has thousands of anodic and catho cathodic dic sites. It is, however, unusual to find them uniform as various factors such as contaminants will cause different types of corrosion rates on a single piece of metal.

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Para Paramet meters ers yang yang mempenga mempengaruhi ruhi kec kecepa epatan tan kor korosi osi • • • •

Kele lem mbaban (Humidity) Suhu Ling ingkungan (Temperature) Ko Kons nsen entr tras asi/ i/ka kada darr gara garam m (salts) Kada Kadarr po polu lusi si udar udara, a, huj hujan an as asam am,,  jelaga dan partikel debu

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Techn Technology ology – Part 1

5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Pe Perli rlind ndung ungan an Ko Koro rosi si de deng ngan an co coat ating ing / ca catt Coatin Coating/c g/cat at melind melindung ungii konstru konstruksi ksi dari dari proses proses korosi korosi dengan dengan cara cara : • Sebagai Barrier effect – Mencip Menciptak takan an bar barrie rier/ r/ ben benten teng g pelind pelindun ung g yan yang g mencega mencegah h ion/mo ion/molek lekul ul (air/asam (air/ asam/gara /garam) m) penyebab penyebab korosi menye menyentu ntuh h permukaan permukaan logam/konst logam/konstruksi ruksi Example: epoxy-coatings

• Sebagai Inhibitive/pas Inhibitive/passivizing sivizing ef effect fect – Cat /co /coati ating ng memp mempasi asif-k f-kan an per permuk mukaan aan konstr konstruks uksii sehing sehingga ga dia diam m ter terhad hadap ap reaksii korosi. reaks Example: coatings mixed with anti corrosive pigments (lead, chromates or phosphates)

• Sebagai Cathodic effect – Cat/co Cat/coat ating ing ber bereak eaksi si sebaga sebagaii ano anoda da yan yang g men mengor gorban bankan kan dir dirii ketika ketika terja terjadi di korosi (galv (galvanic anic effect) effect) Example: zinc rich coatings Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Barrier effect Most paints protect the steel by forming a barrier to the surrounding environment • A ba barri rrier er will will inc increa rease se tthe he resistance in the galvanic circle • A th thick ick barrier barrier wil willl give give bette betterr protection than a thin

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Jotun Barrier Effect with Glass Flake F lake Technology Thickness 1500



Marathon 1000GF

for internal tank with excellent chemical resistant

600 500 400 300

Marathon Jotamastic 90 GF


Jotun Paint School

A thi thick ck bar barrie rierr will will give better better protec protectio tion n than a thi thin n


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Inhibitor effect In inhibitive coatings, moisture may penetrate to reach the inhibitive primer where the reactive pigments are activated, which in turn passivizes the metal substrate at the coating/metal interface Example of Inhibitive pigments: • Re Red d Lea Lead d (no (nott u use sed) d) • Lea Lead/z d/zinc inc chroma chromate te (not (not used) used) • Zi Zinc nc phos phosph pha ate Product with inhibitive pigments are not suited for immersed substrates Jotun Paint School


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Academy y Jotun TSS Academ

1 Day Paint School

Ca Cath thod odic ic ef effec fectt • Some Some pain paints ts off offer er the the sam same e cathodic cathod ic protection protection effect effect as sacrificial anodes • A zin zinc-r c-rich ich prim primer er react reactss to prot protect ect the steel substrate when the topcoat is damaged • The CP type type of pain paints ts is is not not an inert paint film as the barrier coatings • The p pain aints ts cont contain ain a activ ctive, e, metal metallic lic pigments • The pigmen pigments ts reac reactt with with mois moistur ture e and the steel and creates a calcareous deposit on bare spots of the steel substrate Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Zinc Rich Paints (Cath (Cathodic odic Protec Protection) tion) Zinc Epoxy (Organic (Organic Zinc Zinc) )

Zinc Ethi Ethill Silica Silicate te

• Keri rin ng secara reaksi kimia • Daya rekat tinggi dan tahan benturan (kekua (kekuatan tan mekani mekanik k tinggi) tinggi) • Bisa dilap lapis ulan lang dengan semua  jenis cat kecuali Alkyd • Tahan panas hingga 120º 120ºC C • Fi Film lm thic thickn knes ess: s: 25 – 125 125 m m • Tidak tahan asam dan basa

Zinc) ) (In Organic Zinc

• Sangat tah tahan solvent • Tahan panas tin tinggi hin ing gga 400º 400ºC C • Sangat tah tahan bentu turran (Very high mechanical strength)

• Max. Max. DFT DFT: 100 100 m (cend (cenderung erung mud crack crack pada pada DFT di atas atas 100 m, Kecuali  Tankguard Tankgu ard Zinc   )

(Resistant between pH 5-9)

Jotun Jotu n Zinc Ethi Ethill Silic Silicate ate Product Product

Jotun Zinc Ep Epoxy oxy Prod Product uct

Resist 78 , Resist 86,

Barrier 77, Barrier 80, Barrier 90

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Academy y Jotun TSS Academ

1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Techn Technology ology – Part 2

5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Composition of paints

Paints Binder Natural Resin Drying oil Coal Tar Nitrocellulose Synthetic Resin Alkyd CR Epoxy Polyester Polyurethane Silicate Vinyl





Hydro carbons

Wetting agent




Inhibitive pigm.



Cathodically protective






Jotun Paint School

Water 66

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Kema Ke mamp mpua uan n ca catt di dite tent ntuka ukan n da dari ri bin binde der-n r-nya ya • 3 je jeni niss bi bind nder er ya yang ng se seri ring ng digunakan Alkyd, Epoxy and polyurethane kita applikas appl ikasika ikan n diat diatas as tes testt panel • Di Dila laku kuka kan n test test ko kont ntak ak langs lan gsun ung g deng dengan an sin sinar ar matahar mata hari, i, air dan car cariran iran kimia kim ia (basa (basa kuat kuat// Ca Caus ustic tic Soda) • Ke Kema mamp mpu uan ma masi sing ng-masing mas ing cat berb berbeda eda.. • Pe Pemi mili liha han n bi bind nder er yan yang g te tepa patt sangat sang at pen penting ting Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Kemampuan cat ditentukan dari binder-nya Tahan Tah an Sin Sinar ar Matahari (penuruna (penurunan n glos glossy sy sangat sedik sedikit) it)

Tidak Tid ak Ta Taha han n Air

Tidak Tid ak Tah Tahan an cairan caira n Kim Kimia ia

Tahan Air


Tidak Tid ak Tah Tahan an Sinar Matahari

Tahan Cairan Kimia

Tahan Air


Sangat Tahan Sin Tahan Sinar ar Matahari

Tahan Cairan Kimia


(gl (gloss ossy y tidak tidak berubah)

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Solid Content ( illustration only ) Solvents, 20% Additives, 8%

Solvents, 50%

Pigments, 24% Additives, 5% Pigments, 15%

Binder, 48%

Binder, 30%

Solid content: 50%

Jotun Paint School

Solid content: 80%


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Solid id Content Content atau atau Volu Volume me Solid Solid Sol • Vol Volume ume Solid Solid menunj menunjukk ukkan an prosen prosentas tase e kandun kandungan gan Binder Binder + Pigme Pigment nt + Additives • Pe Pena namb mbah ahan an thin thinne nerr akan akan menu menuru runk nkan an vo volu lume me sol solid id ccat at • Vo Volu lume me Sol Solid id mene menent ntuk ukan an :

– Ke Kete teba bala lan n ca catt – Daya sebar cat (Spreading rate) – Ju Jum mlah lah kons konsum umsi si ca catt

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

󰁃󰁡󰁬󰁣󰁵󰁬󰁡󰁴󰁩󰁯󰁮 󰁩󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴󰁩󰁮󰁧

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Calculations : Paint Abbreviations WFT DFT % VS LF DV

= = = = =

Wet Film Thickness Dry Film Thickness Percent Volume Solids Loss Factor Dead Volume

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Form Fo rmula ula unt untuk uk me menen nentu tuka kan n DF DFT T WFT x % VS

Formula: DFT





250 µm

% VS =

50 %

DFT = Jotun Paint School

250 x 50 100

= 74

125 µm © Copyright


Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Formu rmula la un untuk tuk me mene nent ntuka ukan n WF WFT T Fo DFT x 100 %

Formula : WFT


% VS




150 µm

% VS


65 %



150 x 100 % 65 %

Jotun Paint School



230 µm

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1 Day Paint School

ISO 2808 2808 - 97 Method Method No.1 No.1

Wet Film Measuring Comb

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Formula For mula men menent entukan ukan WFT den dengan gan thin thinner ner (method 1) DFT x (100 % + % thinner) % VS


Formula: WFT

Example: DF T % VS Added thinner

= 150 µm = 65 % = 20 %



Jotun Paint School

150 x (100 % + 20 %) = 277 µm 65 % 77

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1 Day Paint School

Form Formula ula mene menentuk ntukan an WFT den dengan gan thin thinner ner (method 2) DFT


150 microns

% VS Added thinner Volume of paint Volume of thinner New volume

= = = = =

65 % 20 % 1 litre New % VS: 0,2 litre 1,2 litre



Jotun Paint School

65 1,2

= 5 54 4,2 %

100 % x 150 microns = 277 µm 54 %


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

(day aya a se seba bar) r) Theoretical spreading rate (d % VS x 10

Formula: DFT % VS 10

= = =




m /litre

150 microns 65 Factor

Spreading rate =

Jotun Paint School

65 x 10 = 150

4,3 m2/litre

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Consumption of paint, no loss

(1 of 2)

To be painted: Tank, area of 500 m2 Paint


Epoxy mastic Poly lyu uretha thane topcoat Consumption

Jotun Paint School


% VS

200 microns 50 microns Area (m2) x DFT 10 x % VS


85 % 50 % = litre

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Consumption of paint, no loss (2 of 2) To be painted: Tank, Tank, area of 500 m2 2 Formula:  Area, m  x DFT

10 x % VS

Epoxy mastic =

500 x 200 10 x 85

Polyurethane topcoat =

Jotun Paint School

500 x 50 10 x 50

= 117,647 litre

= 50,0 litre


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Be Bera rapa pa ba bany nyak ak ca catt yang yang haru haruss di dipe pesa san? n? Co Cont ntoh oh : Cat yang diperluka diperlukan n = 100 litre , loss factor factor 40% Bera Berapa pa Liter Liter cat cat yang yang haru haruss dipe dipesa san n ?? Apak Apakah ah sepe sepert rtii berik berikut ut ? Jumlah Cat dipe Jumlah diperluk rlukan an = 100 L, L, Loss Loss facto factorr 40% Cat yang dipesan = 100 L + (40% X 100L) = 100 L + 40 L = 140 L

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(1 of 2)


Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Bera rapa pa ba bany nyak ak ca catt yang yang haru haruss di dipe pesa san? n? Be

(2 of 2)

Cat yang yang ter teraplik aplikasi asi = 100 % - 40% = 60%

Loss factor 40%

Jadi Jika Cat yang yang diperlukan diperlukan = 100 100 litre dan loss factor factor 40 40% % Jumlah Cat dipesan


100 L Efisiensi

Jotun Paint School


100 L 60 %




100 L 0,6

= 167 Liter

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Academy y Jotun TSS Academ

1 Day Paint School

Kons nsum umsi si ca catt deng dengan an los losss fact factor or Ko To be painted: Tank, area of 500 m2 , 40 % loss 40 % loss implies that only 60 % will remain on the surface. The correction factor, Loss factor, factor, will be 0.6 Formula:

Epoxy mastic =

Polyurethane topcoat =

Jotun Paint School

 Area, m2  x DFT 10 x % VS x Efficiency 500 x 200 10 x 85 x 0,6

= 196 litre

500 x 50 10 x 50 x 0,6

= 83 litre


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Dead volume (Increases the volume of paint required) Smooth (polished) steel surface Even film thickness

Steel Specified thickness Dead volume

Uneven steel surface Paint will fill the valleys

Steel Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Consumption of paint with loss including Dead Volume (1 of 2) A certain roughness will give a certain dead volume Dead volume, l/ m2 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Roughness, microns 30 45 60 75 90 105

Total Dead Dead v volume, olume, litre =  Area (m2) x DV x 100 % VS x Efficiency

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Consumption of paint with loss including Dead Volume (2 of 2) Tank area 500 m2 , 40 % loss, surface roughness 60 microns microns

Epoxy mastic Polyurethane topcoat Litre dead volume =


% VS

200 50

85 50

500 x 0,04 x 100 85 x 0,6

Epoxy mastic (EM) =

500 x 200 10 x 85 x 0,6

Polyurethane topcoat =

500 x 50 10 x 50 x 0,6

Jotun Paint School

= 39 litre (EM)

= 196 litre (EM) = 83 litre (PU)


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1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Techn Technology ology – Part 3

5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Me Meka kanis nisme me pe peng ngeri ering ngan an ca catt (drying / Curing Mechanism) • Da Dari ri me meka kani nism sme e peng penger erin inga gan n cat cat k kit ita a bi bisa sa me meng nget etah ahui ui : 1. Baga Bagaim iman ana a cat cat ters terseb ebut ut ke kerin ring g / tidak tidak 2. Sebera Seberapa pa kuat kuat teknol teknologi ogi cat terseb tersebut ut 3. Apak Apakah ah bisa bisa dila dilapi piss ul ulan ang g deng dengan an jeni jeniss ya yang ng lain lain

• 3 JJen enis is me meka kani nism sme e peng penger erin inga gan n cat cat y yan ang g sser erin ing g di dite temu muii : 1. Solvent Solvent evaporation evaporation (physi (physically cally drying) drying) 2. Reaction Reaction with oxygen oxygen in the the air (oxidation (oxidation)) 3. Chemical Chemical reaction reaction between between resin and hard hardener ener

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Drying / Curing Mechanism (Dari Jenis Binde Binder) r) Physically drying

Oxidative drying

Chemically curing

• • • • • • •

• Alkyd

• water Ep Epox oxy y borne) (sol (solve vent nt a and nd • Zinc epoxy • Epoxy Ma Mastic tic • Polyu olyure reth than ane e • 22-p pack ack Ac Acryli rylicc • Zin incc Silic ilicat ate e • Polys olysil ilo oxa xan ne • Polyester • Vinylester

Chlori Chlo rina nate ted d rubb rubber er Vinyl Acrylic Silicone

Antif ntifo oulin uling gs Bitumen Tar

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Jotun Product (berd (berdasark asarkan an mekan mekanisme isme peng pengering eringannya annya)) Jotun Chem Chemicall ically y

Jotun Jotu n Physicall Physically y

Jotun Jotu n Oxid Oxidative ative



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curing •

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© Copyright Jotun Paint School


Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Physical drying (Pe (Penge ngerin ringan gan sec secara ara fis fisik) ik) • • • • • • •

Chlori Chlo rina nate ted d rubbe rubberr Vinyl Acrylic An Anti tiffoul ulin ings gs Silicone

Bitumen Tar

Solvent cat meng Solvent menguap, uap, mo molekul lekul cat mera me rapa patt dan dan me meny nyatu atu memben mem bentuk tuk lapi lapisan san coa coating ting.. Tanp Tanpa a ad ada a ik ikat atan an ki kimi mia a Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Physical drying properties Advantage


• Si Sing ngle le comp compon onen entt • Not tem temper peratu ature re dep depend endent ent for drying (solvent borne) • Eas Easy y to rec recoat oat,, goo good d int interer-coa coatt adhesion • Relat Relativ ively ely good good w wat ater er resistance • Reas Reason onabl ably y go good od ch chem emica icall resistance

• Poor Poor ssol olve vent nt rres esist istan ance ce • Lo Low w ssol olid id cont conten entt • Relat Relative ively ly p poo oorr wet wettin ting g properties • The Therm rmo opl plas asti ticc • Dry Dry heat heat resis resistan tance ce 60 – 70 70ºC ºC • Emu Emulsio lsion np paint aint (wat (water er b born orne) e) +5ºC)

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Oxidative drying/curing • Alkyd

Solvent menguap Oxyge Ox ygen n mas masuk uk ked kedalam alam lapi lapisan san cat,, rea cat reaksi ksi pen pengika gikatan tan mol moleku ekull catt tter ca erjad jadii me melal lalui ui reak reaksi si kim kimia ia an anta tara ra oksi oksige gen n da dan n bi bind nder er

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Curing (drying) by oxidation properties

• • • • • • •



Si Sing ngle le comp compon onen entt Goo Good da appli pplicati cation on pro proper pertie tiess Go Good od w wea eathe therr re resis sista tanc nce e Go Good od w wet ettin ting gp pro rope pert rties ies Go Good od rrec ecoa oata tabi bilit lity y Go Good od leve levellin lling g / fflow low Go Good od glo gloss ss rete retent ntio ion n

• Poor Poor ch chem emica icall res resist istan ance ce (especially against alkaline / caustic) • Lim Limite ited d wa wate terr res resist istan ance ce (submerged) • Lim Limite ited d sol solve vent nt re resis sistan tance ce • Lim Limited ited film thic thickne kness ss p per er ccoat oat • Ne Neve verr a app pplie lied d on zin zincc - Alkyd w will ill sapo saponifica nification tion

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Academy y Jotun TSS Academ

1 Day Paint School

Chemically curing binder? Haru Ha rus s Me Memp mper erha hati tika kan n hal hal pent pentin ing g be beri riku kutt : Past stiikan kan um umur ur paka pakaii (Self Life) cat masih masih bagus. bagus. Pa Past stik ikan an Comp Comp A bertemu Comp B yang tepat Past Pastik ikan an mixi mixing ng rat ratio io Comp A : Comp B Gunakan mechanical agitator (mixer) sebelum lum masa reaksi Appl Applik ikas asik ikan an sebe (pot life) habis 6. Diamkan sel selama ama waktu waktu induction time

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Un Untu tuk k be bere reaks aksii awal awal peng ngec ecat atan an ul ulan ang g se sesu suai ai wakt waktu u 7. Lakukan pe recoating intervals

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Chemically curing ?

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Epoxy xy Mas Mastic tic – Jot Jotama amastic stic tec technol hnology ogy Epo • Pigmen Pigmented ted epoxy epoxy binder binder which which has been been enhan enhanced ced with with hydrocarbon resin

Jotun Paint School

and cured with an amine based curing agent


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Polyurethane properties Advantage • • • • •

Ver Very yg goo ood d we weathe atherr resis resistan tance ce Ex Exce celle llent nt gl glos osss dur durabi abilit lity y Ver Very yg goo ood d ch chemi emical cal res resista istance nce Ver Very yg goo ood d so solve lvent nt res resista istance nce Cu Cure ress d dow own n tto o 0ºC 0ºC

Limitation • 22-co com mpo pon nent ent • Ma May y ca caus use e sk skin in iirr rrita itatio tion n • Se Sens nsiti itive ve tto o mo moist ist iin n ea early rly curing stage

Jotun Polyurethane Product

• Hardtop HB • Hard Hardto top p Fl Flex exii

Jotun Paint School

• Hardtop AX • Hard rdto top p XP


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1 Day Paint School

󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Technolog echnology y 5. Basic Surface Preparation

6. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Pe Penye nyeba bab b Ut Utam ama a Ke Kega gaga galan lan Pen Penge geca cata tan n Penyeb Pen yebab ab utama utama kerusa kerusakan kan cat/coating ad adal alah ah : • Persiapa Persiapan n perm permukaa ukaan n yang kurang kur ang bagus bagus • Apli Aplikas kasii pengecata pengecatan n yang kurang kur ang baik baik Meskipun menggunaka Meskipun menggunakan n cat/coating cat/coating dengan den gan kualita kualitass tinggi, tinggi, tetapi tetapi jika pe pers rsia iapa pan n perm permuk ukaa aan n dan dan cara cara ap aplik likas asin inya ya sala salah h maka maka perf perfor orma ma cat cat ters terseb ebut ut tidak tidak ak akan an bagu bagus. s.

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Persiap iapan an per permuk mukaan aan (Surface Steel Preparation) Pers terdiri dari : 󰀱󰀮 󰁍󰁥󰁮󰁧󰁨󰁩󰁬󰁡󰁮󰁧󰁫󰁡󰁮 󰁰󰁥󰁲󰁭󰁵󰁫󰁡󰁡󰁮 󰁴󰁡󰁪󰁡󰁭 󰁴󰁡󰁪󰁡󰁭 󰀲󰀮 󰁍󰁥󰁭󰁢󰁥󰁲󰁳󰁩󰁨󰁫󰁡󰁮 󰁰󰁥󰁲󰁭󰁵󰁫󰁡󰁡󰁮 󰁰󰁥󰁲󰁭󰁵󰁫󰁡󰁡󰁮 󰁤󰁡󰁲󰁩 󰁫󰁯󰁴󰁯󰁲󰁡󰁮 󰁤󰁡󰁮 󰁭󰁩󰁮󰁹 󰁭󰁩󰁮󰁹󰁡󰁫 󰁡󰁫 󰀯󰁧󰁲󰁥󰁡󰁳󰁥 󰁭󰁥󰁮󰁧󰁧󰁵󰁮󰁡󰁫󰁡󰁮 󰁤󰁥󰁴󰁥󰁲󰁧󰁥󰁮󰁴 󰀳󰀮 󰁍󰁥󰁭󰁢󰁩󰁬󰁡󰁳 󰁤󰁥󰁮󰁧󰁡󰁮 󰁡󰁩󰁲 󰁴󰁡󰁷󰁡󰁲 󰁴󰁡󰁷󰁡󰁲 󰀨󰁦󰁲󰁥󰁳󰁨 󰁷󰁡 󰁷󰁡󰁴󰁥󰁲󰀩 󰁴󰁥󰁲󰀩 󰀴󰀮 󰁍󰁥󰁬󰁡󰁫󰁵󰁫󰁡󰁮 󰁴󰁲󰁥󰁡󰁴󰁭󰁥󰁮󰁴 󰁴󰁲󰁥󰁡󰁴󰁭󰁥󰁮󰁴 󰁰󰁥󰁲󰁭󰁵󰁫󰁡󰁡󰁮 󰁳󰁥󰁳󰁵󰁡󰁩 󰁳󰁴󰁡󰁮󰁤󰁡󰁲󰁤 󰁳󰁴󰁡󰁮󰁤󰁡󰁲󰁤 󰁹󰁡󰁮󰁧 󰁤󰁩󰁧󰁵󰁮󰁡󰁫󰁡󰁮

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Cross section of painted steel with a sharp edge • Pa Pain intt ap appl plie ied d wi with th spra spray y • Forms inferior inferior ccoati oating ng tthickn hickness ess a around round the edge Sharp edge, low DFT Steel Paint

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Cross section of painted steel with well rounded edge

• Pa Pain intt a app pplie lied d by spra spray y • Forms Forms even even thic thickne kness ss arou around nd the the edge edge



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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Pre-surface condition • Vis Visual ual inspec inspection tion should should be conducted on all steel items prior to surface preparation • Thi Thiss will will de determ termine ine the level level o off pre-preparation requirements such as grinding, filling etc.

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1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Bad welding and non-removal of spatters

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1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Early corrosion on sharp edge and spot welds

• Pa Pain intt has has newl newly y been been appl applie ied d • Exposed Exposed to wind and weather weather for approximate approximately ly 2 weeks

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1. Removing Sharp Edges

Rough welding seam at internal water tank

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1 Day Paint School

1. Removing Sharp Edges

Paint unable to cover intermittent area

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1 Day Paint School

2. Removing Dirt, Oil and Grease

Cleaning with detergent

• Apply Apply the cleane cleanerr fr from om below below and upwards • Work Work sys syste tema matic ticall ally y on all all surfaces • Let the cleane cleanerr react react,, n norm ormally ally 1-5 minutes • Wash Wash off off from from belo below w and and upwards • Fina Finall rinse rinse fro from m abov above e and and down Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

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1 Day Paint School

2. Removing Dirt, Oil and Grease

Washing with detergent, rinse with fresh water

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3. Washing with fresh water

Osmotic blistering Osmotic blistering occurs when paint has been applied on a surface contaminated with water soluble salts

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

3. Washing with fresh water

Formation of blisters as a function of salt concentration concentration on substrate substrate (1 of 2) Salt: 60 mg/ m Film: 150 microns

Salt: 0 mg/ m Film: 150 microns

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1 Day Paint School

3. Washing with fresh water

Formation of blisters as a function of salt concentration on substrate (1 of 2)

Salt: 100 mg/ m Film: 150 microns

Jotun Paint School

Salt: 200 mg/m Film: 150 microns


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1 Day Paint School

3. Washing with fresh water

Welding smoke is water soluble and can only be removed by water

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3. Washing with fresh water

Blisters close to weld • •

Weldi Welding ng smoke is is wate waterr soluble soluble and wi willll creat create e osm osmotic otic bl blisteri istering ng if not removed removed Galva Galvanic nic dif differenc ference e between between steel plate and and wel weld d may aggravate aggravate the attack attack

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4. Surface Treatment

Steel Preparation Standards

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4. Surface Treatment

ISO 8501-1

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1 Day Paint School

4. Surface Treatment

Wire Brush • Wire brushi brushing ng is is relativ relatively ely eas easy y to use for maintenance on previously coated surfaces • Wire brushi brushing ng will will not, not, howeve however, r, feather edge existing coatings • Wire brushi brushing ng will will not not remo remove ve mill mill scale

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4. Surface Treatment

Hand wire brushed surfaces

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1 Day Paint School

4. Surface Treatment

Disc sanding and grinding Disking and grinding is a similar process to mechanical wire-brush There is a danger of polishing poli shing the surface or gouging the steel or substrate Suitable for feathering of edges to intact paint after spot repair

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4. Surface Treatment

Polished erection and welds

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4. Surface Treatment

Abrasive blast cleaning • • • •

Givess a good Give good sur surfa face ce pro profi file le Su Surf rfac ace e sta stays ys dry dry Hi High gh prod produc uctio tion n ra rate te Sev Severa erall bl blast asting ing standa standards rds can be achieved

• Do Does es not not remo remove ve oil, oil, gre greas ase e and salts from the substrate • Crea reates tes du dust

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1 Day Paint School

4. Surface Treatment

Abrasive blast cleaning Abrasive is projected under high pressures onto the surface which removes: – Old coatings, coatings, surface surface ready ready for new coatings to be applied – Mill scale scale a and nd rust rust

Surface profile is created

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1 Day Paint School

4. Surface Treatment

Blasting standard ISO 8501-1

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4. Surface Treatment

Blasting test area

• It m may ay b be e di diffic fficult ult to e evalu valuate ate a surface according to a standard • Tes Testt ar areas eas are oft often en put up on the site to make sure that the actual standard specified is followed • Agre Agreeme ement nt b befo efore re the wor work k starts will help to avoid later disagreements

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1 Day Paint School

Types of abrasives Abrasives used in the abrasive blast cleaning process The main groups are metallic, non-metallic and specialist products

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Abrasives and blasting profile

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Abrasives and blasting profile Abrasive blast cleaning increases the steel the surface area of The profile will differ depending on type of abrasive: shot, grit and also size The surface profile can determine the adhesion value of a coating and is a very important aspect to coatings and corrosion protection Profile comparison ISO 8503-1 Jotun Paint School


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Abrasive spot blasting

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1 Day Paint School

Spot blasting • Blas Blast-cl t-clean eaning ing des destro troys ys the edges of the intact paint film around the damage • This res results ults in poo poorr ad adhes hesion ion • Dam Damage aged dp paint aint edg edges es mus mustt b be e feathered prior to application of the new paint

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1 Day Paint School

Ke Keru rusa saka kan n ak akiba ibatt sp spot ot blas blastin ting g • Edges Edges has not not been feathered feathered prior prior to application application of the paint paint • The edge edgess ar are e weak weak point pointss in the the paint paint fi film lm • Corros Corrosion ion attac attack k initiat initiates es on on such such areas areas

CD 4934 no. 80

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󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭 󰁗󰁥󰁬󰁣󰁯󰁭󰁥 󰁥 󰁴󰁯 1 󰁄󰁡󰁹 󰁊󰁯󰁴󰁵󰁮 󰁐󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁴 󰁓󰁣󰁨󰁯󰁯󰁬 1. Jotun General Information 2. Why do we paint ? 3. What is Corrosion ? 4. Paint Technolog echnology y 5. Basic Surface Surface Preparation 6. Painting Application

7. Jotun Green Step

By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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1 Day Paint School

Application • Go Good od w wor ork k pr prac acti tice ce • • • •

Brush Roller Stri St ripe pe-c -co oatin ating g Airl Ai rle ess sp spra ray y

Cleanliness and good housekeeping before, during and after application are one of the most important factors to have a good result Jotun Paint School


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1 Day Paint School

Important to open the tin correctly ! • Re Remo move ve al alll lloo oose se particles from the lid • Loose oosen n tthe he li lid d • Lif Liftt tthe he lid aw away ay fr from om the tin in such a manner that the contaminants do not fall into the paint

Application: Open_dirtytin1

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Chemically curing binder? Haru Ha rus s Me Memp mper erha hati tika kan n hal hal pent pentin ing g be beri riku kutt : Past stiikan kan um umur ur paka pakaii (Self Life) cat masih masih bagus. bagus. Pa Past stik ikan an Comp Comp A bertemu Comp B yang tepat Past Pastik ikan an mixi mixing ng rat ratio io Comp A : Comp B Gunakan mechanical agitator (mixer) sebelum lum masa reaksi Appl Applik ikas asik ikan an sebe (pot life) habis 6. Diamkan sel selama ama waktu waktu induction time

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Un Untu tuk k be bere reaks aksii awal awal peng ngec ecat atan an ul ulan ang g se sesu suai ai wakt waktu u 7. Lakukan pe recoating intervals

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Chemically curing ?

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Tools for mixing of paints • Alw Alway ayss use use me mech chan anica icall agitator ensure mixing oftoboth oneproper and two pack products • Pro Prope perr mix mixing ing wil willl no nott b be e achieved by a stick • A wo wood oden en sstic tick km may ay als also o contain dirt and loose parts that may contaminate the paint and clog the spray equipment

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Mixing two component paint • Com Compon ponent ent B is pou poured red into the component A (base) • Com Compon ponent ent B m may ay hav have e a high viscosity. Make sure to use all of it • Ens Ensure ure cor correc rectt m mixin ixing g rati ratio o • Use Use me mech chan anica icall ag agita itato torr

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Consequence of inferior mixing: • To the the right: right: Correc Correctt mixing mixing and and mixin mixing g ratio. ratio. • To the the left: Insufficie Insufficient nt mixing mixing and / or incorrect incorrect mixing ratio.


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

What factors influence the drying / curing process ?

• • • • • •

Jotun Paint School

Relative Relativ e humidity, humidity, % Vent Ve ntila ilatio tion n Temper Tem peratu ature re Film thic thickne kness ss Number Num ber of of coats coats Evaporatio Evap oration n speed of solven solvents ts


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Par aram amet eter er kond kondis isii cu cuac aca a yan ang g baik un untu tuk k coating ?

• Relativ Relative e humid humidity ity di bawa bawah h 85% • Su Suhu hu pe perm rmuk ukaa aan n ko kons nstr truk uksi si 10˚C to 50˚C • Su Suhu hu pe perm rmuk ukaa aan n ko kons nstr truk uksi si minimum 3˚C diatas diatas Dew Points Points

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by brush • The brush brush push pushes es the the coatin coating g into into the substrate assisting with wetting and the subsequent adhesion • Cer Certai tain n coatin coatings gs suc such h as epoxy epoxy mastics are specifically formulated for this type of application • Alw Always ays check check the produc productt d data ata sheets for details on application etc.

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by brush Brush Brus h vs Airless Airless Spray Applicatio Application n • Bru Brush sh applica applicatio tion n may often often achieve in the range of 50 microns dry film thickness • Air Airles lesss spray spray can apply apply coat coating ingss at extremely high dry film thickness • Bru Brush sh much much slower slower than than a airle irless ss spray

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by roller • Ty Type pe o off ro rolle llerr to us use e mu must st be selected on what to paint and the type of paint to use

• Not recommended to use roller on the 1st coat

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by roller Roller Application Application vs Spray Application Application • The use of rolle rollers rs to to apply apply a coatin coating g will result in a thinner dry film compared to spray application • The dry film thi thickn ckness ess with with ro roller ller application will be much lower than airless spray application. High solids and high performance coatings are normally spray applied • Additio Additional nal coats coats may may have have to be applied to meet the desired dry film thickness while applying coatings by roller application

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Stripe coating Stripe coating is defined additional coating appliedastoan selected areas of a substrate or surface The extent of stripe coating that may be required on a structural steel member with lots of edges etc.

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Stripe coating • A pa paint int bru brush sh is a an ne exce xcellen llentt tool for stripe coating • Wet the sub substr strate ate pro proper perly ly • Wor Works ks tthe he pain paintt w well ell into the substrate • We Welds lds,, ed edge gess and n not otch ches es must be stripe coated

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Stripe coating •• Many Manypaint olid oliday ayss t be worked The pahint must mus worked properly properly into the rough substrate substrate using using several strokes with the paint brush

Cd-4934-97 Cd-4934 4934-97

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Stripe coating Stripe coating between first and second full coat: – – – – –

Weld Weld seam seamss Edges Bulbs Angels No Notc tche hess etc. etc.

Note the contrasting colours Excellent work

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by Airless spray • Airle Airless ss spr spray ay pain paintin ting g is particularly suitable for anticorrosive and high performance coatings applied to large structures such as ships, bridges, tanks etc. • Thi Thiss illust illustrati ration on demons demonstrat trates es a coating applicator applying a high build coating to structural steelwork • Air Airles lesss sspra pray y is by far the most most popular form of coating application for heavy duty industries

Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application by Airless spray • Thi Thiss anima animation tion demons demonstrat trates es the use of an airless spray gun • Th The e pai paint nt,, ccol olou oure red d in re red, d, is forced through the gun at high pressure and through the tip where it is atomized and pushed onto the surface • Alth Althoug ough h the the proc process ess is calle called d airless, the process requires compressed air to work the equipment • Ele Elect ctric ric typ type e airles airlesss spra spray y equipment are also available

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Airless spray equipment • PU PUMP MP - Th The e pum pump p pre press ssur uriz izes es the the paint • PO POWE WER R - A pow power er sour source ce is required • HO HOSE SE - Hi High gh pres pressu sure re ho hose ses. s. • CO CONT NTAI AINE NER R - Ho Hold ldss the the mate materia riall • GU GUN N - At Atom omiz izes es an and d dir direc ects ts the the paint onto the surface It is important that only genuine parts are used for the equipment. Never purchase cheap replacements or spares

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Airless spray Jotaco Jot acote te UHB

Jotamastic 90GF

Jotamastic 90

Hardtop AX

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Airless spray




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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Rules when spraying

• Correct distance between spray gun and substrate: (30-60 cm)

• Correct angel (90°) • Overlapping (50% or cross application)

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Airless spray • Kee Keep p the the spray spray gun at a cor correc rectt distance from the object • A ccorr orrect ect distan distance ce ens ensure uress a good, homogenous paint film • Too great great a distan distance ce giv gives es poor poor float and an uneven surface • Try Trying ing to reac reach h area areass fa farr away away will give an uneven film thickness • Sha Shadow dowss are are create created d behi behind nd welds • Wav Waving ing with with th the e gun gun resu results lts in an an unacceptable spray pattern

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application of a Tank

• Pr Pree-tr trea eatm tmen entt S Sa a2½ • Paint Paint sy syste stem: m: G Glas lasss fl flak ake e reinforced polyester • Go Good od a app pplic licat atio ion n technique

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Application technique combination of tools • Som Some a area reassa a are re diff difficul icultt to reache with spray gun • Sta Start rt w with ith th the e pa paint int brus brush h • Th Then en,, us use e th the e ba back ck rrol oller ler • Fina Finally, lly, app apply ly the rem remainin aining g areas with the spray gun

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Many risks are involved when working with paints Safety

– Expl Explosi osion on a and nd FFir ire e


– Manufactu Manufacturing ring and and Surfa Surface ce treatme treatment nt Environment

– Emiss Emission ion to air (VO (VOC) C) – Emission Emission tto o wat water er (Main (Maintena tenance) nce) – Emission Emission tto o soi soill (Waste (Waste h handl andling) ing)

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

HSE Inf Inform ormatio ation n – SDS 1. Identification of the company 2. Composition and ingredients 3. Hazard identification 4. First aid measures 5. Fire fighting measures 6. Accidental release measures 7. Handling and storage 8. Exposure control and personal


Jotun Paint School

9. Physical and chemical

properties 10. Stability and reactivity 11. Toxicological information 12. Ecological information 13. Disposal considerations 14. Transport information 15. Regulatory information 16. Other information


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1 Day Paint School

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) General PPE list: • Safet afety y He Helm lmet et • Safety Safety Harnes Harnesss ((if if work working ing in height) • Safe Safety ty shoe shoess or boot bootss • Pr Prot otec ecti tive ve ove overa rall llss • Vis isib ible le jac jacke kett • Gloves • Safe Safety ty gla glass sses es or or gogg goggle less • Ear Ear pro prote tecctors tors • Respir ira ator

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1 Day Paint School

Filter Types Filters for Different Contamina Contaminants nts • • •


Dust: Filter Dust: Filter P1 P1 - P3 Gas from organic organic solvents solvents:: Filter A1 - A3 Combination-filters (P and A) are recommended

Dust • P1: • P2: • P3:

Lowest degree of protection Medium degree of protection Highest degree of protection

Gas from organic solvents • A1: Lowest degree of protection protection • A2: Medium degree of protection protection • A3: Highest degree of protection protection

Other filter types might be required for products classified as corrosive. Jotun Paint School


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1 Day Paint School

Phys Physical ical risk risk – High press pressure ure Surface treatment involves equipment with high pressures • • • •

Blast cleaning - Mixture Mixture of air and part particles icles Airless spray application - Pain Paintt

Never point any high pressure unit at another person or at yourself! - This includes includes pure air (> 5 bar)! Jotun Paint School


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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Symbols: Fire and Explosion Hazards E






Extremely flammable

Highly flammable

These symbols can be found in Safety Data Sheets and on the paint tin label.

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Symbols: Health Hazards T+


Very Toxic Toxic



CorrosiveHa eHar rmful



These symbols can be found in Safety Data Sheets and on the paint tin label.

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Classification of Chemicals E





Ex Extr trem emel ely y Flam Flamma mabl ble e

F T+


Very Flammable Very to toxic










Not Classified

Jotun Paint School



Sensitizing Car arccen enog oge eni nicc (C (Cat at.. 1, 2 and 3) Reproduction ion Hazard (rep. 1, 2, and 3) Mutagenic (mut. (mu t. 1, 2, and and 3)

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Inhalation of Solvents The most dangerous hazard

• Solvents Solvents will be be transported transported by the blo blood od stream stream to internal internal organs organs of of the body • Amount Amount absorbed absorbed depend dependss on: Type Type of solvent, solvent, period period of exposu exposure, re, concentration and work load • Will cause cause damage damage to: to: Brain, Brain, nervous nervous system, system, respirato respiratory ry system, system, liver, kidneys and reproductive systems

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Chemica micall risk – Skin conta contact ct Che Chemicals can be absorbed through both intact skin and damaged skin Typical health effects: – Irri Irrita tati tion on • Redde Reddening, ning, stingin stinging g sens sensation ation etc.

– Co Corrrosi rosion on • Tissu Tissue e damage; ey eyes, es, ski skin, n, respi respiratory ratory system system

– Se Sens nsit itis isat atio ion n • Redde Reddening, ning, blis blisters ters etc.

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Flammab mabilit ility y - Solv Solvent entss Flam Solvents are heavier than air: • A fire may start in lower areas or compartments • Hot work may ignite the solvents • A fire or an explosion may be initiated • Ignorant personnel below can be affected

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Precautions When Painting in Confined Spaces. • • • • • • • •

En Ensu sure re goo good d ven ventil tilati ation on Exhaust Exhaust points for fumes fumes / solvents solvents must must be close close to to the bottom bottom Start Start applic applicati ation on from from the the bottom bottom and up up Always Always use non-sp non-spark arking ing tools tools Use only approved approved light light and electrical electrical equipment equipment Us Use e fre fresh sh ai airr mas masks ks Saf afe ety li lin nes Suff Suffic icien ientt rest rest perio periods ds

Never smoke or use naked flames !  Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Explosion Typical Typi cal explosio explosion n ran range ge for paint paint solvents solvents:: 1 vol.% (10.000 ppm) - 8 vol.% (80.000 ppm)

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

General precautions

Good house-keeping is very important for avoiding accidents!

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1 Day Paint School

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By : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Green step

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Green Step • VOC em emission ion

• Hazar azard dous ous mate materi riel el

These substances can give chronic health effects and contribute to high levels of ozone and smog at ground level, and they are therefore regulated in many countries

Hazardous raw materials are to be replaced by less hazardous alternatives. New raw materials must not reduce products' overall safety, health and environmental properties

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Jotun Paint School

Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Green Step • Reduci Reducing ng energy energy consum consumptio ption n

• Re Redu duci cing ng carb carbon on footp footprin rintt

First and foremost, Jotun's consumption of energy is linked to our facilities, including production and warehouse

The carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change

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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

1 Day Paint School

Green step • Re Red ducin ucing g was waste te

Our key objectives are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, to be applied in all our operations, including waste from offices as well as production waste. Reducing and disposing of chemical waste is a major focus area

For a more colourful world, we all need to be a little greener Jotun Paint School


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Jotun TSS Academ Academy y

Jotun Paint School

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