Jose Rizal

December 17, 2018 | Author: Gallileo Gps | Category: Languages
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RA No. 1425 prescribes the teaching of the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal for all school, colleges and uniersities.

Jose Rizal! A "iographical "iographical #ketch J$#% R&'A(, the national hero of the )hilippines and pride of the *ala+an race, was born on June 1, 1-1, in the town of /ala0ba, (aguna. e was the seenth child in a fa0il+ of 11 children 2 bo+s and  girls3. "oth his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished fa0ilies. is father, rancisco rancisco *ercado Rizal, an industrious far0er who0 Rizal called a 0odel of fathers, ca0e fro0 "i6an, (aguna7 while his 0other, 0other, 8eodora 8eodora Alonzo + 9uintos, a highl+ cultured and acco0plished wo0an who0 Rizal called loing and prudent 0other, 0other, was born in *eisic, #ta. /ruz, *anila. At the age of :, he learned the alphabet fro0 his 0other7 at 5, while learning to read and write, he alread+ showed inclinations to be an artist. e astounded his fa0il+ and relaties b+ his pencil drawings and sketches and b+ his 0oldings of cla+. At the age -, he wrote a 8agalog poe0, #a Aking *ga ;abata, the the0e of which reoles on the loe of onepressing not onl+ the herocel een those who treat hi0 as a slae, was shot at "agu0ba+an "agu0ba+an ield.

8he *ercado E Rizal a0il+ 8he Rizals is considered one of the biggest fa0ilies during their ti0e. @o0ingo (a0Eco, the fa0il+Gs paternal ascendant was a fullEblooded /hinese who ca0e to the )hilippines fro0 A0o+, A0o+, /hina in the closing +ears of the 1=th centur+ and 0arried a /hinese halfEbreed b+ the na0e of &nes de la Rosa. Researchers reealed reealed that the *ercadoERizal fa0il+ had also traces of Japanese, #panish, *ala+ and %en Negrito blood aside fro0 /hinese. Jose Rizal ca0e fro0 a 1:E0e0ber fa0il+ consisting of his parents, rancisco *ercado && and 8eodora Alonso Realonda, and nine sisters and one brother. brother. FRANCISCO MERCADO 1-1-E1--3 ather of Jose Rizal who was the +oungest of 1: offsprings of Juan and /irila *ercado. "orn in "i6an, (aguna on April 1-, 1-1-7 studied in #an Jose /ollege, *anila7 and died in *anila. TEODORA ALONSO 1-2=E11:3 *other of Jose Rizal who was the second child of (orenzo Alonso and "riCida de 9uintos. #he studied at the /olegio de #anta Rosa. #he was a businessE0inded wo0an, courteous, religious, hardEworking and wellEread. #he was born in #anta /ruz, *anila on Noe0ber 14, 1-2= and died in 11: in *anila. SATURNINA RIZAL 1-5E11:3 %ldest child of the RizalEAlonzo 0arriage. *arried *anuel 8i0oteo idalgo of 8anauan, 8anauan, "atangas. PACIANO RIZAL 1-51E1:3 $nl+ brother of Jose Rizal and the second child. #tudied at #an Jose /ollege in *anila7 beca0e a far0er and later a general of the )hilippine Reolution. NARCISA RIZAL 1-52E1:3

8he third child. 0arried Antonio (opez at *orong, Rizal7 a teacher and 0usician. OLYMPIA RIZAL 1-55E1--=3 8he fourth child. *arried #ilestre ?baldo7 died in 1--= fro0 childbirth. LUCIA RIZAL 1-5=E113 8he fifth child. *arried *atriano erbosa. MARIA RIZAL 1-5E1453 8he si>th child. *arried @aniel austino /ruz of "i6an, (aguna. JOSE RIZAL 1-1E1-3 8he second son and the seenth child. e was e>ecuted b+ the #paniards on @ece0ber :,1-. CONCEPCION RIZAL 1-2E1-53 8he eight child. @ied at the age of three. JOSEFA RIZAL 1-5E1453 8he ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster. TRINIDAD RIZAL 1--E1513 8he tenth child. @ied a spinster and the last of the fa0il+ to die. SOLEDAD RIZAL 1-=E123 8he +oungest child 0arried )antaleon 9uintero.

&n /ala0ba, (aguna

19 June 1861 J$#% R&'A(, the seenth child of rancisco *ercado Rizal and 8eodora 8eodora Alonso + 9uintos, was born in /ala0ba, (aguna. (aguna. 22 June 1861 e was baptized J$#% R&'A( *%R/A@$ at the /atholic of /ala0ba b+ the parish priest Re. Rufino /ollantes with Re. )edro /asa6as as the sponsor. 28 Septembe 1862 8he parochial church of /ala0ba and the canonical books, including the book in which Rizal
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