José Rizal Plot

August 8, 2018 | Author: Maria Lourdes Macalipay | Category: Philippines
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Short Description



 José Rizal Rizal (Film)  José Rizal  is  is a 1998 Filipino biographical film of the Philippine national hero José Rizal directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya and starring Cesar Montano as José Rizal. At the time of its release it !as the most e"pensi#e film in the history of Philippine cinema !ith a budget of o#er PhP.$% million. &he film !as an official entry to the '(($ Metro Manila )ilm )esti#al. *pon release the film met a uni#ersal critical acclaim.

Cast Below are the list of actors and actresses seen on the film José Rizal.

Actor/Actress Cesar Montano Joel &orre loria Diaz Jaime )abregas ardo 0ersoza Moni2ue 3ilson Chin Chin utierrez Mic4ey )erriols Pen Medina Pe2ue allaga 1on 0ibar  ubas 8errero &ony Mabesa Ale"is antaren Chi2ui :er"es-1urgos

Role José Rizal Crisostomo +barra, +barra ,imoun &eodora Alonso /uis &a#iel de Andrade Andrés 1onifacio Maria Clara Josephine 1rac4en /eonor Ri#era Paciano Rizal Archbishop 1ernardo 5ozaleda 6.P. Ram7n 1lanco Alcocer  Camilo de Pola#ie9a 6li#e )ather 0illaclara .J.

The Plot

Imprisoned in Fort Santiago under the abusive Spanish colonization, José Rizal (Cesar Montano) as approached b! a !oung uneducated indio as"ing the importance o# education during his li#e$ Meanhile, in %alintaa", &ndrés %oni#acio ('ardo ersoza) ersoza) and his #ello secret organization o# atipunan, commenced the uprising against the cruel t!rann! created b! the Spaniards b! tearing their cedula as a sign o# Spanish slaver!$ Soon, a #irst lieutenant o# the &rtiller!, *uis +aviel +aviel de &ndrade (Jamie Fabregas), visited Rizal$ +aviel +aviel de &ndrade did not aste time to stud! care#ull! Rizals case$ In -ust a short period o# time, Rizal and +a +aviel viel captured each others s!mpath! and eventuall! became #riends as the! had usual meetings in Rizals cell in Fort Santiago$ +aviel +aviel as even able to celebrate Christmas ith Rizal in the cell here the! dran" a nd sang together$  &#ter Christmas, Christmas, Rizal as sent to Ro!al &udiencia (the (the colonial court o# appeal) to hear the the trial against him$ him$ Soon a#ter, a#ter, the magistrates decided to condemn him under #iring s.uad on the /0th o# the morning in *uneta$  &t the night be#ore the e1ecution, e1ecution, Rizal hallucinates, hallucinates, seeing his alter alter ego2protagonist Simoun Simoun o# his novel novel 3l Filibusterismo Filibusterismo tempting the author to change the clima1 o# the stor!$ 4n the morning o# the e1ecution, his "in received a small alcohol stove (not a gas lamp as commonl! portra!ed) #rom his cell containing the last poem 5Mi 6ltimo &dios$5 Stopping at the place o# e1ecution #acing the rising sun, Rizal a s"ed the authorities #or a last re.uest as he #aces the #iring s.uad but the re.uest is denied$ Calm and ithout haste, he changed his re.uest to save his head during e1ecution$ &t the moment the shooting s.uad points at his bac", he readil! uttered his #inal ords7 Consummatum est $ (It is done$)  &#ter the e1ecution, e1ecution, members o# the atipunan atipunan success#ull! seized the Spaniards8 Spaniards8 eapons and horses horses and soon a#ter, a#ter, atipuneros atipuneros o# man! #ilipino provinces in ar continued to battle, leaving Rizal8s legac! in their minds and heart s.



Jose !rota"io #er"ado Alonzo $ Realonda Rizal (Jne &9' && * +e" 3,' &9) -s most enerated and a""laimed patriot in the !hilippines re"ognized for his nselfish "ontrition in the histori"al and so"ial transformation in the "ontr$' he is one of the 0ational heroes of the !hilippines together with Andres 1onifa"io. 2e also writes l 4ilisterismo and 0oli me 5angere. Rizal as a "hild was a loer of a 6iteratre arts and wrote a poem named 7 Ang aking mga kabata8 kabata8 . Rizal was orn from wealth$ 4amil$ in Calama' 6agna and eenth of eleen "hildren of 4ran"is"o engra"io Rizal and 5eodora Alonzo Realonda de intos. Rizal had a panish and Japanese An"estors. 5he grandfather and father of 5eodora was a 2alf paniard engineer named 6orenzo Alerto  Alonzo. 2is maternal great;great;grandfather great;great;grandfather was genio genio
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