November 9, 2018 | Author: hallegend | Category: Philippines
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example of a Jose Rizal movie student review (Cesar Montano as Rizal)...


1. Overall reaction of the movie and its portrayal of Rizal’s life and works. 1

 The movie overall for for me is elaborate and informative informative at the same time quite entertaining. 2 The life and works of Rizal was portrayed portrayed in an interesting manner that the plot of events was arranged a rranged in a manner that the audience can understand it easily. 3t shows how the !hilippines looks like during the "panish colonization which made me realize how cruel the "paniards were in those times. #$ow  understand how Rizal felt like of the in%ustices and &riar oppressions which provoked provoked him to write his two famous novels that awakened the nationalism of the &ilipinos. ' The movie also gave me ideas of the old lifestyle in the !hilippines in those times. (&ilipinos were greatly in)uenced by "panish culture and lifestyle and it is observable in the movie on how they dress and their )uency in speaking "panish language. * think +esar ,ontano also gave %ustice %ustice in portraying portraying our !hilippine $ational  -ero.  know that it was a challenge for him because he had to know to speak "panish language for the scenes in the movie but  think he was perfect for the role. /0ther than +esar ,ontano great actors like oel Torre  aime &abregas &abregas and !en !en ,edina also portrayed their characters very well. well. 1  The life and works of ose Rizal is essential essential for me to know as a &ilipino &ilipino student because it is how it started to mold our &ilipino nationality that is clearly portrayed in the movie.

2. How did the Noli Me Tanere portrayed the real events that happened in the !hilippines for the last "# years of $panish r%le& 1

 The $oli ,e Tangere Tangere showed how cruel cruel are the "panish 4overnment 4overnment and even the +hurch back then. 2&ray 5amaso which is the main antagonist in the novel ordered ordered his men to dug up 5on Rafael6s corpse to be transferred transferred in a +hinese cemetery which despite all of 5on Rafael6s good deeds to him and to others. 3&ray 5amaso also raped !ia 7lba who died after gaving birth to ,aria +lara. # These events show how the &riars &riars use their power and authority for their personal and evil purposes. ' The deprivation of proper education is also portrayed in the novel when barra was almost shot dead in the opening of the newly built school he sponsored. ( The events in the cockpit in the novel also show how &ilipinos engage in such gambling.

". 'hat were the sini(cant events portrayed in the (lm that p%shed Rizal to consider revol%tion&


Rizal never planned a bloody revolution against the "panish authority but challnges and problems he faced changed his perspective. 28hile studying in 9urope he received a letter from his brother !aciano. 3nstead of e:pected good news Rizal felt angry and worried for the problems caused by the "paniards faced by his family and other &ilipinos back in the !hilippines. # -e also received threats from enemies regarding his writings. '8hen he got back in the !hilippines he was imprisoned in 5apitan for almost four years. ( -e also found out that his beloved ;eonor Rivera was arranged to marry +harles
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