Jose Maria College: Integrated Basic Education Department Senior High School

September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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JL[A @OWHO KLFFABA Yehfhpphma-Jopom Drhamcsehp Ehbewoy, [oso, Covol Khty Yehfhpphma-Jopom HMSABWOSAC GO[HK ACQKOSHLM CAYOWS@AMS [AMHLW EHBE [KELLF [X 797? ‛ 7977

?. Rehke plshthlm ld tea or`s hs axakutac< Ream lma or` hs rohsac shcaworc, tea ltear or` hs hm lvareaoc plshthlm. st

o. ?  


g. 7  


k. ;  

7. Reot goshk plshthlm ld tea or`s hs caskrhgac gaflw< Lma or` hm o eofd khrkfa hm drlmt, tea ltear or` rohsac lvareaoc. o. ?st  g. 7mc  k. ;rc 


c. 3  

c. 3te 

;. Elw whff ylu ca`lmstrota tea ; rc plshthlm ld tea daat< o. Eaaf lm lma dllt kflsa tl tea hm-stap ld tea ltear dllt.  g. Eaaf omc tlas ora kflsa omc hm hm fhma whte lma omltear. omltear. k. Daat lm o strhca plshthlm. c. Eaaf tlbatear tlbatear . 3. Elw `omy goshk dumco`amtof plshthlms ora teara hm dlfncomka< o. 3 k. 4 g. 1

c. 2

1. Elw ca`lmstrota tea 7 mc plshthlm ld tea or`< o. Lpam up or`s shcaworc, rohsac gaflw selufcar favaf whte o brokaduf kurva.  g. Wohsa lma or` lvareaoc wehfa wehfa omltear or` ra`ohms hm 7mc plshthlm. k. Wohsa glte or`s lvar eaoc hm o brokaduf kurva. c. Wohsa or`s tl o khrkfa hm drlmt ld tea keast. 4. Ream ea rohsac ehs glte or`s lvareaoc hm o brokaduf kurva wehfa comkhmb Shmhnfhmb. Rehke  plshthlm ld tea or`s hs hs axakutac< o. ?st  g. 7mc  k. 3te  c. 1te  2. [ea rohsac ear lma or` lvareaoc wehfa ltear or` ra`ohms hm 7 mc plshthlm wehfa comkhmb Korhÿlso. Rehke plshthlm plshthlm ld tea or`s hs hs axakutac< st

o. ?  


g. 7  


k. ;  


c. 3  

5. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb stota`amts hs trua oglut atemhk comka< o. Ht hs o rakra rakraothlm othlmof of lr kara`lmho kara`lmhoff comka pardlr`a pardlr`ac c usuoffy usuoffy gy `a`gars `a`gars ld tea kl kl``umh ``umhty ty  g. Ht hs o dlr` ld ort teot selw selwss axprasshlms omc hs raof raoffy fy hmvlfvac whte `lva`amt. k. Ht hs om hmchbamlus comka drl` o kartohm roka lr klumtry . c. Ht hs usuoffy usuoffy taffh taffhmb mb o wrhttam wrhttam stlry stlry hm vhvhc vhvhc catohf. catohf.


8. Rehke hs trua oglut dlfncomka< o. Dlfn co comka mka hs cava cavaflpac flpac gy gy palpfa palpfa teot radfakt radfakt tea tea fhda ld tea tea palpfa palpfa ld o kartoh kartohm m klumtry klumtry lr  rabhlm.  g. Dlfn comka hs o plpufor comka, klmshcarac os port ld tea trochthlm lr kustl` ld o porthkufor   palpfa. k. Dlfn c comka omka hs o comka comka kraotac kraotac omc omc pardlr`a pardlr`ac c klffakthv klffakthvafy afy gy ttea ea lrc lrchmory hmory p palpfa alpfa c. Off ld tea oglva ?9. Rehke hs klrrakt oglut tea 3 te plshthlm ld daat<   o. grhmb tea ea eaaf af l ldd lma dllt tl tl tluke tluke tea tla ld ld tea l ltear tear

 g. grhmb hm tl drlm drlmt t lde>tea ltear dllt tl wofn wofn strhna k. grhmb grh mb lma eaaf eaafssdllt kflsa kflsa tluk tluke> tlas tlas oport oport c. grh rhmb mb daat daat opor oportt ??. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb gast caskrhgas tea Korhÿlso< o. Ht hhss o shb shbm m ld ld raspa raspakt kt lr lr kl klurt urtasy asy.. g. Ht hs o [pomhse [pomhse wlrc wlrc wehke wehke `aoms `aoms oddakthlm oddakthlmota ota lr flvog flvogfa. fa. k. Lrhb Lrhbhmota hmotac c drl` Fayta Fayta Yrlvhm Yrlvhmka, ka, tehs tehs comka hhss hm dokt dokt o `h`hk ` `lva`a lva`amt mt ld o ghrc. ghrc. c. Ht hs o waff-nm waff-nmlwm lwm kara`lmh kara`lmhof of wlrsehp wlrsehp comka comka hm elmlr elmlr ld ld @oeof m moo Yllmb [to. [to. Kruz. Kruz. ?7. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb comkas hs usuoffy pardlr`ac gy `am< o. @obfofothn  k. Korhÿlso  g. [ugfh c. Shmhnfhmb ?;. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb stota`amts hs mlt trua oglut dlfn comkhmb< o. O snhff hs maacac gy o comkar tl pardlr`.  g. Ht hs o trochthlmof c comka omka ld o bhvam palpfa. k. Ht eafp eafpss y ylu lu tl cava cavaflp flp amcuro amcuromka mka.. c. Ht `ona `onass ylu ylu peysh peyshkof koffy fy hmok hmokthv thva. a. ?3. Elw kom comkhmb eafp tl prl`lta okthva fhvhmb< o. Ht hmkraosas `uskufor strambte, amcuromka omc `ltlr dhtmass. g. Ht h`prlvas klmchthlm ld ylur eaort omc fumbs. k. Ht h`prlvas `uskfa tlma omc strambte. c. Of Offf l ldd tea tea oglv oglva. a. ?1. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb stota`amts hs mlt port ld tea Cls hm pardlr`hmb dlfncomka<

o. g. k. c.

Koff o comka dlfnc dlfncomka omka umfas umfasss staps staps kl`a drl` drl` trochth trochthlmof lmof c comkas omkas.. Cl mlt `ona tea tea comkas comkas tll cohmty omc brokaduf brokaduf fhna fhna go goffat. ffat. Comka Comka hm o motu moturof rof,, sh`pf sh`pfaa omc chra chrakt kt `omma `ommar. r. Comka Comka whte whte daafh daafhmbs mbs omc omc axpra axprassh sshlms lms..

?4. Reot comka tar` hs caskrhgac gaflw< O sprhmb drl` lma-dllt fomchmb lm tea so`a dllt hm pfoka lr hm omy chrakthlm. o. Elp  g. Nu`hmtomb k. Faop c. [ofucl ?2. Reot comka afa`amt hs gahmb caskrhgac weam tea `lva`amt axprasshlm hs ottohmac terlube tea afa`amts ld th`a, dlrka omc spoka< o. cymo`hks  g. spoka k. amarby c. th`a omc klmtrost


?5. Rey hs comkhmb o umhqua okthvhty< o. gakou gakousa sa ld tea sstlry tlry gaehmc gaehmc tea tea staps staps omc omc ke kelralb lralbropey ropey.. g. gakou gakousa sa ld tea tr tromsh omshthlms thlms ld avary avary `lva`a `lva`amts mts o omc mc slumc. slumc. samslry omc `ltlr khrkuhts. khrkuhts. k.  gakousa ht hs pfaosurogfa pfaosurogfa okthvotlrs ld tea samslry c.  gakousa ht whff eafp tl h`prlva tea klmchthlm klmchthlm ld ylur fumbs omc eaort. eaort. ?8. Reot ora tea vofuas teot kom ga okquhrac hm comkhmb dlfncomka< o. Kuftu Kufturof rof g. slkhof slkhof k. Yeyshk Yeyshkof of dht dhtmas masss

c. off ld tea oglva 

79. Reot typa ld dlfncomka clas Korhÿlso gaflmbs<



g. Wabhlmof

k. Mothlmof

c. `lcarm

7?. Rehke stota`amt hs trua oglut thmhnfhmb comka< o. Ht hs o dlfnc dlfncomka omka ld Thsoyos Thsoyos whte whte twl pohr pohr ld comkars comkars elpphmb elpphmb gatwaam gatwaam twl go`gll go`gll plfas plfas tl `h`hk tea comka ld tea ghrcs lr tea clvas.  g. Ht hs o `h`athk dlfn comka hm tea Yehfhpphmas teot teot wos lrhbhmotac hm tea tea prlvhmka ld [horbol. k. Ht `aom `aomss tea ‖comka ‖comka ld tea tea clvas clvas lr thnfhm thnfhmb b ghrcs hm tea prlvh prlvhmka mka ld Yom Yombosh boshmom. mom. c. mlma mlma ld tea tea oglv oglvaa 77. Reot eaote gamadht ylu whff bat weam ylu comka thmhnfhmb< o. wa wahb hbet et `o `omo moba ba`a `amt mt  g. wahbet `omoba`amt. k. gat gattar tar kllrch kllrchmot mothlm hlm,, obhfhty obhfhty omc dfaxhg dfaxhghfh hfhty. ty. c. h`p h`prlv rlvac ac klmcht klmchthlm hlm ld ld ylur ylur eaort eaort omc fumbs fumbs.. 7;. Soto usac tl ga brokaduf hm tea dhafc ld dlfncomka gut gakousa ld weot eoppamac tl ear coc, sea  gako`a cuff hm pardlr`hmb. pardlr`hmb. Reot nhmc ld strass chc chc Soto plssass< o. Chstrass  g. Austrass k. [trasslrs c. Mlma ld tea oglva 73. Sea comkars ora omxhlus dlr tl`lrrlws avamt teay ora tehmnhmb weatear tl dhbet lr dfhbet tea fhda omc caote kl`paththlm. Reot stoba ld parslmof axparhamka clas tea comkars selws< o. Ofor` stoba k. Wajakthlm stoba  g. Axeousthlm stoba stoba c. Washstomka stoba 71. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb gast caskrhgas atemhk comka< o. Ht hs comka comka hs hs om hmchba hmchbamlus mlus comka comka drl` drl` o kartohm kartohm roka lr lr klumtry. klumtry. g. Ht hs o comka comka teot hs hs keoroktarh keoroktarhsthk sthk ld o porthk porthkufor ufor kufturo kufturoff brlup. brlup. k. Ht hs o dlr dlr` ` ld comka cavafl cavaflpac pac gy o brlup brlup ld palpfa palpfa teot radfak radfakts ts tea trocht trochthlm hlmof of fhda ld tea

 palpfa ld o kartohm klumtry klumtry lr rabhlm. c. Ht hs o rakraothlmo rakraothlmoff lr kara`lmhof kara`lmhof comka comka pardlr`ac pardlr`ac usuoffy usuoffy gy `a`gars `a`gars ld tea kl``umht kl``umhty y tl wehke tea comka hs trochthlmof. 74. Sea bhrf hs hm tea fadt shca ld ear portmar. Reot hs tea chrakthlm ld tea hmshca stap ld tea

bhrf‘s portmar< o.


g. fadt

k. rhbet

c. dlrworc

72. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb comkas hs mlt port ld [pomhse hmdfuamka< k. Ylfno so Moylm o. Korhÿlso g. Domcombl so hfow c. [ugfh 75. Rel hs nmlwm os tea ‖@ltear, Caom omc Keo`phlm ld Yehfhpphma Dlfn Comkas< o. Dromkhsko Wayas-Oquhml. k. Fukrakho Wayas-Qrtufo g. Falmlr Lrlso-Blquhmbkl c. Fhboyo Darmomcl O`hfgombso. 


78. Hm weot pfoka clas Cubsl lrhbhmota< o. Gunhcmlm  g. Yofowom

k. Yomboshmom c. Opoyol

;9. Reot kfosshdhkothlm ld comka clas @omomobot gaflmb< o. kara`lmhof g. lkkupothlmof k. rakraothlmof

c. trhgof comka

;?. Rehke stota`amt hs trua oglut kara`lmhof comka< o. Yardlr`ac Yardlr`ac hm klmmakth klmmakthlm lm wh whte te rafhbhlu rafhbhluss vlws vlws omc omc kara`lmh kara`lmhas as  g. Ht hs oglut caphkt caphkthmb hmb dummy `lva`amts dlr amtartohm`amt. amtartohm`amt.

k. Yardlr [uht [uhtogfa ogfa dlrcurh spakh spakhof lkkosh lkkoshlm lra`lmh r omy slkhof slkho botearhmb. mb. c. Yar dlr`ac `ac curhmb mbofwacch wa cchmb mblmkara` kalr lmhas. as. f botearh ;7. Reot atemhk comka hs caskrhgac gaflw< ‖tea rhtuofs odtar o rhka eorvast hm tea Yofowom‐ o. [ofhp  g. Ghmosuom

k. Yobchchwoto c. Cubsl

;;. Reot comka tar` selws glte or`s lm lma shca ld tea glcy ahtear fadt lr rhbet shca omc hs clma ot selufcar, keast lr wohst favaf< o. Klum Klumta tark rkfl flkn knwh whsa sa k. Or`s hm Fotarof Ylshthlm  g. Nu`hmtomb c. Or`s hm Wavarsa S plsht plshthlm hlm ;3. Ream ea grhca‘s brll` lddars ear prltakthlm omc kl`dlrt ushmb ehs gfomnat. Reot comka hs

 plrtroyac< o. [ofhp  g. Ghmosuom

k. Yobchchwoto c. Cubsl

;1. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb trhgas usas Omhtuom tl crhva owoy avhf sphrhts< o. Oato k. Hblrlt  g. Ehmonforom c. @lrl ;4. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb hs axakutac gy `lvhmb tea eomc drl` tea wrhst ahtear kflknwhsa lr  klumtar kflknwhsa< o. Nufh Nufhmt mtom omb b k. Kr Krls lsss or` or` g. Nu`hmtomb c. Lutshca eomc ;2. Rehke hs clma weam lma krlssas tea rhbet dllt lr fadt hm drlmt ld tea fadt ( W ), gamcs tea glcy

sfhbetfy dlrworc omc krlssas tea eomcs clwm hm drlmt whte tea rhbet ( F ) eomc lvar tea fadt ( W)< o. [ofucl k. Or`s hm Fotarof plshthlm c. sat g. [orln   ;5. Rehke lma hs radarrac tl weam lma pfokas tea dllt hm o kartohm cashrac plshthlm whtelut putthmb wahbet lm ht omc `ona tea slfa ld tea dllt rast dfot lm tea dfllr< o. plh lhm mt k. so sofu fuc cl  g. pfoka c. sat ;8. Rehke ld tea dlfflwhmb selws o fhda kykfa comka< o. Cubs Cubsl l g. Yo Yobc bchc hchw hwot otoo k. [ofhp

c. @omomobot


39. Reot spakhdhk comka teot wos lrhbhmotac hm [pohm gut usac gy Dhfhphmls tl pardlr` ht hm avary dlr`of oddohr< o. Whblclm k. [ofso  g. Wu`go c. Roftz 3?. Rehke hs mlt trua oglut tea klstu`as ld Ehbolmlm @omlgl comkars< o. Ht hs ko koff ffac ac o sshm hmuy uyo` o`om om  g. Yomonsly hs o gflus gflusaa ld strhpac wehta, gfokn lr lr yafflw k. Seay waor [ufo` [ufo`-suf -sufomb omb teot teot whff whff sarva sarva os tea tea eaoccras eaoccrass. s. c. mlma mlma ld tea tea ogl oglva va.. 37. Rey hs dlfn comkhmb klmshcarac os welfasl`a dlr` ld amtartohm`amt< o. Ht kom kom ga p pard ardlr` lr`ac ac glte glte gy keh kehfcr fcram am omc omc ocufts ocufts..  g. Ht caphkts tea kuftu kuftura ra omc trochthlms ld ld palpfa. k. Ht hs sh`pfa omc hmaxpamshva rakraothlm . c. Ht hs pardlr pardlr`ac `ac wehfa wehfa shmbhm shmbhmb. b. 3;. Rehke comka goshkoffy selws ldd gofomkhmb snhff ld pardlr`ars< Bfossas dhffac whte rhka whma ora  pfokac lm tea eaoc omc lm aoke eomc koraduffy `omauvarac whte brokaduf `lva`amts. `lva`amts. o. Yocombbl so hfow k. Whblclm  g. [ugfh c. Ghmosuom 33. Rehke hs trua oglut tea @omfofothn comka< H. Ht eos eos dlur-po dlur-port rt pardlr pardlr`omka `omka suke os tea tea p pofhpo ofhposom som omc tea gofhb gofhbtorom torom selwhmb selwhmb tea hmta hmtamsa msa


 gottfa, tea posal omc tea tea askoro`uso ‛ tea raklmkhfhothlm. raklmkhfhothlm. @lrl @lrl co comka mkars rs waor waor raoc raoc trlu trlusar sarss wehfa wehfa Kerhst Kerhsthom hom comk comkars ars selw selw up hhm m gfua. gfua. Com Comkar karss ora `ofa `ofa omc da`o da`ofa fa whte whte eorma eormass ss ld klklm klklmut ut seaff seaffss ottoke ottokeac ac hm te teahr ahr kkeas easts, ts,  gokns, tehbes omc ehps. ehps.

o. H omc HH  g. H lmfy

k. H omc HHH c. H, HH omc HHH

31. Rehke comka raquhras gofomkhmb snhffs tl `ohmtohm tea stoghfhty ld lhf fo`ps, pfokac lm eaoc omc ot tea gokn ld aoke eomc< o. Ghmosuom k. Whblclm  g. [ugfh c. Yomcombl so hfow

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