Jornal Aug _ 2007 - Lahiri

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Vol. : 4

July - August

Issue : 4

SPIRITUAL INDIA RNI no. APENG / 2004 / 18523

Brahmarshi Patriji

In This Issue editorial “ Life and Teachings of Yogiraj ”

edit team



Dr. P.V.SARMA edit work

Dr. Ashok


“ Babaji ... Deathless Guru ”



“ A Pride-less State ..... ”



executive team

Books by “ Paramahansa Yogananda ”

20 Patriji


“ Don’t Be Mind-Possessed ”

Eckhart Tolle


“ Be Aware of Your Breathing ”

Eckhart Tolle




Hima Bindu


Rachana Gupta


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Welcome to “ Arunachala ”



“ I Am A Buddha ”

Mumbai ... SHREYANS DAGA Mumbai ... H.C. JAIN Nagpur ... MAHESH MALOO Mumbai ... D.B. GOYAL Chennai ... G.R. MADHUSUDAN Coimbatore ... S.K. RAJAN

“ Sun Yogi ”



Uma Shankarji


Nicholas Roerich




SPIRITUAL INDIA “ Life in Subtle Worlds ”

12 - 2 - 834 / 1 opp. Gowtham Model School Sriram Nagar Colony ... MEHDIPATNAM HYDERABAD - 500 028 Andhra Pradesh phone : 040 - 66683511

“ Absolutely Breathtaking ”

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July - August 2007

Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Lahiri Mahasaya ... direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji ! Shyama Charan Lahiri ... a householder turned YOGIRAJ ! YOGIRAJ ... first exponent of ‘ Kriya Yoga ’ ! YOGIRAJ ... changed millions of ordinary people into believers ! 

YOGIRAJ ... exhibited superhuman features like breathlessness

... cessation of pulse ... heart beat ! YOGIRAJ ... perpetually protected his disciples under his Aegis ! YOGIRAJ ... an embodiment of common-sense, compassion,

and nirvana ! Salutations from all the pyramid masters to the YOGIRAJ !


B. NAGALAKSHMI plot no. 40, Road no. 4 Chandrapuri Colony L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad

“ Healing Cosmic Consciousness ” A N A P A N A S A T I M E D I T A T I O N

“ When we are with the breath-energy, the mind becomes rather empty ! Then, there is a tremendous in-flow of cosmic energy into the physical body ! And, by and by, a healing cosmic consciousness is experienced ! And, all illnesses and diseases ... sooner or later ... vanish ! ”

“ BE WITH THE BREATH- ENERGY ” close your eyes take all the time you need, to get comfortable shift muscles ... stretch and relax spine and neck are relaxed ... not held stiffly ! there is no stiffness here just comfort ... the beginning of calm ... there is no hurry now there is nothing else to do ... or think about ... just pure relaxation !

“ Breath-Energy Is Our Only Saviour ” “ be calm


be still ”

let your breath be a rhythm of calm ... follow your breath ... use your mind to follow your breath ... in ... out ... in ... out

JUST BE STILL be with the easy, soft, simple, tender, normal, natural breath let your breath-energy heal you totally




Take any comfortable sitting posture Hands should be clasped and eyes closed Any time, and any place, is perfectly okay for meditation Routine thoughts of the mind should be cut right away, as and when they arise

Mantras should never be chanted Through mantras energy is wasted Attention only on being consciously with the breath - energy Forcible holding of one’s breath ... i.e. kumbhaka ... should never be attempted

All Diseases ... Illnesses ... Vanish When We Are With Our Breath-Energy !

Anapanasati should be undertaken regularly, and for atleast thirty to forty minutes every day. SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee

LAHIRI MAHASAYA (1828 - 1895)

was one of the greatest spiritual masters of the New Age.

Until the age of thirty three, Shyama Charan lived an ordinary worldly life as a house-holder. Thereafter, he met his GURUDEV MAHAVATAR BABAJI on the Drongiri mountains in Himalayas. Shyama Charan Mahasaya has interpreted twenty six Hindu scriptures in the light of Kriya Yoga ... including Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutra and Manu Samhita. The Biography has been compiled by Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee ... who had access to all the twenty six diaries of Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya. Following are a few excerpts from book “ Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri ” by Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee. edit team

“ september 30th ... year 1828 ”

Five years after the advent of Shyama Charan, Muktakeshi Devi gave birth to a daughter named Sulakshana. Thus, Gour Mohan had three sons and two daughters.

On the morning of Tuesday, September 30th, the year 1828, this divine child caused his descent at village Ghurni, his parents being Gour Mohan Lahiri and Muktakeshi Devi, second wife of Gour Mohan.

“ deeply religious parents ” Gour Mohan was a virtuous, devout and religious person. He used to engage himself performing puja, reading the shastras and discussing religious facts. He was also an earnest devotee of yogasadhana. He had sincere regard for all gods and goddesses.

By his first wife, Gour Mohan had two sons, Chandrakanta and Saradaprasad and a daughter, Swarnomoyee. His first wife expired in the course of a pilgrimage. Then, Gour Mohan married for the second time. SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Muktakeshi Devi too used to daily worship the household deity, Shiva with sincere devotion. Muktakeshi Devi was extremely compassionate. 

The Sanyasi stated :

“ That son of yours is not an ordinary human child ; it is I who have sent him to this earth, to show the esoteric path of sadhana to countless people, distressed with the worries and woes of family life.

The dear child of Muktakeshi Devi grew up gradually. He was affectionately named Shyama Charan by everyone. In those days there was a general practice of naming children after gods and goddesses. It would serve the purpose of calling the children as well as remembering God.

“ This child himself will maintain a family existence and attract others to practise yogasadhana.

Sometimes Muktakeshi Devi would lull the child to sleep or sometimes take him to the Shiva temple, place him beside her and worship Shiva with rapt attention. The child would also be keeping his eyes closed, be seated like Shiva.

“ Mother, you have nothing to fear. I shall constantly keep a watch upon him like a shadow. ” After this the Sanyasi departed with gentle steps.

Again, she would sometimes accomplish her tasks by making the child sit on sandy banks of the river. The child would smear sand all over his body and assuming the posture of Shiva, sit down with eyes closed.

“ basic education ” Gour Mohan went to Kashi with his sons and daughters by a long water route. There, his eldest son, Chandrakanta had purchased a house in advance at Simon Chauhatta, an area of Madanpura. Everyone then started residing in this house.

“ not an ordinary human child ” Childish impudence was rarely found in this divine child. Instead, he could be seen wandering in the realm of thoughts stoically, as though he wanted to establish an union with the Infinite.

When Shyama Charan completed five years of age, Gour Mohan began to consider about the education of his son. Being a scholar himself, he could appreciate the value of education.

By observing the attitude and behaviour of this child, many guessed that he was not an ordinary child.

In those days, people with an English education could easily acquire jobs. Thus, he had no conservatism for languages. For whatever reason it might be, to keep in accordance with the spirit of the age he admitted his son to ‘ Joy Narayan English School ’ at Garureswar locality estabished by Raja Joy Narayan Ghosal of Bhukailash.

“ sanyasi’s assurance ” One day, Muktakeshi Devi was absorbed in deep meditation of Shiva with the child seated beside her. The child also was sitting with closed eyes emulating his mother. Suddenly, a handsome, large-built Sanyasi with matted hair appeared before the temple and addressed Muktakeshi Devi as ‘ Mother ’. She became unnerved and lifted the child on her lap.

After this, at the age of twelve, Shyama Charan was admitted to an English medium school which was a branch of Government Sanskrit College. Later, this Government English School was converted into a college and he had studied here for a period of eight years till 1848. Then he was twenty years old.

The Sanyasi said, “ Mother don’t be afraid. I am a Sanyasi, there’s nothing to be afraid of me. ” SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Besides English, Bengali, Hindi and Urdu, he learnt Persian also. In addition to this, he studied Sanskrit, the Vedas, Upanishads and other scriptural texts from his teacher, a Maharashtrian Pandit named Nagvatta, who was well versed in the scriptures.

“ normal family and normal service ” In the year 1851, at almost twenty three years of age, Shyama Charan was appointed as a clerk in the Public Works Department, Military Engineering Works at Gazipur. Later, he had to work at different locations like Mirzapur, Buxar, Katua, Gorakhpur, Danapur, Ranikhet, Kashi etc. on transfer. At the end of his service period, he was promoted to the post of barrack master.

“ marriage ... at the age of eighteen ” Shyama Charan married in 1846 at the age of eighteen while he was a college student. Amongst the Bengalees like Gour Mohan who settled in Kashi, Pandit Vacaspati Devnarayan Sanyal Mahasaya of Belur in Howrah District of West Bengal was one of them.

Vacaspati Mahasaya was a widower. He reared his three sons and only daughter Kashimani, on his own. Kashimani used to visit Gour Mohan’s residence alongwith her father and play there.

Kashimani Devi was an extremely quiet, compassionate and accomplished housewife. Despite the acute financial stringency, she managed the household affairs with supreme patience.

By virtue of her judiciousness and sound domestic management, she saved from her husband’s petty income from which Yogiraj purchased a house at Garureswar in the year1864 and thereafter started residing there.

Shyama Charan possessed a good health. He practised a few physical exercises and was an expert swimmer. He was industrious and grave by nature. He never used to waste time gossiping with those of the same age. He never committed any unjust action and had a keen sense of judgment in all respects. SPIRITUAL INDIA

In the year 1863, a long period after his marriage, his eldest son, Tinkari Lahiri Mahasaya was born in this rented house on the holy bathday of Bhagavan Jagannath.

The women-folk of the house would jokingly ask her “ Whom will you marry ? ” The child used to then point at the handsome Shyama Charan. Gour Mohan gave in marriage to his son, Shyama Charan nine year old Kashimani. 

During his service at Gazipur, his salary was not enough. For this reason, he earned an extra amount by teaching Hindi and Urdu to a few English army officers, retained this small income for his personal expenditure and sent his salary to Kashi, for household expenditure. In the year 1852, the Gazipur office being shifted to Kashi, he arrived here on transfer. On 31st May of that year, his father departed for his heavenly abode. After his father’s demise, a family dispute ensued with his brothers. Peace loving and religious-minded Shyama Charan always avoided discord.

He had a cordial relationship with Gour Mohan. It can be heard that the great Tailanga Swamy would accept alms only from the house of Devnarayan. Vacaspati Mahasaya lived in the ward of Khalishpura near Gour Mohan’s residence. For this reason, he would occasionally come to Gour Mohan’s house and discuss the sastras with him. 

Here, on the day of the Car Festival in the year 1865, their youngest son, Dukari Lahiri Mahasaya was born. In this very house their eldest 6

July - August 2007

daughter Harimati, second daughter Harikamini and the youngest daughter Harimohini were born respectively in the years 1868, 1870 and 1873. Shyama Charan effected his mortal existence in this house.

Compassion arose in Shyama Charam. His benevolence brought about it’s outpourings. He assured his boss that he would in a short while bring the news of his wife. The boss had been residing in India for a long time. He had heard many tales of supernatural powers of the Indian yogis, yet credence refused to come easily in an incredulous mind. So, he gazed helplessly at Shyama Charan.

“ intense yoga sadhana ” After being transferred to a few places, Shyama Charan was posted at Danapur office. While staying here, he engrossed himself in austere sadhana.

Shyama Charan entered a solitary room of the office and absorbed himself in dhyana. After some time he came out from the room, informed his boss that his wife was improving and that her letter was on it’s way. He also apprised him the contents of the letter.

At this time, he maintained such a secrecy that none knew about his sadhana. Guru imparted - yogasadhana became his mainstay. 

By the grace of Babaji Maharaj, he entered the domain of spirituality by which he easily ascended the gradual steps of yogasadhana. After completing his daily official task, he engaged himself in deep sadhana in seclusion. During this period, he made exemplary progress in yogasadhana.

After a few months, his wife arrived at Danapur from England. Many a time, English women would frequent the offices of their husbands. One day, she came to her husband’s office alongwith him. Suddenly, seeing Shyama Charan, she recognized him and was amazed. She told her husband that during her illness, this Sublime Soul had appeared by her bedside and it was by his grace that she was freed from her afflictions !

From this period onwards, Shyama Charan would constantly remain absorbed in selfintrospection and a stoical attitude towards all aspects could be thus noticed. Because of this, his boss would affectionately call this Bengali gentleman, ‘ Pagla Babu ’.

“ florist ... the first disciple ” From this time, he commenced imparting initiation in society. A florist would sell flowers at the entrance of Kedareswar temple. He was the first disciple in society to receive initiation from Shyama Charan.

“ supernatural power ” One day, Shyama Charan found his boss much depressed and asking him the reason for this, learnt that the boss’s wife was suffering from such a serious illness that her life was endangered. The boss was extremely anxious because he did not receive any news for a few days. SPIRITUAL INDIA

After a few days the letter duly arrived and noting a similarity in the contents as stated by Shyama Charan, he was astounded.

The taciturn yet affable Shyama Charan was industrious. He would never advocate idleness. It is for this reason the austere practice of yogasadhana could not deter him. 

When flowers bloom, bees swarm in search of honey. Similarly, people seeking salvation gradually swarmed to him. Though he preferred to remain unobtrusive, his renown as a Yogic Preceptor gradually effloresced. 7

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“ yogic wealth ”

“ stilling the mind ” Yogiraj used to say that :

Husband’s immensity of progress in his yogasadhana was unknown to Kashimani Devi. One midnight, on awaking from her sleep, she could not find her husband, so she lit a lamp and searching for him found him seated in Padmasana in levitation in a corner of the room !

“ It is imperative for everyone to still the mind. If the mind cannot be stilled, sadhana cannot be practised, the worldly actions also cannot be accomplished in an immaculate manner.

By observing this extra-mundane yogic wealth of her husband, tears streamed down Kashimani Devi. She begged pardon with folded hands because many a time unknowingly she had been wrongful towards him. 

“ Since the breathing motion is external, the mind is externally oriented. When the breathing motion becomes internal through yoga action, the mind becomes internally oriented and still.

After sometime, when Shyama Charan reverted from the transcendental state, Kashimani Devi begged apology and prayed for yogic initiation. The following day she was initiated into yoga. Her father was a renowned pandit and because of this, since childhood she had the habit of worshipping idols. After initiation, she practised yogasadhana also.

“ Through the still mind, the subtlest of the subtle eternal existence of God can be ascertained. It is absolutely imperative to keep the mind under control rather than be controlled by the mind. Everything pivots around the mind. Without Yoga-action the mind cannot be kept under selfcontrol. ”

“ idol-worship was never practised ”

“ strict vegetarian ”

Idol-worship was never practised by Shyama Charan. He would remark that the basis of religion is yoga. Self-realization is not possible without yogasadhana.

Yogiraj would attire himself in a dhoti, waistcoat and punjabi. He would wear canvas shoes outside and wooden sandals at home.

Without self-realization, soul-consciousness is not possible and without soul-consciousness, salvation cannot be attained.

He never took any breakfast. However, in the morning, he would take a little amount of ghee and sugar. For lunch, he would take rice with vegetables.

“ known as YOGIRAJ ”

He was a strict vegetarian. He would drink great quantities of milk.

Vacaspati Devnarayan Mahasaya, aged father-in-law of Shyama Charan was a devout, renowned pandit. Being attracted by the remarkable yogic attainment of Shyama Charan, he also obtained initiation from him. Since then he never addressed him as ‘ son-in-law ’.

“ the only photograph ” Yogiraj was averse to the promulgation of his tenets to the insincere. He never wanted anybody to take a photograph of him. Once his devotees had decided to take a snap of him and thereby invited Gangadhar De, a skilled photographer and devotee of Yogiraj. After this they prayed for his consent. Yogiraj remarked :

Affectionately he used to call him ‘ YOGIRAJ ’. From then, Shyama Charan gradually came to be known as ‘ YOGIRAJ ’. SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

“ There is no need to take a photograph. If a photograph is taken; then, in the future, all will abandon sadhana ... and start worshipping the photograph. ”

He blessed him and enquired of him about the many facts of modern medical treatment. Chandra Mohan was a new doctor and his enthusiasm was endless. He explained various aspects of the developments in medical science. Yogiraj desired to know what the definition of death was in medical science.

But the devotees were dogged in their determination, repeatedly entreating Yogiraj. He finally agreed. All devotees alongwith Gangadhar Babu were elated and made arrangements for the photograph to be taken. By going near the camera, Yogiraj in a childish manner started enquiring about it’s various mechanisms. Gangadhar Babu being inspired, started explaining about the different parts of the camera.

Chandra Mohan explained what the definition of death was. Jocularly and administering a gentle smile Yogiraj said : “ Examine me and see Chandra Mohan, whether I am alive or dead ? ” Chandra Mohan examined and was amazed. There was no sign of life in the body. The heart beat was also static. Chandra Mohan was speechless.

Eventually, at the time of taking the photograph, Gangadhar Babu was faced with an acute problem. In the viewfinder, the Image of Yogiraj was not being reflected. He thought that there must be some defect in the camera. But on examination, it was found that the images of others were being reflected on the viewfinder.

Suddenly Yogiraj banteringly stated : “ Chandra Mohan, you should then give me a death certificate ! ”

It was now that Gangadhar Babu understood the actual matter. He saw that Yogiraj was smiling mildly. Gangadhar Babu prayed with folded hands now : “ Kindly have mercy, otherwise the photograph cannot be taken and the desire of devotees cannot be fulfilled. ”

Chandra Mohan was even more nonplussed. He started thinking what to reply. Abruptly an idea flashed across Chandra Mohan’s mind. He said “ I would have given you a death certificate, but you are still talking. A dead person is unable to talk. ” Yogiraj laughed and remarked :

Yogiraj now gently said - “ Take the snap. ” It was now noticed that the Image of Yogiraj was being reflected on the viewfinder.

“ You are right. But remember, much remains to be learnt beyond your modern medical science where the latter cannot reach. But yogis can easily attain the quest for that knowledge. ”

The photograph which millions of his devotees possess today is the one which Gangadhar De had snapped on that day. Excepting this, no other snap of Yogiraj had been taken.

“ social welfare services ”

“ am I alive or dead ? ”

Shyama Charan was assiduous and industrious. He inspired several social welfare services. It was through his endeavours and the co-operation of the then notable persons of Kashi like Ramkali Chowdhury, Girish Chandra Dey, Kashinath Biswas etc., that the Bangalitola High School was established.

Chandra Mohan De, a neighbour of Yogiraj, was a young man who had passed his medical examination and returned home. One day, Chandra Mohan came and paid obeisance to Yogiraj and prayed for his blessing. SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Despite working for the whole day at office, performing the functions of a private tutor and executing household responsibilities, he would remain engaged in various types of social welfare activities.

to make some arrangements to save the daughter, He being present how could she die? Yogiraj remained unperturbed as though nothing had happened. Kashimani Devi repeatedly kept on entreating Yogiraj to save the daughter by any means. The Great Yogi without speaking a word gave the root of Apamarg and two and half peppercorns and instructed - “ Grind these two together and feed her. ”

Due to his industrious nature and firm determination, the austere practice of yogasadhana in his sadhana life could not tire him. By existing within the family precincts, he set an example for mankind that practice of sadhana with strong determination can result in spiritual attainment. 

Kashimani Devi thought since her daughter was married, it would be better to administer medicine to her according to the doctor’s advice. If not, then if something untoward happened they would be reprimanded by the daughter’s family of in-laws.

After the Bangalitola High School was established, Shyama Charan became it’s Founder-Secretary and remained so throughout his life. He desired that everyone should receive education and become well-established in life. He undertook all sorts of endeavours for the development of the school. He was observant as to whether the pupils were receiving proper education and the properties of the school were being properly maintained. He would pay surprise visits to the school to observe whether the teachers were discharging their duties perfectly.

Therefore, without giving the medicine as instructed by Yogiraj, she started administering the doctor’s medicine to her daughter. But the daughter died the next day. 

On that evening, like other evenings, Yogiraj was explaining the Gita and his most worthy devotee pandit Panchanan Bhattacharya Mahasaya was reading the shlokas of Gita. Many devotees were listening. At this moment, loud wails from the room above could be heard. This perturbed everyone present.

In those days, female education was not in vogue. But he advocated the necessity of female education. So he set up a girls’ school with the assistance of some eminent persons.

When asked the reason for this, Yogiraj replied :

His Highness the Maharaja of Nepal appointed him tutor on 24th March 1864, for the fourth prince, Narendra Krishna Sha alias Khala. Her Highness, the Queen of Nepal again appointed him for the same job on 4th March, 1866.

“ The second daughter has expired, therefore everyone is crying. Perhaps the relatives and neighbours who will take her to the burning ghat have come. ”

“ death of daughter ”

Bhattcharya Mahasaya closed the Gita and said - “ Let the explanation be stopped for today. ”

Yogiraj had two sage-like sons, Tinkari Lahiri and Dukari Lahiri and three daughters Harimati, Harikamini and Harimohini. Harikamini, the sixteen year old married second daughter, had come to her father’s house.

Yogiraj solemnly expressed : “ Let them do their task, you perform your task. ”

Suddenly, she was afflicted with an attack of asiatic cholera. Kashimani Devi requested Yogiraj SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

The next day, Rajchandra Sanyal Mahasaya, brother-in-law of Yogiraj came and asked him “ Does the misery that occurs to an ordinary person with the loss of dear one, occur to you ? ”

they left for their respective destinations. The devotees present there were not familiar with Yogiraj. They had never seen Swamiji tender a loving embrace. On asking out of curiosity, the silent Swamiji wrote down his reply on a slate :

Yogiraj smiling gently replied : “ Everyone feels the misery but there is a little difference in the case of a knowledgeable person.

“ For attaining that ‘ One ’, the ascetics have to abandon even their loin cloth, but this Mahatma, by remaining within the family precincts has attained that ‘ One ’. ”

“ If a marble stone is struck on the firm ground it leaps up and retreats, but if struck on a soft clay ground, the marble gets embedded in it.

“ be a house-holder ” He desired that everyone should progress in the spiritual path by maintaining a family existence. If anyone expressed their desire to take sanyas, he would make efforts to caution them from doing so, send them back home and remark.

“ Similarly, misery cannot render blows to a knowledgeable person. Blows do afflict him but it cannot create any impact on him. An ignorant person laments when afflicted. ” By maintaining a family existence like a water drop on a lotus leaf, this noble household Yogi easily remained unaffected by all sorrows and afflictions.

“ The life of a sanyasi is austere. If any error is committed by a householder, he can be forgiven, but a sanyasi has no reprieve.

“ meeting trilinga swamiji ”

“ The garb of a sanyasi is the external manifestation of spirituality ; but non-desirous of self-revelation the quiet household sadhaka’s unostentatious sadhana has no external manifestation. ”

Gopal Chandra Bandopadhyaya, an eminent homoeopath of Kashi, alongwith one of his friends, would visit Mahatma Trilinga Swami. Bandopadhyaya Mahasaya was the disciple of Yogiraj. One day, both friends requested Yogiraj to meet Trilinga Swamiji.

Nevertheless, many of his disciples were anchorites also. Since he would impart Sanatana Dharmas intensely esoteric Kriyayoga initiation to men of all castes, different types of criticisms were raised. With a gentle smile he would reply to his critic -

In Kashi, Trilinga Swamiji was widely known. He earned the reputation of a living Shiva. The silent Swamiji would sit at his ashram at Panchaganga Ghat. Seeing Shyama Charan alongwith Bandopadhyaya Mahasaya, Swamiji stood up, proceeded quickly towards him and accorded him a warm embrace.

“ I see ignobility in nobility, again nobility in ignobility. Fortunately, I have entered the true path. When I see humanity within a human and if he wishes to be enlightened, then it is My responsibility to enlighten him. ”

After, they paid homage to each other, they stood in silence for a few minutes. On observing the union of two noble souls, tears of devotion rolled down Bandopadhyaya Mahasaya. After this, SPIRITUAL INDIA


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“ retirement ”

Gradually, the appointed day started approaching. A month before the completion of six months, he effected the origination of a carbuncle on his dorsal area. Using this carbuncle as a pretext, the Yogi commenced arrangements for departure. Receiving the news, his eldest son Tinkari Lahiri Mahasaya, who was employed in Delhi, shortly reached home.

Yogiraj retired from service in September 1880. His monthly pension was fixed at rupees twenty nine, four annas and six pies. Being difficult to maintain his family with that paltry sum, he engaged himself as a private tutor for teaching the scriptures to Pravunarayan Singh, son of Iswari Narayan Singh, the King of Kashi. His tuition fee was fixed at the rate of thirty rupees per month. Everyday the King’s boat would come to take Yogiraj to the Ramnagar palace on the other side of the Ganges.

Hemchandra Sen, his devotee, an eminent physician of Calcutta Medical College, on receiving the news came to Kashi and began treatment on Yogiraj. But no sign of recovery could be noticed. Hembabu decided for an operation and begged the consent of Yogiraj. Yogiraj mildly smiled and stated :

“ preparing for final departure ” One day, as usual, in the morning Kashimani Devi was worshipping Shiva, when Yogiraj arrived and stood in front of the door. Kashimani Devi pondered that as Yogiraj normally never came to that spot at that time, what could be the reason for his coming there suddenly that day ? Kashimani Devi turned back and looked.

“ It is better to stay within the rules of nature. ” The doctor understood that Yogiraj was not agreeable to an operation ... therefore he abandoned the idea and cleaned and bandaged the wound.

Yogiraj smiled gently and in a specific tone stated to Kashimani Devi :

Yogiraj himself used to prepare neem oil and administer this for the various afflictions of his devotees. This oil was now applied on the wound of Yogiraj. But there was no alleviation of the carbuncle.

“ Look, the purpose of my advent has been completed. It is time for me to depart now. I shall be in mortal frame for another six months only and then depart. None of you should grieve over this. I am making only you aware of this.

Krishnaram, a Rajput Brahmin devotee was perpetually serving Yogiraj and remained with him like a shadow. He served Yogiraj intently. Yogiraj was immensely appeased by the tireless efforts of Krishnaram. The day before the departure, he affectionately called Krishnaram and said :

“ After my departure, keep my mortal frame in the room I stay for I shall mark my readvent. And, if this is not possible bury me in that room. ”

“ Krishnaram, I am well pleased by your service. Tell me what you want ? You will get what you want. ”

The Yogi had decided the day and time of his sublime departure and was preparing to dissolve his worldly activities. Nearly three months in advance, he had declared this to a few of his advanced devotees. 

With tearful eyes, quivering voice and with a mind steeped in devotion, Krishnaram replied “ I have nothing to ask for. I have only one prayer, to obtain a place at your Lotus Feet. ”



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Yogiraj smiled gently and remarked :

“ Come to Kashi immediately. ”

“ It will be so, krishnaram. ”

Bandopadhyay Mahasaya arrived at Kashi immediately and noticed his Gurudeva deciding to leave his mortal frame.

Krishnaram then lay prostrate at the Lotus Feet of Yogiraj. 

“ final departure ”

Only a small amount of light would enter the room Yogiraj would inhabit as it did not have sufficient windows and doors.

Swami Pranabananda was staying in Udaipur then. Hearing about the Final Moment of his Gurudeva, he started making arrangements to reach Kashi soon. Suddenly Pranabananda saw that his Gurudeva assuming a subtle form appeared before him and said :

The Yogi was lying extremely indisposed in the afternoon, a day before his departure. His eldest son, Tinkari lahiri Mahasaya was engaged in keeping a close watch upon his father, from the parlour adjoining the room. Suddenly he noticed his father leave his bed, walk up to a bookcase fixed on the wall of the room, go through some books, eventually walk back to the bed in a healthy and able manner and lie down.

“ Pranabananda, there is no use for haste. I shall depart before you reach. ” Pranabananda began crying. Yogiraj comforted him saying :

Yogiraj seated himself in padmasana. Looking towards his tearful devotees he remarked :

“ Why are you crying ? Though the body departs, the Essence of Sadguru remains. I am always present. ” 

“ The time for my departure has arrived. Do not grieve. Though the mortal body disappears, the Essence of the Sadguru remains. I am always amidst you. ”

Another devotee of Yogiraj, Panchkori Bandopadhyay was residing at Hardwar then. A few days before the departure of Yogiraj, Bandopadhyay Mahasaya saw the resplendent image of Yogiraj appear before him and say :

At the auspicious juncture of Mahashtami and Mahanavami sitting on the same bed, Yogiraj effected his sublime departure in Mahasamadhi. It was 5.25 in the evening, 27th September 1895, Friday.

material excerpted from the book “ Purana Purusha ... Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri ” by Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee ... published by Yogiraj Publication ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



July - August 2007

Lahiri Mahasaya

“ My first meeting with MAHAVATAR BABAJI was an enthralling story, and one of the few which gives a detailed glimpse of the DEATHLESS GURU. Meeting the deathless guru ... BABAJI ... took place in my thirty-third year. " ... The unique experience has been detailed by Lahiri Mahasaya himself. A few excerpts from the book “ Autobiography of a Yogi ” by Paramahansa Yogananda. edit team

Meeting the deathless guru ... Babaji ... took place in my thirty-third year. In the autumn of 1861, I was stationed in Danapur as a government accountant in the military engineering department of the Government.

thirty days at the Himalayan site of Ranikhet.   

My office duties were not onerous ; I was able to spend many hours roaming in the magnificent hills. A rumour reached me that great saints blessed the region with their presence ; I felt a strong desire to see them. During a ramble one early afternoon, I was astounded to hear a distant voice calling my name. I continued my vigorous upward climb on Drongiri Mountain. A slight uneasiness beset me at the thought that I might not be able to retrace my steps before darkness had descended over the jungle.


One morning the office manager summoned me... “ Lahiri ” he said, “ a telegram has just come from our main office. You are to be transferred to Ranikhet, where an army post is now being established. ”   

With one servant, I set out on the 500-mile trip. Travelling by horse and buggy, we arrived in




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I finally reached a small clearing whose sides were dotted with caves. On one of the rocky ledges stood a smiling young man, extending his hand in welcome. I noticed with astonishment that, except for his copper-colored hair, he bore a remarkable resemblance to myself.

As I maintained a bewildered silence, the saint approached and struck me gently on the forehead. At his magnetic touch, a wondrous current swept through my brain, releasing the sweet seed-memories of my previous life. My voice was half-choked with joyous sobs I remember ! “ You are my guru Babaji, who has belonged to me always ! ”


“ Lahiri, you have come ! ” The saint addressed me affectionately in Hindi. “ Rest here in this cave. It was I who called you. ”

Scenes of the past arose vividly in my mind ; “ here in this cave I spent many years of my last incarnation ! ” As ineffable recollections overwhelmed me, I tearfully embraced my master's feet.

I entered a neat little grotto which contained several woollen blankets and a few kamandalus (water bowls).

“ I followed you, like a mother ” “ For more than three decades, I have waited for you to return to me ! ” Babaji's voice rang with celestial love.

“ do you remember that seat ” “ Lahiri, do you remember that seat ? ” The Yogi pointed to a folded blanket in one corner.

“ You slipped away and vanished into the tumultuous waves of the life beyond death. The magic wand of your karma touched you, and you were gone ! Though you lost sight of me, never did I lose sight of you ! I pursued you over the luminiscent astral sea where the glorious angels sail. Through gloom, storm, upheaval, and light I followed you, like a mother bird guarding her young. ”

“ No, Sir. ” Somewhat dazed at the strangeness of my adventure, I added, “ I must leave now, before nightfall. I have business in the morning at my office. ” The mysterious saint replied in English, “ The office was brought for you, and not you for the office. ”   

“ As you lived out your human term of womb-life, and emerged a babe, my eye was ever on you. When you covered your tiny form in the lotus posture under the Nadia sands in your childhood, I was invisibly present ! Patiently, month after month, year after year, I have watched over you, waiting for this perfect day. Now you are with me ! Here is your cave, loved of yore ! I have kept it ever clean and ready for you. Here is your hallowed asana- blanket, where you daily sat to fill your expanding heart with God ! ”

I was dumbfounded that this forest ascetic should not only speak English but also paraphrase the words of Christ ! “ I see my telegram took effect. ” The yogi's remark was incomprehensible to me ; I asked its meaning. “ I refer to the telegram that summoned you to these isolated parts. It was I who silently suggested to the mind of your superior officer that you be transferred to Ranikhet. When one feels his unity with mankind, all minds become transmitting stations through which he can work at will. ” He added gently, “ Lahiri, surely this cave seems familiar to you ? ”


“ My guru, what can I say ? ” I murmured brokenly. “ Where has one ever heard of such deathless love ? ” I gazed long and ecstatically on my eternal treasure, my guru in life and death.




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The rites were completed in the early dawn. I felt no need for sleep.


“ Lahiri ! you need purification. Drink the oil in this bowl and lie down by the river. ”


I sat that afternoon on my blanket, hallowed by associations of past- life realizations. My DIVINE GURU approached and passed his hand over my head. I entered the nirvikalpa samadhi state, remaining unbrokenly in its bliss for seven days. Crossing the successive strata of self- knowledge, I penetrated the deathless realms of reality. All delusive limitations dropped away ; my soul was fully established on the eternal altar of the Cosmic Spirit.

I obeyed his directions. Though the icy Himalayan night was descending, a comforting warmth, an inner radiation, began to pulsate within me. I marvelled. Was the unknown oil endued with a cosmical heat ?   

Bitter winds whipped around me in the darkness, shrieking a fierce challenge. The chill wavelets of the Gogash River lapped now and then over my body, outstretched on the rocky bank. Tigers howled near-by, but my heart was free of fear ; the radiant force newly generated within me conveyed an assurance of unassailable protection. Several hours passed swiftly ; faded memories of another life wove themselves into the present brilliant pattern of reunion with my DIVINE GURU.


On the eighth day, I fell at my guru's feet and implored him to keep me always near him in this sacred wilderness. “ role in this incarnation ” “ My son ”, Babaji said, embracing me, “ Your role in this incarnation must be played before the gaze of the multitude. Prenatally blessed by many lives of lonely meditation, you must now mingle in the world of men.

“ Kingdom of God through Kriya Yoga ” “ Lahiri, are you still feasting on your dream desires for a golden palace ? ” My guru's eyes were twinkling like his own sapphires.

“ A deep purpose underlay the fact that you did not meet me this time until you were already a married man, with modest family and business responsibilities. You must put aside your thoughts of joining our secret band in the Himalayas. Your life amid lies in the city crowded marts, serving as an example of the ideal yogi-householder.

“ Wake ! All your earthly thirsts are about to be quenched forever. ” He murmured some mystic words of blessing. “ My son, arise. Receive your initiation into the Kingdom of God through Kriya Yoga. ”   

Babaji stretched out his hand ; a homa (sacrificial) fire appeared, surrounded by fruits and flowers. I received the liberating yogic technique before this flaming altar. SPIRITUAL INDIA

“ The cries of many bewildered worldly men and women have not fallen unheard on the ears of the Great Ones ”, he went on. “ You 16

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have been chosen to bring spiritual solace through Kriya Yoga to numerous earnest seekers. The millions who are encumbered by family ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart from you, a householder like themselves. You must guide them to see that the highest yogic attainments are not barred to the family man. Even in the world, the yogi who faithfully discharges his responsibilities, without personal motive or attachment, treads the sure path of enlightenment.

“ Swalpamapyasya dharmasya, trayate mahato bhayat ” “ Even a little bit of the practice of this dharma (religious rite or righteous action) will save you from great fear (mahato bhayat) ... the colossal sufferings inherent in the repeated cycles of birth and death. ” Chapter II : 40   

As I knelt the next morning at my guru's feet for a farewell blessing, he sensed my deep reluctance to leave him.

“ No necessity compels you to leave the world, for inwardly you have already surrendered its every karmic tie. Not of this world, you must yet be in it. Many years still remain during which you must conscientiously fulfill your family, business, civic, and spiritual duties. A sweet new breath of divine hope will penetrate the arid hearts of worldly men. From your balanced life, they will understand that liberation is dependent on inner, rather than outer, renunciations. ”

“ There is no separation for us, my beloved child. ” He touched my shoulder affectionately. “ Wherever you are, whenever you call me, I shall be with you instantly. ”   

Consoled by his wondrous promise, and rich with the newly found gold of God-wisdom, I wended my way down the mountain. At the office, I was welcomed by my fellow employees, who for ten days had thought me lost in the Himalayan jungles. A letter soon arrived from the head office.


How remote seemed my family, the office, the world, as I listened to my guru in the high Himalayan solitudes. Yet adamantine truth rang in his words ... I submissively agreed to leave this blessed haven of peace. Babaji instructed me in the ancient rigid rules which govern the transmission of the yogic art from guru to disciple.


“ Lahiri should return to the Danapur office ”, it read. “ His transfer to Ranikhet occurred by error. Another man should have been sent to assume the Ranikhet duties. ”   

Before returning to Danapur, I spent a few days with a Bengali family at Moradabad. A party of six friends gathered to greet me. As I turned the conversation to spiritual subjects, my host observed gloomily :

“ Bestow the Kriya key only on qualified chelas ”, Babaji said. “ He who vows to sacrifice all in the quest of the Divine is fit to unravel the final mysteries of life through the science of meditation. ”

“ Oh, in these days, India is destitute of saints ! ”

“ I shall be with you ”

“ Babu ”, I protested warmly, “ Of course there are still great masters in this land ! ”

After a silence, Babaji added, “ Repeat to each of your disciples this majestic promise from the Bhagavad Gita : SPIRITUAL INDIA

In a mood of exalted fervor, I felt impelled to relate my miraculous experiences in the 17

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Himalayas. The little company was politely incredulous.

friends. ” Babaji's face had softened, but he added gently, “ Henceforth, my son, I shall come when you need me, and not always when you call me. ”

“ Lahiri ”, one man said soothingly, “ Your mind has been under a strain in those rarefied mountain airs. This is some daydream you have recounted. ”

“ Let halwa be prepared ” Tense silence reigned in the little group when I opened the door. As if mistrusting their senses, my friends stared at the lustrous figure on the blanket seat !


Burning with the enthusiasm of truth, I spoke without due thought. “ If I call him, my guru will appear right in this house. ”

“ This is mass-hypnotism ! ” One man laughed blatantly. “ No one could possibly have entered this room without our knowledge ! ”

I sank into the meditative state, humbly summoning my guru. The darkened room soon filled with a dim aural moonlight ; the luminous figure of Babaji emerged.

Babaji advanced smilingly and motioned to each one to touch the warm, solid flesh of his body. Doubts dispelled, my friends prostrated themselves on the floor in awed repentance.

“ Truth is for earnest seekers, “ Lahiri, do you call me for a trifle ? ” The master's gaze was stern. “ Truth is for earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. It is easy to believe when one sees ; there is nothing then to deny. Supersensual truth is deserved and discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism. ” He added gravely, “ Let me go ! ”

“ Let halwa be prepared. ” Babaji made this request, I knew, to further assure the group of his physical reality. While the porridge was boiling, the DIVINE GURU chatted affably. Great was the metamorphosis of these doubting ‘ Thomases ’ into devout ‘ St. Pauls ’.


I fell entreatingly at his feet. “ Holy GURU, I realize my serious error ; I humbly ask pardon. It was to create faith in these spiritually blinded minds that I ventured to call you. Because you have graciously appeared at my prayer, please do not depart without bestowing a blessing on my friends. Unbelievers though they be, at least they were willing to investigate the truth of my strange assertions. ”

After we had eaten, Babaji blessed each of us in turn. There was a sudden flash ; we witnessed the instantaneous dechemicalization of the electronic elements of Babaji's body into a spreading vaporous light. The God-tuned will power of the master had loosened its grasp of the ether atoms held together as his body ; forthwith the trillions of tiny lifetronic sparks faded into the infinite reservoir.


I soon returned to Danapur, again. I assumed the manifold business and family obligations of a householder.

“ Very well ; I will stay a while. I do not wish your word discredited before your

material excerpted from the book “ Autobiography of a Yogi ” by Paramahansa Yogananda by Jaico Publishing House ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



July - August 2007

Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee, author of the book “ Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri ” was born in 1933 in West Bengal. He received initiation in Kriya yoga in April 1961. His first Guru was Sri Annada Charan Shastri (Bhattacharya), disciple of Panchanan Bhattacharya, an elevated disciple of Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri. Most of his books have been published in Indian languages like Hindi, Oriya, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Assamese. The book “ Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri ” has also been published in French. An excerpt from the book containing the essential teaching of YOGIRAJ edit team

“ T he soul within you is the soul which pervades all elements. Therefore, the soul of all the elements exists within you. There is no difference, thus it is you who becomes the all pervasive soul, Jagannatha (Master of the Universe). ” 

state, when you will remain within yourself, then you only will become the reality. ” 

“ The moment you specially realize this in transcendental state, you can realize the mental inclinations of everybody and it is then by achieving omniscience you will automatically learn about the attributes and actions of all elements. “ Then, by being omnipotent, all actions can be performed with a non-desirable wish. By this type of profound KRIYA, realization of the subtlest of the subtle ‘ anu like self ’ occurs, leading to the removal of pride and a pride-less state will be achieved. ” 

“ Everything evolves in this universe in accordance with your volition ; in KRIYA’s transcendental state, after the cessation of desires, you will positively know that the universe is a fallacy merely and by obtaining the knowledge that the entire universe is pervaded by BRAHMA you will attain equilibrium. Then you are neither in bondage ... nor are liberated ... and being crowned with success in this manner, you will wander in beatitude, this is the maxim of KRIYA YOGA.”

“ When you become one in Kriya’s transcendental state, then, you only are the SUPREME pervading the universe ; without you the world does not exist, thus good, evil and imagination do not exist. “ If you attain one-ness, you are the imperishable and indestructible one, the tranquil pure consciousness and immortal. Then where are your birth, action, propensity and pride ? ” 

“ Just for once contemplate on the fact that barring you, everything is absent, you are materialistic and non-materialistic because when you concentrate on extraneous matters you are materialistic, again by remaining within yourself or in the transcendental state of KRIYA, you are non-materialistic. ”


“ No matter how many Shastras you peruse or hear, how many churches or temples you visit, it will not bear any result. You will have to forget all this, but becoming oblivious is not possible without remaining in KRIYA’s transcendental state and the expectations of the mind do not cease. ”

“ You are perceiving the world because you are not within yourself, but in KRIYA’s transcendental

The cessation of judging good and evil and desires destroys the root of earthly attainment.

material excerpted from the book “ Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri ” by Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee ... published by Yogiraj Publication ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



July - August 2007

Autobiography of a Yogi God Talks With Arjuna In the Sanctuary of the Soul Man’s Eternal Quest The Divine Romance Journey to Self-realization Wine of the Mystic Where There Is Light Whispers from Eternity The Science of Religion How You Can Talk With God The Law of Success Metaphysical Meditations Scientific Healing Affirmations Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda Words of Cosmic Chants The Art of Living The Holy Science



July - August 2007

Brahmarshi Patriji

Many, many thanks to Rajnikanthji who has given to the world a new concept ... “ The Baba Concept ” ! “ Baba Mudra ” is the “ Baba Concept ” ! “ Baba Mudra ” explains all the salient points of spirituality, meditation and enlightenment ! “ Baba Concept ” explains the total significance and actual meaning of “ Baba Mudra ” ! Baba Concept is being presented by Brahmarshi Patriji, founder of The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement , India. edit-team

“ the physical body ”

“ the hand ”

The PHYSICAL BODY is obtained from the physical parents and the earth elements. PHYSICAL BODY is the least part of the totality of our Self ! That is why it is represented by the LITTLE FINGER !

The HUMAN HAND has five fingers 

little finger

ring finger

middle finger

index finger

When we were a small kid, we used to say “ Teacher ! Teacher ! ” and we used to show the little finger to indicate the nature call ! The ‘LITTLE FINGER’ represents the PHYSICAL BODY.

thumb finger

“ the mind ”

These different fingers symbolize different concepts in the field of SPIRITUAL SCIENCE : little finger


Physical Body

ring finger



middle finger



index finger


Individual Self

thumb finger


Cosmic Self

When two hearts ... when two minds ... meet and vibrate ... at the same frequency, there is a marriage effected and rings are exchanged on the RING FINGER ! Not on any other finger ! 



July - August 2007

is obtained from the Society. If we grew up in a Hindu family, we will have a Hindu mind. If we are born and brought up in a Christian family, we will come to posses a Christian mind ... and so on and so forth. THE MIND

“ the individual self ”

When we point out somebody, we use the INDEX FINGER, not any other finger !

Further, the RING FINGER is much bigger than the little finger ... the indication is that the “ MIND ” is so much more important than the “ PHYSICAL BODY ”.

In fact, we are not just our physical body ; we are not just our mind ; we are not just our intellect. We are the ATMA ... the SOUL ... the SELF.


in fact, is the total controller of the physical body. Therefore, the ‘ RING FINGER ’ represents the Mind.

THE ATMA ... is what most rightly we are ! ATMA

is nothing but an eternal speck of Consciousness and Energy and Wisdom ! The Individual Self is otherwise called as “ Jeevatma ”.

“ the intellect ”

The ‘ INDEX FINGER ’ represents the INDIVIDUAL SELF. differentiates between good ... and the bad truth and the un-truth ... right and the wrong ... correct and the incorrect ... propriety and impropriety ... beautiful and the ugly ... THE INTELLECT

“ the cosmic self ”

irrespective of the SOCIETY factors. 

The SOURCE-ORIGIN of Individual Self is the

Where as THE MIND is automatically prejudiced, the INTELLECT is less prejudiced and more unprejudiced. 


We are all different from each other in our Physical Bodies, Minds and the Intellects respectively.

The Intellect is the sum-total distillate of all the Experiences of a Soul, encompassing all its Karmas, in all its Existences. 

However, we have the same ATMIC SOURCE and WE ARE ALL ONE AT THE LEVEL OF ATMA.

The SOURCE-ORIGIN-INFINITE SELF of the infinite number of Individual selves is called as the COSMIC SELF. The SOURCE-ORIGIN-INFINITE SELF is otherwise called as “ BRAHMATMA ” or “ SARVA BHUTHATMA ”

Experiences from all our previous Life-Times becomes the SOURCE - NUCLEUS of present Intellect. THE INTELLECT is the END-RESULT of the totality of the Soul’s earth-time history. 

We do observe that the MIDDLE FINGER is bigger than the ring finger. THE INTELLECT is far greater than THE MIND !

The greatest of all great truths states : “ Mamatma Sarva Bhuthatma ”

The totality of all lives’ experiences is far greater than this particular life’s experience, this particular society’s general thinking.

“ My Individual Self is The Cosmic Self Common To All Beings ” 



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The COSMIC SELF is represented by the ‘ THUMB FINGER ’. Victory is ever indicated by the THUMB FINGER. Let us all strive to become grandly victorious ! “ BABA MUDRA ”

The “ BABA MUDRA ” has the ring finger and middle finger folded by the thumb finger. The other two fingers not touched are the little finger and the index finger. 

The significance is that there is no need to tamper with the physical body in our spiritual endeavour ! We should never trouble the Physical Body ... NEVER ! 

What can tame the mind ? THE COSMIC SELF ! However, that should be ‘ agreed upon ’ by the Individual Self.

The physical body, in itself, is absolutely glorious and wonderful and is a pinnacle achievement of the Nature which is guided by the

When the Individual Self wants to see that it’s mind needs to be rectified and purified, it goes into meditation. Then, the COSCMIC SELF takes over, purifies and rectifies the Mind by means of it’s COSMIC ENEGRY / COSMIC MIND.


No need to practice difficult Hatha Yoga ! No need of impossible Sheersha Asanas !

This is the symbolic meaning of the RING FINGER being controlled by the THUMB FINGER in the “ Baba Mudra ”.

The second finger ... i.e. ring finger ... i.e. mind ... must, however be controlled. THE MIND must be thoroughly disciplined, and should be totally rectified. 

Similarly, the limited INTELLECT, i.e. the MIDDLE FINGER, also, needs to be tamed ... because the limited worldly INTELLECT represents “ HALF KNOWLEDGE ” ! And half Knowledge is absolutely dangerous !

All the prejudices and stupidities of the SOCIETY are reflected truly in the INDIVIDUAL MIND ! Such prejudices and stupidities of the Society hamper an individual’s sanity and enlightenment. Liquidating all the prejudices and stupidities of the Society in an individual’s mind is the process of meditation. 

is rectified only by FULL KNOWLEDGE ! And, COSMIC SELF alone is FULL HALF KNOWLEDGE




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This is the symbolic meaning of the MIDDLE FINGER being controlled by THUMB FINGER in the “ Baba Mudra ” ! When the Individual Self ‘ decides ’ to become Enlightened, it chooses to go into meditation ! When the individual self chooses meditation, then, the COSMIC SELF takes over and transforms the limited INTELLECT ... the worldly INTELLECT ... with its spiritual Intelligence and spiritual Knowledge ... also called as ... “ BUDDHI ”. 

The sum and essence of “ Baba Concept ” : 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 ring finger rectified = Dhyana Yoga 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678 middle finger rectified = Jnana Yoga 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678

Transformation of “ WORLDLY INTELLECT ” into buddhi ... also called as “ SPIRITUAL INTELLECT ” is called as JNANA YOGA ! The most important thing to understand is that JNANA YOGA happens,

Travelling from a state of “ THE MIND ” to a state of “ THE BUDDHI ” ... that is called as MEDITATION, or SPIRITUALITY or SPIRITUAL SCIENCE, or ENLIGHTENMENT !

automatically, and naturally, in DHYANA YOGA. 




July - August 2007

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle ... was born in Germany ..., where he spent the first thirteen years of his life, after graduating from the University of London, where he was a research scholar and supervisor at Cambridge University. When he was twenty-nine, a profound spiritual transformation virtually dissolved his old identity and radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. Eckhart Tolle ... is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. In his teaching, he conveys a simple yet profound message with the timeless and uncomplicated clarity of the ancient spiritual masters : there is a way out of suffering and into peace. Eckhart Tolle ... is currently traveling extensively, taking his teaching and his presence throughout the world. A few excerpts from his book “ A New Earth ”. edit-team

The voice in the head has a life of its own. Most people are at the mercy of that voice ... they are possessed by thought, by the mind.


greater part of most people’s thinking is involuntary, automatic, and repetitive. It is no more than a kind of ‘ mental static ’ and fulfills no real purpose. 

And, since the mind is conditioned by the past, you are then forced to re-enact the past again and again. When you are identified with that voice, you don’t know this, of course. If you knew it, you would no longer be possessed because you are only truly possessed when you mistake the possessing entity for who you are, that is to say, when you become it.

Strictly speaking, you don’t think: Thinking happens to you. The statement ‘ I think ’ implies that you have a say in the matter, that there is choice involved on your part. For most people, this is not yet the case. ‘ I think ’ is just as false a statement as ‘ I digest ’ or ‘ I circulate my blood.’ Digestion happens, circulation happens, thinking happens. 

For thousands of years, humanity has been increasingly mind-possessed. Through complete identification with the mind, a false sense of Self ... ‘ the ego ’ ... came into existence.



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The density of the ego depends on the degree to which you ... the consciousness ... are identified with your mind, with thinking. Thinking is no more than a tiny aspect of the totality of consciousness, the totality of who you are. 

Most of their attention is absorbed by thinking, and so they don’t really see you, and they are not really listening to you. They are not ‘ present ’ in any situation, attention being either in the past or future which, of course, exist only in the mind as thought forms.

The degree of identification with the mind differs from person to person. Some people enjoy periods of freedom from it, however brief, and the peace, joy, and aliveness they experience in those moments makes life worth living. These are also the moments when creativity, love, and compassion arise. 

Alienation means you don’t feel at ease in any situation, any place, or with any person, not even with yourself. You are always trying to get ‘ home ’ but never feel at home. To see one’s predicament clearly is a first step toward going beyond it.

material excerpted from the book “ A New Earth ” by Eckhart Tolle ... published by The Penguin Group ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team


Or, they relate to you, through some kind of role to play and so are not themselves. Most people are alienated from who they are, and some are alienated to such a degree that the way they behave and interact is recognized as ‘ phony ’ by almost everyone, except those who are equally phony, equally alienated from who they are.

Others are constantly trapped in the egoic state. They are alienated from themselves, as well as from others and the world around them. When you look at them, you may see the tension in their face, perhaps the furrowed brow, or the absent or staring expression in their eyes. 


July - August 2007

Eckhart Tolle

“ Do that for one year , and it will be more powerfully transformative ! ” “ And it’s free ! ” Someone

recently showed me the annual prospectus of a large spititual organization.

Be aware of your breathing. Notice the sensation of the breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your body.

When I looked through it, I was impressed by the wide choice of interesting seminars and workshops. It reminded me of a smorgasbord, one of those Scandinavian buffets where you can take your pick from a huge variety of enticing dishes. 

One conscious breath is enough to make some space where before there was the uninterruped succession of one thought after another. 

“ Be aware of your breathing as often as you are able, whenever you remember. Do that for one year, and it will be more powerfully transformative than attending all of these courses. And it’s free. ” 

Because breath has no form as such, it has since ancient times been equated with spirit ... the formless ONE LIFE.


The intellgence within the body is doing it. All you have to do is watch it happening. There is no strain or effort involved. Also, notice the brief cessation of breath, before you start breathing in again.

Being aware of your breathing takes attention away from thinking and creates space. It is one way of generating consciouness. 

Breathing isn’t really something that you do, but something that you witness as it happens. Breathing happens by itself.

The person asked me whether I could recommend one or two courses. “ I don’t know, ” I said. “ They all look so interesting. But I do know this ”, I added :


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phenomena, the ‘ least thing ’ that according to Nietzsche makes up the ‘ best happiness ’.

“ God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ... and the man became a living creature.”

The German word for breathing ‘Atmen’ is derived from the ancient Indian (Sanskrit) word ‘Atmen’, meaning the indwelling divine spirit or GOD - WITHIN. 

You are not falling below thinking, but rising above it. And if you look more closely, you will find that these two things ... coming fully into the present moment and ceasing thinking without loss of consciousness are actually one and the same : the arising of space consciousness.

The other reason is that breath is one of the most subtle and seemingly insignificant

material excerpted from the book “ A New Earth ” by Eckhart Tolle ... published by the Penguin Group ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team


Conscious breathing stops your mind. But, far from being in a trance or half asleep, you are fully awake and highly alert.

It is an excellent meditation object ... precisely because it is not an object, has no shape or form. 

Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present. You may also notice that you cannot think and be aware of your breathing.

The fact that breath has no form is one of the reasons why breath awareness is an extremely effective way of bringing space into your life, of generating consciousness. 

Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment ... the key to all inner transformation.

= Genesis 2:7


July - August 2007


OSHO ... is known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, with an approach to meditation that acknowledges the accelerated pace of contemporary life.

Awareness, says OSHO, is the key to being self-directed, centered, and free in every aspect of our lives. OSHO teaches us how to live life more attentively, mindfully, and meditatively, with love, caring, and consciousness. A few excerpts from the book “ Awareness ” by Osho edit team


say you are alive because your blood circulates; they say you are alive if you are awake. So, except for the awakened ones, nobody is really alive. You are corpses ... walking, talking, doing things ... you are robots.

... is the way to life, says


Become more wakeful and you will become more alive. And life is GOD ... there is no other GOD. Hence Buddha talks about life and awareness. Life is the goal and AWARENESS is the methodology the technique to attain it.. Watch your life ... everything that you go on doing is so confused and so confusing.

You are not alive just because you are breathing, you are not alive just because your heart is beating. Physiologically you can be kept alive in a hospital, without any consciousness. 

Buddha says :

There are now many people around the world in advanced countries who are just vegetating in the hospitals, because advanced technology has made it possible for your death to be postponed indefinitely ... for years you can be kept alive. If this is life, then you can be kept alive. But this is not life at all. Just to vegetate is not life.

“ The fool sleeps as if he were already dead, but the master is awake and he lives forever. ” ... is eternal, it knows no death. Only unawareness dies. So, if you remain unconscious, asleep, you will have to die again. If you want to get rid of this whole misery of being born and dying again and again, if you want to get rid of the wheel of birth and death, you will have to AWARENESS

Buddhas have a different definition. Their definition consists of AWARENESS. They don’t say you are alive because you can breathe, they don’t SPIRITUAL INDIA

WAKEFULNESS ... is the way to life, says Buddha.

You are alive only in the proportion that you are aware. Awareness is the difference between death and life. 


July - August 2007

become absolutely alert. You will have to reach higher and higher into consciousness. 

Never repent for the past ! Live in the moment. If you had forgotten, so what ?

So, if you can remain watchful even for a few moments, feel thankful. Even those few moments are more than can be expected.

And these things are not to be accepted on intellectual grounds ; these things have to become experiential, these things have to become existential. 

“ He watches ... He is clear ” Simple and beautiful statements. Truth is always simple and always beautiful. Just to see the simplicity of these two statements but how much they contain. Worlds within worlds, infinite worlds. 

Watch !

The only thing that has to be learned is watchfulness. Watch ! Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Watch even small gestures ... walking, talking, eating, taking a bath. 

Go on watching everything. Let everything become an opportunity to watch. Don’t eat mechanically, don’t just go on stuffing yourself, be very watchful. 

Transformation happens only when you put your total energy into it.

Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Go on watching everything.

As you watch, your chattering mind chatters less, because the energy that was becoming chattering is turning and becoming watchfulness ... it is the same energy ! 

Now more and more energy will be transformed into watchfulness, and the mind will not get its nourishment. Thoughts will start becoming thinner, they will start losing weight. Slowly, slowly, they will start dying. And as thoughts start dying, clarity arises. Now your mind becomes a mirror. 

And now he knows there is no death, because wakefulness can never be destroyed. When death comes, you will watch it too. You will die watching ... watching will not die. Your body will disappear, dust unto dust, but your watchfulness will remain; it will become part of the cosmic whole. It will become cosmic consciousness.

Move in life remaining continuously watchful. Again and again you will forget. Don’t become miserable because of that ; it is natural. For millions of lives you have never tried watchfulness ... so, it is natural that you go on forgetting again and again. But the moment you remember, again watch.

material excerpted from the book “ Awareness ” by Osho ... published by St. Martin’s Griffin ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team


And when one is clear, one is blissful. Confusion is the root cause of misery ; it is clarity that is the foundation of blissfulness.

Smell, touch, feel the breeze and the sun rays. Look at the moon and become just a silent pool of watchfulness, and the moon will be reflected in you with tremendous beauty. 

And when you watch, a clarity arises. Why does clarity arise out of watchfulness ? because the more watchful you become the more all your hastiness slow down. You become more graceful.



July - August 2007

Hima Bindu

“ ” I and my husband Sagar are ever grateful to Patri Sir for giving us the opportunity to be involved in the development of the “ ” website.

dreams. I agreed to take up the responsibility of maintaining and enhancing the web site, if that was okay with Patri Sir. 

We got introduced to ‘ pyramid meditation ’ and the ‘ PSS MOVEMENT ’ through our close friends Mr.Chandrasekhar and Mrs. Vani Chandra Sekhar. They were instrumental in enabling us to meet Patri Sir personally. 

After a couple of months, we wanted to give a new look and new feel to the web site. We then started the work of redesigning the web site’s visual design. 

To review the new site design and existing content, we invited Patri Sir to our house. When Patri Sir visited our house the first time, myself and Sagar were so very thrilled and so excited. It was really a dream come true ! 

I believe it is our good fortune and probably good karma earned during our previous births – that made a Great Maitreya Soul step into our house.

I have always been interested in website design and user interface development. One day Mr.Chandrasekhar casually mentioned that they were looking for someone who can regularly maintain and enhance the ‘ ’ website. He enquired if I wanted to take up this work. Though I was a bit scared, I was excited about the work and how it related to my earlier SPIRITUAL INDIA

I started working on the web site from May 2005. I and Sagar were amazed at the content that was present. “ ” was probably the only site with loads and loads of original, clear content on Meditation and Spiritual Science.

In Feb 2005, I got a dream that I was allotted the development of web site ! At that time, I did not understand the significance of the dream and did not pay much attention to that. When I met Patri Sir for the first time, at a class in “ PYRAMID VALLEY ”, Bangalore, I was impressed by his class and the simple down-toearth, friendly manner in which he interacted with everyone. Although I could not meet him personally, at that time, I used to have dreams in which Patri Sir taught meditation and explained lot of spiritual concepts. Some of the dreams used to be around Patri Sir staying in our house with us ! 

There were no bounds to the joy and happiness I and Sagar experienced. The initial review went off fine with Patri Sir giving a lot of ideas and suggestions to improve the site. Since then, Patri Sir keeps visiting our house almost every month and spends an entire evening on reviewing and refining the site. 31

July - August 2007


Most of the time the work sessions would extend late into the night. I and Sagar enjoy these sessions and the tremendous learning experience it gave us.

Dear Pyramid Trust team, this is Jagadeesh. First I am very thankful to the team. website has been designed very clearly and fundamentally, it gives very good idea for beginners, and i request you to put some more linked spiritual websites. warm regards, Jagadeesh Babu

We are impressed by Patri Sir’s singular zeal to make this site ‘ the best in the world ’ and also his highly innovative ideas and truly logical reasoning. 

Patri Sir’s continuous enthusiasm and avalanche of ideas keep giving us a lot of energy and motivation for doing more and better work on the site. 

e-mail From : manjula & Prasad Email : [email protected] To : [email protected] City : Chicago, IL Subject : I am delighted & and so proud of Subhash Patri Query : Subhash, seeing the web page, I have realized as to how much of knowledge, respect, honour and fulfillness you have achieved ! It is amazing and thrilling ! I wonder as to how much one can achieve in one life time if one has the will to do it. Once again I say you made us feel so very proud.

We launched the revamped website with new look and feel in Dec 2005. After that, we got a lot of great feedback, on the new site design and content, through emails. People from different locations in India and countries like Australia, Singapore and USA have been expressing their happiness over the new design and superb content. 



love, Manjula and Prasad

Respected Sir, e-mail I want to donate certain amount of money every month to Pyramid Spiritual Society as I am impressed by its ideals and ANAPANASATI meditation.

From : Drew Email : [email protected] To : [email protected] City : Richmond, CA Subject : thank you for radio station Query : wow...i really like your radio station on cool... thank you

A friend of mine explained me the anapanasati meditation and asked me to visit the site, since then I daily visit the site, and daily meditate, and it has brought a seachange in my life and I wish to serve the organization in my own small way.

e-mail From : “aanuj baruaah” To : [email protected] Sent : Friday, March 16, 2007 8:25:29 AM (GMT+0530) Asia/Calcutta I saw, about the organization on TV. I would like to know more about how to be there. I am working in a software firm in bangalore. regards, Anuj Baruah

Can you please guide me on the procedures to donate the money ? I am not rich, hence I cannot donate in thousands but definitely I can donate a few hundreds per month. Dombivli Mumbai ( Maharashtra)

thanks, Keshav Rao SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

There were 54,166 page views recorded in the year 2005 from all over the world on our website. With the new look and feel, and revamped content and new features on, there were 3,52,347 page views recorded during the year 2006.

Purchased products will be delivered at their doorstep through courier.

Access Patri Sir’s teachings, messages, audios, videos, activities of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, publications like Spiritual India, Dhyana Andhra Pradesh, Dhyana Tamil Nadu, Dhyana Karnataka ..etc.

“ Spending the long hours with Patri Sir on the web site has been a life enriching experience for me. Sometimes, going over every line and word along with him and his explanation of some concepts and ideas are like private tutorial from a Great Master. The great amount of energy, passion for perfection and the immense enthusiasm that Patri Sir shows for the website have been superb lessons for me. I have been trying to practice this at my professional job and have been seeing good results there. ”

My husband Sagar helps me actively in the development of this site. He says :

“ pyramid radio ” Recently, we introduced ‘ Pyramid Radio ’ through the site. One of our close friends Mr.Vonna Rajasekhar explored this and is helping to set this up on a regular basis. Now, people can listen to Patri Sir’s flute meditation, discourses in Telugu and English being broadcast, at different times. This can be heard by tuning into Pyramid Radio through

Me and Sagar ... we cherish every moment of it and it has created a positive influence on our lives. We thank Patri Sir for the once-in-alifetime opportunity and we ... Me and Sagar ... reiterate our commitment to make the best in the world !

“ online shopping ” We are developing an online shop in Through this online shop, any one can purchase magazine subscriptions, books, audio and video CDs or donate for life membership or room/cottage sponsorship ...

- Hima Bindu - Sai Krupa Sagar

using their credit card from any computer.

APT-210, Block III, Rich Field Apartments, Outer Ring Road, Martha Halli, Bangalore - 560 037 Mobile : 9880141196



July - August 2007

Rachna Gupta

I am Rachna Gupta from

happy and wished us all the luck. We were four masters from North India and three masters from South. We started our journey from Ludhiana on 21st June.

Ludhiana, Punjab Pyramid Spiritual Society. I would like to share my experiences in Jammu & Kashmir with all of you. 

22nd June, Srinagar Our first meditation class was in police control room, Srinagar. Mr. Iqbal Mallik, S.S.P. Kashmir, arranged this class. The class was to start at 3.00 pm, we had a personal meeting with Mr. Iqbal Mallik and told him all about Patriji’s pyramid movement. He heard us with great interest and promised to help us in every way.

One day, D. Padmaja Srinivas from Hyderabad, a great pyramid master, rang me up and asked me to join her in spreading meditation in J & K. Firstly, I was reluctant to go to Kashmir. I sat in meditation ... and my inner voice asked me to go to Kashmir as it is my duty to make North India aware of meditation. I talked to my husband Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, my sister-in law Mrs. Kiran Agarwal, her husband Mr. Laxmi Agarwal. They all accetped my invitation to work in J & K. 

The class started, the jawans of police force were made to sit on chairs in the open. There were around 80-85 jawans. Mr Rajkumar took the class, the he first told about meditation and its benefits, why it is so necessary for them, to bring them out

Before going to J & K, we talked to Patriji over phone to take his blessings. Patriji was very SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

schools had their stalls and were distributing free medicines, free medical check-ups / camps were organized there. We personally went to every camp, distributed our pamphlets. We also gave them C.D.s, on “ flute meditation ” and discourses of Patriji. We gave them guidance about meditation and its urgent need.

of depression, tension ... so that they can lead a relaxed life. Then, it was thirty minutes practical meditation class. They all did meditation. I told them about the seven main meditational experiences. Every person had one or the other experience. Mr. Mallik thanked us and said that he will make it a point to see that every person in police control room does meditation regularly.

24th June, Srinagar

23rd June, Srinagar

In the morning there was a class for CRPF security guards at BSNL G.M., Mr. Murlidhar’s house. There were around 80-85 security guards who did meditation. They thanked us and promised to do meditation regularly.

We all seven and G.M.’s wife and daughter also joined us. We reached “ Kheer Bhawani ” temple at around 12 noon. We all wore pyramid caps and started our mission. We all were looking very different with caps on, everyone was seeing at us. We searched a nice shady place, spread a bedsheet and displayed all our pamphlets, CD’s, pyramid caps on it. Four masters sat down and rest started distributing leaflets on meditation, vegetarianism in Hindi, Punjabi and English. Many people started enquiring about meditation and its benefits. We gave them practical meditation classes under a tree with pyramid caps on, in several groups. Every person had some experience. All the people irrespective of their caste and religion were very friendly. Not even once it occured to us that this State of J & K has undergone such a lot of terrorist activities. 

25th June We took our departure from Srinagar and came back to Jammu. Padmaja stayed back in Srinagar to make necessary arrangements for our stall at “ Amarnath Yatra ” at Pehalgam. We six masters came back to Jammu. From Jammu we divided into two groups. Another group consisting of three people Mr. Rajkumar Gupta, Mr. Laxmi Agarwal and Mrs. Kiran, they stayed in Jammu to take classes in Jammu police control room and Jammu Jail. One group ... myself, Mrs. Pawani Sharma, Mr. Shiva, we all went to Udhampur for classes at Air Force Station. 25th June, Jammu

In the evening there was a class in Jammu Jail. Mrs. Rajneesh Khere, Jail Supreindent, Jammu, had arranged this class for around 300 prisoners. The class went so well, lot of prisoners had great experiences ! They are undergoing such a lot of truama, they felt relieved from their mental worries at least for some time. Mrs. Khere was very much impressed, she is a very disciplined and polite lady. She looks after all the prisoners

It became very hot in Srinagar. We explained to people, why global warming is happening because it is due to our negative thoughts. If we will think positive and spread love and humanity everywhere, there is no reason for global warming to continue. In the mela, many hospitals, colleges, SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

very well, she requested Mr. Rajkumar to take one class next day also, as she will arrange for more prisoners.

meditation, heard its benefits with interest. Around 9.00 pm the classes came to an end. Mrs. Khere requested the group to take the dinner. After dinner she asked Mr. Raj to write his views about meditation in jail, in the visitor’s book. Mr. Raj on the behalf of pyramid spiritual society, wrote his opinion about meditation in jail. We felt very happy that ‘ Pyramid Spiiritual Society ’ has registered its entry into Jammu jail visitor’s book !

26th June, Jammu In the morning, 11 O’ clock, there was a class in the Jammu Police Control Room. Mr. Rajkumar and his group met S.S.P. Mr. Rajendar Gupta, they had a personal meeting with him. He made all the arrangements and the class started. There were around fifty police jawans who felt very relaxed. Lot of jawans had different experiences. They again wanted to do meditation. Then, again twenty minutes meditation class was conducted for them. Mr. Raj thanked S.S.P. Mr. Rajendar Gupta for his cooperation. Mr. Rajendar Gupta said, you all are doing a good job for humanity, he promised to help us in future also.

Another group reached Udhampur by taxi around 3 O’ clock. It was 3 hrs. journey from Jammu. We were received very cordially by the air force officer Mr. Rawat. He looked after our every comfort and informed us that 1st class was in the evening around 5.30 for airforce male officers. In the evening, there were around 180 officers, the class was in the auditorium. The officers listened to the benefits of meditation very keenly. They showed a lot of interest. They did meditation for half an hour and after that they shared their experiences and asked many questions. We told them the benefits of meditation and vegetarian food. We distributed literature on meditation a n d vegetarianism. The class went on sucessfully for one and half hour.

26th June, Jammu At 5.00 pm, there was again another class in Jammu Central Jail. There were around 750 prisoners. Suddenly heavy rain has started. The hall could accomodate only 350 persons. The jail superindent requested us to conduct classes in two or three sessions. In the first session, there were 325 male prisoners who under went meditation. The first session went very smoothly. it was one hour class, with practical meditation and its benefits.

26th June, Udhampur Morning 9 O’ clock our class was in Airforce School. The school is from Nursery to V std. We reached school and met the principal. The principal is a very gentle and polite lady. She herself is doing meditation. She arranged a class for the whole school. The tiny-tots sat down for

At 6.30 pm, another class for rest 325 male prisoners was conducted. They all did meditation very sincerely. Lot of prisoners had experiences and they were very excited. At 7.30 pm, another class for around 50 female prisoners was conducted, they also did SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

“ meditation training to amarnath yatris ” 9th July to 25th July

the meditation, as children are the best meditators. They saw colours, astral play grounds, some could see light. Teaching meditation to children gave us a feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

Even though it was a bit tense period, pyramid masters have decided to organise meditation camp from 9th July to 25th July.

10 am : The next class was for school teachers. All the teachers and the principal have participated in the meditation. They liked it very much. They were full of energy.

On 9th July, Mrs. & Mr. Murlidhar started pyramid meditation camp at Nunwan. Pyramid masters from Hyderabad Mr. Shamsunder, Mrs. Vaani, Mrs. Pawani and Mr. Vijay, Mr. Rajendhar Kaul from Jammu and masters from Ludhiana under the leadership of Mr. Rajkumar Gupta came to the camp to teach meditation to Amarnath yatris.

11.30 am : There was another class for officers’ wives. The class was in auditorium, they had put up a projector to show “ Spiritual reality ” C.D. After seeing C.D., ladies were very enthusiastic to do meditation. I told them about the benefits of meditation and gave them a practical meditation class for thirty minutes. Everyone liked it and asked many questions. We thanked air commandant Mrs. A. Narmada Babu for allowing us to spread meditation in Airforce station.

Herein pyramid meditation camp classes were conducted from 6.00 am to 11.00 pm continuously everyday ! It was conducted from 9th to 25th July. 

Our special thanks to Mr. Sandeepji, C.O. of Military, who helped us in all aspects in organising and initiating meditation.

6.00 pm : Our next class was in the evening for Air force families. All the ladies and gents had gathered together in a big A.C. hall for meditation. We had a good interactive session. Every person showed a keen interest in meditation. The class concluded with the great satisfaction.

The camp was a grand sucess with the joint efforts of all the pyramid masters. Pyramid masters successfully initiated meditation to all the yatris including sadhus, and sages. Lots of yatris got benefitted and had physical, mental and spiritual experiences.

27th June, Pehalgham We were ready by 6.30 am for our departure to Jammu. In the meanwhile, T. Padmaja with the help of Srinagar pyramid masters Mr. G. Murlidhar and his wife Lakshmi succeeded in arranging a meditation camp in R.P.F. base camp at Pehalgham, Srinagar.

We are sure this “ Mission Dhyan Kashmir ” will be reckoned as a great milestone in the “ Dhyan Bharat ” Movement ! - Rachana Gupta



mobile : 9872976005

July - August 2007

“ Welcome ... TO ... Arunachala ” The power of ARUNACHALA to bring peace to all who go there is beyond all logical explanation, beyond all dispute, and defies all efforts at comprehension. It is a spiritual matter which trancends the limited aspects of the mind, for it subdues and finally destroys the impure mind, leaving behind only the Pure Experience of Being. ARUNACHALA has been the home of countless sages and has blessed all who show true reverence and devotion with the ultimate goal of life, that being MUKTI. ARUNACHALA’s

most recent and highly renowned son was Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, who at the moment of first arrival, addressed ARUNACHALA as ‘ Father ’. From the time he arrived at the age of sixteen until his passing at the age of seventy, he never left this Mountain for a single minute.

Pyramid Sprititual Societies Movement is organizing “ Dhyana Maha Yagnam ” under the guidance of Brahmarshi Patriji from 25th to 31st December, 2007 at TIRUVANNAMALAI , Tamil Nadu

all are welcome to

“ Dhyana Maha Yagnam ” 24th December ... Trekking to Virupaksha Cave along with Brahmarshi Patriji

everyday programme

25th to 31st December, 2007 morning ... 6 am to 8 am ... akhanda dhyanam under the guidance of Brahmarshi Patriji WWW.PSS.ORG WWW.PSS.ORG morning ... 10 am to 2 pm ... meditational experiences by pyramid masters from all over India evening ... 5 pm to 6 pm ... spiritual bhajans / keerthanas evening ... 7 pm to 9 pm ... main discourses by spiritual masters from various spiritual organizations

Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Bi - m o n t h l y n e w a g e s p i r i t u a l j o u r n a l

SPIRITUAL INDIA Pyramid Meditation Centre-opp - Gowtham Model School 12-2-834 /1 - Sriram Nagar Colony - Mehdipatnam, HYDERABAD - 500028 Ph : 040 - 66683511 - 9849096111 - 9866456111


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July - August 2007






Lakshmi Venkateshwara Nursing Home - Kothapet





B. UMA MAHESHWARI H.No. 4-5-60/A Sai Bab Road GUNTUR

V.S.R. LAKSHMI Kerthi Stores 4th Lane, Bordipet, GUNTUR

B.R. PAVAN KUMAR D.No. 5-62-185/1 6/19 - Bordipet GUNTUR


A. SANKAR RAO Sri Lakshmi Narashimha Pyramid Dhyana Kendram Ganapathi Nagar MANGALAGIRI

Dr. VIJAY MOHAN Sri Lakshmi Narashimha Pyramid Dhyana Kendram Ganapathi Nagar MANGALAGIRI

N. SURYA KUMARI Nannapaneni House Nannapaneni Street-Itha Nagar TENALI

S.N.V. SUDHAKAR D.No. 11-16-184/1 Ring Road, REPALLE

D.No. 12-24-10 - Opp. D.S. Kalyana Mandapam - Kothapet


This issue of “ SPIRITUAL INDIA ” is sponsored by ... Pyramid Spiritual Societies Guntur ... Andhra Pradesh ... We thank for this magnificient financial support

“ Spiritual India team ” SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007


My name in this physical life-

“ an introduction to theosophy ”

time is Minood.

Once my father gave me a book titled “ An Introduction to Theosophy ” by C.W.Leadbeater. I was amazed by the wealth of information given and also ashamed because I judged my father without even trying to understand what interested him. However, my ego wouldn’t allow me to accept publicly my interest

I call myself “ Minood The Buddha ” ! And I owe it to the guidance of a Great Yogi named Brahmarshi Subhash Patriji. 

Born to a government servant father and a home-maker mother, my life could pass for a mediocre life most people go through until I met this great Spiritual Master.

in spirituality ! 

Spirituality was never a favourite topic of mine ! My interest was mostly around the pubs and the night-life of Bangalore where I got posted as an officer of NABARD.

I went to a nearby ‘ Anjaneya temple ’ where I came to know that meditation classes are being held. Secretly, I joined the class with strict instructions to my wife not to tell my parents about this shocking development ! There, Guruji Krishnananda of Manasa Foundation, Bangalore initiated me into meditation.

“ strange are the ways ” However, strange are the ways of the UNIVERSE . I heard about The Theosophical Society and their works in the field of spirituality through my father who, after retirement became its member and took to its teachings with great enthusiasm.

“ meditation and vegetarianism ” The transformation from one who ridicules spirituality to one who meditates three hours a day happened in a few months time. I was practicing “ mantra meditation ” and it was very good for me at that point of time. In the process, I became a vegetarian. From a inveterate beef-eater to a vegetarian life was incredibly smooth and fast.

I used to think of his interest in the subject as the idiosyncrasies of a man who had nothing else to do after retirement ! SPIRITUAL INDIA


July - August 2007

Books on spirituality and meditation interested me so much that I didn’t have time for anything else ! 

and strain. There was no meditation and no getting in touch with the all-knowing Inner-Self. Things drifted from bad to worse. Financial challenges cropped up from out of nowhere. My negative thought patterns brought about a severe bout of lower backache. I was bed-ridden for a long period.

I became bold enough to talk about spirituality to my father who was thrilled by this new development at home ! He started giving me a lot of books. Writings of C.W.Leadbeater and Annie Besant interested me quite a bit. My wife, who was initially a mere onlooker, became an enthusiastic meditator very soon.

“ i meet patriji ” It was during this time that my good friend Shri S.K. Rajan joined me in Trivandrum on his transfer. He introduced me to Patriji and his philosophy of we being in charge of our destiny ... the concept that “ WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY ”.

“ mission in life ... become a buddha ” And, all of a sudden, I knew, without an iota of doubt, that my mission in life was to become a Buddha and thereby benefit the humanity. Thus, I wanted more time for myself.

The more Shri Rajan talked about Patriji, the more curious I became ... as I never heard about such a very special kind of Spiritual Master. “ ramtha ”

The only thing that was standing between my dream and me was my job ! Curiously and fortunately, my wife aligned with that greater purpose of mine, though with a few initial hiccups ! 

I was told that one of the favourite books of Patriji was “ Ramtha ”. I devoured that book in no time. My life changed with that one single book ! Through Ramtha, Patriji made me aware that God is not something that resides within and along with me but I myself am GOD ! That was one of the most empowering messages I ever heard in my life.

With absolutely no business background, I began my search for something that would give my family, additional income stability ... outside of job ... should I dedicate my life to meditation sometime in my future ! And, a friend of mine introduced me to a net-work marketing concept and I was drawn to it as I saw the possibility of freedom from my job through it.

Patriji came down to Trivandrum on October 2 2004 ... and thus we met our Spiritual Guru, our Guide, our Buddha-Friend, Brahmarshi Subhash Patri. nd

“ no meditation ... no peace ”

“ most powerful personality ”

Shortly, I was transferred to Trivandrum, my native place. As business got into my blood, meditation started taking a back seat. Productivity at my work place came down. This led to friction at my office resulting in tremendous stress

Patriji is one of the most powerful personalities I ever saw and met in my life. His passion for teaching and spreading meditation is infectious ! That passion inspired us to bring SPIRITUAL INDIA


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out the first spiritual Malayalam magazine named by Patriji as “ Dhyana Kairali ” (only one issue came

Breaking away from the limited social consciousness will set any one free. That was one of the greatest learning during that period of hard work with my own belief systems, thought patterns and my mind.

and we are in the process of restarting it).

“ travancore pyramid spiritual society ” We felt an urgent need to spread the knowledge and message of Patriji throughout Kerala. The call was so powerful that we registered the “ Travancore Pyramid Spiritual Society ” ... with the magnificent help of Shri Rajan.

“ faith in my own self ” There were times when Patriji’s philosophy would test me. It tested me for my faith in the Higher Masters and the grand plan of which we are all partners. Above all, it was a testing time for my faith in my own self ! For, I understood like day and night, that no one would trust me with anything when I do not trust my own self.

We also started teaching meditation and converted our home as a “ Pyramid Meditation Kendra ” with meditation sessions every evening. Third eye experiences of our daughter Meenakshy ... who was just 6 year old at that time... inspired us to reach out more ! Deepa, my wife started teaching meditation in schools regularly. 

I learned, SELF LOVE is of paramount importance to spiritual progress. Understanding dawned on many of the sayings of Patriji and many great masters.

“ laws of universe ”

As we journeyed on the spiritual path, every one who came in contact with us started changing ! Our family members all became vegetarians and many took to meditation seriously.

I started seeing Universe in a totally different light. I saw Universe as all powerful and compassionate. It overflows with love, compassion and understanding. I knew that Universe genuinely wants me to grow. And growth would come only when I flow with the LAWS OF UNIVERSE, which are as much in place as the Law of Gravity.

In the next couple of years, Patriji came down to Kerala several times and we could organize many programmes as well as one-day workshops. “ freedom from my job ”

I understood that only when we give unconditionally, only when we Love unconditionally that Universe reciprocate in kind. And that kindness knows no bounds ! Yes ! There are no boundaries to how much Universe can give.

My introduction to Patriji gave me tremendous inner strength to move towards freedom from my job. I believed I could do that only when I have another alternate source of income. That belief pushed me to test the Ramtha teachings of “ We Create Our Own Reality ”.

“ as we think so we become ” The Law of Abundance that Patriji talks about so eloquently was absolutely revealed to me. There is enough on this earth for every one to lead a life of plenty. It is only our own limiting beliefs that bring in ‘ the lack ’ in our lives. As we think so we become ! I started listening to people talk ... and understood why they have the life that they have !!!

It took me an year to master the understanding that we are the co-creators of this Universe. I realized that my potential is Unlimited and Unbound. We are limited and bound only by our thought patterns and belief systems. More often than not, we are our own worst enemy ! SPIRITUAL INDIA


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As days unfolded, I started getting directed by Universe. Messages would come, in the form of intuitions, events or words of people. Trusting and following those directions took me to where I am today.

“ mission in gujarat ” In the mean time, I got transferred to Ahmedabad and intuitively I knew that I was on a mission. I found Gujaratis very receptive to meditation and spiritual science. spreading meditation is one of the easiest things in this great State. We could find many masters who were ready to take charge and spread meditation. I also started sending e-mails on spiritual truths on a weekly basis. 

During middle of May 2007, we organized programmes for Patriji in Trivandrum. The response was phenomenal. Spirituality and meditation taking over Kerala ! We were elated. “ patriji in sabarmati ashram ” And in the first half of June 2007, Patriji was invited to Ahmedabad. We had three days of funfilled meditation sessions with Patriji at the helm, playing the Flute ! To top it all, the Gujarat programmes started at the ‘ Prarthana Bhoomi ’ ... Gandhiji’s Sabarmati Ashram !

As I started aligning with the Universe, I realized that it is not necessary to have an alternate income in place for me to leave the job. If your trust in Universe is total and complete, then Universe will take care of you.

Today, we are in the process of registering the Ahmedabad Pyramid Spiritual Society, Gujarat.

“ a full-time father ! ”

“ channelling higher entities ”

Meenakshy’s 9th birthday was on 2nd January 2007 and I wanted to give her a birthday gift that would be with her all the time. A full-time father !

I also had the good fortune of meeting another great master Dr. K. Newton whose knowledge in the field of past-life understanding is exceptional.

So, on that day, I took my family to my office in Ahmedabad and tendered my resignation from the service of NABARD ... after over 14 years. On 30th April 2007, I was relieved of my duties and I was FREE !

During one of his workshops that I attended at Hyderabad, I met and worked with a bunch of spiritually enlightened, fun loving Light Beings. Many of them channeled higher entities and it was exhilarating to listen to higher entities from other dimensions ... a prelude to things to come, as humans and mother earth slide into higher dimensions.

It was a glorious moment ! It was a dream come true ! I was in total surrender to Universe ! I am a beautiful butterfly now flying and flowing with the Nature and the Universe.

“ teach and spread meditation ”

“ universe is our mother ”

At this point of my journey back to the formless, I teach and spread meditation, conduct workshops for corporate offices and to those who are seeking higher knowledge.

As I moved out of the office premises on that fateful day, there were no fears in me about my future. I was stepping out into the Universe with no regular source of income. It was a leap of faith. The future looked bright, for, I knew Universe is our mother and mother always loves her children. 

Reaching out to as many and as much as possible with the message of the Universe and mother earth. This is how, as CO-CREATORS, we intend to give back to the Universe…. until further directions… from the UNIVERSE !

C.R. MINOOD ... TC V / 2489 - Vishranth, Golf Links Road - Kowdiyar, TRIVANDRUM - 695010 ph : 9846008811 e-mail : [email protected]



July - August 2007

Uma Shankarji

SUN YOGI … Shri Uma Shankarji was born in West Bengal near Calcutta in the year 1967.

Living next to an Ashram throughout his childhood, he developed an early interest in Yoga and religion. By the age of eighteen, having spent a large proportion of his life practicing Yoga, he made the decision to dedicate part of his life to walking through every State of India spreading the message of “ UNIVERSAL UNITY ” , “ PEACE ”, “ BROTHER – HOOD ”. Although his spiritual training is from a Hindu background, Uma Shankarji’s mesasge has always been directed at people of all religions. His ideas are based on a religion of humanity that makes no distinction between colour, race or religion … a path for all mankind with a common goal i.e., unity, peace and brother-hood. Following are a few excerpts from the direct speech given by Shri Uma Shankarji... at CMSE workshop organized by NADA held at Harihara Kalabhavan, Secunderabad during 24th to

26th May, 2007. edit-team

“ all of us are great ”

heart of Swamiji who was then talking about spirituality. From that time onwards, I started searching for the truth.

M y universal brothers and sisters ! I thank you all for giving me this opportunity to share my experiences with you all.

From that time onwards, I started doing meditation daily one or two hours at a time. I used to be sincere and do my duty ... karma sincerely.

All of us are great. We are all great. Living without food, without water and without sleep is only my positive sense, but not the ultimate sense. My ultimate sense is universal peace, universal unity and brother-hood.

When I was thirteen years of age, and studying in eighth class, my father taught me how to go deep within me in meditation. “ schooling ”

“ turning point in my life ” I belong to a very poor family and I could not afford to buy my own text books. I used to borrow a book for one hour and I had to read three or four days lessons together and remember them for rest of the year as I could not get that book again even for an hour. Inspite of all these difficulties I was first in the class.

When I was five years old, I had an opportunity to listen to a discussion which was held at an Ashram of Paramahansa Yoganandaji who was a channel of Mahavatar Babaji. That was a turning point in my life. At that moment, I could see that some light has come out of my body and was touching the SPIRITUAL INDIA


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I utilized that very opportunity realizing that “ if I waste time ... I am wasting my life ”. Then, I felt that sea is the store-house of knowledge. Sea has an ocean of knowledge.

“ deeksha from mother ” After completing my diploma in Electronics, I took a job with small salary and carried on my college studies. I was finding it difficult to manage my studies and other expenses with the megre salary.


Thus, I started doing “ sea meditation ”... since at that moment, there was SUN RISE and I happened to see SUN RAYS are reflecting from sea water, while I was standing on a stone. It was a very very powerful light. Because of the power of Sun rays my eyes as well as my whole body was burning.

During that time, I took deeksha ... initiation ... from my own mother. Initially, she was hesitant to give me deeksha, because, she has not given deeksha to anybody earlier. But, I convinced her saying that “ You are my mother, and you will be my first and last guru as I will not take deeksha from anyone else hereafter ”. Then, she asked me to sit down and she started doing meditation. At that moment, within two minutes I could see a beautiful, powerful, colourless light emerging from her eyes and has touched my heart.

“ practicing sun-yoga ” My mind protested that time thinking that, if I look at Sun, my eyes will get damaged. But part of my mind also remembered the Newton’s third Law of Motion. That is, “ Every action has an equal and opposite reaction ”.

Subsequently, my mother told me that during the two minutes of her meditation Mahavatar Baba came in her vision and instructed her to give deeksha to me ! And so, she said I am very lucky as I have the blessings of my mother and Mahavatar Babaji.

Newton is also a scientist, and I interpreted his law to my situation understanding that “ efforts equal to results ”. Then, I got the confidence. And I started seeing the SUN’S REFLECTION directly and continuously. Within a few minutes the SUN’S RAYS became comfortable and has not caused any problem to my eyes.


From the very day of my initiation, I got permisson to go out and do service to society and I have been given blessings and freedom to do so.

“ watching sun daily ” I continued Sun watching daily. On the third day, I could see water molecules with my naked eyes, which normally anybody can see only through a powerful microscope. I could not believe myself, but I have verified that it was true and I was not sleeping or dreaming.


Soon after receiving deeksha from my mother, I took a decision to come out of maya. I donated the televison shop which I was owning to a childrens’ school.

That night I did not get sleep I started doing meditation on the sea-shore. During my meditation I could visualize the sea as a very big screen and several details on it such as my physical brain, its inner parts, glands and their function etc.,

“ sadhana at aurobindo ashram ” when I came to Pondichery, Aurobindo Ashram, initially, I was not allowed to enter the Ashram. However, after a few days, I was given a twenty four hour duty near sea beach. SPIRITUAL INDIA


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Eventhough the bear was coming towards me I was enjoying. There was no fear at all in me. Suddenly, fifteen to twenty feet away from me, the bear stopped and could not futher approach me. I was watching her eyes for about fifteen minutes. She was also observing me from the distance.

On the thirteenth day onwards I could see Sun directly and could also see several details of it including a black hole in the Sun. Subsequently, I could see the sun coming closeup to me and also the spectrum of light ... seven colours, encircling the Sun sometimes clockwise and sometimes anti-clockwise. I enjoyed all these experiences.

Do you know what happend then ? She did pranams to me and went away !

“ i surrendered completely ”

Then I could realize that it was not the physical body which has saved me. It was the God ... the light within ... which has saved me from such a crisis.

In due course of time, I could see water droplets in the sun. I could also see violet colour in the light. But,that light was not touching me unless and until I surrendered completely to the Sun.

“ diamond glass ... golden plate ”

That day when the light touched me another wonder has happened. I did not feel hungry during lunch-time ... even though I had very light breakfast and my stomach was full. I wondered why it was happening so unusually.

In the same jungle while I was walking further I have come across three gentlemen and a lady with a baby surrounded by about two hundred fifty buffaloes. From that group the main person of the family came to me with a glass full of milk. When I observed the glass from a distance it was not made-up of normal glass, but it was of a diamond glass.

I sat for meditaion that night on the sea-shore, and during my meditation I could visualize on a very very big screen the process of plants making their own food from the Sun light. Then I could realize that I am also receiving Sun’s energy directly like plants and that is the reason why I was not feeling hungry.

The milk that they gave me was neither too hot nor too cold, it was just warm, as it was freshly milched from the buffalo. The milk was very very tasty. Soon after he also offered me food and insisted me to eat which he brought in a golden plate.

“ pranams to me ! ” One day, when I was walking in a forest area I saw three baby bears coming towards me. After a few moments the baby bears stopped and the mother bear has started charging aggressively towards me to attack and kill me. That very moment, I remembered my light.

The food was very very tasty too, which I have never tasted earlier and the taste of which I can never forget also. Soon after serving the food they showed me the direction of my further journey and disappeared totally including all the buffaloes.   

I realized that god is in everybody as light and thus I surrendered to that light, I said to light ...god ... with full faith that “ Today is your exam ... not mine ... I have to see how you will save me ! ”

These two experiences gave me full confidence of the presence of god everywhere, in everybody and in everything.

material excerpted from the proceedings of India’s first CMSE organized in Secunderabad under the stewardship of Dr. G.R. Yugandhar, during the period 24th to 26th May, 2007. ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



July - August 2007

Nicholas Roerich

Our Abode ... Our Work ... Our Message The AGNI YOGA Society ... was founded in 1920 by Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena. It is a non-profit educational institution. AGNI YOGA ... teaches that the evolution of the planetary consciousness is a pressing necessity and that, through individual striving, it is an attainable aspiration for mankind. It affirms the existence of the Hierarchy of Light and the Center of the Heart as the link with the Hierarchy and with the far-off worlds. Though not systematized in an ordinary sense, AGNI YOGA is a Teaching that helps the discerning student to discover moral and spiritual guide-posts by which to learn to govern his or her life and thus contribute to the Common Good.

The following teachings were given by “ Urusvati ” a higher dimensional entity to Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich. A few excerpts from the website “ ” under the title “ Supermundane ... The Inner Life ” by Nicholas Roerich. edit-team

“ invisible government ”

In OUR ABODE, all research is directed toward the freeing of man from the machine.


are called The Invisible Government. Truly, everyone to some degree feels that there is somewhere a focus of knowledge. Where there is knowledge there is also power.

“ new methods of healing ” There will come a time when medical science will change. Vibrations and hypnotic suggestion will be utilized together with medicines, and the large doses that are usually given will be reduced. Only a small medicinal impulse will be

There are those in OUR ABODE, whose incarnations have been separated by many centuries. SPIRITUAL INDIA


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needed, and the rest of the recovery will depend upon vibrations and suggestions. 

to do so in the SUBTLE WORLD, where the earthly accumulations are crystallized.

Homoeopathy, to a certain extent, foresaw the course of this medicine of the future, but at this time only those homoeopathic physicians who possess strong psychic energy can succeed. Perhaps they are unaware of the source of their successful healing, but gradually they will learn about the harmony of the inner and outer influences, and the new methods of healing will then begin. 

One cannot expect the approach of the SUBTLE WORLD if it is rejected, cursed, and feared on EARTH. A correct attitude will accept the SUBTLE WORLD calmly, honestly, and kindly. “ cooperation between worlds ” One should not just acknowledge the immortality of the spirit but should also learn how to approach all the MANIFESTATIONS OF INFINITY.

The teacher must, first of all, explain the cooperation between the worlds. Mankind should not be allowed to remain under the illusion that they are isolated from the other worlds. Before it is too late, one must provide all that is known about the close cooperation between the worlds.

At present, because of unenlightened conditions, physicians hesitate to recognize that to a great extent it is their own psychic energy that is acting. They are ready to attribute their success to even the weakest medicines, unaware of their own powerful influence. 

Multitudes cry for help in their sickness, even though they themselves might have created their conditions ... only the day before. Physicians should be asked to probe more deeply into the study of the causes of illness in order to eliminate them at their source.

We welcome a correct attitude toward the SUBTLE WORLD. OUR ABODE will be nearer for those who are able to find a right attitude toward the manifestations of the SUBTLE WORLD.

“ one should help on earth ”

People encumber themselves with objects not only on EARTH, but also in the SUBTLE WORLD, where each unnecessary object will become a heavy load. Equally intolerable is unrestrained, foolish creativeness cannot be born when dirty tails are dragged along.

First of all one should help on EARTH, but help is equally needed in the SUBTLE WORLD. Epidemics of horror shake the SUBTLE WORLD. There are battles, and serious illnesses spread. People on EARTH are accustomed to fearing contagion and they bring this fear into the SUBTLE WORLD, where thought about terror is then created. If it is hard to eliminate all kinds of pernicious growth on EARTH, it is far more difficult SPIRITUAL INDIA

“ garment of a former life ” When in her subtle body, URUSVATI usually appears in a purple Grecian garment. The color of one’s garment usually corresponds to the color 49

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of the aura, and the style of the garment is taken from the era to which the spirit feels closest. Every where in the SUBTLE WORLD, the beauty of one’s garment is expressed clearly in thought.

are also ready to render a similar service. But they forget that service was simply the last pearl in a whole necklace of selfsacrificing action. It is difficult for people to accept that some of ordinary appearance might carry many accomplishments in his heart. For many lives the fires of Service may have shone brightly, and who can judge the progress of the heart ?

In the world of thought, we usually wear the garment of a former life. Those who have not preserved a clear memory of the past frequently have difficulties in the SUBTLE WORLD. They feel a need to create a garment for themselves immediately, but their undisciplined imagination can visualize only scraps of their attire. Seeing different garments on others, the newcomer begin to rush about in thought, and each thought-wave evokes an unexpected fragment.

“ crowding in the subtle world ” Urusvati has seen the strata of the SUBTLE not in her subtle body, but in the physical one, with open eyes and fully awake. She has seen the crowding in the SUBTLE WORLD , and was astonished at the crowds that roamed idly with no work to do. WORLD,

“ develop thought in earthly life ”

She was shown that stratum of the SUBTLE WORLD which especially concerns us. In it were seen the contemporary clothes that reinforce an earthly way of thinking, and people crowded together as in the square of any modern town.

The same thing happens with all mental construction, and in the end one must destroy all those ugly heaps. We do not idly advise you to concentrate, to develop thought in earthly life, and to understand the feeling of harmony, so that each spiritual accumulation will prove useful in the SUBTLE WORLD.

We are greatly saddened that such crowds are the least accessible for evolution. It can be observed that their thinking is so egocentric that they cannot see beyond their own crowded and motionless circle. They contaminate each other and, as on EARTH, fail to look up.

We like simple and comfortable garments that will be useful in the SUBTLE WORLD, and it is very sad when unseemly earthly garments are worn. Of course, the Guide will explain their ugliness and lack of comfort, but some people are so dull that they do not understand this advice. They wish to communicate with each other only through words and cannot grasp communication by thought.

“ lower strata ” In the lower strata, lust is increased, and in the higher spheres the best qualities are enhanced. There, one’s sense of duty grows, and is especially evident at the time of reincarnation.

“ self-sacrificing action ”

A high spirit does not resist moving naturally into a new life. It rejoices at the possibility of selfimprovement, and actively seeks more difficult tasks in order to test its renewed consciousness. The high spirit strives to a difficult path, while the weak one clings to laziness and cowardice.

It is harmful when people envy the progress of others. When it is learned that someone has reached OUR ABODE because of just one service rendered to a Brother, many will think that they SPIRITUAL INDIA


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decisions with PRINCIPLES already verified by long experience.

“ karma of torturers is very heavy ” is most peaceful, but it is ready to fight for good. URUSVATI rebels against any kind of cruelty and all torture. This is not through any lack of fortitude, but from the inner knowledge that, in the name of man’s dignity, torture cannot be permitted. OUR ABODE

One cannot impose a love for labor. Any coercion in this domain will only provoke aversion. 

We do not expect large numbers of coworkers, and we ourselves are not many. But even a small community is valuable, for in addition to earthly assistance, the cooperation of the SUBTLE WORLD can be summoned.

The barbaric consciousness should be made to understand what is permissible and what is not. There are many associations for the protection of animals, but too few for the protection of man. “ chosen ones ”

“ it is easier for us to help ” We can say to those who ask for help, ‘ ACT ! ’ for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since we can then add our energy to the energy shown by you.

CHOSEN PEOPLE fulfill our MISSIONS , consciously applying their best will and abilities, yet their actions do not originate from free will or from obsession. Nor can they be called karmic actions, for in them karma may have been exhausted, or new karma started. Comparing all these, one may come to the conclusion that such action is a special, sent by HIGHER FORCES. 

We do not force OUR CALL on anyone. Only one who is led by karma to the GREAT SERVICE can become a trustworthy CO-WORKER.

There are many kinds of cruelty inflicted upon people and animals. It should be remembered that the karma of torturers is very heavy.

It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When we wish to apply our energy, we look for its most useful application. “ we ask you to act ”

Thus, when you are asked what to do, answer, ‘ ACT !’ In such action our help will reach you. We and our brothers ask you to act. Development of consciousness is needed, and refinement of the PRIMAL ENERGY is needed, otherwise the VEIL OF MAYA will prevent all access.

We are accustomed to taking responsibility for the chosen ones. Each member of OUR COMMUNITY suggests a person who has been tested and assumes the responsibility for him. We need these lengthy testings that last even for several lives. We must be certain that the essence of the MISSION will be fulfilled.

URUSVATI can attest to how empty life is without

When you write to friends, advise them to act. At present the forces of nature are very tense. He who runs away will stumble, but whoever stands firm will find new strength.

communion with us, if one has been previously connected with the BROTHERHOOD. It is often necessary to feel support and to compare one’s

We help the daring ones, and in OUR ABODE everyone takes action. A new tension will not be exhaustion, but renewal.

“ co-worker ”

material excerpted from website “ ” under the title “ Supermundane ... The Inner Life ” by Nicholas Roerich ... grateful acknowledgements ... edit-team



July - August 2007

Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:16:37 -0700

“Gita Saraydarian” “Venugopal Reddy”

Dear Mr. Reddy, Today, I received the lovely copies of Spiritual India magazines. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. They are so lovely and the coverage given to my father and his works is absolutely breathtaking. I am so touched, I do not know what to say. You and the editorial team did a fantastic job with the articles, the citations, and the photos. I am most grateful to all of you. The magazine also received great positive responses from our staff. The colors used, the layout, and the quotes chosen are very artistically and professionally done. You have a great staff working on the magazine. The magazine is beautiful. May the blessings of the Great Ones be on you, your team, and to your wonderful Teacher. Thank you so much. Best regards, President / Founder TSG ( TSG University ( Tel: 480-502-1909 Fax: 480-502-0713



July - August 2007

Gita Saraydarian

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