Jorda vs Judge Bitas Digest

May 16, 2018 | Author: CJ | Category: N/A
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Jorda vs Judge Bitas A.M. RTJ-14-236 and 14-237 March 5, 2014 Constitutional Law Review...


 Jorda vs Judge Bitas A.M. RTJ-14-236 and 14-237 March 5, 214

!acts" The co#$%aint ste##ed &ro# 3 cri#ina% cases &or 'ua%i(ed Tra)c*ing +RA 2 and /io%ation o& Artic%e /0, ection 1 o& RA 761, hich ere (%ed against Mira%%es, et a%. e&ore the RT Tac%oan it here res$ondent Judge Bitas $resides. Res$ondent udge issued an rder hich states that the ourt (nds that there is $roa%e cause to ho%d the accused &or tria% &or /io%ation o& 4 +a 8 e o& R.A. 2. o#$%ainant %a#ented that res$ondent udge disregarded his duties and vio%ated #andator $rovisions o& the Ru%es o& ourt hen he did not issue a arrant o& arrest against the accused Mira%%es, ho as charged ith non-ai%a%e cri#ina% o9enses. Moreov Moreover, er, res$ res$ond onden entt udge udge grante granted d a reduc reduced ed ai% ai% o& :4, :4,. .  &or accuse accused d Mira%%es in in the asence o& a #otion to (; ai%, and the $rosecution as not given the o$$ortunit to inter$ose its oections. oections. Res$ondent udge reasoned that it as rong to arrest Mira%%es, ecause the court as sti%% in the $rocess o& deter#ining hether there is su)cient evidence to ho%d the accused &or tria%. Res$ondent udge a%so c%ai#ed that there as no #ore need &or a $etition &or ai%, ecause in the udicia% deter#ination o& $roa%e cause the court &ound that the evidence against accused as ea*. 0ssue" 0s ai% hearing re
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