Joint Application Development (JAD)

March 14, 2019 | Author: swamijee_kakarl8261 | Category: Information Technology, Design, Technology, Computing, Business
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Joint Application Development


Agenda: Joint Application Development       

Introduction Origin Evolution Other Names Basic Components of a JAD Session Guidelines for a Successful JAD Summary 2

Introduction 

What is Joint Application Development? Joint Application Development, or JAD, is a process originally developed for designing a computer-based system. It brings together business area people (end users) and IT (Information Technology) Technology) professionals in a highly focused workshop. The advantages of JAD include a dramatic shortening of the time it takes to complete a project. It also improves the quality of the final product by focusing on the up-front portion of the development lifecycle, thus reducing the likelihood of errors that are expensive to correct later on.


Introduction (Cont.) 

JAD Scope 1. 2. 3.

The JA JAD D sho shoul uld d cov cover er the the co comp mple lete te dev devel elop opme ment nt lif life e cycl cycle e of a system. The JA JAD D is is usu usual ally ly a 3 to 6 mon month th wel elll-de defi fine ned d proj projec ect. t. Forr larg Fo largee-sc scal ale e proj projec ects ts,, it is is reco recomm mmen ende ded d that that th the e proj projec ectt be approached incrementally, and that separate JAD's be used for each increment.


Origins 

JAD was developed by Chuck Morris and Tony Crawford of IBM

Crawford led several workshops to prove the concept

JAD became widely accepted in many companies, including the data processing industry

JAD definition according to Crawford: an interactive systems design concept involving discussion groups in a workshop setting


Evolution 

As JAD attained popularity in the 80's, people started to use the term to describe different things. 

Workshop Techniques

Brainstorming Sessions

Motivational Meetings

As the popularity of JAD grew, its usage expanded to functions other than the requirement gathering in the system development life cycle(SDLC). It is now used in all phases of SDLC and is defined as a system development method.


Evolution (Cont.)  

Who uses JAD? Today, JAD is commonly used in several areas 1.

Project Management


IS Ar Architecture De Definition


Strate teg gic Business Planning


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Other Names 1.

Accelerated Design


Facilitated Meetings


Facilitated Sessions


Facilitated Team Techniques


Facilitated Work Sessions


Group Design


Interactive Design


Interactive JAD


Joint Sessions


User Centered Design 8

Basic Components of a JAD Session 

JAD participants typically include: – – – – – –

Project sponsor Project lead Facilitator Scribe Participants Observers

Key Steps: – – – – –

Identify Project Objectives and limitations Identify critical success factors Define project deliverables Define the schedule of workshop activities Select the participants 9

Basic Components of a JAD Session (Cont.) Key Steps:

–Prepare the workshop material –Organize workshop activities and exercises –Prepare, inform, educate the workshop participants –Coordinate workshop logistics


Guidelines for a Successful JAD 

 

A clear clear purpose purpose shared shared by all team team members members - the project charter A diverse team, representative of all areas effected by this project. Every person in the group has equal responsibility and decision making power. Every idea is valuable. Participation by everyone is very important.


Benefits Of JAD Reduced system development time Improved system quality and productivity Reduced system cost Enhanced communication and relationship between business end-users and IT personnel  – Enhanced education for participants and observers

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