Order 1, Rule 3 and Order 2 Rule 3, if read together indicate that the question of joinder of parties also involves joinder of causes of action. The simple principle is that a person is made a party in his suit ecause there is a cause of action against him and !hen actions are joined, the parties are also joined. 1 "t is to e read suject to the provisions of Rule #$% elo! as is sho!n y the !ords save as other!ise provided. "t is also to e read suject to the provisions of order 1 rule 1$3. The frame of a suit may not e supported y this rule, and yet it may e justi&ed y order1 rule1, order1 rule3. Rule '() of this order are to e read !ith this rule. *hen the conditions laid do!n in the rule are ar e sati satis& s&ed, ed, the the suit suit is main mainta tain ina ale le !ith !ithou outt regar egard d to the the question of convenience or inconvenience. +ection 1% and 1' of the Provincial +mall auses ourts -ct 1) ta/e out the po!er of joinder of causes of action from the operation of this su$rule. 0oinder of dierent cause of action is permissile only if the ourt is trying them has jurisdiction in respe espect ct of all all caus causes es of acti action on.. ence ence,, a caus cause e of acti action on eclusively triale y a small cause court cannot e joined !ith another cause of action in respect of !hich a civil court has jurisdiction, since the latter court has no jurisdiction to try a cause eclusively triale y small cause court. The oject of the rule is to prevent multiplicity of suits. The underlying principle is that a defendant is not to e veed t!ice for one and the same cause of action 1 "sh!ar 4hai Patel v. arihar 4ehra 516667 2 8R" 3'.
2 | Page Causes of Action
J o i n d e r o f
CAUSE OF ACTION ause of action may e descried as 9a undle of essential facts, !hich it is necessary for the plainti to prove efore he can succeed:. - cause of action is the foundation of a suit. "t must e antecedent to the institution of a suit and on the asis of it the suit must have een &led. "f a plaint does not disclose a cause of action, a court !ill reject such plaint.
Rule 3 contemplates # /ind of situations ;
*her *here e ther here is only nly one plai plaint nti i and and one one defe defend ndan ant, t, the plainti is at lierty to unite in the same suit several causes of action. 4ut if it appears to the court that the joinder of causes of acti action on may may ema emarrra rass ss or dela delay y the the tria triall or is othe other! r!is ise e inconvenient, the court may order separate trials.2
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