john spencer-world atlas of ufos

December 9, 2016 | Author: Jim Williams | Category: N/A
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john spencer-world atlas of ufos...


  




First published in by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, part f Reed Internatinal Bks Mchelin Huse Fulham Rad ndn SW3 


This editin irst published in the United Sates in  by SMTHMAK Pubishers Inc. 12 Madisn Avenue New Yrk

 

©Text jhn Spencer © Illusatins and Design Reed Internatina ks mited  rghts reseed N part f this publicatin may be reprduced, stred in a retrea system r ansmited in any o r by any means electrnic mechanica phtcpying rcrding r theise withut the perissin  he Publisher and the cpyrght wner. SN

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 







6 m) from the frmhous e creaure scurid away into t nit. Indoors, the otrs eard a scrping sound from te kcen roof nd th men ran back no e yar d and saw a simil ar creature on op of te farmous Wn fird upon altoug te creatu r fel it

oud persstent banin sound No race of eter te enttes or te UFO could be found althoug some bullet oes wre located  Cef of Poic satd at somtng fright ened tese people, sometng beyond their compreension  The po c called

As evening fel on 1 Auust 19 e Suton family, Emer, Vera ohn Alene and her broter w ere hosts to e Langord famy Gee and r thre chidren Lonnie, Carlton nd Ma toeter wit a frind of Elmr's, Blly ay ayor nd s wfe une. Around 7 ocock Billy ay Tayor lef te ouse to ge  waer from e farm well and to ake a drnk. Wile ousde e saw a UFO real br gt with an xust ll t olours of te ran bow. I apparenty landed close to the farm in a dred-up rvr bd. Whn e reurned nside e house and told te oters of is siin e was not

apparnty foaed genty down towards the back yard befor e making off on all four imbs Te eniies were of a yp unique n UFO lore Altoug incorporating some o f te eaure s of casscl ntti s, i  e sort s m fgures arge ro nd bald heads etc tere were srking diff erences. ac d uge yelow shnng eyes paced on the sides of ter fa ce and an noous outh like a crack strecn across the face. T ears were uge eepant like appndaes, enoous in comparson to the body Te creaures appeared to be

of te nvestgaion unt day g But at 230 in the moin g te ngtmar e retued ! Glenie n bed, looked at her wndow and saw e uge sning eyes o  one of the entites starn g nto the bdroom Se soty caed to te oter membe rs o te amily and uck y' Sutton sot at te ntruder whc scampred of o th darkness t was not unt pas 5 oclock hat mong 22 Augus, and approxmate ly an our befor

believd, and t was generaly touht e ad seen a shooting sar. Nobody investigaed the anding ste An our ater the ight aduts and tree children wre to begn an xende d, horrfyi ng see by b ngs so xtraordnary gotesque as to be almost beyond beef I began wh t crazed barkin  hr dog in e yard and Elmer, own s ucky Suton, wen wit iy Ry aylor to he ktchen door f t farmhous t see wat was diturbin th  anim. Wat h sw ust have semed ke e product of  nitmare: a owing, dwar ik reaur w noous eyes and

reluctant to come close tobu te brigt lits of tetoo farmouse te mls wr concerned because of te inef ectveness o eir weapo ns and barrcaded temselves nside. For some ree ours they watced te enttes around t farmouse until tey were forced to make a desperate decison to escap At around 1 1 ocock in  vening they dsed from h fa house into tw o cars and h-taid' it  10 miles 16 km to th pol sation at Hopknsvie, rrivin in a stae of agiation and far. Tey mpressed the poice to te

w rm srechd abov ts ad ws sowy and gh determnedly apprcin t  house ! s ole d untry folk were no cumd  diplomat lasnr d tnd  soo frs and s quin erwrds. uky o a un, nd ylor   22 rile nd  h rd   nit y wen t d rc;thed   u d 2 f

exten hat e Grenwe, is Chef Deputyussell Geor ge atts Sereant Prtce and tree other offcers aong wth a local joualist, rtued wth  family o t arm ready to take up te batt ust 2 miles 3 km out of Hopkn ville nd o n e wa y back to te Klly farmhouse tey saw two strks of gt overead and eard 


MA RE L 7 T CLOSE ECOTER O TE HR D



An  rti im preion of one of e enitie tt beieged te Kel y opknvi le frmoue on  Augut  55  ey nev er rmed te wtnee, nd eir pproc  w clw ried n te ir , my ve been  geture of pece  no n e y ntention to epre we n you look lke ti !

DAB A  90 s

t lh ht h  w l seeu an  h nighmare was v Th arath of th ht wa s  y ul  h wnesses. h e y wer acsd  lu ysti  thy were harasse

llw h plty h suu  p. uhu ll  ths hwv hy suk t h sty n us  pt hslvs  h xsss  th  n by nn w h ls, nn tht  hy w bin uhul. N xplntin  h nun hs bn e  h ss up  esble exnt   velln us h psse huh Hknsvll h y n  ws speul h hy ul hv ls pen nkeys but h suesn  lls wn n s ny s h   s  ls  luhble  ne hn he ws n ep  ny ls nkeys  nhe nkys  n  he physl espns  he ens le n lw n he k s ptnly  ls ne wune  e nkey uh  hve bn un  e  nh  b  shn y n bs wee v evee.  hs  be  h he ws n p  levln nn n he p  h ntis   hs ben speul h hs ues pphn h huse wih he hns n he  y hve ben yn  shw hey we une n hrless Gvn he physl ppen h ee sees  b n pl wy n whh  u e lke h  ul v l t insl  Whve h uh  he elly Hpknsvl le enu, t ns y v hryv ys l n  h s t y n eyn ulplwnss nuns n 


Oe of he   CV an UF O eearc og nzao   n e wod wa  lh Aea Phenoena R earc Oanzaion APR) ored b y m an d oa Lo zen Th e og aa on and  fonde came nde much o a mon ong ad   now

M NNI'  7 R 1955 C NR MA R J 1 5  TIN

 n he evenn  een l nn, ws ss   b n he bem Un hypnsis sh l he sy  n ny n us he be ww wh sh s t s h pl n sh ses th sh el wn ws h pehps un hs tlephi nluen. he sees  be tn  pe hesl b y peenn h h vn s   n sh sys sh s n   lsen  h. Th ny l huh he  s  UFO, sb s lk  ss bls l eth,  l h  ll n  s sh  h bm




         

dsbandd Dep1e a lte Ai r Oce o  Sec (A SI). nehe Jm we e pevened fom nn ung  e work fo he U A F oe uggeg a ea no ofca codemnaon o e acve_

wll n le sh ul een see h  n bb s ns h ll  sh p ss thu h  Th UF O sl  pp  he  n u  sbly, ppenl lwn vs huh s ls  h ne n ven huh h t  he suunn n ns h UFO i s \r l. he sbe h ny s been 3-4  -22 ) l h n  shp h,  mpln, u l us n ln sl lke s H ws  n sme ls-tn h ss un h subsqun el nn bl smples \ ken On -kn h nt n n emembe th en s  m hthe ths s  p   h     s l h s s b  h pssbl phl  n 

 



The expression UFO has been corruped ove he yars and s ofen held to mean exa-rresra spac eshp. Nohng coud be fuhe rom an accuae deintion and t s we to remembe ha he xpres son mans nothing moe nor ss than ni denif d yng Objec  Of a h epors ecvd by oganzaons hroughou he word, approxmaey 99% ar denfed Typcay, mos of hese un ou o b repors of natura phenomena of v arous sos. Panes  and parcuary he brght pans Venus and Jupte  are o fn idned as the cause of UFO repors Som stas have been cup s, and hee ar many naura bu exoc-ookng phenomena ha ar epored as UOs a RIGHT Noctiucn  couds ae visbe nig h a dawn or at dusk and comprs masses of ce hgh n h amoshee i um naed by h sun om ovr he horon causi ng a hay g owng shap n \he sky ow   h e ohern L ghs phoogaphd be ore dawn near Fairbanks Aask a. Au roas ar  umin ous dspays ha occur in th  ng h sky a hgh aiudes 




em re uts1d  wmdo ow as b makig. lowevr, her fat hli  r

h oars usuasi This ar xplaaio is ha blid o accou or h ac ha h objc woud ha raid oolss dspi h wid ad wh y i od ry rapidly ad dcrad quicky o a sadsil i s a characsic o  loars as h ybal os ad h sops Th Miisry o c urh r cocludd ha Mr Brooks had aribud a x raordiary aur   h icid bcaus o publiciy rlai o h ly cross sihis i h aioa wspaprs a h i Wh prhaps oy h slihs iroy Mr Ahurs's lr o Mr roos si out hir coclusis sad   rcois ha you ay d our cocsis us aisacory  Thy also poid ou ha Our radar cor is sch ha w a r als qu sais d hr is o cladsi arial aciiy or h Uid Kido udr rrsria cro  us b said ha Mr roos rpld wih qual prcisio o h Miisy, crica  hir cusi h ac ha h al was hwli ad y Alsaa was paiuy clawi  o la h sp was hardy coduc   "droppi    h ac a Mr rokss sii as raid uiqu ad a o siar bjc has b s ic d  wi haiy aais h rpr sic s  sii ar uiqu i s dai r h hr W ar l y  dcid whr h cra was a al  r idd i h y    bldr 2

NAM SA  AMOS NCOUN DA  AUGUST   SA  AMOS SAIN

MA F  NT UNUSUA NTI NCOUNT

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  [   � O

AME DR 'X DATE 1 OVMER 198 CE SOUHER FRA



Aound olo in the mon Dr X (his name and the pris oaton o the eent are wthhd to aod unwanted publity) was awoen by the es o hs todder When he eahed the hd the boy was ndian that somethn was outsde he wndow with reat exiement The doto saw lihts whih he beeed to be htnin and med hs son ollown ths he then opened a window to oo oe he open landsape outsde the hous and obser d two saur shaped  Os whte abo e and ed benea th e aso noted ntennae on top and  beam o liht ahin down om bnath the objets The UFs wr mon towads the dotor and h saw with asonishment that s they ppoa hed him they appered  ee nto eah ohr ean just n sne UF Th bea m of lih t  uneh the  suddenly ted und nd umnated h hus shnn dtly o n th do Ther was  ud ban nd the  dspperd lein bhnd us  wn psne whih dspd. Bu it seed that t h  s hd tn sehn  wh h Th hd n h dot' n n sbits Thr dys befre he nun h dr hd njured hi  hil hin wood n had   nul buis whh sll hwd.  r fo h hd  i wuns dun h Ain r Anhny th o hes unn injui nstny dpr

Howeer the eet on the wness was not totay beneal; h expeened ramps and stomah pains h lost wiht nd there was a peuar tranuar shped oorat on around his nae l Een moe extraordina y he same tanle appard on th baby's stomah a

will eea more as im e passes t was an ea rly sprn  n southe Sweden in 1969 when Kathryn and wo ompanions arey and Main (pseudonyms usd) wr sittin n a adow rexn and disussin he een s o the time that were so imporant to the youn many the

day or sothat laterit and door dreamed wasthe n some way onneed to his sihtn The tane would appear and disappear on both the father and the son or days on end or some onsideable time ae the eent and nded was ordd o n m n 986 8 yas afr the rst shtn! The story ontinues For yeas sine he eent the amly has bn th subjet o paranor mal phenomena; teepathy requenty epoed between members o the amiy litation unusua ef ets on ele a instrumentaion ndeed the fmiy seems o hae undron somthn o  han  mntal atttude ean them senstie to a inds of phenomen

Venamese war and Biaan amine Kathr elt the emotionay upset by the ioene and la o ompasson that seemed to be embain the word nded she bean o y Suddeny aboe them a n obje  appeared in the sy oal shaped with what appeared to be les protudin om it Martn and Kathryn saw it bu t hey heard nothn Wthout wan ther ey pepton o nomality tud insde out he sy no loner seemed to exist and in ont of them both Main and Kathn saw th moon loon as t did in the photoaphs hat wee beamed ba to the Eath by the Apo o astronauts They saw spe as an almost ud y endessness Straney thouh Mrtn and Kathyn appr to ha shared the sam xprn ary saw nothn eithe he was unabe to f the sensoy input or he was u of om t Non o th tro oud xplan why tht should be no indeed how t should h om abou Kathryn elt ope d to ta ut wht sh ws sein  ls the ma oee 'I mus ta I wl fot if I don t oo at h sy hr s n o sy We r sn n the Uners This s t h nise  Hr pptions w sti hann Th th tself smd to be expandn around the and K thryn sid  fl e  pupp t on strns ' Sh el s i sh wer oon at he Eth fro wy bo whl  the sae  stndn on t Boh Matn and Kahyn w  yn and they fe t hey  oud he he sow


MAP RE  0 EVENT OS EOUR O H HRD


Th Kathryn Howd as s on whh learly demonsttes the nfe betwn th U phenomenon and ohe paanoma xpeens Bause o h nature of her nount Kathryn beees h she w not ully eal he eens no fel able o openy le t l o wht she hs reaed untl she has bn ble o motonly  s sh did  the te F ht reson wh foows s o nessty nplte nd no doubt h se


1      n  AABAE 10

Kh n t  h objec. Looking dn n he e  ld  h teeops nd   n t vn th e  mpress o n of h n  d In d th  t h l  h   tn  nnhl and t h  nd nl . Aantl h  l hat th adn    nn hat sh ld  d  th ah  and sh sad la ta  c I a n ad t l  t  Th nl t h l l   d h g ssn hnss,  hth ths   a d  th hnq    h   daal. Und hn ss K ahn sa hsl an a nd  sal haddss and sn that  lavants and ths ha· sn a sla ass and h had. h ns sh nntd  ansan n  a lal qnl gvn dsn   ntnl n tht has as n n th  ass   nd th s aa and th d  t s th  Ads as, a 3) n h t Kathn l s th sh st t   th n d ta h sh snl l  d n nd   tt th sntn  h al l   sh ll  al t ll ndstand h  nng  h ns sh has had th  nd h th U shs sh s n th  t la h t d hs n s n h n  a h hn s h hgh s l nt hnq  n n A. thn ll hn als tn    alal   n h n gll jsa h s  h   hnnn nl t  ll ll nd  h Kathn t   ll n ll th th




ary Hard  lv  Arca r  prap a a    0 b  ad r abdi ic  d v  y yar arir  blv  a  l  f ly dra d r rc l    ab  rr   rrd f r arlr lf

d  h  as th hh  h Unvs tsl. h tns vhld h. A lng  lv ad ass n d  h  nd Khn sad sh l h ts j sh hd v nn t h  als lss j l ssn a s  at dst  n  ssl h nd  h hn  nd th nd  t tsl th  an th ag hh Khn ls nal   al a t vn n  h th, nl Khn h lt lld t ll  th n hvn n ns vn  an al g hat h l hd al ann h t Ev sn that d  h l tnl tht th s  ss hav   t th [ n h  t l t  n th   n  a h  hav nv dn 

ha vn ans  xss h hddn dss and ss th  and n and n I ld  a th s hns  Nh Mn n Hv hav l al  ll  h xns Kathn lv s ths  d  h sn n a ndanall aals ld  all h s ns sh vd h las as  a ass n nd sh  sad as sh gn t  nd  h  n  I Htl as h n I ld t  s and h and ll h ha I lvd h. l  ddn n h h as dng. I  a nt lv    s js a shll  Th thn aas   a d  ssn  lthgh hs vn  hd hnd dn a h d th nt  s  l n th vnng t th hs  n  th  n h a   h d h th hd n. h ha n n attt n sn hns t ll n ths sn t d h all  th tl ns th U tl h l tht hd n tn t ndh th U td t   lnd, n  h lld








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As H lat  wa s sa  cpty stl. Sly   as  sboy has sz m y wast  m bh a p m backwas I thk  tok a sp backwas a  th sam sc I caht sht  th cat It was stag  th m  th h ba wh a back

haach wl sappa wth t ays b  H thy ct  m tm S v ths at h was stl s  th sam pas a althh h paayss  hs ht  sappa h c st t baac ppy.

I l ll. y back was ach g a all y j s w pa . y ha ach a at a whl I ha t v. Wh  wt t p th   was ay black t was lk p black c t th sow. hs ct  a cp  ths  hs w h a cts p by   tw wsss vv  a cb ct  h so w-cv sts o sth la  90. t was  at at  Wsay  aay  9 wh ctym Aa H a

bx  tshas p th bx tha ca ath ylw lht, p sat. h cat was abt 35  (90  ta wth vy th as a lgs s ac was pa lk wax.   t tc th ys bt th s was vy sta. It was a hk ath tha a s. h as w vy sall a aw twa s th ha h cat w sm k  val  a ght   matal. O ts t w bts   a ak g cl  whch stch abv th k h w as wht gatts  p t th lbws a th s w bt k claws a

Hs my svly a c a  was  als s ba hat whv h t hm h ha t tl l hs amy wh h was  s that thy cl sach  hm a cllc hm  h    Vlo hms was t act by h vt; h ha a  a sw ac a ha bcm coht a abstm D Pal Kajaa stat Th sypts h scb a k ths at b xps t aactvty  H a Bh m sm sc  t hk thy ha ma th h p.  am s hy w  a stat  shck wh thy

sk Vl skt jy hy pas  a w smat clag th w st as  th c sst . A a sh tm h y ha a bz s a saw a bht lgh vg thgh h sky twas th s t a hm abv tp hght thy saw a gy st swg a t a ps  sk aat  o . Is th c was a ca sa c shap bct mtallc  appaac a s 9 t ( 4  w t ha a  abv a bath w t sphs a th m sct  th Aamsk photoaphs  aly twty yas a (pa 8.  th bas o th objct a tb s y  a ha ba  ght w  owa s h o. y ths t t h bjc h lw sl to a   ]   th o als w  hg ac  h    h wss w assh ow   x a was  tak wha v L   h bah away.

thVj bla ckas bx.scb  th cat as ms k phsphs a wa a cca tallc k hlt. h cat was ss th 3 t (9  ta  Sy H was h by th ht  th bx  th cats has. h st bcam sly t  th  gy st  w w  h bct a spaks cl b s ly  th sw. h st h th ca a so bth th wsss Sly th lht ba sappa a was sck p t h cat app aty tak h tty wh t h v th cat ts was go Ho was paay  hs ght s a V ha t almst cay hs  th  ls 3 k  th h at a th Hla clc thy w xam a h c pscb spg ps a savs H bv ha th ts  ahg ts a

ca t mhm sm th ms hav ht h xpc was cbat by tw th pp wh pot  U Os  th sky at th sam t a  h sa aa as th mj ct.  H t was t at a  bw h t  th ct a Ast  92 h pt twty h th U O ctacts Occasally h pt mt wth a xtmy bat spac wa a  tty vy sct   th Aamsk Vsa wh ha pss  csably by th m pathy  th Aamsk ct a was ab t spak lt sh Ths at cas hav t  cat a atsph  sbl v agst ha UO sachs bt ths s pbaby h a  UO sachs o sta th phm o what t aly s. (A sta that   s st l a  way   s

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EEN OSE EERS O H



At ams   lk n hrsday 3 Ast 97 plie er vald Maarp was ding he n his plie ar alng a minr rad when he sddy enntred a ght whte lght His ar nin t t immedatly and all  s lighs wnt t. aarp was almst lindd y the pwer f th ight and fnd dlty evn in nding h mrphne f his radi  al his ase a fritless earh ease when he dd nd it it was als dead. Th ar heated p t h eqvalnt f a war smmers day and Maarp wathed as h ht rse av hm eynd t h ld se that  anatd r  are y jet whh mad n snd whasevr T fer aarps astnshment he wathd s ver  ve mnt ped he lh smed t e drawn p nsde he e and as this was mpeed arp steppd t f the ar nd hed th thin mve n swiftly nd

slnly As h   h r sysms rrnd  nml nd M  rd h nn  hs s. M ws arilry nd vr h strnnss  h lh t hd n add  hd ll y drwn wrds s f t w r slid  hd  x mr n h ar and k thr phtaphs  h jt as t dpr td s akn thre r phtrphs n he j ws n nfrnay thy shw vry ltl nd nhn dstnly. Whe stll ts de he ar Maarp nvestated th area dsverin ha the mlwrk f the ar ws war m,  h d nd n her rs Of the je t i sf Maarp desred t as en sm 30 f 9 m) n dameter wh an penn n he as apprximaly 3 ft  m) wide frm whh h light manated Thre wr tw dmes n the ndersde (pssiy remnsent f the thre sn in th Adamski raft, see pae 28 and h mr ennter see pae 98). On reprng the nden t his ase he reeived the repy ams tnge-i-hk that h shd nsde r ei mmitted  a menal hspt. Hwever ln mr srs qesnig afterard s all f hs llas stated hat hey elievd he as telng the rth. One f his llea es nfr med the press and wihin a  wenty-f r hr perd fr arp was in esd y jalists n jst fr Drk  rm many her ntes. Th fal explanatin ien y he Air r thrh ajr Helden f Ar Taal Cmmand as ha  Marp hd seen h landng lhs f a je rainer (T3) t Maap repd  hs tha h had inded se he arr f sme n mne s ar he sihng and s q damn ha he  ere nalk


 

 m  d h h  rsnly n n mnd W h h ndn  n  h l f a rnd srvr  n w  n s in n y wy  sm  hs   s vi n  s n nvsttn shd th h pl  h T trnn ts h n sn nyhn ns l hm nd hr xpntns wr rd suh as shin sar nd m Nn f th xplana ns p rd  v rdn    r Maarps sta mn h h had whd h  sinry r sm v mns and sm  dsmiss raher than xpn th evn. rhaps h nunr  s n ha xtrardinary y  sandard s  nlk many hs n had a sq   Ofer Maarp mned ha th sghtn had ah hm n hn and that was  kep hs mh sh Hwever h dd adt   send ennter n  A$   93 n als exaly h sam ndtins ad almst exay h same im  eenn and agan h had aken sme phtraphs. On hs asin the lh apparen y am arss elds dstrn  a le and hr ses efre rnn hs ar  a hal and xinshn s lghs. On hs asn he sa hree ds prrdng rm the ndrsde f h raf, xaly as n the dmsi aims f  dads rr s h jet lef i appr n l sned h  rad ih ts em nd al l d ards hm  sh he sld suprstre d prhd nds Ofer �rp s l h h sm qesns   ar f \h hy As he sad ha n d  ha  h sen  h  lm xal he m m? h n n her d in he ar  n alm eal h sam pa ? 

   I  


     I   l   R


TH TR AY FM


1  JAUAR Y 3


OG REO, OXORHR GA MA R  1 3

EN AYGHT GHTG/F


 rivi hroh Ox survyor orshir r owrds Aysbury y wch   or b o h possiby of h d whch  h ry ys of yi scrs s o b fo y kow by h c br rbr rvi  pproxy rop hh ss h  i w y ro hi  pus. y ws b o rcor

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 OVEER 1973


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 ws prximly  lk in  vnn whn Rrd Mrn rh d Csll Ar n hs Per Nv As e s   lnd h onr o oer rdid


infomat ion of an undenied fying bjet some , 200 f (36 m) ove  h rnway Maano abo ed he landing and lew owads he objet bu i iaged away i a non balsi moton quie beyond the apabilies of any aiaft ven he distane it oveed Maano

hogh the kthen an and saw a eesh lih  emana ting om hs gaden Whn he paed the uain to ge a bete ew he saw an atonisn sih n hs sma waled aden A the end o the aden was a smal humanoid jus ove 3 f tall

oval and yeow ve lage and vey bih As M V ashed his oh at he humanoid he enty ased his hand and stuk hs nes p in a Vs whh pehaps doesnt have the same meanng wheve he ni y ame  om as  mht in Eope h e entty hen tued

esimaed i  o3be00 movng appoximate mes a 5 000 km) pe hou Thee was no ak of ooboaon fo he shin it was deeed on he aio ada  on miay ada and vsuay sighted by wo ohe pos and seea ivians at he aipot Thee has been some thoht that h ada piked up he eho of a weahe bal n, and hat he visua shng was of the pane Venus Howeve the hh nmbe of ooboaive witnesses suess hat hee s moe o he ase than mee oetve sugesion

weaing a shny one sitheand glowng reen On piee hs h ead humanoid had a tanspaen lobula heme wih a u be ing bakwads o a bakpak On s stomah he was a bht ed box whh was lminous and spain Even moe emakably  n hs hands he was hoding wha appeaed to be a vaum leane o meta deteo wh he was passing as he nd n font o hm M V ashed his oh at the hmanod who ed ound When he d he had to otae his whole body appaeny unabe smpy to u hs head ndeed al o s

away and waked o towads he al bak gaden wall  the sht of the eae o hs estes wee a les han peasant awakeni ng fo M V  what fol owed was ven moe asonshng The eate saled the wa waking p and ove t a  t wee a ontnaion o a a  sae and aways emann pependia to the sae he was wakn  on When he ehed he top he simpl y pped ove the top and pesmaby waked dow the ohe ide o the wa in the same way Shoty afead s a s mal ond objet makng a med noise appeaed

moveme by e V. we ekyns anasdobseed nom oab ookng As the hmanoid ued o ae m  V an hadly have been any moe omfotabe a he sht The eas wee poined no nose o mouth was visibe and he eyes wee

beyond he sn away om he sene ofwa the event


DEEMER 73


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A wing  th ilv ncnt hw h nity n h wl g n in which i w  n . It cl th wl  h g by wlking  p thm t   ngl t th c  th wll

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h r  hrw f   .  s d f ht h r d h fl hlf rw pwr it w d     f lt c fr   v.  x ss y ws f dr ly  s rl   frd y  wf d   e w  h frd d  plst r  s k. Adrs td h vs f    df kw Th vlry wh p h   t l  Grd ef, Hrdy Brsr.  press ervwed Brsr d wer qk     he sy, plz i  lly d  rd. Alrd y the pliy Aders ws ted y  U vesgtr  Ldre  wh se p regressi ypss sesss  Ddeyds jkhs (hsp wh D r re Arvdss. hse k pe   Apl d 20 My 97 4 d drg hs sesss Aders elled se f he dels f s d rd he vehe. Hvi  sked rd he ws frd y fr se rspre gs. hy were l



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wath n t h o a dn  ft of th own psonn s w as th ftn ufoos ts ald psn t un th ous  o that stak out  ths oups also potd som unpaind niht hts On of th pos vd as o ooboat d th Ads nount  omin s t

Lndhomn h thouht t st that sh ws s in a hopt dsndn into th vall na Sdb noh of nb nd v os to th Ands bdution sit Ms Andsson dov to th oss oads at Haa but ould not s th obt and sh dov on to

In a davd m on a aft th vnt Ands a mssa You hav had m  swod within ou fo a a but ou dont know fo wha t to us it' Th a two majo aspts to th as. Fist Ands souht an atatv tp of invstaton to th usual ssion hpnosis whih h found an unsutab and unstisin tnqu H appohd nvtito A oth who shd fo nsws with Ands usin th  n! o sto aph and b studn Adss bioh thms oth also usd a divinin od to dows th

dd a witn ss whoth had s n th onfom o liht in at sm pa at at th sam tim of th abdution fom a sit som 550 ds (500 m aw Unfotunt l h ps oation mad t mpossb to s Ands himsl as h woud hav bn bhind  ops of ts fom h point of vision. Th Ands bduton ws not th onl os nount of th Vntu na wav nd on of th oth impo ant ass is that of Ms H. Andsson th olowin v nn (s bow

oll t hh pant Mmhn. Dun sta s t with h pnts th was int fn on th tlvson nd th tphon was out of od. T h obsvd a  biht UFO movin thou h th ost ast of Mman towads  nb av pit s was oobo atd b  uth ndpndnt pot om a lo 0od td blsmth nd alo b  woman who wathd th objt tavl btw n attbn nd Mlmn Ms Andsson dov on to h both s  t kattbakn wh th saw th objt ai n. t in

aa of th a sah fo n linssit andnstudd Adss nhand au' Aodn to oth's ansis th sit of th abdution is th pis oaton of a ossoads' of majo n lins and th vnt happnd at a paula pak in Ands's bohthms whh ous on on v fos as hs two fas ust that th nount was podand and that Ands's dion to tak a patu a oad o lav at  patu tm ould not ha aftd th outom. t ads h nvsiatos to bliv hat both of ths dions w nvolunta

NAME MR ADRO OUTR DATE 24 MARH 14

Lss than hous at h abduton of Ands (s p 03 and omn at th sm tim s som thit ndpndnt los nount pots n th sam aa Ms H Andsson sihd an objt in  smal vall towads db (whih was aso potd b an indp ndnt witnss at anb

h vnin shhom lt h s hous to tavl with both h both and his duht in th  bhind. As th w divin aon h both notid n objt pss ov th oad sh o aft s sists  hd ld th spot nd h soundd hs ho to ttt h attntion. H atd to ath h up nd th wathd th objt disapp towds  nb f Howv Ms Andsson nd h hdn lt th a and ound th th w pd b oan ooud objts hih bov th m on of whih was appant  swpin a toh lik bm oss

on Andss ond pat  h vnt happnd duin a wav of nount in th Valuna aa wth ov thit pot omn n wihn an ap wo-ou piod of th nd abtion and o a hundd wihin a  woonh iod. h wav aud nant cn and h m Gud t u a sk

nab Ms and Andsson a loa UO f a ts  s isth nhpin of an nfoma suppot ou p fo UFO witnsss wh th n han h pns without fa of idiul H st shtin of th objt took p at 7 25 in th vnn whn sh was dvin towads Vaskolan a soo noh of

thm h ws an afth; hdn su fd hadhs ndth stoma ahs and Ms Andsson had sv pn in h kidns fo som das. Sh summd up th vnt  was so hobl I wsh it had nv happnd. I ot th mpsson that w w hd ou b somon  lik a bi to h that swpt th aa. 

CE  DRY, GUTAVUD, WD

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.u�t DATABASE




Co -up ol   Mar's w moon, Phobo. Pobo a  in qud aonom o ya becau  obia ovn e o voae naua aw The have be uggeon !a Phobo coud be an aca oow achi n ob aond Ma  evn mo ne Jonan Swi n h g hn cnuy gav accua da  o bo Phobo and h o Maan moon Dmo I ook yea o  moden aonome o cach u h m W  Rd Pan Ev nc Schaa wo of cana  on h  a c Ma a bn cond d a a ob  o o ngn i

1 05


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ai at smth sma t a t-f-by xpic scbi ati ssatis a v ki bac k a si hslf si th ca wh bi s th FO  Jh was appat y shw th pw t f th O a saw vis f th ais hm plat

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th cckpit thy bv thya at c s th hmai shaps  pt  f th hmas appa t lk at thm bf th FO t,  its jts a ba t tat fast bf isappai i a hasty ct as sistiaw wh livs i th sam hs ha th is bt i t s th bjct Th  w may ps fm th aa v th xt w ays

Thyth w stp it f abl  Whtthy iv s th ca ai cack a smk th  wt a a t h ca jk vlty Sy thy w back v twa s thi h m O avi hm th cp swtch  th tlvis st k t watch a pamm f whch th ha ac back fm lais pats bt th y w sappit t s a bak sc  fact th  tvis ha sht w ts bacasts f th vi a  chck th t thy w amaz t iscv it was w  clck i th mi Thy ha st tw a

w hav sac sm sta tstiy mayatct cass i Sw hav  th wtsss wth pf fli s f cc f  th vimt a i t s spcat that this aspct was pat f th ma f ths xpics

NAM HE EIGER SIGHIG DAT  APR  4  PIEMOT AESSARIA, AY

MAP RE: 1  N OSE EOUER O HE HIR


NAM THE AVEEY AU O DAT 2 OOER 14  AVEEY ESSEX, EGA

MAP RE G12 NT AUIO

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 UY 


( M) SOUH OF ISO, PORUGA MAP REF 20 NT

a half hs Sm th  yas at  th ct, wh it was b ht t th attti  th  O vstats, ss hypsis was ca t Fm this cam th sst that th cpl w sbct t mica xamiati by tal siv st s a small bat lik cats 1 0

ISA EOUE R

O f th mst mpssv O shtis, whch has b cbat cms fm a t f plas that wtss a FO v th Ps cast  19 6 Th pima pt was ma b y th cw f a tish Aiways Tt  Th captai, a th st a sc


   

A AAE  7s




Swss aer Edard B Meer k we e  a hdred c ar phtgaphs  FOs cdg the e hee trers  has raged  Mee s cas wh a eeig h a t ctac tee ad hers caig h s sr  ad the ph tga phs  ae a ad Sceptcs hae ped t that the phtgraphs a e sa  take wth the caera acg  the s whch wd sce s ch deais as spp wi res Frthe cters aged whe sa des  the saces wee d   eer s pssess; he state he had ade the ased  the ecs he had see Hs case was esgaed  wter Gar Kde wh has reeased the st t he wrd  he k

 

ofer were al intervewed and oned the tor whh wa bqently ao onred by th rew of the other pane he ridnt w bot 40 ie 4 k) oth of Libon whe n he ptain heard i on air rff ontro radi o to a ritr whh wa yin ab ove the yin We have report of the O old yo onr the ihtn  he rtar w aready onfin to ibon ar trf ontrol Ye we have thi O in iht when the rew of the rident I alo potted the o bje t wa a very briht iht ter debed by one of the pener of the plane who had bnolar    a briht iht rrondn oethin ike rpled iver pper A they were lookn t it a lon brown ir hape appeared lihtly beow nd o it rht he ptan of the dent ao onred to Libo ar trff ontrol that they hd een the O nd tated here i no wy tht th

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