Joel Jamieson

February 17, 2017 | Author: alex_carnall6060 | Category: N/A
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Breakdown of Joel Jamieson's Ultimate MMA Conditioning Book...


Joel Jamieson: Ultimate MMA Conditioning Energy Systems Breakdown



Anaerobic – Lactic

Anaerobic - Alactic

Characteristics     

Generates ATP at slowest rate of all 3 systems Is dependent on oxygen and involves the greatest number of chemical steps Fuels low intensity activity and refuels anaerobic mechanism between efforts Improving this system relies on both concentric and eccentric cardiac hypertrophy When expenditure outweighs production due to increased intensity, this is anaerobic threshold

         

Provides energy faster than aerobic, but only lasts about a minute More work at higher intensities produces greater concentrations of blood lactate Lactate may actually delay fatigue by “soaking up” H+ ions Lactate is also preferentially used as fuel by cardiac and tonic muscle, and the brain Lactate is blamed for soreness/fatigue because it marks transition between systems Higher accumulations of lactate actually indicate increased resistance/adaptation to anaerobic conditions Improving this system relies on improving both anaerobic lactic power and lactic capacity To improve lactic power – Shorter M.E. reps w. longer recovery = Increase enzymes & glucose uptake To improve lactic capacity – Longer reps w. shorter recovery = Increase “buffering capacity” When intensity is too high to continue metabolizing lactate with aerobic process, switch to lactic

      

Reliant on small amounts of ATP & PCr within muscle, can only generate for 10-12s at max intensity Will be better suited for repeat efforts with a capable aerobic system Produces energy most readily due to the fewest chemical steps of all 3 systems Is least trainable of all 3 systems, largely influenced by genetic and physiological predispositions Increasing volumes of rate-limiting enzyme Creatine Kinase can improve the system capacity Active rest is best between sets to augment aerobic recovery process Efficient specific fiber selection and contractile (contraction/relaxation) mechanisms improve capacity

Aerob ic


A lacti c

Transition between these phases is simply a function of the intensity dictating whether or not they are capable of maintaining adequate energy production through either power (intensity) or capacity (duration.) The entire concept of “energy systems” revolves around maintaining homeostasis, and the system of majority contribution is in effort to make energy available based on the present conditions, namely intensity and duration. The central governor model of fatigue is a theory which states that rather than lack of oxygen or accumulation of metabolic byproducts, it is the brain and central nervous system which carefully monitors and moderates output to prevent damage to the working muscle fibers.

Components of Conditioning

Rate of Energy Production (Power)

Central Governing Control (Power Regulation)

Energy Production

Energy Utilization

Duration of Energy Production (Capacity)

Total Potential of Energy Production (Biological Power)

Efficiency of Energy Expenditure (Skill/Technique )

Neuromuscular Contractility (Mechanical)

Conditioning as a whole is essentially tuning energy production to effectively and efficiently serve energy utilization as dictated by the demands of duration and intensity by the activity in question. Components of Aerobic Energy Production Aerobic Power Oxygen Supply Cardiac Output Peripheral Vascular Network Respiratory System

Aerobic Power & Aerobic Capacity Oxygen Utilization Number and Size of Slow/Fast Fibers Oxidative Abilities of Fast Twitch Fibers Aerobic Enzymes

Aerobic Capacity Substrate Availability Efficiency of Aerobic Energy Production Substrate Storage Capacity Hormonal Regulation

Anaerobic Lactic Adaptations Anaerobic Lactic Power Amount of Glycolytic Muscle Tissue Number of Glycolytic Enzymes Nervous System Development

Anaerobic Lactic Capacity Availability of Energy Substrates pH Buffering Ability Rate of Clearance of Byproducts (Metabolizing lactate for further use)

Anaerobic Alactic Adaptations Rate of Alactic Energy Production Alactic Enzymes

Capacity of Alactic Energy Production Phosphocreatine Stores

External Power Output Muscular Contractility

Aerobic System Methods Method


Cardiac Output

Cardiac Power Intervals


High Intensity Continuous Training (HICT)

Threshold Training

High Resistance Intervals (HRI)

Aerobic Plyometrics

Improves oxygen supply by increasing how effectively the heart can deliver oxgen and develop peripheral vascular network.

Mechanism Stimulates eccentric cardiac hypertrophy through volume overload of cardiac fibers causing them to stretch. Increases left ventricular cavity volume.

Improves oxygen supply at higher intensities and improves the power endurance of the cardiac muscle.

Stimulates increase in contractile strength – concentric – cardiac hypertrophy, along with corresponding increase in mitochondria.

Larger slow twitch fibers contribute to aerobic and anaerobic endurance as well as static strength.

Stimulates hypertrophy of the slow twitch fibers by causing localized hypoxia to working muscles through controlled tempo.

Offers high intensity and volume.

Stimulates greater oxygen utilization and results in increased endurance of fast twitch fibers. Raises the anaerobic threshold, and power at the anaerobic threshold. This delays the point at which these processes take over.

Increases maximum rate of ATP generation in aerobic system (increase aerobic power.)

Improving aerobic abilities of fast twitch fibers means high power can be maintained longer.

Recruits highest threshold motor units and increases oxidative abilities of the fibers by supplying them with constant oxygen.

Improving aerobic abilities of the fast twitch fibers means high power can be maintained longer.

Recruits highest threshold motor units using low intensity plyos and improves their endurance.

Improves fast twitch

Guidelines  130-150bpm  Below ANT  30-90minute sessions  Increase volume for progression  1-3x/week total  Maximal HR each rep  Rest 2-5min or to 120-130bpm  4-12 Reps/Session  1-2x/Week  2s Ecc/Conc.  No Pausing  3-5 Sets  8-10 Reps/Set  3-4 Exercises/Day  Max. Resistance  Low Speed  10-20min/Set  1-2 Sets/Day  1-2x/Week  +/- 5bpm ANT  Stay in Range  3-10min/Rep  2-5 rep/Wkout  1-2x/Week           

HR below ANT Max Intensity Rest to 130140bpm 10-12s/Rep 15-20rep/Wkout HR below ANT Mod. Intensity 10-30s Rest int. 5-10min/Set 1-3Sets/Ex. Increase work, decrease rest for

Exercises Low intensity activity: Jogging, Biking, Swimming, Jumping Rope. All is fine as long as heart rate is in the correct range Sprinting or high intensity “sport-specific” exercise which maximally elevates the heart rate

Any major compound movement

Spin Bike, Versaclimber, Gradient imposed resistance

Any “cardio” activity including specific drills.

Uphill Sprint, Sled Drags, Spin Bikes, High Resistance Cardio Machines.

Lower Body: Double leg bound. Upper Body: Explosive Pushups, MB Rebounding.

Lower Body: Squat

Explosive Repeat

How quickly fast twitch fibers can recover between explosive bursts.

aerobic abilities and repetitive power outputs by developing lactate oxidation in slow twitch fibers.


Mechanism Stimulates increase in the enzymes involved in anaerobic glycolysis and shifts metabolism of working muscles to rely more on anaerobic vs. aerobic metabolism.

    

prog. 8-10min active rest btwn series 1-2 Series 6-10 Set/Ex. 1-3 Ex./Wkout 1-2x/Week.

Jumps, Split Squat Jumps w. KB or BB Upper Body: Explosive Pushups or Bench Press

Lactic System Methods Method

Lactic Power Intervals

Lactic Capacity Intervals

Circuit Training

Lactic power output during prolonged high intensity periods.

Ability to sustain anaerobic energy production for extended periods of time.

Can improve lactic power and capacity of many different muscle groups in a time effective manner.

Stimulates increase in the buffering mechanisms involved in allowing anaerobic glycolysis to continue. Also increases glucose storage and utilization potential.

Produces very rapid rate of ATP turnover and high levels of blood lactate when large muscle groups are used. Stimulates increase in Lactic Power or Capacity.

Increases enzymes involved in lactic ATP

Guidelines  Max intensity/Speed each rep  20-40s per Rep  2-4 sets of 3  8-15min rest btwn series.  90-120s/Rep  2-4 Sets of 3  Incomplete rest intervals  1-2min btwn reps  4-6min active rest btwn sets.  Goal: Complete Fatigue  Power  20-30s/Ex.  60-90s/Circuit.  1-3min btwn Circuits  Repeat Circuit 24 times.  8-10min before changing circuits.  Capacity  30-60s/Ex.  1-2min/Circuit  60-90s btwn Ex.  6-8min btwn circuits.  Increase work, decrease rest each week for prog.  1-3 series of 610 sets per exercise  1-3 ex./wkout.

Exercises Anything from sprints to specific sport drills as long as it’s done at max speed and intensity.

Anything goes.

Lower Body: Squat Jumps & Split Squat Jumps w.

Lactic Explosive Repeat

Ability to maintain repetitive explosiveness.

production as well as buffering mechanisms to improve lactic capacity.

 

Static Dynamic

Lactic Process leads to fatigue if toleranc is poor

Increase tolerance to buildup of specific fatigue thoruhg buffering and inorganic P buildup.

    

Active rest 810min btwn series Work Intervals of 12-40s Rest intervals of 10-30s 1-3Ex./Wkout. 1-2x/Wk. Mod. Speed 10sPauses Sets of 3-10min

KB or BB Upper Body: Exp. Pushups or Bench Press

DB Squat, RDL, DB Bench, Sh. Press, Lat PD Etc.

Alactic System Methods Method

Alactic Power Intervals

Alactic Capacity Intervals

Max Effort Method



Explosive Bursts and ability to be quick and powerful

Helps improve ability to maintain explosive power for extended durations.

Mechanism Improves maximum rate of ATP regeneration by alactic system by increasing amount of enzymes involved in production.

Improves maximum capacity of the alactic system by increasing the amount of stored phosphocreatine.

Increase alactic power output and results in high level of hormonal production.

Improves maximum neuromuscular recruitment and can play a role in improving contractility.

Fast and slow twitch fiber strength plays a key role in being able to sustain repetitive high power output.

Improves strength of both fast and slow twitch fiber by increasing nervous system function and size of slow twitch fibers.

Guidelines  2-5min btwn reps or recover to 120bpm or lower  7-10s/Rep  5-6Reps/Set  1-3x/Wk.  Work interval of 10-15s  Rest interval of 20-90s  Active rest of 810min btwn series  10-12reps/set  2-3ex/series  2-5 sets  1-5 reps/set  2-5min btwn set  2-3 ex./wkout  1-2x/wk  3-4 heavy sets of 3-5 reps and follow with 3-4 sets of 8-10  2-3 ex./wkout  2-5min btwn M.E.  40s btwn tempo efforts  8-10min btwn ex.  2-3 exercises  1-2x/wk  2-3 sets  2-3 ME Reps

Exercises Any repetitive explosive exercise, such as jump squats, sprinting, bounding, exp. Pushups etc.

Same as for power intervals

Major Compounds

Major Compounds

Develop nervous systems ability to maximally recruit fibers and improve explosive ability.


Improve maximum amount of muscle recruitment as well as increase amount of alactic enzymes to improve alactic power.

  

immediately followed by 3 x 6-8 as explosively as possible. Max accel. On all reps 2-3 ex./Wkout. 1-2x/Wk.

ME Exercises for first sets, and recommended alactic power interval exercises for second group of sets

Training Sequencing Model 4 Blocks 1. General Endurance 2. General Strength 3. Explosive Speed & Power 4. Power-Endurance *Power-Endurance is developed after each quality is independently developed. Order of Importance in Program Design Factors 1. Training Type 2. Methods 3. Intensity 4. Volume 5. Exercsie Selection Each block should be divided into an A & B wherein 2 sessions per week in each block are concentrated loading for primary adaptation and 1 day per week devoted to maintaining peripheral or secondary adaptations. Block B Block A


2 A Block Emphasis

General Endurance General Endurance Block A Cardiac Output Tempo Method HICT Low Volume Intervals Technical Work


1 4

2 5 Transition

General Endurance Block B Threshold Method HICT/HRI/Aerobic Plyometrics Explosive Repeat Method Cardiac Output

General Strength General Strength Block A Tempo Method Max Effort Strength – Aerobic Method

General Strength Block B Max Effort Complex or Shock Method 3-5 Rep Ranges


4 B Block Emphasis


5-7 Rep Range Longer Rest Periods

Consistent Increase in Intensity is Focal

Explosive Speed & Power Block Exp. Speed/PWR Block A Explosive Repeat Method Max Effort Max Acceleration Rest-Pause Longer Rest Between Sets

Exp. Speed/PWR Block B Complex Method Shock Method Specific Game Exercise and Speed 8-15s Sets Lighter Intensities at Game Speed

Power-Endurance Block Power-Endurance Block A Threshold Training Explosive Repeat Method, Circuits HICT, Tempo Method (Moderate Volume) Keep HR +/- 5bpm of Anaerobic Threshold Increase Power at the Anaerobic Threshold

Power-Endurance Block B Longer Work, Shorter Rest Periods Cardiac Power Method Lacic Power/Capacity Intervals Increase Volume above Anaerobic Threshold Maximal Duration Past Fatigue

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