Joe Giford Joe grew up in DC area into an army ami!y" #e was a!!ways a $right student and an athe!te and o%%upied positions o !eadership si%ne an ear!y age" Ater s%hoo! he joined the army and was a%%epted at &estpoint &as very in'uen%ed $y his parents who sin%e an ear!y age insti!!ed (ua!ities o !eadership and %ompetitiveness" #e graduated out o &estpoint as a se%ond )eutinent and got into *rd AC+" Soon ater he joined, his p!atoon was transerred to -ra( or %ounter.insurgen%y operations" &est point /ounded $y President 0homas Jeferson in 123 Prominent !eader deve!opment -nstitution, trained 4222 %adets ea%h year" •
Overview •
0he -ra( invasion 78/ !ed $y 9S invaded -ra( and removed Saddam #ussein rom power Coa!ition provision authority was set up as a un%tiona! -ra(i demo%ra%y headed $y an Ameri%an" Due to ai!ure to %ontro! popu!ation %enters, insurgen%y grew around these areas %omprising o anti.western oreign :ghters rom nei$houring %ountries" 8umerous %ausa!ities on $oth side with up to 3;222 %ivi!ians and 1422 9"S so!diers dead"
. now in? How well prepared are his soldiers? What could he have done to et ever!one read!? Joe
Giord Joe has a!ready eva%uated a!! his troops into the s situation •
When faced with a dilemma of choice like Gifford ,we typically look around for advice on the 'best' choice we can make and try to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Whether to return to the building with explosives and save three Iraqis and risk the lives of the soldiers or to leave those people dying alone for the sake of other lives!moral "ustification#. What is the probability of success of our decision, what will be the result and repercussion of the decision made by us.
&hat shou!d Giford do Justiy your reason" •
He should loo% or ethical purposes -s he %omorta$!e with the !ike!y %onse(uen%e o his a%tions" -s he meeting his duties and respe%ting others rights" #e shou!d !ook or indi%ators to assess i he is getting &orall! disenaed #e shou!d not %onsider the %ivi!ians an su$human and something that has $e %ompromised upon during an am$ush. 'ehu&ani(ation. #e shou!d weigh his de%ision $y not %onsidering three %ivi!ian !ives !ess important that other !ives.'istortion o conseuences" #e shou!d not think that the %ivi!ians have not o!!owed their orders o moving into saer p!a%es and thus he is !ess in%!ined to save them now.#ttri$ution o $la&e" #e shou!d re.enter the house to save those * peop!e as his duty dire%ts him to %hose others $eore him and u!:!! his o$!igation towards the %ivi!ians as a soldiers creed te!!s him to do so"
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