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Job Interview Questionnaire


Applicant’s name  name  Phone number: Date

Daniel +62 818 0619 4801 10 February 2019



Why do you want to work in U.K?

Because U.K as one of the most economically developed countries in the world with a very diverse human  population,, it is very suitable and proud if I  population get the opportunity to implement my  potential to manage human human resources in one of the companies in U.K.

What would you need in order to enjoy your time in the U.K?

I need a comfortable and quiet place to stay, and traveling.

Describe your plans for the future. What are your goals?

My goal in life is to be one of the people who is able to manage relationships  between companies and emplo employees. yees.

Interviewer Notes Please check the box that apply  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences

 Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

Describe your general health.

From medical check-up as a whole it is healthy and does not have a congenital or contagious disease.

Have you ever initiated an act of violence in the workplace?


Describe any history of Job abuse in any company you have previously worked?

There never was.

List all special technical skills that you feel qualify you for the job for which you are applying

I have more than 1 year experience with hotels or companies in Indonesia in the field of human resources or directly related to employees   and exceptional communication employees and manage human resources skill.

Why should we hire you?

motivation to work, high discipline, passion and hard work, determination and a willingness to evolve. I want to learn and deepen further the science of human resources that I have learned and I am optimistic this company would make me more professional.

What are your strengths And Weaknesses?

My strengths is able to manage a company and organization, not give up and always optimistic and believe in success.

me to repeat or rephrase the

question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences 

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences

 Asked

My weakness is namely in terms of communicating and conversation in English,  but I will continue continue to pra practice ctice and le learn. arn.

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered

in complete sentences

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 Asked

Tell me about an accomplishment you are  proud of? of?

The achievement that I am proud of is  proud when myself is able to take care and fulfill the needs of all employees in one company.

Describe a situation in which you solved a

In solving problems the first thing that is

 problem??  problem

seen is the problem and then looking for the  best solution to solve the problem.

Describe a situation in which you led/worked in a team?

In working together in teams the first to see is communication within the and must listen to the opinions of colleagues, in deciding on a problem with discussion.

What motivates you? / How do you motivate the others??

My motivation is to continue to grow and  believe, in motivating motivating others I have to kn know ow the root of the problem first and then be able to deduce what motivation will be given.

Where do you see yourself in five years??

In looking at the next five years starting from now, the smallest thing is that I can develop good and right human resources in a company, I will continue to develop so that I can grow into a competent  professionall (HR Manager).  professiona Manager).

When, where and for how long have you traveled in English-speaking countries?


Are you willing to be placed with a Company that is of a different religion?

Willing, Because in the corporate environment every religious difference is reasonable and every difference must be united, because mutual respect for difference is beautiful.  beautiful. 

What is your your favorite area of study? Why do you like it?

Hospitality, B Because ecause one of the industries that meet guests directly and guests comfort.   comfort.

thing team other done

me to repeat or rephrase the

question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered

with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences

 Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

What did you like about your last Job experience? What did you dislike about it?

I like about my previous job is to meet directly with employees and be able to solve internal problems both from the employee itself and the company.

me to repeat or rephrase the

question 

 Answered small phraseswith isolated words or   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences

While what I don't like is selfishness  because in a work environm environment ent all employees must be willing to accept input and criticism.  Asked

Have you ever been arrested for any matters for which you currently are out on bail or on your own recognizance pending trial


me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences

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Please list the names of your present and/or  previous employe employers rs in chronolo chronological gical orde orderr with present or last employer listed first. If self-employed, supply firm name, and  business reference references. s.

Samala Hotel Jakarta (Indonesia), +62 21 22523780

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 Asked

How will you adjust to a new company, country and culture?

I will do to adjust to the company, country, and new culture is to find out about the country and culture first, after we know it then we find out about the company and get to know it more deeply.

me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked

me to repeat or rephrase the

How much notice do you require before leaving for a placement with your

I need certainty and a offering letter and letter to make a working visa so I can go to

question  Answered with isolated words or


work in the U.K.

What are you passionate about?

What makes me interested is that I can learn a lot about the culture of other countries about how to manage their human resources.

What problems do you anticipate while working in your previous job?

Relationships between companies are not good.

How do you feel about being placed with a Company of a different race or has different  political views views or beliefs beliefs??

I have the principle of life where I am  placed, I have to adjust to that environment, environment, as well as race and religion, because in my opinion the difference is beautiful.

small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the question  Answered with isolated words or small phrases   Answered in complete sentences



The remaining questions are to be completed by the interviewer Poor



Excellent Please rate the Job Seekers:

Appearance Excellent


Self Confidence Excellent


Attitude Good


Manners Excellent


Communication skills Good


English Rating Scale 1 –  Uses  Uses few or no English words; understands greetings and other basic, memorized phrases. 2  –   Uses Uses some English phrases though thoughts may be disconnected; understands basic English sentences when spoken clearly and slowly but relies on body language and facial expressions to determine meaning. 3 –  Responds   Responds in complete thoughts and has a large vocabulary of everyday common terms. Can perform tasks based on a short series of instructions, takes short time to mentally translate and can understand complex sentences when repeated or rephrased. 4  –   Responds in complete sentences and can re-word what he/she is saying when the meaning is unclear or when he/she cannot remember unusual vocabulary words. words. Can perform tasks based on com complex plex instructions and understands others when they are speaking at a natural rate. 5  –   Responds completely with more descriptive language and does not take time to mentally translate when listening or speaking. Understands conversations about abstract things.

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Based on the table above, please rate the applicant’s ability both to speak and comprehend E English. nglish. Briefly explain your decision.

Rating: Native Explanation:

This applicant will make a good staff workers for the following reasons:

What difficulties will the applicant experience while placed working in a foreign country?

Interviewer’s signature  signature 



10 February 2019

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