Job Analysis (Complete with case study)
Short Description
Descripción: job analysis, methods of job analysis, case study on job analysis, nature of job analysis...
Job Analysis Human Resource Management
Submitted to: by:
Dr. Ajay P Singh
Mr. Ashutosh Gupta
Faculty, TIAS
Enrol no. 01517003909 MBA 2nd Semester.
Table of Content Page No.
Jo b Analysis
3 3
Nature of Job Analysis
Components of Job Analysis
Uses of Job Analysis
Steps in Job Analysis
8- 9
Methods of collecting information 13
o o o o o
Interview Questionnaire Observation Participant diary/logs Quantitative Job Analysis Technique
Case Study (Tropical storm Charley) 19
Questionnaire (structured & unstructured questions)
Format Job Description 23
Format Structure Questionnaire 27
Abstract A method of performing job analyses and delivering or providing access to the results of the job analyses by creating a list of job requirements and working conditions for each discrete task of a job, creating a physical demands analysis comprising a list of physical requirements of each discrete task of a job, and combining the lists into a job analysis database for determining whether a worker can perform a job .
Job Analysis Job analys analysis is is a system systemati aticc approac approach h to defini defining ng the job role, role, descri descripti ption, on, require requiremen ments, ts, respon responsib sibili ilitie ties, s, evalua evaluatio tion, n, etc. etc. It helps helps in findin finding g out requir required ed level level of educat education ion,, skills skills,, knowledge, training, etc for the job position. It also depicts the job worth i.e. measurable effec effecti tiven venes esss of the the job job and and cont contri ribu buti tion on of job job to the the orga organi niza zati tion on.. Thus Thus,, it effec effecti tivel vely y contributes to setting up the compensation package for the job position.
Nature of Job Analysis: Organisations consist of positions that have to be staffed. Job Analysis is the procedure through whi which ch we dete determ rmin inee the the task task,, duti duties es and and resp respon onsi sibi bili liti ties es of thes thesee posi positi tion onss and and the the characteristics of the people to hire for the positions. Job analysis produces information used for writing, job writing, job description (a list of what the job entails) and job specification (what kind of people to hire for the job).
supervisor or HR specialist normally collects one or more of the following types of information via the job analysis: •
Work Activities: Activities: First, First, he or she collects collects inform informati ation on about about the job’s actual actual work activities, such as cleaning, selling, teaching or painting. This list may also include how, why and when the worker performs each activity.
Human Behaviour : The specialist may also collect information about human behaviours like sensing, communicating, deciding and writing. Included here would be information regarding job demands such as lifting weights or walking long distances.
Machines, tools, equipment & work aids: aids : This category includes information about tools used, materials processed, knowledge dealt with or applied (such as finance or law), & services rendered (such as counselling or repairing).
Performance Performance standards standards:: The employ employer er may also want want inform informati ation on about about the job’s perform performanc ancee standa standards rds (in terms terms of quanti quantity ty or qualit quality y levels levels for each job duty). duty). Management will use these standards to appraise the employees.
Job context : Information included here are about such matters as physical working conditions, conditions, work schedule and the organisational organisational and social social context context – for instance, the number number of people people with with whom whom the employ employee ee would would normal normally ly intera interact. ct. Inform Informati ation on regarding incentives might also be included here.
Human Human requirem requirement entss: This This incl includ udes es info inform rmat atio ion n rega regard rdin ing g the the job’ job’ss huma human n require requiremen ments, ts, such such as job-re job-relat lated ed knowle knowledge dge or skills skills (educa (educatio tion, n, traini training, ng, work work
experie experience nce)) and require required d person personal al attrib attribute utess (aptit (aptitude udes, s, physic physical al charac characteri teristi stics, cs, personality, interests).
Components of Job analysis: Job analysis is a systematic procedure to analyze the requirements for the job role and job profile. Job analysis can be further categorized into following sub components.
Job Position: Job position refers to the designation of the job and employee in the organization. Job position forms an important part of the compensation strategy as it determines the level of the job in the organization. For example management level employees receive greater pay scale than nonmanage man ageria riall emp employ loyees. ees. The non non-mo -monet netary ary ben benefi efits ts off offered ered to two dif differe ferent nt lev levels els in the organization also vary.
Job Description: Job description refers the requirements an organization looks for a particular job position. It states the key skill requirements, the level of experience needed, level of education required, etc. It also describes the roles and responsibilities attached with the job position. The roles and responsibilities are key determinant factor in estimating the level of experience, education, skill, etc required for the job. It also helps in benchmarking the performance standards.
Job Worth: Job Worth refers to estimating the job worthiness i.e. how much the job contributes to the organization. It is also known as job evaluation. Job description is used to analyze the job worthiness wort hiness.. It is also known as job evaluation. evaluation. Roles and responsibiliti responsibilities es helps in determ determining ining the outcome from the job profile. Once it is determined that how much the job is worth, it becomes easy to define the compensation strategy for the position.
Uses of Job Analysis:
Job Analysis Job Description & Job Specification
Recruitment & Selection
Performance Appraisal
Job Evaluation – Wage & Salary Decisions (Compensation)
Training Requirements
Recruitment & Selection: Job Analysis provides information about what the job enta entail ilss and and what what huma human n char charac acte teri risti stics cs are are requ requir ired ed to perfo perform rm the job. job. This This information, in the form of job description and specifications, helps management decide what sort of people to recruit and hire.
Compensation: Job analysis is crucial for estimating the value of each job & its appropriate compensation. Compensation (such as salary and bonus) usually depends upon the job’s required skill and education level, safety hazards, degree of responsibility and so on - all the factors we can assess through job analysis.
performanc ancee apprais appraisal al compar compares es each each employ employee’s ee’s Performance Performance Appraisal: Appraisal: A perform actual performance with his or her performance standards. Managers use job analysis to determine the job’s specific activities and performance standards.
Training: The job description should show the activities and skills – and therefore the training - that job requires.
Discovering unassigned duties: Job analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties. For example, a company’s production manager says Mr. X is responsible for a dozen or so duties, such as production scheduling and raw material purchasing. However any reference of raw material inventory management was missing. On further study, the manager finds that none of the other manufacturing people are responsible of inventory management. Thus a manger has uncovered an essential unassigned duty with regards to job analysis.
Steps in Job Analysis: There are six steps in doing a job analysis. (1) Decide Decide how you’ll use the information, information, since this will determine determine the data you collect collect and how you collect them. Some data collection techniques - like interviewing the employee and asking asking what what the job entails entails are good good for writin writing g job descripti description on and select selecting ing employees for the job. Other technique like the position analysis & questionnaire do not provide provide qualitative qualitative information information for job description. description. Instead, Instead, they provide provide numerical numerical ratings for each job; these can be used to compare jobs for compensation purpose. (2) Review relevant background information such as as organisation charts, process charts and job description.
a. Organisation charts show the organisation wide division of work, how the job in ques questi tion on rela relate tess to othe otherr jobs jobs,, and and wher wheree the the job job fits fits in the the over overal alll organisation. The chart should show the title of each position and by means of interconnecting lines, who reports to whom and with whom the job incumbent communicates. A process chart provide more detailed picture of the work flow. In its simplest b. A process form a process chart shows the flow of inputs to and the outputs from the job you are analys analysing ing.. Finall Finally, y, the existi existing ng job descripti description, on, if there there is one, one, usuall usually y provides a starting point for building the revised job description. In the figure below the quality control clerk is expected to review components from suppliers, check components going to the plan managers and give information regarding components quality to these managers.
Information input form the plant manager
Components input from Suppliers
(Job Under Study) Quality Control Clerk
Information output to Plant Manager regarding Component Quality
Product Quality output to Plant Manager
(3) Select representat representative ive positions. positions. Why? Because there may be too many similar jobs to analyse. For example, it is usually necessary to analyse the jobs of 200 assembly workers when a sample of 10 jobs will do. (4) (4) Actua Actuall lly y anal analys ysee the the job job – by coll collec ecti ting ng data data on job job acti activit vitie ies, s, requ requir ired ed em emplo ploye yeee behaviours, working condition, and human traits & abilities needed to perform the job. For this step, use one or more of the job analysis methods. (5) Verify the job analysis analysis information information with with the worker performing performing the job & with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the information is factually correct and complete. This review can also help gain the employees acceptance of the job analysis data data and and conc conclu lusi sion onss by givin giving g that that pers person on a chan chance ce to revie review w and and modi modify fy your your description of the job activities. Develop a job description description and job specification. specification. These are two tangible products products og the (6) Develop job analysis. The job description is a written statement that describes the activities and responsib responsibili ilitie tiess of the job, as well well as its importan importantt featur features, es, such as workin working g condit condition ionss and safety safety hazard hazards. s. The job specificati specification on summar summarise isess the persona personall qualit qualities ies,, traits traits,, skill skill and backgrou background nd require required d for gettin getting g job done. In maybe maybe in a separate document or in the same document as the job description.
Methods of collecting Job Analysis Information: There are various ways to collect information on the duties, responsibilities and activities of the job. In practice, we can use anyone of them, or we can combine the techniques that best fit our purpose. Thus, an interview might be appropriate for creating a job description, whereas the position position analysis questionnaire questionnaire maybe more appropriate appropriate for quantifying quantifying the worth of a job for compensation purposes. Conducting the job analysis usually involves a joint effort by an HR specialist, the worker, & the worker’s supervisor. The HR specialist might observe and analyse the job and then develop a job description and specification. The supervisor and worker may fill out questionnaires listing the subordinate’s activities. The supervisor and worker may then review and verify the job analysed conclusions regarding the job’s activities and duties. In practice, firm usually collects jobs analysis data from multiple “subject matter experts” using questionnaires and interviews. They then average data from several employees from different departments to determine how much time a typical employee spends on each of several specific tasks. tasks. The proble problem m is that that employ employees ees who have have the same job title title but work in differe different nt depart departmen ments ts may experi experienc encee very differe different nt pressu pressures res.. Therefo Therefore, re, simply simply adding adding up and averaging the amount of time that, say, HR assistance need to devote “interviewing candidates” could end in misleading results. The point is that we must understand the job’s departmental context – the way someone with a particular job title spends his or her time is not necessarily the same from department to department.
The Interview Managers use three types of interview to collect job analysis data – individual interview with each each employ employee, ee, group group intervi interview ew with with groups groups of employ employees ees who have the same jobs jobs & the supervisor interviews with one or more supervisor who know the job. They use group interviews when a large number of employees are performing similar or identical work, since it can be a quick and inexpensive way to gather information. Whichever Whichever kind of interviews interviews we use, we need to be sure the interviewee fully understands understands the reason fro the interview since there is a tendency for such interviews to be viewed, rightly or wrong wrongly, ly, as “effici “efficienc ency y evalua evaluatio tion”. n”. If so, intervi interviewe ewees es may hesitat hesitatee to descri describe be their their jobs jobs accurately.
Pros & Cons The interv interview iew is probab probably ly the most most widely widely used used method method for identi identifyi fying ng the job’s job’s duties duties & responsibilities and its wide use reflects its advantages. It is a relatively simple and quick way to collec collectt inform informati ation, on, includ including ing inform informati ation on that that might might never never appear appear on a writte written n form. form. The interview also provides an opportunity to explain the need for and function of the job analysis. And the employee can vent frustration that might otherwise go unnoticed by the management. Distortion of the information is the main problem – whether due to outright falsification or hone honest st misu misund nder ersta stand ndin ing. g. Job Job anal analys ysis is is ofte often n a prelu prelude de to chan changi ging ng a job’ job’ss pay pay rate rate.. Employees Employees therefore may legitimatel legitimately y view the interview interview as the efficiency evaluation evaluation that may affect their pay. They may then tend to exaggerate certain responsibilities while minimising others. Typical Questions
What is the job being performed?
What are the major duties of your position? What exactly do you do?
What physical location do you work in?
What What are the educat education ion,, experie experience nce,, skill skill and (where (where applic applicabl able) e) certifi certificat cation ion and licensing requirements?
In what activities do you participate?
What are the job responsibilities and duties?
What are the basic accountabilities or performance that typifies your work?
What What are your your respons responsibi ibilit lities ies?? What What is the enviro environme nmenta ntall and workin working g condit condition ion involved?
What are the jobs physical demands? The emotional and mental demands?
What are the health and safety condition?
Are you exposed to any hazards or any unusual working conditions?
Interview Guidelines There are several things which should be kept in mind while conducting a job analysis interview. 1. The job analys analystt and supervis supervisor or should should work work together together to identif identify y the workers workers who know the job best.
2. Quickly Quickly establish establish rapport rapport with the interview interviewee. ee. Know the persons persons name, name, speak in easily easily understood language, briefly review the interview purpose and explain how the person was chosen for the interview. 3. Follow Follow a struct structure ured d guide or checklis checklist. t. One that lists questi questions ons and provide providess space for answers. This ensures you to identify crucial question ahead of time and that all the interviewers (if there are more than one) cover all the questions. 4. When When duties duties are not performe performed d in a regular regular manner manner – for instance instance when when the worker worker doesn’t performs the same job over and over again many times a day- ask the worker to list his/her duties in order of importance importance and frequency of occurrence. occurrence. This will ensure that you don’t overlook crucial but infrequently performed activities. 5. Finally, Finally, after completi completing ng the interview, interview, review review and verify the the data. Specific Specifically ally review review the information with the worker’s immediate supervisor and the interviewee.
Questionnaires Having employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties & responsibilities is another good way to obtain job analysis information. We have to decide how structured the questionnaire should be and what question to include. Some questionnaires are very structured checklists. Each employee gets an inventory of perhaps hundreds of specific duties or tasks (such as “change and splice via”). He or she is asked to indicate whether or not he/she performs each tasks and, it so, how much time is normally spent on each. each. At the other other extrem extreme, e, the questionn questionnair airee can be open-en open-ended ded and simply simply ask the employee to “describe the major duties of your job.” In practice, the best questionnaire often falls between these two extremes. Whether structured or unstructured, questionnaires have both pros & cons. A questionnaire is a quick and efficient way to obtain information from a large number of employees, its less costly than interviewing hundreds of workers, for instance. However, developing any questionnaire an testing it can be expensive and time-consuming.
Observation Direct observation is specially useful when jobs consist mainly of observable physical activities – assembly – line worker and accounting clerk are examples. On the other hand, observation is usually not appropriate when the job entails a lot of mental activities (lawyer, design–engineer). Nor it is useful if the employee only occasionally engages in important activities, such as a nurse who handles emergencies. And reactivity – the workers changing what he or she normally does because you are watching – can also be a problem. Manager often use direct observation and interviewing together. One approach is to observe the worker on the job during a complete work
cycle. Here you take notes of all job activities. Then after accumulating as much information as possible, you interview the worker. Ask the person to clarify points not understood and to explain what are the activities he or she performs that you didn’t observe.
Participant Diary/Logs Another approach is to ask workers to keep a diary/log of what they do during the day. For every activity he or she engages in, the employee records the activity in a log. This can produce a very complete picture of the job, specially when supplemented with subsequent interviews with the worker and the supervisor. The employee, of course, might try to exaggerate some activities and underplay others. However, the detailed, chronological nature of the log tends to mediate against this. Some Some firms firms take take a hi-tec hi-tech h approa approach ch to diary/l diary/logs ogs.. They They give give employ employees ees pocket pocket dictat dictating ing machines and pagers. Then at random times during the day, they page the workers, who dictate what they are doing at that time. This approach can avoid one pitfall of the traditional diary/log method: relying on workers to remember what they did hours earlier when they complete their logs at the end of the day.
Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques Qualitative approaches like interviews and questionnaires are not always suitable. For example, if your aim is to compare jobs for pay purposes, you may want to be able to assign quantitative values to each job. The position analysis questionnaire, the Department of Labour approach and functional job analysis are three popular quantitative methods.
Conclusion From Job Analysis, specific details of what is being done and the skills utilized in the job are obtained. Job Analysis enables the managers to understand jobs and job structures to improve work flow or develop techniques to improve productivity.
Application Case Tropical Storm Charley In August 2004, tropical storm Charley hit Charley hit North Carolina and the Optima Air Filter Company. Many employees’ homes were devastated and the firm found that it had to hire almost 3 completely new crews, one for each of its shifts. The problem was that the “Old-timers” had known their jobs so well that no one had ever bothered to draw up job descriptions for them. When about 30 new employees began taking their places, there was general confusion about what they should do and how they should do it. The storm quickly became old news to the firm’s out-of state customers- who wanted filters, not excuses. Phil Mann, the firm’s President, was at his wits end. He had about 30 new employees, 10 old-timers, and his original factory supervisor, Maybelline. He decided to meet with Linda Lowe, a consultant from the local universities business school. She immediately had the oldtimers fill out a job questionnaire that listed all their tasks, duties & responsibilities. Arguments ensued almost at once- Both Phil & Maybelline thought the old-timers were exaggerating to make make themse themselves lves look look more more import important ant,, and the old-tim old-timers ers instea instead d that that the list list faithfu faithfully lly reflected their duties. Meanwhile, the customers clamoured for their filters.
Should Phil & Linda ignore that old-timers’ protests and write up the job descriptions as they see fit? Why? Why not? How would you go about resolving the differences?
Solution: No, Phil & Linda should never ignore the old-timers’ protest. Since its the old–timers who who have full full knowle knowledge dge about about the tasks, tasks, duties duties & respon responsib sibili ilitie tiess they they used used to perform perform.. Ignoring them may result to turbulence among the workers and they’ll feel cheated hence leading to lower productivity. Writi Writing ng job descri descripti ption on withou withoutt the inform informati ation on acquire acquired d from from old-ti old-timer merss would would be like like climbing mountain without a guide. Since they know the nature and requirement of the job very well, they must be asked about the information of the job before writing a job description. To resolve the problem I would have used a questionnaire with both structured as well as openended questions. That would have lead to lesser confusion and misinterpretation by Phil &
Maybelline. (The Job Information Sheet is given below which consist of both structured and unstructured questions)
How would you have conducted the job analysis? What should Phil do now?
Solution: I would have conducted the job analysis in one of the two ways. Either I would have used questionnaire (with both structured as well as unstructured questions) or the interview method. In the interview interview method, after collecting collecting the information, information, I would further proceeded proceeded to get the inform informati ation on review reviewed ed and verifie verified d by the immedi immediate ate supervi supervisor sor of the intervi interviewe eweee and the interviewee. Phil should now use the information, information, which is verified verified and reviewed reviewed by supervisor supervisor and worker both, for the training purpose of the new worker. The information consists of task, duties & responsibilities of the workers. When the workers will be trained accordingly they’ll know what to do and how to do, resulting in lesser confusion and time-wastage & increase in productivity so that Optima Air Filter Company comes back on track.
Questionnaire with Structured & Unstructured Question
Job Analysis Information Sheet Job Title: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________ Date: _______________________ _______________________ Job Code: _______________ ____________________________ _________________ ____ Dept.: _________________________ _________________________________ ________ Superior's Title: _________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________ _ Hours worked _______ AM to ________ PM Job Analyst's Name: ________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ___________
1. What is the job's overall purpose? _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __
_________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __
2. If the incumbent supervises others, list them by job title; if there is more than one employee with the same title, put the number in parentheses following. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 3. Check those activities that are part of the incumbent's supervisory duties. π
Performance appraisal
Inspecting work
Coaching and/or counseling
Others (please specify) _________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________ ____________
4. Describe the type and extent of supervision received by the incumbent. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __
5. JOB DUTIES: Describe briefly WHAT the incumbent does and, if possible, HOW he or she does it. Include duties in the following categories: a. Daily duties (those performed on a regular basis every day or almost every day) _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _____________________ ________ b. Periodic duties (those performed weekly, monthly, quarterly, or at other regular intervals) _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _____________________ ________
c. Duties performed at irregular intervals _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _____________________ ________
6. Is the incumbent performing duties he or she considers unnecessary? If so, describe. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 7. Is the incumbent performing duties not presently included in the job description? If so, describe. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 8. EDUCATION: Check the box that indicates the educational requirements for the job ( not the educational background of the incumbent). π
No formal education required
Eighth grade education
High school diploma (or equivalent)
2-year college degree (or equivalent)
4-year college degree (or equivalent)
Graduate work or advanced degree (specify:)
Professional license (specify:)
9. EXPERIENCE: Check the amount of experience needed to perform the job. π
Less than 1 month
1 to 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 3 years
3 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
More than 10 years
10. LOCATION: Check location of job and, if necessary or appropriate, describe briefly. π
Other (specify)
11. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Check any objectionable conditions found on the job and note afterward how frequently each is encountered (rarely, occasionally, constantly, etc.) π
Sudden temperature changes
Darkness or poor lighting
Other (specify)
12. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Check any undesirable health and safety conditions under which the incumbent must perform and note how often they are encountered. π
Elevated workplace
Mechanical hazards
Electrical hazards
Fire hazards
Other (specify)
13. MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Describe briefly what machines, tools, equipment, or work aids the incumbent works with on a regular basis: _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 14. Have concrete work standards been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular task, etc.)? If so, what are they? _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 15. Are there any personal attributes (special aptitudes, physical characteristics, characteristics, personality traits, etc.) required by the job? _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 16. Are there any e xceptional problems the incumbent might be expected to encounter in performing the job under normal conditions? If so, describe. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 17. Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job. _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __
18. What is the seriousness of error on this job? Who or what is affected by errors the incumbent makes? _________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ __ 19. To what job would a successful incumbent expect to be promoted?
[Note: This form is obviously slanted toward a manufacturing environment, environment, but it can be adapted quite easily to fit a number of different types of jobs.]
Job Description (Example Overview) The example below is for a sales person who is selling financial service products. About 75% of his/her time is spent in the office and the other 25% is out on the road making presentations to customers. The job requires a Certified Financial Planners designation and requires heavy duty lead generation.
Job Requirements A: Summary of Position
Researches and identifies target client sectors for financial product services. Develops and implements a sales process to include initial contact, follow up, presentation and closing procedures. Maintains records of contacts and sales status including contact reports, sales projections and quota ratios. B. Job Duties
Research and Create targeted new client lists within Delhi/NCR territory Makes initial contact with potential clients Performs routine and regular follow up with potential clients Performs routine and regular follow up with former clients Visits potential clients and makes sales presentations Closes sales Maintains regular record reporting sales activity
C. Computer Skills and Software Used
Windows operating system MS Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint Constant Contact or other Customer Relations Management Software
D. Reporting Structure
Reports to regional sales manager Has nobody directly reporting to this position Required to participate in Annual Sales Meeting
Employee Requirements A. Education and Training
Bachelor Degree in business, finance or accounting or commerce or 0-2 Years experience, Bachelors Degree Preferred Certified Financial Planner
B. Skills and Aptitudes
Fearless cold caller, 250+ Outbound calls per week Ability to close a sale Adapt to changing financial conditions and meet customer expectations
C. Environment and Physical
Work in high volume sales office Be able to sit for prolonged periods of time Be able to travel to client locations 25% of time
D. Licenses/Certifications Licenses/Certifications
CFP - Certified Financial Planner Indian Driving License
Success Factors A. Grow Sales
Increase market channel penetration by 30% in first Year Develop 3 secondary channels in first 180 days Grow referral-based sales from 15% to 20% in first year
B. Develop Sales Department
Recruit and train 2 junior sales associates with gross sales of 100K by 3nd quarter Increase number of sales presentations by 20% within 12 months Implement Web-Meeting presentation System to Reduce travel costs by 20% per year
Comments____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
HR Representative___________________________________ Department Manager__________________________________ Date Completed______________________________________
Structured Questionnaire (Example) Sample Job Analysis Checklists ROUTINE CLERICAL RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBILITIES Activity
Fr D
Types labels, letters, envelopes, and invoices. Determine layout and format, and type in finished format. Proof read and correct errors. Set up an type financial and statistical reports. Take dictation and transcribe. Transcribe dictation from voice recordings. Record, type, and distribute meeting minutes. Compose standard letters in response to routine correspondence. Schedule appointments without prior clearance, schedule meetings and conferences, and make travel arrangements including reservations. Prepare meeting and conference rooms. Maintain, process, distribute, and update records, files, and documents. Maintain confidential records and files, and handle confidential correspondence and records. Open, sort and distribute mail. Answer telephones, screen and place calls, monitor and follow up on voice mail recordings, refer callers to appropriate parties. Prepare, process, and verify invoices, bills, checks and receipts. Maintain and report expense account activity. Receive and welcome visitors, and refer to appropriate parties. Maintain and update mailing lists.
Enter data electronically and verify. Process payroll records. Perform calculations, post and verify figures, trace and adjust errors. Maintain inventory of office supplies, requisition new supplies, and distribute supplies to authorized parties. Schedule and monitor equipment repairs and service contracts. Maintain locks and keys for storage cabinets and other facilities, and distribute to authorized parties. Orient and train new employees. Schedule work for co-workers as requested. Handle cash and negotiable instruments. Maintain cash box. Sign legal documents. Act as resource for others as to staff and locations. Maintain records of cash receipts and disbursements. Review job applicants/applications and conducts screening interviews. Collate and bind. Make copies. Date and stamp documents. Recommend improvements in operations and procedures. Modify operations and/or procedures. Maintain procedures and information manuals. Develop operating budget for approval. Research, tabulate, and summarize information of routine, periodic or special reports.
Present findings in oral or written form. Record and verify entries or accounts, journals, logs, and general ledgers. Balance accounts and reconcile statements.
Indicate the equipment that is operated as a regular part of the responsibilities of the job: Calculator
Cash register/petty cash
Dictation equipment
Facsimile machine
Microfilm equipment
Postage machine
Security equipment
Word processor Other equipment: ________________ Other Activities:
Analyze, on a periodic basis, workload and personnel needs of an organizational unit. Recommend changes in the staff level of the work unit. Review documentation for new positions and positions that have been revised. Obtain approval to modify positions. Interview candidates for employment and make hiring decision or recommendations. Orient new subordinates concerning policy and procedures, work rules, and performance expectation levels. Review position responsibilities. responsibili ties. Plan, delegate, communicate and control work assignments and special projects concerning subordinates. Establish and maintain specific work goals and objectives or quantitative and qualitative work standards to be achieved by subordinates.
Train, develop, and motivate subordinates to improve current performance and to prepare for higher- level jobs. Determine significant changes in responsibilities and major duties of subordinates by reviewing their job responsibilities on a regular basis. Evaluate the performance of subordinates. Document and discuss present and past performance with each direct report. Keep supervisor informed of results. Review salaries of subordinates and recommend changes according to policy and procedures. Recommend personnel actions such as promotions, performance awards, demotions, etc., according to budget guidance and policy. Advise superiors and subordinates of developments that impact job duties. Ensure proper communications. Maintain discipline, recommend and administer corrective action according to policy and procedures. Communicate and administer personnel programs in accordance with design and objectives. Maintain proper documentation on all subordinates. Other responsibilities:
Bibliography Reference Textbooks a. Rao V.S.P., V.S.P., Human Human Resour Resource ce Managem Management, ent, Excel Excel Books Books (2009) (2009) b. Cascio, Wayne F. Managing F. Managing Human Resources. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
1992. c. DeCenzo, David A. and Stephen P. Robbins. Human Robbins. Human Resource Management.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. d. Gomez-Mejia, Luis R. and David B. Balkin. Managing Balkin. Managing Human Resources. Upper
Saddle River: Prentice- Hall, Inc., 2001.
Internet Sources For job analysis/personality research visit
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