Download JMJ Marist Brothers Notre Dame of Kidapawan College Kidapawan City...
The Internship Experience at Landbank of the Philippines Kidapawan Lending Center
In partia! "#!"i!!$ent o" the re%#ire$ents in A&&o#ntin' ())
Presented to*
Mrs. Cherry Lyn A. Libago! CPA
Presented +*
Aeli"a E. E. Lang#ido Lang#ido May $%&'
A brief description(history description(histor y of the training agency( establishent
)arrati*e +eport &. ,escr ,escript iption ion of the key task task and and respo respons nsibi ibilit lities ies perfor perfored ed d#ring d#ring the the interns inte rnshiphip- incl#din incl#ding g analysi analysis! s! e*al#at e*al#ation ion and applica application tion of b#sines b#siness! s! acco#nting and a#diting concepts $. E*al#at E*al#ation ion of the train training ing and o*erall o*erall learning learning en*iron en*ironent ent pro*id pro*ided ed by the eployer incl#ding the ost *al#able learning(s . E*al# E*al#ati ation on of the interns internship hip experi experienc ence e on how how it has ipact ipacted ed their their care ca reer er
goals oals--
incl incl#d #din ing g
h#an #an
rela relati tion ons s
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lead leader ersh ship ip
and and
anageent skills and social challenges '. E*al#ati E*al#ation on on how the Acco# Acco#ntan ntancy cy Progra Progra ha*e prepared prepared the st#dents st#dents / how the foral ed#cation and work experience interrelate 0. +eflecti +eflections! ons! insight insights! s! reali" reali"atio ations ns 1. Tot otal al n#ber of act#al act#al ho#rs ho#rs worked d#ring d#ring the internship internship /incl#ding /incl#ding work sched#le 2. +ecoendations +ecoendations for the ipro*eent ipro*eent of the internship internship progra.
Paper and doc#ents Letter of application 3where needed4 5ai*er of clais )otari"ed training agreeent Endorseent Letter Certificate of copletion of the Internship ,aily tie record 3attested by the o#t cap#s s#per*isor4 Accoplished Accoplis hed e*al#ation e*al#ation sheet sheet
II, NARRATI-E REPORT ./ Des&ri Des&ripti ption on o" the 0e tas0 and responsi responsi+i! +i!iti ities es per"or$ed per"or$ed d#rin' d#rin' the internship1 in&!#din' ana!sis2 e3a!#ation and app!i&ation o" +#siness2 a&&o#ntin' and a#ditin' &on&epts/
I often hear fro persons who were eployees of different instit#tions that e*eryth e*er ything ing will always coence coence fro fro the botto. botto. And as an 78T/tr 78T/traine ainee e I experien expe rience ce the sae.
,#r ,#ring ing y interns internship hip at Land 9ank of the Philippi Philippines nes
)orth Cotabato Lending Center 3L9P/)C7LC4 started March &! $%&' I was tasked to file doc#ents! do the photocopying of it! print doc#ents then file the! and other d#ties assigned to #s by the ,epartent Manager Assistant like answering phone calls! do phone calls! faxing of doc#ents! logging of incoing(o#tgoing doc#ents! filling #p ,isb#rseent 7rders and follow/#p or ask inforation fro the departent personnel. I find these tasks as essentials in e*ery b#siness! beca#se the applications of these :obs will really help a lot for a copany or entity in doing its f#nctions and in attaining their corporate goals. 5e were also gi*en the task to ake the entity;s clients to feel cofortable whene*er they were inside the office by gi*ing the a seat and soething to drink. I a also tasked to p#t stap on filed client;s doc#ents whose acco#nts are already f#lly paid. I a then asked to fill iportant inforation on release papers of the Maas?! I really had a hard tie to sociali"e with one of the eployees beca#se she always treat e and y fellow interns like we cannot do anything right! right! b#t then thanks to her I was able to learn how to ad:#st if I;ll be eeting people with a personality like hers.
8/ E3a! E3a!# #at atiion on how how th the e A&&o# &&o#nt ntan an& & Pro' Pro'ra ra$ $ ha3e a3e prep prepar ared ed th the e st#dents ,how the "or$a! ed#&ation and wor0 e7perien&e interre!ate
@nfort#nately for e I was not able to axii"e what the acco#ntancy progra prepared e for the f#t#re since I was not able to practice the steps in aking acco# acc o#nt nting ing repor reports ts and and others others b#t b#t I learn learned ed the the best best lesson lesson that that the fora forall ed#cation and y work experience had #t#ally ta#ght e! that is on how to deal with other people and other work ethics(practices. And again as I obser*e foral ed#cation and work experience interrelates since the copany is #sing ters(processes(proced#res that the foral ed#cation introd#ced to e. (/ Re"!e& Re"!e&tio tions2 ns2 in insi' si'hts2 hts2 rea!i rea!i9ati 9ations ons
My 7n/t 7n/the he/8 /8ob ob/T /Tra rain inin ing g at L9P/ L9P/LC LC!! It ade ade e real reali" i"ed ed that that life life in a corporate world is real fast. o# need a discipline in doing all yo#r responsibilities as part of the copany beca#se e*ery day is a copetition and as an eployee yo# contrib#te a lot or it is in yo#r hands where copany;s f#nctions lies. I also reali"ed that in dealing with persons with different personalities is tr#ly diffic#lt b#t if yo# only know how to ad:#st yo#rself and try to be cas#al it will s#rely work for the sit#ation beca#se yo# really cannot please e*eryone.
:/ Tota! Tota! n#$+er n#$+er o" a&t#a! a&t#a! ho#rs wor0ed wor0ed d#rin' d#rin' the interns internship hip ,in&!#d ,in&!#din' in' wor0 s&hed#!e The total total n#ber n#ber of ho#rs worked worked is $0% at Land Land 9ank of the Philippine Philippines/ s/
Lending Center fro March &! $%&'! Monday to Briday excl#ding holidays at D%% a/ &$D%% noon and &D%% p/0D%% p.
;/ Re&o$$endati Re&o$$endations ons "or the i$pro3e$ i$pro3e$ent ent o" the the internship internship pro'ra$/ pro'ra$/
I recoend that the doc#ents(papers doc#ents(papers necessary to present in applying for 78T sho#ld be a*ailable to st#dents whene*er they needed it so that they can apply to office which they wo#ld be best for the beca#se soe schools ha*e already applied in the sae entity and ),KC st#dents who will apply for 78T is then forced to gi*e #p their first chosen office and to find for another. I,
A +ri +rie" e" des des&r &rip ipti tion on5h 5his isto tor r o" o" the the trai traini nin' n' a'e a'en& n&5 5 est esta+ a+!i !ish sh$e $ent nt
The Land 9ank of the Philippines is a go*ernent financial instit#tion that strikes a balance in f#lfilling its social andate of prooting co#ntryside de*elopent while reaining financially *iable. This Thi s d#al d#al f#ncti f#nction on akes akes LA),9A LA),9A)K )K #ni=#e #ni=#e.. The profit profits s deri*e deri*ed d fro fro its coer co ercia ciall bankin banking g operat operation ions s are #sed #sed to fin financ ance e the 9ank; 9ank;s s de*elo de*elope penta ntall initiati*es and progra.
7*er the years! LA),9A)K has s#ccessf#lly an anaged this to#gh balancing act as e*idenced by the contin#ed expansion of its loan portfolio in fa*or of its priority sectorsD the farers! fisher folk! sall and edi# enterprises and icroenterprises! li li*e *eli liho hood od
loan loans s
and and
agri agrib# b#si sine ness ss!!
agri agri/i /inf nfra rast str# r#ct ct#r #re e
and and
othe ot herr
agri agri/a /and nd
en*ironent/related pro:ects! sociali"ed ho#sing! schools and hospitals. Today! To day! LA),9A)K is by far the largest foral credit instit#tion in the r#ral areas. Its credit deli*ery deli*ery syste syste is able able to penetra penetrate te a s#bsta s#bstanti ntial al percen percentag tage e of the co#ntry;s total n#ber of #nicipalities. LA),9A)K also ranks aong the top fi*e coercial banks in the co#ntry in ters of deposits! assets! loans and capital. Bro its initial role as the financing ar of the agrarian refor! LA),9A)K has e*ol*ed into a f#ll ser*ice coercial bank! 9#t the essence of its existence has not changed at all/and that is to ake the co#ntryside contin#o#sly throb with life.
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