Jimmy Lived in Colombia But in 1990 He Went To Live in The United States

July 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Jimmy lived in Colombia but in 1990 he went to live in the united states. states. At the beginning he did not speak english at all, so he decided to study in a night school. In that school he received classes rom very good teacher who used a book called english course! "unctional grammar. And he learned english very casily and #uickly. Ater that he began to work in a large "actory where they made leather shoes, $ackets and bags. In the "actory he met a beautiul black woman , they ell in love and two years latergot wie isbought prettyman house and has two children ! amarried. boy andJimmy a girl. and %owhis Jimmy a very ahappy with a nice amily and a sweet home.

&here diid Jimmy live until 1990' &hat did he do in 1990' (id he speak english at the beginning' &hat did he decide to do' "rom whom did he receive english classes' &hat book did the teacher use' (id Jimmy learn english' &here did he begin to work' &hat did they make in the "actory' &hom did he meet there' &hat did they do two years later' &hat did they buy' (id they have any children'  Jimmy vivi) en en Colombia, pero en 1990 *l se ue a vivir en los +stados +stados nidos. Al principio no hablaba Ingl*s en absoluto, por lo #ue *l decidi) estudiar en una escuela nocturna. +n esa escuela recibi) clases de muy buen proesor #ue utili-a un libro llamado curso Ingl*s! gramtica uncional.  / *l aprendi) aprendi) Ingl*s muy muy cil y rpidamente. rpidamente. (espu*s (espu*s de esto esto *l comen-) comen-) a traba$ar en una gran brica donde ellos hacan -apatos de cuero, cha#uetas y bolsos. +n la "brica "brica el conoci) a una hermosa mu$er negra, ellos se enamoraron y dos aos despu*s se casaron. Jimmy y su esposa compraron una casa bonita y tienen dos hi$os! un nio y una nia. Ahora Jimmy es un hombre muy eli- con una amilia agradable y un dulce hogar. (onde vivio Jimmy hasta 1990' 23u* hi-o el en 1990' 24ablaba Ingl*s al principio'


23u* decidi) hacer' 2(e #ui*n recibi) *l clases de ingl*s' 23u* libro us) el maestro' 2Aprendio Jimmy Ingl*s' 2 ()nde empe-) el a traba$ar' 23u* es lo #ue hacen ellos en la brica' 3uien conoci) el all' 23u* hicieron ellos dos aos ms tarde' 23u* es lo #ue compraron ellos' 25ienen hi$os'

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