Jesus Facts Malachi z York

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by Bro Charles Green on Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 9:56am ·

A lot of missed overstanding around the story of Jesus found in the bible is due to the Fact of what and how you were taught by your pastor, parents or preacher. Some of the Most Dynamic Scrolls to Read to find the Full Facts about Jesus is “Who Was Jesus‟ Father scroll # 58. The Resurrection #59, What Laws Did Jesus Follow # 170, The REAL Trinity, Could Jesus Transform Himself? #63 all Authored By The World Renown Scholar Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York. As Well Chapter 15 of the Holy Tablets received by Dr. Malachi Z. York. WEDDING: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene whose wedding was at Cana. (JOHN 2:1-11) Mary Magdalene was the sister of Martha and Lazarus (JOHN 11:2). The Name Magdalene means Many Of Magdala (Magadan) which is derived from the Greek form MAGDALA meaning „The Tower” or “Watchtower” . She was from the tower of Magdala located on the western shore of The Sea Of Galilee, about 3 miles North of Tiberias. Mary Of Magdalene was known for anointing the Head and Feet of Jesus (Yashu‟a) MATTHEW 26:7. Mark 14:3, Washing and anointing with oil is known to be a Judaic Tradition. LUKE 7:37-38 if you look into the Greek language in these verses you will find “…And Look A Wife (goo-nay, confidante wife) In The City who was a sinner,” instead of “WOMEN” Notice also the name of this woman is not given, but this is the same Woman that brought an Alabaster Box of Ointment with here with the intentions of Anointing Jesus feet. And it must not have been the first meeting of Jesus and this woman, because she knew to bring her Alabaster Box. LUKE 7:40-50. When Jesus went to Bethany alone to Martha‟s House Martha Wanted Jesus to make Mary M. Help Her serve, Jesus spoke on Behalf of Mary M. (LUKE 10:38-42) When Jesus

Hurried back to Bethany to the home or Martha and Mary M. Before he went into the House he sent for Mary Magdalene to privately meet him (JOHN 12:1-3), Now, if you ask yourself why was Mary Magdalene anointing Jesus‟ Body. And She was also going to the Tomb where she thought the body of Jesus was to Anoint his DEAD body, and she was following Hebraic Law because she waited until the Sabbath Had Ended To go to the Sepulcher. Overstand that Only the WIFE or the MOTHER can anoint the body of the dead and see the family member‟s naked body. Question…. Do Jews or Muslims massage dead bodies after three days? No, according to Judaic traditions their law is a dead body must be buried within 48 hours of death. Algor Mortis, Livor Mortis, and Rigor Mortis (Loss body heat, stagnation and settling of the blood and postmortem rigidity) are the things that occur after a person‟s death. (Refer to the Encyclopedia Judaic Volume 5 page 1425) Muslims also don‟t massage dead bodies after three days of being dead, In Islam its is a law that you bury the dead within twenty four to 26 hours from the time one expires.(refer to Hadith 2058 of muslim practices) So you can see Mary Magdalene Was going to anoint what she thought would be a DEAD body of Jesus making her again to be Jesus‟ Wife. When You Read about the Wedding of Cana of Galilee, (JOHN 2) they don‟t ever state who‟s WEDDING was it, Why was Jesus and his Mother their along with his Disciples. When they ran out of wine they told Jesus‟ Mother, Think now, if you a Guess at a Wedding, Why would you be told we are out of wine and why Jesus‟ Mother go and tell Jesus. (JOHN 2:2) because it was Jesus‟ Wedding. If Jesus told them to take the containers and fill them up and then the Governor of the Feast (caterer) tasted the wine and called the Bridegroom (JOHN 2:9) Why didn‟t they state who that was if it wasn‟t JESUS. And they even went on their honeymoon (JOHN 2:12). CRUCIFIXION: You will find in the book of JOHN chapter 20, were Mary Magdalene came to the Tomb and looking for the body of Jesus was told Why do you look for the LIVING amongst the DEAD. (LUKE 24:1-5) Jesus was never Dead, he wasn‟t crucified but it was Judas we was. When Mary Came looking for the body and see it wasn‟t there (JOHN 20:14) Notice it states She turned back and SAW JESUS STANDING, and knew NOT that it was Jesus. She Thinking he was a Gardner and even called him Sir asking him if you know what happen to the body of Jesus that he would tell her so she could go and get the

body to take him away. First off how is a women by herself going to move a dead body, But this also shows that She is speaking to the Man thought to be the Gardener and she doesn‟t not RECOGNIZE him to be Jesus until Jesus calls her Mary. Because the Gardner wouldn‟t know her name and she doesn‟t know his. (JOHN 20:17) Jesus said “Touch Me NOT” for I am not yet ascended to my Father; BUT go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God and your GOD. Jesus just ask her to go and LIE to them. WHY? Why would Jesus be dressed up as a Gardener, Because when they came to the Garden looking for Jesus and Jesus told them “I am He” they fell backwards as if in amazement. (JOHN 18:1-10) A fight brakes out by Peter cutting off the ear of the servant of the High Priest (LUKE 22:50) and within the chaos Jesus Hides out and Judas is taken thought to be Jesus. Jesus went to his Father and Prayed (MATTHEW 26:39) asking his father to let this cup pass from him. And according to JOHN 18:11Jesus stated Put up thy Sword, the cup which my Father given me shall I not drink it? Now this CUP Jesus was Praying for to pass for being Killed on the Cross, Jesus stated He was Willing spiritually but Weak Physically (MATTHEW 26:41). How was Judas taken instead of Jesus? Notice after they take away who they think is Jesus they don‟t use the name Jesus they just say „HE‟ (LUKE 22:54) the Name Jesus and Judas are the same it‟s the english translations that are misleading you. Yashu‟a and Judas is the same name “JOSEPH” Yusef. But Jesus has the ability to Transform Himself to look other then himself. And Judas was made to look like Jesus. You can find where Jesus Transformed himself MATTHEW 17:1-2, MARK 9:2, LUKE 9:28, To look other then himself. When this fight happen in the Garden After Jesus prayed to His Father, to Not DIE on the Cross, as what many Pastors teach that, Jesus came to Die for YOUR SINS, If he was to come and DIE and that was the Will of GOD and Jesus was With GOD and Jesus KNEW why he was to come to earth, then why would he need to be BETRAYED (JOHN 18:2, MATTHEW 26:2,21). It wasn‟t GOD‟S doing for Jesus to DIE, it was Men who thought it would be a good idea for ONE to die for the people (JOHN 11:49-53, 18:14) So this wasn‟t GODS plan for Jesus to die but MEN. And because they took counsel to kill Jesus, Jesus walked no more in the open among the Jews. (MATTHEW 11:54)

Back to the Garden and the fight, Jesus told them he was the one they wanted, The fight brakes out and Judas was made to look like Jesus, you will Notice how after they take „HIM‟ away the one speaking doesn‟t speak as Jesus spoke before as recorded by the books of the Disciples. You can see this when HE was question by Pilate, (LUKE 22:54) When They took ‟HIM‟ , (67) they asked him art you the Christ? He stated “If I tell you, you will not believe , (68) and if I also ask you, ye will not answerer me, nor let me go‟‟. Why didn‟t he answer as he did before when he was asked was he the Christ, Jesus told Peter Not to call him that (LUKE 9:20-21) instead he said “IF I tell you who I am you would not BELIEVE HIM” why wouldn‟t they believe him, Because if he told them he was JUDAS they wouldn‟t let him go or believe him. What else did they ask him, Verse 70 of LUKE chapter 22. Art you the Son of GOD? (JOHN 9:35-38) The reply was “You say that I am” Now why didn‟t this Person if it was Jesus stated as stated before that he was the Son of GOD, (MARK 14:61-62) and That he has come to Die for Your Sins and That He Would rise on the 3rd. Day. No this person didn‟t state that at all did he. When asked by Pilate was he the King of the Jews, He stated, Did You hear me say that or did some one tell you this of me (JOHN 18:33-37) When asked who are you then, this person said he was born to Bear Witness unto the Truth. Was Jesus born to bear witness to the truth or was he The Truth and Grace (JOHN 1:17). Also this Man on the cross said “Father under your hands I command my Spirit” (LUKE 23:46) Wasn‟t Jesus the Spirit of GOD, That Mary His Mother was filled with the Holy Ghost (LUKE chpt. 2) Was the man on the cross Jesus giving GOD back GODS spirit or Giving God His Spirit? Jesus and GOD would be the Same Spirit correct, So the man saying Unto your hands I Command MY SPIRIT, isn‟t GOD‟s Spirit and if Jesus and GOD have the SAME SPIRIT, then the quote wouldn‟t be stated by Jesus would it? The man on the cross said “My God My GOD why have you forsake me‟‟? Why would Jesus ask GOD this, WHY Would the Son of GOD in the Flesh FEEL that GOD Abandon Him, When All Of Jesus‟ prays were answered before anytime Jesus asked His Heavenly Father for Anything it was giving, Jesus Walked on water, Feed the multitude, healed the sick, brought Lazarus from the dead, and then get to the cross and feel GOD his Father Abandon him, No A man would feel Abandon, not Jesus. If Jesus Knew he was coming to Die and to Resurrect in 3 days Why would he feel Abandon? What happen to Jesus in the Garden if the fight happen and they took Judas thinking they had Jesus?

After the Fight all ran away after the chaos, MARK 14:50-51, So who was this one MAN with no clothes on naked in the GARDEN? This ws Jesus making his escape. He hid out in the Garden for the last 3 days found some Gardener clothes dressed up as the Gardener. NOW ask yourself , How does one DRESS UP like a Gardener, That would have made Mary Of Magdalene Not See that The Man She Was Speaking With Wasn‟t A Gardener but was Jesus. (JOHN 20:15) She Mary called him Sir, Not Master (Husband) because she didn‟t see him as Jesus, Was Jesus holding a garden tool, to make him look like the gardener, what makes one look like a gardener? This is why Jesus as hungry after he came into the room he wanted something to eat. (LUKE 24:41-43) He was naked, hide out in the Garden, Dressed up as the Gardener when Mary M. seen him, Came back to his Disciples asked to Eat, was seen 8 days later after the so call crucifixion (JOHN 20:26). Then Jesus was Seen again by his disciples but they didn‟t know it was Jesus (JOHN 21:1-12) Why was Jesus still wearing Disguises, Because their were Folks out to kill him, and if they knew he wasn‟t dead they would Keep looking for Him To try and kill again. What happen to Judas if He was Made to Look Like Jesus? Judas was taken down off the Cross by Jesus Secret Disciples, and was hung on a tree to make it look as if he hung himself. And they mixed up Jesus with Judas (ACTS 5:30). When you go back and read the story of JUDAS in Matthew 27: 3-5 you will find that no one knew what JUDAS was doing or had Did unless there was more then JUDAS that so called Betrayed Jesus. So When Judas Repented and took the 30 pieces of silver back to the chief priests went and got a rope and HUNG himself. Who knew to write he went took the money back and when got a rope and hung himself, if he was by himself doing all of that? A disciple Joseph took the body and its was stated that He wraps the body and placed it in a tomb. If he did this by himself who knew what he did with the body. Because when they went to the tomb and they stone was rolled back and no body was in the Tomb. But they did have a body of Judas hanging on a tree right. When Judas died on the Cross he was looking back as himself after being Beating by the soldiers he no longer was looking like Jesus and Joseph one of Jesus disciples came and took the body of Judas and it was stated he was Hung on a tree.. The same thing they said about Jesus (GALATIANS 3:13).

In MATTHEW 27:3-10 gives the account of Judas but you can find the exact same story of a man getting his house in order taking the 30 pieces of silver and going to hand himself. (II SAMUEL 17:23 and ZECHARIAH 11:12-13). So was this Judas or was this story taken from the Old Testament to give a reason to why Jesus was Alive and Judas couldn‟t be found. So they make the story up that Judas had the silver felt bad and went and got a rope and hung himself. Also keep in mind that you were told that Jesus Died So your sins can be forgiving, If that is true and Judas REPENTED then Why didn‟t Jesus or GOD appear to Judas and Save Him From Killing Himself if He REPENTED for his actions of betraying Jesus? Jesus wasn‟t never killed by being hung on a cross, It was made to look as such and you can find that also in the Qur’an 4:157 which came after the bible, so where did they get the doubt from that jesus wasn‟t killed. If you as Muslims to explain the story of Jesus they can‟t because they didn‟t have Right Knowledge at the time to explain the Bible as Dr. Malachi Z. York has come and did. He was the Opener of the Seven Seal, where All Things Are To Be KNOWN. If you read the many scrolls authored by Dr. Malachi Z. York You Will Find the many secrets of the scriptures being Reviled in this day and Time.

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