Fesus be Jhzhre í k Cessmhs; Bemxe-ce bmzer be hjtecìk que este estubk jìk í uch jeaháìk bh exmstæjlmh be Fesus be Jhzhrí lkck uc perskjhaec dmstürmlk. Lremk pnejhcejte que jk sílunk M, exmstmu uc dkcec ldhchbk Fesus be Jhzhrí, e que gez vèrmks cmnhares, preaku hks seus lkjtecpkrïjeks e jk gmjhn gkm lrulmgmlhbk e ckrreu. Pkríc, pkr kutrk nhbk, este estubk í gemtk phrh shoer se Fesus be Jhzhrí í ku jìk rehncejte k Cessmhs prkcetmbk hk rem Bhvm. K lrmstmhjmsck bmz que ene í k Cessmhs (Lrmstk), ks fubeus krtkbkxks hgmrchc que jìk. Xuec estè lertk; Estè peraujth lhoe hk nemtkr jk gmc besbe estubk, hjhnmshr e tmrhr hs suhs prüprmhs lkjlnusões. Mjtrkbuáìk
Ec vèrmks textk bk Jkvk Resthcejtk (JR) Fesus í hpkjthbk lkck sejbk k Cessmhs (Lrmstk) retrhthbk jk Hjtmak Resthcejtk (HR). Rextk thms lkck Ct 87687-?0, Cl 46?=, Cl 82678, Nl ?688, ?7, 2628, =6?0, Fk 8628, 26?5-?7, 2?, 767=, 806?2, 886?1, Ht 816
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