J.coltrane - Transc. a Love Supreme
Short Description
Download J.coltrane - Transc. a Love Supreme...
Acknowledgement (Partl) ByJohnColtrane Free Time
N.c.(p#susz) Tenor sax
Medium Latin, = 118 N.C.(Gm7)
( b a s sd . r u m s .p i a n o )
CopyrightO 1973JOWCOLMUSIC Internalional CopyrightSecured All RightsReserved
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Iution Reso (Partll) ByJohnGoltrane Up tempoSrving. = 176 BassSolo
Tenor Sax Fni6/9
(rtrl /Pf
Copyright@ 1974JOWCOLMUSIC International CopyrightSecured All RightsBeserved
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Pursuance (Part lll) ByJohn Goltrane Fast Swing, 276 Drum Solo Tenor Sax Cm
N.C.(Cm) 7a,,
Copyright@ 1977JOWCOLN/USIC lnternational CopyrightSecured All RightsReserved
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Psalm (PartlV) ByJohnColtrane N.C.(Dm) Tenor Sax
Copyright@ 1977JOWCOLMUSIC lnternational CopyrightSecured All RightsReserved
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\ r t r r t T r a n s c r i p t i o n sa r e a u t h e n t i c .n o t e - f o r n(rtctninscriptions of the hottestartistsin jazz. p 1 r 1 .t r .d r o c k t o d a 1 ,T' .h e s e o u t s t a n d i n g . .1..Llfilta e r r a n g e m c n tasr e i n a n e a s y - t o - r e a d 1 \ )nf r a t\ \ ' h i c hi n c l u c l easl l e s s c n t i al li n e s .A r t i s t '[r'anscriptions can be used to perforr-n. .crlLlcnce or reference. I h r ( i u i t a rS t . r l eo f ( i e o r g eB e n s o n '.r:l'i 3 .. .. I h r ( i u i t a r B o o ko f P i e r r eL l e n s u s a n .!3t)72
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00673249 (iarr \\'illis Collection a4672337
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Kennr Barron Collection aa672318
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\\'irrren IJernhardt(lollection 00672364 Cr rus Chesnut('ollection 00672439 B i l l t ( h i l d sC o l l e r t i o n
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Janrestrloodr Collection- Sar and Flute aaoTl 7 $T9:' The Frank Itorgan Collection 44672416
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Paul DesmondCollection 006- ) ?28 - StandardTime PatrlDesm{)nd 406- ?a5a Stan(,;etz 006993/5 Stan(ietz - Bossa\oras
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u . s .$ 1 2 . 9 5 ISBNE-h3r+-0368?-7
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