EDITOR SCREEN A typical jED editor session might look like this: *File PROGS, Record cst!rep"# $nsert %&:'(:%) ommand+ &&% &&&&. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End O/ Record ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0he screen is di1ided into three sections2 the editor stats line at the top, /ollo3ed #y the command line and then the data editing area 3hich /ills the rest o/ the screen"
INVOKING jED all the jED editor /rom the 45$6 or 7indo3s command line"
SYNTAX jed pathname {pathname..} {pathname..} jed {DICT} filename{file!e"ti#n} filename{file!e"ti#n} {$e"#$d%li!t} {pti#n!'}} {pti#n!'}} $/ yo simply isse the command jed, the editor 3ill open the last /ile that 3as sed, and the crsor 3ill #e positioned 3here1er it 3as 3hen the last edit session 3as closed" $n other 3ords, yo can carry on /rom e8actly 3here yo le/t o//" 0he command, jed pathname, 3ill either open an e8isting /ile or create a ne3 one i/ the /ile re/erenced #y pathname does not e8ist" 0he 3ill contents o/ the /ile 3ill #e displayed in the edit 3indo3" $/ yo speci/y a list /iles, the editor 3ill present the ne8t /ile as yo /inish 3ith each one" 7hen the editor is spplied 3ith the name o/ a /ile resident in a data#ase 9sch as a j+/ile, it scans the rest o/ the command line looking /or a list o/ records keys" $/ no record key s 3ere speci/ied, the jED editor 3ill prompt /or a list" Other3ise the list o/ record keys 3ill #e edited e dited one a/ter the other" 5ote that #ecase the editor ses the jED$ inter/ace to access the records, it can #e sed to edit records in any /ile system th at jED$ recogni;es"
DICT 0his modi/ier is only re*= to indicate all records in the /ile" 5ote that the > is the shell escape character to stop the * #eing treated as a 3ild card that 3old other3ise #e e8panded" Additionally, the record+list can #e /ed to this command #y preceding the jed command 3ith a j?ASE list generating command sch as SE@E0 or SSE@E0" $n this case, the record+list i s ignored"
CO((AND )INE O,TIONS Options a1aila#le 3hen e8ecting the jed command are as /ollo3s:
Opti#n E-planati#n ?nn,mmB per/orms atomatic indentation on the record to #e edited" 0his 3ill #e o/ se 3hen creating j? programs" nn parameter speci/ies the nm#er o/ spaces to indent #y /or each indentation le1el 9de/alt is ' spaces" mm this optional parameter is the nm#er o/ times the nn indent 1ale shold #e applied at the start o/ each line" $/ mm is - and nn is ., each line 3ill #e indented initially #y C spaces and each s#se #e/ore the *" jed %* +, STX*ER. @&T35 0he record S06FER"# in /ile ?P is opened /or editing" A ta# stop is set at colmn %& /or se in this session"
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