Jay Abraham - How to Get Other People Excited About Your Joint Ventures Proposals and Deals

March 15, 2017 | Author: johnalis22 | Category: N/A
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A Special Report from Marketing Genius Jay Abraham…

Jay L. Abraham

How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals

© 2004 The Abraham Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved

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How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals From the Desk of…

Jay L. Abraham REF: As a joint venture deal-maker, more often than not, the people you are proposing to just can’t seem to make the connection why the deal you are proposing is such a good one AND WHY they should act on it. In this letter, I offer you three deceptively simple ways around this rather common problem… (out of many I’ll be teaching as a part of the six month program I’m collaborating on with JV Master Marc Goldman. See below…)

Dear Aspiring JV Deal-Maker: The phone rang. It was Marilyn Dominique...Marilyn is a graduate of one of my expensive programs, and a very proactive marketer of Baguette, the trendy middle-to-up market restaurant she runs with her husband Francis. On this particular occasion, Marilyn was very frustrated. She’d formulated a terrific idea based on her experience in me program and really felt it would get instant acceptance. Her idea was to approach a small number of prestige motor dealerships and form a “host/beneficiary” joint venture relationship with them to help them rekindle the latent business sitting in their customer files.


How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals The idea was a terrific one. She presented the dealerships with a plan to enable them to offer their past clients a superb meal at Baguette---valued at $120. It was a very attractive JV-oriented deal. All the client had to do was simply come in to the dealership and test drive a new model. (The customer would then be given a voucher to come to her restaurant, be treated like royalty ... and when all the pomp and ceremony was over, Marilyn would then bill the dealership only a contribution towards the “hard cost” of the meal she’d provided some $40.) Clearly she’d offered the dealers a great opportunity. Her scheme would bring qualified prospects through the door for around maybe $100 (taking into account the cost of the mailing) compared with their usual strategy - of throwing tens of thousands of dollars at the mass media. The mass media cost per acquisition of prospective customers is perhaps several hundred dollars. Her idea offered them a nice “soft” reason to write to past customers, a great way to generate good will as well as “store traffic”... and (as selling cars is a numbers game like anything else), it presented a wonderful opportunity to sell cars. She even offered to WRITE the letter that they would send out. So it was at least worthy of testing. A classic win/win. Her “pay-off” of course was that - although she’d be virtually giving the meal away - she’d have a chance to win some of those diners as long term customers of her own. And that IS a classic win/win idea. Now if you’ve noticed that all this seems to be written in the conditional tense... you’re very perceptive. Because, with those dealers at least, nothing happened, despite Marilyn’s great concept and personal enthusiasm---she hit brick walls.


How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals The dealers nodded that the idea was great. Then they did nothing about it. You can probably see why she was frustrated. (Has that ever happened to YOU?) That phone conversation with Marilyn made me think…

Why do good ideas bite the dust? It struck me that in my “to do” files, I have maybe three or four sound proposals from people for projects or joint ventures that almost certainly will generate additional revenue for us ... yet I have not rushed into doing anything about them. And I suspect Rick Duris has one or two on his desk somewhere too. And that made me wonder why. Why is it that we can see a sound idea that someone else has come up with - an idea that may even excite our imagination when we first look at it - and we do nothing with it? Even when the proposer has the tenacity of a bulldog with courtesy follow-up calls. More importantly, if we can pinpoint the reason for that inertia, maybe we can look at what needs to be done to OVERCOME it - valuable insight indeed when WE are the proposer ... and WE are the one sweating on some action!

A Quick Demonstration I figure there are at least three distinct but interrelated motivations ... or demonstrations that stop the action in its tracks.

Strategy #1: The first, quite legitimately and obviously, is time. Business people or the “doers” in the business world at least, seem to work at a frenetic pace. And anything new across the desk is an intrusion. To pull off what you’re doing to think about something new (that someone else sees as important) may be just too much to handle. So it gets put in that cold place called a “back burner”.


How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals So, to get action, we clearly need to demonstrate to the recipient that the time needed to pull off doing the other things they’re doing is FAR outweighed by the rewards they’ll get. And to achieve that, we need to do more than simply present the logic of “dollars and cents”. The successful person is already making plenty of those ... so unless our proposal entails MEGA dollars, they really won’t be sidetracked by that argument.

Strategy #2: And that leads me to point number two. Our proposal must be consistent with the “doer’s” vision ... their “main stream” activity. “Doers” have a passion for where they’re going. They are single-minded---Focused like a laser. So before we present our case, we need to determine what their priorities are and structure our proposal in a way that what WE want, gives them what THEY want. I think it’s instructive to think of this “doer” as swimming the English Channel against the tide. They know where they’re going. They know if they stop striving in that direction for any length of time, they’re going to go backwards or drift away from their objective.

Here’s the BIG question... So with that picture in mind, what can YOU offer them that will (a) either help them GET there faster...or (b) that it is so damn compelling, they’ll stop swimming and start doing what you want... I think you’ll agree, it makes you see how darn compelling your proposal must be! Now all that may seem a bit esoteric, so let’s take an example. Take Marilyn’s “free dinner offer”. If those prestige motor vehicle dealers are focused on stemming losses on their bottom line for example, they’d be interested in a way to cut their salaries bill. They’d be


How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals interested in a way to reduce the leasing payments on their motor vehicle stock. Focused on getting more customers. And so on ... The LAST thing they’d be interested in is someone wanting to convince them to give away free meals to their customers at their expense. So the proposal needs to be focused to achieve those aims ... (Ironically Marilyn’s did!) She focused her “pitch” to them on the basis of bringing new prospects in to the showroom who’ll buy.

Strategy #3: So why didn’t they act? That leads me to the third and final point. To get a proposal acted upon by a busy doer when the content is outside their precise focus, YOU have to make it EASY. You have to “sell” your proposal by… Doing most if not ALL the thinking and execution. You may have to write all the letters, design their brochure if there’s to be one, develop all the follow-up letters and even project out their sales figures from the venture ... even offer to put someone in their office to DO the project and to deal directly with their customers if that’s what it takes.

Make it so easy that all they have to do is bank the money. Are these strategies over the top? Not if you’re serious about getting your joint venture proposal up. And let’s face it, if it isn’t worth the effort, let me ask you the big question… Is it even worth proposing in the first place? All the best,


How to Get Other People Excited about Your Joint Venture Proposals and Deals

Jay L. Abraham PS: One more thing. It’s important… If you ARE interested in participating in our “Big Fish” Joint Venture program with Marc Goldman and myself, the detailed overview can be found at www.jvexperts.com. But do it now, because the first 1000 people will receive two amazing bonuses from me worth $90,000. FYI: I know a thousand people sounds like a lot BUT---Marc tells me he has OVER 300,000 subscribers on his JV oriented list…so comparably, 1000 people is practically nothing… especially the way we’ve priced this deal. Again, you can check it out for yourself at www.jvexperts.com. If you have questions about how this program can help you, please email marc at [email protected] or call him at (914)422 0290 and I personally guarantee he will address any and all of your concerns.


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