Jay Abraham Double Truck

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Legendary business builder explodes client profits by $21 Billion  Jay Abraham to open private schedule for limited time to accept new gr growth-focused, owth-focused, prot-hungry clients Today’s readers get a collection of private prot-building resources when calling before the 72-hour deadline By Jim Speakman (NATIONWIDE) uccess Magazine calls him, “Possibly the greatest marketing mind alive today.” Forbes magazine described his abilities like this: “Turns under performing corporatio corporations ns into marketing and sales whizzes.” USA Today’s Today’s Money Section Se ction said, “He gets businesses going and growing, again.”   Who are they all talking about? His name is Jay Abraham and he is the powerful marketing and  prot muscle behind many of the  brands and and names you you know. know. Shark Tank’s Daymond John said Jay was his top mentor and that “life is a series of mentors and Jay is THE best.” Tony Robbins said, “Jay knows how to nd the limiting patterns that keep businesses from performing to their fullest potential. Even the late Stephen Covey said “he’s one of the best business minds I’ve ever met”.


your competition even knows about, let alone uses—it can give you explosive performance improvement AND preemptive competitive advantage. Prots can actually double, redouble, even double again—realistically (and easier) than you work for lesser results today!   Pit your competitors against THIS “Positive Intimidation Factor” and your business can win every time!

Who have you helped during  your career?

  Tony Robbins, Daymond John, ICY HOT, The Founder Of Entre preneur Magazine, Magazine, The The 15-year 15-year Publisher Of Success Magazine, A co-Founder Of Federal Express, The Former CEO Of Speedo/Adidas Latin America, The Top Candy Company In China, Dave Asprey of Bulletproof Coffee, Planet Fitness, Japan’s largest cosmetic surgery group, Guthey-Renker, Ramit Sethi, The Late Stephen R Covey, The Top Experts In The World On: Six Get Jay working for you. Sigma, Sales Training, Copy  Now is your chance to put the writing, Strategic Partnerships,  brainpower  brainpow er of Jay Abraham to to Residential Real Estate Sales work in YOUR business. For the Training, Cyber Security, AND next 72 hours Jay Abraham has THOUSANDS MORE have ALL opened his schedule to talk with  been markedly inuenced by companies that are serious about my capture and cross pollination maximizing prots and growing of ideas, tactics, and strategies designed to maximize prots and their businesses. (NOTE: We interviewed Jay and geometrically grow businesses.  gave him license to be extremely extremely candid and straight forward):   How long have you been

Why do businesses seek you out?   If you run a successful business, odds are high that your revenue approach and sales efforts overlook the obvious. Chances are even greater that your prot  picture vastly vastly underperforms underperforms its capabilities—by a huge margin! And by “obvious” we aren’t talking about what’s necessarily obvious to YOUR industry. And by “capabilities” we aren’t talking about your current capa bilities or revenue approache approaches. s. We’re referring to the far higher, better, safer, far more  powerful prot capabilities that OTHER industry revenue-generating approaches, business strategies, marketing methods, value  propositions,  proposit ions, access access vehicles vehicles and  business models can deliver deliver..   You can actually be “successfully-stuck” (doing what you’ve always done) and never even know it—content with annual annual growth increases far below what’s truly possible—from your market access, you and your team’s time, marketing/advertising/sales opportunity, efforts, and investment!   Most businesses in a given industry or eld follow a “herd mentality” and do (pretty much) the same things—sales/marketing wise, the same way that all their other competitors do it. All you know (or do) is what everyone else does!

Why does ‘borrowing’ from other industries work?   When you “borrow” success approaches from OUTSIDE your industry—approaches none of

Jay Abraham is opening his schedule for a short time and is giving away private high-end prot strategies – at no cost - to ALL who call before the 72-hour deadline expires. Plus, for a select few businesses who qualify, Jay may work directly within the company to personally contribute to massive business and prot growth. Call 888-997-7778 to have a no obligation initial conversation with The Abraham Group. n Get massive results with zero risk:

 partnership deals to  partnership to gain no-risk no-risk due modesty, I’m proud to consisaccess to multiple new markets, tently produce explosive botstretch limited resources, or nd tom-line impacts like no one else. a way to mitigate rising sales/ I concentrate on opening the eyes marketing costs. They may of the entire leadership teams have an explosive unrecognized within my client companies to see opportunity that my experience the powerful strategic marketing can identify. Often times, I  possibilities that are often just  possibilities just am uniquely skilled to help sitting there, in front of them. that process along until we hit Just as lifting weights and jog paydirt`. Or we may decide there there ging prepare an athlete for ANY are pressing needs to dramatisport, from tennis to football, my cally boost margins. Or take a vast rst-hand experiences on the wrecking ball to vicious compeabsolute “front-lines-of diverse  helping companies grow? tition. Or turn a commodity-type capitalism”, coupled with my   I’ve been strategically growing  product into into one commandin commanding ga untamed creative and resourceful  protable businesses for over  proprietary  proprietar y moat. mind --and added to the enormity three decades. My work has been   I’m proud that I have built of strategic skills I’ve developed making billions of dollars annua reputation of results. When (and honed to razor-sharp effecally for thousands of companies.  business leaders have have the strong strong tiveness) over the years---permit I perform a sharp, incisive, pene- desire for total market dominame to deal masterfully/meantrating analysis of their marketing tion, they call me. ingfully with almost any kind of  problems, strategic challenge challenges, s, marketing, sales, competitive or and competitive issues. Then, I In doing our research, we  business growth problem—or problem—or  blend rather rather ingenious ingenious creative creative  put your name in Google opportunity. My specialty is and extraordinary solutions that  and it returned 65 MILLION untangling and resolving business I personally have worked with  search results! How is that “Gordian Knots” with amazing, in thousands of companies in  possible?  breakneck speed! hundreds of different industries.   Yes. Frankly, I’m amazed Once applied, these two methods too. But remember, I’ve been What do you know that can work like gangbusters. The result helping businesses grow and  help a client that works with may include a system of “pre become wildly protable for the  you stand out from their emptive marketing” as part of a  past 30 years. years. In that time, time, some competition? “Strategy of Preeminence.” I also incredible inuencers have rec   It sounds like this would be a may blend any of the other 30 ommended me, referred me, or great time to share some exother breakthrough distinctions directly worked with me. Now, amples of what I’ve done. Ok. I’ve originated over the years. my reputation is certainly easy to Many companies derive much of verify! their business from referrals or  How do you know what a   I’m certainly attered to have word of mouth. Yet almost none  business needs? had such a successful long-run possess EVEN one—strateg one—strategic, ic,   In my decades of experience, ning career. I can tell you that I systematic, referral generating I’ve developed a process to help truly enjoy providing huge value  pro-active process they they use. Requestion the management and and seeing the companies I help ferrals come erratically, episodquickly determine if a given  prosper and and grow bigger bigger and ically and unpredictably. Most  business needs a strategy strategy restrucrestruc- stronger. depend on pure luck. turing, a marketing makeover, To x that huge prot-sucking a new business model, a new It seems you approach or gap, I developed 93 different remarket to pursue, new products  look at business very differral generating strategies. None or services to offer, a far more ferently.. How would you ferently cost a penny to apply. Each can competitive positioning to apply, describe how you do that? add 20-100% more referral-gengreater value creation capabil  Many of my clients say I must erated business to a client’s ity, increasing its revenue per  be blessed blessed with a highly astute astute  bottom line. line. transaction and frequency/length mind. But, the real answer is   Or a sales force, or distribu buyers purchase. purchase. Or Or they may Funnel-Vision vs. Tunnel Vision. tors, or franchisees comprised of need to make ads pull better, Often, when I’m asked what I vastly different-skilled talent. convert more prospects to buyers, do best, I humbly explain that I Few entrepreneurs try to  produce greater greater quantity quantity,, quality, quality, take multiple success approaches isolate those that super-excel in and consistency of returning and from outside a given industry different functions, like opening new clients. and combine many together into new accounts or selling certain They may also be wise to  powerhouse,  powerhou se, fresh “hybrids” “hybrids” that  products  products/services /services or selling to think about structuring a blockcreate the newfound prot power certain target markets/audiences  buster joint venture or protable for each of my clients. With all and model those peoples’ skill

How to explode prots with the proven strategies of Jay Abraham:


72-hour deadline to get free prot building resources

sets to everyone else who is weaker. My longtime work with the Deming Organization taught me what I call PEQ (short for  performance enhancemen enhancementt quotient)/Optimization. tient)/Optimizati on. I’ve used it to produce 20-40% almost-overnight increases in sales teams of all kinds.   I’ve also developed and proven:   • 56 ways to generate more  buyers. • 43 ways to structure outrageously protable joint ventures and power partnering deals. • 34 ways to monetize inactive  past buyers, buyers, unconverted unconverted leads leads or  prospects.. And  prospects And countless countless stratestrategies for “re-monetizing” current  buyers for for more yield. yield.

With so many potential  places to start, where do you focus rst when helping a

 new client?   I ALW ALWAYS AYS focu focuss on bottom-line growth rst. It’s faster, faster, safer, easier, lower risk, and generates far more yield for the time and effort. (Note: One time  Jay changed the way a large retail furniture company greeted  prospects at their front door and tripled sales conversions. Another time he changed the headline in a nancial ad--and the call to action and quintupled response!  It goes on and on.)   Next, I draw on my uncanny  breadth of of business-boosti business-boosting ng knowledge. It stems from the fact that I have actually per sonally worked with entrepreneur-founders in over 1,000 separate industries —not  —not businesses. businesses. Why could this be invaluable to YOUR business right now? Let us count the ways:

 Analyze your advertising and  marketing   I have the experience that can genuinely help you make your current advertising, marketing or selling system produce far more results and prot performance for  NO More Time, Cost, Resource Resource requirements--or risk.

Reduce costs   I have reduced marketing

What Jay is uniquely able to do: • How to out-think, out-market, out-strategize out-strategize and outperform your competition • How to make it easier for prospect to say “yes” rather than “no” • Harness the power of geometry to “leverage-up” “leverage-up” all your revenue generating results • Maximize response to all advertising/marketing advertising/marketing from the same or less investment • Better tap the minds and motivations motivations of prospects to produce multiple multiple sales and explosive profts • Quickly get more clients clients buying at higher higher amounts more often

 This notication is for larger companies who are grossing at least one million dollars per year in prot, but preferably more. If your company does not meet this requirement, we recommend you visit 50 Shades of Jay: www.abraha www.abraham.com/50Shad m.com/50Shades es to receive an amalgam of valuable and totally gratis business growth resources. Or, you may visit The Jay Abraham Story: www.TheJa www.TheJayabrahamStory yabrahamStory.com .com to  to watch a feature-length, made-for-television made-for-te levision documentary on Jay. All company names in this article are the property of the companies and not an indication of endorsement. ©2019





and selling costs by nding new ways, places, and people to market your products and/or services. I can see and put plans in place to develop new distri bution channels. channels. I have experiexperience in creating more lucrative  business models. Plus, I have have  proven ways ways to masterfully masterfully outthink, out-compete, out-position, out-perform and out-earn your competition.

 How can you help just about  ANY type of successful busi ness get unstuck?   Most business leaders feel ‘stuck’ in one way or another. They usually simply demand more from their employees and vendors. They work the same  proven ways ways harder. harder. “    Working with me is quite different. I have many fresh ”  options at my ngertips. Because n Daymond John of this, I am different than any other consultant, advisor, coach leans more towards the totality end-user perspective, I can take  business holds adequate adequate untapped untapped nesses OR entrepreneurs wanting or mentor you’ve ever had or of what’s needed. I have a track so much of the risk away from opportunities, underperforming to “sample” my methods before seen. If you’re facing complex record of creating monster-sized doing business with YOUR revenue activities, underutilized  paying high-dollar amounts, issues or seeking “world-class” company. It will be harder for resources, etc.) Why? Simple: they’re invited to attend, my achievement, you’ll love working ongoing prot explosions in the  businesses I work with.  businesses  prospective  prospecti ve buyers to say no no My methods and mindset have, high-level three-day $25k per with me.   Some of my clients say I have than YES. You’ll see it WILL be are and do perform mightily for company makeover/restructur  I’ve earned the nickname, a very wide “knowledge swath”  possiblee to create quantum times  possibl times each of my clients. But I ONLY ONLY ing and “rapid-result” programs “The Consultant’s Consultant,” and that it’s their biggest advanmore asset value and (thus true serve clients I feel have enorwhere 100% of the fees can be “The Coach’s Coach,” and “The tage. Through me, they nd a wealth) for your company than mous overlooked opportunities, applied forward to any private Expert’s Expert,” because I’ve HUGE advantage. This is the it’s worth today. untapped assets, underperforming long or short-term masterful advised so many famous and investment equivalent of “nding revenue activities. thinking partnership. iconic business experts over my  PROFIT ALPHA” for your busiWhy are clients willing to pay career. ness! When I meet with a new  you $120,000 per day?  Are there any problems p roblems in Why are you searching for Because I’ve helped multiple client, they nd out that—in this y ou can’t help  new clients now? (NOTE: We really pushed Jay to  a business you industries, I’ve gained deep, with? From time to time, my compound insights into hundreds more complex, competitive envi- explain, putting modesty aside). ronment, someone whose brain   Well, quite frankly, entrepre  Of course. Only a fool would consulting hits it’s maximum of different forms of specialized has trained to deal masterfully, neurs seek me out because they claim absolute market omnip penetration within an organizaorganizaexpertise that those “expert” with an unimaginable diverse want to identify and capitalize otence. Some situations are, tion and all I have to do is help clients possessed—and then use certainly, beyond my skill sets them to maintain the new high that combined “Super-Expertise” scope of challenges and scenarios on every facet of serving their clients. Plus, they want to do or knowledge bases. Plus--some levels of business and prots that knowledge in absolutely unimag- can vastly outperform someone who has not! (NOTE: Frequently, this as quickly and efciently as entrepreneurs and their managers I helped them to create. This is inable new ways for each new the difference in prot perfor  possible.  possibl e. are simply too rigid or linless demanding on my time. So, client. mance is by orders of magniSo, I deep-dive into their busi- ear-minded to actively embrace there are rare occasions when tude--as Jay’s Jay’s estimated $21 ness and develop a strategy that my unique methods and mindset. I will have times open in my Some call you a “Synthebillion dollars of prot successes uses all the psychological levers Or the business doesn’t crave schedule. Now Now,, we are coming  sist”, why?  for his clients  becoming truly up on just such a time. I will   At this point in my career, I might attest).  preeminent. Or have openings coming soon. have had an amazing array of To ll those times and days, I the ethos and experiences that I can draw on.  People ask me why I pay Jay Jay Abraham This makes me shockingly differ-  How is the values aren’t in wanted to search for the latest  so much. Well Well,, with just two ideas alignment. But and greatest that could massively ent from the common generalists.  mixing of ideas from his genius mind, my business went from multiple when that IS  benet from my expertise expert ise and There are some very topic industries going apparent, my vise versa. specic specialists out there. from $40million to $110million to help? associate Rob   It’s a part of my belief system Finally, there is a ratied and  in less than a year! That’ That’s s why! has the integri- to ALWAYS be proactively rareed breed of “phenoms” they   I freely borrow c ideas from multiple ty to say so to looking for promising, stimulatcall synthesists who, due to their n Chuck M Dowell . domains, compile you right away, ing, collaborative prot-sharing expansive grasp and vast realms them into brand-new hybrids, to harness maximum prots while so neither side wastes the other’s opportunities I can meaningfully of experience--can combine forge them into totally new and  providing  providin g the maximum maximum amount amount time--or money! monetize for both sides. knowledge from a dizzying different performance contexts of service.   Whether your successful busi-   Again, there is NO guarantee collection of diverse domains that few competitors can begin   And, yes, my normal rate for ness is older and mature, newer I will want to work with you. and produce blockbuster breakto grasp, let alone match. This an entire day is $120,000. But and competing in ruthlessly  Nor any certainty YOU YOU will through thinking few others can allows someone like me to be far that is only if I do not share in challenging markets, high-tech, want to work with me. But match. I’ve now reached that more effective at innovating a cli- any ongoing prots. Your comlow-tech, no-tech, service-based, exploring possibilities probably level in my career and expertise, ent’s business! Another, perhaps  pany keeps all the prots and you  professional services, manufacmakes sense—if your business and each of my clients are the turing, distribution, nancial  beneciaries. (NOTE: It has simpler way of thinking about will be the hero. seems suitable. When you talk what I can do is that innovation services. Whether you sell onto my associate Rob Colasanti been conservatively estimated If a project turns into a line, ofine through distribution, you’ll be given an outstanding that his strategies have generated involves applying, combining, existing sometimes seemingly  long-term relationship with a direct marketing etc.—chances collection of private resourcover $21,000,000,000 in PROF prosaic—factors—bu  prosaic— factors—butt in totally totally client, how does that work? are great my direct involvement es from my high-end client  ITS over the years). new ways!   For longer-term, more collabcould add (long-term) zeros to support library at no cost. It’s orative client relationships I get your bottom-line. (NOTE: Jay’ Jay’ss my way to show my apprecia How does a company know Can you really create more ONLY ONL Y a low ve-gure monthly monthl y tion. Ask Rob to also, send you  if they need YOU? client testimonials are packed  prots with NO RISK ?  base and share along along with your your with praise about the bottom line my 200-question, performance   They know. They know they company in the increased prots  prot growth). assessment, REALITY CHECK. need help. Often they don’t even   The shortest answer here is, yes. But there is another  produced.. I far prefer being  produced being You’ll be stunned to see HOW know WHAT WHAT they need. Some How can a company sample MANY UNTAPPED PROFIT question that my clients need to “in for a penny/in for a pound”, times, in my humble we experiPOSSIBILITIES ARE HIDING ence, they miss huge opportunity answer: Are you willing to listen long-term and receive the bulk of  your proven strategies withhiding in plain sight. to (then apply) broad and new compensation based heavily on IN YOUR BUSINESS. CALL out costing a fortune? information—from outside your results. (That presupposes your For smaller growth-driven busi888-997-7778.   So, I ask the decision maker ONLY to allow me to socratically industry--in order to command a major prot advantage? If so examine their business rst, on (and your business is already MY dime to discover the true reasonably protable, has support untapped potential. staff, infrastructure and resources   With this close examination, “He’s the go to guy. Most to deploy)—you and I might be a huge opportunities are routinely mentors you know have been good t to work together. discovered. Then, a strategy is  put in place to harvest the prots.   I can eliminate the old risks inuenced by Jay.” and multiply the quantity, quality and convertibility of ALL the Putting it bluntly, would you -Tony Robbins  prospects, s, leads, opt-ins, opt-ins, seminar  say you know how to achieve  prospect  more for/from any business? attendees, and trade show booth visitors your efforts generate.   Yes. And again, I know that I’ve done it for so many other sounds like bragging, but I’ve companies. I can also increase  been doing this type of prot the size and prot of almost growing work for decades and I every sale/transaction--as well know what I’m doing. I recas the number  of   of transactions ognize the diverse possibilities with a buyer. I can also devise the business world offers. I can move the needle forward in ways far better performing marketing approaches, advertising and selland at speeds few others can. I ing methods than the ones you routinely challenge conventioncurrently use. al “follow-the-herd” industry Beat the 72-hour deadline and get a If you are interested in mentality and even feel that custom set of proven prot strategies doubling, then redoubling, and traditional “best-practices” are a limited-yield concept. Some say ultimately redoubling-again your at no cost from the private high-end annual prot growth, I am the I’m the type of adviser/strategist most underperforming businesses one to call. I’ve done this for les of Jay Abraham need—someone who clearly sees companies and icons you know and admire. opportunities by reaching across There may be a need to nd multiple domains. You may nd and help negotiate one (or many) I am just the striking contrast strategic alliances that bring to status-quo thinking you are you access to new markets, looking for. new products to sell, new sales representation. I’ve done all of  How do you help a business nd more “PROFIT ALPHA”? that and more, and ALL with you ONLY PAYING FOR PROFIT  By being a MASTERFUL  This notication is for larger companies who are grossing at least one million dollars per year in prot, but preferably more. If ABLE RESULTS THAT THESE THINKING PARTNER. PARTNER. This your company does not meet this requirement, we recommend you visit 50 Shades of Jay: www.abraham.com/50Shades www.abraham.com/50Shades to rere ceive an amalgam of valuable and totally gratis business growth resources. Or, Or, you may visit The Jay Abraham Story: www.Thewww.ThePARTNERSHIPS RTNERSHIPS DELIVER. means my contributions and per- PA JayabrahamStory.com JayabrahamSto ry.com to watch a feature-length, feature-length, made-for-television made-for-television documentary documentary on Jay. All company names in this article spectives transcend mere passive, That’s zero-risk! are the property of the companies and not an indication of endorsement. ©2019

I probably wouldn’t be here without my mentor, mentor, Jay Abraham. Abraham. Life is a series of mentors and Jay Abraham is absolutely the best.




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