Jawaban BING Individu Ke 2

March 18, 2019 | Author: KhalrinaIsmahBadzlinaRisal | Category: Solar System, Astronomy, Science, Nature
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Bahasa Inggris II...





1. In the early 1900s, Eastman_______ Eastman_______ inexpensive inexpensive Brownie box cameras. a. It dev develo elope ped d b. It was was develop developed ed c. Deve Develo lope ped  d  d. Deve Develop loped ed 2. _____ _____ the disco discover very y of the fossi fossiliz lized ed remna remnants nts of tides tides in oneonebillion-year-old rocks. a. Geologi Geological cal repor reports ts b. Geologic Geological al report  report  c. The repo reports rts of geolo geologis gists ts d. Geologists’ reports

3. The Brooklyn Bridge _____ _____ took thirteen thirteen years to complete. complete. a. In New New York  York 

b. Is in New New York York c. It is is in New New York York d. Which New York York 4. Genes control control all all of he physica physicall ____ we inherit inherit a. That That tr traits aits b. That That are trait traitss c. Trait raitss that  that 

d. Traits raits are that that

5. Indigo can be extracted extracted from from a plant, and then ____ ____ to dye dye cloth blue. a. I t b. Usin Using g c. Usin Using g it d. It can can be used  used  6. _____ _____ in the United United States States spends spends 900 900 hours hours per per year year in in class class and 1,170 hours in front of the television. a. The average average third-gra third-grader  der  b. The third third grade is aver average age c. There There are thr three ee grades grades d. Three aver average age grades grades

7. Researchers have begun studying what ____is on human circadian rhythms. a. It is the the effec effectt of light light b. The light affects affects c. Is affe affecti cting ng the the light light d. The effect effect of light light

8. If calcium oxide oxide remains exposed to air, air, ____ to calcium carbonate. a. Turni urning ng b. Turns urns c. It tur turns

d. The The turn turn

9. Some early batteries batteries used concentrated concentrated nitric acid, ____ gave off poisonous fumes. a. They b. Then Then the they y c. But But th they  d. But they they had had 10. The soundprod soundproduced uced by an object object _____ _____ in a periodic periodic way way involves involves more thatn thatn the simple simple sine wave wave.. a. It vibr vibrat ates es b. Vibr Vibrat atin ing g c. Is vibr vibrat atin ing g d. Vibr Vibrat ates es

11. Prior to to discovery discovery of anesthe anesthetics tics in 1846, 1846, surgery surgery was done done ___ was was still conscious. a. While the patient  patient  b. The patien patientt left left c. During the patient’s patient’s d. While While pati patient ently ly 12. The drastic decline decline of the beaver helps helps to illustrate illustrate what ____ ____ to the ecosystems of the North American continent. a. Ha Happ ppen enin ing g b. The The happe happeni ning ng c. Has Has happ happen ened  ed  d. About About happen happening ing

13. The use of shorthand shorthand died out in the Middle Middle Ages because because of ___ with witchcraft. witchcraft. a. The associ associati ation on was imagin imagined ed b. Associate Associate the imagination imagination c. Imagin Imagine e the the associ associati ation on d. The imagin imagined ed associa association tion 14. A yacht is steered steered with a rudder, rudder, ____ the flow of water that that passes the hull a. Which Which deflec deflectin ting g b. Defl Deflec ects ts c. It defl deflec ects ts d. Which Which defle deflects cts

15. For top speed and sudden acceleration, the accelerator accelerator pump feeds additional gasoline from the float chamber into ___ above the venture tube. a. The The air air flo flows ws b. The The air air flow  flow  c. The The air air is flowi flowing ng d. Flows Flows the the air air Untuk jawaban no 16-40 ada di halaman terakhir beserta alasannya alasannya : 16. 16. In 173 1732, 2, coac coach h tra travelle vellerrs (A) (A) could could got got (B) (B) from from New New Yor York k to (C) (C) Philadelphia in about two days (D). 17. Some Some of of the( the(A) A) Distri District ct of Columb Columbia ia are are (B) on (C) low-ly low-lying, ing, marsh marshy y (D) ground. 18. Georgia’s (A) (A) econ econom omy y is based based (B) (B) main main(C) (C) on agri agricu cultu lture re (D). 19. The Paul Paul Rever Revere e House House was was built built (A) in 1676, and toda today y its (B) the the oldest oldest (C) wooden wooden (D) building building in Boston Boston

20. Conifers Conifers such as (A) (A) cedar cedars, s, firs, firs, and pines pines bear(B) bear(B) its(C) seeds in cones(D). 21. A done is a semispheric semispherical al(A (A)) stru struct ctur ures( es(B) B) on top top of (C)a (C)a building(D). building(D). 22. Succulents Succulents suck up(A) up(A) water water in just just a few hour(B) hour(B),, but they can can store(C) store(C) it in thei theirr stems( stems(D) D) for for months months.. 23. Flying Flying buttresse buttressess enabled (A) builder builderss to put(B) put(B) up tall tall but thinnest(C thinnest(C)) stone tone wal walls ls (D). (D). 24. Weather forecas forecaster terss monito monitor(A) r(A) barometri barometricc pressu pressures res (B) and record record they (C) on charts charts as (D) isobars. isobars. 25. In many many langua languages ges (A), the forms forms of a word word varies (B) to expres expresss such (C) contr contrasts asts as number number, gender, gender, and tense (D). 26. A milky way way object object that that (A) erupted erupted in the the constella constellation tion Scorpius Scorpius has provides provides (B) information information to astronomers astronomers(C) since (D) July. July. 27 Much Much (A) (A) fossi fossils ls are are fo

d (B) (B) in c

l-be l-be in (C) (C) r

ks (D). (D).

28. When salt is added (A) to ice, this (B) mixture becomes coldly (C) enough to free freezze (D) (D) ice ice crea cream m. 29. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (A), Long Island was chie chiefl fly y (B) (B) an agri agricu cult ltur ural al (C) (C) regio egion n with ith fis fishing hing,, whali haling ng,, and buil build d ships (D) (D) as the the impo import rtan antt indu indust stri ries es.. 30. No one who (A) has studied the Battle of Little Bighorn know (B) the exact act rout oute tha that Cus Custer and and his his (C) (C) det detachm achmen entt took (D). 31. The folktales which (A) the brothers Grimm had collecting (B) were tran transl slat ated ed (C) (C) into into Engl Englis ish h in 1823 1823.. 32. 32. In our our (A) (A) sola solarr system, em, nine nine pla planets nets,, fift fifty y-se -seven moo moons, ns, sev several doz dozen (B) comets, several millio lion asteroids ids, and billion ions of meteorite ites hav have so far (C) (C) been been disc disco over ver (D). (D). 33. From the 1850s until after the turn of the century, many (A) of America’s f America’s super-rich families (B) made (C) Newport his (D) favourite summer resort.

34. Mars Mars may may looks looks (A) red red beca because use it is (B) cov covere ered d (C) with with a laye layerr (D) of soft red iron oxide. 35. The radioactiv radioactive e substances substances that pose pose (A) the greatest harm to humanity have neither very short (B) (B) or (C) (C) very very long long half half live livess (D). (D). 36. A robin robin cock cockss its (A) head head to to peer peer at a worm worm (B) (B) with with one eye eyess (C) and not to hear hear it, as was was once (D) thought. thought. 37. 37. Film Film soun sound d (A) (A) is ofte often n reco record rd (B) (B) by an an anal analog og syst system em whic which h (C), (C), like like the compact compact disc, disc, uses (D) light. light. 38. The scrib scribes es of the the Middle Middle Ages Ages used used (A) quil quilll pens to to produ produce ce (B) their (C) high (D) decorated decorated manuscripts manuscripts.. 39. The principles principles of physic physicss described described (A) by Christ Christian ian Doppler Doppler in 1842 1842 for the the movement movement of star starss has (B) been adapte adapted d (C) to evaluat evaluate e the movement movement of blood blood (D) within within the heart. heart. 40. The pioneer pioneer 10 and and 11 spacecraf spacecraftt were were (A) the the first first (B) vehicle vehicle of humankind humankind to ventur venture e beyond beyond the limits limits (C) of ours ours (D) solar solar

ANSWER number 16-40 (Yang (Yang di beri bold (huruf tebal) jawaban yang benar 16. 16. B. Got Got - Get (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan got tidak sesuai, menceritakan kalimat menggunakan waktu masa lalu/lampau 17. 17. B. Are Are - Is (are tidak cocok karena bentuk jamak/ banyak sedangkan kalimat bentuk tunggal yang menceritakan tentang District of Columbia) 18. 18. C. Ma Main in –  – Mainly  19. B. It’s or it is (kalimat yang menandakan kepemilikkan/nya) 20. C. It’s - Their (its tidak cocok karena seeds dalam kalimat tidak bisa dihitung, makanya makanya menggunakan their (banyak)) 21. B. Structu Structure ress - Structure (jika memakai ‘s’ tidak cocok karena kata structure bukan kata benda yang bisa dihitung) dihitun g)

ANSWER number 16-40 (Yang (Yang di beri bold (huruf tebal) jawaban yang benar 22. B. Hour - Hours (karena dalam kalimat ada kalimat few yang artinya banyak. Sehingga hour di ubah menjadi hours yang artinya beberapa jam) 23. C. Thinnest - Thin (jika menggunakan ‘thinnest’ maka dalam kalimat maknanya maknanya bahwa dinding batu yang sangat tipis maka tidak akan kokoh dan jika tidak memakai ‘nest’ dibelakang kata maka membangun dinding batu yang tidak terlalu tipis namun kokoh) 24. C. They - Them (they berarti mereka, sedangka them berarti kepemilikkan) 25. 25. B. Varie ariess - Vary (tidak sesuai menggunakan kata varies karena akan bermakna bermacam-macam) 26. B. Provides - Provided (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan terdapat kata ‘has’ yang menandakan present perfect tense (perbuatan/situasi di masa lampau), makanya provides di ubah menjadi provided) 27. A. Much uch - Many (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan bahwa much menandakan uncountable noun (benda tak bisa dihitung) sementara many dengan jelas merupakan kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun).

ANSWER number 16-40 (Yang (Yang di beri bold (huruf tebal) jawaban yang benar 28. C. Co Coldly - Cold (cold adalah kata sifat adverb) 29. D. Bu Build ships - Building ships (jika menambahkan ‘ing’ pada kata build maka menjadi present continuous tense( bentuk yang menunjuk pada tidakan yang sedang beerlangsung)) 30. B. Know now - Knows (penambahan ‘s’ pada kata knows merupakan pengganti to be) 31. 31. B. coll collec ecti ting ng - Collected (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan terdapat kata ‘had’ yang menandakan present perfect tense (perbuatan/situasi di masa lampau), makanya collecting di ubah menjadi collected) 32. 32. D. dis disccover over - Discovered (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan terdapat kata ‘been’ yang menandakan present perfect continuous tense (yang menandakan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung) makanya collecting di ubah menjadi collected) collected) 33. D. Hi His - Their (Ketika membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan terdapat kata ‘many’ yang berarti banyak. banyak. Jadi his (tunggal) di ganti dengan their (jamak)

ANSWER number 16-40 (Yang (Yang di beri bold (huruf tebal) jawaban yang benar 34. A. Looks - Look (Dalam kalimat terddapat kata it is, sehingga ‘s’ dalam kata look di hilangkan karena kata is dan ‘s’ sudah termasuk to be) 35. C. Or - Nor (Dalam (Dalam kalimat kalimat terdapa terdapatt kata kata neither neither, sehingga sehingga or di ganti dengan dengan nor (nor sendiri dipakai untuk kalimat negatif/ nor sering dipakai bersamaan dengan neither) 36. C. Ey Eyes - Eye (Dalam kalimat terdapat kata ‘one’, sehingga menghilangkan ‘s’ (yang bermakna banyak) pada kata eye. 37. B. Record ord – recorded 38. D. High - Highly (ditaambah dengan ‘ly’ dibelakang kata kata karena arti dari kalimat merupakan ‘noun’(kata bendabenda- quill pens). (penambahan ly terjadi terjadi pada adjective(kata adjective(kata sifat) dan noun (kata benda)) 39. B. Has - Have ((dalam ((dalam kalimat terdapat kata ‘starts’ sehigga has di ganti menjadi have yang bermakna banyak) 40. D. Ou Ours - Our (Penggunaan kata ‘ours’ tidak sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut, sehingga menggunakan kata our sebagai pengganti orang kedua)

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