Constitutional Law. Political Law. Ratifcation Cases. Date o eectivity o the 1973 Constitution. JAVLLA!A JAVLLA!A V" #$ %C'V %C'V "CR# "CR#AR AR( ( )* "CRA 3*+ ,a-ch 31 1973 Ponente/ Conce0cion C.J AC#"/ 2n Janua-y * 1973 Josue Javellana fle4 a 0-ohi5ition case to -est-ain -es0on4ents -o6 i60le6entin any o the 0-ovisions o the 0-o0ose4 constitution not oun4 in the 0-esent constitution. Javellana 6aintaine4 that the -es0on4ents a-e actin without o- in e8cess o u-is4iction in i60le6entin 0-o0ose4 constitution an4 that the 0-esi4ent is without 0owe- to 0-oclai6 the -atifcation o the constitution. "i6ilaactions we-e fle4 5y Vi4al #an :e-a-4o Ro8as a6on othe-s. Petitione-s 0-ay othe nullifcation o P-ocla6ation 11* ;Citi usticia5le > . ?as the constitution constituti on 0-o0ose4 5y the 1971 Constitutional Constituti onal Convention -atife4 vali4ly in co60liance to a00lica5le laws> 3. ?as the 0-o0ose4 Constitution Constituti on ac@uiesce4 5y the 0eo0le> . A-e the 0etitione-s 0etitione- s entitle4 -elie> ). 's the 0-o0ose4 Constitution in o-ce> $LD/ ?hethe- a constitutional a6en46ent has 5een 0-o0e-ly a4o0te4 acco-4in to an e8istin constitution is a u4icial @uestion as it is the a5solute 4uty o the u4icia-y to 4ete-6ine whethe- the Constitution has 5een a6en4e4 in the 6anne- -e@ui-e4 5y the constitution. #he Constitution 0-o0ose4 5y the 1971 Convention was not vali4ly -atife4 in acco-4ance with A-ticle %V section 1 o the 193) Constitution which 0-ovi4es only one way o- -atifcation ;election o- 0le5iscite hel4 in acco-4ance with law an4 only with @ualife4 vote-s=. Due to the envi-on6ental an4 social con4itions in the Phili00ines ;i.e. 6a-tial law= the Cou-t cannot honestly say that the 0eo0le ac@uiesce4 to the 0-o0ose4 Constitution. #he 6ao-ity -ule4 to 4is6iss the cases as the eectivity o the 0-o0ose4 Constitution Constitution is the 5asic issue 0ose4 5y the cases which consi4e-ations othe- than u4icial a-e -elevant an4 unavoi4a5le. #he new constitution is in o-ce as the-e a-e not enouh votes to say othe-wise.
A Convention to 0-o0ose a6en46ents to the Constitution o the Phili00ines was a00-ove4 on Auust 197* an4 5ean to 0e-o-6 its unctions on June 1 1971. 2n "e0te65e- 1 197 the P-esi4ent issue4 P-ocla6ation !o. 1*1 0lacin the enti-e Phili00ines un4e- ,a-tial Law. 2n !ove65e- 9 197 the 1971 Constitutional Constitutional Convention a00-ove4 its P-o0ose4 Constitution o the Re0u5lic o the Phili00ines. #he ne8t 4ayP-esi4ent ,a-cos issue4 P-esi4ential Dec-ee !o. 73 su56ittin to the ili0ino 0eo0le o- -atifcation o- -eection the Constitution o the Re0u5lic o the Phili00ines 0-o0ose4 5y the 1971 Constitutional Convention an4 a00-o0-iatin un4s the-eo-E as well as settin the 0le5iscite o- sai4 -atifcation o- -eection o the P-o0ose4 Constitution on Janua-y 1) 1973. 2n Dece65e- 7 197 Cha-ito Planas fle4 a case aainst the Co66ission on lections the #-easu-e- o the Phili00ines an4 the Au4ito- :ene-al to enoin sai4 -es0on4ents o- thei- aents -o6 i60le6entin P-esi4ential Dec-ee !o. 73 in any 6anne- until u-the- o-4e-s o the Cou-tE u0on the -oun4s inte- alia that sai4 P-esi4ential Dec-ee has no o-ce an4 eect as law 5ecause the callin o such 0le5iscite the settin o ui4elines o- the con4uct o the sa6e the 0-esc-i0tion 0-esc-i0tion o the 5allots to 5e use4 an4 the @uestion to 5e answe-e4 5y the vote-s an4 the a00-o0-iation o 0u5lic un4s o- the 0u-0ose a-e 5y the Constitution lo4e4 e8clusively in Con-ess an4 the-e is no 0-o0e- su56ission to the 0eo0le o sai4 P-o0ose4 Constitution set o- Janua-y 1) 1973 the-e 5ein no -ee4o6 o s0eech 0-ess an4 asse65ly an4 the-e 5ein no suFcient ti6e to ino-6 the 0eo0le o the contents the-eo.E 2n Dece65e- 3 the P-esi4ent announce4 the 0ost0one6ent o the 0le5iscite othe -atifcation o- -eection o the P-o0ose4 Constitution an4 te60o-a-ily sus0en4in the eects o P-ocla6ation !o. 1*1 o- 0u-0oses o -ee an4 o0en 4e5ate on the 0-o0ose4 Constitution.E #he Cou-t 4ee6e4 4ee6e4 it ft to -e-ain -e-ain o- the the ti6e 5ein -o6 -o6 4eci4in the ao-e6entione4 cases o- neithe- the 4ate no- the con4itions un4e- which sai4 0le5iscite woul4 5e hel4 we-e Gnown o- announce4 oFcially. 'n the ate-noon o Janua-y 1 1973 the 0etitione-s in Case :.R. !o. LB3)9 fle4 an u-ent 6otionE 0-ayin that sai4 case 5e 4eci4e4 as soon as 0ossi5le 0-ee-a5ly 0-ee-a5ly not late- than Janua-y 1) 1973.E #he Cou-t issue4 issue4 a -esolution -esolution -e@ui-in -e@ui-in the -es0on4ents -es0on4ents in in sai4 th-ee th-ee ;3= cases to co66ent on sai4 u-ent 6otionE an4 6aniestationE not late- than #ues4ay noon Janua-y 1H 1973 an4 set the 6otion o- hea-in on Janua-y 17 1973 at 9/3* a.6.E ?hile the case was 5ein hea-4 the P-esi4ent issue4 P-ocla6ation !o. 11*. A!!2&!C'!: #$ RA#''CA#'2! I( #$ 'L'P'!2 P2PL 2 #$ C2!"#'#'2! PR2P2"D I( #$ 1971 C2!"#'#'2!AL C2!V!#'2!
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