JAVA - Assignment HND Esoft

February 2, 2017 | Author: sheran23 | Category: N/A
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Assignment Brief BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF) To be filled by the Learner Name of the Learner : Edexcel No Date of Submission

: :

Centre No



Unit Assessment Information Qualification Development

: Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems

Unit Code & Title

: F/601/1528– Unit 41 - Programming in Java (No 41)

Assessment Title & No’s Scheduling System

: “Royal ICT Hub” – Class

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities: LO 01:Understand the principles of programming in Java Learning LO1.1 LO1.2 Outcomes LO 02: Be able to design Java solutions Learning LO2.1 LO2.2 Outcomes LO 03: Be able to implement Java solutions Learning LO3.1 LO3.2 LO3.3 LO3.4 LO3.5 Outcomes LO 04: Be able to test and document Java solutions Learning LO4.1 LO4.2 LO4.3 LO4.4 LO4.5 Outcomes

Merit and Distinction Descriptor Assessor


Internal Examiner (IE) :

Date Reviewed

: Date of IE


Date Issued :

Date Due


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Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Edexcel UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the attached. Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date:.…………………

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Assignment Brief “Royal ICT Hub” is an IT institute, which provides world recognized IT Programs in Sri Lanka. Currently they are working with Linux based environment. You have been hired as a professional Object Oriented Programming developer to design and implement an automated Student Registration System (SRS). When a student first enrolls at the university, the student uses the SRS to specify a major and a degree. During the registration period preceding each semester, the student is able to view the schedule of classes online, and choose whichever classes he or she wishes to attend, indicating the preferred section (day of week and time of day) if the class is offered by more than one professor. The SRS will verify whether the student has satisfied the prerequisites for each requested course by referring to the student’s online transcript of courses completed and grades received. Assuming that the prerequisites for the requested course are satisfied, there is room available in each of the class, the student is enrolled in the class. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the class if it is no longer desired. Students may drop a class up to the end of the first week of the semester in which the class is being taught. At the end of the semester grades are posted, possible grades are variations on A, B, C, D (i.e. A, A+, A-), and an F. If a student achieves pass mark of a course then this course is updated in his transcript. The high-level requirements of the system are: 1. Enrol in university. 2. Register for a course. 3. Drop a course. 4. Determine a student’s course load (All the student enrolled courses). 5. View schedule of classes.

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6. Request a transcript for a given student. 7. Maintain course information: course id, course description, course instructor. 8. Post final semester grades for a given course. Some of the higher level requirements mentioned in the above list are decomposed below. ‘Enrol in university’ should be decomposed into: I. Set student name II. Set student registration number. III. Declare degree. IV. Declare major. ‘Register for a course’ should be decomposed into: I. Verify that a student has met the prerequisites. II. Check availability of a seat in the course. ‘Post








should be

decomposed into: I. Update student transcript with grade if student passed. II. Remove course from student course load. ‘Drop a course’ should be decomposed into: I. Check if a week into the semester has yet to pass. II. If yes, then remove the course from student course load. III. Otherwise do not remove course. It is up to you to decompose the rest of the requirements in the above list. Anything is acceptable as long as it is reasonable and well documented.

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Assignment Tasks LO1. Understand the principles of programming in Java 1. Explain

principals, characteristics and features relating to the Java

programming.(LO 1.1) 2. Critically evaluate JVM Environment and it’s Environmental flexibility in building platform independent Java Programs (LO 1.2)

LO2. Be able to design Java solutions 3. Design the given scenario using a) Use case Diagram(LO2.1) b) Class Diagram(LO2.1) c) Sequence Diagram(LO2.1) d) Activity Diagram (LO2.1) e) ER Diagram (LO2.2) f) data flow diagram (LO2.2) 4. Write a short description in plain English for each class in class diagram and each use case in use case diagram. (LO2.2)

LO3. Be able to implement Java solutions 5. Implement an Object Oriented solution for the given scenario using Netbeans IDE.(M1) a) Java Solution must be based on the prepared design given in task 03.(LO3.1)

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b) Define















polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, aggregation in your implementation(LO3.2) c) Explain

control structures used in the solution with examples.

(LO3.3) d) Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting.(LO3.4) e) Provide the list of examples how you experienced user-friendliness of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (LO3.5)

LO4. Be able to test and document Java solutions 6. Create user documentation for the developed java program solution. (LO4.4) 7. Create a technical document to provide good understanding of the program and its functions.( LO 4.5)

8. Provide suitable test cases and a test plan to test the system. ( LO 4.1)(LO 4.2) 9. Explain the security features you have included to the solution Hint: - provide the future security recommendations. 10.

Get independent feedback about your system from various users

and make valid recommendations based on the feedback to improve your system. (LO 4.3)

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Practical Observation Sheet Module: Programming in Java Unit No: 41 Student Name: _________________________________

Activit y No



LO 3.1


Provide evidence of coding, and explain a piece of coding to the audience. Run the program


Test the program with data


Provide valid example where you have been applied OOP concepts ( Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance) Modify the program according to the assessor’s requirement Prove the use of Error Controlling Mechanism in the solution and Error reporting structure

LO 4.1 LO 4.2 M2

5 6

Learnin g Outco me (LO)

Achiev ed

LO 4.1

D1 LO 3.4


Assessor Name :

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Outcomes/Criteria for PASS

Possib le Evide nce

Pag e


LO1Understand the principles of programming in Java 1.1Discuss the principles, characteristics and features of programming in Java

Task 1

1.2Critically evaluate the environmental flexibility of programming in Java

Task 2

LO2 Be able to design Java solutions 2.1 Design a Java programming solution to a given problem.

Task 3

2.2 Explain the components and data and file structures required to implement a given design

Task 3 Task 4

LO3 Be able to implement Java solutions 3.1 Implement a Java programming solution based on a prepared design 3.2 Define relationships between objects to implement design requirements 3.3 Implement object behaviors using control structures to meet the design algorithms 3.4 Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting

Task 5a Task 5b

3.5 Make effective use of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) including code and screen templates

Task 5e

Task 5c Task 5d

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LO4 Be able to test and document Java solutions. 4.1Critically review and test a Java programming solution 4.2 Analyze actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies 4.3 Evaluate independent feedback on a developed Java program solution and make recommendations for improvements 4.4 Create user documentation for the developed Java program solution 4.5 Create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of a Java program solution.

Grade Descriptor for MERIT M1

Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions M1.3 An effective approach to study and research has been applied M2

Select / design appropriate methods / techniques M2.1 Relevant theories and techniques have been applied M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings M3.3 A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used

Task 8 Task 8 Task 10 Task 6 Task 7

Possible Evidence Task 5


UML Diagraming notations

Documentation should be well structured adhering to the formatting guidelines with non-overlapping facts. Data provided are accurate, reliable and consistent Acceptable count of References

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Grade Descriptor for DISTINCTION 1. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions D1.4 Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success

Possible Evidence

2. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities D2.3 Activities have been managed

Gantt chart must be provided at the appendix section and submit the work on time.

3. Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking D3.4 Problems have been solved.


Applying Harvard Referencing for the references Critical Reflection section

Creative Interfaces Creative Onscreen help

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Future Improvements & Assessor Comment:



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