Japanese Grade 0 Kanji Vocabulary
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This is a Japanese Kanji Vocabulary consisting of only 0 grade, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Grade Kanji. If you see...
JPN Vocab Grade 0
未了=unfinished, yet not finished[n.] 色々=various 貧乏な=poor
了解する=consent, comprehend 少々=few, a little, somewhat 欠乏する=run short
了承する=approve, consent 与党=government party 乏しい=meager, scarce
完了する=complete, conclude 給与=salary 互角=equality, evenness, par
終了する=close, end 賞与=bonus pay 相互=mutual, reciprocal
満了する=expire,terminate 関与する=participate in,take part in 交互に =mutually, reciprocally
修了する=complete, finish 寄与する=contribute 互選する=elect by mutual vote
山々=mountains 贈与する=donate お互い=mutual, reciprocal, each other
人々=people 授与する=award[v.t.] 互い違い=alternate, alteration
国々=countries 与える=give 介入する=intervene, interfere
介抱する=nurse, look after 十匹=10(animals) 独占する=monopolize
紹介する=introduce 何匹=how many animals 占める=comprise, occupy
媒介する=mediate, transmit(disease)双方=both parties, bilateral 独り占めする =monopolize
仲介する=mediate, act as go-between 双肩=shoulders 占う=tell one’s fortune, divine
厄介な=troublesome, annoying 双眼鏡=binoculars, field glasses 占い師 =diviner,fortune teller
冗談=joke 双生児=twins 星占い=astrology, horoscope
冗長な=tedious, verbose, redundancy 双子=twins, a twin 召集する=call together, muster
匹敵する=match, be equal to 双葉=seed leaf, cotyledon 召還する=recall, call someone back
一匹=1(animal) 占星術=astrology 応召する=be drafted, be enlisted
三匹=3(animals) 占領地=occupied territory 召す=call, wear, eat, drink[hon.]
六匹=6(animals) 占拠する=occupy 召し使い=servant
八匹=8(animals) 占有する=have exclusive possession 召し上がる=eat, drink[hon.]
お召し物=clothing[hon.] 甘い=sweet, not strict 払い込む=deposit, make payment
巨人=giant 甘える=presume goodwill 人込み=crowd of people
巨岩=huge rock, crag 甘やかす=pamper, spoil 税込み=tax included
巨視的な=macroscopic 甘んじる=put up with, submit to 企業=enterprise
巨大な=enormous, colossal 込める=include, put into[v.t.] 企画=project[n.]
払拭する=wipe out 閉じ込める=lock/shut up, imprison 企て=plot[n.]
払う=pay, brush 引っ込める=draw in, take in, retract 企てる=plot[v.t.]
払い落とす=brush of 込む=be crowded, be thronged[v.i.] 伏線=foreshadow, hint
分割払い =payment by installments 乗り込む=board, embark on, get in 伏兵 =ambush
酔っ払い=drunkard 黙りこむ=sink into silence 平伏する=prostrate oneself before
甘味料=sweeteners,sweetening materials 書き込む=fill in(writing) 降伏する =surrender
甘美な=sweet 持ち込む=bring in 起伏=undulation, ups&downs
潜伏する=lie hidden, hide 叫ぶ=scream, shout[v.i.] 汚水=filthy water, sewage
伏せる=lay something face down,hide 叫び声=shout, scream[n.] 汚物=filth, muck, dirt
伏す=bend down, bow 多忙な=busy 汚職=corruption, graft
充分な=plenty, sufficient 忙殺される=be worked to death 汚名=stigma, dishonor,infamy
充満する=be filled, teeming 忙しい=busy 汚点=stain, blot, flaw, disgrace
充電する=charge(a battery) 汗腺=sweat gland 汚染する=pollute, contaminate
充実する=fenrich, perfect, complete 発汗する=sweat[v.i.] 汚す=disgrace, dishonor[v.t.]
補充する=supplement, replenish 汗=sweat, perspiration 汚れる=be corrupted/polluted[v.i.]
拡充する=expand 汗かき=person who sweats a lot 汚らわしい=filthy, obscene, dirty
充てる=assign, allocate 汗だく=dripping with sweat 汚す=make dirty[v.t.]
阿鼻叫喚=agonizing cries, pandemonium 汗ばむ=be slightly sweaty 汚れる =get dirty[v.i.]
絶叫する=scream, shout[v.i] 冷や汗=cold sweat 汚い=dirty, unclean, filthy
缶=can, tin 学者肌=scholarly bent of mind
缶切り=can opener 舟航=boating, sailing 伸長する=expand,extend, elongate
缶詰め=canned goods,tin can 呉越同舟=bitter enemies in same boat 伸ばす =lengthen,[v.t.]
空き缶=empty can 舟=ship, boat, watercraft 伸びる=stretch, extend, grow[v.i.]
肌=skin 釣り船=fishing boat 伸び率=growth rate
肌身=body 舟大工=shipwright 背伸びする=stand on tiptoe, stretch oneself
肌着=underwear 舟着き場=wharf *欠伸=yawn[n.]
肌色=skin-coloured 芝=lawn, sod, turf 奉伺する=inquire about(one’s health)
肌触り=texture(for skin) 芝生=lawn 伺う=visit, ask[hum.]
肌寒い=chilly 芝居=play, drama 即刻=instantly
肌山=bare surface of mountain 人工芝=artificial grass 即興=improvised, impromptu
地肌=one’s skin, surface of ground 追伸=postscript 即効性=immediate efect 即座に=right away 笛吹き=flute player けちん坊=miser, cheapskate
即死する=die instantly 吹き溜まり=drift 朝寝坊=oversleeping
即答する=reply immediately 吹き出物=pimple, acne 寝坊する=sleep in late
即する=conform to 吹き出す=spurt, burst in laughter 臨床医=clinician
即ち=namely *息吹=breath 温床=hotbed, breeding ground
含蓄=significance, implication *吹雪=driving snow, blizzard 病床=sickbed
含有する=contain, include 坊主=Buddhist priest[derogatory]起床する=get up,get out of bed
包含する=include, contain, comply お坊さん=Buddhist priest 床=bed
含める=include[v.t.] 坊ちゃん=son(of others) 床屋=barber
含む=include, contain, hold[v.i.] 坊や=boy 床の間=alcove
吹奏楽=music for wind instruments 赤ん坊=baby 寝床=bed
吹く=blow, emit, spout 食いしん坊=glutton 床=floor
床下=under the floor 抗争=resistance 抜ける=come out, be missing[v.i.]
返戻する=return[v.t.] 不可抗力=irresistible force 抜く=draw out, unplug[v.t.]
戻す=restore, put back[v.t.] 抗議する=protest[v.i.] 抜かす=omit, leave out[v.t.]
取り戻す=regain 反抗する=resist, disobey[v.i.] 専攻=major(at university)
買い戻す=buy back 対抗する=oppose[v.i.] 攻撃する=attack[v.t.] 払い戻し=refund, rebate[n.] 抵抗する=resist, stand against[v.i.] 攻略する =capture
戻る=return[v.i.] 抜群=pre-eminence 攻める=attack, criticize
抑圧する=oppress 海抜=height above sea level 質問攻め=barrage of questions
抑制する=control, restrain 奇抜な=original, eccentric 更衣室 =locker/changing room
抑止力=(nuclear)deterrent 抜本的な=drastic, radical 更生する=rehabilitate, regenerate
抑揚=intonation, inflection 抜粋する=extract, select 更新する=renew, update
抑える=control, restrain 選抜する=select 変更する=change, modify, alter
更に=furthermore,again,more 沈思黙考する=be sunk in deep thought 狂わす =drive mad
尚更=all the more, still less 沈む=sink, feel depressed[v.i.]狂おしい =mad,crazy,distraught[adj.]
今更=at this late time 沈める=sink, submerge[v.t.] 辛苦 =hardship,toil,trouble
更かす=stay up late[v.t.] 沢山=a lot, much, many 辛酸=hardships, privation
夜更かし=staying up late 贅沢な=luxurious 辛辣な= bitter, sharp, acrimonious
更ける=get late(time,season)[v.i.] 沢=swamp 辛抱する=endure, persevere
沈着冷静な=calm, composed, cool 狂気=madness 香辛料=spices
沈黙する=be silent 狂人=lunatic, madman 辛い =spicy,salty,tough,harsh,adverse
沈没する=sinker, founder, go to bottom 狂言=Noh farce 塩辛い=salty
沈下する=sink, subside 狂犬病=rabies, hydrophobia 辛子=mustard
沈滞する=stagnate, be inactive 発狂する=go mad, lose one’s mind 唐辛子=red pepper
沈静する=die down, settle down 狂う=go mad, get out of order[v.i.] 世知辛 い=hard,tough
迎賓館=reception hall a 侮辱する=treat with contempt, insult 到底=
送迎バス=pick up&drop of buss 侮蔑する=scorn, disdain 周到な=
迎合する=flatter, ingratiate 軽侮する=scorn 到来する=
歓迎する=welcome, give warm reception 侮る=despise,disdain,make light of 到着する=arrive
迎える=go to meet,pick up 免許=license, certificate 到達する=reach, arrive
送り迎え=dropping of&picking up 免税=tax exemption 殺到する=throng, flood, rush
依頼心=spirit of dependence 免疫=immunity 到る=reach, attain
依頼する=request[v.t.] 免責する=exempt from responsibility 刺繍 =embroidery
依存する=depend/rely on 免職する=dismiss from office 刺客=assassin
依拠する=based on 免除する=discharge 名刺=business card
依然として=still,as yet,as of old 御免なさい=I am sorry,excuse,me 刺激する =excite,stimulate
帰依する=devote oneself to(religion) 免れる=escape from 刺傷する =stab,puncture
風刺する=satirize, lampoon 姓=surname, family name 征伐する=punish, suppress, conquest
刺す=pierce, stab[v.t.] 姓名=full name 遠征する=invade, make an expedition
刺さる=be stuck[v.i.] 旧姓=maiden name 出生する=depart for the front
刺身=sliced raw fish 同姓同名=same family& personal name 恐怖=terror
卓上=tabletop, desktop 改姓する=change one’s family name 恐怖症=phobia
卓球=table tennis, ping-pong 百姓=farmer, peasant 恐い=scary, frightening[adj.]
卓見=penetration, excellent idea 彼岸=equinoctial week 恐がる=be afraid of, fear[v.i.]
食卓=dining table 彼=he, boyfriend 怪獣=monster
電卓=calculator 彼等=they 怪物=monster
卓抜な=excellent, superior 彼氏=boyfriend 怪談=ghost story
卓越する=excel, surpass 彼女=she, girlfriend 妖怪=monstrous creature, hobgoblin
卓立する=excel, stand out 征服する=conquest, subjugate 怪事件=unsolved mystery
怪奇な=bizarre, strange 抱える=hold/carry under,or in the arms 押入れ=closet
怪我=injury 抵当=mortage, security 押さえる=press down, stop, seize
怪しい=suspicious, dubious, doubtful 抵抗力=resistance 昇降口=hatch, entrance
怪しむ=suspect[v.t.] 大抵=usually, generally 昇給する=get a raise
抱負=aspiration, ambition 抵抗する=resist, oppose 昇格する=be promoted(higher status)
抱腹絶倒=side-splittingly funny 抵触する=conflict with 昇進する =promoted(higher position)
辛抱する=be patient, persevere 押収する=seize,confiscate 昇級する =promoted(higher grade)
抱擁する=embrace, hug 押印する=affix one’s seal 昇天する=die, ascend to heaven
介抱する=nurse, look after 押捺する=seal, stamp, imprint 上昇する=rise, ascend, climb
抱く=embrace, hug 押す=push, press, stamp 昇る=rise, ascend, climb
抱っこする=carry(a baby)in one’s arm 押し売り=high pressure salesmanship 祝杯=toast
抱く=entertain,cherish,hold,harbor 押し問答=dispute,heatedQ&A 優勝杯 =trophy
一杯=a lot of, full, a cup/drink 沸点=boiling point 不況=recession, depression, slump
二杯=two cups 沸騰する=boil, seethe[v.i.] 盛況=flourishing, prosperity, success
三杯=three cups 煮沸する=boil, scald[v.t.] 市況=market conditions
満杯=full 沸かす=boil up[v.t.] 二泊三日=3 days 2 nights
乾杯する=make a toast 湯沸かし器=hot-water heater 宿泊する=stay at
杯=sake cup 沸く=boil, get excited[v.i.] 一泊二食付き=2 meals included per night
欧州=Europe 沸き返る=seethe, get excited 外泊する=spend night away from home
欧米=Europe&USA,theWest 状況=state of afairs,circumstances 泊める=give shelter,lodge[v.t.]
西欧=Western Europe 戦況=progress of battle 泊まる=stay at[v.i.]
東欧=Eastern Europe 近況=recent situation 泊り客=guest, lodger
南欧=Southern Europe 実況=real situation, actual scene 泥土=mud
北欧=Northern Europe 好況=healthy economy, prosperity 泥水=muddy water
雲泥の差=wide diference 煙突=chimney 肩書き=title
泥酔する=be dead drunk 突撃する=charge, rush at 肯定文=affirmative sentence
泥=mud 突入する=rush into 肯定する=affirm, agree
泥んこ=morass of mud 突進する=rush, charge 邪心=malice, evil intentions
泥沼=bog, morass 突破する=break through 邪道な=heresy, the course of evil
泥棒=thief, burglar, robber, theft 衝突する=collide 邪悪な=wicked, evil
こそ泥=sneak-thief, pilferer 追突する=collide(from behind) 無邪気な =innocent, simple
祈祷=prayer 突飛な=wild, extraordinary 邪魔する=get in the way, be a nuisance
祈願する=pray 突く=poke, nudge *風邪=a cold(as in illness)
祈る=pray, wish, hope 肩甲骨=shoulder-blade 冒険=adventure[n.]
祈り=prayer 強肩=strong throwing arm 冒頭=opening(of a story, article, etc.)
突然=suddenly 肩=shoulder 冒涜する=desecrate, blasphemy
冒す=risk, take a risk 開封する=open a letter, break a seal 挟撃=pincer movement
咲く=bloom 密封する=seal up 挟む=pinch, interpose,insert[v.t.]
早咲き=early blooming/flowering 封建的な=feudal 挟み撃ち=pincer attack
遅咲き=late blooming/flowering 封建主義=feudalism 挟まる=get between, be caught in[v.i.]
狂い咲き=floweringOutofseason 封建制度=feudalsystem 枯渇する=dry up,become exhausted
咲き誇る=be in full bloom 怒声=angry voice 栄枯盛衰=ups&downs, vicissitudes
咲き乱れる=bloom profusely 喜怒哀楽=joy,anger,pathos&humor 枯らす=let wither,blast[v.t.]
封=seal[n.] 怒鳴る=yell 木枯らし=cold wintry wind
封書=sealed letter 激怒する=get furious 枯れる=whither, be blasted[v.i.]
封印する=seal[v.t.] 怒る=get angry 枯れ葉=dead leaf, withered leaf
封鎖する=blockade, seal of 怒り狂う=be in a fit(of anger)枯れ木=dead tree, withered tree
同封する=enclose 怒る=get angry, scold 柔道=judo
柔軟な=flexible, lithe 珍品=curio, rare article *皆=everyone
柔和な=gentle, mild, meek 珍現象=strange phenomenon 荒野=wasteland, wilderness
柔らかい=soft, tender, limp 珍妙な=queer, odd 荒野=wasteland, wilderness
狭義=narrow, strict 珍紛漢紛な=gibberish 荒涼たる=desolate, dreary
狭心症=heart attack,angina pectoris 珍重する= value highly, treasure 荒廃する =fall into ruin
狭量な=narrow minded 珍しい=unusual, rare 荒らす=lay waste, damage, devastate
偏狭な=narrow minded, intolerant 皆目=entirely, completely 荒い=rough, rude, wild, harsh
狭い=narrow, confined, small 皆無=nothing, none 荒々しい= rough, wild, harsh, violent
狭苦しい=cramped 皆勤=perfect attendance 荒っぽい=rough, rude
狭める=narrow, reduced, contract[v.t.] 皆既食=total eclipse 手荒な=violent, rough
狭まる=narrow, contract[v.i.] 皆さん=all, everyone 荒れる=get stormy/rough, be ruined
珍味=delicacy, dainty *皆=everyone 荒地=devastated or wasted land
逃亡者=runaway, fugitive 近郊=suburbs,outskirts,neighboring 卒倒する =faint[v.i.]
逃走する=run away, escape 香水=perfume 打倒する=knockdown, overthrow
逃亡する=run away, escape 香油=balm, perfumed oil 圧倒する=overwhelm
逃避する=escape, evade 芳香=perfume, fragrance, aroma 面倒な=tiresome
逃がす=let loose, set free [v.t.] 香ばしい=aromatic, fragrant 面倒臭い =tiresome
逃げる=escape, run away[v.i.] 香車=lance(shogi game) 倒れる=collapse, fall down[v.i.]
逃げ道=way out, escape route 香=aroma, fragrance, smell, scent 倒す=beat, knock down[v.t.]
逃す=miss, waste, let slip[v.t.] 色香=color&scent,charm[n.] 凍傷=frostbite
見逃す=miss, overlook 移り香=lingering scent 冷凍庫=freezer
逃れる=escape, evade[v.i.] 香り= aroma, fragrance, smell, scent 凍結する =freeze
言い逃れ=evasion, excuse 倒産する=go bankrupt(corporate) 凍死する =freeze to death
郊外=suburb, outskirts 転倒する=tumble, fall down, be upset 解凍する =thaw
凍る=freeze[v.i.] 埋まる= be buried, be filled[v.i.] 恋人=lover
凍える=be numb with cold[v.i.]埋もれる=be buried, be covered[v.i.]恋しい =dear, longed for
哲学=philosophy 娘=daughter, girl 初恋=first love
哲理=philosophic principles 娘心=girlish character 恐怖=terror
哲学者=philosopher 娘婿=son-in-law 恐慌=financial panic
哲学的な=philosophical 孫娘=granddaughter 恐妻家=hen-pecked husband
埋蔵物=buried property 箱入り娘=girl who has led a sheltered life 恐竜 =dinosaur
埋没する=be buried, sink into ground 恋愛=love afair 恐縮する=feel obliged, indebted
埋葬する=bury(a person) 失恋する=be broken hearted 恐らく=perhaps
埋める=bury, fill, plug gaps 恋う=love[v.t.] 恐れる=fear[v.t.]
埋立地=reclaimed land 恋する=love[v.t.] 恐る恐る=timidly
生き埋め=burying alive 恋=love[n.] 恐ろしい=terrible, dreadful
恥辱=disgrace, shame 悩む=be worried/troubled[v.i.] 家宅捜査=household search
羞恥心=shyness 悩み=trouble, worry[n.] 捜査する=investigate(criminal case)
厚顔無恥な=brazen&unscrupulous 悩ましい=seductive 捜索する=search(for criminal),hunt
恥=shame, embarrassment 捕手=catcher 捜す=search, seek, look for
恥ずかしい=shy, be embarrassed 捕虜=prisoner of war 捜し物=object being sought
恥じる=feel ashamed 捕鯨船=whaling ship 浮力=buoyancy, floating power
覚悟する=be resolved/prepare to do 捕獲する=capture, seize 浮浪者 =homeless, vagrant
悟る=attain enlightenment 逮捕する=arrest, apprehend 浮上する =surface,rise to surface
悟り=enlightenment,comprehension 捕らえる=capture,arrest[v.t.] 浮遊する =float,wander
煩悩=earthly/carnal desires 捕る=take, catch, capture[v.t.]浮かべる =float,express,look[v.t.]
苦悩する=sufer, be anguished 捕まえる=capture, arrest, seize[v.t.]浮かぶ=rise to surface[v.i.]
悩ます=afflict, torment, harass[v.t.] 捕まる=be caught/arrested[v.i.] 浮く =float[v.i.]
浮世=fleeting life, this transient world 涙ぐむ=be moved to tears 不眠症 =insomnia
浮世絵=ukiyoe 涙ぐましい=touching, pathetic 睡眠時間=time spent sleeping
浮かれる=make merry, be festive 畜舎=cattleshed/barn 催眠術=hypnotism
*浮気=illicit love afair 畜生=beast,brute,Damn! 冬眠する=hibernate
*浮つく=be flippant/frivolous[v.i.] 畜産業=stock raising/breeding 眠い=be sleepy
涙腺=tear gland 家畜=livestock, cattle 眠気=drowsiness
感涙=tears of gratitude 牧畜=stock-farming 眠る=sleep
催涙ガス=tear gas 疲労する=be exhausted 脂肪=fat, grease, blubber
涙=tear 疲れる=get tired 脂質=lipid, fats, adipose
涙声=tearful voice 気疲れする=get mentally tired 油脂=fat,fats&oils
嬉し涙=happy tears,tears of joy 疲れ果てる=get tired out 脂=fat, tallow, lard
悔し涙=tears of chagrin 睡眠=sleep[n.] 脂身=fatty meat
脂性=tendency to get oily(skin) 華=flower, essence 恥辱=disgrace, shame, insult
脂っこい=greasy,fatty,oily 華やかな=flowery, flamboyant 雪辱=vindication of one’s honor
諸般=circumstances 華々しい=spectaculr,glorious,brilliant 侮辱する=treat w/contempt, insult
一般的な=common, usual, average 軒数=number of houses 辱める=put to shame
全般的な=general[adj.] 一軒=one house 途中=on the way, en route, midway
華道=flower arrangement 何軒=how many houses 前途=future prospects, outlook
華氏=Fahrenheit 一軒家=an isolated house 用途=use, usefulness
中華料理=Chinese food 軒=eaves 帰途=on the way back, returning
華麗な=splendid, magnificent 軒下=place under the eaves 発展途上 =developing(country)
華美な=splendid,showy,gaudy 軒先=edge of the eaves,frontage 途絶える =cease,come to end
豪華な=gorgeous, luxurious 軒並み=row of houses, every door 隻眼=one eye
法華経=the Lotus Sutra 屈辱=disgrace, humiliation 隻手=one arm, one hand
一隻=one boat/ship 偏頭痛=migraine headache 新婚=newly-wed
乾季=dry season 偏差値=deviation value 未婚=unmarried
乾物=dry foods/goods 偏屈な=narrow-minded, perverse 既婚=married
乾電池=dry cell, battery 偏狭な=narrow-minded, intolerant 結婚式=wedding ceremony
乾燥機=dryer, drying machine 偏重する=overemphasize 結婚する =marry/get married
乾燥する=dry,season,becomeparched 偏る=inclined towards,be biased 求婚す る=propose(m)
乾杯する=make a toast 偏愛する=be partial, show favoritism 再婚する=remarry
乾かす=dry, desiccate[v.t.] 偶数=even number 離婚する=divorce/get divorced
乾く=dry[v.i.] 偶像=idol, icon, image 婚約する=become engaged
偏=radical on left side of kanji 偶然=chance, accident, fortuity 患者 =patient[n.]
偏見=prejudice, narrow view 配偶者=spouse 患部=afected part
偏食=unbalanced diet 偶発的な=accidental, incidental 急患=emergency case
患う=fall ill 掘り返す=dig/tear/turn up 掛=charge, duty, post
長患い=long illness 掘り出し物=good buy,bargain,treasure 親掛かり =dependent on parents
掃除機=vacuum cleaner 露天掘り=open air strip mining 控訴する=appeal[v.t.]
掃除する=clean[v.t.] 掛け算=multiplication 控除する=deduct, subtract
清掃する=clean[v.t.] 腰掛=seat, bench 控える=restrain oneself, hold back, wait
一掃する=make a clean sweep 仕掛け=device, trick mechanism 控え室 =waiting room
掃く=sweep, brush 掛ける=hang, cover,sit down,pour down[v.t.]控え目な =moderate, humble
掘削する=dig out, excavate 出掛ける=got out, depart 点描=sketch(using stippling)
発掘する=unearth, exhume, excavate 言い掛ける=begin speaking 素描 =rough sketch
採掘する=mine[v.t.] 心掛ける=bear in mind, aim to 線描=line drawing
掘る=dig, excavate 見せ掛ける=pretend, feign 描写する=depict, portray, describe
掘り下げる=dig down, delve into 掛かる=hang, be locked[v.i.] 描く=draw, sketch
涼風=cool/refreshing breeze 瓶詰め=bottling, bottled 音符=(musical)note
納涼=cool of the summer evening 花瓶=vase 終止符=period
清涼飲料水=soft drink 空き瓶=empty bottle 符号=mark, code, symbol, sign
涼む=cool oneself/of 魔法瓶=thermos flask 粒子=particle, grain
渉外部=public relations department 盗品=stolen goods 素粒子=elementary particle, particle
交渉する=negotiate, discuss 窃盗=stealing 粒=grain, drop
干渉する=interfere, intervene 強盗=burglary 米粒=grain of rice
愛猫家=cat lover 盗む=steal 一粒=a grain/drop
猫=cat 盗み聞きする=eavesdrop 粒粒=granulated, lumpy
子猫=kitten 疑問符=? Mark 雨粒=raindrop
瓶=bottle 切符=ticket 紹介状=letter of introduction 自己紹介=self-introduction 脱げる =come of, (clothes,shoes)[v.t.] 紙袋=paper bag
紹介する=introduce 菓子=pastry 手袋=glove
脱衣所=dressing room 菓子屋=confectionary shop 浮き袋=swimming ring/float
脱線する=digress, derail[vi.] 銘菓=cake of well-known brand ビニール袋 =plastic bag
脱落する=be omitted, drop out[v.i.]和菓子=Japanese confectionary *足袋 =tabi
脱税する=evade taxes 洋菓子=Western confectionary 豚カツ=pork cutlet
脱出する=escape[v.i.] 水菓子=jelly desert, fruit 豚舎=pigpen, pigsty
脱色する=bleach, decolorize 郵袋=mailbag 養豚=pig-keeping/farming
脱獄する=escape prison 袋=bag, sack 豚=pig
脱帽する=take one’s hat of, bow to 袋小路=blind alley, cul-de-sac 豚肉 =pork
離脱する=withdraw, break away お袋=one’s mother 子豚=piglet
脱ぐ=take of(clothes, shoes)[v.t.] 胃袋=stomach 販路=market, outlet
自動販売機=vending machine 頃日=recently
販売する=sell, market 頃=approximately(time) 応募者=applicant
市販する=put on market 三時ごろ=about 3 o’clock 募集する=recruit, accept applications
再販する=resell この頃=recently 応募する=apply(e.g. position)
軟骨=cartilage 鹿苑寺=formalnameofKinkakujiTemple 公募する =advertise,make public appeal
軟水=soft water 鹿鳴館=name of a building in Meiji period 募る=invite, solicit
軟着陸=soft-landing 鹿=deer 喫茶店=cofee shop
軟式テニス=tennis(played with soft ball)*馬鹿な=stupid, silly 喫煙する=smoke, have a smoke
軟弱な=weak 偉才=great talent 満喫する=have enough of fully joy
柔軟な=flexible, lithe 偉業=great enterprise 堅実な=reliable, solid
軟化する=soften, mollify 偉大な=great, grand 堅固な=solid, firm
軟らかい=soft,tender, limp 偉い=remarkable 中堅=backbone, mainstay, center 堅い=firm, hard, formal(writing) 五重の塔=five-storied pagoda 全幅=overall width, all, every
堅苦しい=stif(mannered) 奥義=secrets 振幅数=amplitude, swing of pendulum
奥=inner, inmost 増幅する=amplify
堅物=overly serious person
手堅い=secure[adj.] 奥さん=wife 幅=width, breadth
塔=tower 山奥=mountain recesses 幅跳び=long jump
鉄塔=pylon, steel tower 奥の間=inner room 横幅=breadth, with
仏塔=pagoda 奥歯=back teeth 大幅に=in large scale, drastically
卒塔婆=wooden grave tablet 帽子=hat 幾何学=geometry
*卒塔婆=stupa 赤帽=redcap, porter 幾ら=how much/many?
管制塔=control tower 登山帽=climber’s hat 幾つ=how many/old?
テレビ塔=TV tower ベレー帽=beret 幾らか=some, somewhat, a little
エッフェル塔=Eifel tower 脱帽する=take of one’s hat 幾日も= for many/some days 幾分=somewhat 制御する=control, restrain 換気する=ventilate
幾度も=many times, often 防御する=defend, protect 換算する =convert(calculation)
弾丸=bullet, shot, shell 御両親=parents[hon.] 交換する=exchange[v.t.]
弾薬=ammunition 御家族=family[hon.] 変換する =transform,change,convert
爆弾=bomb[n.] 御自身=oneself[hon.] 転換期=turning point, transitional period
銃弾=bullet 御馳走=feast[n.] 互換性=compatibility
連弾=four handed performance(piano) 御飯=rice(cooked),meal 換える =replace[v.t.]
弾力性=flexibility, resilience, elasticity 御存知=know[hon.]乗り換える =transfer(bus,trains)
弾圧する=oppress,suppress 御身=(politeTermfor)yourbody[hon.]換わる=take the place of[v.i.]
弾く=snap *御日様=sun 勇敢な=brave
弾む=spring, bounce, become lively*御顔=face[hon.] 果敢な=bold, resolute
弾=bullet, shot, shell*御堂=temple building[hon.] 敢然と=boldly
*敢えて=dare to, run a risk[adv.] 取り替える=exchange, replace 湾内=inside the bay
*取り敢えず=for the time being 替わる=be replaced[v.i.] 湾口=entrance or mouth of bay
普通=ordinarily *為替=money order 台湾=Taiwan
普段=usually 過渡期=transition period 港湾局=Port&Harbor authority
普遍的な=universal 渡航する=go on a voyage 東京湾=Tokyo bay
普及する=spread 渡米する=go to the U.S.A. 湾曲する=curve[v.i.]
代替物=substitute[n.] 渡る=go across[vi.] 湿度=level of humidity
交替する=alternate, take turns 渡す=pass over[v.t.] 湿地=swamp
替える=exchange, replace[v.t.] 渡り鳥=migratory bird 湿気=moisture, dampness, humidity
替え玉=substitute, double[n.] 晴れ渡る=clear up 湿布=wet compress, poultice
両替=change, money exchange 見渡す=survey(scene)[v.t.] 加湿器 =humidifier
着替える=change one’s clothes 湾=bay, gulf, inlet 湿す=wet, moisten, dampen[v.t.]
湿る=be wet/damp,moisten[v.i.] 畳=reed floor matting,tatami 水筒 =canteen,flask,water bottle
焦土=scorched earth 畳屋=tatami matmaker, mat dealer 封筒=envelope
焦点=focus, point 畳替え=re-covering a tatami mat 円筒形=cylindrical shape
焦燥感=impatience, uneasiness 青畳=new tatami mat 発煙筒=smoke candle
焦げる=burned, be burned[v.i.] 硬度=hardness, solidity 筒=pipe, tube
焦がす=burn, scorch, singe[v.t.] 硬貨=coin 茶筒=tea caddy
恋焦がれる=yearnfor,be deeply in love 硬派=hard-liner 筒抜け =passing/goingdirectly through
待ち焦がれる=long for 硬式テニス=tennis(using standard ball)脈絡=logic, chain of reasoning
焦る=be in a hurry, be impatient 強硬な=unbending, unyielding,firm 連絡する =notify, contact
六畳=6 tatami mats 硬直する=stifen 短絡的な=over-abbreviated, simplistic
畳む=fold 硬化する=stifen, harden, go solid 絡む=become entangled with[v.i.]
折り畳み椅子=folding chair 硬い=solid, hard, stif, firm 絡める=entwine[v.t.]
絡まる=get caught in, entwine[v.i.] 超特急=super express 引っ越す =move[v.i.]
腕章=arm band 超音波=ultrasonic waves 越える=go over, exceed[v.i.]
腕力=physical/brute strength 超自然的な=supernatural 遅刻する=come late
上腕=upper arm 超然たる=transcendental 遅れる=be late[v.i.]
手腕=ability 超過する=exceed, be more than 遅らす=delay[v.t.]
腕白な=naughty, mischievous 超越する=transcend, rise above 遅い=late, slow
敏腕な=able, capable, competent 超す=cross, pass[v.i.]夜遅く=late at night
腕=arm, skill 超える=exceed, cross over[v.i.] 鈍器=blunt weapon
腕前=ability, skill, facility 卓越する=transcend 鈍角=obtuse angle
腕利き=skillful 越冬する=pass the winter 鈍感な=thick headed, insensitive
腕時計=wristwatch 優越感=superiority complex 愚鈍な=stupid, dull, silly
超人=superman 越す=go over, exceed, move[v.i.] 鈍臭い=slow(person), slow-witted
鈍る=grow dull, become blunt[v.i.] 雇い主=employer 勧誘する=solicit, recruit
鈍い=dull, thickhead, slow[adj.] 傾向=tendency, trend, inclination 勧める =recommend
一隅=corner, nook 傾度=degree of inclination 塗料=paints, painting material
隅=corner, nook 傾斜する=incline, slant, slpoe 塗装する=paint[v.t.]
隅々=every nook&corner 右傾する=lean to the(political) right 塗る=plaster, lacquer, varnish
片隅=corner, nook 左傾する=leaning the(political)left 塗り絵=picture for coloring in
四隅=four corners 傾ける=lean, tilt, slant, tip[v.t.] 輪島塗=Wajima lacquer
終身雇用制=systemoflifetime employment 傾く= lean,tilt,slant,tip[v.i.] 上塗りす る=coat,glaze
雇用する=employ, hire 傾き=slope, inclination 塗り立て=freshly painted[n.]
解雇する=discharge, fire, dismiss 傾げる= lean, tilt, slant, tip[v.t.] 奨学金 =scholarship
雇う=employ, hire 傾ぐ= lean, tilt, slant, tip[v.i.]奨学生=scholarship student
日雇い=day labor 勧告する=advise 報奨金=cash bonus, reward
奨励する=encourage, promote 寝かす=put to sleep[v.t.] 一歳=one-year-old
自己嫌悪=self-hatred 寝坊する=sleep in late 何歳=how old?what age?
機嫌=mood 寝顔=sleeping face 万歳=BANZAI(cheer)
嫌う=dislike[v.t.] 余暇=leisure, spare time お歳暮=year-end, year-end present
嫌いな=dislike 休暇=holiday *二十歳=20 years old
好き嫌い=likes&dislikes 暇=free time 殿堂=palace, palatial, building
食わず嫌い=prejudice against(some food) 暇潰し=killing time 殿下=Your/His Highness
嫌な=unpleasant 歳末=end of the year 神殿=sanctuary, temple, sacred place
嫌がる=dislike, unwilling, reluctant[v.t.] 歳月=time, years 宮殿=palace
寝室=bedroom 歳費=annual expenditure 御殿=palace, court
就寝時間=bedtime 歳入=annual revenue/income 殿= Your/His Highness
寝る=sleep[v.i.] 歳出= annual expenditure 殿様=feudal lord
山田殿=Dear Mr.Yamada 黒煙=black smoke 物腰=manner, demeanour
溶液=solution 発煙筒=smoke candle 本腰=strenuous efort, earnestness
溶岩=lava 喫煙所=smoking area 腰掛ける=sit
溶鉱炉=blast furnace 禁煙する=quit smoking 腰掛け=seat,bench
水溶性=water-soluble 煙=smoke, fumes 触覚=sense of touch
溶接する=weld 煙る=smoke, appear dim[v.i.] 触角=feeler, antenna
溶解する=melt, dissolve, liquefy 煙たい=smoky, awkward feeling[adj.]触媒 =catalyst
溶かす=melt, dissolve[v.t.] 腰痛=back pain 感触=sense of touch, feeling
溶ける=melt, thaw, dissolve, fuse[v.i.] 腰=waist 一触即発=extremely delicate situation
溶く=dissolve[v.t.] 腰骨=hipbone, innominate bone 接触する=touch, make contact
煙突=chimney 足腰=leg&loins 抵触する=conflict, run counter to
煙幕=smokescreen 弱腰=weak attitude 触れる=touch, reach, brush
触れ合う=come in contact with, touch 詳細=detail 遺跡=historic ruins
触る=touch 詳しい=detailed, knowledgeable 軌跡=locus, tracks
手触り=texture(for hand),feel 誇大妄想=megalomania 追跡する=pursue
肌触り=texture(for skin) 誇張する=exaggerate 跡=trace, tracks, mark, remains
詰問する=cross-examine 誇示する=display, show of 跡形=evidence, trace, vestige
詰める=pack, fill, plug, shorten[v.t.] 誇る=boast of, be proud of 傷跡=scar, cicatrix
缶詰=canned goods, tin can 誇り=pride 城跡=castle site, ruins of a castle
箱詰め=packed in a box[n.] 誇らしい=proud 較差=range[n.]
詰まる=be blocked/packed[v.i.] 足跡=footprints 比較的=comparatively, relatively
鼻詰り=nasal congestion 足跡=footprints 比較する=compare
気詰まり=feel ill at ease, constraint[n.]奇跡=miracle, wonder, marvel 違憲 =unconstitutionally
詰む=close, become fine 筆跡=handwriting 違和感=feeling that something is wrong
違法な=illegal 零点=zero points, no marks 紳士靴=men’s shoes
違反する=violate, transgress 零細企業=small business 飽和する=saturate
相違する=be diferent, vary, disagree 軍靴=military shoes 飽食する=glut oneself, eat well
違う=difer 製靴業=shoemaking industry 飽きる=get tired of[v.i.]
食い違う=class, run counter to 靴=shoes, footwear 飽きっぽい=fickle, capricious
間違い=mistake[n.] 靴屋=shoemaker/store 飽き飽きする= be bored/sick of
勘違い=misunderstanding, wrong guess 靴下=socks 飽かす=satiate, glut, indulge[v.t.]
間違える=err, make a mistake 靴墨=shoe polish 僕=I(masculine)
霊=zero, naught 靴音=walking sound, footsteps 従僕=servant
零度=zero degree 革靴=leather shoes 下僕=servant
零下=below zero 長靴=long boots 公僕=public servant
零時=12 o’clock(midnight) 運動靴=sports shoes, sneakers 憎悪=hatred
愛憎= likes&dislikes 概況=outlook, general situation 稲刈り=rice reaping
憎む= hate, detest 概要=outline, summary 稲作=rice crop
憎しみ=hatred 一概に=unconditionally, as a rule 稲穂=ear of rice
憎い=hateful, abominable 概算する=approximate, estimate 稲荷=Inari shrine
憎らしい=odious, hateful 点滴=intravenous drop 稲妻=(flash of) lightning
小憎らしい=irritating, maddening 水滴=drop of water 稲光=lightning
憎まれっ子=bad boy 雨滴=raindrops *早稲田=Waseda(place name)
憎まれ口=abusive language 滴下する=drip, drop, distill 端子 =terminal(electricity)
生憎=unfortunately, sorry, but… 滴=drop, drip[n.] 端的な=frank
概論=intro, outline, general remarks 滴る=drip, drop, trickle 先端=pointed end
概念=general idea, concept, notion 水稲=wet-land rice 発端=the beginning
概略=outline, summary, gist 稲=rice-plant 末端=tip, extremity
途端に=just as/when 情緒=emotion, feeling 散髪する=get a haircut
極端な=extreme 臍の緒=umbilical cord 洗髪する=wash one’s hair
端=edge 鼻緒=geta/sandal strap 髪=hair(on the head)
両端=both ends 舞踊=dancing[n.] 髪の毛= hair(on the head)
右端=right end 踊る=dance[v.i.] 日本髪=Japanese coifure
端数=fraction 踊り子=dancer *白髪=white/grey hair
道端=roadside 盆踊り=Bon Festival Dance 寮=hostel, dormitory
由緒=linage, history, pedigree 頭髪=hair(on the head)寮長=dormitory head
一緒=together 毛髪=hair 寮生=boarder, boarding student
内緒=secrecy, secret 白髪=white/grey hair 寮母=dorm mother
端緒=clue, start, beginning 金髪=blonde hair 独身寮=dormitory for unmarried people
端緒= clue, start, beginning 間一髪=hair’s breadth 社員寮=company dormitory
影響する=influence[v.t.] 緊密な=close 見舞う=ask after,visit(a sick person)
撮影する=take a picture, film a movie 緊迫する=become tensed/strained 舞 =dance[n.] 投影する=project[v.t.] 緊張する=be tense/strained 仕舞い=end, close, termination
陰影する=shading 皮膚=skin 誰何=asking a person’s identity
影=shadow 皮膚科=dermatology 誰=who
影武者=kagemusha(shadow warrior) 皮膚病=skin disease 趣味=hobby, interest, tastes
面影=vestiges 舞台=stage/scene/setting 趣旨=object, goal
範囲=extent, scope, sphere, range 舞曲=musical dance 趣向=plan, scheme
範疇=category 舞踏会=ball, dance 趣=grace, refinement
師範=instructor,teacher,coach 歌舞伎=kabuki(JPNclassical drama)後輩 =Junior(at work/school)
模範=model,example,exemplar 日本舞踊=traditionalJPNdance 若輩 =young/inXperinceperson
緊急な=urgent, pressing 舞う=dance, flutter about 吾輩=I(nuance of arrogance)
我が輩= I(nuance of arrogance) stay
先輩=senior(at work/school) 地震=earthquake 駐屯する=be stationed/posted
鋭角=acute angle 強震=severe earthquake 駐停車する=stop/park a vehicle
新鋭=new&powerful, fresh 弱震=mild earthquake 壊滅する=destroy, annihilate[v.t.][v.i]
精鋭=elite, picked, best 震える=shiver, shake, quake[v.i.] 破壊する=destroy, demolish
鋭利な=sharp 身震いする=shiver, shudder, tremble 崩壊する=collapse, crumble
鋭敏な=sharp, keen 駐車場=parking lot/place 倒壊する=collapse, fall down
先鋭な=radical 駐輪場=parking area for bicycles 全壊する=be completely destroyed
鋭い=pointed, sharp, keen 駐屯地=garrison 壊す=break, destroy[v.t.]
震動=shock, tremor, impact 駐日大使=ambassador to Japan 壊れる =break[v.i.]
震度=JPN earthquake scale 進駐軍=occupying forces 曇天=cloudy weather
震源=epicenter 駐留する=be stationed/garrisoned 曇る=become cloudy
曇り=cloudy weather 磨く=polish, shine, refine, improve 薄い=thin, weak diluted[adj.]
曇らす=shadow[v.t.] 靴磨き=shoe polishing 賢者=wise man, sage
濃度=concentration, brightness 薄給=small salary, low wages 賢母=wise mother
濃霧=heavy fog 薄利多売=small profits&quick returns 賢明な=wise, intelligent, prudent
濃紺=dark blue 薄弱な=feeble, weak 賢い=wise, clever, smart
濃淡=light&shade,chiaroscuro 薄情な=heartles,cold-hearted,cruel 悪賢い =crafty,wily,cunning
濃密な=thick, crowded 軽薄な=frivolous, superficial ずる賢い=sly
濃厚な=dense, rich, concentrated 希薄な=rarified, dilute, sparse, weak 避暑地 =summer resort
濃縮する=concentrate 薄める=dilute, water down[v.t.] 避雷針=lighting rod
濃い=thick, dense, strong 薄まる=become weak(color,taste)[v.i.]不可避な =inevitable
達磨=daruma, daruma doll 薄らぐ=become thin, fade[v.i.]避難する=seek refuge,find shelter
研磨する=grind, polish, study 薄れる=fade, become dim[v.i.]避妊する=use contraception
逃避する=escape, evade 依頼する=request[v.t.] treatment
療法=remedy, medical
回避する=avoid, evade 頼む=request, ask 療養中=under medical care
避ける=avoid, ward of, avert 頼もしい=trustworthy 療養所=sanatorium
隣人=neighbor 頼る=depend on 医療=medical care/treatment 隣国=neighboring country 頼りない=undependable 診療する =diagnose,examine,treat
近隣=neighborhood, vicinity 洗濯機=washing machine 治療する=treat, cure
隣接する=adjoin, be adjacent/related 洗濯物=clothes to be washed 療養する =recuperate
隣席する=sit next to 洗濯する=do laundry 年齢=age, years
隣=next to, next door to 乾燥機=dryer, drying machine 樹齢=age of tree
隣近所=neighbors, neighborhood 焦燥感=impatience, uneasiness 老齢 =advanced age, senility
隣り合う=adjoin, sit side by side 無味乾燥な=dull&uninteresting, vapid 月齢 =age of the moon
信頼する=trust[v,t] 乾燥する=be dry, become dry[v.i.]高齢者=old person, senior citizen
学齢期=school age 寄贈する=donate, present 離す=part, divide, separate[v.t.]
礎石=foundation stone,cornerstone 寄贈する= donate, present 離れる=leave, separate[v.i.]
定礎=laying a cornerstone 贈る=send, give/award to, 離れ離れ=scattered, separate[n.]
基礎=foundation, basis 贈り物=present, gift 騒音=noise
礎= foundation stone, cornerstone 離島=outlying island 騒動=riot, rebellion, strife
穫高=crop yield 距離=distance, range 騒々しい=nosy, boisterous
収穫期=harvest time 支離滅裂な=incoherent, illogical 物騒な=insecure, dangerous
収穫する=harvest, gather in, reap 離婚する=divorce 騒然と=in an uproar,tumultuously
贈与=presentation,donation 離陸する=take of(e.g.,airplane)騒ぐ= make noise,get excited
贈賄=bribery 隔離する=isolate, segregate 騒がしい=noisy
贈答品=gift, present 分離する=separate 爆弾=bomb[n.]
贈呈する=give, present 剥離する=peel of 爆風=blast[n.]
爆薬=explosive, blasting powder 在籍する=be on(school)register 驚異 =wonder[n.]
原爆=atomic bomb 移籍する=transfer(official registration) 驚く=be surprised[v.i.]
被爆者=atomic bomb victim 入籍する=enter name in family register 驚かす =surprise[v.t.]
爆発的な=explosive, tremendous 除籍する=remove from register
爆撃する=bomb, drop bombs 影
爆笑する=roar with laughter 反響する=echo[v.i.]
爆発する=explode 音響=acoustic(s)
爆破する=blow up, blast 交響曲=symphony
国籍=nationality 響く=resound[v.i.]
戸籍=census, family register 響かす make resound[v.t.]
本籍=legal residence
書籍=book, publication 驚喜する=exult
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