James Bisss White Tagger Pluse

July 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Although I first observed White Tig igeers in Northern India and in Las Veg egaas, my fi firs rstt enco encoun unte terr with ith a Whit Whitee   gger was, as, curi curiou oussly ly,, on th thee Gulf o f Mexico. We were on our annual winter vacati ation and I was in a Target store - not especia iallly well known for its wild life. As I passed by one o f the aisl isles I pick cked ed up a hand held device that enabled user userss to pro rodu duce ce beau beauti tifu full and and pr prof ofes esssio ion nal lo look okin ing g li litt ttle le whi hite te la labe bels ls or ta tags gs with with th thee greatest o f ease ease.. Th Ther eree we were re seve severa rall di diff ffer eren entt pr pric icee poin oints and and sty tyle less o f th thee devi device cess and and   y  extr extremel emely y men menta tall mind be bega gan n fo form rmul ulati ating ng do doze zens ns of appl applic icat atio ions ns fo forr th thee worl world d of mind readin ing g. I bought one of each - as   m apt apt to do on such occas asiions - and my fertile mind was distr istrac acte ted d all all even evenin ing g and and espe especi cial ally ly at di dinn nner er over ver how th thes esee th thin ings gs coul could d be empl em plo oyed. yed. Seren erendi dipi pito tou usly, sly, we di dine ned d in a Chi hin nes esee re rest stau aura rant nt - th thou ough gh not not a part partic icul ular arly ly great one. But at the end o f the meal we were offered the bill along with a small collection o f fo forrtu tun ne cook cookie ies. s... .. FO FORT RTUN UNE E COO COOKIES IES T The he perf perfec ectt or orac acle le And And th thee litt ttlle fortunes in insside lo loo oked an awful lot like ... littl tlee white tags from my ta taggers My thou though ghtt proc proces esss too took k of f and and I bare barely ly slep sleptt all all ni nigh ght. t. These hand held thermal printers by companies such as   YM O and  rother are not not we well ll know known n outs outsid idee of No Nort rth h Am Amer eric ica. a. In fact fact,, my in inte tern rnat atio iona nall Ment Mental alis istt fr frie iend ndss and and fans have shared ared with me that they are are oddly unavailable in a great many countr triies. You won t fi find nd mentio mention n o f th them em in any any o f th thee ma magi gica call or me ment ntal al li lite tera ratu ture re in pr prin intt or onli online ne.. They come in a variet iety of shap shapes es and and flavo lavou urs in my com comer er o f th thee glo lobe be but but af afte terr expe experi rime ment ntin ing g with with vi virt rtua uall lly y all all o f them (my office is full o f a wid idee spec ecttrum o f the thin things gs mu much ch to th thee fr frus ustr trat atio ion n o f my wife Laurie) I settled on one particular model by t h at s u i t s m y m i n d b lowing need edss perfectl tly y.   t s called the QX-50. The key  Y O fea eatture is that it can be operate ted d with one hand, yet can remain sta tab ble on a flat surface.   also has a full QWERTY key board which allows rapid and accurate keying in of info inform rmat atio ion n back ack stag stagee - or even even on stage.   t s comp compac actt an and d quie quiett and and work workss br bril illia liant ntly ly at prod produci ucing ng li litt ttle le tags tags in a wide wide rang rangee o f fonts as well as font sizes. The tags can be set to a fixed length. The QX-5 QX-50 0 thus became   yfu full ll time time secr secret et as assi sist stan ant. t. The actu The actual al labe labels ls by   YMO are are equa equall lly y perf perfec ect. t. Fir irsst o f all, they d o on n 't 't have an overly plastic quali ality to them as their competito torrs do. They are more li lik ke durab able le paper and and look look surpr urpris isin ingl gly y li like ke fo fort rtun unes es in fo fort rtun unee cook cookie ies. s. Seco Second ndly ly,, th they ey have have an ad adh hes esiv ivee backing on them which splits from the middle, making it easy to remove. The competi tittion is remarkably les less frien iendly. Trust me. Th They ey'r 'ree a struggle to peel - mor more so at show time. And th thee adhesiv ivee on the DYMO labels resists the oil o f skin - even mine  which hich me mean anss when hen th they ey are are fixe fixed d upon upon th thee under nder si side de o f the ring finger - they stay there. In fact, they stay tay as long as you wish. When you you're 're rea ead dy to dit itcch it, it ju just st curls up into a tiny roll which can fall unnoticed to the floor with a flick o f the thumb. This creates somee rem som remark arkable able pos possib sibilit ilities.. ies.... All of th thes esee qual qualit itie iess are are id idea eall lly y sui uite ted d fo forr th thee ef effe fect ctss wh whic ich h fol ollo low w and and I susp uspect ect you too too will ill di disscove coverr th thee jo joy ys o f wor orki king ng with with your your very very ow own n secre ecrett as asssis ista tan nt. Wh When en my  


Oompa Loom Oom Loompa pass tipp tippeed me of f that DYMO was phasing out the QX-50 for some PC ba base sed d repl replac acem emen ent, t, I be bega gan n   yow own n crus crusad adee to sa save ve thes thesee Wh Whit itee Ta Tagg gger erss fr from om exti extinc ncti tion on.. I th thou ough ghtt o f creating a gla glass habitat for them in the des desert or even selling plu plush toys to raise un DYMO's 's u   n s for the cause.  nthe end, however, I decided to negotiate with DYMO Oorn Oo rnpaLo paLoom ompa pass an and d ac acqu quiire all all the QX-5 QX-50' 0'ss tha hatt were were le left ft in the their hold holdiing ar area eas. s. Wh Whiile a few may tu tum m up from time to time in non magic gical places, I am ple pleased to report that I have have se secu cure red d enou enough gh o f the bea beasts to insure they hey find a suitable hom home with Mentalists world-wide for some time to come. I know that you will take very good care o f yours andny that ha ttoni the foll ol lgow indghe teart rrtifwarm ic rmin effing ecgtsmome wment ill ints. ns. sure that your White Tagger ger will give you you ma many as asto nish shin ing an and hear wa mo




a big fan o f Q   A routines. I can honestly say that there is only one, or po poss ssiibl bly y two, two, pe perf rfor orm mers ers arou around nd to toda day y th that at ca can n re reaally lly work work inf nfor orma mattion ion - pe peeeke ked d ri righ ghtt from from unde underr audi audien ence ces' s' nose nosess - into into ente entert rtai aini ning ng ment mental alis ism. m. Gene Genera rall lly y spea speaki king ng,, divi divini ning ng ob obsc scur uree tri rivi viaa ab abou outt ind ndiv iviidu dual al sp speecta ctato tors rs do does esn' n'tt ma make ke fo forr an en enga gagi ging ng exper xperiien ence ce fo forr th thee rest rest o f the audien audience ce For exampl examplee i f th thee pe perf rform ormer er cl clai airv rvoya oyant ntly ly kno knows ws,, for ex exam ampl ple, e, tha hatt th thee pe pers rson on two ro rows ws ah ahea ead d o f you has a niece named Nisha in Nepal -   m not not sure sure   m not

how you re su supp ppos oseed to be en enth thra rallled. led. This This is es espe peci ciaally lly tru ruee if ther here is lots o f fiddling wi with th bille billets ts (wha (whate teve verr th thee he hell ll they re supp suppos osed ed to be) be) and and susp suspic icio ious us acti activi vity ty galo galore re.. Eveen the wri Ev writin ting g down down o f such information is itself, in the first place, quite simply  suspect. Please don't don't shoot the messenge nger.   m simp simply ly shar sharin ing g a pe pers rson onal al obse observ rvat atio ion n from from wi witn tnes essi sing ng coun countl tles esss Q   A presentations. Perhaps they made more sense in a Spir Spirit itua uali list st mi mili lieu eu,, bu butt su such ch a ro rout utin inee seem seemss stra strang ngel ely y an anac achr hroni onist stic ic toda today. y.  nany any case case,, shou hould you wish to pursue a traditional Q   A pr pres eseentat ntatio ion n ther theree ar aree a numb number er o f great referen rence wor works to assist you. In par particular, there here are a number o f secr secreets to tak akiing spec pecifi ficc info forrmation you fin find on audie dience memb member er's 's slips and buil uild them into much, much more. Richard Osterlind's extensive work on this has popularized these appr approa oach ches es and and fo forr mo more re comp comple lete te stud study y o f the the Cold Cold Re Read adin ing g subt subtle leti ties es whic which h can can re real ally ly   punc unch up infor orm mation I woul ould recommend you also consu nsult the writings o f Robert Nels Ne lson, on, Burl Burlin ing g Hill Hill,, Theo Theodor doree Anne Annemm mman an,, T. A Wa Wate ters rs,, John John Ri Rigg ggss (s (spe peci cifi fica call lly y The Comp Co mple leat at Fo Fort rtun unee Tell Teller er , Le Leee Ea Earl rle, e, Geor George ge Ande Anders rson on (s (spe peci cifi fica call lly y It Must Be Mind Reading an and d pe perh rhap apss Br Brad ad Henderso Henderson's n's publi publica cati tion on The Dan Dance. ce. TAKING TAKI NG PICT PICTUR URES ES ev evol olve ved d out o f a des desire to rethink hink the Q   A idea and make it more more eng ngaagi ging ng to everyone in the audi udience. Twant Twanteed a pre ressentation that would kee keep ever everyo yone ne in invo volv lved ed and and obse observ rvan ant, t, but but also also I want wanted ed some someth thin ing g that that (s (sor ortt of of)) justif justifie ied d the the use o f pencil and paper in the first place. I think the the ro rout utin inee that that fo foll llow ows, s, to some some exte extent nt anyway, gives a context for jo jottting ing something down and then revealing it later. Most im impo port rtan antl tly, y, I want wanted ed a pr pres esen enta tati tion on that that open opened ed up lots lots o f oppo opport rtun uniity fo forr qui quick wit wit and real real in inte tera ract ctio ion n wi with th the the crow crowd d - something I deem as essential to mind blowing. The id idea ea evo vollve ved d ov over er a gr grea eatt many many pe perf rfor orma manc nces es in into to the stro strong ng ro rout utin inee whic which h fo foll llow ows. s. It' It'ss fle flexib xible le and fun an and d can pl plaay in th thee sm smal alle lest st to th thee lar arge gest st o f spa space cess wit with litt little le ba bagg ggag agee. I also al so lik ikee it ve very ry muc much. Late Lately ly  

ve be beeen

us usiing it as a show show open opener er.. 2


Be Befo fore re my performance, to save time,   ve h an d ed out (or lef t on their chairs) litt little le pencils pencils an d pieces o f pa pape perr abo bout ut three three in inch ches es squa quare re.. [ ve incl include uded d so some me samples samples o f wh a t I like to use in this package. Person ally, I buy the p e n c il s by the g ro ss at Staples.]]   ve in insstr tru u ccte ted d au die dien nce memb emb eers rs to p ic icture ture s o ome meth thin ing g im imp p or orta tan n t in th thei eirr h o mes - an obj eecct - so meth ing that truly mat ters to them. T h e y are tol d to then d r aw a picture o f t ha ha t o b bjj eecc t - identifying it with text i f they wish - or i f they re poor poor ar arti tist stss The slip slipss o f paper are folded in half and l aatt eerr co llected in an o pa pa q qu u e bag by a suitab ly eager young bo y or girl. We'll We'll call him Juan. How many o f yo u have have an acti active ve imag imagin inat atio ion? n? Ah - quite a few Perfect Some o fyo u seem to ha have ve a VERY vivi vivid d im imag agin inat atio ion n an d use itfr itfrequ equent ently ly I thin think. k. A nd th that at s a perfectly good thing no t to be asha ashame med d Of .. Anyone wh o knows me we well ll wi will ll tell yo u that I too have a very very vivi vivid d imagination. I can pi pict ctur uree th thin ings gs in mindwi mindwitth gr grea eatt clarity. In fact with ith very very imag imagin inat ativ ivee peopl eople. e. I can can even even imagin imaginee what they re imaginin imagining g Can Can yo u imag imagine ine that that? ?   can Ea Earl rlie ierr I aske asked d yo u to pi pict ctur uree so some meth thin ing g sp spec ecia iall in your mind. On top   t hat I asked yo u to draw a pict icture ure o f it to truly f oc oc u uss on that thing alone. Juan here has b eeee n skillf skillfull ullyy guarding your drawings, right Juan? No one s come near them  n even yo u can t see thro throug ugh h that ba g can y ou ? Good. So unless there are a n y final contributions, plea please se seal the ba g closed. I d now now like like al l o fyo u to see thos osee pi pictu cture ress in your mind. You can close your eyes i it he help lpss - bu t leave your mind open an d focus just on that image. Maybe see yourself

draw drawin ing g th that at picture picture agai again. n.   y ou ou v ve e g ot ot a re real ally ly vivi vivid d imag imagin inati ation on - I ma y just ge t a glim glimps psee o f that that picture picture

too... I wave my r i g h t hand, h o ld in g a magic marker, in the air as if try ing to catch a thought. My ey eyes es are closed to make th thee mome momen n t more authentic. I th then en sh ou ou t out, YES, THERE S ONE Everyone open t hei r eyes I think I ma y have go t an image   someon som eonee s th thou ough ght. t. I go to my sk et ch pad and b eg i n d raw i n g (d ep en d i n g upon t he he au d ien ce size, I may use a la larg rgee flip ch chart). I in inte ten n ttio ion n al ally draw the im imaag e n on on -s -seq equ u een n tia tiall lly y so the li lin n es es an and d curves curves don t ma mak k e sense at first and then g rad radu u all ally y start to ta tak k e shape. Each memb member er audienc ncee watc watche hess in inte tent ntly ly t see i f m actu actual ally ly dr draw awin ing g the thin thing g in thei theirr mind inds. o f the audie Their The ir cu curi rios osity ity is natu natura ral. l. Who s picturin Who picturing g someth somethin ing g like like th this is? ?   t s a sad lo loo o kin king g stick dog with lo lon n g curly   ur A man raises his hand and stands. You sir Thanks Thanks fo r standing. What the hell hell is this? He rev rev eeaals th that at it is in fact his p et et dog Majo Majorr (or (or whate tev ver). Si r your do g Major needs a bet t e r diet How sad is that? A n d this is like the pi c t ure in your mind sir, correct? Pl ease give him a ro und o f ap appl plau ause se to ac ackn know owle ledg dgee his ho hone nest styy ladies an d gentlemen



Al Alrrig igh ht let s see   [ can pi pick ck up another image from someone very focu focuse sed d Everyone tr y to imagine their image once again. Some o f you are breaking your concentration. Whoa someone has a very strong image in their mi mind nd [don t know where but [think [ have something. You can stop sending now. Let s see   [ can repr reprod oduc ucee it here here.. Again Agai n I sta tarrt dr draw awiing an unr unrec ecog ogni niza zabl blee pictu icturre at fir first, sugge uggest stin ing g   m getting in inpu puts ts in a somew omewha hatt ju jum mbl bled ed way. way. There here s a curve urved d line line here ere and stra straig ight ht lin lines here here   ndis tha that some some sor sort o f pers person onal al co comp mput uter er and and moni monito tor? r? Who Who s send sendin ing g that that imag imagee my way? THREE way? HREE OF YOU NO WONDER IT S   STRO STRONG NG But But ther theree s thisfla thisflatt mo moni nito torr like like this this an d th thee ke keyy boar board d is flat too Do Does es th that at reso resona nate te wi with th one one o f yo you u in part partic icul ular ar? ? Yes? You sir. Very good. [thought it might. Please give these folks a little appreciatio appre ciation n ...Well ... Welldone done ze zero roed ed in on th thee one one part partic icul ular ar pers person on who who imag imagin ined ed thei theirr pers person onal al comp comput uter er th that at way, way, but but as of ofte ten n happ happen ens, s, two two ot othe herr fo folk lkss were were thin thinki king ng th thee same same thin thing g but but pict pictur urin ing g it differentl differently. y. ve

For a larger audience, I can continue with another two images in this way for a longer set, but typically I ll do only two if I can get enough mileage with the second image.   an any y ca case se,,   m now set for the final revelation and the end of the routine. I dr draw aw at atte tent ntio ion n to my guar guardi ding ng spec specta tato torr Juan Juan)) who who has has been been hold holdin ing g ever everyo yone ne s pict pictur ures es the entire time. For larger audiences, there may be several throug thr oughou houtt the theatr theatre.) e.)


thes thesee guar guardi dian anss spre spread ad

Ju Juan an,, ea earl rlie ierr yo you u seal sealed ed ev ever eryo yone ne s draw drawin ings gs in that that bag, bag, co corr rrec ect? t?   ndthere s no wa wayy tha that neit neith heryou eryou nor nor th thee peo eopl plee near near yo you u coul could d have have been een peeki eeking ng at them right? Ladies an d Gentlemen, le lett me kn know ow tr tryy and and at atte temp mptt some someth thin ing g real really ly challen lleng ging ing. Ju Juan an do you have a vivid imagination? No? Well let s see. For thefir efirst time [want you to open pen the the bag. bag. Ther Theree s a te tear ar st stri rip p to help help yo you u. Rig Right wh wheereyou reyou rree standing, plea please se open open the bag and reach in and grabjust one drawing. But don t show anybody yet. Just one and keep it to your yourse self lffo forr the time being. Pass the bagfor gforward to the stage and keep that th at one one pi pict ctur uree co conc ncea eale led d in your your hand Wit ith h Juan uan sta tan ndi ding ng somew omewhe herre in th thee au aud dienc ience, e, he has has ap appa pare rent ntly ly freel reely y ch chos osen en one o f the pictures and send the bag forward to me. One at a time I pull pullou outt two or three slips o f pape paper, r, with with my hand handss ot othe herw rwis isee cl clea earl rly y empt empty. y. Ju Juan an yo you u co coul uld d have have ch chos osen en this this one, which looks like a vase with a giant sunflower. Whose is that? You my dear? Th Than ankyou kyou.. Yo You u al also so co coul uld d have have ch chos osen en this this one, one, whic which h look lookss like like an en enor ormo mous us mass massag agee device dev ice.. Whose Whose is th that at? ? Some Someth thin ing g ve very ry im impo port rtan antt indeed indeed Thankyoufor shar sharin ing g that that But you do have one pic ictture in your your hand Juan, I m going to close my eyes and [ want you now to look at that image fo r the first time and then close YOUR eyes and picture it in your mind as clearly as you can. Come on Juan. Concentrate. 1 m not gettin ing g anythin ing g yet 1 still have my eyes cl clos osed ed Would the the person next to Juan also look look at the the pi pict ctur uree and and co conc ncen entr trat atee on th that at imag imagee alon alonee - and and woul would d ever everyo yone ne else else plea please se not not focu focuss on anyt anythi hing ng in p rticul r [now have have two two peop people le thin thinki king ng o f the the same same pict pictur uree and and I m now now gett gettin ing g afaint afaint image [ II give it a try.



With my ey eyes es open pened ed,, I st star artt to dra raw w, cr cryp ypttical ically ly at first irst,, but but th then en it tak takes sh shap apee  bottlle o wine on a tray. Does this make any sense? Juan what were yo u two it s a bott focus foc using ing on? From the centre o the room Juan and his friend reveal that they were indeed ind eed thinki thinking ng o a bo bott ttle le o wine on some sort o tray Ladies an d ge gent ntle leme men n a hu huge ge round o f applause fo r th these ese two vi visi sion onar arie iess



n d than thankk YO YOU U


The fi The firs rstt phas phasee o this this effe effect ct is a de deli ligh ghtf tful ul bi bitt o ca carr rryy-ar arou ound nd ment mental alis ism m I keep keep in my wall wallet et.. It uses uses the the Whit Whitee Tag agg ger in a much les esss imm immed edia iate te way than han th thee ot othe herr effe effect ctss pr pres esen ente ted d he here re,, bu butt the the pa part rtic icul ular ar fe feat atur ures es o the device prove esp speecially useful. The result is a relatively impromptu performance piece that apparently happens quite spontaneously using a single item which has been borr orrowed owed But by using my White Tagg Tagger er ba back ckst stag agee when when I can, can, it of offe fers rs a ve very ry po powe werf rful ul se seco cond nd ph phas asee wh whic ich h take takess th thee tric trick k ov over er th thee to top... p...

You m y no t be aw awar aree o f this, but we have one o f the truly g rea reatt psych sychic icss in o ur ur midst. Chad w o ou u ld y ou ou come up here with a little appreciation from ou r audience,   begi begin n. I've chose hosen n a quit quitee unsus nsuspe pecctin ting sp spec ecta tattor who ap appe pear arss at firs firstt glance to be the mostt unlike mos unlikely ly o su supe perrhero heroes es.. Aft fter er he's he's join joined ed me I sa say, y, thankyou Chadfor gra gracin cing g us with your presence today, by any chance can you show us some incredible f ea ea t o f clairvoyance an d psychic prest prestidig idigitat itation? ion?

What Wh atev ever er he rep epli lies es,, I res espo pond nd with with,, Exce Excell llen entt

We We're 're in f o r a treat Di d yo u bring your crystal balls Chad? You do have crystal balls, right Chad? No? Well we ll have to use one o f mine

I reach into my pocket with my left hand and with a little mime, pullout an in inv visib isiblle cr crys ysta tall bal ball ab abo out six six inch inches es in diam diamet eter er.. How's this , I deadpan with Chad.

Here you go. Go a h e a d an d hold the crystal ball in y ou ou r left h nd

You're no t left


h an awarm n ded ded aed rree uypo.u?InIevthitoaubgly ht hseo.wP haapkseyo you d igciavle moatifew fe mag g ica ind calltg stlu toitgoet  t wa rmed ilel rm soumsehocuolm onws ma arou around heestu itrtles e b That's t's int intere eresti sting, ng, I co always ys thou though ghtt  t was noth nothin ing g he is ap appa pare rent ntly ly gras graspi ping ng.. Tha cont ntin inue ue,, I alwa more o f a po poli lish shin ing g ges estu ture re li like ke th this is.. I reach over to again grab the sphere with my left ha hand nd and and do a po poli lish shin ing g lik likee acti action on abov abovee and and arou around nd the the im imag agin inar ary y ba ball ll wi with th my right


For this test we ll n e ed ed someone in the audience with a c el el l phone. You sir I bel elie ieve ve you hav avee a cell cell ph phon onee wi with th yo you, u, co corr rrec ect? t?   ndwe didn t meet bef before ore toni tonigh ght, t, di d we? You seem h a p p y about that sir. The gentleman indeed pulls out a phone, but rema remain inss in the the au audi dien ence ce.. Are your ready Chad? Yes? Sir, does your p ho ho n nee have a last nu numb mber er dial dialed ed fe feat atur ure? e? Pe Perf rfec ect. t. Wou Would yo u go to that n umb umber er p lea lease se but don t call it out. In a moment I be beli liev evee Chad Chad's 's going to try doing that fo r you Chad, pl Cha plea ease se gaze through the cr crys ysta tall ba ball ll an d see   yo u can see the f ir ir st st three digi digits ts on this this gen gentlem tlemen' en'ss cellphon cellphonee ... ... He does so and calls out 29 297 7 . Is that right sir sir?



REALLY? CHAD Ladies and gentlemen Now, I know what you re thinking cou cours rsee, that that s a loca locall ar area ea code code Chad. Let Let s see   by any chance yo you u can see the more looks into nto the the imag imagin inar ary y crys crysta tall ball all an and d ca callls out out 322 322 . How difficult next three He loo did he do? Th Thee ge gent ntle leme men n in the the audi audien ence ce ackn acknow owle ledg dges es th that at th thes esee too are cor correc rect. t. Oh come on folks Religions have been based on less than this Chad, you re doing brilli illia antly tly. Peop People le are are goin going g to go wi wild ld wi with th appl applau ause se   you can do the the foll follow owin ing g thr three numbers on this gentlemen s cell phone. And yo you u ve ne neve verr met each other have you? I knew that. Okay Chad. Give it a go Chad calls out three more numbers and they are also correct correct Ladi diees an and d ge gen ntl tleemen men this this is a long long sh sho ot bu butt   you can get the the last number right Chad these folks are going to give you a standing ovation Chad calls out  3 The au audi dien ence ce memb ember howe howev ver an anno noun uncces tha that this his is not co corr rrec ect. t. Oh Chad. I m so sorry. Non No net eth hel eleess that that s prett rettyy incr increedib diblefolk lefolkss. Let me giv give the the cry rysstal tal ball a wee wee po poli lish sh.. I wav wa ve my han hand in sl sliight ght pol polis ishi hin ng ac acttion ion an and d sa say y i t s a 5 isn t it? it? The gen entl tlem emaan in th thee audien aud ience ce confir confirms ms that that this this indeed indeed corr correc ectt Chad take take this this cryst rystal al ba ball ll as a sma small tok token o ou ourr ap appr prec ecia iatio tionf nf or wh what at you you   app par areentl ntly han hand him him the cr cry yst stal al bal ball an and d in th thee pro roce cess ss sh sho ow th that at th theere sh show own n us today. I ap is nothing in my left hand. As he retums to his seat and accepts his applause, I stop thin hings for a mome momen nt an and d draw raw atten ttenti tio on once nce ag agai ain n to th thee man man wit with th thee ce celll phon hone. Wait Le Lett me se seee that that cr crys ysta tall ball ball agai again. n. Sir we ve ve not not met met befo before re toni tonigh ghtt and I obvi obviou ousl slyy don don t

kn know ow yo your ur priv privat atee ce cell ll phon phonee number. You You se seem em REALLY REALLY happ happyy abou aboutt that. You You ve ve no nott told told me or wr writ itte ten n it down downor   me ha have ve you? you? With a mock rub of th thee im imag agin inar ary y ba ball ll in my right hand I look down and cal callou loutt a phone number. The number is the ge gen ntlem tlemen en's 's cell nu numb mber er A pe pers rson on I've ne neve verr met met be befo fore re this this even evenin ing g I return the gif giftt to to Chad and accept a well earned round both my han hands ds empty... empty...



applau app lause, se, showin showing g


As I suggested previously, my initial excitement with the potential of White Taggers - and the QX-50 in particular - took of f afte afterr vi visi siti ting ng a Chin Chines esee Rest Restau aura rant nt ne near ar Veni Ve nice ce,, Florid Floridaa I ha had d be been en spen spendi ding ng se seve vera rall da days ys po pond nder erin ing g th thee pe perf rfec ectt pr pred edic icti tion on effe effect ct and and wond wonder erin ing g abou aboutt the the idea ideall ve vehi hicl clee or cont contai aine nerr fo forr a po powe werf rful ul pr prog ogno nost stic icat atio ion. n. Such things obsess me you see. What is a logical medium for a message of th thee futu future re?? What Wh at is the the natu naturre o f my clairvoyance about what is to come? What does it come comefr from om?? (Sh Shou oulld some sometthin hing exter xterna nall to me be the the so sour urce ce of my in intu tuit itio ion n and and in insi sigh ght? t?))   ve had consi onsid der erab able le ex exp per eriien ence ce with ith snea sneak ky en enve velo lope pess lik like   ve provided you with in this pa pack ckag agee and and   ve written about them extensively elsewhere. But thematically and arti artist stic ical ally ly (? (?)) what what woul would d audi audien ence ce memb member erss asso associ ciat atee wi with th fo fore rete tell llin ing g of th thee fu futu ture re?? What would be an interesting artifact to bring up on stage or, more precisely, to send along to some dignitary in advance o f a show? A Surprise Gift Wrapped Box seems inatderbesetein ngdo biuntgnolot tq itebrai riains ghnst t.torm Tigmin e Cthis apssu sul istion bon oth- ibuil nteild rdein stigngupon annd Jo sehn nsibKenn le nned - edy' and h s uof br orA ming in hi dir dilerec ecti bu ing po John Ke y'ssI 6


and M ic h a e l C l o s e s work along t he se lines invo lvi ng visible but just out-of-reach d um um m y slips. (For t h hii s reason a l o on n g and funky Lay s st staac ke ked pota potato to c h hip ip tube had had got me ve ry ry e xc xc i ttee d on the pla ne ride sout h ) But it was t he he serendipitous ni gh ght of Chinese food foo d that re real ally ly th thri rill lled ed me. me. FORTUN FORTUNE E COOK COOKIE IES S How perf perfec ectt are are fort fortun unee cook cookie ies. s. Alm Alm o ost st e v veerybo rybody dy knows what they are (in my corne ornerr o f the wo worl rld d anyw anyway ay)) and almo almost st ev ever eryb ybod ody y as asso soci ciat ates es them with PRED PREDIC ICTI TING NG in a fun way. They are an im me di at at el el y re recc o ogn gniz izaa b ble le or oraa ccle le - all wra wrappe ppe d up in a de deli ligh ghtf tful ul package (They also de defl flec ectt MY source o f a d va va nc e d knowledge - prophesy - to some thing I can live with along w iitt h my au udi diee n ncc e m em em be be rs. rs.)) The pres resent ntaati tion onaa l e llem e mee nts nts o f a truly m i n d blowing p ie c e o f m ent entaa llis ism m see see me me d obvi obviou ouss to me. The C HIN HINES ESE E ORAC ORACLE LE was born born tha tha t very e v vee n nin ing g and the the QX-50 pr provi ovide ded d th thee means eans to so some meth thin ing g quit quitee rema remark rkab able le.. [By the way, the m essage inside my c ook ie ie that nig ht ht read YOUR LO LOVE VE LI LIFE FE WILL WI LL BE HA HAPP PPY Y   HARMONIOUS.   t was was acc accura urate te to an astonis astonishin hing g degr degree ee.] .]

Fi Fina nally lly,, ladies ladies and and gent gentlem lemen en,,  t is my plea pleasu sure re to present to you, one o f the the trul trulyy grea greatt orac oracle less o f our time. A  utur pr pred edic icto torr rh rhat at King Kingss an and d Quee Queens ns,, Pres Presid iden ents ts an d Prim Primee Mini Minist ster ers, s, Ma Mana nage geme ment nt an and d Fron Frontt line line empl employ oyee eess all all have have consu consulte lted d an d no doub doubtt m speaking o f course o f a wind yo you u do, too window ow into into thefu thefutu ture re that that ha hass allo allowe wed d ev even en me to se seee ahead ahead with with rem remar arka kabl blee wisd wisdom om an d insi insigh ght. t. I m spe pea aki king ng o f course - o f Fortune Cookies

How many o j yo you u ha have ve co cons nsul ulte ted d the the wisd wisdom om o f Fortun tune Cooki kiees in the past,   ask. I ne vi ttaab lly y most hands go up m i x xee d with no small a mount o f gig giggli gling ng and and nodd noddin ing. g. Well two weeks ago I sent a very big Fortune Cookie to our host, Mr. Big. I sn t that co corrre rect ct sir? ir? Some appropriate dignitar y or executive in the audie nce st a nd s to a c kn kn ow ow llee d ge ge t h haa t i n nd de e d they have re c e ive d such a t hi hin g f r o m me, well in a d va va n ce ce o f today s sh show ow,, an d ge gene nera rall lly y they ho holld it up pr prom omin inen entl tly y to disp displa lay y it to ever everyo yone ne pres presen ent. t.   t is an en enor ormo mous us Fort Fortun unee Cook Cookie ie at le leas astt 4 in inch ches es in diam diamet eter er sti still seal sealed ed in a tran transp spar aren entt bag. Mr. Big, would you be kind enough to continue holding the bag in plain view with ithout op open enin ing g its package or place it in some ver eryy pr prom omin inen entt spot so that none o f us ca can n touc touch h  t just yet. Generally they will put it in some very visi visibl blee loc loc aati tion on or duti dutifu full lly y cont contin inue ue ho hold ldin ing g it so th thee aud udie ienc ncee can keep trac track k o f it. To be beg gin with with,,   d like anyfive peo eop ple to take these large cards   m han handin ding g out out eryy large lette tter on the front o f it with these markers. It can be any letter in an d print a ver the the alph alphab abet et but but idea ideall llyy a co coup uple le o fyou at lea least will choose some vowel elss. You ll see why in a moment, I expla lain in..   ve handed ou t l a r ge c a r d stock [like the c o v e r o f this manuscript] and magic markers and five or six p eo eop le le are e n co cour a g ed ed to create a g ia ia n t While ile we co conti ntinu nue, e,   d l eett ttee r card. W he he n they are finished I s een nd th hee m up to the stage. Wh like ike yo you u fol folks to meet togeth ether on stag tage ov over er here and put your lette tters tog together to come up with a last name. Please try to come up with as real a name as you you can with the al l o j the the lette tters you ve created ted. It do does esn n t matt matter er rhat it s silly lly. W h i l e I continue on w it h t he he audie udienc ncee, th this is gr grou oup p meets as a c o om m mit mitte teee and tries to put the the ir ir lette tters toge togeth thee r to a rri rrive ve at s om om e s o orr t o f name. The pr oc es s is ridiculous o f cour ourse and with with the lett lettee rs rs they ve



c r e a te d , H U   Y (or wh at ev e r) all they s e e m to be able to c o m e up with as a commit com mittee tee is MA MAYH YHU U .

Meanwhile, fo r all th thee rest rest o f you you in th thee au audi dien ence ce,, I d like to invite you to pi pick ck up yourr pe you penc ncil ilss and pa pape pers rs and jo t down yo your ur veryf yfa avourite fo food od in the whole world I'm craz cr azyy abo about ut sush sushii my myse self lf,, Un Unag agii to bepreci beprecise se,, but but I wa want nt yo you u pr prin intt th thee on onee ta tast stee se sens nsat atio ion n that that's 's your your pr priv iva ate pleasure. Ju Just st jo t it down on yo your ur pa pape perr now please and we ll come arou around nd to coll collec ectt your choi choice ces. s.   you fold them in half th that at would would be hel elp pfu full to keep them the m pri privat vatee fo r th thee ti time me bein being. g. I collect a few in the bag but eventually h an and o ve ve r the task to a spectator, He Heat athe herr we' we'll ll call her, to cont contin inue ue co coll llec ecti ting ng th them em all in a tr tran ansp spar aren entt zi zip p lock ock bag bag. How are you all doing up here, I ask o f the team on stage. I see yo you' u've ve come up withM YHU I wonder how you might pronounce that. May Huu Huu I guess. How very o It ac actu tua all llyy soun sounds ds a ti tiny ny bit Chin Chines ese. e. Ho How w app ppro rop priat riate. e. M-A M-A-Y-Y-H-U H-U Plea Please se ta take ke a magi ma gicc mark marker er and jo t that name down on this fl flip ip chart so everyone in the audience can see see it it.. M R May ayh hu wo wou uld be great reat.. I h a nd t h e m a marker from my ta ble or case and direct t h hee m to a flip chart or my sketch pad to copy their name down be befo fore re ret etu urning to th thei eirr se seat atss with with my thanks. Do we have have ever everyo yone ne's 's perso persona nall pass passio ions ns coll collec ecte ted? d? I ask to gathe r up the bag whic wh ich h has has acc accum umula ulated ted the the audi audience' ence'ss se sele lect ctio ions ns.. Ple Pleas asee co come me on up her eree Hea eath ther er wit ith h Heat athe herr co com mes up on the bag. Let ' s give them a really good shake up to mix them up. He stage with a co colllec ecttion o f slips in the bag and the slips are mixed up. Will you now please, Heather, reach down inside the bag and and pu pull ll out ju just st fo four ur slips. Just the fo four ur please She does and I invite her to read them ou t loud. They are Pizza, KD KD,, Samosas excellent lent choic choices, es, I de an d Ice Cream.   llexcel decl clare are..

Mr. Big it's now time to come up on stage with yo your ur Fortune Cookie. Would you plea lease ta takke it ou outt o f its bag and and examine it. It It's 's still intact isn isn't it? Just as when I sent it to you two weeks ago (or whatever). Please give it a shake. Do you hear the fortunes inside it? Yes? Show Heather. Can you hear them too Heather? They verify that the coo cooki kiee is int ntac actt and and tha thatt thin hings ar aree insi inside de the the enor enormo mous us cook cookie ie.. Please hold open your two hands faci facing ng up please Mr. Big an d we 'll break the eaeces k tes he oco cook okiie right in Mr. Big s hand handss and and he ackn acknow owle ledg dges es tha thatt there here coo cookie ope are kie indopen. eed n.thrIeebrpiec pi f long paper st rips - fortunes - folded l engt h- wi se in half Heat He athe herr pl plea ease se pi pick ck out out one one o f thefortunes an d re rea ad it out lo loud ud to th thee au audi dien encce.

Wha Wh at doe oess th this is wi wise se Ora Oracle cle say say first irst o f all? She read readss  YOUR FAVOURITE F O O D S A R E PIZZA, KD, IC E CREAM   S A M O S A S - j u s t as has been deter eterm min ined ed ra rand ndo oml mly y by the en enti tire re au audi dien ence ce mo mome ment ntss ago Mr. Big ... ..yo you' u've ve had this cookie fo forr more than a week, right? But this audience just came up with their list o f fa favo vour urit itee thin things gs a fe few w minu minute tess ago ago There's another fortune Heather. Hurry. Please read that one She reads  YOUR LUC LUCKY KY NUM NUMBER BERS S A R E 2 10 12 23 37 41 Ahhh, I say ay.. Tha That's t's int intere eresti sting. ng. Do you you ever ever pl play ay luck luckyy numb number erss from from Fort Fortun unee Co Cook okie iess fo folk lks? s? Di d you pi pick ck those lucky num umbe bers rs in th thiis pas pastt we week ek's 's lo lottto   r Rig? He says no. Th That at's 's re real ally ly un unfo fort rtun unat atee   r Big, Big, beca becaus usee you you 'v 'vee had had thos thosee nu numb mber erss fo r tw two o we week ekss in tha hatt Fort Fortu une Cook Cookiie and gu gues esss 8


which whic h nu numb mbeers had a 20 mil illi lio on doll lla ar pr priz izee the the oth other da dayy? I pu out o my pock pocket et a Lot otte tery ry outl outlet et priz prizee anno announ unce ceme ment nt or new newsp spap aper er that that conf confir irms ms that that thes thesee are are in fa fact ct the the numbers o th thee week s winn winnin ing g lo lott tter ery y Wow Ther Wow eree s one lastfo lastfort rtu une in your your ha han nds Mr. Bi Big g.   m afraid to look at it. Go ahead a n d read it out to us. He reads,   HELP ME - I'M TRAPPED IN A COOKIE F fORY - MR. MAYHU Thee cr Th crow owd d goes goes wild.. wild....

All o this amounts to a fantastic prediction ROUTINE. In my view, it really d o e s n t get any better - from anyone. Triple powerful predictions, with real time vari variab able les, s, al alll on prop proper erly ly prin printe ted d sl slip ipss o pape paperr which hich are are full fully y exam examin inab able le - and and   r Big gets gets to han hand out out cook cookie ie crum crumbs bs to th thee au audi dienc encee .. .... (Note: The actual order the sli lip ps are read in is random o cour course se so the the re read adin ing g sequ sequen ence ce abov abovee will will vary vary from from perf perfor orma manc ncee to perf perfor orma manc nce. e. Up Upon on care carefu full re refl flec ecti tion on howe howeve ver, r, I th thin ink k you ll agre agreee th that at each each pred predic icti tion on is equa equall lly y star startl tlin ing. g. Inde Indeed ed the the thir third d re reve vela lati tion on can can be emph emphas asiz ized ed - wit ith h grea greate terr impa impact ct - for for di diff ffer eren entt re reas ason onss in eac each h ca case se.) .)








Anyone who has dabbled with design duplication, including my own IMPR IM PRES ESSI SION ONAB ABLE LE MI MIND ND BO BOAR ARD, D, is we well ll aw awar aree th that at su such ch demo demons nstr trat atio ions ns ar aree amon among g th thee mo most st effe effect ctiv ivee in me ment ntal alis ism. m. Du Dupl plic icat atin ing g a pi pict ctur ure, e, es espe peci cial ally ly o so some meth thin ing g un uniq ique ue in an audi audien ence ce's 's min mind, loo looks and and feels eels lik like re real al ps psy ychic chic abil abilit ity y. Th This is rou outi tine ne off ffer erss such such an experience but shared across the entire audience. I can assure yo u fr from om re repe peat ated ed perf perfor orma manc nces es,, ev ever ery y me memb mber er o the audience zeros in on what y o ou u ''rr e drawing as the im imag agee take takess sh shap apee on your your flip lip ch chaart rt,, bris bristo toll boar board d or sket sketch ch pa pad d. [I've [I've in incl clud uded ed a sa samp mple le flip chart/sketch pad I use for most shows.] Th Ther eree is a natural curiosity as the picture take takess sh shap apee that that is diff diffic icul ultt to dupl duplic icat atee wi with th a tr trad adit itio iona nall Q   A presentatio presentation. n. Beca Becaus usee I typ typic ical ally ly invi invite te som someon eone from rom th thee aud udie ienc ncee to in insp spec ectt th thee sket sketch ch pad or flip chart before I begin and because my eyes are obviously closed (to  concentrate ) durin uring g th thee gr gras asp ping ing o the images on peop people le's 's minds, there is little suspicion o any gi gimm mmic icks ks or el elec ectr tron onic ics. s. Re Rega gard rdle less ss,, ther theree isn t any Th The images really do seem to be occurring to me in real time from the collection in the sealed bag, in the centre o the audience - or as presented, actually from th ei r imaginations. This is a powerful and co coll llec ecti tive ve desig design n dupl duplic icat atio ion n that that lo loo oks ks,, di dist stu urbin rbingl gly y, lik like the the re reaal thing. For me, the hardest part o presenting such an image upon upon-i -ima mage ge-u -upo ponn-im imag agee desig design n duplicratm ionm efring fect wh haats the ack ys been what thaelw he heck I know the images to be from earl earlie ierr Be Beca caus usee I li like ke to work with clean drawing surfaces, deta detail iled ed and and le legi gibl blee ch chea eatt she sheet et notes have never really been a viable option. Remember, the cards and paper are all fully examinable before and after the presentation. My White Tagger created the elegant solution which I now employ wit ith hout fail Printed on my th thic ick k ma magi gicc ma mark rkeer, in cl clea earr prin printt ar aree my cues to exac exactl tly y what what I have ave to du dupl plic icat ate. e.   the presentation above, my marker (generally the thicker, flatter, chis iseel tip ) is clearly labeled HRY STCK DOG FL T PC [I'v 'vee inclu lud ded a PC WIN OTL TR Y or similar. [I sample o what I use as well.] 10


Trus Trustt me.   th thee heat heat o f performance, it s am amaazin zing what what th thee rush rushin ing g min ind d o f the ment me ntal alist ist can can forg forget et fr from om just a few min inu utes before. Unlike a White Tiger perh perhap aps, s, my White ite Tagg Tagger er has ac actu tual ally ly saved saved me on seve severa rall occ ccas asio ion ns (So (Sorry. rry. I could couldn't n't resis esist. t.)) The labels on the markers are clear and easy to read in any lighting. You can casually peek at them in a natural manner, at any time, as the marker approaches eye level whil whilee be bein ing g waived in the air. The idea of such a cue on a pen or crayon is o f course as old as the hills ills an and d   ve no idea who credit should be given to for first dreaming th thee idea up. But thanks to the way t h ey ' r e made, the adhesive labels from DYMO can also be easily curled cur led an and d roll rolled ed of f th thee mark marker er to th thee flo loor or,, in th thee end, nd, to fin inis ish h clea cleanl nly y.   v e gotten use to abbreviating the information in the style sug suggeste sted above. (R (Rea eadi ding ng lots lots of   v van anit ity y pe pers rso ona nali lize zed d license plates while driving helps to refine the

proce rocess ss.. My pla late te re read adss MENT MENTAL ALST ST by th thee way way.) The li litt ttle le ab abbr brev evia iati tion onss imme immedi diat atel ely y jo g the the memo emory and th thee li litt ttle le de deta tail ilss li lik ke ha hair iry y and flat flat an and d tray tray help elp sell sell th thee imag imagee beyond apparent psychological forces and you can nail the parti rticu cula larr image almost exa xact ctly ly - at le leas astt cl clo ose en enou oug gh to see seem rea eall lly y cl clai airv rvoy oyan ant. t...

Note: For an added touch, i f you ha have ve th thee lu lux xury o f a part partne nerr o r assistant to work with you, the magic marker can be delivered t you mid-pe mid-perfo rforma rmance nce o f co cour urse se wi with th stan st anda dard rdiz ized ed co codi ding ng th thaat you bot oth h ar aree co comf mfor orta tabl blee wi with th..   this way, it is possible to pe perf rfor orm m the the en enti tire re PICT PICTUR URE E TAKING TAKING ro rout utiine in real real ti time me wi with th no prepre-sh show ow on your p rt whatso what soev ever er.. You You just take up the mark marker er from them and run with it They ve loa loaded ded th thee mark ma rker er with with al alll o f your cl clue ues. s. So h o w do I get the images from the audience members? As you ve probably gue uess sseed, I don't don't cal alll it Pict Pictur uree Taki Taking ng for not oth hin ing. g. You You TAK TAKE th thei eirr pi picctu turres fac act, t, you steal them from right out o f the bag when they aren aren't 't looking in the clas classi sicc trad tradit itio ion n o f greats like Robert Nelson, Burling Hull, Dunninger and currently The Ama zin g Kreskin. While this may seem embarrassingly bold to some people, it is in fact remarkably simple to execute and quite deceptively practical. I must co conf nfes esss I lear learne ned d the the tech techni niqu quee by simp simply ly obse observ rvin ing g th thee brill brillia iant nt Kreski Kreskin's n's move move (a  ll Ne Nels lson on,, Burling Burling Hull Hull and probably Moses) over several performances. The trick is to w ai ai t patiently until you've coll collec ecte ted d many many o f th thee sl slip ips, s, id idea eall lly y when when you re in the back o f the ho use - the rear o f your performing sp spaace. With yo your ur right side facing away from the au audi dien ence ce yo your ur right hand goes into the bag, removes a bunch o f slips o f paper and de dep pos osit itss them into your right pant or ja jack cket et pocket. From From a distance, the move is pr praactic ctical ally ly in inv visib isible le and is allover in an instant. With pr actice   ve found it can be done in a n ea r continuous moti mo tion on as you you co cont ntin inue ue to co coll llec ectt more more pape papers rs fr from om th thee audi audien ence ce.. Once I hav Once avee my se secr creet st stas ash h I se sele lect ct a su suit itaable ble yo youn ung g perso erson n to co cont ntin inue ue co coll llec ecti ting ng an and d mumb mumble le so some meth thin ing g li like ke,, here why don don t you collect all the slips y can -   don t want ant to co com me nea near any Curi rio ously usly,, af afte terr th thee sh sho ow, peo eopl plee wi will ll sw sweear that that I ne neve verr cam amee in co cont ntaact wi with th th thee slip slipss at al all. l. Whil ilee you ourr yo youn ung g guar guardi diaan conti ontin nue uess to co coll llec ectt the last last few, few, you pullout yo you ur st sto ole len n slip slipss in priv ivat atee, review review th them em an and d cho hoo ose th thre reee or fou ourr in inte tere rest stin ing g ca can ndida idates tes fo forr re reve vela lati tio on so soo on af afte terr. Be Beca caus usee no nott all o f the slips will be usea seable or may be duplicate images - as will happen - havin aving g at least four slips is essential to avoid any hassles later. You then pullout my W hi ttee Tag ger and tap out an abbreviated label to attach to the marker. (The washroom cubicl clee has always been the traditional place for for such such clan clande dest stin inee acti activi vity ty sinc sincee th thee dawn dawn o f Mentalism ) 11


[N [Not ote: e: Ag Agai ain, n, i f yo u do ha have ve an assistant, s/he may do all o f this this ins instea tead d an d load marke rkerr ac acco cord rdiing ngly ly.. In this way, t here is absolutely no conne ct ion bet ween up the ma yourself an d the sl slip ipss o f paper in the minds o f most au aud dienc iencee mem emb ber ers. s. Be Best st o f all ll,, the entire rout ine can be done in real time from t h e s t a g e without the ne e d for pre- s how preparation.]

Th e fi fina nall phas phasee o f the ro rou utine is des esig ign ned o f course to t h ro ro w o ff any any audi audien ence ce members ers (m (maagi gici cian anss?) who may be suspec ectting that I m di divi vinin ning g slips slips o f pa pape perr whi hich ch

aren'tt actu aren' actual ally ly still in the bag. Inst Instea ead d the final ph phas asee take takess ad adva vant ntag agee o f a force - but in this case, a force done in the sp spec ecta tato tor' r'ss (Jua (Juan' n's) s) own hands. While th While thee ro rout utin inee doesn doesn't 't nece necess ssar ary y requ requir iree thi hiss cl clos osur uree and and of often ten ti time mess I v e left left it out, wh wher erev ever er po poss ssib ible le it ma make kess for a truly ba baff ffli ling ng co conc nclu lusi sion on.. The  bag I m usin using g here here is in fact a do doub uble le-s -sid ided ed sw swit itch chin ing g enve envelo lope pe as firs firstt de deta tail iled ed in Ta Tarb rbel elll (Vol. 5, Page 172) and popul ar iz ized by T ed ed Les l e y as a Tel eport Env el el o op pe in Para iracles My own co cont ntri ribu buti tion on here is th thee ad adap apta tati tion on to a poly sh ship ippi ping ng st styl ylee bag mo modi difi fied ed with a tear tear strip and self s eal ing flaps. T h hee res ult is a clean and easy to set up op opaq aque ue chan ang ge bag which spectators can ha nd ndl e freely. Yet, o nc nce they thems el ves have se al al ed it, t h hee only way it can be op open ened ed is with the tea tearr st stri rip p, which auto automa mati tica call lly y op open enss to the fo forc rcee side The There re is none o f the fidd fiddli ling ng asso associ ciat ated ed wit ith h earl earliier vers versio ions ns o f this idea and th thee whole th thin ing g can truly take pl a c e in the mi ddl e o f the audience as it does here. T h e s e opaque  Mind Chan Ch ange gerr Bag Bagss h hav avee secr secret etly ly bee been n favo favour urit ites es o f my me ment ntal alis istt fr frie iend ndss ar arou ound nd th thee globe and I m del i ght ed to s ha re re t h hee m with yo u here. ( S o m e o f the most fa fam mou ouss ps psyc ychi hics cs around the wor orlld have us used ed th them em on stage and live tele telev visi sio on specials. In one instan ancce, a Holl Ho llyw ywoo ood d sta starr fo foun und d a chos chosen en car card d appe appear ar in her pr prev evio ious usly ly em empt pty y enve envelo lope pe,, desp despit itee the fact that that the the Me Ment ntal alis istt star was on the other side o f the pl plan anet et where the card was ch chos osen en.) .) My favo favour urit itee use o f the enve lo lopes is in my BI G HEA HEADL DLINE INE PRED PREDICTI ICTION ON de desc scri ribe bed d elsewhere. I v e incl includ uded ed a co coup uple le o f th thes esee fo forr yo u to try out an d mo more re are avai availa lab ble on request. As a result, when J ua n opens up the bag whic h he h i m s e l f sealed, the only possible choi ces he can rem ove are force slips in the side compart ment. Each o f these slip slipss has has dra drawin wing g var variat iatio ions ns o f a wi wine ne bot ottl tlee as in the pr pres esen enta tati tion on desc descri ribe bed d abov above. e. I pref er to get t h e ba g ou t o f the audience as soon as p os os s i bl e whi ch is why I ask that it be pa pass ssed ed forw forwar ard, d, bu t in fact fact I ve nev ever er ha had d so som meb ebod ody y go fi fisshi hing ng into the bag to actually look at the slip ipss - wh whiich are o f cou cours rsee all all o f wine wine bott bottles les or wh what ateve ever. r. As an in inte tere rest stin ing g su subt btle lety ty I misr misrea ead d some o f the slips from t h hee forc e side o f the ba bag g on once ce it s ba back ck into my hands. Generally th thes esee are so som m e o f th thee choi choices ces st stil illl pri print nted. ed.on on my magic marker. Certainly this adds to the mys t ery an d m ake s t h hee final slip in the au aud die ienc ncee se seem em that that much fairer.   also creates a n i c e circle to the idea that all o f the au audi dien ence ce's 's ch choi oice cess are in the bag and are fair game. e ve ve r feel the n ee ee d to improvise and b llu u ff ff a lit tle on your drawings you re alle allege ged dly pi pick ckin ing g up - I ve fo foun und d th that at iPo Pod ds, Pers Person onal al Com Compu pute ters rs an d to toil ilet etss ( ) come up with remarkable regularity. In a larger audi ence these can m a ke for amusi ng psych sycho olo log gic ical al fo forc rces es shoul should d the si situ tuat atio ion n wa warr rran antt it Check heck out out you yourr ow own n left leftov over erss af afte terr every show to get yo your ur own rep repeat eaters. ers. Yo You'l u'lll find the re resu sult ltss in inte tere rest stin ing g and useful.   yo u







On e o f the love One lovely ly as aspe pect ctss o f the the pa part rtic icul ular ar tag tags that that yo your ur Whit Whitee Ta Tagg ggar ar sp spit itss ou t is that they have a fine ad adhe hesi sive ve which st stiick ckss well on the in insi side de o f th thee rin ring fin inge ger, r, betw between een the in ne r and o u t e r j oi oi nt nt crease. B e c a us e you re no t actually pa lm lm in ing the tag, it will r e ma mai n on y ou ou r skin and al llo ow y ou ou r h an ands and f inge rs rs to move naturally. Th Thee tag will stay ther e as l o ng as yo u wish (des espi pite te swea sweaty ty palm palms) s),, but is easily dis isp pose sed d o f when nec eces essa sarry by a si simp mple le rolling action by the the th thum umb b in a do dow w nw nw ar ar d motion. The resu esult ltin ing g tiny  tube wi will ll fa fall ll to th thee flo loor or unno unnoti ticed ced an and d yo u end up comp comple lete tely ly cle clean. an. Your Your ha hand nd can be displaye d as completely empty in the end. T h hee scripting above gives you lots o f oppo opport rtun unit ity y to cover cover the the ac acti tion on.. T hi hi s aspect is used to maximum a d dv v an an ta ta g gee in C RY RY S ST T A L BALLS. C ha ha d is able to s eeee the num be ber s on the g en en tl tl eem m en en 's 's cell phone b ec ec aau us e they are clearly printed on a tag s t uc k on y ou ou r ring finger (This is a var iation o f a wonderful old me th od I first di disc scov over ered ed in an o lld d bo oy y s book o f magic from my y o u t h - I think it was t h e g r e a t Bill Sevem s - which u se d a finger p alme d pip f r o m a p l a y i n g card in much the s a m e w ay . ) T he he pr inti ng ng is c llee aarr and easy to read t ha ha n nk k s to y ou ou r W hi hi ttee T agge r and remains in p llaa ce ce as lo n g as yo u n e e d C h a d to reference it. Y o ur fingers can be s pre ad o pe n to h o l d t h hee mimed mim ed cr crys ysta tall ball with with far grea greate terr eas ease than i f yo u wer weree actual actually ly palmin palming g so somet methi hing ng.. fo u n d that wi t ho ut e x ce p t i o n , the   instant instant st stoo ooge ge pl ploy oy work workss extremely well and t h haa t t h hee chosen member o f the audience will play al ong with no resistance. To in insu sure re this, my in inst stru ruct ctio ions ns are r ea s o n a b l y c l e a r ... please gaze throu h the I ve

crystal ball and see i f y l ca can n se seee th thee fi firrst thr hreee di digi gits ts on this gentlemen s cell phone When they l o ok th thro roug ugh h the imag imagin inar ary y ball all, they alone will see t h e prin printe ted d numbers. They get it As ad adde ded d insura insurance, nce, I v e in intr trod oduc uced ed th thee sp spec ecta tato tor, r, in this this case Chad, as a gi ft ft eed d psychic and it is cl eeaa r to hi m that I will be aiding him to look gr e aatt in fr fron ontt o f the au aud die ien nce ce.. By flat attteri ering him and as assi sist stin ing g him along the way, rath ather th than an te teas asin ing g him as many men enttal alis ists ts te tend nd to do,   sp spect ectat ator or unde unders rsta tand ndss im impl plic icit itly ly to play along and all will go well for them. 13


Th e  mis  misss on the [mal nu numb mber er is no none neth thel eles esss a little subtlety to make make the en endi ding ng th that at much stro strong nger er and give ives yo u as a pe perf rfor orme merr a fin inal al kic ick k to in inccre reas asee your your cr cred edib ibiili lity ty..

This also lso pl play ayss with ith the the too too pe perf rfec ectt th theo eorry and and pr prov ovid ides es a li litt ttle le re rede demp mpti tion on at th thee fi fin nis ish h o f th thee pi piec ece. e. Th e result is a more dramatic co con ncl clu usi sio on to the pr preedi dict ctab able le finish by the ti time me th that at Cha Chad d (or (or wh whoe oeve ver) r) has has al alre read ady y got got nine nine nwn nwnber berss co corr rrec ect. t.

Th e very final twist is a lovely touch ba se d on idea given to me by Uri G el el llaa rr'' s

succes suc cessor sor,, Lior Such Suchar ard... d... The last nw nwnb nber er dialed on the audience memb member er's 's phone is o f cou rs e - dialed by you Be Befo fore re the show you find some someon onee with a cell ph phon onee (or tw o di diff ffer eren entt pe peop ople le as a  try out their phone to see   it w i ll ll w o orr k in back up i f you can) and ask them them i f you can  try here ve found this is a perf rfeect ctlly rea easo son nable able re requ ques estt as many ph phon ones es do in inde deed ed have diff ifficu iculty lty workin rking g insi sid de som some thea theatr tres es,, cl clu ubs and homes es..   act ctu uali lity ty you sim imp ply dia iall your own cell cell phone number and let the call be placed. This takes only a few moments as only one ri ring ng wi will ll do the the tr tric ick k. As a result, the last num number ber dialed on this sp spec ecta tato tor' r'ss phone will correspond to yo u r own - providing they don t make any more calls before your show, which is a reas reaso ona nab ble assumption. The tag affixed to the in insi side de o f yo your ur ring finger is simply yo your ur own, prev previo ious usly ly printe inted d. I car arry ry the these prep prepar ared ed la labe bels ls in my wa wall lleet for im impr prom ompt ptu u st stan and d up per perform formance ances. s. Th Thro roug ugh h the the ma magi gicc o f Call Disp Displa lay y, bec ecau ause se the nwnb nwnber er you di dial aled ed was al allo lowe wed d to ring at least once, the cell nu num mber it was called from will now be di disp spla laye yed d on YOUl phone as the last nw nwnb nber er incoming. By leaving the rin ing ger turned to si sile lent nt , bac ack kst staage (or in yo your ur poc ocke ket) t),, yo your ur phone will thus quietly cap aptu ture re a private cell nu numb mber er that yo your ur audie dience me memb mber er has never shared with you They will be ju just st as as asto ton nis ishe hed d as the rest o f th thee audi audien ence ce that that you you know know their nwnber Typically, in a full show, I use my White Ta Tagg gger er backstage to prin printt ou outt a tag with this pr priv ivat atee nu numb mber er to stick on my right ring finger. In this way, when I look back into the crystal ball in my right hand - I can comfortably see the phone nwnb nwnber er I need for the clos closin ing g piece. iece.... and ditch itch it at the righ ight mom omen entt wit ith h a ro roll ll o f my thumb to the floor or the mi micr crop opho hone ne or my pant pant le leg. g.





On many le lev vel els, s, for me, CH CHIN INES ESE E ORACLE is th thee perf rfec ectt pr pred edic icti tion on effe fect ct.. The prob obllem wit with many any head eadlin line pred predic icti tion on pres presen enta tati tion onss - in incclu lud din ing g my own in MESSING WITH WI TH MIN MINDS DS - is that for the audience, it all comes down to the reliability o f the dignitary who allegedly got the se seal aled ed pre redi dict ctio ion n in advance.   f spec specta tato tors rs have ave any con concern ern th that at the the person son guar guardi ding ng the the pred predic icti tion on is in cab caboots wit ith h th thee pe perf rfor orme mer, r, som somee o f the impact is lost. The same is so som mew ewh hat true i f a sp spec ecta tato torr gues guesse sess (corr (correc ectly tly'} '} th that at th thee seal sealed ed enve envelo lope pe wa wass ta tamp mper ered ed wi with th,, just before sh sho ow time. With CH CHIN INE ESE OR ORA ACLE 14


ho howe weve ver, r, tw two o o f the three phases are based on outcomes de dete term rmin ined ed collec ecttivel ely y by th thee audi audien ence ce them themsselve elvess - in r l tim dur urin ing g th thee perf perfor orma manc ncee - af afte terr th they ey have have obs obser erve ved d th thee sealed prediction (i.e. the Fortune Cookie) and they have kept a collective eye on it. Furth urther ermo more re,, wit ith h all all pr pred edic icti tion on eff effects ects,, spec specta tato tors rs in inev evit itab ably ly wond wonder er ab abou outt us usin ing g such such prophesy to pick winning lottery numbers.   I m asked this EVERY time, without exception.) So in this presentation this element is in incl clu ude ded d but in a light hearted way  th theey ar aree ju just st lucky cky numbers ers that happen to hav avee turned out VER ERY Y lucky. I m all allow owed ed to be j u s t as surprised and as delighted as the audience, without really having the moralll mor alllogi ogical cal dilemma of ap appa pare rent ntly ly kn know owin ing g someth something ing so va valu luab able le ah ahead ead o f time. O f course this is also a lot o f fu fun n fr from om an ente entert rtai ainm nmen entt st stan andp dpoi oint nt beca becaus usee of th thee

whole tie-in to the nonsense of Fortune Cookies in general. Kenton Knepper, Docc Hilford and Jay San ank key (to name th thrree ee)) hav avee all pl play ayed ed with the th theeme in th thee past. [Note: Kent Ke nton on's 's Slip o f a Reading effect for example would make for a delicious and customizable tie-in with a White Tagger Yo You' u'll ll find an excerpt from his Lasting Effects b bo ook, in the section following.] For performers who d o on n 't 't have a cultural connectio ion n to such things or who ju just st do don't n't lik ikee the Fortune Cookie premis isee, obviously the container can be changed to be anything you wish. As I mentioned earlier, the   Tim imee Capsule pr prem emis isee is especiall ally appeali lin ng to me for example, or the surprise gif iftt wrap wrappe ped d pack packag age. e. Obvio bvious usly ly it's possi ossibl blee to craf craftt th thes esee out out o f th thee Model odel Magi Magicc mate materi rial al as well well.. So let me break down the various secrets behind CHINESE ORACLE to help make it all come together as I ve described. It s a tad complex. For novelty sake I 'l'l l expl explai ain n thes thesee th thin ings gs in a serie eriess of Qu Ques estio tions ns an and d Answ Answers... ers... Questi Ques tion on:: Oracle cle, where do such large Fo Fort rtun unee Cookies co com me from? Where ca can n I get get them them?? Answ er: You make them You d on ' t have to buy them anywhere. The y' re really quite ea eassy even for baking-challen lenged magi. As Mast Master er Hof ofzi zing nger er might dir ireect, you'll you 'll need need::



I eg egg g white 1/8 1/8 teasp teaspoo oon n vanilla vanilla ex extr tract act I pinch salt alt 1/4 1/4 cu cup p un unbl bleac eache hed d all-p all-pur urpo pose se fl flou ourr 1/4 1/4 cup cup whi hite te suga sugarr

Then Then you you mu must st:: I. Preheat your oven to 400 F. Butter a cookie sheet. Print out copies o f one fortun fortunee on your WHITE TAGGER o f a set length. This slip will read YOUR FAVOU AVOURI RITE TE FOO OODS DS ARE ARE PIZZ PIZZA A, KD, IC ICE E CR CREA EAM M   SA SAMO MOSA SAS S or si simil milar ar.. Geix Gene nero greas ease cook shee 2. M trous heusly ely gggr w hiete 2aco ndokie vaienish llaeets uts. n.til foamy but not stiff. Sift the flour, s lt and sugar ugar and and bl blen end d in into to th thee egg egg whi hite te mixt mixtur ure. e.


3. Plac Placee te teas aspo poon onsf sful ulll o f the batter at le ast 6 inche s a p a rt on one o f the the pre prepar pared ed co cook okie ie sheets. Tilt Tilt the shee sheett to move the ba batt tter er into roun round d shapes at least 5 inches in dia diamet eter er.. Be careful to make batter as roun round d and even even as poss possib ible le.. Do not not ma make ke too many, be ca use the cookies have to be really hot to form t he he m and o nc nc e they cool it is too late. Star t with 2 or 3 to a s he he et et a nd nd see h ow ow many yo u can do. 4. Ba k e for 5 minutes or until cookie has tu turn rned ed a gold golden en color 1/2 inch wide around the ou tteer edge o f the circle. The center will re ma in pale. While one sheet is baking bak ing,, prepar preparee th thee ot othe her. r. 5. Remo Remove ve from oven and qu quic ickl kly y move cook cookie ie with a wide spat spatul ulaa and pl plac acee upside down on a wooden board. Quickly pla ce the fortune on the cookie, close to the middle and fold the cookie in half. P l a c e the f olded edge across the rim o f a measu easurrin ing g cup and pull the po poin inte ted d edges down, one on the ins nsiide o f the cup and one on the outside. Pla ce folded cookies into the c u p s o f a muffin tin or egg carton rton to hold hold th thei eirr sh shaape unti untill fir irm. m. Al Alte tern rnat ativ ivel ely, y, a te terrri rifi ficc al alte tern rnat ativ ivee to ac actu tual ally ly bakin baking g real co cook okie iess is to for form your our cookie props from ch chil ildr dren en's 's mo mode deli ling ng clay. Th e bes bestt possi possibl blee mate materria iall I ve used is called Mode l Mag iicc (how appropriate ) from Cra yolalBinney   Smith. (See http http:/ ://w /www ww.c .cra rayo yola laco corn rnlp lpro rodu duct cts) s) Most Most toy shops, art supply st stor ores es and offi office ce supply stores (suc h as Staples) stock it - or you can buy it on-line. It s light lightweig weight ht an and d sp spon ongy gy and dries to a co cons nsis iste tenc ncy y that's that's kind o f cookie-ish.   will br eak in your hands j us us t as a real real coo cookie kie does does..   will also keep its form in inde defi fini nite tely ly and doesn' doesn'tt cr crum umbl blee or fall apar apartt be betw twee een n shows. Its only ha hand ndic icap ap is that it is white in colo colour ur,, al alth thou ough gh it can be painted. In my experience this is hardly har dly an is issu sue. e. Question:   ut Oracle, h ow ow do you get the au audi dien ence ce to choos hoosee the the food ood choices pre-printed by the WHI TE T AGGE R - and   b aak k eed d into the Fortune Cookie before the s h o w ev even en sta starts rts?? Answer: The choices on the label in the cookie are in fact forced. Members o f the audie dience will co come me up with do doze zens ns o f their heir pers person onal al pr pref efer eren ence cess an and d thes thesee are inde indeeed drop droppe ped d into into a Zip lock lock type ba bag g whi hicch ci circ rcul ulat ates es th thrrough ough ou t the crowd. Howe ve r the bag is one o f my very useful MIN IND D CHAN CHANGE GER R BAGS and and is, in fact, a comp mple lettely cl clea earr chan change ge bag . Thes Thesee bags look quite in inno noce cent nt - unlike most most chan change ge bags avail vailab ablle to ma magi giccia ians ns  but but co cont ntai ain n a secr secret et si side de co comp mpar artm tmen ent. t. [I've [I've gi give ven n yo u a coup couple le to work with and disp dispos osee e are a vailable on request.] The four forc ed o f when they start looking worn out. Mo rre food items are written by me in adv dvaanc ncee o f the show to cor corre resp spon ond d to the choices insi inside de the the Fortune Fortune Cook Cookie ie..



Because o f the the des design ign o f the bags, ags, the these se fo forc rced ed choi choice cess can can rema remain in lo locke cked d in th thee side panel without fear o f detection. P e op ople can handle the bag and drop in th ei eir slips witho without ut noti notici cing ng the the fe few w slip slipss o ff to the side. The force slips ofKD Sa Samo mosa sass etc. can be lo load aded ed in intto the the sid side pa pane nell se sere rept ptio ious usly ly,, onc oncee a few few o f the real real sli lip ps hav havee bee been n col collect lected ed.. In my experience, you can get away with pre-l -lo oad adiing them be befo fore re the show. In the con confus fusion ion o f peo peopl plee wr writ itin ing g and and han handi ding ng in their heir sl sliips from from di diff ffer eren entt par parts ts o f th thee room room it s easy to just just pullout the bag and g e t on with it. Folks just seem to assume th at at the four slips in the bag are from people othe r than themselves - especially i f you start co coll llec ecti ting ng from the re reaar. This is ge gene nera rall lly y how I get the jo b done To actually force the slips o f paper yo u want the au aud dien ence ce memb member er to pick, you apparently zip the bag closed and gi v e the bag a shake, a rattle and a roll.   t is then logical for you to unlock the zip closure and then to open the force side o f the bag. By di dire rect ctin ing g th thee spec specta tato torr wi witth th thee wo word rdss He Heat athe herr re reac ach h do down wn in insi side de th thee ba bag g  n pu pull ll ou outt just just fo four ur slips. Just the four four please That s exactly what sh she' e'll ll do.   yo u ask them to close their eyes and reach into the bag with one hand as you hold it high in the air, this too will throw them o ff and they will easily pullout just what y o u wa n t th e m to. (S (Spe pect ctat ator orss tend to be ne nerv rvou ouss on stage and with their ey eyees closed they will qui uick ckly ly latch onto onto th thee four four sli slips o f pap paper er with withou outt mu much ch hes hesita itatio tion.) n.) Questi Ques tion on:: Okay Oracle, I un unde ders rsta tand nd ho w th thee Fo Fort rtun unee Cook ookie can can con contai tain n one one o f the tags, the one about the the foo food choi choice ces, s, b ut ut h ow ow do the ot othe herr tw g et et in t h hee re re if I don t bakee th bak them em in? Answer Answ er:: Elem emen enttary, my dear Grasshopper. The tags are never actually IN the Fortune Cookie. T h ey ey ' r e IN y ou ou r hands as you break open the cookie. The labels from the WHITE TA GGER are pleasantly rigid when folded in half lengthwise - like a fortune. As a result, they can be comfortably fing inger pa pallme med d be bettwee een n the inne innerr and ou oute terr jo join intt crease on each o f your two ring fingers. As you bre ak o p e n the cookie and the pieces fall into the spe ctator s ou t st r e t c he d pa lm s , yo u simply rele releas asee yo your ur pa palm lmin ing g grip and they fall into the pi pile le along with the on e ta g alrea al ready dy th ther ere. e. Th e il illu lusi sion on is perf rfeect Even from up clos closee they appear to e me r ge f r o m within the cookie itself. In fact, the l arge c o o ki e co comp mple lete tely ly co cove vers rs the tags in y o u r hand as you re holding


it and th thee who whole pr proc oces esss seems seems co comp mple lete tely ly clean as it crum crumble bless apart. As they they say, you ll fool yourself (Jay Sankey s d on on e simi llaar things with a b re re aad d roll on hi s hi t TV O show Spellz.) Q ue ue st st iio o n: n: So t h hee lo tttt eerry numbe rs are just p r i n t e d up by my W H I T E T A AG G GE GE R befo beforre the show show and then a d dde ded d in when I br bree aak k the cooki ookiee - from from one o f my hands? hands? Answer

Exactly. Q u e s t i on on : Wow T h e n ho w the heck do I get the o t h e r p r in te d t a g with t h e name already on it? Sure Surely ly t h at forced, ed, Orac Oracle. le. at s n o ott forc Answer: Correct Y o u r WHITE TAGGER TAG GER also ha hass a de deli ligh ghtf tful ul me memo mory ry feature ure, whee tthe wh herr it is on or off, and it rem rem eem mb bee rs rs the last th in g that has b e e n t y p e d into it. B e f o r e y o u r

show yo u m ak ak e sure t h haa t HELP ME I M TRAPPED IN A COOKIE F A C T O R Y is al re a dy to go for printing. All t ha ha t s m issing is the l a s t five c har acters whic wh ich h fo form rm th thee name name.. MR.

Q ues ti o n: H o l y cow So let me guess. You push five b ut ut to ton s on the WHITE T A G G E R and then p r e s s t h e P r i n t and Cut button and it de live rs the t ag ag on y ou ou r t ab able or in y ou ou r b ag ag ? And the w h ho o le le l on on g messa ge is fu full lly y pr print inted ed ou out. t. .. A ns w er: W e l l Gr asshoppe r, i f yo u w a nt the solo ve r s i on o f CHINESE ORAC OR ACLE LE,, yes, yes, that s what yo u do. It s a bi t knacky but t ha ha nk nk s to t he he unique d es esi gn gn o f the QX-50, you can a ctually do t h hii s with one hand and one fin ge ger in a c ouple o f seconds - r i gh t u n de r people s noses. Lior Sucha Suchard rd for for one, one, pref prefer erss this this rout routee. Pers Person onal ally ly,, I lik like the the easi easier er path to revelation. I have a devo devote teee bac bac k kst staa g gee list listeening ning in on the show. W h e n I say I see you you ve

come up with MAYHU. I wonder haw you might pronounce that May Huu I guess. How very o It actually sounds a tiny bit Chinese. How How ap appr prop opri riat ate. e. M-A M-A Y H U Please take a magic marker mar ker and and  ot th that at name name dawn dawn on 18


this flip this flip chart chart so ev ever eryo yone ne in the the aud audienc iencee ca can n se seee it.   R ayhu ayhu would would be great reat this gives my as asssista istant nt all kinds of time to clearly hear the five letters, punch them in and deliver to me a printed and folded tag - along wit th thee ma magi gicc mark marker er (or (or wh what atev ever er))   ve referenced.   t s sim imp ple and it works. (T (The here re's 's simply no heat heat on the performer at this point o f course as the Fortune Cookie ha s not yet been opened. There is still time mi misd sdir irec ecti tion on beca becaus usee the the fo food od choi choice cess are are yet yet to be ma made de.) .)

Q ue s t io n: So I just finger palm the two tags, the lottery number one and the name ame one ne,, in eac ach h hand hand,, and then then br brea eak k op open en the the cooki ookiee at the the ap appr prop opri riat atee ti tim me, crea creati ting ng the the il illu lussion ion th thaat all all thre threee were in the the For ortu tun ne Cookie okie the the whole hole ti time me an and d for for day ayss? Answer Ans wer:: Ju Just st so so,, Gra rass ssho hopp pper er.. Question:   m overwhelmed wit the simple yet elegant solution to this incr increedib dible myste stery ry,, Oracle acle.. Th Thee WH WHIT ITE E TAG TAGGER is ind indee eed d a wond ondrous rous bea easst, jus justt as it is. But I have one last question if it is not not to too o impe impert rtin inen entt o f me to ask. Is there any way that that it would ould be poss ossible ible to br brea eak k open pen the the Fortu rtune Cooki ookiee at the very start ... before any food food has bee een n ch cho osen by the the au aud dienc iencee an and d ev even en before th thee name name has bee been n decide decided d  y the commi ommitt tteee on stag tage ... ... yet still till th thee labe labels ls would uld be corr correc ect? t? Tha hatt would tru truly be a mirac iracle le o f a semi-re semi-religio ligious us nat nature ure Answer Answ er:: You'v You'vee asked sked a very ery ch chal alle leng ngin ing g que uest stio ion n Grassh assho opper pper,, but but the the an ansswer is YES I have indeed performed the CHINESE ORACLE in this way and it is truly MIN IND D BLOW BLOWIN ING G But But to lear learn n th this is yourse yourselfyo lfyou u must must seek seek out out one one mo more re mast master er for for th this is added element. His name is Devin Knight and he calls this lesson the G llaass Box Pr Pred edic icti tion on . Mast Master er Knigh Knight's t's wisd wisdom om comb combin ined ed with with th thee QX-50' QX-50'ss ma magi gica call le leng ngth th sett settin ing g fe feat atur uree - make make this this asto astoni nish shme ment nt poss possib ible le.. Seek Seek hi him m out out for for this this wisd wisdom om,, Gras Grassh shop oppe perr Questio Que stion: n: Th Than ank k your your Ora racl clee Answ An swer: er: May May your your audi audien ence cess than thank k you you for for it it,, to too, o, Grass rassho hopp pper er..

And so there you have it. A strong mult ltii-p phase ase predic edicti tion on ROUTINE that will chan change ge li live vess - hope hopefu full lly y your yourss too too Note: Quite Note: Quite seriou seriously sly,, i f you don't alre alread ady y ha have ve the the Gla lasss Box Pred edic icti tion on you can re reac ach h Devi Devin n Knight Knight at [email protected].   ll be happy to clarify it itss ap appl plic icat atio ion n to fh fhee Chin Chines esee Oracl Oraclee upon upon re requ ques est. t. Th Thee comb combin inat atio ion n o f the  w ta take kess CH CHIN INES ESE E ORACLE ORACLE to th thee next next le leve vel... l...



S L I P O F   RE


From From th thee book book LAS LASTIN TING G EFF EFFEC ECTS TS by Ke Kent nton on Kn Knep eppe perr Here s a bonu bonuss ef effe fect ct idea ideall lly y suited suited for for Wh Whit itee Tag Tagger ger hand handle lers rs,, co comp mpli lime ment ntss o f my ora oracle cle

and and frie friend nd,, Ke Kent nton on Kn Knep eppe per. r. Cr Crea eativ tivee ment mental alis ists ts wi will ll se seee so some me in inte tere rest stin ing g possi possibi bili litie tiess o f even n printe printed d o o r   sele ted creating creati ng a mo more re cu cust stom omiz ized ed (a (and nd ac accu cura rate te ) en endi ding ng - eve spe t tor   yo u like with just a li litt ttle le adv advanc anced ed prepa preparat ration ion..  




  Cy Cyni nics cs thin think k that that intu intuit itiv ivee re read adin ings gs ar aree li like ke for ortu tune ne coo cooki kies. es. They imagine readings are general and can fit just anyone. Cynics think people make readings fit them. We'l We'lll see about

that Th Thee pe perf rfor orme merr spre spreaads litt little le shee sheets ts o f fortune cookie type papers along a table, writin ing g si side de down down..   L et et 's 's create a reading. Use your psychic powers, if you have them, and hand me six slips of paper, one at a time. Don t look at them yet. We wo won' n'tt stand for your cheating We'll chec check k your your abil abilit itie iess once once yo you u ar aree fi fini nish shed ed The partic iciipant selects various unseen papers and they are put into a papercli lip p to make one com compl plet eted ed re read adin ing g. Th Thee cl clip ipp ped pa pap per erss ar aree ha han nde ded d to anot anoth her per erso son n to read. ead.   R ea d these aloud and l eett' s see if the person admits this reading more or less fits their ac actu tual al pers person onal alit ity y or li life fe circum circumsta stance nce.. The second person reads the papers, and while some might argue the rearlings are a little ge gen neral eral in natur ature, e, they they do se seem em to fit the the per erso son n wh who o cho chose th theese paper apers. s.  Perhaps  Perha ps you feel this rearlin ling has been too general, or that you could have chosen other papers that would have made a bette tter reading for you. The only objective way to check your your abil abilit itie iess is to look at the papers you did not select. The other papers on the table are read by the person son and found to be anything but fitting. Onee pa On pape perr read reads, s, Yo You u we wear ar gree green n lips lipsti tick ck and and th thee Cauc Caucas asia ian n wo woma man n cert certai ainl nly y doe oess no nott wear that You are a Black Asian Man, Man, reads another paper - not even close. Your Your sh shoe oess are are ma made de o f pape paperr , Yo You u have have been been smo smokin king g co coff ffee ee and and ot othe herr bi biza zarr rree an and d en enti tire rely ly unfi unfitt ttin ing g pr prer erli lict ctio ions ns ar aree re reve veal aled ed as the the ones ones le left ft behi behind nd..



would seem to me that you selected the o y wr writ itin ings gs th that at co come me clos closee to fit itti tin ng yo your ur uniq unique ue perso ersona nali lity ty.. Per Perhaps haps th ther eree is so som met ethi hing ng to th this is afte afterr all. all. Or mayb maybee it was was all all lu k


What 1 like most about this commercial effect is the constant subtext that takes a sk skeeptical assu ssumption and makes it out to be ludicrous in an in ind direc irectt way. The workin ing g is easy enough. You have a dozen or so funny and outrageous predictions that are unaltickhely aney Yio y hsietelecwt oampaenrssoon tfhoer bthlaisckefm feacnt pthraedi t iictio s ion sunrecotoulnden veort m antyo offit th seonper.ed ctuiosnescr(eatlw ed ct like likely ly be, be, for for instance) instance) Six Six othe other, r, more ore co comm mmo on col old d re read adin ing g pre predi dict ctio ions ns,, are are us used ed an and d clip clipp ped in into to a pap aper ercl clip ip ahead o f time time Thes Thesee ar aree fin inge gerr pa palm lmed ed.. A seco secon nd pap aper ercl clip ip is atta attach ched ed to an elas elasti ticc co cord rd.. This his is Cori Corind ndaa s marv marvel elou ouss id idea ea.. The The ch cho ose sen n pap aper erss are pu putt in into to th thee pap aper ercl clip ip that that is also also secr secret etly ly a pull pull.. The The same same hand hand hold holdin ing g th this is pull pull-c -cli lip p ho hold ldss th thee fing finger er pal palmed med pred predic icti tion ons. s. After six papers are collected and put one at a time into the clip ip,, the perf erfor orme merr states tes th thaat wi will ll be en eno oug ugh h fo forr th thee te test st.. Turn Turnin ing g to ano noth ther er sp spec ecta tato tor, r, th thee per erfo form rmeer says says th that at th they ey ough oughtt to ac actt as a th thir ird d pa part rty y (for (for fairness), and read the predictions sele select cted ed During this tum, the pull is released and the chosen papers go up the sle sleeve or ja jack cket et as the fin ing ger palmed papers are exten tended to be read.  t is impo import rtan antt to en enco cour urag agee th thee psych psychic ic spec specta tato torr to cons consid ider er how how each each pred predic icti tion on read might actu tuaally fit her.   other words, you play this part as if it is a legitimate read readin ing. g. No matt matter er what what deba debate te ab abou outt th thee ac accu cura racy cy en ensu sues es,, th thee punc punch h o f co com med edy y mak makes a fine ine bit bit of entertainment for all in the end, proving the spe spectator was psychic. ic. Note to too o that this ending indirectl tly y implies that any cynicism is wrong and that we mig igh ht need to keep an open mind. All readings might be better than we first assume, more accurate tha than they they ap app pea earr on th thee su surf rfac ace, e, and so on. Dev Devio ious us su sub btext text is de deffin init itel ely y at pl play ay.. I t s a bit o f en ente tert rtai ainm nmen entt th that at ca can n prov provok okee in inte tere rest stin ing g di disc scus ussi sion on at a part party y or rest restau aura rant nt,, espe especi cial ally ly at a Chin Chines esee re rest stau aura rant nt wher wheree fo fort rtun unee cook cookie iess are are comm common on.. Us Usin ing g th thee noti notion on o f fo fort rtun unee cook cookie ie re read adin ings gs ma make kess sens sensee o f th thee ot othe herw rwis isee odd odd slip slipss of pape paper. r. Such Such read readin ings gs in co coo okies kies are are al alre read ady y co cons nsid ider ered ed ge gen ner eral al or humo umoro rou us fro from th thee star start, t, so th thee en endi ding ng is a real real turnab turnabout out,, while while remain remaining ing in contex contextt theatr theatrica ically lly.. Some Odd and Funny Pa Pape perr Slip Ex Exam ampl ples es You Yo u we wear ar green green lipst lipstick ick Your Yo ur coat is made made o ca catt fu furr Yourr pants You ants are are pu purp rple le and gree green n st strip ripes es You wer weree  o m a Blac Black k

sian M a an n

You bave a busby sby bear ard d on your face Yourr ey You eyel elid idss are are pier pierce ced dwt

knitting knittin g needle needless 21


You h av av e b llu ue po olk lkaa d ots ots on your face. Your shoes ar e made of paper Your socks a r e woo woolen len mittens. mittens.

You hav havee been sm smok oking ing co cofffee ee.. glas ass. s. Your underwear underwear is made of gl Your favorite ha t is a b uc uc k kee tt.. Your favorite drink is me meat at..

Some Some Basi Basicc an d Gen General eralized ized Coo Cookie kie Sty tyle le Readings Readings You re s m art art er t h an an you think think..

Insecu Ins ecurit rity y is your big bigges gestt hurdle. Your fman fmances ces will will improve greatly. Don t wa waste ste time time with self-pity.

You con constan stantly tly struggle struggle for for se selflf-im impro provem vement ent.. You see beauty beauty where ot othe hers rs do not. Avoi Av oid d negativ negativee thinking. It s ri righ ghtt   front o f you. understa rstand nd marketa marketable ble ideas. You unde

It s beh behind ind you now.

You beli believ evee in th e goodness of mankind. Now is about the time some critic snidely remarks that I apparently endorse all that is horr horrid id in re read adin ings gs As a fe few w crit critic icss hav have enti entire rely ly mi misu sund nder erst stoo ood d prac practi tica call ente entert rtai ain nme ment nt value in such effects from my previous writings all allow me to point out what I thought was obv obviou ious. s. Such Such ef effe fects cts are are me mean antt as en enter terta tainm inmen entt no nott legitim legitimate ate ps psyc ychi hicc re readi ading ngs. s.



Further, the subtext and indirect commentary is often more powerful than directly dodgi odging ng an and d wea eavi ving ng to ap app pea earr to mak akee th thee po poin intt ser erio ious usly ly.. I am al alll fo forr re read adin ing gs th that at ar aree more mo re se seri riou ouss in to tone ne,, if th they ey be wov woven wit ith h res respe pect ct.. But of ofte ten n th thee ve very ry cr crit itic icss who who ba bash sh a piece o f entertainment as being anti-readings are the same ones who insist that real readings are nonexistent or that people who have such beliefs are morons. Unless of cour course se,, they they li list sten en to th thos osee very very fine finely ly ho hone ned d read readin ings gs as perf perfor orme med d by th thee cr crit itic ic.. There is a place for seriously addressing readings and all manner o f mo more re es esot oter eric ic thou though ght. t. This his effe effect ct hap happens pens to be on onee th that at is not like like th that at.. Not Not di dire rect ctly ly,, an anyw yway ay Frankly I believe that there are times when mirth can make a serious point better than se self lf-i -imp mpor orta tant nt an and d he heav avyy-ha hand nded ed read readin ings gs.. Good Good co come medi dian anss an and d en ente tert rtai aine ners rs of al alll ki kind ndss are aware that when people laugh at an idea, they let down their defenses against that idea idea Of Ofte ten n th thee min ind ds of th thee pu pub bli licc are are ch chan ange ged d by la laug ught hter er or humor humor Ins Insight ight ca can n be had had or shar shared ed wit ith h a wi wink nk..

you h v y t to lea learn tha that hop you too too wi will ll soon disc discover over the the truth in the dance o f hu humo morr iiss among among the the to too ols o f any eso esoter teric ic performer, real   1 imagined  

Note: One more idea 10 co cons nsid ider er in addi diti tio on to Ke Kent nton on s use o f a pap paperc erclip lip   l l here is to take a fr esh look at Jay S ankey s paperclip sw it ch This wo uld fit in beautiful beau tifullyfor lyfor this this rout routin inee  n it s delightfully sneaky...

One more thing. I have another terr terrif ific ic bonu bonuss ef effe fect ct to sh shar aree with with you you base based d upon upon George Schindler's Watch Your Thoughts . It It's 's a killer routine which   ve dubbed   Cell Cellul ular ar Th Thou ough ghts ts and it uses uses a borr borrow owed ed cell cell phon phonee and and y u Whi hite te Tag agg ger in a ra rath ther er interesting way. You'll 'll love this and will   rry it with you as one of yo your ur fa favo vour urite ite impromptu pieces. Send me an e-mail with the subject CELLULAR THOUGHTS and include your name and the serial number from the inside front cover o f this manuscript I'll I'll forward it to you right away as an attachment. While yo you' u're re at it te tell ll me how yo you' u're re using your White Tagger You can reach me at ja jame mes@ s@m mag agic ical al.c .com om .. .... I look look forw forwar ard d to he hear arin ing g from from yo you. u.




R E   N DF E E D I N G O F Y O U R











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L On the back


the unit, push the tab and lift the battery compartment cov oveer

of f


A 2, Match the + and - marks on the batteries to the + and - marks in the battery co comp mpar artm tmen entt ca case se an and d inse insert rt 5 AA al alka kali line ne batt batter erie ies, s, St Star artt with with th thee si sing ngle le batt batter ery y in th thee upper slot, then slide the second and third under the bridge, Slot in the fourth and fifth batteries, 3, Press the bat battery cover ver back into nto place, Remove ove the batteries un unus used ed for an ex exte tend nded ed pe peri riod od o f time,


the unit is to remain


L Press the tab on the front side of the ca cass sseett ttee cove over (f (fiigure gure B) and open open cove over. In Inse sert rt the cassette, The cassette inserts with the tape exiting to the top o f th thee mach machin ine. e. Ge Gent ntly ly pr pres esss on th thee ce cent nter er o f the the ta tape pe unti untill it cl clic icks ks into into posi positi tion on.. 26


2 Clo Close se the the cass casset ette te cove coverr

m e DlSPLAY: Th Thee disp displa lay y wi will ll sh show ow 9 char charac acte ters rs includin including g th thee curs cursor or an and d fe feat atur uree indi indica cato tors rs that are highli hig hlight ghted ed when when a fe feat atur uree is acti activa vate ted d • 12345571

Featur Fea turee indica indicator torss includ include: e: CAPS CA PS Char Charac acte ters rs ar aree ty type ped d as ca capi pita tall le lett tter erss  

Fixe Fixed d le leng ngth th is acti activa vate ted d



The label will b bee printed in




The lab abeel wil illl be pr prin inte ted d in a ce cert rtai ain n ty type pe



STYL ST YLE E The The la labe bell wi will ll pr prin intt wi with th th thee st styl ylee sele select cted ed Number Num ber lock lock



The text will be underlined

an in inco corr rrec ectt key key sequ sequen ence ce is pr pres esse sed d the di disp spla lay y will will flas flash h


~ u m s

the unit on or off When tu turn rnin ing g the unit on a DYMO welcome screen will be displayed for a few seconds The The unit will automatically turn off after 2 minutes if no keys are pressed Th The last label will be saved and displayed when the unit is turned on again

[Note: I f the the batt batteerie iess are re remo move ved d for mor more th thaan a few se secconds onds the the te text xt and and se sett ttin ings gs will ill not not be save saved d] C



key key enab enable less you you to exit from a menu or to cancel an action

[N [Not ote: e: The The pr prin inti ting ng fu func ncti tion on can can not not be ca canc ncel elle led d]



Pres Presss the the LE R

Pres Presss th thee




key to dele delete te th thee ch char arac acte terr on the le left ft of the cursor cursor


key and the


key to cl clea earr of f the the te text xt from from the the disp displa lay y This his als lso o wi willl

rest restor oree the the st styl ylee an and d si size ze to th thee defa defaul ultt sett settin ings gs 27



g Whi hile le th this is featu eaturre is act ctiv ive, e, only nu numb mber erss wi willl be typed



1. Press ress the the key to disp ispla lay y th thee size size menu: narrovv condensed


wi wide de ext extend ended ed B big font fu full ll pri rin nt he heig ight ht 2. Use the > and < o f th thee Na Navi viga gati tion on Key to scr cro oll the the cur cursor sor to th thee si size ze desi sirred. ed. to se sele lect ct or press IE IE33 Key to exit exit menu and ret etur urn n to prio priorr sett settin ing g.

3. Pres Presss It

4. If Big Font is selected, B will be shown on the display. 5 Labe Labell pr prin ints ts in se sele lect cted ed size size..

[N [Not ote: e: For For 22-li line ne la labe bels ls,, ea each ch size size will be ha halfth lfthei eirr normal height. Big Font size is not av avai aila labl blee fo forr 22-li line ne la labe bels ls.. S T Y L E C


1. Press and < o f th thee Nav Naviga igatio tion n


sc scro roll ll th thee cu curs rsor or to th thee st styl ylee desi desire red. d.

3. Pres Presss   2 to se sele lect ct a sty style or pres esss Key to exit exit menu and ret etu urn to pr prio iorr se sett ttin ing g.

4. The lab label prin ints ts in the se sele lect cted ed sty style le.. Each ach sty style is in inde depe pend nden entt and cann cannot ot be comb combin ined ed wi with th ot othe herr styl styles es or wi with th Big Font Font se sett ttin ing. g.  OXIUNDERLINE

1. Pres Presss th thee



Key to disp ispla lay y th thee bo box/ x/un unde derl rlin inee menu enu whic ich h sho shows 8 bo x options: Fl DYIIO Text Text wi with thou outt a box box   DYIIO Underline Square Squ are bo box x · Squa Square re box box wi with th rou rounde nded d cor corner nerss C   EID Shaded Sha ded bo box x I [   ii iiiJ Pointe Poi nted d box «DYMO>


Zigzag bo Zigzag box x Crocodil Croc odilee box




 Y l O




2. Use the > and an d   o f the Navigation Key to scroll the cursor to the desired box or underline underl ine selection. selection. 3. Pres Presss IE ? to sele select ct or pres presss 4. The



Key to exit menu and return to prio priorr setting.

wil illl be hi high ghli ligh ghte ted d on the di dissplay play to show show feat featur uree is activated activated

5. Text Text will prin printt on the label in the se sellecte ected d format. [Note: The un und derli erline ne and box settings cannot be co comb mbin ined ed or used with the Big Font size selection.] EXTENDED EXTEN DED MEM MEMORY ORY

  dding dding to the the buffer buffer label abel bre break akss The exte extend nded ed memory can store up to 70 char charac actters ers for a maxi maximu mum m o f 20 la labe bels ls..


I. Pres Presss and hold the Ic Key and the Key to insert a label break. 2. The   will sh show ow on the display in be betw twee een n the labels to indi indica cate te the beg egin inn nin ing g end o f each label that is stored in the memory.


3. Pres Presss the key   to move to the be begi ginn nnin ing g o f the buff buffer er or   > to move to the end o f the buffer. The labels will remain in the memory buffer, even i f the unit is turn turned ed off. off.  fyo u try to type when the memory buf buffer fer is full, the m ess essag agee  RROR 4 will be disp displlayed ayed.. De Dele lete te part part or al alll o f the text in the buff er er in orde r to s t or e a new label in the memory. 4. To clea clearr the enti entire re memory buffer, er, press ess the





Thi This feat featur uree al allo lows ws you to rev revie iew w al alll the te text xt/l /lab abel elss st stor ored ed in the the exte extend nded ed memor emory. y.


I. Pres Presss H Key and Key. 2. The text ext wil illl scro scroll ll acro acrosss th thee di disp spllay. ay.

3. Press Press


Key to exit.


Length is automati cally set based on the text entered, b u t length can be adjusted if desired.


1. Pre Press and hold the Key and the K :: Key to set a fixed length. 2. The screen will display X.X in inch ches es or XX mm depe depend ndin ing g on the la lang ngua uage ge selected). 3. The The lengt ength h o f the label can be in incr crea ease sed d or de decr crea eassed in st step epss o f 0. 0.1 1 inch inches es or 2 mm by using the A or V arrows on the Nav Naviga gattion Key. The m axi axim mu um m length is 12 inches or 30 300m 0mm. m. Pr Pres esss

I j when

the corr correc ectt length is selected. 4.   he fixe fixed d le leng ngth th indic indicato atorr wi will ll

high highli ligh ghtt on th thee di disp spla lay. y.   fthe selec ectted length is too sho hort rt for the label el,, the display will flash  RROR  



5. To re retu turn rn to au auto toma mati ticc le leng ngth th de defa faul ultt settin ing g, pres presss an d hol hold d the the   Key.

e y and and the the


[Note: Fo r a fixed length label, s u ucc h as I use for F or or tu tu ne ne C o ok ok ie ie slips, the t ex ex t is always centered.] TEXT


9 copi copies es o f a label can be pr prin inte ted d at one time. 1. Enter Enter th e te text xt for the label. 2. Press Press an d hold the f


~ K e y and th thee



SECOND LINE SECOND TEXT 3. The sc scre reen en wil will di disp spla lay y n= I 4. Use the   or v a rro rrows ws on the Na Navi viga gati tion on Key to set set the the desi sirred num num b bee r o f co copie piess 1-9 .


5. Once Once yo u ha have ve ente entere red d th thee corr correc ectt number number o f cop copies ies press press and the the labels wil will prin printt the text. The la labe bels ls will pr prin intt in one c o ont ntin inuo uous us label with a ver vertic tical chain mark to indica ind icate te where to ma manu nual ally ly cut th thee la labe bels ls.. FEED

Addi Ad diti tion onal al bla lank nk la lab bel ta tape pe 1/2 in incch or l mm will e xit xit from the unit wh whee n the


and th thee Ke y and


Key Key are are pr pres esse sed. d.



Presss the Key. 1. Pres 2. The disp displlay will show: A and 7 sy sym mbo bols ls.. 3. Use the Navi Naviga gati tion on Key to cu curs rsor or to the de desi sire red d sy symb mbol ols. s. The sc scrrol olll throug through h th thee vari variou ouss sy symb mbol ol rows. ows.



or v arrows will

4. O n ccee the c ursor is u nd e r the desired sy mbol, p r e s s e n te te r it into text. The last symbol ro w se sele lect cted ed wil illl be di disp spla laye yed d the next next time time the the sy sym mbol me menu nu is ente ntered. Changing th e Language

The The label labelma maker ker de defa faul ultt sett settin ing g is English English wi with th additi additiona onall inter interna nati tion onal al char charac acte terr se sets ts tha that can be a cccc eess sseed by sele selecc ttin ing g a diff diffee re re n ntt la lang ngua uage ge.. The The sele selecction tion o f a lang langua uage ge de defi fine ness which char hara ccte terrs see next sec secti tio on , m ea ea ssur uree me me n ntt sett settin ing g and curr urrency ncy symbols can be acces ccesse sed. d. Fo Forr exam exampl ple, e, i f Span Spanis ish h is sele select cted ed th theen the dia diacrit critic ical al cha charact racter erss for Span Spanis ish h wi will ll be avai availa lable ble fir first wi with th th thee meas measur urem ement entss in milli millime meter terss and the the curr curren ency cy peso pesos. s.

  o ch chan ange get 1.Presss the 1.Pres the



hmgllage settin setting g Key and


key 30

2. An abbreviation o f the the langu languag agee will will ap appea pear. r. US = Engl Englis ish h F French

Spanish UN = All All Diacr Diacriti itica call Char Charac acte ters rs   Use th thee A or v arrows on the Navi Naviga gati tion on Key to scroll to the desired language. E

Press < j to se sele lect ct.. 5. To ret etur urn n to En Engl glis ish h se sett ttin ing g re repe peat at st step epss 1-4.


Diacritical Ckuracter Ckuracters s

ccented Characters

Many di Many diac acri riti tica call mark markss acce accent nteed char charac acte ters rs an and d extra extra char charac acte ters rs rele releva vant nt to a sp spec ecif ific ic la lang ngua uage ge se sett ttin ing g ar aree st stor oreed and and can be acce access ssed ed by sele seleccti ting ng a lan language. Once a sp spec ecif ific ic lang langua uage ge set is selected ted, the diacritic tical and extra extra char charac acte ters rs are acce access ssed ed for th thee sp spec ecif ific ic language as foll follow ows: s: I f th e key key is tapped tapped re repe peat ated edly ly within a shor shortt time, you can scroll th thrrough ough a li list st o f all the diacr dia critic itical al charac character terss fo forr that letter. As an example, pressing  E re repe peat ated edly ly in the Fr Fren ench ch-l -lan angu guag agee sele select ctio ion n will scro scroll ll t h r ou g h e - e - e - e -   you wait for mo re re than one second, the character will be se le c te d and the c ursor will move to the ne xt xt p os osi ttii o on n on the display.  n ad addi diti tion on,, th thee cu curr rren ency cy ke key y


will will oper operat atee in th e sam sam e way. This offers an easy access to the most

commonly comm only us used ed cu curr rren ency cy symbo symbols ls qu quic ickl kly. y. [Note Note:: When hen the the batt batter erie iess ar aree re remo move ved d the the lang langua uage ge sett settin ing g will will def default ault to En Engl glis ish. h.]] T WO W O L IN IN E LABEL

A seco second nd lin line o f text can be added to yo your ur label by press ressiing   shows: abc the the labe labell will will pr prin intt as as::

to sele select ct.. I f th thee di disp spla lay y

Abc 123

[Note: Big Font Font and vertical styles are not ava vaiilab lable in 2-line printin ing g, ERR ERR OR OR 6 will flash if Big Big Font ont or vert vertic icaal ar aree activ ctivee when 22-lin linee pr prin inti ting ng is sele seleccted. ted. Printing Your Label PRINT PREVI PREVIEW EW



Preview la Preview labe bell befo before re pr prin inti ting ng by pr pres essi sing ng and ho hold ldin ing g the Key and Key. Th e label text text will scroll across the disp isplay once. Yo u can also scroll manually th thro roug ugh h th e la labe bell usin using g th thee < or > ar arro rows ws on the the Naviga Navigatio tion n Key. Key. I f you you want want to edi ditt th thee labe label, l, use use th e navigation Key to move the cursor thr through the the text text to the plac placee you want, then type type or delet lete. PRINTING A LABEL



Type in the text text for yo your ur label an d press  




1. Press Press and hold the Key an d e Key to view the la labe bels ls storedin storedin me memo mory ry.. 2. Use the   or   arrows on the Navi Naviga gati tion on Key to posi positi tion on curs cursor or insi inside de the text text o f the the lab label desi desire red d to pri print nt.. 3. Press Press


Durin Du ring g prin printi ting ng the messag messagee  Ri

will will be disp displa laye yed. d.



After the labe labell is prin rinte ted d use the cu cutt tter er bu butt tton on on the leftft-hand side o f the unit and press inwards, t owar ds ds the machine s e e F ig ig u urr e E . L ab ab eell s have easy peel s pli t back tape for ea easy sy remova removall o f th thee ta tape pe back backin ing. g. DO NO T PUSH THE CUTT CUTTER ER BUTTON WH WHIL ILE E THE LABE LABEL L IS BEING PRINTED, THIS WILL WILL CAUS CAUSE E LABE LABELS LS TO JA M AND DAMA DAMAGE GE THE UNIT. PRINT CONTRAST

1. Press Press e

Key and the


Key Ke y simulta simultaneou neously. sly.

2. The display will show the 5 cont contra rast st sy symb mbol ols. s. 3. Use the   and   arrows on the Navi Naviga gati tion on Key to se sele lect ct a li lig ghter hter or dark darker er setting. 4. Pres Presss IE

to select select desire desired d contrast contrast se sett ttin ing. g.





Tape jammed jammed or low battery ... Rem Remov ovee cass casset ette te to cl clea earr the tape jam. Re Repl plac acee bat attterie eriess. Error 2 Big Font cann cannot ot be select selected. ed... .. Sele Select ct anot anothe herr fo form rmat at with ch char arac acte ters rs in memo memory ry Error 3 Big F o nt ca nnot be selected with style/box/underl ine/Z line or l ow er c as e Sel e ct another format format..

Error 4 Mem emor ory y buffer is full .., Del Delet etee so som m e or all o f th thee buffe bufferr text ext Error 5 Text Text is bigg bigger er than defi define ned d le leng ngth th ... Choo Choose se a lo long nger er label length Error 6 2 line cannot be se sele lect cted ed with the fo form rmat at ... ... Sele Select ct anot anothe herr format Disp Displa layy links The curs cursor or cann cannot ot move further to the le left ft or right ... Wrong key pres presse sed d in edit editin ing g mode. Wron Wr ong g key key pres presse sed d in menu. enu. No di disp spla layy Ch Cheeck that mach machin inee is on . Chec Check k ba batt tter erie iess and replace. No re resp spon onse se from keys Remo Remove ve batt batter erie iess and re-i re-ins nser ertt after a short peri period od o f time. The mach ma chin inee will ill res reset and and retu return rn to defau default lt sett settin ings gs.. No prin printi ting ng or poor poor te text xt Ch Chec eck k batter batteries ies an d replace i f neces ecesssary. ary. Check Check inst instal alla lati tion on o f cassette. Clean print head reg regul ular arlly. See figure D.






armed d with an in incr cred edib ible le utility devi device ce and some some o f the stro strong nges estt and You re now arme most en ente tert rtai aini ning ng pi piec eces es o f Me Menta ntalis lism m avail vailaable ble Your Your WHI WHITE TE TAGGER will

un undo doub ubte tedl dly y give you many many ye year arss o f remarkable assistance- quietly in the ba back ckgr grou ound nd Th Thee ssee effects descr scrib ibeed in this ma n nus uscc rip riptt are only the the begi beginn nnin ing g o f some rema remarka rkable ble things that are possible. I h op op e they s eerr ve yo u well and help y ou to b l ow ow t he he minds o f you r audiences. I also hope that they will be the foundatio tion for rem rema rka rkabl blee pie pie ccee s o f ment me ntal alism ism that yo you u de deve velop lop your yourse self lf.. Spec Specia iall thanks to Kent Kenton on Knep Kneppe per, r, Haim Haim Go Gold lden enbe berg rg,, Bill Ab Abbo bott tt,, Da Davi vid d Peck, Ric icha hard rd Sanders, Patrik Ku Kuff ffs, s, James Alla lan n, Lior Lior Such Suchar ard, d, Rob Evan Evans, s, Ch Chri rist stin inaa Kaya, Chris Ch ristop topher her Cald Caldwe well, ll, Andrew Gerard, Rober t Wo ng ng , Gordon P r ec ec io io us us an d Tony Ia Iaco covi viel ello lo for all th thei eirr feed feedba back ck and in insp spir irat atio ion n on this project. My appr apprec ecia iati tion on as well goes out to the Oompa Lo Loom ompa pass who ha have ve ma d dee your your unit and put your your pack package age tog togeth ether er • and who cont contin inue ue to amaz amazee me wit ith h their their pati patien ence ce for for my vari variou ouss brai brains nsto torm rms. s. I v e set you up with eno nou ugh su supp ppli liees in this pac pac ka ka ge ge to serv servee you well for several perf perfor orma manc nces es.. When When you re ready for more, repl replaa ce cement kits with the tra tra n nsp spaa re re n ntt and the the op opaq aque ue MIND MIND CHAN CHANGER GER BAGS BAGS are avai availa labl blee from from your your favo favour urit itee deale dealerr o r myself.

DYM DY M illorclda,ssse sett s fore r th the e lcom Qome X-50 X-50 s aact off offuice ichave e supany ply rSettaanildearsrdar arou ound ndOthreefw ortteeyou welc we e tolacbeont olnta crte maevafiolar bhleelpfr.om I f yo technical questions or pr o b blle ms or simply n ee ee d s eerr vic e for yo ur ur Q X X-- 50 50 itself, h el el p is availa ava ilable ble fr from om support@d support@dymo. ymo.com com..   You ll find your seri seriaal num number ber ins inside ide the cass casset ette te cover.) Let me k no no w h ow ow y ou ou make out with with yo your ur WHIT TAGGER and wh what at rou outi tine ness you develop on y o ou u r own. Pl ea ease don t he hesi sita tate te to c ont ontaa ct ct me with with your your sugg suggeestio stions ns or thoughts.

James Biss

[email protected] 98 Guildwo Guildwood od Drive Drive Hami Hamilto lton, n, ON CANADA L


P.S .S.. Ask your your favo favour urit itee deal dealer er abou aboutt th e IMPRESSIONABLE MIN MIND D BO A ARD RD   ifyou have haven n t got your your own ye yet) t) and my ne w book MIND BLOWING...  

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