Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts

August 12, 2017 | Author: Stephen Yendle | Category: N/A
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D&D Oriental Supplement...





I)e,.'ign: Wolfgang B:lUr. Da\ld "Zeb" Cook. Enll\lnna. Leon l>tlllhll~. Chri ~ Pr.lma~. Ste\en Sehend hnrudu clion : Da\id "Zcb" Cook ":ditin g: Duane Max",cll CO\'er Illus tration : rk po~t Illus trati on : Toren AIluhon. Andrew Baker. Anthony Fr:mcisco. QUlllton Hoo\er. Heathe r I-I udwn. ChTl~ Kt..efe. l\1:ttthew [\·hl chell. Eric Polak. " ·h chael Phillipi. rk po,1 Lu yout : Ri ck Achlx-rger I'roducl Managemen t : Wol fgang Baur "uhUs her : Chris Pram as

Special Th:m h 10 Ron Foster. for his excellent and Ilrne ly trantill play roleplaying games. Mill \\,allt ne\, and Interesting challenge~, and ~1111 want the lure ofthc unlL'>ual. II rn .. ) be }OU are a gamer lIi!cretlll \\,allIIO h:l\c fun.

BUI of COUl~ (and bad.. to that cliche) Iherc (Ire dlffcrenccs belwecn now and thcn. Ilttlc way' and lillie changc~ that dOIl't add up to a y,hole 101 individually. orc\cn that much a~ a whole. but c hall gc~ that do create a ~ ubt l e "hift in a lot of Asian campaiglh. Bad.. thcn. the focu~ of game" :lIld gamcr-. was mainlyon Japan. and Ori('I11(11 Al/l'eI1lUre.l· had a di~ti nc t ly Japane~ bias. In hone,ty thai wa~:1 great deal my own doing: I wa~ ,imply more intcrc;. The hi,tonan Jonathan Spence \\ fltes highly readable aCCOllnt~ of Chine\e hi'>lory. Mu,>eullh ,>Iage exhibilions of Cambochan ,cltlpturc. Tour to Vietnam and Burma. Our knowledge of thesc place, and theIr pa~l\. while far from perfect. 1\ a lillie hit broadcr and bettcr informed. The movies alone y,ere cnough to pro\c u, y, rong. There i,> more Ihan ju'>t ~'lInur..lI and ninjas: ()1her cultufC\ ha\ e equally c\citing fanla,) world., :lIld rolc~ - .. word ~alil". undcl'\\ orld bo,,\C~. y, ;Inderlllg ,>word~ll1cn. maglc.. 1 monk. It pro\'ides more undel""'tandmg :md detail, about creaturc~ that may ha\c been printed belorc. In filct, 11 includes creatures \dth name" I don't fCcognize and from p"n, of the world I'm Ie,,> farml1ar w1lh And thai i~ what·s exciting the chance to open the'>e pag.c\ and come acros'> a ne\\ crclllurc. a ney, ide:l, 10 SIIr up the imaginatIon and 'el your pl .. yel"'" on their car~. So. rcad thl~. cnJoy. and 'hen like the Monkey King. ~toml thc hall,> of HC:J\cn (ol roleplaYlIlg) and proclaUI1 your,cl! thc Greale\1 Sa£c ofThcm All. Who knows? I lJu~r Imght work 0:1\

id "Zeb" Cook Au!>tin. TX 2001

Awab i Large l\ lonstrous Humanoid (A: II11 I1lUllIUCktn 1\ ,cgrncntcd to alh}\.I freedom of mO\emerH and han! cnough to \\ard off blo\.l\. Thclr qcs arc • .. urroundcd b) black \lltl. malmg them ....-ern IIle e,en deeper hollo\,\ Ihan the) alre;ld} are. Awahl oflcn \.Icar blue clolhes and e:ltry hlue hanncT"'> when ric1mg Ihc waves. The a.,abi colkl."\ IrCllwre: Ihey ca refull y grow large \Cll\hcllCa, \pcndlllg rnOlot of its 11I11C underwllter. venturing \() the !>urface primllril y during ~tormI, An awabl i, reluctanl to fighl on land, bUI it will g ladl y ho:ud tmlg OCinl IIlndcqunc),. Thcse creature, red. of Iheir 11\\11 dc'p'llr. and thc) k-ed on their abillt) 10 ,prc:ld that aura 10 other cre,IIlIn'" If (h,lradC" C0111e do-..e enough. the carp eatcr gm'>ps Ihclr clothing nnd tcll~ Ihem oflhe Ills of the Ilorld. \poutlng qUlle fluentl), of mon,lcr, up the rood. brignmh nearb). or elcn a rcccnt perllld of poor \\cnther. In facl. Ihe cnrp catc r cnl1 be qUite :1 good ,(luree of IIlfOrmnlion if the ch:mlclc" hale enough p Ihe) hal e filched fronl their I iCli111s. \1.111) of the .. mailer u..eful bauble;, the) [..cep tuc[.. ..-d a\\ 11) III the lold, of their dOlhlllg. \\ hlle the grealcr IXlnlon of their sta~h they hnle, UndCl"\lalcr. They hnle no necd for .... ealth: Ihc) merely ..eek to deprllc OlherCa-.e. dcmh effcrlS and necromantic ellcxl\ r-,;ot \ubJcu to crillC31 hlh. \ubdual damage. 3bility dam~ agc. 3bl1ll} dram. energy drain. or death from m3S~I\e d3mage. Immune 10 .lIlY effcctlh~1 reqlllrel> 3 Fonuude sale (unles,> the elTl'C\ aho .... ork .. on ohJcclQ. Dark\l~ion (range 60 feet).


sfo l\di l,\g il'\ l'a l"< S fO l' cCl'\hlr'i es of dal'kn ess. Whcl,\ st-tl11ight a90i l'\ falls v\I;lh;.·\ IOl\g-dor'kel'\ed halt

the dLlsly cu'.n):, is l'l'\lcashed, " '\cH'chil'\g olll 10 defe~\d the .:In'\p ami eVIl. allnwmg It ." grow faqcr and .. tronger II' an abo.lmu1;l\ ion. :mu bummg the dragon', c",cnr.:c frtlm the inside. ,loll, 1) \\l1hcnllg the urngoll', body. It takc., year; fOf II pQN)r1 dragt)n'> cnonnou!< ~ile and \lrength 10 ~IO\.\ Iy fade. But before they dic. pONJIl dragon' foul "db. kIll cnure herd\ of IIw..cock for ~port. and dc\our human\, c,pccially chIldren. The pain of their 1>I)"onO\l, hl()(x1 mal..e!> them hottempered lUld ea'lly pro\oked \0 astounding aCb of \ JOlence. Thc)' create drought~ a~ :mUheillcnt,. and \\ ipc out enl1re \ IlIagc\ jU\\ for \port. l1Cl.:au\C POl\l)[l dragon~ arc lamtt." eat~ hi\ or her brothc.... and "'I"-Iel'o and then lea\e\ the ne~1 while ~ull a \\ )'mlling or very young. I>oi'-On dragon ~ effecU\cly reach adulthood by the tllne mo,t dragon, :lfe ,till ju\enile~, butlhey ne~Cf li~e beyond old llgC. CH'epl a, undead. A II (Xu CColldary) and H1efl!:t,mg by that amount per age e:uegory. An old dmgon', pOi\()11 hite ha, DC 32 and infeeh Sd-! Str !lnd 8 ..econd'iry. S I}CII -li ke A bili ti es (5 11): A Ju~cll1le fXll'OI1 dragon C'lII ca~t IHJisml threc IlInc~ per day. a }oung dr.lgon can Implant a Sll~­ gtIllfJ1I Ihrcc IIllle, per da),.:J. young adult {'an 'W/Wl/OM' a ~ite once per nionth. an adult can ('omrof 1.-('(11/"" once per day. and an old dragon can fimulJ..1ff "1'( illIte' per da). S IIC llclisli ng: \ pol\()11 dragon ca~I' On dragon', lrea~ure 15 often Imnted \\ Ilh 1)()1'>OI10U~ C It lake .. half damage on a ,uccc, .. and double damage on a failure. It al'>O UlnlCl~ double melee d,lInage agalll\1 all und.·ad and neglltl\e energy cffech. and itlldd, Id6 addillon al melee damage to any e\il Crealtlrl.". bll undcad tall.' double ba..c damage and Id6 addi11011:11 uamOlge. Slwlls : The feng-huang can ca..1 "pell, a.. a 12Ih-ll.'\el ),()rcer~ cr. Ihough II need~ no matenal componcnt~ or foci. It can al~o ea~t .. pell .. fronllhe cleric'~ Fire. Good. Kno,," ledge. and Sun domalll', Turninl: (S II ): A feng-huang can lurn undead a~ If It ,,"ere a 12Ih·le\el clenc. When dClenlllnmg tummg damage. roll--kl6 and j)dd the feng-huang·~ efTcrll\e dene Ie\el and liS Charisma modifier 10 detenmlle the tOlal number of hit dice of undead il c:t11 turn Treal the feng-huang ll~ If., ha~ (he Extr:t Turning f~at. allowlllg II to :tHempt 10 turn undead :l numbe r of tulle, per day C(IUal to 7 + 11'> Ch:tfl,ma modifier. Each lurning altempt requires a "llUld;lrd action Firt! Subt~pt' (E'\:): A~ a fire creature. the feng-huang is IIlImUl1e to all form' of fire. It tale~ double damage lillie,s It make, a \ucce"ful '>:I\e. Ou,--,>ider C hara. III1Pro\OO grab. CUf'\C of lhe rotten gUI SIK'Cial Q U:l litics: Unde:ld, ~ lunl rc~i'lancc, Ultel>IUle cra\l l Sa\c,: Fon +2. Ref +5. Wilt +6 Ahilitics: Sir 12. Dc;.; 17. Con . Inl 14. Wi, 10. Cha 6 S kill s: Balance +1 1, Bluff +6. Climh +9. Concenlralion +8. E'tcape Arti'l +7. l lide+7, LI\len +6. l\.'Ime Si lenlly +7. SIXlI +6 Fcub : Combat Rcnnc'. Dodge. 1'- Iulhallacl. WC:lpon Foeu, (l1Ileslinc \tem) C li nm lefl'cr ra in : An) la nd lind u nd er gro un d Orga nizlliion : Solitaf) or clique (I fuluranbou pIli!> 2-4 ghoul ,) Cimllcn)!c Ra l in g: 5 Tn';I ~ure : Standard AIi J: Ill11cnt : Always thaollc c\11 Ath mwc mcnt: By chllr:lcler cia', ' -uluranbou are corporclil 'pmh of human!> 'oI-ho \penl their enllre li~c\ ob'>Cv.cd wi th (X:l"\Onal beauty and magneh'lll II nk-ou,I) ugt) , Wl lh ~p lotch}. l'OOr-.c \llll. malted hair. and a grotc"'lue dl"tendcd bc1l~. ,uch creature, ha\e III death become l'I parod} of their -.elflrnage III hfe - ;1I1d Ihe) aren't In on the ccle~t lal jole. All fuluranbou belle\e they arc Ihe paragon~ of ph )'~lcal perfectlon,and so Ihey di'pJ.I) their ull'lghtl) gi rth cl1her COI11plelely naled or with a lI1ooC\t clo th cOlc ring Ihe gCll ltall;l. Their bloated bellle~ contaltl the helm of Iheir eornJpll on, ;1 "nthltlg lI1a\s of prehell\l1c ItIIC,hllC ,[em,>, cac h of \I hll'h end, ItI ;I 1000hy nta" Ful url'Inbou ficrccl) covet thc 1r.Uh Ihe) \() valued In hfe, dnl\l JlIg Iho\c qu,IIIIIC\ from their victim, I I" [he'>e abhorrent appcndJgc\ ]'u kumnbou .. peallhe languagc\ the} ,pole 111 life Cu,u;tll) Common).

Co,,,Gat t\ fulur:ntbou can lmle 11\ nt!eC 01 lhe rollen gut an--.c a,;J ghoul m Id4 d3~', Ca\lmg 11fI1lf'(/JOII jmm ('Iii on 3 bod) hcfore the end 01 that lime a\en .. Ihe Ir.m .. tormallon (bU I doc, nOl cure lhe dl'>C3>e),

IntC'itinc Cnl,, 1 ([,,): If a fu\..uranbou ha ~ :IlI{';J~tlhree mt~,tm~ 'Ienh fn:c. it can usc them to cra"l, The 'tern moulh~ a + 10 l'lll:iHI bonu ~ 10 Climb and MOle Silently \\..ill chec \.. \ v. hen em plo)lI1g hi" Inlc~tllie ~te]ll,.

~ledium-Sizc Construct llit Dict': 2dlO (II) pi li" char:l(·ter cl a~\ Initi:l thc: +() SIX.'t:d : 2() ft. AC: 24 (+14 natuml) Flat· looted AC' 2-1. tou('h AC: 10 l\tI ~l ck,: SI"m +7 1);lIlIa).:c: Id6+6 ,,'llct'iRt::lc h : S fl, by 5 ftl5 f1. S I)e~:ia l \tl llck,,: None SI)t.'(i;11 Q uali til"'i: Dama ge res l"ta nce 10/+ 1. con\t ruct S:l\C~: hm +0. Ref +0. Will +0 Ab ili tic .. : Str 23. Dc, 10. Con: - . Int 10. Wh 10. eha 14 Skil"': By l:];I" "'l-lItS: By d,I"

Clima te/ TeITllin ; Any land and undergroun d OrJ,:lmizati on : Solitary or group (ld 4+ 1) C hullen ge Rating; 2 plu, ehamctcr cla" Trellsu re: Standard \liJ,:nmen t : Special Ad l ltnCC tnCll t : 13) character cla,,~ I1 ld:m '>(ulpted \C\cral anllllated Maille, dunng hh lifetnlle. thllugh onl) ol1e of thOM: \.\ a, recorded III legend. The storie, tell of Ihe 'l:lIlptOf. who upon ~ccl!1g :t beautiful \.\ oman sought to crt';!t.: Ih.: pe rfect 1111:1gC of hcr. Upon co mpletion of the project. the pcrfe(;1 for a lord\ f"lIlnte "lIlIumi. court icr. 1>OC t. or gC l'ha. The con,truc" are u\ually mad e of po lished marble. and thc wor\..man,hip is \0 prrfect that e\c n \\ hen the creat ure, mo\ e th eir dothlng appears to On .... a!lOlI! them, II ld"ri COI1,tfUl: h may ne\er mo\e mort: Ihall (Jne mile from the pl"l:c thc) .... ert: created. Doing so unr:l\eh the m..gic that hind, ;Jnllllatlllg 'PlTltlO lIlanima te \C'loCl.

SJ.illJ,; ~hd,m con,t rucl~ hale Ihe '\..llh tilO \\()r\..~ on obJ('Ct, Dar\..llsion to 60 feet.

t-I i ro e L.u·gc Cia ni lIil nice: 12d8+48 (102) Initilllh c: +0 S l>t..~d : "0 fl

AC: 21 f I \IZC. +12 mlluml) "'uI·fooled ,\C- 21. touch AC- 9 Allnd.s: 2 .. Iam~ +16 rnclt.'C l)anm J:c: Slam hl6+8 F:u:e/J(clIch: 10 f' by 10 flll5 fl. S pt.~ j:11 AUll cks: Bello.... Sp«iul QU:llitics: Tongue, S:uc.,: I-ort +12. Ref +4. Will +9 Abilities: 5[r26. [)ex 11. Con 19. Inl 18. Wi .. 16, eha 16 Skills: Crall (jade) +15. Craft ( .... 000) +20. Knowledge (rl!iigion) +12. Knowledge (local) + 12, 1.,\lcn +6. Spot + 10, \Vildcl'1lc,~ Lore + 15 Fellts: Expert;\(!. Improl'ed Disarm.

Iron Will Climal t'/lc rnlin : Temper.lIe or \.\ann hills

or fore'l' Or)!lll1iLlllion: Solll:lry or farllll) 12-4) e h:lllen!,!!' Kalin!:: 7

Tre:"UI"t': Standard 1\1;1:11111('111: Neu tral good \ (hllll("Cmenl : B) character class


The hlroc fCC\cml al1lmal ,kln~ alll,C\I n together \\!tll unc:lI1n) ~klll, The) u,ually wulk amund barefoot \\ hlle hili gmnh lire bnJmh IoU!, mtcnt upon smashing a I,:u't) belorc eonver\lng, the 11ITOC is qui ll' the opposite. If nOI IhrciHened. the jllroe nwy Join the group with on any qucst for thc cau'e of good. [1C liS pos!>Cssion abili ty. POSSCS1>ion (SII): The lkt-r)o mullh \K'lllll If [he nu:u;l i~ ~ucce'5.~ rul. Ihe largel [hen IllU,t male a Will \ave (IX: 20). If Ihe W'l!cl fail-, the roll. the iki-ryo po~'>C\s.cr, the target erc:llllre. Allh:l\ poinl. the chamcter becomes enmged n~ If under the mflucnce of emOfl()IJ (mge) (sec pg. 199 of the I'l l). !>Ceking 10 llll all ot her Ilvingcrcallli"C.'> in its immediate vicilllty. If there arc none nearby. the [lOl>sesscd creature runo; in a random dlI'CClion unlll il ei ther find ... a potential victim. or unttlll drop,> from Cd\all~1l0n . TIle ili-I)'O I~ ht.'Cdless of the danger 10 II!, ho~1. If the ho\l dics or Ix:comes e:d mllqed and unable to contmue. Ihe lk"l)'o \llllply e~l1s Ihe hfeless bod) and secks :lI1olhcr. If all Ill -I)O'~ the la'l!el of an ('//lotion (fear) spell. illS immediately de,): Due 10 I\'> mhcrent I1c~ibilit). blunt "capol1 \ do nOl h:tnn the l11al1 momCll Flamc inl1ict~ double dant;Jge and c:tuC cium" l1ersoll as a 'pcll. hl.e l1111111) four I1me~ per day and both I",m~~ arr."lllli' and perl/Hem IIIlllg .. once per day. The IIIlmg .. (1rr."(1Il1l I~ typicalI) u-.cd to COIIJure a human habitation. a~ .... cII a, IlIu'iOl)' clolhes ;lI1d food Treat the'>C abilitie!> a~ ca" by a C1l,e of !>CCunt). Under co\'er of 11Ight. they fl) cnb~lde for;\ n.calm the dark. When consumed "'lIh blood lu~t, a lang'>u)'ar 1'1 111 not hc: Sir 29, Dc'll: 29. Con 20. tnt 27. Wi, II. eha 26 Skill .. : Balanl;C +42. Bluff +35. Escape Anl~1 +42. Handle Ammal + 19. I l lde +.15, Kn owledge (:ITcana) +24. Knowl edge (hl~lory) +2-1, Knowledge (nature). Kno .... lcdgc (nobl]uy and w)'alty) +24. Knov.lcdge (the planc\) +24, Kno .... Jcdgc (religion ) +24. LiMen +14. Mo\e Silently +37. Picl Pocket +30. Sery +28. Sen" Iaff. 1I0\\C\'cr. thc rod is so hea\)" no other can pick It up. Wilh II he can choose 10 do an) amount of damage from I \() 1000 point~. The 72 Secret Tra nsrorma tions: Monkey learned Ihe!)C mY. 11 I"nd~. R einca rn a ted \lonkc ): Some people dai1ll (alt hough the) arc untru\lwnrthy wilne"e~) Ih;tt while Monkey c;tnnot he de~lroyed. he call he killed-a hllie bit. and only hy thc lno,t powerful god~. SUI whcn he I' kIll ed. hc I"n't really de:ld, e\en· lually a ppearing mlhe mortal world a, a human belllg. Selllg rc mcamaled, he ha~ no memOI) of hi, J)O\ler. or hl~ IntC mL\Ure-al 1caQ nOI righl uw;ty. Howcve r. hi~ tru e Mon key splril " "npo~"blc 10 hIde or "uppre" Such IIldl\ldu;t]., ha\c C'l:lraor· dlll;t!)' po .... erurc: None A lign l11enl : A III- a) \ chaotic l'\ II ,\d lllllcellleni R:IIli-:l': 2-3 110 (S mall) am go. monlc) dcmon, arc marc a nUl\ancc than .lthreat. Ihelr M:aly 'lm. long c1a\\o-hand,. frmged tenlacular head,. and long I'rchcn~llc 1:111, TC ,cout, IIr 'clllric, :1\ \\ell. A~

Like largcr ani. monlcy (]emon, arc u"ually ho~liJe to humans. Howe\er. thclr aU;Kh nrc u~ually not leth:tl unlc,~ com bined with thc prc~ence of II larger. deadlier om. t-.·! onkcy demuns u"u· all) swarm a ~11lglc \lCtll11. ~eeklllg to u!s. Others hUll at older m) Ih, Ihal male lhe hung!) ~Plrib Ihe olT· ,pnng of the \\ rongcd Ulemochl-Nol:Ulll. goddess of food, Ihe 'Plrih e\l.:apmg along" lIh Ihe fjl"1 kiJo from her dYlllg body The 1Il("H,JI1talll fUll.lnll"n ~l1Igu1arl) a~ 1110umaln man or llI()unlam "(lilian. arc 11l01'l' properl) demOniC '>PlriU. that have po~'-C~ of hunger. rage. and mU1(J1c"ne\~. In geneml. the CI'l': and o pen weepmg wound, b) the ;,core acros~ their face, and tor· so, Upon cI()Ccnd Ihelf current abommable fonn~ and da1l11 the hfe that ,hould h;,l\c been them•. PontlanaJ.s appear a!> naleu dcad human babies With owl-lil c features. lIlc1udmg feat hery a rm~. taloned fect. and a manytoothed beak. The l:fcalure~ fiy hy lmnt1clllly waving th eir arms. Some pontianab are ' l);Jwned from the deceased \'1ct l!n~ of the cmellang;,uyar (M!C the de.,cription of this creature eb.e\\ here 111 th l ~ pnxluc!), SUdl ercalurc~ are In all other "'Wr' Iden· lIcalto ~landard ponllanOll, Ponllanaks speak Common_

Combat A ponuanal usually announce\ u\elf through ghost sOItlul baby cne., 111 the darkness. lunng the CUriOUS to their untlllle ly death~, Such creatures are not abo\e (0) ing wuh their prey. however. and often a1cer theI r aumllllu\lOlh to confuse listenen.. IIIcrea ~ · mg volume as a \1ctllll gel,> funher a.... ;Jy or bccolmng qUlcter 11\ he Of ~he approaches. C hill ing Scream (SII): I'onllanal.:, can 1ctlOO'iC a chil hng keen mg. channelmg thelf rage and ,uffcnng mlo a po .... erful and confoundmg SOIllC attacl.: When a pontianak ..creams. all h\ mg creature, \\'-Ithm a 20-fool spread mu,1 .,uccec(i at a Will aSll rc: None Align ment : AI .... a)" l;I.... ful e\il ,\ dnUlce ment Run ge : 161032 liD A red mlm"tcr" a ccle,hal mlm~ler tllmed from lhe .... orl of Hea\en to -.en I' the cau-.c~ of llell Ilowe\cr. unille most \111'. gLbbenng creature~ of eVil. lhe red nllmqer llIallltalll~ a falfade of good. ;,ervlllg evil III Ihe dl~gUlsc of a wonhy magistrale or officml of the emperor. A red mlll istcr al .... ays ..... ears rich robes :lIId \C,lmc nts wllh all the ornamenl" and fillips one nught c~pcct of a wea lt hy official. and u~u all y carries a large. iron-shod ~t :lff or halberd. [n (heir "pct.'ch. rt.-d mlll!"c!'; arc calm. reasonable. and often pcNlnsivc. llicy tcn d 10 he . . ,uffy and fonnal. insl"tmg on being taliI'd hy all proper tltb and Itkc ..... i.; per d:lY. TIle>.;e abili ties arc all a, Ihe ,pells ca~t b), a I )Ih level sorccrer (DC 10 + "pcllle~eI).

Infcrnlll llIlnlun ities : Red 1111111,te["C heaven ly Judgmcm on mortah, a red Illlm,tef call dl'~n\C hclh~h Judgment on any chaotic soul. To u;,.c th" ]Xl.... er. the red 1l\11II\ler ~tarn atthc \ictLln for a full round. Judgmg the creature', a h:LIf cirele wrth a 40·fool radi u>. ce nt ered on Ihe thuong-Iu,mg', rcar. Crcaturc~ wnhm Ihc ,\~ept are:. arc affected If they are \lIe ~h:diut1l·Sue or ,mailer. 'nlC , . . ccp autumallca1Jy ;): A tiger gcneml eun altelllpi to get a hold on an opponent when using hi~ claw (un~rllled) allaeks. TillS doc' not dmw an atlaek of oppor1unll)'. If he get' 3 hold, hc can ml e. Kak t' (E\): When the tiger generull' fighllng wllh unanned :lI1acls ruther than a .... eapon. and ,\rile, an opponent .... 111t booth cla ..... '. he can male t\\O rake allaels (+11 melee) wllh hiS leg~ as .... ell for Id I :!+5 damage each If he \uccced~ \\ IIh a ~pnng allad.. he can also rake_ Skilh: The IIger general galn~ a -+4 ractal bonus 10 Balance. ~hde, and Move Sllelltl y checl" - In ;lrea~ of tall grilSs or heavy undergro .... th. the II lde bOIlU, bo,'COllle, +8

Chiao Medium-Size Humanoid (Chiao) l/it Dkc: 2d8+2 (11 hpj Iniliativl;': +2 (Dex) SI)t.'f'd: 30 ft. AC: 14 (+2 hide annOT. +2 Dex)

FI:!I-fOOled AC: 12. touch AC: 12 AlIlIcks: Tiger claw~ + 1/+ I melee or ja~t'lin +3 ranged DmTlag(': Tigcrclaws Id4+2Ild4 +1 or ja\clin Id6+2 F:lcclRcal'll : 5 ft. by 5 ft./S fl. Sp,ccial Att:lcks : None

SIK'cial Qualities: Low·light \'i~ion Sal'cs: Fon +1, Ref +5. Will +0 Abilitb: SIr IS, 1),:)( 14. Con 12. 1m 9. Wi, 10. Chll 11 Skilb: lI ide' +5. liMen +2. Move SikmJy +6, Spot +2 Feats : Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon Profh:icncy (Tiger Claw~). Two Weapon

Fighting Clhunlcrrcrrain: Subtropic:1l forcs! Org:mizu lion : Solitary. pair. gang (2-5), band (10-100 plus 25%

noncombatants plus! 2nd-lc'd barbarian champion per 20 aduh~

:md I rJIIgcr leader of 4th- to 6t h-level). or tribe (20-200 plus 25'J noncombataHl~ p lll~ I 3rd level barbarian champion per 20 :lduhs. I 3rd· to 5th·bcl adept. I ranger leader of 5th- to 8th-le\'el. lUld 2-5 tigers), C hatlc n~c Ralin g: I Treasure : Stlilldard Alignl11 l" nl : Usually neutral evil ,\d':m Cl-l1\l" nl: By character c1a"-~ 11le chiao are a savage jungle people much feared by their civilized neighbors. They look human. bUlthcir s~in IS miped like a tiger's, Their encmies ~ay that Heaven cursed the chi;JO for ITI;Jting With anim:l1s and that the tiger ~tripcs are;J mark of ~hame. The chiao laugh at such storie~. They proudly wear their snipe .. a~ a sign of devollol1 10 the Tigcr General (sec description on previou~ page).

Combat The chiao are 11l;Jl>ters of jungle warfare. They e)(cci at hit ;Jnd run tactics. cmergmg from the junglc withoul warning and then mclting awa) after bloodying their opponenh. Since jungle condlllOlh arc so cl:lllstrophobic. chiao fa\or .. hor1 -rangeu ml~,t1e weapon, like javelins. They leI loo~e a ram of these and Ihen close with their hger claws. I'oi ~on ( I-~ ): ): Some chi:lo tribes favor the U'>C of poison on theIr ja\clin~. Large ~C()rpl()l1 venom (injur) DC 18. Id6 Str Initial ;Jnu Secondary Da11l;Jge) is the most popular poison 111 usc. FCOlls: Chiao recclve Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Tiger Cia",) and Two Weapon Fighting as bonu~ feats. Skills·: Chiao receive a +2 raCial bolm" to Hide and Move Silently chcch. In area .. of tall grJ'~ or hcavy undergrow th. their Hldc bonu~ II1creasc~ to +4

New Exotic Weapon: Tiger Claws Tiger claws. also known as hagh nakh. are nasty we ap()n .. favored hy thc ('hiao _ Users grasp a metal cm .. shar. from whtch -.everal (un'cd hlade, protrude. Tiger .:laws arc usually u-.eu in palf'; _ Weapon Cost Daffi;Jge Critical Range Inaement Size Weight Type

Tiger Claw 4gp Id-l

" T I 11'1 , Picrcing

C h iao Society TI1C chiao are;J tribal people. They h\'e 111 Jungle valleys ami fiercely prOtect theIr homelanu from ouhiders. The tribes generally liv..: II1dq~nd..:nt!y but all chiao answer the call of the tigcr gencml. Fighting 111 his Icgion, i~ a great honor and Illall) young v.amors : Animal Empathy +4. Bluff +8. l hdc + 12 (+4/OJ-I for ·!Ilc).lntllllld;J(c +7. Jump +3. Li~ICIl +2. Pld. l'UC\"cl +3. Spot +4, Tumhle +5 Fe(X·ict)'. Ubagahl 'Oll1ctlmc~ bear childlike countcnances. though 'ouch mre creaturc, are een as harbingcrs of III fortunc und II1lpend11lg tragedy of great magni tllde. Legends ,1Igge'>\ that the fir requIred for Ihe full cffecl When ;IPl'iled 10 ih arrow~. the wasp .... ;m;or~ venom 1\ DC 13, Id-l Dex terity. \\'lIh SCS Ih c1:I\\cd wlllgs. feel, and long fang' 10 lalch onto Its \tetim's bod) . A turned or rebu ked )a~ha automallcally detachc~ III the follo\\ mg round An 311ached )'3sha ha~ an AC 01 15. Ulood I>r:lin (1-: ,,): A ya... ha dr.lIn~ blood. deallllg 1113 point!. of lefll p()mry COll\lllution damage each round It f'Cmam\ :ma('hed. Once 1\ ha~ drmned 2 POlllts of COIl'"lUllon, II detaches and flle" off. Undead: Immune 10 milld-i nfluenc mg effeel... pOl: 2 cI.nH +13 I);unagc: Claw Id6+ 3~tr/l7-201x2 F:.ceJReach: 5 ft. by S ft.lS ft. S pt.~ial /\tlacks: Keen claI\s. face theft Spt."Cial Qualilie.!>: Alter self. bhndsight San'.!>: Fon +9. Ref +10. Will +S ,\bililics: Str 16. Dc~ 14. Con 12. Int 14. Wi~ 10. Cha IS Skills: BlutT+17. illde +IS. Listen +2. Mo\c Silently +15. Spot +2 "'eats: Alenne~~. Combat Renexes. Dodge. Expenl'ie. Impro\ed CrlllclIl (clav.~). Weapon Focus (claws) C limlltcrrlorrllin : An> land and underground Orgunil:ltiu n: SohtaT) or pack (2-5) C halkn!:e Rating: 7 Treasure: Double ~tandard Align ment : U~ualty chaotic e\11 Ad"uncel11ent : By character da~~ Paranoid burcauc{;Jt\ often fear thal tlK"lr IKlm1l1 "tmtlOn~ ha\ e been1l1filtmted by the male\olent shilpcchangcT\ knov.n as lunbernbou. lIl\idIOU\ scofnav.s \lho ~pre:ld chao\ by aSSUlmng the form~ of tlm,e they ha\e murdered. While the in~cru la ble goals of the Ilmbernbou 111\ ol\'e playful yet m:lliciou, ~ubtcrfuge and sabol;!ge. the me:ms by which Ihey replace the ir YICll rnS c:mnot Ix con~tdered anYlhing but \'ile. To a.\~ume another being's shape. the lunbernbou musl tear av.ay Ihc creature's face and v.ear II hke a mask When 111 II~ natural fonn. a IUl1bcrabou appears as a sexless human With no eyes. 1lO'iC. or moWh. They '>Cldom appear in this gu"e, prefemng 10 go aboul hfe IIlerally \lelmng the face of one of their \ lclLlllS. ThoIered TradcnluL In c"QIljunclion .... nh a .... ""'

COP) nlhl 2000 I



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