Jacques Le Sueur - Conjure

August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his  work and his play, his labour and his his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both." - James A. Michener.

Welcome. Let me introduce myself... Conjure noun: "summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic."

My name is Jacques le Sueur, and I've never had a "real" job. I've spent my life traveling the world as a professional entertainer, entertainer, doing magic shows at corporate events and high-end private parties. People, quite literally, fly me to the ends of the earth and pay me large amounts of money to do the amazing. It's a very cool career career,, filled with adventure. And this book? Well, thanks to vehicles like the media, mankind generally gets a bad rap. But the more you travel, the more you see that the world is, in essence, a good place, filled with strong people, doing great things. Korea, Dubai, Las Vegas, Nigeria... everywhere everywhere I go, the more I meet what can only be called a new breed of bright, brave superstars, who are changing the world in the most amazing ways. Mainstream media don't typically spotlight them, but they are out there. Lots of them. They're happy by default, curious about the world around them, and finding creative solutions to the problems we face. Their most valuable asset is their imagination, and they have the wisdom and tools to make their dreams reality. reality.

The essence of their success are the ideas - the message message  - they share with the world.

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible.” - Walt Disney 

Believe me when I tell you, the stronger the message you can share, the greater you'll become. The most powerful are those who can communicate their story with clarity and precision. With all humility, a good magician is, in essence, a master communicator. He gives audiences a taste of the impossible, even just for a moment. Magic has been around a lot longer than you may think, and gives me a very unique perspective on life. In these pages, I'm going to give you a brief, backstage glimpse into this art of astonishment. You're about to get a small taste of the ancient tricks and psychology conjurers use to create the language of illusion. We'll remove some of the filters society has created around your mind so you can aim for true freedom. If you can decode the secrets of the impossible, you'll discover what's truly possible. It's going to be exciting. Tighten your chin-straps, and let's dive down the rabbit hole...

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