Jacob Urban

August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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AFFIDAVIT I, Jacob Urban son of Mr. Hurbet Urban aged about

years resident of P-

109, Chitranjan Park (First Floor), New Delhi, do swear and affirm as under:


I say that I am the owner of the property bearing No. P-109, Chitranjan Park (first floor), New Delhi.


I say say th tha at the the abo above said said p pro rope perrty is is in my my own own pos possessio ion n and and oc occup cupati ation on and no other other person person is re resi sidin ding g the there re as tenan tenantt or  otherwise.


I say that I have been regularly paying the House Tax for the aforesaid premises, premises, as will be borne from the records maintained by MCD.

DEPONENT VERIFICATION: Verified at New Delhi on this day of April, 2003 that the contents of my above Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief  and that nothing false has been stated therein.


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