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Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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About the Author Cesar L. Rodriguez was born in New York raised in New Jersey and then moved to North Carolina to attend college at High Point University in 1997. A month before graduating college in 2001, while working at a GNC store at the mall, a stranger approached him and offered him an opportunity to work for a network marketing company. Cesar struggled and failed miserably for his four and a half months in that company before discovering several of the prospecting and closing techniques he now teaches on stages across the country at the events he speaks at and inside his IYF course. His inability to peak people’s interest and close them on his opportunity early in his career drove him to obsession with finding out exactly what makes people tick, become interested in opportunities, and what spurs them into taking action on those opportunities immediately, without objections, and without later experiencing buyer’s remorse. It is this obsession to the mastery of this art that has led him to become a nationally recognized, speaker, trainer and peak performance coach to network marketers, internet marketers, direct sales representatives, and sales professionals from all industries. In addition to his success in the network marketing industry, Cesar has also achieved great success in the timeshare sales industry. He is a former award winning Presidents Club recipient for the number one timeshare sales company in the world and has served as a consultant and resident trainer to that company’s sales force for several years. From closing cold market prospects into low ticket opportunities to closing high ticket $30,000$100,000 opportunities, Cesar has done it all, his techniques work, and it’s why he’s been considered by many and introduced on stages as being one of the most skilled prospectors, recruiters, and closers in the direct sales industry today. Cesar is also an avid athlete and loves playing sports of all kinds. His favorites are Soccer, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, & Surfing. He also enjoys blogging & his blog was recently voted the #1 MLM blog of 2012. He currently makes his home in both Wilmington, NC & Myrtle Beach, SC along with his beautiful girlfriend Tanya Aliza, who is also a very successful direct sales, internet marketing, and network marketing top producer and success coach. If you’d like to stay up to date on his trainings you can visit and subscribe to his blog and connect with him on Facebook & Twitter. Facebook: www.Facebook.com/CoachCRod Twitter: www.Twitter.com/CesarLRodriguez Marketing Blog: www.CesarLRodriguez.com Email: [email protected] Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Hey there! If this is your first time getting to know me I apologize for not taking the time to tell you all about myself and how I came about developing the Immediate YES Formula and the significantly improved sales process you’re about to learn from me. I’d instead prefer to start off by giving you a few disclaimers so I don’t shock you too much in this action guide and the videos you’ll be seeing inside this course. Disclaimer number one: If this is your first exposure to me or any of my trainings let me let you know up front I like to have fun! Life is short and I like to cut loose and enjoy it. If you see my “cutting up” in my videos, know that don’t take myself too seriously and neither should you. I prefer to “keep it real”, have fun, and be informal whenever I can. Especially whenever I write, like I am right now. I tend to train on and cover heavy topics like neuro-linguistic programming, the mastery of the mind, prospecting, and closing, but I like to keep the delivery lighthearted and fun. Now, don’t think for a second my lightheartedness prevents me from bringing the fire and getting hardcore. If you’ve ever seen me on stage or in the hundreds of videos I have floating around out there in cyberspace you’ll know I like to get hardcore and bring the fire! In fact, in my videos online you’ll see I don’t have one delivery style, I have a few and you’ll never quite know which Cesar you’re going to get until you hit the play button. You may get intense fiery eyed hardcore Cesar giving you a locker room style coaching session telling you to snap out of it, stop slacking, and to go out there and kick ass and take names. Or you might get fun laid back Cesar who’s gonna change your state, break your pattern and make you laugh and learn... or maybe just laugh without the learning. The training videos in this course will embody these styles. I tried to keep the training format light and informal so it feels like it’s just you and I having a coaching session across the table from each other at coffee shop. As light feeling as it may seem, there will be times where you will see the fire in my eyes start to build and you’ll feel the speed and tempo of my voice pick up. You’ll be able to tell by my energy that I’m getting passionate about what I’m talking about. When you feel that energy being exuded, that’s a good clue that I’m probably covering something really important, I tend to kick into high gear and talk faster when I’m passionate about something. Try to keep up and follow along. Rewind if you need to. There will also be times where I’m laid back and having fun cracking on myself showing outtakes, bloopers, and taking time outs to point out the hilariousness of what I’m saying or what’s going on around me. Keep in mind I filmed this live and outside in Puerto Rico.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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So be prepared for that... seriously, be prepared for it. Just laugh a long with me. Like I said, life is too short to take everything seriously and laughing at yourself is important to to do. Laughing at others is pretty fun too, so I invite you to laugh at me and with me. I highly recommend you jot notes from my course videos all over the pages of this action guide and checklist. You should transform this action guide into your personal highlighted, scribbled up, tattered, and torn up closing manifesto. One last disclaimer, if you haven’t picked up on this already, I tend to type the way I talk. So don’t expect any shakespeare or formal writing from me in this action guide or in any emails. Also, don’t expect my writing to be professionally proofread or grammar checked. So if you’re an english teacher or one of those people gifted with an incredible eye for detecting mistakes, relax those eyes and recognize that I don’t have your gift, nor have I chosen to take the time to attempt to cultivate it. I’ve instead chosen to cultivate my natural gifts and improve what I’m passionate which is teaching people like you how to become total rockstars in their businesses and lives. And that’s really all you care about isn’t it? I mean it’s not like you bought this course to check my spelling. You bought this course to learn how to close people immediately and without objections... and that’s exactly what you’re going to learn from me! =) Switching gears here, I’d like say that I’d love for us to get to know each other better. I’d love to answer your questions and hear from you. Seriously, I’m not just saying that. I love connecting with fans of my trainings and students who go through my courses. I love nothing more than hearing people’s stories and reading the testimonials and success stories of people who’s lives I’ve impacted though my trainings. If you ever have anything you’d like to say or share with me I recommend you post it on my Facebook Fan Page , Twitter Page, or in our Private Sales Skool Mastermind Group on Facebook. I’m way more likely to see it and respond there than if you emailed me. Okay, with all the disclaimers behind us, let’s go ahead begin to dive into the core content of this action guide and preface what you’re about to learn from me here. I said in the first sentence, I’ve decided against taking up valuable “reading real estate” sharing my life story and unnecessary fluff. I’ve instead chosen to cut straight to the point and let my training show you who I really am and what I’m all about. As you already know and can image, a lot of other authors try to talk all about themselves and their life story solely for the purpose of trying to build rapport their reader, so that you the reader, start to like the author. My thinking is that if you like what you learn from me you’ll probably end up liking me as much as I already like you. And Yes, I do like you already, even without knowing you personally. That’s because I like action takers and those who invest in themselves.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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You choosing to invest in this course tells me a lot about you. You’re a decision maker, into personal development, and you’re not the type that sits around complaining wishing things would get easier, you instead choose to step up and make yourself better! I like people like you.. actually scratch that, I LOVE people like you! You don’t wait for things to happen, you’re the type that makes things happen! And with the skills I’m going to teach you in the course videos and this action guide and checklist, you’re going to be making a lot more things happen in your life and in others lives! ;-) Let me say a few words about the action guide you’re reading right now. Number one, it was created to be more of an instruction book than anything else and it was designed to be stacked along with the accompanying Immediate YES Formula course videos. With the exception of these first few pages, I wanted this to read more like an instruction book than a novel. That’s why I called it an “Action Guide”, because that’s really what it is, a guide to help you take action and to refer back to before, during, and after you act. This action guide is something that’s designed to be quickly read and re-read over and over again to help you along your journey and pursuit of becoming a master persuader, influencer, and closer. No offense if you’re already a “Closing Jedi”. The key to getting the most out of this action guide is to go through it now by itself, it does stand alone, but to also use it to follow along with the Immediate YES Formula course videos. It really comes alive when I train you on it in the course videos. So if you’re not already logged into to the members area of www.SalesSkool.com, go do that now and watch the videos that go along with this action guide. I go a lot deeper into dissecting and mastering each step of the formula in those videos. I have also included a ton of extra techniques, tactics, and one liners, that I don’t discuss anywhere in the Immediate YES Formula Action Guide or Checklist. I’ll also teach you lot more on how to best use this action guide and checklist inside the course videos. So like I said, go ahead and log into SalesSkool.com now, watch the training videos, and follow my instructions on how to use these two powerful documents. The next few pages will begin to reveal to the Immediate YES Formula, what it is, how it works, why it works, a full explanation of it, and how to use this formula to get anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections! See you inside the course videos!

-Cesar L. Rodriguez

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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The Immediate YES Formula Cheat Sheet Quick Reference Guide Below is a quick overview of the Must-Haves for getting an “Immediate Yes” response. 6) Action – Any “Call to Action” or “Close” must be presented that has some form of urgency. (Urgency is the reason you give that explains or justifies why whatever you’re offering has some sort of timeline, deadline, or expiration to take advantage of.) 5) Solution - Must be framed and presented in such a way that it solves one or more of the problems you discovered that your prospect has. This is where you present your product service or opportunity as the solution to your prospects problem(s). (Presentations can be done any way: Face to face, phone, video, etc.) 4) Problem(s) - Must be discovered or created. Look for the pains you can heal. The problem you are attempting to solve must be more costly or important to them than the money it takes to solve them. “Nobody buys anything unless it solves a problem” -Shari Levitin 3) Information - Must be gathered in order to reveal their problems & to create your angles and presentation. It will also dictate what free advice, training, or value you can give them today before you launch into any type of presentation of a solution. 2) Trust & Credibility - Must be built in order for them to reveal their problems & believe you are intelligent or trust worthy enough to deliver any solutions. 1) Rapport - Must be built for them to want to listen to anything you have to say with an open mind. This is the start of your trust building. People buy from people they know, like and trust.

“Always Play to Win, Never Play to keep from losing!” -Cesar L. Rodriguez

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Overview of the Immediate YES Formula What it is and How it Works Okay, lets get straight down to business shall we... This is the Immediate Yes Formula™: Immediate Yes = A + S + P + I + TC + R Immediate Yes = Action + Solution + Problem + Information + Trust & Credibility + Rapport

Here’s how it works. Watch closely as I reverse engineer the Immediate YES process. In order to get an Immediate Yes response, you’ll need to first know exactly what it is you want someone say “Yes” to (Ex. An appointment, buying your product, joining your opportunity, etc). You must establish your exact outcome in advance before you start. In order to get your someone to say Yes Immediately there needs to be a reason why they need to Take Action right away. Your “Call to Action” aka Close, must be laced with urgency. In order for them to take an action like buying, and spending money, you’ll have to have a Solution to their problem(s). In order to provide a solution, you’ll have to know their Problem(s). In order to know what their problems are you’re going to need to know some Information about them and their situation. In order to get that information, they’re going to have to Trust that you have their best interests at heart and believe you’re Credible enough to help them. In order for them to want to listen to you or to do business with you, they’ll need to feel that there’s enough Rapport built up so that they like you. In order to formulaically trigger an “Immediate Yes” response from someone you must have all of these elements in your presentation. Failure to incorporate all of these steps into your sales process will ensure that your Immediate YES Formula turns into an “Immediate Yes Coincidence” or an “I’ll think about it and get back to you” guarantee.

Whether in person, on the phone, in a sales video, or in a sales letter, you want to make the Immediate YES Formula your go to sales presentation and closing framework and design any type of presentation you do using this proven formula. Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Why You Know This Formula Works If you were to think of a time when you purchased something immediately from a professional sales person. I’m sure you’d agree that all elements of this formula were in their sales process. You probably liked the person (Rapport) Trusted them and believed they knew what they were talking about. (Trust & Credibility) You probably gave them some information, most likely revealing a need or a problem. (Information, Problem) They probably showed you a way to fulfill that need or fix your problem. (Solution) If you normally would’ve taken your time to buy it, but found yourself buying immediately, there was probably some type of urgency involved, either created by you or them. (Action) Each phase of the Immediate YES Formula triggers certain psychological behaviors and causes your prospect to feel and act in certain ways. Here is the effect of each step on your prospect. Rapport- Causes them to like you and want to open up and confide in you. Trust & Credibility- Causes them to not need a second opinion and trust your solution. Information- Shows them you’re listening, you care, and why your solution right for them. Problem- Causes them to realize they have a pain that needs immediate attention & relief. Solution- Causes them feel that you have the best and only solution to their pain. Action- Helps them to justify why they need to act now and buy the solution with urgency. It is vitally important that you learn how to effectively execute each step of the Immediate YES Formula sales process effectively and smoothly. In order to guarantee you’re a pro at flowing through the process be sure to watch ALL of the training videos that go along with this training. Below are the results of a weak execution in any of the steps of the formula... Weak Rapport- You’ll only get first level info and they won’t like or trust you enough to buy. Weak Trust & Credibility- They’ll ask around and do their research instead of buying. Too Little Information- You’ll miss the real problem and won’t find or hit their hot buttons. Wrong Problem- You won’t know their pain or be able to justify them buying your solution. Incorrect Solution- They won’t care to act because what you’re presenting isn’t for them. Weak Call to Action- They’ll procrastinate and probably never take advantage of your offer. Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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The IYF Category Breakdown Build2, Find2, Present2 The Immediate YES Formula is chunked into three main categories “Build, Find, Present”. Each category of the steps is hit twice within your sales process. Therefore, in practice and in action, your IYF Sales Process looks like this... (B2,F2, P2) or “Build, Build, Find, Find, Present, Present” From start to finish when selling a prospect you... 1) Build Rapport, Build Trust & Credibility 2) Find Information, Find a Problem 3) Present Solution, Present Action (Urgency)

Remembering the “Build Build, Find Find, Present Present” stages and categories will help you to remember all the IYF Steps. Let’s Talk Objections Objections are triggered as a result of you skipping or weakly hitting the steps in the Immediate YES Formula. Any time you miss or “breeze through” a step in the formula you sabotage your chances of getting an “Immediate Yes” and open yourself up to objections. There’s nothing wrong with objections, they can be overcome, but if you’d rather not hear them and instead create a silky smooth objection-less sales process make sure you don’t skip steps. Let’s take a look at the (B2,F2, P2) or “Build, Build, Find, Find, Present, Present” categories of the formula again and let me demonstrate how important each step is and where objections come from. Let’s have some fun and play a quick game. Let me ask you a question... What objections might come up and would you predict hearing if instead of hitting each step in the categories twice like (B2,F2, P2) you only hit each one once? Example 1: Build Rapport, Find Information, Present Solution Example 2: Build Trust & Credibility, Find Problem, Present Action Stop and take a minute to run through the above two examples. Let’s take the first example and run through this scenario together. What do you think the result would be you nailed each of the IYF steps in Example 1, but failed to cover the other half of the formula’s steps in Example 2?

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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You managed to build great rapport, find and gather great information about your prospect, and then you dove in and did a phenomenal presentation of your product, service, or opportunity... However, you didn’t take the time to build trust & credibility with them, find their pains & problems, and you didn’t present a call to action or close that incorporated any urgency or strong believable reasons why they needed to buy now outlining the pains if they didn’t? Do you think they’d buy immediately? I’m sure you’d agree that they probably wouldn’t and that you’d have all sorts of potential objections. Take a quick minute and try to predict what some of those objections might be and write them down. Remember you did a sales presentation and left out building trust & credibility, finding their problem, and you didn’t present a call to action or close with any type of urgency. Seriously do this exercise right now. Grab a pen and jot down some of objections you think you’d get. Write them down as fast as you can on the back of this sheet of paper. Turn it into a game and see how many objections you can come up with right now! Then once you’ve predicted the objections you’d get from the first example outlined above, run through the second example and do your best to anticipate what objections you’d get from not building rapport, not finding information, and not doing a solid presentation of your solution. Stop reading... seriously do these quick exercises right now. Let’s see how good you are and how close you’ve been paying attention. Okay did you do it? If so read on. If not, stop being a slacker and get on it! It’ll be fun. =) If you found you were able to come up with several objections you’d probably hear as a result of omitting these elements of the formula, Congrats! You now understand the importance of each of these steps and how important it is to make sure you never skip or breeze through them. Furthermore, if you’ve ever heard any of the objections you just came up with before, then you now also know what triggered them and what steps you probably missed to trigger them. Understanding where objections come from and how to prevent them before they come up is what gives you the ability to create an objection-less sales process. Now that you understand how to NOT trigger objections, you now know how to make sure your prospect doesn’t have any. And if your prospect can’t come up with an objections as to why they wouldn’t buy, then chances are they will buy! One of my favorite closing questions is “If I could go ahead and __________, do you see any reason why you wouldn’t want to go ahead and get started today?” If they can’t think of an objection, they answer “No” to my question, which means “YES” to buying or joining. (There are several other examples of closing questions like this inside the course videos)

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Now that you have the no objections part down, all you have to do now is get people to buy immediately. And that just comes down to focusing on creating and refining your call to action so that it’s laced with solid and believable urgency and incorporates both pleasure and pain relief. With this new knowledge you now know how to create a perfect sales process where just about every legitimate prospect you talk to will buy immediately without objections! Please keep in mind though, you do need to have a legitimate prospect in front of you. I don’t care how good you are, you’re not going to sell me nuclear missiles. For starters I don’t have a need for them and even if I wanted one, I probably don’t have the money to afford them. I am therefore not a legitimate prospect to sell illegal nuclear weapons of mass destruction to. Also, please keep in mind to save you a lot of frustration, there are two objections/ conditions you cannot overcome, “Broke” and “Stupid”. So if your prospect is broke or stupid.. or both, just move on, they probably won’t buy no matter how good you are and they’re a waste of your time.

So to recap... The best time to overcome objections is before they come up and the best way to ensure they never come up is to never skip or breeze through steps and to... Master building rapport, building trust, and building credibility. Master the art of finding & discovering information & finding your prospects problems. Master presenting your solution and master presenting your call to action with urgency. After years of doing, studying, and training sales, I’m confidence enough to know that I can personally overcome just about any objection that anyone throws at me. However, I’d rather not. My philosophy to handling objections has always been, “Anticipate and Eliminate”. I’d rather anticipate what objections my prospect will most likely say and I craft every word in my sales process around eliminating those objections before they come up. That’s a much better approach because if your prospect never comes up with an objection, then you never have to overcome one. And who overcomes objections? That’s right “sales people” (the last thing you’re trying to come across as). Remember, the less you have to disagree with them or confront their thinking, the more rapport you get to keep and less you seem to come across as a sales person. This is a big part of how you sell and close without ever coming across as salesy and high pressure. Also the less objections you overcome, the smoother the buying process feels. The smoother the process the more everything feels perfect, the more everything feels perfect, the more likely they are to say YES without questioning themselves or needing to “think about it”. Doing all of these things and paying special attention to the mastery and execution of each step in the Immediate YES Formula will ensure you will have that silky smooth sales process that ends in an with them saying “Yes” immediately and without objections.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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How Design Your Immediate YES Formula Sales Process How to layer this framework onto anything you want to sell. Reverse Engineering 101

Immediate YES = A + S + P + I + TC + R The Steps: #1 Determine what you want someone to say “Yes” to or take action on. #2 Figure out what elements of urgency could be injected into your presentation to create a strong call to “immediate action.” #3 Figure out how to frame and present your product, service, or opportunity in such a way that it solves a serious problem(s) of your prospect. #4 Figure out the most serious problem(s) your prospect has that could be solved by your product, service, or opportunity. (Agitate or create if need be) #5 Create a list of “Power Questions” you can ask that will reveal your prospect’s hopes, dreams, fears, pains, & hot buttons. (Create “Interrogation Motivation”) #6 Create Info Stacks & Stack Triggers that DHV, Credibility, & Trust.

“The key to using the Immediate YES Formula™ is to begin with the end in mind by reverse engineering your sales process. First decide what you want someone to say “Yes” to then works backwards from there knowing what you need from each step before you move forward to the next one.”

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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The Full Immediate YES Formula Breakdown “It’s time to get nitty gritty!”

Start to follow along with the course videos here! In the course videos you’ll see me referring to and training from a stripped down version of this action guide. The pages I am holding and going through in my videos start here. When you start the videos, flip to page and follow along as I go through the following pages in great detail.

The following sections will give you: An overview of each step in the Immediate YES Formula™ Quick tips on how to execute each step with excellence A checklist of questions to ask yourself before, during, and after each presentation. Note: This Action Guide is meant to be a brief summary of the Immediate YES Formula. For a full overview and a step by step video breakdown with full descriptions, advanced tips, tricks, and examples, view the course video trainings that come with this action guide.

“The key to winning is hating to lose, but not being afraid of it!” -Cesar L. Rodriguez

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Rapport People do business with those who they know, like, & trust. Even without a prospect personally knowing you, a Master Rapport builder can create the warm fuzzy feeling of a long time friendship with any prospect they just met so the prospect feels like they know like & trust them. To ensure an Immediate “Yes” response you must have sufficient rapport with your prospect. When focusing on this crucial rapport building step, do your best not to talk about anything business related instead focus on turning your prospect into your new best friend. If sufficient rapport is NOT built, even if you execute every other step in the Immediate YES Formula with excellence, your prospect will think that something isn’t right and they’ll probably say something like this: “Everything you said looks and sounds good, but I just need some time to think about it.” What they usually need to “think about” is whether or not they like you enough to want to do business with you. On the other hand, if you have incredible rapport with prospects and they consider you a friend... a friend can always say to another friend on the fence considering something: “C’mon man, stop being a wuss and just do it!” =) Worldwide speaker, trainer, and performance coach Anthony Robbins has always said that whenever two people have rapport, whoever is most certain will persuade the other. This simply means that by having nothing more than incredible rapport with someone and complete certainty that your way is THE WAY and that your proposed solution is THE SOLUTION, you can persuade someone. Translation: Rapport is so huge, that sometimes it’s all you need to get a YES!

Quick Tips: Size up your prospect quickly and continually “read” them. Use FORM (Family/ From, Occupation, Recreation, Motivation). Look for the commonalities. Know the multiple versions of your personal story, share the most relevant one with them. Make sure everything you say is in context & relevant. Never sound like you’re “trying” to build rapport. Use “Info Stacks” to create smooth transitions from topic to topic. Create multiple “Stack triggers” to activate your “Info Stacks” & best rapport building material. The rapport building phase never ends and should be intertwined throughout your sales process.

Note: How to deal with “Sharks” and those with “A-type Driver” Personalities. Many “Sharks” and people with Hard Driving “A-Type” personalities like to “get down to business” fast & won’t let you build much rapport with them prior to talking business.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Sharks will attempt to take control quickly and try to rush you into getting down to the bottom line quickly. Whatever you do, DO NOT skip building rapport! Instead weave in your rapport, trust & credibility building throughout your presentation. Compliment their personalities, tell them that you’re excited to be dealing with fellow bottom line business person, because that’s how you are too. Then start to go into “presentation mode” to give them the illusion that they are getting what they want from someone just like them. Then make a few Big Fat Claims in your presentation upfront (this will hook them fast and hard so they can’t leave), then use “Stack Triggers” to trigger your “Info Stacks” and to create side tangents into your best rapport building material naturally & seamlessly. (See the course videos for more on “Info Stacks” and “Stack Triggers”) Don’t let these “sharks” types of people throw you off your game. They need love too, they just won’t admit it. Don’t let them fool you, they need rapport, trust & credibility as much as anyone to feel comfortable enough to say YES immediately. They just have an additional need to feel powerful and in control of the process. Give them the illusion of control (Drivers ED example). Matching & mirroring their personality, pace, and appearing to honor their tempo and speed requests builds massive rapport with these people.

Questions Checklist for Rapport: How’s my eye contact? Handshake? Body language? Am I matching and mirroring them? Their pace, personality, tonality? Are they starting to match and mirror me subconsciously yet? Where are they from? What keeps them busy? What are they into? What are they Passionate about? Do they have kids or grandkids? What can I notice about them to build rapport or generate topics of conversation? Have I found common ground, commonalities between them and me? Do I sound fake or like I’m trying to flatter them or butter them up? Am I truly listening or just waiting for my turn to talk? Have I found things about them that I can be genuinely interested in? Am I appearing to be genuinely interested in them & what they say or do I look like I’m just trying to get a word in edge wise? (Listen intently & pause before responding to prevent this) How empathetic am I coming across? Have I done anything to get their attention or have I broken their preoccupation? What are their core values? What’s really important to them? What else can I do to build rapport naturally or find common ground?

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Trust & Credibility This does not have to happen all upfront & usually shouldn’t. This is a continual process that should be woven throughout your sales process. Build as much as you can without looking like you’re trying too hard and without sounding like you’re bragging. Use Info Stacks and Stack Triggers to build massive trust & credibility quickly and without ever looking like you’re trying to. Building trust & credibility, much like building rapport, is a never ending process and should be done continuously throughout your sales process.

Quick Tips: Intertwine trust & credibility building within your rapport building. Use “Baby Negs” on yourself and use “Self Deprecating Humor” to accelerate trust building, to demonstrate honesty and humility and to create additional rapport. Build trust & credibility simultaneously using the “Weak Strong Combo” technique. Use “Tell and Show” rather than “Show and Tell” to build a Habitual Trust pattern. Look for clues regarding their beliefs, values, thoughts, and opinions, then Match & Mirror. Cesar’s Verbal Judo- “Align & Agree Technique” with all that you can use “Feel, Felt, & Found” to further enhance alignment. Look for their turn ons and turn offs. Empathetically be just as disgusted, if not more, towards their turn offs, and make what turns them on seem obvious, commonplace, and obtained with your eventual “Solution” naturally, easily, and without effort (See course videos for examples).

Questions Checklist for Trust & Credibility: Do they see me as someone that they can trust? If so why? If they were telling their friends about you, what reasons would they give as to why they trust you? How much trust do they have in me? Would they trust me to watch their kids for the day? Would they want to hang out with me on a personal basis? Do they see me as a sales person? Do they think my goal is to sell them? If so, have I convinced them otherwise with logic? (You want to be seen as someone who wants to help them, not some who wants to sell them just to make a commission) Have they told me they don’t want to purchase or do business? Did I flinch when they told me that or react like I cared? (You must NEVER act like you care that they won’t buy. If you flinch, ask “why not?” or give any reaction other then not caring, they will feel like you’re there only to sell them and you can kiss any backdoor approach good-bye!) Have I used any Info Stacks (See video to learn more about info stacks) What “Info Stacks” have been triggered that give me natural opportunities to bring up things about me to build my trust and credibility? Am I talking more about me or more about them? Why am I saying what I’m saying? Everything said should be intentional and for a reason. Why are they saying what their saying? Why else could they be saying that? What do they really mean by that? The reasons behind their reason are their true motives. How smooth are my transitions from one topic to another? Do I need to create more info stacks, or place more “about me” triggers in the conversations to increase their trust and my credibility without looking like I’m trying to? Have I demonstrated why I’m different than everyone else they’ve ever met? How? Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Do they believe it? Will they remember my name? Tomorrow? Next year? Have I established my superiority over previous reps, but with humility? How? Have I dropped any “baby negatives” on me to humanize myself & to build trust & credibility? Could my personal “brand building” and self edification sound like I am bragging? If I am talking about myself too much, what can I do to change that? Do they know why I’m talking about any one thing? Is what I’m saying in context with the flow of a normal conversation? What else could I do or say to invoke trust and/ or credibility? What outside the box methods could I use?

“Success is found in the fear zone, not the comfort zone!” -Cesar L. Rodriguez

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Information In order to provide a solution, a problem must exist. In this phase of the IYF Sales Process, your goal is to gather as much truthful information as possible from your prospect about their hopes, desires, fears, and pains. You are looking for their “Hot Buttons”. You’re searching for anything that turns them on tremendously or hurts them deeply that might be a problem in their lives that you can solve directly or indirectly with your product, service, or opportunity. This step in some sales processes is sometimes called the “Discovery stage,” but I prefer to consider it more of a “Problem Discovery” where you are learning not only more about them and their needs, but a stage where you have heightened awareness and super sensitive ear to hear anything they mention that could be a problem you can later fix. In this phase your prospect will “load your gun” with all the bullets you need to fire back the solutions you have to their problems. It is in this step you’re looking to discover as much as you can from your prospects’ past experiences and beliefs. Your goal is to find as much as you can about what they like and what they don’t like so that you can customize your presentation and frame your “Ultimate Solution” (what you want them to say Yes to), in such a way that it irresistibly solves their pain, gives them pleasure and more of everything they like and nothing of what they don’t like. In this aspect of the sales process you are looking for what gives them pain and pleasure. You are looking for problems that you, your product, or opportunity can solve.

Quick Tips: The information you gather must be truthful, and relevant to your end close. Information gathered before sufficient rapport, trust, or credibility is built, is typically insufficient, inaccurate, and unhelpful. If you are struggling to gather valuable information during this stage you are either not asking enough of the right questions or you don’t yet have enough rapport, trust, or credibility built for them to justify telling you all they know and think. When gathering information, one of your biggest goals is to find their problems & pains and discover any objections that they may have to doing business with you. When you hear objections don’t overcome them, just remember them & address them later in the solution stage. (Overcoming objections here will lose you rapport, trust, & credibility points) Do not interrupt them... ever. Do not be too anxious to jump into presenting their solution or overcoming objections in this phase. Remember the “Revolver Rule”. Create “Interrogation Motivation” to turn your prospect into bean spiller & motivated truth teller Use Cesar’s “Validate or Separate Theory” to begin forming the framework for the irresistible offer you will present your prospect that will give them their Ultimate Solution.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Questions Checklist for Information Are they telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? If so, why are they being so truthful? What’s their motivation to do so? Have I given them a reason to want to share their past or their future? Have I gathered enough information to be able to talk about what’s important to them? What’s important to them and what do they want to know about? Have I given and gotten enough information from them to warrant moving onto the next step? Have I figured out what valuable information I want to give them to further build my trust and credibility? How deep has my questioning been? What level, 1, 2, 3? Have I asked my questions with empathy, such as: “How do you feel about that?” What else can I do or can ask to get more information? Is there anything creative I can do to get more?

“Miracles work when you do, not the other way around” -Cesar L. Rodriguez

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Problem(s) In order for a solution to exist there must be a problem that needs to be solved. Your goal in gathering information should be to find the problems and pains your prospect has and to show them that you have the solutions to help them. If you have no problems, then you have no solution to present, and with no solution, you’ll get no action... aka no transaction. Most people won’t divulge their deepest fears and private problems to someone they don’t like, trust, or believe can help them. This is why building rapport, trust, and credibility is so crucial. If you are having difficulties finding your prospect’s problems, it may be they’re not revealing them to you because you didn’t build sufficient rapport, trust, or credibility. If you have great rapport, trust, and credibility and you still can’t find a problem, there is a slight chance that one may not exist or that they may not know one exists. In this case it will be necessary for you to create a problem. This can be done in a number of ways. Some problem creation methods are: The “Wake Up Call Technique”, the “Reality Check Technique” and the “Dumb Face Questioning Method”. (Explained in the course videos)

Quick Tips: Listening for problems often means listening beyond their words. Read between the lines. Ask yourself continuously, “What did they mean by that, what else could they mean by that?” Listen closely for anything that frustrates them or that they don’t like about their lives. Challenge yourself to find direct or indirect ways that could help you solve that problem or ease their frustration with your “Solution”. When gathering information and looking for problems, if they give you one, don’t interrupt or attempt to solve the problem then, just store it and work it into your solution presentation later.

Questions Checklist for Problem(s): What problems did I discover in talking to my prospect? How serious are these problems... to them? Are they uncomfortable enough that they want them solved? How high on their priority list are these problems to them? If I know that people are motivated by pain & pleasure, have I gotten them to believe that there is enough pain linked to these problems that something must be done or changed? If not, what else could I do to agitate their pain or increase it’s perceived discomfort in their minds to so that they feel a change is warranted? What pleasures for them will be gained in solving these problems? How many problems have I uncovered? What are they? Which ones rank highest in order of importance to them? If they could solve only one problem, which one would it be? This will be their dominant buying motive and the hot button you need to press the most. Have I agitated their problems and related to their pain? Have I demonstrated empathy in relating to their pain? Do they believe I’m on their side and here to help them?

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Solution - (Presentation) In order to invoke the Action of your prospect immediately saying “Yes” to your product, service, or opportunity without all that “I wanna think about it” rubbish coming out, you have to be able to present a solution to a problem they have, that is more important to them than the money it costs to fix it. The solution must cost them less then the problem costs to keep. Your solution should be presented as an irresistible offer that combines the two major motivators: anticipation of gain and fear of loss, and should be framed so that it gives massive immediate pleasure and eliminates pain quickly and completely. There are many ways to present your product, service, or opportunity, but what is important is your presentation highlights the solution to their problem. When using 3rd party tools such as DVD’s, website presentation videos, webinars, or live stage presentations, do this by framing your proposed solution to their problems before and after the actual presentation. When recruiting for a business opportunity, using 3rd party tools to do your presentation is always best. It is most duplicable and eliminates the three main questions/ objections prospects must have answered before being able to say Yes to joining your business. (See course videos)

Quick Tips: The best time to handle an objection is before it comes up. Take the venom out by bringing up objections in your presentation and explaining why they are not issues. Use the “Anticipate and Eliminate” approach of dealing with objections. Use 3rd party stories to go over features and benefits rather than sharing boring facts. Remember that “Facts tell and stories sell!” Use the “Tell and Show” method rather than “Show and Tell” method to further build trust and credibility while presenting solutions. Documentation beats conversation. Back up everything you can with documentation. Keep the focus on them and solving their problems and achieving their goals through your product, service, or opportunity. Remember that no one ever bought a drill to own a drill, they bought one because they wanted a hole! Sell the destination (what they’ll get and where they’ll be) harder than you sell the vehicle (your product, service, or opportunity). Put people in the future and paint that lifestyle with their paintbrush. Show them the best way to get there is by saying “Yes” to your solution. Make sure you “box them in” (sounds meaner that it really is). Use the bullets they “unknowingly” gave you. Be sure that you explain and can back up why your product, service or opportunity is the ONLY way and why YOU are the only one they’d want to be buy from, join or be involved with. (List several reasons that make sense to them... not to you. Highlight and touch on these reasons throughout your solution presentation. Be sure you’re doing it in non-arrogant fashion)

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Questions Checklist for Solution: In my presentation, have I clearly solved the problems that I have brought up? Did my presentation incorporate ERBN’s & LRBN’s? (ERBN: Emotional Reasons to Buy Now & LRBN: Logical Reasons to Buy Now) If roles were reversed and I was them, would I buy from me and the presentation I just gave? Would it be worth the money if I were them? Honestly. What do they anticipate to gain if they say Yes to my solution to their problems? What do they fear they’d lose if they said no? Have I nailed those points in the presentation of my recommended solutions? Have I cleverly and smoothly woven in my solutions to their problems with any education I have given them? Do I sound like I’m selling? Have I stayed congruent with my opening personality and intent statement? How efficient have I been with my presentation time? Am I setting enough hooks to capture their attention? If not what else could I say? Big Claims How strongly have my hooks kept them engaged and attentive throughout my sales process and presentation? Have I majored in minor things and wasted time on things that aren’t geared to get me closer to my end result? Is what I’m saying being said with intent and will it bring me closer to a deal or am I wasting breath and time? Am I teaching them things within my presentation that further demonstrate my higher value and superiority over previous reps?

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing!" -Vince Lombardi

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Action - (Urgency) This is where the magic happens. In this phase we explain why NOW is the time to get started. We eliminate their desire to postpone making a decision. In order to get an “Immediate Yes” from your prospect and to ensure that they don’t want to procrastinate with a decision, they must feel that there is a reason why today is better than tomorrow and now is better than later. This is where your “urgency” comes in. In order to induce an action (like your prospect telling you “Yes” and buying your product or service, or joining your opportunity) they must feel a high degree of urgency to do so. Most people think of urgency in wicked evil high pressure tactic terms, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are ways to generate urgency falsely by just making up random stuff that’s not based on any bit of truth in any way whatsoever. Then there are ways to generate urgency that are based on truth, or contain elements of truth that are designed to solve your prospect’s problem, make your prospects feel special or reason they are getting a special deal for taking quick action. Procrastination is an awful habit and just as sure as nature rewards the early bird by giving it the worm, nature also sees that it penalizes the slack handed and those who fail to take action on opportunities. Nature does not reward procrastinators and neither do I and neither should you.

If you believe you are truly helping your prospect, then you should have no problem rewarding your prospect for saying “Yes” immediately by giving them a great story they can proudly tell their friends of how they took advantage of fleeting offer and snatched it up before it was gone. If your prospect has a problem and you have a solution you owe it to them to help them get over themselves and their mental blocks so they can enjoy the benefits of that solution. Always remember “Leaders take people where they need to go not where they want to go and leaders tell people what they need to hear not what they want to hear.” If your child was extremely sick and the only way for them to get better was for them to drink a medicine that they didn’t like the taste of and refused to drink, would you let them talk you out of giving it to them, or would you do what’s best for them and find a way to get them to take it? In business and in sales all you need for your prospects to take the medicine that is good for them is a strong call to action or close that is laced with strong believable urgency and reasons. Urgency is nothing more than a special story or explanation you create to clarify why your prospects will be rewarded, or not penalized, for taking action right away. Everyone wants to feel special, so whenever possible craft your urgency in such a way that it makes your prospects feel special and perhaps exclusive. (Like potentially getting deal that no one else can or will get)

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Because fear of loss is a greater motivator than anticipation of gain and people will do just about anything to avoid pain, any story that shows that by acting now you can help them to avoid pain, regret or a looming disaster will also work very effectively and could make you look like a hero. Just be sure your urgency doesn’t make you look like the bad guy, but instead frames you as the good guy who is giving them the heads up on the special deal, promotion, expiring deadline, or other urgent reason that they must take action immediately. How to Create Urgency Urgency should never be you coming across like “If you don’t say Yes now, I will punish your hesitancy by not giving you __X__.” This makes you look both mean and high pressure. Creating urgency does not mean coming across as high pressure. When done properly your prospect will look at your reasons and decide that it makes more sense to buy immediately rather then to buy later or never at all. When your prospect thanks you for giving them the inside scoop or heads up on the reason they needed to act today because it saved them from negative consequences and also gave them great benefits, then you know you’ve done an excellent job crafting and explaining your urgency. As I said earlier when you truly care about your prospects, and you truly believe that you can provide a solution to their problems and pains, you should have no problem creating an incentive or incentives to push them off the fence and into action. Urgency is all about intent. If your prospects are just one story or justification away from making a decision, you owe them that story or reason... if you believe that you are helping them. Urgency should always be logical, have a reason, and should make sense to the prospects. For example, in recruiting, don’t say “If you don’t join now you’ll never be able to join again.” Unless you have evidence that can back up and prove a claim like that I wouldn’t say it. This is weak urgency because that statement doesn’t sound logical, believable, or appear to make sense. I’d instead use some of the scripts mentioned in the course training videos. When creating urgency you need to ask yourself questions like: What’s the reason my urgency claims are, would, or could be true? Why might someone lose or not gain by joining tomorrow instead of today? What might they miss? What would the consequences be? What special advantages might they get today vs tomorrow and why couldn’t they get them tomorrow? If there has to be a bad guy or “bad cop” don’t be the bad cop. Always be the “good cop” fighting to help your prospects. Make your company or someone in your upline the bad cop instead. Always take your prospects side and appear to be on their side fighting on their behalf for them. Creating urgency for someone to take action is the step that most people leave out of their typical sales presentations or just skimp on when they are doing presentations. That’s why the number one objection most people in sales hear is “I want to think about it.”

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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If you want to stop hearing this smoke screen objection, don’t leave out the crucial step of crafting strong believable urgency and using in your call to action or as you close. Keep in mind people are taught and reinforced throughout life to be cautious when spending money on “big things”. So things that people perceive to be big purchases or commitments, people feel like they need to “think about”. To break this inaction pattern, be sure the presentation of your solution doesn’t get categorized as a “big thing” to them. Keep it simple. Don’t make taking action seem like a big deal to them, shift the focus from the big thing to the big problem they have and the simple no brainer fix to it. As I’ve stated in earlier sections NEVER act like not getting a “Yes” bothers or affects you one bit. Do NOT flinch or look bothered when they tell you why they can’t or won’t buy and how even if they did, they’d never make a decision to do so that day without taking time to think about it. Ironically the prospects who tend to buy things spur of the moment and without “thinking” typically say this in hopes of throwing you off of your game because it’s their only self-defense against irresistible offers and salespeople they’re scared they won’t have the will power to resist. If they tell you they won’t buy today and you flinch, lose your cool, or act like you care, you will blow all of the rapport, trust, and credibility you’ve taken the time to build with them. They will think that you only see them as a paycheck and that you don’t really care about their needs. Instead emphasize that you don’t care if they buy or not and you’re fine with whatever decision they choose. If they drop a “Today Objection” after you’ve attempted to close them. Pause, take a few steps back, and emphasize how much you care about them and because of that you’d like to take a second to cover a few areas they (or you) may have forgotten or not have clarified completely. Then, re-emphasize their hot buttons and urgency, going back into a summary of what you’ve talked about, emphasizing all that they have to gain and all that they have to lose by not buying now. Make sure you are doing this in a way that doesn’t make you “salesly” or desperate. (Refer to course videos for more training on this subject) The best way to ensure your prospects will say Yes immediately is to properly prequalify them before you begin any type of presentation. Example, DO NOT present to anyone if all decision makers are not present. Do NOT present to someone who is incapable of making a decision to move forward because of any condition or situation such as not having a bank account with sufficient money to buy or join. Pre-qualifying your prospect thoroughly before going into any type of sales process or presentation is the best way to make sure they say “Yes!” immediately. The only two objections you can’t overcome is broke or stupid. If someone is so impoverished that they can’t say yes because they genuinely don’t have the money or the resources, then they’re not a prospect! Move on and don’t waste your time, there are too many others waiting.

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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If someone is so stupid that they don’t get what you’re saying, then you probably don’t want to sell them or have them your team. Chances are they’ll be a very high maintenance client or team member and your goal is to should be to have have a fun low maintenance business. Don’t stress over either one of those two types of people. You need people, but you don’t need them! My two favorite mantras have always been, “Some will, some won’t, so what, next! Someone else is waiting!” and“Tell me Yes, tell me No, but tell me quick, cause I gotta go!” You always want to make sure that you’re coming from a position of strength and never a position weakness. If you want to be powerful and in control at all times remember this “Whoever cares the least is in control”. It all goes back to never acting like you care if they buy. Being prepared is a smart thing. It’s always a good idea to have several potential urgency stories to pull from and reference before you begin your sales process. Always ask yourself “What might they lose if they don’t act today? Why? How could I prove or explain this clearly?” Although you should have “preset urgencies” to reference before every presentation, the best urgency is personally customized for those prospects and their personal situations or story. To create urgency, be on the lookout for things you can use from their personal life. The bigger the ticket item you are selling the greater your urgency must be to combat their societally ingrained trigger pulling anxiety. Increase the amount of time you spend explaining and justifying your urgency to your prospect. Don’t ever believe that “I want to think about it” is a real objection or that your prospects will actually think about it. Whether they know it or not they are lying to you. They’re NOT going to sit in a corner somewhere and meditate on everything you’ve said and carefully weigh out the pros and cons to think logically about your solution. Your prospect’s version of thinking about your presentation is usually them asking their friends and family their opinions, or “Googling” your company to look for negative news, or think about everything that could go wrong. So never buy into the belief that anything will change if someone has time to “think about it”. Never ever believe anyone, under any circumstances, whatsoever, when they say things like “No matter what you show me today, I won’t make a decision to do it today, I’ll need to think about it, and mull it over, talk to a few people and carefully weigh my options on what I want to do. That’s just the way I am and what I’ve been taught by my daddy’s daddy’s daddy.” I’ve sold hundreds of these people THAT SAME DAY regardless of their very convincing passionate statements on how they’ll never do business the same day without thinking about it. What overcomes this and gets people to take action and spend money immediately without feeling like they need time to think about it, is having a strong call to action laced with strong believable urgency after you’ve successfully nailed every step of this Immediate YES Formula!

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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Do some people say they’ll “be back”, think about it, and later come back to buy? Sure, but it’s very rare and they’re the exception, not the rule. I recommend you oversteer your thinking and re-wire your brain to believe this quote: “Be-backs, don’t come-back.” The more you believe this, the more you’ll force yourself to ask the tough questions that will uncover your prospect’s true objections so that you can overcome them when they tell you they’ll “be-back”. A “be backer” doesn’t need time to think, they need an objection overcome. So don’t get weak and buy your prospect’s story of needing more time it’s not true. As Ben Affleck once said when playing the character of Jim Young in the movie Boiler Room, in one of the greatest most epic sales monologues of all time...

“There is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close? You or him!? Now be relentless, that's it, I'm done!” Questions Checklist for Action: What was my urgency? (The reason they have to take action now.) What did I say that generated scarcity, or fear of loss if they didn’t act right now? Does the reason that they have to act right now make sense? Does my urgency make me look like I’m the bad guy? How have I displaced the blame on why they must say Yes. Does my urgency sound like just a high pressure sales tactic, or does it make sense as to why it’s today and today only? Have they confirmed that my explanation makes sense? (They don’t have to accept it, they just have to confirm that they understand it.)

Written by Cesar L. Rodriguez !



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