Iyanden Supplement - Rules

February 27, 2017 | Author: Alexandre Viegas | Category: N/A
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Lyanden Supp...




67 % BD>

I ? 5-**?*



Iyanden is more reliant on its ghost warriors than any other craftworld. W here other Eldar players use Aspect W arriors and Guardians as the hearts o f their arm ies, and their ghost warriors act as supporting units, you’ll want to do the reverse. N ot only will this allow you to play in a style that’s in keeping with Iyanden’s rich and gloried history, but it’ll also allow you to take full advantage o f the rules given later in this section.

S In

t h is s e c t io n


y o u w il l f in d


• The Arm y o f Iyanden: Alterations and additions tc

p e a k in g to t h e

D ead

An Eldar army is replete with exciting tactical choices, and an army o f Iyanden is no different. W hatever your playing style,

the rules given in Codex: Eldar, that will help you

there are ghost warriors available to give your arm y the

transform your collection of Citadel miniatures into a

fortitude it needs to claim victory. That said, there is one unit

warhost w orthy o f Iyanden Craftworld.

that is vital to any true Iyanden army: the Spiritseer.

• Cities o f Death Stratagems: New stratagems for use with an Iyanden army in games o f Cities o f Death.

A Spiritseer’s ‘Spirit M ark’ rule allows all o f your W raithguard, Wraithblades, W raithlords and Wraithknights to re-roll To Hit rolls o f 1 against a marked unit. Most o f the

• Planetstrike Strategem s: Additional stratagems for use w ith an Iyanden army in games o f Planetstrike.

time, you’ll be using a Spirit M ark to improve the odds in a one on one engagement. However, Spirit M ark really comes into its own when you need to eliminate a vital enemy unit in

• Echoes o f W ar: Five new missions that recreate pivotal battles from Iyanden’s history.

short order. A Spirit M ark persists across your entire turn, and isn’t ‘used up’ when one o f your units makes use o f the re­ rolls. This means that you can m ark an enem y during your

• Altar o f W ar: Three additional missions you can use

Movement phase, have your ghost warriors unleash as much

in any game o f W arham m er 40,000 which reflect the

firepower as possible onto that unit during your Shooting

unique tactics em ployed by Iyanden’s warhosts.

phase and, if there’s anything left, finish it off in melee during the following Assault phase.

(3> 67 % S 3

Spirit M ark isn’t the only reason that you will want to include

Fearless special rule, meaning that you can rely absolutely on

a Spiritseer in your army. Including a Spiritseer allows you to

them to follow your orders in the heat o f battle. They’ll never

take Wraithguards and W raithblades as Troops choices,

retreat due to suffering heavy casualties at range or in close

rather than Elites. This is priceless, not only for the look and

combat, and they’ll never Go To Ground.

feel (what Iyanden army could possibly be complete w ithout a proud core of ghost warriors to stride boldly forward to assail

O f course, all o f these advantages come at a price. Ghost

the enemy?) but from a tactical standpoint as well. The higher

warriors cost a lot o f points com pared to other Eldar, but as

than average points cost o f Wraithguards and W raithblades

you undoubtedly get w hat you pay for, this shouldn’t be

means that you’ll be glad that they can claim objectives (in

anything to w orry about. The other downside is subtler, and

most missions, at least).

requires a little bit o f careful consideration both when you’re selecting your army, and w hen yo u ’re playing your game.

G h o st W a r r io r s

at a

G la n ce

Most non-vehicle Eldar units have the Battle Focus rule,

Ghost warriors have many advantages over living Eldar. First

allowing them to shoot and run during the sam e Shooting

o f all, they’re a great deal harder to kill! Even W raithguard

phase. Ghost warriors don’t have Battle Focus - their minds

and W raithblades, the smallest ghost warriors you can field,

and bodies aren’t as agile as those o f flesh-and-blood Eldar -

weigh in at an impressive Toughness 6 and 3+ Arm our Save

and so have to choose betw een running and shooting. As a

(Wraithlords and W raithknights are Toughness 8!). This

result, your ghost w arriors can’t redeploy quite as quickly as

renders them all but immune to standard firearms, such as

your other Eldar - unless you forgo the option o f shooting.

boltguns and lasguns, and gives them a good chance of

Obviously, this isn ’t a problem for W raithblades, who only

shrugging o ff a lot o f weaponry designed to engage and

slaughter the enem y in close combat, but to get the most

destroy light tanks. Furthermore, ghost warriors all have the

value out of your other ghost w arriors, you’ll be wanting to



67 % BD>

keep them firing as often as possible. Every turn your

G h o s t W a r r io r C o m b a t R o l e s

W raithguard, W raithlords and W raithknights spend running

As to the specific weapons load outs you’ll want for each type

(and therefore not firing) is a turn wasted, so you should

o f ghost warrior unit, that’s a m atter for your personal playing

always try and thin k a turn or two ahead. Sure, your

style and the enemies you think yo u ’ll be facing.

W raithguard can engage and destroy that M aulerfiend this turn, but where are they going next? Generally speaking, an Iyanden army will want to employ Wraithguards in place o f ‘support fire’ specialised Aspect Warriors (Fire Dragons, Dark Reapers) and field W raithblades instead o f ‘close assault’ focussed Aspect W arriors (Howling Banshees, Striking Scorpions).

W raithguard w ith wraithcannon: This is the classic ghost warrior configuration, and still one o f the best. The wraithcannon may only have a 12" range, but its fearsome stat-line ensures that few enem y units will w ant to risk coming into that range. They’re a great choice if your opponent is likely to field heavily-arm oured elite models, but will likely be overwhelmed by a horde.

This is essentially exchanging like for like. For example, W raithguard are just as good at killing Space Marines as the

W raithguard with D-scythe: As a template weapon, the D-

Aspect W arriors they’re replacing and, if they have

scythe is functionally a deadlier flamer. Its nice low AP of 2 and

wraithcannons, can also be relied upon to deal with vehicles.

wide area o f effect means that it handles Space Marines just as

If you’re accustomed to using other Aspect W arriors in your

easily as it does swarms o f Gaunts. Furthermore, the fact that

army, you’ll want to retain them. Swooping Hawks, Warp

it’s a d-weapon with the Distort special rule even gives it a

Spiders and Shining Spears offer a speed and manoeuvrability

chance o f inflicting damage against vehicles. The only

that Ghost W arriors can’t match, whilst Dire Avengers

downside? Its short range. If you’re going to field a Wave

provide anti-infantry firepower that’s invaluable if you’re

Serpent to transport any o f your W raithguard units, this is the

going up against Tyranids, Orks or even other Eldar.

one to go for.

W raithblade w ith ghosts words: This ghost warrior

W raithlord: This, the second largest ghost warrior currently unveiled, has a broad range o f options. It comes with two shuriken catapults or flamers, and can take up to two Eldar heavy weapons and a ghostglaive as well, if you wish. When choosing your W raithlord’s armament, be sure to tailor your selection to complement the rest of your army. If you’ve lots o f W raithguard armed with wraithcannons, then you’ll probably want your Wraithlord to bring two flamers and a scatter laser to keep those hordes under control. If your army is d-scythe and W raithblade-heavy, then it’s worth considering a bright lance or starcannon instead. If you can’t decide, or you don’t know the kind o f army you’ll likely to be facing, you can’t go wrong with an Eldar missile launcher, whose various load outs allow it to switch between light and heavy armoured targets from turn to turn.

configuration is your Howling Banshee replacement. Granted, it doesn’t have the Banshee M ask to give it that extra edge in the fight, but you can normally rely on the extra Toughness and better Armour Save to keep it whole until it comes to strike. Once the W raithblade does come to strike its own blows, they’ll be resolved at a ferocious Strength 6 AP3 - ideal for killing Space Marines. W raithblade with ghost axe and forceshield: This is your alternate choice of armament for the Wraithblade, and it makes your Wraithblades heavier and tougher. A Wraithblade armed with a ghost axe makes fewer Attacks, but those Attacks are stronger and have a better AP. Furthermore, thanks to the forceshield, the Wraithblade also benefits from a 4+ invulnerable save. Taken together, all of these perks make this Wraithblade configuration ideal for taking on enemies that have 2+ armour saves, high Toughness or that can circumvent the Wraithblade’s 3+ armour save - primarily Space Marine Terminators and all kinds o f Monstrous Creatures.

The W raithlord’s role in an Iyanden arm y is to support the smaller ghost warriors as they go forward to engage the enemy and claim objectives. If properly armed, it can destroy threats to your W raithblade and Wraithguard units from a distance. Once this is done, the W raithlord can push forward into whichever area o f the battlefield it’s needed in. Just be wary o f large units o f models with the Fearless special rule (or that do not otherwise take Morale checks). Your W raithlord’s Toughness 8 will protect it from the attacks o f most such foes, but that w on’t matter if it becom es locked in a combat where the enemy are too stubborn to flee, and too numerous to kill. There’s little more frustrating than seeing a mighty Wraithlord punch its w ay through two or three Daemonettes every turn for four turns, when it should really be wading through Bloodcrushers or Chaos Terminators.


' Yi i W t f A J f t



67 % (S3

i W raithknight: It can be tempting to think o f the

Hem lock W raithfighter: This unusual Flyer is a ghost

Wraithknight as sim ply a larger and more durable W raithlord,

warrior (it’s piloted b y spirit stones and a Spiritseer), albeit

but to do so would be a mistake. Granted, it is both o f these

one o f an unusual sort, and an excellent addition to any

things, but it is so much more besides. The W raithknight can

Iyanden army. Thanks to its high speed, the Hemlock can

mount two w holly unique weapons: the heavy wraithcannon

engage and destroy dense units o f Infantry anywhere on the

and the suncannon. The first excels at destroying vehicles, the

board, thinning the enemy ranks so that they can’t overwhelm

second at vaporising knots of Infantry - no matter how well

your ground forces. It can also sap the Morale of nearby foes,

armoured they are. Each of these weapons is at least on par

thanks to its mindshock pod.

with anything another army can bring to the battlefield (short o f unleashing a super-heavy vehicle or Titan), but the W raithknight’s real strength lies in its manoeuvrability. The W raithknight is a Jum p Monstrous Creature, and can cross the battlefield twice as quickly as any other ghost warrior in

Just remember that, as the Hem lock gains no benefit from a Spirit M ark (it doesn’t roll to hit in a conventional manner) you don’t have to worry about keeping a Spiritseer near to the enem y you want it to obliterate.

your army (it can also inflict a Strength 10 Hammer of W rath hit when it charges into assault, which isn’t to be trifled with). The Wraithknight brings a lot to your army; not just firepower, but close assault muscle and battlefield control through its increased manoeuvrability. The only problem is that your opponent knows this too, and will be looking to eliminate it as quickly as possible. You can take a scattershield to give a your W raithknight a 5+ invulnerable save, but your true counter-tactic is to hope that your opponent becom es so obsessed with destroying your W raithknight that he leaves the rest o f your arm y relatively unscathed. Remember, most squads shooting at a W raithknight can only hurt it with their heaviest weapons, so will be wasting lots firepower every time they engage it.


(3> 67 % S 3






A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su r y a n 2


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.


A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the m ost horrendous o f wounds.

W a r l o r d T r a it s 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that shall strike the blow.



P rim a ris P o w e r W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight


Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion in the minds o f the dead.


The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a 6

renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.



. jtS S k



67 % BD>

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN An Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1

H eroes


A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f

Iy a n d e n

forebears long dead. W hen choosing an Iyanden army, you m ay choose a


Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such

single W raithlord or W raithknight model in your

as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.

army to be your W arlord, even though it is not an

A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the

HQ choice.

m ost horrendous o f wounds. 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that shall strike the blow.


A /ic |)a B M T H b i. . . K a 3 a T e / ib


Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r

in the minds o f the dead. W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight


The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a 6

renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.

iOmt (3> 67 % S 3

« S r™

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

S h a d o w C o u n c il


Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.

An Iyanden arm y m ay take up to 5 Spiritseers as a

A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the

single HQ choice, rather than 1.

m ost horrendous o f wounds. 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that

A n c |) a B M T H b i. . . K a 3 a T e / ib

shall strike the blow.

CnoBapb 4

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r Voice o f Twilight

in the minds o f the dead. W arp Charge 2


The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a renewed sense o f purpose.


The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.



67 % BD>

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN An Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su r y a n 2

G if t s


Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.

A suryan

A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the m ost horrendous o f wounds.

Any character in your army that m ay select


Remnants o f Glory m ay instead select from the

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that

Gifts o f Asuryan on the next page, at the points cost

shall strike the blow.

shown. A character cannot choose items from both 4

lists. Note that the W raithforge Stone and the

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul

Guardian Helm o f Xallathon do not replace a

burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion


in the minds o f the dead. 5

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

A /ic t> a B H T H b i. . . K a 3 a T e n b


the noblest purpose. da 6

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.

(3> 67 % S 3

M W -




A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su rya n 2


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.


A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the m ost horrendous o f wounds.

S p ir it s e e r P s y c h ic P o w e r s 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that

A ny Iyanden Spiritseer that generates his psychic

shall strike the blow.

powers from the Runes o f Battle discipline treats 4

Voice o f Twilight as the discipline’s Primaris Power,

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

rather than Conceal/Reveal.

in the minds o f the dead. Voice o f Twilight


Charge 2 The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm, infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a renewed sense o f purpose.

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to the noblest purpose.

da 6

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.

Voice o f Twilight is a blessing that targets all friendly units within 12". W hilst the power is in .rfdt



67 % BD>

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN An Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su r y a n 2


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored.


A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the m ost horrendous o f wounds.

W a r l o r d T r a it s 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that

W a r l o r d T r a it s

shall strike the blow. 4

An Iyanden Warlord may roll on the W arlord Traits

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul

table presented here, instead o f those in the

burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or Codex: Eldar.

in the minds o f the dead. 5

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

A /ic ß a B H T H b i. . . K a 3 a T e n b


the noblest purpose. da 6

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.

É fâ ; (3> 67 % S 3

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can — »«lit iica fin. codex supplem ent when choosing your army.

V o ic e


T w il ig h t D6 W arlord Trait

Voice o f Twilight is a blessing that targets all


A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f

friendly units within 12". W hilst the power is in

peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f

effect, all o f W raithguard, Wraithblade, Wraithlord

forebears long dead.

and W raithknight models in the target units have the Battle Focus and Furious Charge special rules.

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored. A ll who fig h t in his shadow fig h t on, even through the

Ba ttle F o cus A unit that contains only models with the Battle

m ost horrendous o f wounds.

Focus special rule can either shoot and then Run, or

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the

Run and then shoot, in the same Shooting phase.

spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that

The unit must complete both actions before you

shall strike the blow.

move onto the next unit - otherwise the chance to make the second action is forfeit.

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion in the minds o f the dead.

Voice o f Twilight

W arp Charge 2

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.


67 % S 3

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN An Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait l



G if t s S


C o u n c il

peerless lineage, r

P s y c h ic P o w

°very deed a redoubled echo o f

A H ero f o r A ges P a st and

A su r y a n

p ir it s e e r

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o

F u tu r e





Roll a D3; the W arlord can make this m any re-rolls W a r l o r d T r a it s


over the course of the game. These re-rolls can be


used for To Hit rolls, To W ound rolls, Armour

or the

Penetration rolls and saving throws.


A /ic |}a B M T H b i. . . K a 3 a i e / i b



P rim a ris P o w e r m e aarR puckering s

W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight

o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a 6

renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.



vl- ■■

M »rti !SML (3> 67 % S 3





A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su rya n 2


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that th




3rtunes o f the Eldar will be restored.

H ope Renew ed

ough the

W a r l o r d T r a it s This W arlord, and all friendly units within 12", have the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule.

Usfo r the I that

F e e l N o P a in

\l’s soul


W hen a model with this special rule suffers an

re clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r

unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being wounded (this is not a saving

Voice o f Twilight

W arp Charge 2

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

throw). Roll a D6 each time an unsaved W ound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the W ound

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a

as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved W ound is

renewed sense o f purpose.

discounted - treat it as having been saved. Note

zted by

that Feel No Pain rolls cannot be made against


unsaved W ounds that inflict Instant Death, but can be made against W ounds caused bv Perils o f the m


ickerings dged to



•* "

D r iv e n

THE ARM" A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list pri


A n c ie n t D o o m

% ç .I

This W arlord, and his unit, have the Hatred special mental


ou can

rules (presented below) that can be used in addit only use the options from one co

67 % BD>

Hatred Commonly, a model only has Hatred towards a


ero es of


specific type o f foe, in which case, the unlucky

Iy a n d e n

C o u n c il


target will be expressed, in brackets, after the

a soul o f

special rule. This can refer to a whole army, or a

cho o f

specific unit from that army. For example, Hatred G if t s S


(Orks) would mean any model from Codex: Orks,

A su r y a n

p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w


w hilst Hatred (Big Meks) would mean only Big

hero such

Meks. A model striking a hated foe in close combat


re-rolls all misses during the first round o f each

oughth e

W a r l o r d T r a it s 3

Driven by A ncient Doom. Dark destiny calls fo r the spilling o f blood, and it is this W arlord’s hand that shall strike the blow.


Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r


in the minds o f the dead. 5

W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a 6

renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.




(3> 67 % S 3


■ v 1

A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list pres

w an dem Lord

of th e

S o r r o w fu l D ead

rules (presented below) that can be used in additio only use the options from one cod«

ental u can

This W arlord has the Spirit M ark special rule. If the W arlord already has the Spirit M ark special rule, he


ero es of

can Spirit M ark two enemy units each turn, rather

Iy a n d e n

than one. soul o



G if t s S


C o u n c il

S p ir it M a r k At any point during your M ovement phase,

A su rya n

p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

10 o f


nominate a single enemy unit within 12" o f the

ero such

Spiritseer - place a counter next to it to show it has


been spirit-marked. All Wraithguards,

igh the

W raithblades, W raithlords, W raithknights and

W a r l o r d T r a it s

Hemlock W raithfighters can re-roll To Hit rolls o f 1 against spirit-marked units. A t the end of your turn, remove all snirit-mark counters from nlav.




s fo r the hhat

Lord o f the Sorrowful Dead. The Warlord’s soul burns especially bright, and his commands are clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r

in the minds o f the dead. W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight


The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a 6

renewed sense o f purpose.

The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.

SÁ t

. JÊtSÊk



67 % BD>

THE ARMY OF IYANDEN An Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one code'


ero es of


T h e P u r it y Soul

Iy a n d e n

C o u n c il

of a

F law less

The Warlord, and his unit, add +1 to Deny the Witch rolls.

G if t s


A su r y a n D en y


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

th e


ro such

it c h

If a psychic power is targeted on an enemy unit, and


the Psychic test is passed, the target can attempt to W a r l o r d T r a it s

ored. gh the

Deny the W itch before the psychic power is resolved.

fo r the at

To Deny the W itch, the target’s controlling player rolls a D6. If the roll is a 6, then the psychic power’s effect on that unit is nullified - on any other result, the power is resolved on that unit as normal.

IY A N D E N S P IR IT S E E R P rim a ris P o w e r

The Purity o f a Flawless Soul. The dark flickerings

W arp Charge 2

Voice o f Twilight

soul clarion

o f the Warp have little purchase on a soul pledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm,

the noblest purpose.

infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by

renewed sense o f purpose.

destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.




THE ARMY OF IYANDEN A n Iyanden arm y is chosen using the arm y list presented in C o d e x : E ld a r . It also has a series o f supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used in addition to the m aterial found in C o d e x : E ld a r . Note that you can only use the options from one codex supplem ent when choosing your army.


ero es of

Iy a n d e n

D6 W arlord Trait 1



C o u n c il

A Hero for Ages Past and Future. This is a soul o*f peerless lineage, its every deed a redoubled echo o f forebears long dead.

G if t s


A su r y a n 2


p ir it s e e r

P s y c h ic P o w

Beacon o f Hope Renewed. I t is through a hero such as this that the fortun es o f the Eldar will be restored. All lirhrifinht in hie chnrlnii\ -finht nn oi\on tjj f'OUgh the


T h e U n d y in g F l a m e

W a r l o r d T r a it s

calls fo r the This W arlord re-rolls all failed saving throws. This

nd that

ability is lost immediately when the W arlord suffers an unsaved Wound.

ird ’s soul


are clarion

P rim a ris P o w e r Voice o f Twilight

W arp Charge i

An 4>aBMTHbi... K a3aien b

C noBapb

flickerings oledged to

The Spiritseer extends his mind into the shadow realm, infusing nearby ghost warriors with fresh strength and a renewed sense o f purpose.


The Undying Flame. The Warlord is protected by destiny, until the appointed hour o f death descends.


67 % BD>

GIFTS OF ASURYAN G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e


p o in t s

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta, Tempest o f

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

Starlight and Phoenix Lord o f the Shining Spears. Alas,

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

Drastanta was ever over-proud and much given to needless

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

lone battles. Drastanta came late to A surm en’s fin a l stand and fo u n d his m entor already fallen before the fo u l might o f

G u a r d ia n H e lm o f X e l l e t h o n

the Keeper o f Secrets N ’kari. Keening with rage and sorrow,

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

15 p o in t s

Drastanta slew the Daemon, the energies o f the lance

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

ih a tte r in n th e c r e a tu r e 's ai'Ip s a i r i t D r a s t a n t a e m e r a e d fro m

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer



moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This

A t the heart o f this sw ord lies an ancient spirit stone, within

provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to

which is caged the essence o f a m alevolent and long dead

intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.

soul. Only a w arrior o f the strongest will can wield this weapon, fo r the spirit within fea sts on pain and ever spurs

S p e a r o f T e u th la s (P s y k e r o n ly )

its bearer to violence. Legends abound o f p a st bearers who

Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many

15 p o in t s

have been driven m ad by whispers echoing through their

o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spirit seer Iy anna Arienal.

waking minds, who slaughtered friend s or fa m ily to in an

His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded

attem n t to m ipll the voices in th eir hend

in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

The W

r a it h f o r g e



p o in t s

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.

-t _ iHkt

, (S> 99 % S>

i-. —^■

GIFTS OF ASURYAN G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T he C e le s tia l L an ce 3 5 p o in ts shattering the creature’s vile spirit. Drastanta emerged from

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

the fire s o fA su r where his m entor had not, but he soon

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

vanished into the tum ult o f the war-torn galaxy. In the

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

centuries since his fin a l recorded battle, the Celestial Lance has p assed from shrine to shrine and craftworld to

G u a r d ia n H e lm o f X e l l e t h o n

craftworld, the better to keep alive the tales and teachings o f

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

15 p o in t s

the Shining Spears. I f Drastanta is truly lost to the Eldar,

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

others w ill continue the fiqht in his name...

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer



moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This

A t the heart o f this sw ord lies an ancient spirit stone, within

provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to

which is caged the essence o f a m alevolent and long dead

intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.

soul. Only a w arrior o f the strongest will can wield this weapon, fo r the spirit within fea sts on pain and ever spurs

S p e a r o f T e u th la s (P s y k e r o n ly )

its bearer to violence. Legends abound o f p a st bearers who

Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many

15 p o in t s

have been driven m ad by whispers echoing through their

o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.

waking minds, who slaughtered friend s or fa m ily to in an

His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded

a tte m n t to m ie ll th e u n ices in th e ir h e a d

in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

T h e W r a ith fo r g e S to n e

3 0 p o in ts

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.




@ 99 % S >

'T j x .



G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e 3 5 p o in t s shattering the creature’s vile spirit. Drastanta emerged from

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

the fire s o fA su r where his m entor had not, but he soon

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

vanished into the tum ult o f the war-torn galaxy. In the

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

centuries since his fin a l recorded battle, the Celestial Lance has passed from shrine to shrine and craftworld to

G u a r d ia n H e l m

craftworld, the better to keep alive the tales and teachings o f

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons


X elleth on


p o in t s

the Shining Spears. I f Drastanta is truly lost to the Eldar,

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

others w ill continue the fiqht in his name...

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This

SO U L SH R IV E 3 0 PO IN TS have been driven mad by whispers echoing through their

provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to

waking minds, who slaughtered friend s or fam ily to in an

intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.

attempt to quell the voices in their head. Spear By rights, the Soulshrive should have been sealed in a stasis


T eu th la s (P s y k e r



p o in t s

Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many

vault or destroyed long ago, so that its evil m ight be

o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.

contained or dispersed, but alas, times are so dire that every

His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded

weapon m ust be pressed into service, whatever the risks.

in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house

The W

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear r a it h f o r g e



p o in t s

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.




(S> 67 % S 3



G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e crusto1


p o in t s

nee was once borne bu Drastanta, Tem vest o f

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e


wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

2nd R ange


Type Assault 1, Lance,

G u a r d ia n H e l m


This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

1 fro m

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing


X elleth on


p o in t s

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

Spirit Shatter


g h to f

Melee, Impact,

those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer

Lance, Spirit Shatter Im p a c t The Melee profile given above is only used during a Assault phase in which the w ielder made a successful charge. In all other Assault phases, the Celestial Lance is treated as a close combat weapon. Lance


moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This


provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to


intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.

’ mrs



Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many


T eu th la s (P s y k e r



p o in t s


o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.


His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

The W

r a it h f o r g e



p o in t s

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.



67 % S 3

I ? 5-**?*





Gifts o f Asuryan are items o f incredible rarity and power. Only one each o f the following Gifts o f Asuryan may be chosen per arm y - there is only one o f each in the galaxy. 35 p o in ts

The C e le stia l L an ce This crusta7

nee was once borne bn Drastanta, Tem pest o f

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

S p ir it S h a t t e r


W hen a Character or Monstrous Creature is

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.


reduced to o W ounds by an Attack from this weapon, during a turn in which the wielder charges, centre the large blast marker over the victim before

15 p o i n t s

g h to f

G u a r d ia n H e lm o f X e l l e t h o n


This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

1 fro m

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

removing the model as a casualty. All models under the blast marker (friend or foe, but not the bearer of the Celestial Lance), suffer a single hit with a Strength equal to the victim ’s Toughness characteristic and AP-. Assa u lt A model shooting an Assault weapon shoots the number o f times indicated on its profile - whether or not the bearer has moved. A model carrying an Assault weapon can fire it in the Shooting phase

those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer OINTS

moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This


provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to


intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.

’ mrs

S p e a r o f T e u t h la s (P sy k e r o n ly )


Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many

15 p o i n t s


o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.


His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

30 p o in ts

T h e W r a ith fo rg e S to n e

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.

m m *


% t

Gifts o f Asuryan are items o f incredible rarity and power. Only one each o f the following Gifts o f Asuryan may be chosen per arm y - there is only one o f each in the galaxy. 35 p o in ts

The C e le stia l L an ce

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta, Tempest o f

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

Starlight and Phoenix Lord o f the Shining Spears. Alas,

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

Drastanta was ever over-proud and much given to needless

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

lone battles. Drastanta came late to A surm en’s fin a l stand 15 p o i n t s

and fo u n d his m entor already fallen before the fo u l might o f

G u a r d ia n H e lm o f X e l l e t h o n

the Keeper o f Secrets N ’kari. Keening with rage and sorrow,

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

Drastanta slew the Daemon, the energies o f the lance

p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

s h a t t p v in n th e r r p n t v r p ’s v ile s r t ir it D r n s t n n t n p m p r n p d f r o m

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer

30 p o in ts

S o u lsh r iv e A t the

art o f this sw ord lies an ancient svirit stone, within

S o u l s h r iv e Range


Type Melee, Master-crafted,

intervene before the bearer’s doom falls. 15 p o i n t s


S p e a r o f T e u t h la s (P sy k e r o n ly )


Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many


o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.


His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house


were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear OINTS

M a s t e r -c r a f t e d

moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to


o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

W eapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

with that weapon.

he speaks with her voice.

S p ir it s t e a l e r

® 66 % S 3

I K I ? 5-**?*





G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e


p o in t s

shaper than he. IvariVs soul has long since departed into the

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta, Tempest o f

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

Starlight and Phoenix Lord o f the Shining Spears. Alas,

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

Drastanta was ever over-proud and much given to needless

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

lone battles. Drastanta came late to A surm en’s fin a l stand and fo u n d his m entor already fallen before the fo u l might o f

G u a r d ia n H e l m

the Keeper o f Secrets N ’kari. Keening with rage and sorrow,

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons

Drastanta slew the Daemon, the energies o f the lance 66 % S 3

GIFTS OF ASURYAN G ifts o f A s u r y a n a r e it e m s o f in c r e d ib le r a r it y a n d p o w e r . O n ly o n e e a c h o f t h e f o llo w in g G ifts o f A s u r y a n m a y b e c h o s e n p e r a r m y - t h e r e is o n ly o n e o f e a c h in t h e g a la x y . T h e C e l e s t ia l L a n c e


p o in t s

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta, Tempest o f

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

Starliqht and Phoenix Lord o f the Shininq Spears. Alas,

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

The W

r a it h f o r g e


Sto n e

2nd g h to f '•row,

During each o f your M ovement phases, nominate a single W raithlord or W raithknight model within 6"

G u a r d ia n H e l m


X elleth on


p o in t s

This deceptively delicate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons p a st by the master smith Xellethon. Wearing it amplifies the

o f the bearer and roll a D6. On a roll o f 1 or 2,

fro m

nothing happens. On a roll of 3+, the nominated

presence o f the wearer’s soul in the spirit world, allowing those roused from the spirit realm to ‘see’ as the wearer

model regains a single W ound lost earlier in the battle.

Anc|)aBMTHbi... Ka3aTe/ib

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

C noBapb


moves between the strands o f m any potential destinies. This


provides nearby ghost warriors a b rief opportunity to


intervene before the bearer’s doom falls.




Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many


T eu th la s (P s y k e r



p o in t s


o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.


His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

The W

r a it h f o r g e



p o in t s

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.







GIFTS OF ASURYAN Gifts o f Asuryan are items o f incredible rarity and power. Only one each o f the following Gifts o f Asuryan may be chosen per arm y - there is only one o f each in the galaxy.

35 p o i n t s

T he C e le stia l L an ce

shaper than he. Ivaril’s soul has long since departed into the

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta, Tempest o f

infinity circuit, but legend tells that an echo o f it remains in

Starlight and Phoenix Lord o f the Shining Spears. Alas,

the Wraithforge Stone and allows its bearer to manipulate

Drastanta was ever over-proud and much given to needless

wraithbone into new fo rm s ju s t as Ivaril once did.

lone battles. Drastanta came late to A surm en’s fin a l stand and fo u n d his m entor already fallen before the fo u l might o f

G u a r d ia n H e lm o f X e l l e t h o n

the Keeper o f Secrets N ’kari. Keening with rage and sorrow.

This deceptively d

Drastanta slew the Daemon, the energies o f the lance

G u a r d ia n H e l m X elleth on

shnttprinn thp rrpntiirp’s vilp srtirit Drnstnntn pmprnpd


15 p o i n t s

"ate alabaster helm was crafted in aeons nplifies the


illowing jearer tinies. This

3 0 PC

A t the heart o f this sw ord lies an ancient spirit stone, wi

This character always passes his Look Out, Sir roll if

which is caged the essence o f a m alevolent and long dea

there is at least one W raithguard or W raithblade

ty to

soul. Only a w arrior o f the strongest will can wield this

model in the same unit, though the resultant

weapon, fo r the spirit within fea sts on pain and ever spi

W ound must be allocated to a W raithguard or


its bearer to violence. Legends abound o f p a st bearers u

W raithblade model. Furthermore, W raithguard and

or to many

have been driven m ad by whispers echoing through the

W raithblade models in the same unit as the bearer

2 Arienal.

waking minds, who slaughtered friend s or fa m ily to in 1

may accept challenges as if they were characters.

sshrouded lis house

n ttem n t to m ipll thp vnirps in thpir hpnd

the Spear

30 pc

T h e W r a ith fo rg e S to n e

A /i0 a B U T H b i... K a 3 a T e n b

Arienal. In


This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinge

Ipcome so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri


Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a cnosen emissary ro

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.

.1 ^ - / l


.iiA l

. ■*.

i.W fcv.

ir it, so

ill know that






T euth las

Gifts o f Asuryan are items o f incredible r

o f Asuryan may

be chosen per ai



Type departed into the

T h e Ce l e s t ia l L a n c e 18"

This crystal lance was once borne by Drastanta,



Starlight and Phoenix Lord o f the Shining Spear Drastanta was ever over-proud and much given


lone battles. Drastanta came late to A surm en’s j


Assault 1,

o o f it remains in


er to manipulate


nee did.

Melee, Armourbane,

and fo u n d his m entor already fallen before the f


the Keeper o f Secrets N ’kari. Keening with rage


Drastanta slew the Daemon, the energies o f the shnttpvivn thp rren tv rp ’s vilp srtirit Drnstnntn pi

1 5 POINTS as crafted in aeons ng it amplifies the vorld, allowing

Arm ourbane SO U L SH R IV E A t the heart o f this sw ord lies an ancient spirit st

2s the wearer

If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with

tial destinies. This

a M elee weapon that has this special rule, it rolls

portunity to

2D6 for armour penetration in close combat.

which is caged the essence o f a m alevolent and h

soul. Only a w arrior o f the strongest will can wield this

15 p o i n t s

weapon, fo r the spirit within fea sts on pain and ever spurs

S p e a r o f T e u t h la s (P sy k e r o n ly )

its bearer to violence. Legends abound o f p a st bearers who

Adrallanar, o f the House o f Teuthlas, was a mentor to many

have been driven m ad by whispers echoing through their

o fly a n d e n ’s seers, including the Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal.

waking minds, who slaughtered friend s or fa m ily to in an

His spear was an heirloom o f his house, its origins shrouded

n ttpm nt to mipll thp vnirps in thpir hpnd

in the pandem onium o f the Fall. Adrallanar and his house were utterly consum ed by Hive F leet Kraken, and the Spear

T h e W r a ith fo rg e S to n e

30 p o i n t s

o f Teuthlas has ever since been carried by Iyanna Arienal. In

This was once the way stone o f the long dead Bonesinger

the years since Kraken’s defeat, the weapon has become so

Ivaril Brightshard. I t was Ivaril who aided M ehlendri

synonymous with her authority that she w ill sometimes

Silversoul in adapting the infinity circuit into a soul

perm it a chosen emissary to bear it, so that all will know that

reservoir, and Iyanden has never known a more skilled

he speaks with her voice.

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