Iwasawa vs Gangan Persons

November 4, 2018 | Author: Ira Agting | Category: N/A
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Iwasawa vs Gangan Persons...


IWASAWA VS GANGAN | September 11, 2013 | Villarama, J. P: Yasuo Iasaa !: "elisa #usto$io Ga%&a% 'A(A "elisa Ga%&a% Iasaa)"elisa Ga%&a% Arambulo*, +oal #i-il !e&istrar o Pasa/ Polygamous marriages PI#: Bigamous and Polygamous

"A#S:  Yasuo Iasaa met Filipina "elisa Ga%&a% - 2002: Japanese national Yasuo during his visit to the Philippines. Gangan said she was single and had never been married. - No-ember 2002: Iwasawa and Gangan married in Pasay. Resided in  Japan after. after. -  Jul/ 200: Iwasawa notied that Gangan beame depressed o Gangan onfessed that the reason for her depression was beause she was informed that !"R PR"#I$%& !%&B'() !') )I")  *urns out+ Gangan was previously previously married married to !a/mo%$ o  *urns a&lo%4o Arambulo  ,arried Ju%e 20, 15 - Iwasawa Iwasawa /led /led a petit petition ion to to delar delare e their their marriage marriage null and void void on on the ground of bigamy. !e testi/ed and presented the following evidene issued by the (&$: 0. 1erti/at 1erti/ate e of his marriage marriage with Gangan Gangan 2. 1erti/at 1erti/ate e of marriage marriage betwee between n Gangan and 'rambul 'rambulo o 3. 1erti/ 1erti/at ate e of death death of 'rambul 'rambulo o 4. 1erti/ation from from (&$ that that there are 2 entries of marriage reorded reorded by the o5e o 5e for Gangan - September 5, 2012: R*1 denied the petition due to I(&%FFI1I"(* "#I)"(1" that prove Gangan6s prior e7isting marriage. R*1 ruled that: Iwasawa6s testimony is unreliable beause he had no 8nowledge o of Gangan6s 0st marriage prior to 'rambulo6s death o Iwasawa did not present (&$ reords reords ustodian to ertify the authentiity of the douments ISS67: 0. 9( the testimony of (&$ reords reords ustodian ertifying authentiity and e7eution e7eution of publi douments was neessary before they ould be aorded weight ; ($. !AI)87+9: 1. N, all te $oume%tar/ e-i$e%e Iasaa Iasaa prese%te$ prese%te$ ere P6;+I# !7#!9S, i are a$missible i% e-i$e%e e-e% itout urter proo o aute%tiit/ ,RA  ,RA 3753: Law on Registry of  Civil Status, Art 410 NCC. NCC . *he douments are onsidered pria onsidered pria fa!ie evidene+ enough to establish the fat that there was a prior marriage. "ven the trial proseutor admitted the authentiity of the douments. 2. Ga%&a% a$mitte$ a$mitte$ to a-i%& a prior prior marria&e marria&e a%$ se is %ot a&ai%st a-i%& te marria&e be $elare$ %ull a%$ -oi$. &he onfessed she lied to Iwasawa beause of poverty and
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